Fulfil this wish of mine

Ani was in her room, wiping her face from the towel. She did not take dinner with Ahn Young as after Ki Joo told her about Uncle Dowan, she was desperate to meet him. Throwing the towel away, she left for Jun's house. As she came out of her house, she went towards Jun's house. She opened the gate and went inside.

Ringing the door bell, she waited for someone to come and open the door. After waiting for 5 minutes, the door was opened by Kim Dowan himself. A smile carved on his lips seeing Ani there. "Uncle" she said and wrapped her arms around him to give him a hug. Dowan caressed her hair and told her to come in. Pulling away from each other, they both went in, closing the door behind them.

They both were in the living room when Dowan asked her if she wanted to have some snacks but Ani refused. "Sun Jae, Kang Tae aren't home? Where are uncle and aunt?" Ani asked curiously.