A new Character

Hearing Woo's advice, Jun thought for a while. "I did wrong. I made a severe mistake this time. I did those things without realizing it's only impacting me and my family, friends and closed ones," Jun.

"Exactly. Jun do you want this to be a secret then? Or should I reveal it to them when they will ask," asked Woo.

"No, I don't want them to get hurt because of my absurd thinking. Woo thank you so much." Jun expressed his gratitude.

"You should thank Ani first because she brought you home when you blacked out in the middle of the road and then thank every person associated with you all the time." Woo told him.

Jun nodded and asked if his elders were asleep. "No, they are awake. Don't worry, I'll tell them that they should sleep now as you're fine and you'll talk to them in the morning. Okay Jun, you should take some rest." Saying this, Woo walked outside from the room.

Outside everyone asked Woo about Jun's condition. Woo told them they hadn't to worry as he was fine and taking rest. "You all should sleep now. Jun will talk to you all in the morning," muttered Woo. Jae and Yun took Dowan towards his room. Others also left for their respective rooms.

Ani was beside Jun's room and was unable to sleep. She thought to look at Jun. She quietly went inside Jun's room. Since the lights were turned off so she went further inside to have a proper look at him and stopped near the bed. She looked at him and touched his forehead.

"He's sleeping. I shouldn't disturb him", murmured Ani and turned away when Jun held her hand. With his other hand he switched on the table lamp and sat comfortably.

Ani turned back seeing the light and looked at Jun. "You should at least ask me how I am doing?," said Jun with a deep voice. Hearing this Ani got emotional.

"Thanks for bringing me here." Jun expressed his gratitude. "It was my duty. I mean you were not in good condition but you were lucky that you didn't get a blow," said Ani in a low voice.

Jun gestured to Ani to sit on the bed and she did so. "Why do you come whenever I'm in trouble?," asked Jun. Ani looked at him, making her eyes big. She then lowered her eyes.

"I think it was incidental. But then you shouldn't drink too much even if it was because of some situations you're going on. Tae told me about your past. You must've felt lonely when aunty left you but then uncle always acted as your mother and father. You shouldn't get perturbed by some small things. Life is harsh to good people only but then you've to fight against it." Ani explained to him.

Jun smiled hearing her talks. "You're not a kid as you talk like a mature person. You're the most suitable person who can actually understand and empathise with my pain. I wonder sometimes how you can be so strong." Jun expressed his deepest emotions which were buried inside his heart.

Ani raised her eyes to look at him and then said, "You told me that I shouldn't act like a kid. I should behave as a grown up girl." Jun smiled hearing her answers. He gently caressed her head and said, "you're really a good girl. I'm proud of you."

Ani was touched by his words and gave a broad smile to him. "Next time if you feel like this then you can talk with me." Whispered Ani with a smile. Jun nodded and told her that she should sleep as the time was almost 2 am. Ani nodded and left Jun's room.


In the morning Jun woke up early in the morning and got ready for the office. Woo came inside his room to check and smiled seeing him. "Let's change your bandage first," said Woo and carried the first aid kit to Jun's bed.

"Thanks Woo night." Woo smiled and cleansed Jun's sound. He then put the bandage around that and said, "Everyone is waiting for you downstairs." Jun nodded and they left the room. Woo and Ani left from there saying they've to get ready.

In the hall Jun's family was sitting. Jun went towards Dowan and said,"Dad I'm sorry for yesterday." He was apologetic towards his behavior last night.

"What happened? You can tell me." Dowan asked with concern. Eunhi also told the same.

"Dad, I was just reminded of that day. Forgive me for acting reckless again," said Jun and covered up the truth.

"I thought something happened to you," said Jae and rubbed his eyes which were filled with tears.

"Hey! What can happen to me? Please forgive me," said Jun and hugged him tightly. Yun and Tae too hugged them. Releasing each other Jun turned and said, "You all are precious to me. I was just frustrated and I lost my conscience. But trust me it will never happen....believe me." Jun assured them and they were delighted to see this.

After breakfast Jun and Tae left for the office while Jae went to his workplace and Yun went to his home.

In the car while driving Tae asked, "Jun what happened yesterday? I know it's not because of the past."

"I met her. She told me something, murmured Jun taking a deep breath.

"What?", asked Tae.

"I'm an orphan. She replaced me that day with her kid," stated Jun.

"My dad, uncle and aunty know but they never told me about this and they did this because they treat me as their own son," said Jun with a smile.

"You are saying right. don't think about her now. Throw away the things she told you yesterday from your mind." Tae advised him.

"I already threw those things out of my mind when Woo talked with me. Tae doesn't tell anyone about this to anyone, not even Jae and Yun.I don't want anyone to know this," requested Jun.

"Why would I? I'm a secret keeper," said Tae and smiled.

"Hey!! Jun-aa I was terrified seeing your state. It was like someone took a part of my soul of mine," murmured Tae.

"Sorry for hurting you. But I will never ever do this because I'm blessed with such lovely people around me," stated Jun and gave him a warm smile.

Tae smiled hearing this and sped up. "You told me that when your project will be completed you will go on a trip with us," said Tae.

"How about this weekend?," asked Jun.

"But I will take Jae, Ani, Do and Yun also with me." Tae told him.

"Okay," said Jun and slightly laughed. They reached the office and from there went to their respective cabinets. Jun was going towards the elevator when he saw Soon Ji near the VIP elevator. As the elevator opened up, the two got in.

Soon Ji greeted him and introduced himself. "Sir, it's really my pleasure to meet you." Jun shook hands with him and said, "I transferred you here because your portfolio is quite strong, General manager Soon Ji."

"Thanks for considering my transfer order." Soon Ji expressed his gratitude towards Jun. Jun told him that he didn't have to be that thankful. The sixth floor opened up and Soon Ji stepped out. Jun pressed the 7th floor button and the elevator closed.

"Kim Jun, father, told me to meet you. I know you must have been aware about the accident that happened six years ago." Soon Ji thought in his mind while walking towards his cabinet.

He saw Ani was taking so many files in her hand. So he quickly walked to him and grabbed some files from her hands. "Ahh, Sir. Thank you. Good morning and welcome." Ani mixed up her entire words.

Soon Ji smiled hearing this and said, "Ani stop acting so cute. You might make many guys fall for you." Saying this he got in his cabinet. Ani blinked her eyes and followed him. Putting the files on the desk she explained to him about his schedule.

"When will be the managers meeting?," asked Soon Ji.

"Eh...it's Next week." Stated Ani. Soon Ji nodded and said, "Well, Ani, the report of previous work of the food department, I need that. Please bring that to me and then in the afternoon we will go for an inspection."

"Okay sir, I'll bring that in a while. Please sign on there files till then." Saying this Ani left the cabinet.