After a week of recovery in the hospital, I'm back again at work. Good thing nothing bad happened to me these past few days. The agency sent me a 2 body guards that will guide me if ever I have schedule

I talked to a psychiatrist and confirmed, I have anxiety and it could get worse if I won't stay away to the things that keeps on stressing me.. so I didn't talk to SVT oppa s except Joshua. The psychiatrist told me to visit her once a week so she can know what I feel..

I'm doing okay these past few days so I guess, not talking to them keeps my anxiety down... Specially that Sunnie....

I'm just went from the CEO's office to talk about my schedule. He said that after my shooting, I can have my rest. I'm walking towards the lobby when I heard someone, arguing

"Sir, you can't just ask for her personal informations just like that" I heard a girl said

"Can't you understand? I'm her boyfriend so just tell me where Angel lives" I heard a boy said. Me? Jeonghan is my boyfriend and he doesn't sound like Jeonghan

"Sir, how many times do I have to tell you? We can't just give personal infos. You can leave now" the girl, which is the receptionist here, said to the man

"Ms.? What's happening?" I asked

"Ms. Angel, this man keeps on looking for you. Do you know him?" The girl said and pointed the boy in front of her. I scanned the boy and he looks familiar. He's wearing a suit and tie with his shades on

He took off his shades that made me shocked "Angel! This girl doesn't believe me that I'm your boyfriend!" He said and wrapped his arms around mine. I looked at the girl and she looks confuse. Probably she knew that Jeonghan is my boyfriend

"Yes, I know him. Thank you", i said she smiled before she continued her work. We walker towards the exit, still his arms are wrapped into mine

"Track, why are you here?" I asked him as we walked towards a car

"Aish. It's so hard to reach you okay? We flew here last 2 days ago because we attended an important meeting to close a deal. And of course to see and visit you. It's been years you know" he said.

"We're going back tomorrow though" he added

"We? So you mean? Emil is also here?" I asked and he nodded

Track and Emil are my boy best friends in the Philippines. We've been friends since we're in the middle school and we're really close..

"Then why did you tell the girl earlier that you're my boyfriend? I already have a boyfriend" I said, pertaining to Jeonghan

"As if we didn't had a past", he said and started driving

"We really didn't had!", I said and he just chuckled. We ALMOST had a past. We liked each other before but settled being friends and we're still young back then, so we just almost had a past but nothing serious happened. We're both young and don't want something serious but then he always tell to anyone that he's my boyfriend which is not a big deal for me. He is my boy best friend

He stopped the car to the exclusive mall i always went with Jennie and Irene unnie.

"You signed for membership? You're really rich huh" I teased him as we let the scanner, scan our cards

"Of course! Just for my girlfriend! I know you always went here" He said and we walked inside

"Where's Emil?" I asked

"He's waiting for us in the restaurant" he said and we entered a meat restaurant. Well, of course they knew that I'm allergic to seafoods too. They are my best of friends

Emil stood up and waved his hand so I smiled at him and we walked towards him and sat in front of him

"Did you already ordered?" I asked and he nodded "They're preparing it now. How are you? Are you hungry?", Emil asked

"No, I'm fine. You? How are you? Any news about you?" I asked to them

"Emil's getting married next year so you should attend" Track said and Emil handed me an invitation card

"Of course! I'll fly all the way there to attend" I said and placed the invitation card on my bag

"How about you Track? You have a girlfriend?" I asked

"Of course!" He said, proudly

"Really? Who? Show me her picture!", I said, exited. He took out his phone and scrolled through his gallery

"This" he said. I looked at him in disappointment when he showed me a picture of me

""You're still a joker" I said and hit his shoulder. The waiter came to us and placed the orders in our table

"Yah, I'll just go to the CR" I said and stood up with my bag. They nodded so I walked towards the comfort room

I just washed my hands and fixed my hair before walking out. A stepped from the outside, I immediately saw SVT oppas.... Of course with Sunnie... I quickly scanned and count them and they're missing Joshua oppa

I noticed Jeonghan's stare so I looked at him. We just looked at each other like we're strangers until Sunnie talked to him and showed him the menu, probably asking him what's his order.

I chose not to give them attentions because my anxiety might attacked me again... And they really did

What if they saw me? And said bad things again? I don't want to be hurt again so I just walked towards our table which is next to them, that gave me anxieties again

What if something happened? What if they'll misunderstand the reason why I am here with the 2 boys. I shook my head and tried to erase them

Track saw me so he stood up and pulled the chair for me so I can seat "Thank you" I said and pushed the chair after I sat down

"What's your work again?" I asked so my mind's interest wouldn't be on my anxieties

Track looked at me with disbelief "Wow.. are you serious?" Track said

"Ey she just forgot because it's been a while and she graduated here right?", Emil reasoned for me

"We're running a magazine company remember?" Emil said that made me enlighten

"Oh yes! We even dreamed of it together.. wow.. I envy you guys... You're still working together, without me" I said and pouted

"Wow. my girlfriend is really childish" Track said and poked my waist so I hit him again on his shoulder

"But why, you're not casting me?" I asked

"We did! When you went to Jeju island to shoot? We owned that company but my sister's taking care of our company here and we're taking the one in the Philippines" Track explained.

Oh I remember his sister, Trace. Trace is older than Track though

"Oh right hahahah silly me" I laughed

"I'll just get tissue" I said as I noticed that we don't have any tissue on our table

"I'll get it" Track suggested but I glared at him. "I said, I'll just continje eating" he said. I smiled at him and went to the waiter to ask some tissue. He gave me some so I walked towards our table again

I saw Sunnie, walking towards me with a water. She'll probably go to the counter so I decided not to notice her or look at her but when we passed each other, she hit my shoulder with her shoulder that made the glass fell and broke. Some of the water splashed at my dress and I'm wet now

"OMG! Can't you see where you're going?" She shouted at me

"You're the one who hit me! Stop acting innocent!" I shouted at her too

My psychiatrist said that I shouldn't be stressed and I should avoid being stressed but if she keeps on doing this to me, I can't stop my self

I'm trying to avoid her but she just kept on messing up with me!

Jeonghan and Track immediately rushed to us. I shouldn't be surprised when Jeonghan chose her said but it's still broke my heart

"Ms, looked where you're going. Can't you see her? Are you blind? You should have walked away and now you're blaming her? What a trash attitude" Tristan said to Sunnie

"Stop" I whispered to him

"Why? Did you see what happened? And who are you? Huh? Who did you think you are?" Jeonghan asked to Track

"She's my girlfriend! Why? Got a problem with that? Why don't you just tell to your girlfriend to fix her trashy attitude? You're here at an exclusive building, filled with high-classed people and you came here just to let other people see your trashy attitude? Where did you grew up? At a market? Huh, I don't think so.. People at the market have more respect and good attitude than you. Talk to your girlfriend huh?" Track said to Jeonghan and he pulled me out of there. We came back to our table. I can feel SVT oppa's stare but I chose not to stare back

Track put his coat on too of my shoulder. He placed 5,000 won and he pulled me out of there. Emil followed us immediately

"Isn't that too harsh?" I said to Track

"Why pity her? I saw what happened! Can't you be strong for yourself so they can't just step on you? Be strong for yourself and not for others. Because if you became strong because of others, they'll be the reason of your weakness too. Okay?" He said and hugged me. Emil just patted my back

They don't know that Jeonghan is my boyfriend. And it hurts that she still chose her side even though I'm his girlfriend

It feels like we're strangers...