Ahn Young entry

Jun pulled over the car in front of his house and told Ani to get off. "Woo won't come today as he has a night shift stay at my home today." Jun told Ani. He then got out of the car and went straight inside.

Ani carried the files in her hands and walked in when Seori saw her. "Jun, what's this? Are you doing any work even after the office hours?," asked Seori.

"Yes, uncle. These are important files I've to check," murmured Jun and greater his father and then aunt. Ani was also greeting them when Jun said a loud voice," don't stare at them. Come upstairs, hurry." Hearing this Ani ran after him.

She put the files on the table in Jun's room. "Get freshened in 10minuets and come here," ordered Jun. Ani nodded and walked out from there.

He went to Jae's room and saw both Tae and Jae busy playing video games. He didn't disturb them and came back to his room. After getting freshened up he sat on the couch when Ani came there running. She sat opposite to him on the couch.

"Come here," murmured Jun and gestured to her to sit beside him. Ani nodded and sat beside him.

"These files are actually the files related to Sangma hotels, restaurants and bars it owns. We have to give a final check so that no discrepancy can be there," explained Jun to her.

"But they were already checked," murmured Ani.

"Did your father also work your way?," asked Jun. Ani looked at him with confusion.

"Nothing. Let's start," murmured Jun and they started checking the files. Jae came there after an hour to tell them about the dinner.

"We will eat dinner later. You all should eat," said Jun while reading the file. Jae nodded and left from there.

"Do you want to eat?," asked Jun from Ani but she refused despite feeling hungry.

"You can go because it might get as late as midnight," murmured Jun. Ani looked at him and then thought to eat but the next second she thought differently. "I have to work more. Jun is also working so it won't be good if I leave him alone to do the work." Ani gave a thought.

"No, I will eat later," said Ani. Jun nodded and got up to take out the notepad from one of the table cabinets. After he brought notepad, he jot down the points where he thought a re evaluation needed.

Eunhi came there with aunt San. She put the tray there on the table and told them to eat first then they could work. Jun thanked her and aunt San. After they left, Tae came there and asked Jun if he should prepare the things for tomorrow.

Jun nodded and told him to book some good hotel for them. Tae nodded and walked away. "Let's eat first before it gets cold," muttered Jun and looked at the pots.

Ani quickly cleaned the table and put the files aside. She served dinner to Jun and they started eating. "Ahh, I was very hungry," murmured Ani.

"You said you weren't hungry," said Jun and picked the rice from the bowl. Ani looked at him and said, "in front of food everyone becomes hungry…..hehe." Jun smiled hearing this and two continued eating. After that Ani went downstairs taking the tray with dishes on it and put them in the wash basin. She ran upstairs and sat on the couch beside Jun. Both worked till midnight when Ani's eyes felt heavy.

"Go to your room," said Jun.

"But work," murmured Ani.

"Only one file left. Go now. We have to leave early," murmured Jun. Ani nodded and left from there.


In the morning Ani woke up late. Jun scolded her but then Eunhi said, "How are you talking with her? You made her work the entire night. It's not a big deal."

Jun apologized and glared at Ani. Yun told Ani not to take Jun's words into heart. Dowan and Seori told them to be careful on the trip. The cab came and they left for the airport.

In the cab, Jun called Min and asked her where they were. She told them they were waiting for them at the airport. Hearing this Jun hung up the call. He turned to Tae and asked him about the hotel.

"Hmm, it's near the beach. I've booked two rooms for us and one room for Ani and Min." Tae told him.

"Why did you book a room for me with her? I won't be with her in the same room," Ani said in an angry tone.

"Why?," asked Tae.

"I just don't want to," murmured Ani and crossed her arms.

"Is it because she was Jun's girlfriend?," asked Jae. Jun glared at Jae.

"No." Murmured Ani. "I just don't want to stay with her," said Ani again.

"The rooms are full there. I don't think we will get a separate room for you," stated Yun.

"Then I'll stay in another hotel but not with her," said Ani.

"Stop acting childish." Jun said in a growled voice. Ani got sad hearing this. "I don't want to go on that trip. Stop the cab," shouted Ani.

"Okay we will find a room for her," murmured Jae and composed her.

"There's no need for you there. Go home," muttered Jun. Ani got teary eyed hearing this. She told the driver to stop the cab while Tae told the driver not to. Jun turned to look at Ani and said, "Stop being a child. I won't take a second to throw you out of this cab." Hearing him Ani gulped and turned away her face. After two hours they reached the airport.

Min saw Jun and waved at him. Jun and others followed him. As Jun stepped forward his steps for slow because Min's fiance was none other than Ahn Young. For a few minutes he forgot everything and remained standing at his place. His friends walked past him when Tae turned to look at him.

"What happened to him?," thought Tae and went near Jun. He put his hand on Jun's shoulder and shook him up. Jun looked at Tae and whispered, "I don't want to go."

Tae asked him the reason but Jun didn't say anything. Tae looked at Ahn Young whom Jun was staring at. He understood and whispered in Jun's ear. "Others are also here. Let it go. He doesn't know you so pretend you don't know him either, just in that party." Tae then leaned back to look at Jun.

"Fine," replied Jun. Tae then told him to go ahead and they both walked towards them. Min was apologizing to Ani but only Jun knew why she was doing so. Ahn Young forwarded his hand to shake hands with Jun. Jun first resisted but then he shook his hand with him.

The announcement made for the flight of Incheon and they walked towards the respective terminal to get into the flight. After an hour they reached Incheon and from there they got into a ferry.

Ani first resisted because she was afraid of water but then Jae and Yun held her hands and got into the ferry. "It's fine. Don't get scared," murmured Jae.

"Yun-aa what if this ferry will overturn. I don't know how to swim," said Ani nervously. Jun and others looked at her.

"Haha....Ani don't think too much. I'll save you if something like this happens," said Yun with an assuring look.

"It's not good. I'm afraid there's so much water," murmured Ani.

"It doesn't mean you've to say such things that it will overturn or drown," muttered Jun. Ani apologized to him.

"Close your eyes. I'm holding your hand," saying Jae put an earphone in her ear.

"Guys I'm looking forward to having a good friendship with all of you," said Ahn Young. Jun turned his face away hearing this but the others started talking to him.

"Well, I think everyone here will become your friend but I think with Jun it will be quite difficult," said Jae and looked at Jun.

"I don't think so. I feel like he's already my friend. No no more than a friend. He seems like a brother to me....right Jun?," asked Ahn Young and smiled.

"I've only one brother who is Jae. So you don't need to be my brother. Don't make such unwanted relationships." Jun replied to him bluntly. All of them looked at Jun but no one dared to say anything.

"Why are you getting rude? He just asked to be your brother. There's nothing to get angry about," murmured Ani. Jun glared at her and said, "I didn't ask for your opinion." Saying this he walked out from there.

"Is something going on with him?," asked Min.

"No, he's like this. You know his nature. Don't get sad Ani. Ahn Young please forgive him. These days he has work load. I know it's none of your concern but then try to understand him as a friend," said Tae trying to calm the situation.