You blocked my number, why?

"Why is dad keep on saying that I should marry Ani? What is going on with him?" Jun thought and put the phone inside his pocket. He pinched the skin between his brows. "Tomorrow I have to go to Seoul," murmured Jun and went to the closet. He took out a travel bag which was already packed but he checked it once again.

After he was done checking, he put it back inside the closet and booked his ticket. He then dropped a message to Seo Jin that he would reach Incheon Airport at 7 am in the morning. 

He then went to the bed and rested his head on the headrest, closing his eyes. He recalled the night he was drunk. He came to his room but because it was dark, he hit with someone and fell on the floor. But after that he forgot things. "I didn't do anything with her. If I had she would have stayed here instead of going back," muttered Jun.