"Good job everyone! Thank you" I said and bowed to all of them. It's already 5 pm and we just finished re-shooting everything. Good thing everything went well and we finished early so they still have 2 hours to edit before the release

"We'll go now" I told the director and shaker hands with him. He nodded and smiled

"Let's go?" Jooha asked.

"Why?" I asked too. Why is he asking me that? Ofcourse I'm going with my manager

"I already talked to your manager and they already left with my manager. Kino wants us to bond with him. He's sulking because he said I always go with you without him" he explained so I nodded and walked towards his van

"He's really childish. He knows it's work-related" I said and he just chuckled before driving

We stopped in a cafe we used to go when we're still studying. We went inside and saw Kino there

He waved his hands with a smile so I smiled too and we walked towards him

"I already ordered! Strawberry latte for Angel because it's your favorite and it's what you ordered everyday and lemon ade for Jooha!" He hyperly said

"Don't you have any schedules?" I asked as I sit down

"No, we're on our break and Jooha's the only one working in our group" he said

"Envy you"  Jooha said. Hays, it's really nice having a break. But my schedule just won't agree

"No! Envy you!" Kino said and pointed at Jooha

"You're always with Angel and you can bond together without me. It's been a while since we all bond because she keep on going out with his boyfriend and oppas" he said as if he's sulking

I just faked a laugh and sipped on my drink. I think that bonding he's talking about won't happen again

Because they like Sunnie more than me now.

"That's why we're here! To bond with each other! Let's go!" Kino hyperly said again and dragged us out of the cafe

The next morning, I woke up when I felt someone laid beside me and hugged me

I slightly opened my eyes and saw Jeonghan

I just shrugged it off and went back to sleep

"Angel, weak up" I heard someone said

"Hon... Honey... Wake up now" he said again. It's Jeonghan. I opened my eyes and he smiled sweetly

"Wake up now and fix yourself. We're going somewhere" He said and kissed my forehead lastly before going out of my room

I got up and did what he told me. I'm not mad. I can't stand being mad with him

I need to fix our relationship so that Sunnie can't get him from me

I'll do everything so that she can't get anything from me. I'll make sure of that

"Can we go to a cafe first?" I asked him. We're on our way and he's driving but I don't know where we going

"Arraseo. Just for my honey" he said and winked at me. He parked the car and I'm supposed to get down when he stopped me

"No no no. Just stay there. I already know what's your order and I'll go okay? Just stay here" he said and went outside the car, smiling

I smiled at my self too... Maybe this is a great start

"Okay" he said as he went inside the car. He fixed his seatbelt and handed me the drink

I looked at him, disappointed

"Why?" He asked and starts driving

"You know I don't like blue berry right?" I said. He just ordered blue berry latte when it's supposed to be strawberry!

"Blueberry is your favorite right?" He asked, unsure.

I looked at him with disbelief

How can he forgot about that?!

"Or not?" He looked at me and smiled like an innocent kid. I rolled my eyes on him and placed the drink on the holder and didn't even bother to taste it

He knows I hate blueberry! How can he forget about that?! We're already together for the past 5 years! It's our 4th anniversary after days and I don't know if he remember that

I just kept my mouth shut. Maybe he's thinking about something that he can't focus. Okay, I'll let it slide this once

He droved for hours and I noticed that we're at Jeju island. I got out of the car and looked around. It's really pretty here. It's our first time going here together

"You remember going here before?" He asked that made me looked at him

"We did?" I asked in disbelief

"Ey. Ofcourse!" He said confidently

"We... We didn't went here before... It's our first time going here before" I said and his smile vanished

"Ahh.. maybe I'm with the members.. ahh what's wrong with my brain. Maybe I just miss bonding with you" I rolled my eyes on him again

Gosh.. what's wrong with him?

We strolled around the area and just took some photos. Around lunch time when we decided to eat on a restaurant with many dishes

"You already ordered?" I asked and he smiled while nodding. I nod too. I went to the CR so I told him to order

"Are you okay?" I asked. He seems weird. Like something bothering him

"Ofcourse!" He said and smiled. I smiled too.. I missed this days before like we're just gonna bond together, happily

But I don't know if I really feel happy... I don't know what happy feels like

I feel numb....

"It's here" he said as the waiter come to us and placed the foods on our table

My smile vanished when I saw what dish, the waiter is placing. I looked at Jeonghan and he seems exited

Ofcourse he loves seafood....

I waited for the waiter to place at least a meat or vegetables but I got disappointed when he walked out, placing only sea foods

"Let's eat! Thank you for the food!" He said, exited

He started eating and I just watched him "What's wrong?" He asked when he noticed that I'm not eating

"Do you want me to die?" I asked in irritation

"Ofcourse not why?" He asked, curiously like he knows nothing!

"You literally ordered seafoods. How can I eat? You know I'm allergic right?" I lost my mood and my patients. I stood up, got my bag before walking out of the resto

I went back to Seoul, commuting. I got my phone and called Irene unnie. Like, red velvet Irene.

[ Hello? ] She answered

"Unnie where are you? Let's go shopping?" I asked

[ OMG sure! I'll call Jennie. Let's meet at our usual mall! ] She said, exited and end the call

I need my comfort now and I need something to do to mak myself busy and not think about what happened earlier

I hailed a taxi and told the mall we always go. Its an exclusive mall that only idol, celebrity and high profiled people can go. It's really private for our safety and we have IDs so we can get in and it's a proof that we're a member here

I placed my card on the scanner and the door opened. I put my shades on and walk on my heels

I can see other artist but didn't bother to greet them. Their busy and I want to keep my business just for my self. I'm not in the mood to greet them

I noticed some people that's not familiar. Maybe their high-profiled people, the one who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth and just wasting their parent's money

I just ignored them and went inside a cafe and saw Jennie and Irene unnie. Like blackpink and Red velvet

This is usually our bonding together, to shop clothes with each other

"Let's go?" I asked. "Later, we're hungry. Aren't you hungry?" Irene unnie asked

I sighed "I'am hungry!" I said and waved at a waiter and ordered something

"How are you? You look stressed. Something happened?" Jennie unnie asked

"I know... It's Jeonghan?" Irene unnie guessed. I looked at her and she smiled widely

"I knew it" Irene unnie said

"C'mon tell us" Jennie unnie said. My order came and we all ate

"We went outside earlier. We went to jeju but he kept on upsetting me so I leaved him there and went here" I said

"Why?" They both asked

"First, he ordered me Blueberry drink when he knows for years that I have blueberry. You two know that also right? Even my fans know!" I rant to them and they both nodded

"Second, when we arrived at Jeju, he said 'remember when we went here before?', But I don't remember going there with him and it's our first time going there together" I said again

"What? So that means he went to Jeju with a girl before and he mistook her as you?" Jennie unnie concluded

"Ey. I think it not. Maybe he went there with his members and just forgot?" Irene unnie concluded too

"That's what he told me" I said, pertaining to what Irene unnie said

"See?" Irene unnie said to Jennie

"Ahh whatever, but for me, he brought a girl there before" Jennie unnie stayed on her theory

"Third, when he ordered a meal for us because I went to the bathroom, he ordered a lot of seafoods like he doesn't know that I'm allergic to seafoods. Small amount can kill me and they kept on forgetting about that serious matter!" I rant again

"This is bad. Something's fishy" Jennie unnie said

"I know right. But I just can't think of anything" I said and they just both shrugged

"Don't think of that. We're here to relax but first, let's take a picture!" Jennie unnie said and we took a photo

We continue eating after we took a photo together

"I'm gonna post it" she said..

"OMG" she said that made us looked at her

"What is it?" Irene unnie said. Jennie unnie looked at me. I got the hint and opened my phone to see what she saw. Irene unnie did it too

"OMG" Irene unnie was shocked too when she saw the article.. so am I

BREAKING: Fans compiled some evidence that Angel and Seventeen's Jeonghan are dating. Checked the evidence out

I opened the article but good thing, dispatch wasn't the one who released it or we're dead.


        Fans started  suspecting the two idols when Angel and Jeonghan appears at Knowing brothers together with Seungkwan, Vernon, DK, Hoshi, Woozi and Joshua. Vernon said that Angel is good at lying and it was proven by Joshua too saying 'Angel is really a good at lying, she always say she's okay even though she's not' so, Soogeun challenged Angel to tell a lie and then she said "Jeonghan is my boyfriend" everyone become quiet and SVT members looked like their nervous. The silence was broke when Heechul said 'Liar' and everyone laughed. Angel then cleared that that was just a lie but fans still got suspicious. Specially, we all know that  SVT and Angel are close and she even mentioned that she's closest with Jeonghan and Joshua

The suspicion become more and more realistic when they released a documentary about how they prepared for the concert of BigHit labels artist. In the documentary, they let us saw how Angel is so responsible and very hands on by telling her suggestions and instructions about the stage's lights. While she's doing that, the PD asked each SVT members 'how do you think about Angel? How do you treat her?' and everyone answered 'She's the sister of Seventeen and Pledis' daughter'.

Angel then agreed about their statement but when they asked Jeonghan, he said nothing and when the PD asked him, he smiled widely and said he doesn't treat Angel as a sister or friend. Angel said their best friend but then, Jeonghan denied. The PD asked again and Jeonghan answered but Angel didn't let him finished his sentence and said 'we're  enemies'. Angel glared at him and hit his shoulder and she walked out. Then Jeonghan said 'Don't believe in her'

The way Angel glared at him and how Jeonghan smiled at Angel makes them think that there really is something. Fans also noticed them on one of the Going Seventeen episode where Angel appeared and Jeonghan was teasing Angel so he hugged her as a peace of sign which is normal but the reaction of the members made the fans suspect them even more

Pledis Entertainment still hasn't responding about this rumor though and everyone is waiting if the rumor was true. Check out the videos here.


I read the comments below and a lot of people commented


Hauwne  OMG MY SHIP❤️


Nahsu  I'm a Jeonghan Stan and I'm not ready for this but it's fine

Jioes   How about Joshua?

Wuel   OMG I kept my hopes for Joshua and Angel huhu


My phone rang and it's the CEO

"Hello?  CEO? What should we do?" I asked

[ I see you already read it. We're not going to do anything. Let's act like we heard nothing since the company who produced this article is known-well for spreading some fake news. Let's just hope dispatch wouldn't target the two of you so I suggest that you guys shouldn't go outside to date okay? If you're going somewhere, bring someone. If someone asked you, tell them you heard nothing and act like you know nothing okay? We're gonna talk with the other CEO so I gotta go ]