"Hello?" I irritatedly answered my phone. It early in the morning and someone called again. It's supposed to be our day off since we just did our concert yesterday so our body aches and this caller just interrupt my sleep! I don't even know who called

[ Wake up. We need to go somewhere. Dress nicely ] I heard my manager's voice

"CEO said we should rest! It's our day off right?" I asked, irritated

[ KBS called and we need to finish a scene. We're already here at the parking and f-fixing your things. Go and fix yourself okay? ]

He lastly said before ending the call. I got up and ruffled my hair in irritation. I can feel my muscle aches and my bed still calls me to get some more sleep

I shook my head and went inside the bathroom and did my morning routine. I dressed a white pants and a sky blue off shoulder blouse with white sandals and my white bag

I got my important things and went to the parking lot where they said, they're waiting

I went to our Van and my manager opened the door for me

"Where's Anna?" I asked. He looked at me through the mirror and started driving

"Ahhmm... She still need to do something.... So... She said she'll just go straight there" he said and scratch his head

He seems weird..

I shrugged it off and tried to get more sleep and I succeeded immediately

"Angel, wake up. We're here" I heard my manager said so I unconsciously went outside. I looked around as I noticed something wrong. This isn't our shooting area

We're at Seoul Land

I looked at my manager but he started driving away. I shouted at him but a finger poked my shoulder. I turned around and saw SVT oppa. I sighed.

They tricked me...

"What?" I asked

"We're sorry Angel. We're wrong. Please don't be mad" Seungkwan oppa said and pouted. I sighed.

"I'm not mad. It's just that. You should at least told me right?" I explained

"That's why we're sorry... And Sunnie's nice. You should be friend her" I looked at Dino oppa and forced a smile on what he just said

I want to but I can't... Specially that I know what she's up to do

"Let's go?" I noticed Jeonghan beside me and offered his hand.

Oh well, something not gonna happen if I'll go with them right? I can't stand being in war with them

I smiled and held his hand. They suddenly ran towards the entrance and I saw the flower where Joshua and I used to take a picture.

"Let's take a picture there!" DK shouted and everyone agreed

"Wahh.. we took pictures here with Sunnie too right?" I heard Dino said but I acted like I heard nothing

This is supposed our peace bonding and I don't want to ruin it.

I shouldn't be affected

"Let's ride Vikings! Sunnie's good at riding that!" Seungkwan shouted and pointed at the Vikings

I looked at Joshua oppa when I felt that he's looking at me. He smiled an apologetic smile. I just forced a smile and nodded

We rode that and I don't feel scared like before

Maybe I already feel numb.....

I just stay  quiet through the all bonding because they kept on mentioning Sunnie. I don't wanna ruin their excitement so I just kept my mouth shut

"I want to eat seafood!" Dino shouted as they decided to grab a meal

"You know Angel can't it that right?" Joshua oppa reminded him and he pouted...

I can't believe they kept on forgetting that... They already knew that from the beginning

"I missed eating seafood with Sunnie" I heard him said in a low voice. I sighed again... Sunnie again....

"I'm not hungry" I said and walked out to calm my self.  I went to the bench with the flowers.

I smiled bitterly. I remember the day when Joshua oppa and I went here after I recorded my song. I wish we just stayed like that...  Because that time, Sunnie's not here

"Are you okay?" I looked beside me and Joshua sat beside me.  I forced a smile and played with my hands

"Since when did I not? I always force myself to be okay, even though I'm not" I said. I felt my tears but stopped them from falling

"I know you're hungry. Let's go to the restaurant we used to eat?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled with a nod but a tear fell

"Shhh don't cry. Oppa's here so you don't have to worry" he said and wiped my tear with an assuring smile

"Should we take a picture again?" He asked and I gladly agreed

He asked a lady to take a picture of us again. We took a lot of shots and he went to the lady to get his phone

"You looked good together. Hope you'll stay strong together" I heard the lady said but acted like I heard nothing. It's embarrassing because people kept on saying that we're a couple though we're not..

I really wish it was him from the begining.

You know? I really want to end things with Jeonghan and just live a normal and single life than living with him, as my boyfriend, but couldn't feel it

But I can't.... Just because I love him....

"Let's go?" Joshua oppa asked and I nodded

"Where are the others?" I asked after we ordered

"They said they'll eat at the seafood restaurant I told you before" he answered. I sighed

"Thank you oppa.. for being here and there whenever I need someone" I sincerely said and smiled

"Don't mention it. Always remember that I'll always be here for you no matter what. That's a promise" he said and smiled

"It should be him with me but he chose to go with them" I said, pertaining to Jeonghan

"Ey. Just understand him. You know that seafood is his favorite" He said and awkwardly laughed to ease the heavy atmosphere

"Do I have to understand him always? It feels like I'm the only one working for this relationship" I said and my tears fell

"He chose to be with her over me. He can't even text me. He accused me with the things I didn't even know. He keep on promising but none of them happened. He acted like he don't know me for years and believe everything what she said" I wiped my tears

"I really... I really wanted to give up but what can I do? I love him..." I looked at him and saw that he looks sad... I wiped my tears again.

I'm so tired of keeping all the pain

"It's supposed to be our day but they kept on mentioning her. Is that right? They spoiled me for years and just one day, everything changed as if nothing happened... As if we didn't create good memories together... They shouldn't promised if they can't keep it" I can't help my self and I burst out crying.

"He promised and I tried to hold to his promises but I'm nearly giving up... I'm tired"

Joshua sat beside me and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. I mean my head on him and he's just whispering some words that made me calm

I really wish it was you....

Around 3 pm when we decided to just go home and watch movies at their dorm. No one knows what happened and I don't have any plans on telling them anything

"Is coups hyung already there?" Mingyu asked. I'm with Hip-hop team inside the van and we're heading back to our dorm.. Right, Scoups oppa's still in Dubai but his flight back here was today so probably, he's already  there..

I immediately went outside when the van stopped. They pressed the passcodes of their dorm and I noticed that we're the only one who's not here.

"Scoups oppa!" I shouted and run towards him and hugged him. After our concert last night, he needed to go back there because of some emergency and just got back here again. Hays, I think he's tired

"Sunnie!" I heard Seungkwan shouted and run to Sunnie who just got here with... Jeonghan

Did he fetch her from their dorm?

Ha! He can't even go to my dorm though its just upstairs

"Annyeonghasseyeo" she politely said and bowed to Scoups oppa wish made me rolled my eyes.

"Oh that's right Angel, remember I called you to asked if you want anything... I already bought it" he said and smiled

"I didn't say anything that I like you to buy" I said

"You told me, anything that won't burden me and..." He pulled a black luggage

"Here" he said and passed the luggage towards me

"OMG is this all for me?" I asked in excitement

"Ofcourse! You're my favorite sister you know" he said. I jumped in excitement and hugged him

"Thank you oppa! I told you many times that you don't have to buy me things but you're still buying them. Thank you!" I said

"I still buy them because I wanna see you happy" he said. My smiled disappeared

"Why?" He asked.. since when the last time I became happy? The real happiness. I don't even know, I forgot what it feels like

"Nothing" I forced a smile. "I told you to buy me anything that wouldn't burden you and you just... Filled a luggage with a souvenir just for me?" I asked and he just shrugged

"Thank you opppaaa" I said again and he just smiled

"Shall we watch a movie?" Wonwoo oppa asked

"Oh I almost forgot. I cooked shrimp and crab nachos for snacks!" Sunnie said and raised a paper bag

"Yes! Seafood!" Dino oppa shouted and got the paper bag. She looked at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes to her and sat on MY chair she used before

"Horror again?" Mingyu asked

"No. Sunnie's afraid.. let's just watch rom-com again" Mingyu added, as if he's talking to himself

Wow... They remembered what she likes but that can't remember that I'm allergic to seafood... We're together for almost 6 years now and how dare them to forget about that?

"You want?" Dino oppa asked me and handed me a nachos with seafood, the one Sunnie made

I glared at him, hurt "Dino! How many times do I have to tell that she's allergic to that?!" Joshua oppa said, irritated

I stopped my tears from falling. Everyone become quiet and Dino oppa just looked down.

I rolled my eyes and my phone suddenly rang. I stood up, got my things and answered it before walking out

"Hello?" I answered, not knowing who called again

[ Angel, where are you? Let's meet? ] 

"What is it unnie?" I asked. Alyssa unnie asked me to meet her and it's been a while. We still talk sometimes because both of us are busy. She's a doctor now. I already payed her after a year of my debut. She didn't want to accept it but I still insist

"I'm coming back to the Philippines. I'm thinking if I should stay there for good.. but something's stopping me" She said. I smiled and she sipped on her coffee

"Something or someone?" I guessed. I don't know if she have a boyfriend though

She suddenly cough and some coffee spilled on the table. I smiled widely

"I knew it" I teased her

"What? Ofcourse no one! I'm thinking about my work! Yes, my work! You know, life in the Philippines is hard. The salary there are not high compared here so I'm still thinking things" She said but I know, that just her alibi

"When's your flight?" I asked


"Wahh. I want to come too and take a break but I just can't... My schedule is really full and I can't even have time for a proper meal. Apple is enough" I said. I missed Philippines

"Well, you really  should take a break.. you're getting thinner and you looked tired" I sighed again. I can see what she's talking about

My phone ranged again and saw it's Jooha. I excused myself and answered the phone


[ Angel, we have an emergency. The episode we're about to release tomorrow got deleted so director called me and we need to re-take everything. Go there asap ]

"What?! How did that happened?" I asked, shock. That episode was an  hour long and we literally shoot everything in 5 days and they wanted to re-take everything?! The released will be tomorrow!

[ I know so I'll find out everything. Just go now ] he said and ended the call. I looked at unnie

"Unnie, I need to go. There's an emergency. Take care of yourself okay? Bye" we both stood up and I kissed her cheeks

"What? O-okay" she said. I waved my hand lastly before entering the cab and told our dorm's address

I immediately went inside the elevator and pressed the 2 floor. The elevator opened so I went out and went to my door

"Angel. Angel, let's talk" Jeonghan said

I tried to pressed my passcodes but he stopped my hand so I looked at him

"What?" I asked, irritated

"Let's talk" he said again

"Can't you see? I'm in a hurry! Why don't you just talk to your Sunnie" I said and pushed his hand away and entered my passcodes. I succeed and was about to go inside but he stopped me again

"Please. We need to talk" he said again I glared at him and he's taken a back

"Jeonghan please.... I'm tired... You're just wasting my time. Why don't you just spend time with that witch like you always do?" I rolled my eyes on him before going inside and double locked the door so he can't come in even though he knew the passcodes.

I called my manager while  fixing my stuffs

[ Okay okay. We're on our way. Did you fixed your things? ] He asked

"Yes. Everything's in the luggage" I said

I heard a door bell and saw Jooha at the monitor

"Nevermind going here. Just fetch Anna and go straight to the shooting area. I'll go with Jooha" I lastly said and ended the call

I closed my luggage and opened the door  "Let's go?" He asked. I smiled and nodded

I looked around and no trace of Jeonghan so I sighed in relief

We're both pulling a luggage and we looked like we're going out of the town. We went to the parking lot and he helped me put my luggage in. His manager driver to our set

Everything's going well and we managed to shoot a lot of scenes and we shooted the one in night time and we're gonna continue tomorrow morning. The release time will be 7pm but they still need to edit again so we need to be early tomorrow

Around 1 am when we got home and I immediately rest without washing my body or face. Its supposed to be our day off but there's a lot happened today

And it's tiring....