[ Angel, where are you? ] Joshua oppa called

"At the dorm. Why?" I asked

[ Let's have dinner? I'll wait for you at the parking ] he said before ending the call..

I shrugged and picked a yellow ruffled dress that ended just on my knee and a black high heels. I put some makeup and went downstairs

I saw Joshua's car so I went inside "Where we going?" I asked. He just smiled at me and drove our way

We stopped in front of a meat restaurant and the inside was dark

"Are you sure it's still open? They don't have any lights" I said. I heard him chuckled and guide me the way inside

"Are you really sure?" I asked again as we enter the restaurant.

"Of course" he answered and I heard a violins, playing a sweet song. The lights on the floor started to light up. I looked around to see Joshua oppa but he's know where to be found.

The lights kept on opening and it formed a way so I walked on it. At the end of the path, a light opened and it focused on Jeonghan, sitting at a high chair with a rose and a mic. Another 4 lights opened and it revealed the vocal unit

"Angel. You're my Angel... My honey... That lightens up my world... I want you to know.. that I really really love you no matter what happened... I know these last few days, weeks and months, we're not in a good terms but I never stopped loving and understanding you... I'm sorry for my short comings. I'm sorry for hurting you.. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I'm wrong, hon, I know. But despite all of that, I know that you're the one I wanna spend my life with" Jeonghan said as he walks towards me. I felt my tears fell

"I'am willing to give up everything just to be with you... I want to take this relationship into the next level.. so hon," He stopped in front of me and handed me the rose. I accepted it and he get something on his pocket and kneeled in front of me

My tears fell again.. I can't believe this is happening....

"Hon, will you marry me?" He asked. I can see happiness and excitement in his eyes

"Yes.. I'll marry you" I answered. All of the lights opened up and a lot of confetti popped. I looked around and all of the BigHit labels artist are here, even our manager and Anna. CEOs are also here and smiling to us

He stood up and placed the ring on my finger..

"Thank you, hon. I love you. Very very much" he whispered as he hugged me

"I love you too" I whispered back

"Angel, I'm sorry... I became a bad brother and best friend" Seungkwan oppa said, nearly to cry

"It's okay oppa. Past is past" I said and hugged him. I can hear his sobs so I jokingly punched his shoulder

"You still need to explain to us. Who's the guy at the resto?" Mingyu oppa asked

"Ahh Track? He's my best friend in the Philippines. Why?" I asked

"He said he's your boyfriend" Hoshi oppa said

"What he means is Boy best friend" I said. They all nodded so we continued eating

"Hon let's go?" Jeonghan asked. The party ended and we're going home now. I nodded and he offered his hand so I held it and we walked towards his car

"You even planned this with Joshua" I said and he chuckled

"Of course. We're best friend" he said that made me smile

"Hon. I'm really sorry.. Sunnie means nothing to me and I just see her as my little sister.. trust me okay? Do you trust me?" He asked

"Of course" I answered and smiled. He smiled too and kissed me on my lips "Yah. Lets go. Somebody might see us" I said and laughed

We went inside his car and he started driving "Why are you there at the mall with those 2 boys?" He asked again

"I told you they're my friends right Don't be jealous! We're engage right?" I said and laughed

"I know right"

"Hon, I'm really happy... I wish we can stay like this forever" I said. He looked at me and smiled

"Of course we will. Promise" We both looked at his phone when it suddenly ranged. He immediately got his phone and ended the call

"Who called? Why you didn't answered? Maybe it's important" I said. I didn't saw the caller's name but I'm sure, I saw letter S

"Ahh it's Seungkwan. He'll just probably tell me to buy him snacks" he said and smiled. I smiled too and nodded to him

BREAKING: Angel and Seventeen's Jeonghan are getting married

Hi, this is Pledis. To the fans of Angel and Jeonghan, we're confirming that the 2 idols are dating and just this day, Jeonghan proposed to her and Angel said yes. We're hoping for your support and unstandment about this issue. They will still make musics. They haven't talked about the schedule of the wedding but probably, next year so we hope that you'll still support these 2 artist. We will update you about this issue as long as we have news to reveal. Thank you

Juahsn See? They're dating!

AngelxSvt OMG my ship! Can you. Hear me squel?!

Angelwings I'm so proud of you and still support you. Whatever happens, wingz and carats will always support the both of you

Caratien best wishes! Congrats!


Svtgyu I knew it from the begining!