"Who's the cute and handsome?" Seungkwan asked. They all looked at me, expecting on what I'm going to say. We're here at the 8th floor dorm, bonding with each other. We watched a movie earlier and now, they're asking me random and nonsense questions

"Honestly, In my opinion, Seungkwan is cute" he looked at me shock

"What do you mean cute? I'm handsome!" he exclaimed.

"No you're cute. specially when you're talking and pouting" I mimic his lips that made them laugh

"Woozi oppa is very cute specially when he's smiling" I said

"That's right! that's right! Woozi is cute!" They all said

"He's pretending that he's not but he is" Seungkwan said while pointing at Woozi

"How about Jeonghan?" Seungkwan asked "Jeonghan?" I asked too and they nodded. I felt my heart beat fast "Jeonghan... for me... He can do both? He is handsome but I find him cute all the time" I answered honestly "Joshua hyung?" DK asked

"Joshua oppa is handsome ofcourse! That's the power of Visual!" I said "EYYYY!" they all shouted and teased him

"Scoups oppa is cute for me. Jun oppa is handsome. Hoshi oppa is a cutie I swear! Wonwoo oppa and Mingyu oppa is really handsome! The8 oppa too! DK is in the middle? cause he can do both but I always find him handsome. Vernon oppa is really a greek god! woah he looks like Leonardo De Carpio!" I giggled "Dino oppa is a handsome man as well"

"What do you prefer? Cute or Handsome?" The8 oppa asked "Cute or handsome? I prefer cute because if you're handsome, there's a lot of girls who's gonna notice you" I shrugged

"Don't worry, I'm not going to notice them. All of my attentions are just for you. I'm not going to be snatch" Joshua oppa said but I took it as a joke and we all laugh by his sudden attacks

"What do you likes and dislikes on food?" Mingyu oppa asked "Ohh a lot. I'm a very picky eater. I don't like sea foods I don't like the fat parts and skin of a pig. I don't like exotic foods like intestines and stuff. I don't like cook tomatoes and some vegetables. I like meats and spaghetti. Strawberry is my favorite flavor and Apple and mango are my favorite fruits. I love bread too" I said and they all nodded

"Who can guess my favorite colors? I have 2" I asked and Seungkwan oppa raised his hand

"Black and white" "Maybe? but that's not my top 2" I answered

"White and blue" I shook my head at Woozi oppa

"Yellow and Pink?" Dk guessed but I shook my head again

"You idiots! it's pink and purple!" Joshua oppa said "Oh? you're right. how did you know?" I asked "I just noticed some of your things are pink and purple" he answered and shrugged

"But she always wear black and white!" Seungkwan oppa exlaimed

"That's my favorite combination when it comes to fashion" I said and shrugged

"CEO? You called for me?" I asked, peeking on his office door. I was practicing but Siwoon told me that the CEO want to see me

"Yeah, come in and take a seat" He said. I let my self in and sat in front of him

"You're selected to become our new artist. Congratulations!" He stood up and offered his hand to shake. I stood up, shock and accepted his hand

"Really CEO?! OMG! Thank you! Thank you very much!" I said and bowed many times

"Tomorrow, we'll talk about your contract. For now, focus on your training and studies"

" Unnie!" I ran to her so she stood up and hugged me. We're in a cafe and we agreed to meet just to catch up with each other

"What is it? You seem excited" she asked as we both sat down

"I'm going to debut now!!" I whispered- shouted and we both giggled

"OMG! congrats!" unnie said

"Angel, the parking's full" Mingyu oppa said as he sat beside me. He presented to drove me here so I did

"Oh unnie. You know him right? You're a fan!" I teased and she just smiled

"Really? She's a carat?" Mingyu oppa asked

"Ofcourse! I met and stan you because of her!"

I became busy every month in school, practices and my shift in the cafe. I barely see unnie but we always call or text each other since she's more busy because she's in her senior year now. 11 months have passed and Seventeen oppas and me, got very closed.

"ANGEL! HAVE YOU SEEN THE ARTICLE?!" Mingyu oppa shouted. I nodded. Other members went to him and see what's the article he's talking about

"Pledis Entertainment announced having a new girl solo artist by next month. Who's the lucky girl that Pledis will release after Source released a new girl group? Does Bighit labels have a plan?" Hoshi oppa read the article

"Woahh!! Angel!!! There's a lot of positive comments!" Seungkwan oppa exclaimed

"They're excited to see you!" Dk oppa said too and I smiled. I started working on my debut song which is the one I presented on our evaluation, 'Only girl'. Woozi oppa and Bumzu oppa helped me to re-arrange the lyrics and stuff. Hoshi oppa's always check my choreo and Seungkwan oppa's teaching me how to be confident and stuff.

I also started working and practicing with my back up dancers and If I'm not mistaken, Bighit entertainment will release a 6 members as a boy group next month, after me. And the 2 of them are Jooha and Kino. Our wish got true and we're now debuting

Source Music already released a 5 girl members- grouped last month and they become famous right away.

There's a lot happened in 11 months. I already signed my contract and stuff. Me and Jeonghan oppa are now a couple and within 3 months, I'm already graduating in my Senior year. I'm 19 years old now and within 2 months, I'll turn 20

"Lets go hon?" He asked. I nodded and went inside their van. we're heading to BigHit entertainment because we're going to have a meeting.

"Are you guys hungry? I'm hungry" Joshua oppa and I got really really close. Me, Jeonghan oppa and Joshua oppa. We even go out everyday to bond and the other members will got jealous because we always go out with just the 3 of us

"Me too. I want..." Jeonghan oppa cutted me off "Strawberry latte?" He guessed and I nodded. We stopped by the cafe shop and take out our orders.

"What is it CEO?" Sowon unnie asked. We're here inside the meeting room, here in Bighit Entertainment with the 3 CEOs, Gfriend, BTS, TXT, Nu'est, Seventeen, Gland and TWD

Gland is the new girl group released by Source Music and TWD (Together, We Dream) will be the group name of Jooha and Kino's group

"We called all of you because, as our hard working artists, we decided to give you a gift" our CEO said

"What present?" Jungkook oppa asked "A new dorm" CEO Sihyuk said and a large building was shown on the screen

"This will be your new dorm. All of you will stay here. We already renovated each floors and we assure you that you're going to live here comfortably" CEO Sihyuk explained

"Do we have our own room?" SinB unnie asked "It's that what you want? Of course you have" CEO Sungjin answered and laugh

"Pack all of your stuff and you're going to stay there, next week"