

"Hon, I'm really happy... I wish we can stay like this forever" I said. Jeonghan looked at me and smiled

"Of course we will. Promise" We both looked at his phone when it suddenly ranged. He immediately got his phone and ended the call

"Who called? Why didn't you answered? Maybe it's important" I said. I didn't saw the caller's name but I'm sure, I saw letter S

"Ahh it's Seungkwan. He'll just probably tell me to buy him snacks" he said and smiled. I smiled too and nodded to him

Which is my mistake. I should have know that something was wrong

"WHAT?! YOU GOT HER PREGNANT?!" I heard Seungkwan oppa's voice. I'ts still early in the morning like 5 am. I have a shoot to attend so I'm here at the parking lot but then I heard Seungkwan oppa's voice. I saw them near their van. I just stood there, waiting that they will notice me but they didn't and continued talking

Who got pregnant with who?

"THAT'S A BIG MISTAKE!" Seungkwan shouted again

"I KNOW THAT'S WHY I NEED YOUR HELP!" Jeonghan answered, frustrated

"You badly need to tell Angel that" Seungkwan oppa said. I need to know what?

"I know... But I don't know how... How can I tell her that I got Sunnie pregnant?" Jeonghan said that made my heart broke

"You did what?" I asked and they both looked at me, shock

"Uhmm. Hon, Its not like that" Jeonghan said and went to me. He held my hand and he looked at me, worried

"You got Sunnie pregnant?" I asked, stopping my emotions

"Hon, no. Its-" I slapped him and my tears started to fall continuously


"Hon, listen to me first" he said and tried to hold my hand but I pushed him

"SINCE WHEN?!" I asked


"SINCE. WHEN?!" I shouted again. He sighed in defeat and looked down

"Something happened on our.... On our.... anniversary day" he almost whispered but I still heard. I held on a car to support my self...

The night... he didn't came to our anniversary dinner... because he's with... Sunnie... and something... happened to her.... that made her pregnant


"Hon, let me explain" He tried to hold me again but I pushed him and slapped him this time.

"KEEP THAT REASONING OF YOURS! ITS ALREADY CLEAR TO ME! FROM NOW ON, WE WON'T GET MARRIED ANYMORE! I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!" I shouted and removed the ring he gave when he proposed and threw it to him. I walked out and went to my van. I didn't expect this. I wasn't expecting this.. Can't I be happy atleast for a week? I was happy yesterday and this happened. What does Sunnie really want and she keep on messing my life?!

I should have known that the day he proposed and someone called, it was Sunnie.. She' called him to asked about them but Jeonghan didn't answered....

Before he propose, he already knew that he got Sunnie pregnant but still decided to propose to me....

"Are you sure that you want to tell the fans that the wedding is cancelled and its not going to happen anymore?" Our CEO asked and I nodded

"But the news just revealed yesterday! We can't just told them that that's a prank!" CEO said. I looked at him seriously

"Do everything! I don't know! Tell them that the website was hacked and someone posted that! Do everything as long as they won't know the truth about this issue" I said and walked out


ATTENTION: Pledis' new account

Hi everyone, this is the new official website of Pledis Entertainment. The other one from yesterday got hacked by someone and they posted this 'issue' about Jeonghan and Angel, getting 'married'. We're now investigating who hacked our website and we're here to clear and clarify things that Angel and Jeonghan is not a couple and it's not true that Jeonghan proposed and they're getting married. Seventeen is now on their breaks and Angel is now busy with her shoots for her first drama. Please follow us here at our new website and don't believe them immediately as long as we didn't confirmed anything. Thank you.



BREAKING: Angel will rest for a while

Hi, we're Pledis Entertainment and to Angel's fans (Wingz) we're letting you know that Angel will undergo hiatus because of her situation. Her psychiatrist said that her situation's getting worse and she need to stop working first to rest and treat her. We, again asking for your understanding and support for her. It may took her a long time to adjust and we're still asking for your support and wait until she comes back well and healthy. Luckily, she's already done, shooting the drama so we don't have any conflict. Her health and well comes first so hope you understand. Thank you


"Is your passport already here? everything set? I'll visit you there" Joshua oppa said. I just smiled and nodded, not wanting to argue with him. We're already at the airport and just waiting for my flight

"Angel, we're gonna miss you" Anna said, nearly to cry

"Eyy don't you like that? You'll take a break from me and you can work for other artist" I said to ease her heavy feelings

"Promise me you'll come back okay?" my manager said. I nodded and hugged them. I heard my flight was called so I hugged Joshua oppa and whispered "Thank you"

I lastly waved at them before walking out and went to my plane. I'm going to LA and I'll stay with Joshua oppa's mom and she will helped me with my mental issues.



Months have passed and I'm just locking myself at Joshua oppa's room.. His mom's taking care of me and his mom let me use his room...

I only go out when we're going to a psychiatrist. I'm thankful that she's patient with me but I think everything's... Getting worse....

"Mom, where's she?" I heard Joshua asked and my tears fell again as my thoughts become deeper and darker

Joshua really came here once a week. I don't know how but if i'm not mistaken, they're promoting now so i don't know how the agency's letting him go here

"That's the problem... She's just locking herself in your room.. Like before, we still go to the psychiatrist but I don't think she's getting any better" I heard his mom said

"Did you took her gadgets to avoid stress?" I heard Joshua again

"Yes.. I even tried to talk to her but she looks like.. Shes not with herself.. I'm worried, Son"



"Angel, do you still want anything?" Tita, Joshua's mom, asked. We just came out from the salon after 8 hours of relaxing there

"No tita, im fine... Thanks for bonding with me" I said and smiled

"Ofcourse, anything for you. You're like a daughter to me" she said and smiled

"Tita, you can go home.. I'll just walk around" I said and she looked at me, worried

"Are you sure?" She asked. I just nodded and smiled

"Okay... Call me if something went wrong okay?" She said and I nodded before she walks out

My hair become blonde now and I look someone else... In my entire life in k-pop industry, i never colored my hair fully and I never did blonde. I always do just highlights so I'm not used to see myself with fully colored hair

People seems don't notice me which is a good thing since I wont need to hide and I can freely go to anywhere... Unlike before

I just walked around and stopped at the Vincent Thomas Bridge just so see everything from above and to clear my mind....

Joshua once brought me here and it became my hobby whenever I want to clear my minds and wants to be alone

Many did happened but I don't want to pressure my self and stress myself so I dont want to think about it...

Its been 2 years but the scars are still here...



"Tita can I get my phone now? I'll just call my Papa" I said. She's currently preparing our dinner

"Sure.. Its better if you talk to your father" She said and went to a cabinet to get my phone... So there it was all this time? She and Joshua agreed that I should avoid SNS so that it wont stress me and it really helps me

She handed me the phone so I smiled and she went back to the kitchen. I glanced at her and she's now busy... I sat on a couch and opened my phone.. Its 10% though

I opened the wifi and many notification popped out. It keeps on vibrating and I had a lot of unread messages and missed calls... I ignored them and went on my instagram

I stopper scrolling when I saw what dispatch posted...

Its's Sunnie's picture and a long caption but the 1st line of message caught my attention

BREAKING: "Sunnie is the reason why Angel went on a hiatus" -Anonymous person directly revealed to us

Who's the anonymous person?



"Are you okay?" I looked at my side and saw Joshua.. So he went here again...

"How did you know I'm here?" I asked

"Mom said you're here at the bridge again" he answered. I faced the tall buildings from here..

It feels deja vu...

"I don't know how to tell you... But... Sowon and Jeonghan.. Are dating" he carefully said...

I tried to feel myself but I couldn't feel anything upon hearing the news

Maybe, I already moved on

"Good for them" I said

"Are you affected?" He asked. I looked at him and tried to feel my self again

"No" I answered as I felt nothing

"Did they revealed it to their fans?" I asked and he shook his head

"Its okay to be hurt, you know" he said that made me laugh

"I told you I'm not affected. I don't even feel anything. Its good that they end up together... He loves her from the very start before I came to his life.. Maybe we're not the right for each other" I said and smiled.. I'm haply where I am now

"Don't you feel betrayed? Or angry? To Sowon and Jeonghan?" He carefully asked again

"Why would I be mad at Sowon unnie? She's not the reason why these happened. She don't know anything and its not her fault if she fell in love with him... She's not involve her and I want her to be happy" I said and smiled as I remembered how close we are... We're like sisters

"How about Jeonghan?"

"Jeonghan? I got mad at him yes but that was just before... 4 years have passed now and I don't want to plant a seed of anger in my heart.. If I'll do that, I wont be happy... I already forgave him... He made a mistake and that mistake took us to our right path... I already know that we won't end up together but I still fought... Maybe destined purposely did these because destined know that we're not for each other... I'm more happy now than before so I'm fine"



"What are you doing here? We're supposed to be in the airport now" Joshua said as he walks beside me. I'm here at the bridge again just to ready my self

Today is my flight back to Korea and I'm just trying to ready myself for the possible scenes that can happen

"Why are you here? You're still doing your promotion" I told him. I heard to Hoshi oppa that he kept on missing their events and promotions just to be here

"Ey its not that important" He said , as if it was nothing that made me mad

"Nothing?! You gave all of your years just to pursue your dream and now that you already got it, you're now giving up your career just to be here?!" I almost shouted

"Why not?" He asked again like it really don't matter

"What?! Can you hear yourself?! We're talking about your future!" I shouted

"You don't need me!-" he cut me off

"I need you! Why not risk everything just to be with you?! Why not risk everything just to be with my dream?! You're the dream Angel! Cant you see?! Cant you feel?! All these years I loved you from afar... I stayed with you because I love you... I'm willing to risk everything I have just to be with you because you're the dream! You're my dream I always wished for years! So please... Don't push me away... I can't" He said as his tears fell down his cheeks that made me heart broke

I knew he had feelings for me... But I tried to deny because I'm afraid, I can't give his love back so I kept on denying it to myself...

But... Through the years he stayed with me... I only realized that... I love him too....

I sighed in relief as I already accepted the fact.. That we love each other

"What can I do? What can I do to stop this feeling? I always asked that to myself but now.. I wont stop it... I love you too" I said and kissed him on his lips

"Good morning everyone, we've now reached the Incheon International Airport. Thanks for trusting our airlines for this trip. In behalf of our airlines and staffs, we thanked you and wish you a good day.. Thank you"


BREAKING: Angel's hiatus is done

Hi, this is Pledis. We want you to know the great now that Angel's hiatus is done and she's coming back to continue her work. Just this day, she flight back from LA to here to continue her career. We wished for your support in her and she's now working for her comeback. Thank you.




"Wow.. After years, Angel came back with her album, Love maze. Angel, can you please explain the concept of this album?" The host asked so I smiled

"Yeah.. Love maze represents a girl's love for a man but they broke up and she found another man to love. Like a maze, the girl tries to find her way out but everytime she looked for the answer, he met a boy, stuck in the maze too so they tried to find out the way out together... But the maze became difficult which made them suffer and broke up. The girl tried to find a way out again so she tried again and she met another boy. The boy stayed with her even though the maze become rough and they succeeded together. There, the girl realized that she loves the boy and ended up together... She saw the first boy and saw him happy.. So Love maze represents a love that has a maze-like feeling and hardship.. Though we found it hard to love, like a maze, there's always an answer and a way for us to become happy" I explained

"Wow.. That's deep huh... Do you have any inspiration?" He asked that made me smiled as I though of him

"Of course.. He stayed by my side when I fell on my own feet, he helped me climb up back and start all over again" I said

"Ohh something's fishy.. Do you want to tell him a message?" He teased. I smiled and looked at the main camera

"Joshua oppa... Thank you for being here whenever I need you.. From the start, you are there... I dont know where... Can you share?" I joked the last 3 sentence and the host laughed. Maybe he knows too that that was Joshua's line when he was asked to do a poem in english


BREAKING: Angel and Joshua confirmed to be dating

Today, Angel appeared on an i interview and she was asked to sent a message to the one who inspired her about her latest album Love Maze.. She then mentioned SVT Joshua as her inspiration.. After that incident, Angel posted a picture of them on her SNS and Pledis confirmed that they're dating since last year... But the fans are suspecting about Pledis being 'hacked'. Many years had passed after that incident but fans are still suspicious and asking for the truth. Check out the clips and the article.




"Happy Anniversary Love!" Joshua greeted and hugged me

"Happy Anniversary.. I cant believe its our 3rd Anniversary together! I love you" i said and I heard him chuckled

"Hyung, that's enough. CEO wants to talk to us" Woozi oppa said so we laughed at him. Joshua kissed me on my forehead before he went with Woozi to the meeting room


BREAKING: Seventeen's disbandment

Hi! Again, this is Pledis. We want to inform you that after 17 years with Seventeen, we now announce their disbandment.. We talked about it and its for them, to focus on their personal life so we're thanking all of their fans that supported them through the years.

"Pledis and Seventeen won't forgot you and you'll always be our Carat. In behalf of our members, we thanked you" - Scoups (Seventeen and Hip-Hop's leader)

"You'll always be our Shining diamond" -Woozi (Vocal team's leader)

"Stay safe and we wont forget you.. You're our diamonds that will shine forever in our hearts"-Hoshi (Performance leader)

"This is Seventeen, until the next time. Thank you very much" -SVT members




"I don't know where to start..." Jeonghan said and cleared his throat

"Okay... Angel, I'm really sorry.... It was a big mistake, cheating on you... That day... I'm supposed to went on our dinner... But a hospital called and told me that Sunnie got into an accident and she needs a guardian immediately.. I panicked that time that I forgot to call or inform you.. Everything happened so fast.. I just realized that.. We're both... naked... I was supposed to propose to you that night.. I'm willing to give up everything but everything went messed.. And.. we broke up... I tried to atleast... forget about you but I just cant... Until Sowon helped me because she said 'we're bestfriends'... I didn't mean to but I fell in love with her... again.... I'm really really sorry Angel for everything I've done. If I just did my duties and responsibilities, these won't happen" He explained while crying

"It's okay.. I'm not mad.. Let's just seek for the brighter side.. If we didn't broke up, we wont end up with our love ones right? You won't end up with Sowon unnie and be happy... What's important is, we're all happy" I said and smiled

"You're not mad at us?" He asked that made me laughed

"Of course not... Everyone can make a mistake and that mistake can teach us some lessons and lead us to the right path once we realized our wrongs.. Everybody deserves a second chance but If you do it again, this time with Sowon unnie, I'll punch you" I joked and he chuckled

"Friends?" He asked and offered his hand for a shake hand. I smiled and accepted his hand

"Friends" I said and smiled

"Let's go?" He asked "Where?" I asked too "Secret" he said and he dragged me to the Han River.. I looked around and notice the quiet place.. No vehicles are passing by which is weird

"What are we doing here?" I asked and turned around to check on Jeonghan but I didn't saw him

"Jeonghan?" I called again and turned around one more time. I smiled as I saw Joshua with a rose in his hand

"Angel... It's been 6 years love... and I'll still promise to stay by your side but this time.. I want to stay by your side literally and figuratively... I want to stay by your side while cooking, eating , sleeping and facing our problems. I want to stay by your side as we take care of our future life and kids..What can I do? You're the only girl that makes my heart crazy.. You're the only girl that made me this happy. I want to take this relationship to the next level so.. Angel... Will you let me stay by your side, literally and figuratively?" He asked as he knelt down the road

He's proposing to me in front of the Han River who witnessed Joshua, being by my side whenever I needed someone...

We're here when I first knew Jeonghan loves Sowon, He's here when Jeonghan and I became a couple, He's here whenever I broke down because I'm feeling tired and now.. We're here because... He's proposing to me...

He's not my second leading man anymore... Because he's the love of my life now...

"Yes" I said and a lot of people came out from their hidings and they all shouted and cheered for us

"Opps! wait.. We're getting married first" Jeonghan said and Sowon unnie raised her hand with her ring. Everyone laughed with his sudden announcement. I looked at Joshua and he's smiling, ear to ear

"I love you" He mouthed because everyone's noisy. I smiled and hugged him

"I love you too"



"Yoon Jeonghan, do you take Kim Sojung as your lawfully wedded wife,to have and to hold her from this day forward, for better, for worse, in sickness. Till death do you part?" The father said and I can hear SinB unnie's sob.

We're currently at their wedding and I'm exited... Though Gfriend members beside me are busy sobbing though...

"Yes" Jeonghan said that made me smiled

"Kim Sojung, do you take Yoon Jeonghan as your lawfully wedded husband,To have and to hold her from this day forward, for better, for worse, in sickness. Till death do you part?"

"Unnie" I heard Yerin unnie whispered while crying

"Yes" Sowon unnie answered that made me smiled again.. I can clearly see that they really loved each other

"By the power vested in me, I announce you.. Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"



"Love! faster! the fashion show's about to start" I told Joshua. We're here at the Paris for our honeymoon right? And we got invited to attend a fashion show and we're running late

"It's your fault. It took you hours taking a bath" Joshua said

"That's too much! Just 40 minutes. let's go" I said. I offered my hand and he took it so I grabbed him and we both run together

I wouldn't mind running with him for the rest of my life.. Though it may be tiring, as long as I'm with him... Everything's gonna be alright