"Doc, how is she?" I asked. I don't know what happened but I just saw Angel and her cut in her wrist so I took her to the hospital and the doctor just came out from the emergency room

"She's stable now. I guess she have problems and we're guessing that her anxiety's attacking her, or worst,bushes depress so we're suggesting that you should go to a psychiatrist so that we're sure about her condition. I'll call a psychiatrist to examine her later. The wound wasn't that deep so she still survived and good thing that you ran her here immediately"

I went straight to our dorm furious, mad and hatred are all I feel right now

I opened the door loudly that made them looked at me. I can't believe they're still watching a movie with Sunnie despite on what happened to Angel

"Hyung, what happened?" Hoshi asked. They probably noticed that I'm mad

I went to Jeonghan, sitting beside Sunnie, and grabed his collar

"Hyung!" They all yelled in shock

"If you're just taking care of her, if you're just doing your duties and responsibilities as her boyfriend, this won't happen" I angrily said and punched him

"Shua!" Scoups shouted. Jeonghan fell down the floor so I took the chance and sat above him, continuously punching him

"JOSHUA!" They shouted again and Scoups hyung pulled me out of him

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" I shouted and pointed to all of them

"You promised to her! You promised to her, don't you remember?! We promised that we'll protect her right?! Jeonghan you promised a lot to her! you promised, not to replace her and you'll always accept her whatever her attitude is. You promised to be a best friend and a brother but what happened?! Where's your promises?! She's holding into them and that's what making her strong! But you broke that promise! Just because you met someone, you're gonna replace her and ignore her?! That's too much! YOU spoiled her and now you're blaming her for being spoiled?!" I shouted

"If something bad happens to her, I'll leave this group! I won't forgive all of you!" I shouted again. I went to Jeonghan and I noticed his face was bleeding

"Once you hurt her again, I'll stole her and take her away from you"


BREAKING: Angel is now in the hospital

Hello everyone, this is Pledis entertainment, the agency of Angel. She's currently in the hospital to recover. She cut her wrist but she's okay now and now resting at the hospital. Psychiatrist said that she's having anxiety but we'll treat her immediately. We don't know how long she'll stay at the hospital but as soon as she recovered and well, we'll let you know. We're hope for your kindly understanding and we will update you if something happens. Thank you


"CEO, what should we do?" I asked our CEO. We're here inside her room, just watching her rest. She has not woken up since she was brought here and that's making me worried. But the doctor said she's okay so I'm a little bit relived

"I can't think of anything. We need to know what's happening. A psychiatrist will talk to her once she's awake so we need to wait until the result. If even she's depressed, we're planning to give her some time to treat herself and to let her rest from those people" he said

"CEO, don't get me wrong. These all started when Sunnie came so I'm suspecting her. Angel wouldn't do this if she have no reason..." I told him what's bothering Angel

"I'll investigate that. But if Sunnie's really involved her, I don't know... If we released that, it's a another scandal so I think that we should arrange things as quiet as possible" He said

"I'll go now. Don't let other came here specially reporters, the guards will guard outside and just stay here. We need to talk about his issue" he said and patted my shoulder. I bowed to him before he went outside. I sat beside her bed and held her hand.

It's been years, Angel. But I still love you... I don't know... I sometimes wish that you guys break up but.... I know that you'll be hurt so I'm the other side, I don't want you to break....

But this is too much... Can't I just be your boyfriend? I want to move on but I can't.. I really love you.... What should I do?

You're the only girl that makes my heart crazy...

Please weak up... I promise that I'll always be here... I won't leave you and will love you for who you are.. just please.... Wake up

"Oppa" I heard someone said that made me woke up. I looked at her and Angel's awake. I immediately stood up

"How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you want anything?" I asked and she just shook her head, slowly

"Wait here, I'll call the doctor" I said and went to the doctor's office. She immediately went to her room with a nurse so I just waiter outside, still nervous

"Shua.." someone called me... It's Jeonghan

"Can we talk?"