Its been days and I didn't talk with any of them except to Joshua oppa.  I heard that they keep on bonding together. Well, good for them!

We're on our way to our shooting area and I'm scrolling on my news feed and saw an article

BREAKING: Fans got disappointed to Pledis Entertainment?

I opened the article and read it


2021 when Pledis Entertainment released a solo girl artist, Angel. Angel became quickly famous because of her talented skills even though she's only a solo artist. With her Charisma and stage presence, people admired Angel for bringing herself on her own and how she is responsible. We all know that Seventeen and Angel are closed which made her more famous. She won her first trophy when she debuted and many people acknowledged her talents and she's now continuously  flying up her career. 

But weeks ago, Pledis announced that they'll release a new 4 girl grouped-members named 4lyladies and many people already expected that they'll release a new talented girl like Angel. But they are so disappointed that Pledis let a 'dummy' debuted this day. On today's Mnet countdown,  4lyladies made their debut stage and many fans got disappointed with the member named Sunnie. Here's why. Watch the clip


There's a clip below and it's their debut stage. I clicked it and watched it. Chungja, Jangmi and Dahyee did really well and they are all in synchronization except.. Sunnie

She kept on doing the wrong steps and she's doing bad with her rappings.

She totally messed up.. Hays. I feel sorry for the 3 girls for debuting with such a 'dummy'


People are really disappointed and wished that Sunnie shouldn't debut yet if she's not yet ready.  We all know that Pledis' artist have hard choreographies like Seventeen and Angel that's why people calls her 'dummy' because they said that they already got the easiest dance but still, she couldn't  make it. They said that she only have one part but still messed up rapping and doing her one and only part. 

People then, keep on looking for Angel, asking Angel to make a comeback and others are pleading her and they're asking for the legend to come back. But for now, Angel is currently making a drama 'School 2025' so you better watch it 


I scrolled down and read the comments


AngelHolic    Gosh I'm really disappointed!

WinzxJen    She messed up really bad

Cutielyn    Now I know why they calls her 'dummy'

Usernamekl    She should leave the group

jklaie   the 3 members are talented except for that dummy

kasyb   Gosh another toxic artist

LoveuANgel   please make Angel's comeback to burn this dummy

Angelforever       Maybe this is the group Seungkwan was talking about. He said that Angel was supposed to debut with a 4 girl grouped-members but got delayed because they thought that maybe Angel will covered others with her talent that's why they decided to debut her first and I'm guessing that Sunnie just replaced Angel so it's still a 4-membered girl group. She looks unready 

luckyonlygirl     OMG Angelforever. I'm guessing so. Well, she can't replace Angel with that skills. Can we even call that skills? what a trash

jubye  That dummy can't replace Angel. I just hope Jangmi, Dahyee and Chungja are fine. You did well babies!


I smirked upon reading the comments. They're a bit harsh but she deserves that for framing me. That's what you get for trying to get everything from you. You wanted to be famous right? There, you're famous now! You're the topic all over the world!

"Angel, we're here" I heard Anna said.     "Yeah sure" I answered and went outside the van

"CEO wants to invite us for dinner" Jooha said. Our shoot was done and it's already 7:30 pm.  "I know. At our dorm's cafe right? Let's go" I said.

"Manager, Anna, just take a ride with Jooha's manager. We're going to have dinner with the CEO so Jooha will drive. Just go home now and take a rest. Bye!" I said and went inside Jooha's van while they used my Van to went home. They're bringing it tomorrow when they fetch me

We immediately got there and went inside the cafe. Our cafe is wide and we're can fit. When we went inside, everyone was already there as in EVERYONE, Bighit labels artist.  I noticed that we're the only one who's not around so we bowed

There's a long table around 1 meter wide and 3 meter long. I sat next to SinB unnie to my left and Jooha at my right since it's the only empty chairs. I looked in front of me and Jeonghan, Sunnie and Joshua sat across us. I smirked as I remember the article

"Sorry CEOs, we came from a shoot" I said the 3 CEOs are sitting at the center. They nodded and told us to eat. There's a lot of food and it looks like we have a feast. There's meat, seafoods, fruits and vegetables

"Why are we having dinner CEO?" Jin oppa asked

"For 4lyladies successful debut" Our CEO said. I laughed and everyone looked at me "Sorry" I said and tried my best not to laugh. Successful debut? That's not even successful. She totally messed up!

"But I heard something bad happened?" Kino asked. I looked at Sunnie and saw her gulped

"Yes but that's fine. She can improved" our CEO answered 

"CEO, even if you train her with all of our artist, she can't get it because she's not yet ready" I said and ate a meat

"Let's not talk about it. Sunnie, it's been weeks since you guys lived here. How's the food?" Bang Sihyuk CEO asked 

"It's tasty CEO" she answered and gulped. She looks funny

"Tasty? It's literally tasteless" I whispered. Probably, Sinb unnie heard because she laughed 

"SinB, why?" CEO Sungjin asked. Jooha put a lot of meats on my plates because he knew I only ate fruits the whole day and not a proper meal

"Angel's saying something CEO" SinB unnie said that made me looked at her

"What it is?" CEO Sungjin asked "Why? did you like the food too?" CEO Sihyuk asked

"Eww no" I said, disgusted but still polite. I noticed others like BTS and TXT oppas quietly laughing at their seats because of my answer

"Why?" CEO Sihyuk asked again

"CEO, I'm gonna tell you honestly. The food literally don't have a taste that's why I'm happy that's I'm eating tasty food right now and not tasteless. And can we request that cafe food should remove in our rules? Many foods are being wasted because we can't eat them because they don't have taste. And what's the purpose of our fridge, rice cooker and other cooking materials in our dorm if we can't use them right?" I tried to convinced them because the food really taste bad. I mean, does it count as taste bad? because it literally doesn't have a taste

"As expected. You know what, I really did that on purpose to see if anyone will complain directly to us but it looks like it took you months to complain and if I didn't asked, you wouldn't answer. Angel, as expected you're really brave since evaluation. Okay, cafe's food are officially removed!" CEO Sihyuk said and everyone shouted in happiness

"Wow as expected Angel, you're the best!" Kino said and gave me thumbs up

"Woah I remembered when she evaluated, she interrupted CEO while talking. That's so cool!" Jin oppa said

"Alright alright, let's eat now" Our CEO said and everyone started eating again

"Argh why is she eating like that?" I heard SinB unnie whispered. She's using her irritated face so I looked around and notice Sunnie, she's eating crabs and she's using her bare hands to eat. There's a disposable gloves beside Jeonghan oppa but she didn't bother to use it and just used her hands. She looks like a mess... The table napkin was on her chest instead of in her laps

There's nothing wrong but you know, it's disgusting and is she not embarrass?  The CEOs are here and the dinner is literally formal because of the atmosphere and everyone dressed in formal, even she, dressed in formal but does she not know that this is a formal dinner? 

I looked at Joshua oppa when she placed a meat on my plate. Sunnie looked at him and I just smiled at him for a thanks. Jooha did too and Jeonghan too. I got the meat Jeonghan gave and gave it to SinB unnie  "Thank you" she said

"Angel, try this! this is way better than meat!"  Sunnie suddenly said and placed a crab meat on my plate. I glared at her

"Siwoon oppa!" I called. Siwoon oppa came to me immediately "Get me another plate please" I said. he nodded and went to get a plate

"Why? that's much better than meat" Sunnie said, acting innocently. Duh, she heard last time that I'm allergic with seafoods right? When Wonwoo oppa gave me  a seafood sushi, I told him I was allergic and I'm sure she heard it

"Argh she really is dumb" SinB unnie whispered. Siwoon oppa get my current plate and replaced it with another  "Thank you" I said to him and he just smiled

"Sunnie, Angel is allergic to seafoods so as much as possible, we can't eat seafoods while eating with her because a small amount can kill her" CEO Sihyuk explained

"Sorry" she whispered. I just rolled my eyes. She just want them to pity her

"But why do we have seafoods right now?"  Jin oppa asked, innocent

"Why do you keep on asking?" Suga oppa said to Jin oppa

"Because Sunnie requested. She told us she loves seafood and since it's their debut celebration, we let it slide this once. Sunnie, I won't this won't happened again. Please know Angel better because she's like an expensive vase, she's pretty outside but she's vulnerable inside. She's easy to break okay?" CEO Sihyuk explained and Sunnie nodded although I knew she knew it

She's really acting dumb

"We can't lose her because she's doing her Drama debut right now. I saw the first episode and it's so cool!" Jimin oppa said that made us all laughed

"Really? it's out now? Can we watch it?" CEO Sungjin asked and they turned on the smart tv inside the cafe and search the episode on youtube since KBS always upload full episodes

We watched it while we're eating and like what the Director's said, It's really great

"Wow you really looked professional" V oppa commented

"Look at those eyes" They said again when the camera closed up me. My role is a fierce, brave woman and all of my school mates are scared of me because if they messed up with me, they're dead. Until a transferee came and started making fights with me and stuff.  There, I like Jooha very much but Jooha liked the transferee girl so my role there is to fight with the transferee and chase Jooha because I really like him and stuff. 

I looked at Sunnie and she's not looking at the screen and she's just continue eating. I smirked

I climbed another stairs again while she's still below me and not even moving. 

She's still on her place

"Hmm I remembered. I have to announce you something. We're having our 1st concert as Bighit labels next month here in Korea"