"Are you ready? In 3 counts, we're gonna know who won today's Music bank! In 3, 2 , 1" We all looked at the screen and saw the results. I waited for my scores and my song 'Only Girl' started to play

"Angel! Congratulations!" They gave me the trophy and a mic. The confetti exploded that made me shook

"Ohh Thank you so much everyone for supporting me. It's my last debut stage and I will come back within months. I wanna thank carats, my fans, my manager, our staff and Seventeen sunbaenims for helping me. Thank you very very much! I love you!" I said and bowed. It's my good bye stage and within 10 weeks of promoting, I already have 3 trophies.

My song 'Only Girl' started to play and I did my encore. I bowed at the other artist and sunbaes who's congratulating me. I saw Jooha and Kino and they smiled at me, waved their hands and thumbs up. They went to me and hugged me. They got debuted last week and they have a lot of supporters too

I saw people, holding banners with my name and some carat bongs. Carats supported me too and I'm really really thankful to them.

"ANGEL!!" they shouted as I opened the door of my waiting room. I saw Jeonghan oppa, carrying a bouquet of flowers. He widened his arms, asking for a hug so I went to him and hug him tightly

"Mee too!" Seungkwan said and hugged us. The other members involved themselves and we group hug

"I'm really thankful oppas. Thank you!" I said

"Did you know that Seventeen posted your picture of debut and they did Vlive, saying Carats to support you?" the interviewer asked. I looked at her shock. We're airing at a radio interview and I'm with Kino and Jooha, with their members because we debuted this month so they're interviewing us

"Oh really? I really don't have any idea. I saw carats, supporting me but I thought they're supporting me because they knew I'm a carat too. I didn't know that Seventeen oppa asked them" I explained, can't believe what happened. They really did that?

"But I'm still thankful to them. They have choice whether they support me or not . It's their choice but they chose to support me even though Seventeen oppas asked them, I'm still grateful because without them, I can't stand wherever i'am now. I'm really grateful to be a carat" I said from the bottom of my heart

"But their are people, bashing you because they said, you're only depending on Seventeen. What can you say?" She asked again

"For me, it's okay. bashers and haters are normal, specially in this field. Because we can't push them or force them to like us. But i'm still thankful witht he bashers and haters because they're giving me their time and effort to wait on my next performance just to bash me and they notice me. And I also think that basher makes you famous. So I'm still thankful that they're noticing me" I said and laughed

"Well, that's true. Everyone got shock when Kino and Jooha hugged you on your last stage performance. Are you guys close?" I looked at Jooha and Kino

"Yes, we're actually friends. The 3 of us are classmates" I answered

"What grade are you in?" She asked

"We're on our senior years now. Within months, we're gonna graduate" Jooha answered

"Ohhh that's great! Advance congratulations!" She said "Thank you. Actually it is really our dream to debut. We actually thought of collabing someday. And I hope its will come true" Kino added and we nodded

"What a great friendship" she said and interview others

My manager drove me home at our new building. the 1st floor have a dance practice room and a cafe where we eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner. the 2nd and 3rd floor got renovated and became one floor, it becomes Seventeen's dorm. They already have their own rooms and CRs. 7 rooms upstairs and 6 rooms downstairs. On the 3rd floor is my dorm, they renovated it and I share that floor with Bumzu oppa. We're neighbors. I took half of the 3rd floor as my dorm and he took the other half as his dorm. Gfriend unnies are in the 4th floor, they all got the 4th floor since they're 6 and they don't have second floor. BTS oppas owned the 5th floor just by their selves. TXT oppas are in the 6th floor, Gland is on the 7th floor and TWD are on the 8th floor where Jooha and Kino is and the I-land debuted members were at the 9th floor

This building is really huge, I think like 30 floors and it was in the middle of forest. Tall trees everywhere so we're safe and we got guards in every floor. I don't think fans can go here since it's in the middle of the forest, near the I-land

"Hi mallows" I greeted my shihtzu dog. She's black and white and Jeonghan oppa gave me her as a gift. She's really cute. She went to me while wagging her tail. I carried her and sat on the couch to play with her

My dorm is big for me. I have my own room and my walk in closet. It looked like my apartment before

"Good evening. It's dinner time" Someone said at the speaker, hanged above my wall. We all have this at our dorm so that they can reach us easily

I just change my clothes and went outside. I chose to go down with the stairs since it's just 2 floors below. When I went to the cafe, I saw the other artist, lined up for the meal

"Nu'est still have a schedule. I'll just get their foods" I heard Nu'est manager said to the worker

We need to eat this cafe's food even though we're busy. Our managers will just pick this up and bring it to us since the foods are stored in bento boxes so it's more easy to give. I just sat on the chair and waited Jeonghan oppa to give me my food. He went to me and sat beside me. He gave me my food and we started eating with the others.

I looked around as I notice someone's missing "Hon are you okay?" Jeonghan oppa asked. Probably, he noticed that I kept on looking around "Where is Joshua oppa?" I asked. He sighed

"He went to America remember? His mom need him" He answered. I nodded as I remembered that his mom got sick so he needs to be there. We continued eating while talking with others. When we're done, I just excuse my self and went to my dorm.

I don't know why but I felt empty.

I sat on my bed and remember how things end up with me and Jeonghan


Jooha and I went outside to relieve our selves. We're at work and he just stayed here because of his brother / our manager. It's already 9:30 pm and no ones coming to order so we decided to went out for a walk. Besides, 30 minuted from now, I'm off to work

"Are you okay? You seemed off?" I ask him "There's this girl I like" he started and I looked at him

"Ohhh who is she? tell me more about her!" I teased him. He sighed "I can't tell you her name. Let's just call her by his initial name. She's A. I really liked her a lot but I guessed she likes someone. What should I do?"

"If you know that you don't have a chance, then move on. But if you're not sure if she likes someone, why don't you try to confess? It's better to be sure than never been sure" I smiled and is patted his shoulder

"If you don't want that feeling anymore, you should move on" I said and hugged him. He's my friend, my best friend. I wish, who-ever that girl is, I wish he can move on


I immediately unwrapped the hug and looked at him shocked. "Jeonghan" I whispered. He shook his head and walked away. I tried following him but he immediately went to his car and drove away. I can't do anything but to continue my shift.

Dino oppa fetch me and we went inside their dorm. I saw Jeonghan, sitting on the couch. He looked at me and rolled his eyes before standing up and went inside his room where I stay

I sighed. "I'll be back in minutes" I said and went outside. I decided to take a walk and stopped at the Han River. I just stared at the river. It's water was sparkling because of the moon and the stars that brights above the dark sky

"A penny of your thoughts?" I looked at my side and smiled

"I can't understand how I feel" I said. I laughed, remembering myself earlier, giving Jooha some advice when I can't give any advice to my self.

''What happened? Did you fight?" he asked, pertaining to Jeonghan. I blew some air

"He saw me, hugging Jooha. He walked out but I did try, following him. But he drove off so I couldn't catch him. He seems mad.. and upset...." I sighed again "Are you affected?" he asked

"What do you feel?" he asked again when I didn't answer right away. I wanna feel my self.

"I feel hurt..... disappointed..... regret?" I shook my head "Do you like him? he asked, seriously

I sighed again. I know, myself, the answer. But i don't want to confirm it because I'm worried about his career

"I don't like him" I heard him took a deep sigh "I love him" I added. He looked at me, shook

"Y-You l-love h-h-him?" He asked, stuttering. I looked at him and smiled while nodding

He sighed again "Well, I guess. you two need to talk" He said and gave me a small smile before walking out. "Thank you Joshua oppa" I whispered. I watched him walk away and when I already can't saw his body, I turned around, seeing Jeonghan, standing so close to me with a smile

"Jeonghan" I said shocked. His smile became wider "You love me?" he asked, smiling widely

I avoided my gaze "Don't worry, I love you too" I looked at him, shocked for the second time

"N-No, y-you d-d-don't! You love Sowon unnie" I said and avoided my gaze again

"I already moved on. I don't have any feelings for her. But I do have feelings for you" he held my hand so I looked at him. He put my hands on his heart and I can feel it, beating so fast

"Can you feel my heart? That's how I feel for you" He said. "I love you, Angel" I smiled and hugged him

"I love you too" I whispered

-End Of Flashback-

I smiled bitterly as I remember how we become a couple. Thanks to Joshua oppa. If he didn't bring Jeonghan oppa, I'm not going to be this happy

But I still feel... empty

Like something is missing...