I wish I could be his wife!!

Soo's sleep broke in the morning as he felt something heavy was placed on his chest. He gradually opened his eyes and saw Cho's head on his chest, her face towards him and her legs were out of the blanket in the other direction. The pillows weren't on the bed and were thrown in randomly on the bed.

He then looked at Cho who was sleeping soundly. He put his palm on her face and made her wake up. Cho rubbed her eyes and looked at him. "Let me sleep more," murmured Cho when Soo flicked at her forehead.

"Ouch!!" Cho passed a low scream and rubbed her forehead. Soo sat on the bed and told her to look around. "What?," asked Cho and sat with closed eyes.

"You crossed my territory and then you slept over my chest," said Soo in a serious tone. Cho opened her eyes and immediately turned to look at him.

"I sleep walk I guess," murmured Cho and tried getting down the bed when Soo grabbed her arm and made her turn to look at him. "You're forgetting that we've said something last night. So accordingly you lost. So, now you've to sleep on the floor forever." Soo stated this to which Cho refused.

"Soo, I won't do that again. After such a long time I got a good sleep," said Cho. Soo smiled hearing her response. He got off the bed and said, "tonight we will be at your house."

Cho became happy hearing this. Soo went to the washroom taking his clothes from the cupboard while Cho cleaned the room. After thirty minutes Soo came out of the washroom and told Cho that he will return early.

"Aren't you eating breakfast?," asked Cho.

"No. I have meetings early in the morning. I'll eat there," said Soo and looked at himself in the mirror. Cho took out clothes for her from the cupboard and went inside the washroom. After getting ready Soo left for the office.

He was in the car when his secretary told him about Woo's engagement with Bok Ju. Soo couldn't believe this so he asked his secretary again to confirm. He was happiest in the world hearing this.

"When will be the engagement?," asked Soo.

"Next month," answered his secretary. Soo nodded hearing this and looked out of the window. "Wish, dad, let me go into his engagement. Or before that Jun could actually find the evidence." Soo thought in his mind.

The car pulled over in front of the Sangma. He came out of the car and went inside. The employees coming across him were greeting him and waa responding to them by nodding.

Jun too came there at time and greeted him. "Where were you?," asked Soo.

"I was in the office yesterday," replied Jun. Soo's eyes fell on Jun's injured hand. So he asked in concern, " What happened to your hand?"

"Ahh this. I got hurt," Jun vaguely replied to him. They entered inside the elevator with their respective secretaries. Talking about a few things more they walked out of the elevator on the 7th floor and went to Soo's cabinet.

"Soo, KV club is asking for the collaboration with Sangma," murmured Jun.

"Hmm.. I had a talk with the manager. Even general manager Soon Ji of the food department came to me with the report about how it will benefit Sangma," said Soo.

"Then have you thought?," asked Jun.

"Have you done a search on its operations?," asked Soo.

"Hm. The club is quite famous in Seoul. It would be good if we will provide them services from Sangma through collaboration," answered Jun.

"So, I should sign the contract with them.....I'll tell Soo Ji to sign a contract with them," murmured Soo.

"That's good. Did you find anything suspicious in your house?,"asked Jun.

"Nothing." Soo refused.

"Don't worry. I'm finding it from Daegu. Like I said earlier that's the place where uncle was murdered," Jun said in a serious tone. After talking about a few things more Jun left for his cabinet.

Jun was working on the desktop when Soo's PA came inside. Jun asked him if he had something important to talk about.

"Sir, I'm Chan Lu. I work for Lee Sangmin. He was the mentor of the founder of Sangma. He wants to meet you as soon as possible. He knows something and he wants to tell you that thing. When you have spare time please call him. Here, this is his number." Chan Lu forwarded a slip on which number was written.

Jun nodded and told him that he should go then. Jun looked at the number and then called at it. Lee Changmin answered the call. Jun talked with him for a few minutes.

"Sir, I'll come on Monday to meet you." Jun told him to which Changmin agreed and hung up.

"There are many hidden things related in this case," murmured Jun and continued his work.


Yun and Tae were eating in the Canteen when they saw Ani coming there with her colleagues. Yun waved at her and gestured to her to come there. Ani came there with the meal and sat beside Tae.

"Ani, be prepared. We are going on a trip," muttered Yun. Ani smiled hearing this.

"Jun is also going," said Tae.

"Really?," murmured Ani and giggled.

"Yes. It will be fun. I think your boss makes you work a lot," murmured Tae and put the spoonful of rice in his mouth. Ani smiled hearing this.

"He's really a nice boss," murmured Ani and started eating.

"Not more than Jun. Ahh, you should be his secretary and then a typical love story can start like we see in the dramas," said Yun. Tae smiled hearing this.

"I wish this could happen." Ani said with a heavy heart and then sighed. After finishing their lunch meals they left for their respective places. Ani was sending some mails when Yeol came there and told her that at 4pm she has to go to the director's office cabinet. Ani smiled hearing this and immediately agreed.

Yeol smiled at her response and left from there. Ani looked at her watch and saw only 15 minutes. She got happy and quickly completed her entire day work. She hurriedly went to Jun's office and stopped right in front of the door. Adjusting her dress she knocked and walked in.

She saw Jun was standing and the back was facing her. His sleeves were folded up and there were many files placed on his desk. Ani lifted her palms towards her mouth and started giggling.

"Will you just stand there?," asked Jun in his deep voice. Ani shook her head and came forward to his desk when he turned. He had his glasses on while he was reading a file. Ani was numbed at her place seeing Jun's look.

Jun stepped towards her and snapped his fingers in front of her eyes. "Done dreaming," asked Jun and put the file on the table. He was going to remove his glasses when Ani said in a low voice, "Don't."

Jun looked at her in confusion. Ani realised he words and she said, "ah, I recalled something. Sir, do you have some work?"

"Hmm. Carry these files till the car. We both have to work on them," said Jun and took off his glasses. Ani nodded and carried the files in her hands. Jun grabbed the car keys from her table and phone. After looking around he left from there followed by Ani.

Ani was going to sit on the backseat when Jun said, "am I driver to you?"

Ani shook her head in refusal and came on the front. She got into the seat besides the driver. She forgot to put on her seatbelt as she was talking with her Woo oppa when Jun leaned to her.

Seeing Jun close to her face, the phone in her hand fell and Jun looked at her due to which their eyes met. Jun tightened the seat belt around her and said, "is there something on my face?"

"Naah. You're looking good," murmured Ani with a broad smile on her lips. Jun smiled lightly and flicked at her forehead. Ani passed a low scream and Jun leaned back.

"You shouldn't eye your boss," said Jun and started the engine. Ani didn't say anything and looked out of the window.

"I wish I could be his wife," thought Ani in her mind and sighed.