
Jun completed his work early evening and left for home with Tae. They were inside the car when they saw Ani coming there with Soon Ji. Jun was almost going to start the car but stopped seeing this.

"Who's this?," asked Tae and looked at Jun.

"Soon Ji, the new general manager," replied Jun.

"He seems close with Ani," murmured Tae. Jun agreed with him. "Go tell her that I'm calling," muttered Jun. Tae looked at Jun.

"I'm saying because she will go with him. Just tell her in her ear that I'm calling him," said Jun and started the engine. Tae opened the door and walked out. Going towards Ani he greeted Soon Ji first.

"Hello, Sir. I'm her friend, Tae." He introduced himself and then leaned to Ani's ear. He passed the message of Jun to her which made her delighted.

"Sir, I'll go with him. See you tomorrow," said Ani. Soon Ji nodded and went towards his car while Ani ran towards Jun's car. She opened the door and got in. Tae sat beside Jun who was in the driver seat. Jun started the engine and they left from there.

"You wanted me to come with you?," asked Ani while smiling.

"No." Jun bluntly refused. Tae looked at Jun with a shocking look. "He is your boss and you're acting like he's your friend. If someone will see you talking with him, going with him then an issue will be made. That's why I've to tell Tae to bring you here." Jun replied to her in an angered tone.

"Then they should talk about you too so that I talk with the director," murmured Ani.

"Feel yourself lucky. It's late night that's why I'm not throwing you out of the car else I would've by now." Jun threatened her. Ani made a face at him, hearing this. They reached the home when Woo came there. Actually he was waiting for him.

Seeing him Jun told Tae to go inside. Woo told Ani to go in. Ani nodded and left from there. They sat in the garden of Jun's house.

"Are you feeling good now?," asked Woo.

"Hm...I'm good," replied Jun shaking his head.

"Hey, if you have such symptoms I think you should consult a Psychiatrist too. That will help you a lot." Woo advised him.

"That's not needed because your counselling was effective. But in case if I feel like this I will then consult a psychiatrist," stated Jun.

"You understand things quickly. Your condition wasn't that good that day. Do you remember anything of that day in your childhood?," asked Woo.

"No, I just had the memory of blood in my hands, walking on that road and then a car's flesh fell into my eyes and then I don't know what I did after that," said Jun.

"As a doctor, U will recommend you to go to a psychiatrist. I think you might have lost some memories of childhood too of that time. It's not good for you because if that woman appears again in front of you. You might lose your emotional conscience," said Woo.

"Okay, I will keep that in mind," said Jun.

"Okay I should go now. Ani is alone at home," muttered Woo and left his house. Jun rubbed his forehead. "I think I have forgotten something. But what?," murmured Jun. Eunhi came there and took him inside.


Jun was resting on the bed when Jae came inside his room.

"I've decided where we should go this weekend," said Jae.

"Where?," asked Tae, who was lying on the couch.

"Deokjeokdo," answered Jae excitedly.

"Hm. It's a good place. Min called me today. She said that she's also going on a trip with her friends and told me to come too and refused her saying I've planned with you guys. She then told me she also wants to come along with her fiance,"said Jun.

"When did she get engaged? Ahh, I don't like her a bit," said Jae annoyingly.

"You don't like Myung too. The only girl you like in this world is Ani. She will come too as I've told a yes to her," said Jun.

"Okay. It's good then," said Jae and laid on the bed beside Jun. Jun was thinking about Ahn Young's birthday night. He then recalled Seri's talks about his identity. "She must be lying because it's impossible to do that. Dad has never hidden anything from me. Why did she lie? Why didn't her husband recognise me or he doesn't know me? Ahn Young's eyes look similar to mine as if we are…."

"Jun, Jun." Jae shouted his name which made Jun come out of his thoughts. He looked at Tae and then at Jae. "What were you thinking?," asked Jae.

"Nothing," murmured Jun. He then picked his phone from the table which was beside his bed and messaged Yeol to take out information about Lee Ahn Young. After a minute he received a message from Yeol saying that he would find out about him in a while.

Jun then messaged him that he's the son of Jok Wang and put the phone aside on the table. Tae noticed the frowns on Jun's head but didn't say anything as Jae was also there.


Yangmi and Huwa came home in the early night. Cho had already prepared dinner for them and told them to come to the dinner table. Cho then told the maid to call Soo from the room.

Yangmi sat on the main head chair around the dining table and Huwa sat beside him. Soo came there and told Cho to serve him dinner.

"At least greet your parents. They've returned after two days." Yangmi said in a growled voice. Soo gave a slight laugh and said, "will my greeting change you both?"

"Soo, don't." Cho stopped him, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Please forgive him," murmured Cho and lowered her eyes.

"You're lucky to have a good wife else I would've taught you a good lesson," muttered Yangmi.

"Father, don't be angry. Please eat your dinner. You must be tired." Cho tried making the situation good. Huwa too composed her husband. They all started eating when Soo started speaking.

"Cho wants to go to her father's home for a few days. It's a new place to her. So I want your permission for that." Soo requested his father.

"Your attitude comes down whenever you've to make some requests for your benefits." Muttered Yangmi and wiped his mouth.

"I'm sorry. Office burden is too much. I should've shown respect." Soo apologised from his father.

"Hmm. You can go for 4 days. Take Soo too and rest things Huwa will take care of," said Yangmi looking at Cho. She thanked him. Soo also thanked his father. After dinner Soo came to the room and thought this would be the best chance to meet Ani and Woo. Thinking this he smiled.

Cho came there and asked the reason for his happiness. "Well, I can meet Ani and Woo. That's why I'm happy. Moreover, in your house now it's mine too, I feel happy." Soo stated and laid down on the bed.

Cho smiled hearing this and said, "I also want to meet them, father and uncle." She sat on the couch there.

"You can sleep here on the bed. I mean we will put pillows in the middle and then we both can sleep," suggested Soo. Cho raised her brow and the next second she happily went to his bed. Putting the pillows in the middle she laid down.

"Ahhh, it's so comfortable." Cho said in a soothing voice and closed her eyes. "You should've done this earlier." Said Cho with a happy face and looked at Soo who also laid beside her. "Don't enter into my territory else I'll throw you." Warned Soo to Cho.

Cho laughed hearing this and said the same went with you. Soo then closed the lights, turning on the bedside lamp. Cho pulled the blanket up and they both fell to sleep.