"Oppa, can you adjust the lights? Take out the red. I cant see anything from  here" I said to Joshua oppa on the mic.

Where here at Gocheok sky dome, still in Seoul. The concert is tomorrow so we are getting ready for everything. It's the first time BigHit labels will held a concert. I mean, it's a 3 company. Not just BigHit entertainment but BigHit labels

I was talking on a mic since this hall is big and I'm standing here at the very end of the seats to check if the fans who will seat here can see us. Joshua oppa is at the front of the stage so we are far from each other.

While the others are resting, rehearsing and  checking something with the staff and we're checking the lights though there's a staff who will take care of these, we still wants to help and be hands on about our surroundings

"Our clothes color here is red so take out the red lights. I can't see you" I said in the microphone again

"Its okay angel. It looks okay here" Joshua oppa said

"But I can't see here. Take out the red lights so that they can see us. What's the point of coming here if they can't see us?" I explained. I looked at woozi oppa, walking towards me.

"Play the lights again. Vernon oppa, can you stand in the stage?" i said and they did what i said. Vernon oppa is wearing a red T-shirt. He went to the stage and they played the lights

"See? We can't see him" I said to woozi oppa. He got the mic from my hand and said "Hyung, take out the red light. Vernon's not visible. We cant see vernon here and the red lights ache my eyes" he said to Joshua oppa. I saw him talked to a staff and he played the lights but without the red light.

"Okay" woozi oppa approved "One more thing. Can you drop the lights with the beat of the song?" I said in the mic again. I saw joshua oppa talked with the oppa who are managing the lights

"Play the music ang the lights" they played the music and the lights. After that, i talked with the mic again

"The lights are slower than the music's beat. Ten ten ten" I EDM-ed the beat

"play the lights. Ten ten ten ten" i said. He managed to synchronized the beat and the lights so I nod to joshua oppa and he talked with the staffs. I went down and went to the ground.

Months have passed and I became busy. I don't even have the time to see SVT since we're still not in good terms. I'm just talking to them if it's about work. I don't wanna mix personal feelings and work things. I have a lot of schedule honestly. I don't even have time to sleep because castings for photoshoots and commercial are lining up even from the famous brands and I'm still working with my drama and this concert added up and I have to practice because we have to perform for 20 minutes, estimated for 6 songs but we still need to talk to them so I decided to perform 5 songs so that the remaining time will be my greetings

The camera man and a PD rushed towards me. They are shooting for documentaries to write on article about our concerts since it's the first time for BigHit labels artist to have a concert in one hall.  They are from another company that produces articles. They will make an article about us that's why they are here

"Angel. While you're instructing earlier, we interviewed your oppas to tell us their thoughts about you and your skills. Everyone told us that 'you are really the seventeen's baby sister and Pledis' daughter. Is that true?" The PD asked

"Yes that's true. I'm Seventeen's sister and Pledis' daughter" I said as this is how they treat me

"But Jeonghan said nothing. When we asked him, he just looked at us and smiled. We asked if he treats you a sibling and he said no" I looked at them shock. That man, they are giving the viewers hint!

We didn't talk yet. I still can't accept what he did but what can I do? I love him. But I still didn't talked to him these past days and months

"We asked if he treats you as a friend and he said no. What's you relationship with him?" I looked at them with disbelief, thinking what i should say..

THEY ARE NOT FROM PLEDIS OR BIGHIT OR SOUMU   SO I NEED TO THINK CAREFULLY! they don't know anything about us and I don't know if I can trust them. Ofcourse i can't trust them!

"We are best friends" i said and nodded at my own statement. They walked away and i saw them went to Jeonghan

"Angel said that you two are best friend. Is it true?" I heard the PD asked. Jeonghan smiled and shook his head

That dumb!  I turned around and acted like i heard nothing when i saw them, coming to me

"Angel, Jeonghan said that you two aren't bestfriends, what can you say?" She asked. I went to jeonghan oppa and wrapped my arms around his neck and jokingly choked him. The camera is filming us so i tried to laugh

"That's not true everyone. He's just teasing me. Don't listen to him cause he's a dumb. He's a dumb angel! He will tricked you with his moves don't get fooled!" I said as i jokingly choke him.

He managed to get away and said "No! Angel is a liar! Dont listen to her! We dont treat each other as a sibling or friend or bestfriends. We-" i cutted him off

"We treat each other as enemy! We're enemies!"  I said. I gave him deadly glares and hit him in his shoulder and  walked out. I heard him laugh and told the camera that don't listen to me

Argh! What if fans got the hint?! That we are dating?! We're still not in good terms but he's stressing me!

"Angel, here's your apple for your snacks" Anna said as she hand me an apple

"Thank you" I said and ate it

"Did you heard? Jooha and Sunnie fought?" Anna said and I just shrugged. I didn't heard anything and I'm sure, it's Sunnie's fault

"Oh? Sunnie did well huh" Jimin oppa commented. We're rehearsing the flow of the concert and since I'm after them, I'm here at the backstage and Jimin oppa just appeared somewhere

"Good for her" I said and watched again

"I can't believe she messed up when they debuted. I mean, being nervous is normal but forgetting the steps and the lyrics you practiced for months? That's strange. Is she out of focused?" Jimin oppa said so I looked at him

"She trained for 4 years, much longer than you because you only trained for 1 year. But how can she messed up really bad?" He asked again. He's acting as if he's a detective

"Maybe because she have problems or other things she thought that time. Don't judge her! Let's go, RM hyung's looking for us" Jungkooo oppa, who just appeared somewhere, said

"Excuse us" they said and walked out. I just smiled and nodded

I noticed that the stage's light went out and a staff came to me

"Angel, you're next. This way" She said. I nodded and walked with her. I even passed by them but I just ignored them, specially Sunnie

After my VCR, I started doing my performance. I performed 3 songs and then I stopped the greet them for 5 minutes and then another 2 songs. The lights went off and a VCR for SVT,  played. I exited and SVT oppa came in.

SVT was the last to perform and we decided to do collaboration with other artist and CEO saw our dance cover with Woozi oppa so they told us to perform that after SVT performed

 I'll collab with them but in Units and then we'll dance flower. CEOs partnered me with SVT to collab. I have to do the flower and a unit performance. I need to perform with Hip-hop, Vocals and performance unit

We rehearsed and everything went well. After that, BTS oppas and Gfriend unnie will collab while TXT oppas and 4lyladies will collab. Nue'st and I-landers will collab and GLand will collab with TWD (Jooha and Kino's group)

After all of that, there's a VCR again and we're gonna change our clothes to the t-shirts we personally designed that they can bought only here at the concert

"Everything went well. Congratulations" CEO Sihyuk said and we all clapped

"We'll go home now so you can rest early and have energy tomorrow okay? Fighting!" He said and we all bowed