YEAR 2037

"Love! What are you doing? Just sit down okay? I'll prepare breakfast" Joshua exclaimed as he saw me preparing our breakfast

"I can do it" I said but he guided me to sit on our dining table while he prepare our breakfast

"Love, I can do it. I should do it. What if something bad to our baby?" He said that made me rolled my eyes

"Love, I'm just pregnant. I'm not disabled!" I exclaimed and about to get up but he made me sit again

"Love, don't be hard-headed. I'm done so let's eat" he said as he finished placing the plates on the table.

"Love, you're over-reacting. I'm only 2 months pregnant so I can still do things!" I said as we started eating

"Exactly, you're 2 months pregnant so you should just rest. Tiredness won't be good to you" He said that made me roll my eyes again.

Yes, I'm 2 months pregnant but the doctor said, I can still go out since the baby's hold on me was strong. But since he's Joshua, he's always over reacting. Since the day he knew I'm pregnant, he didn't let me do some works. We have our own business now. We built our own restaurant. Currently, we have a buffet restaurant around Seoul and our dishes are filipino, korean and american dishes. We're still increasing our shops but right now, they're around Seoul. We already opened one in the Philippines and LA.

My father even bought us house in the Philippines and His parents gave us house in LA so we can go there. But right now, we're staying here at Korea and living with the house we bought. Yes, house. I know it's expensive but it's okay since we have a lot of saving for being an idol

"Love, can you get my phone?" I asked and pointed at the living room where my phone is. Someone's calling. He stood up and went to get it and handed it to me

"Thank you" I said and answered the call

/Kang Gary calling.../

"Hello? Sir! What's up?" I asked

[ Angel, how are you? Are you busy ] I looked at Joshua and he looked at me too, curious on what we're talking about

"We're fine Sir. I'm not busy. What can I do?" I asked and I heard him sighed

[ You know... We cam back in return of superman because Heei came right? ]


[ And then the program have this event so that we, parents can take a break and they asked us invite someone who can take care of them so we can relax. I asked Heei and she wants you.. Is it okay with you? ]

"Of course! I'm not busy and it's been a while since we saw each other. What should I do?"

[ Just take care of her and just watch her and keep her company]

"What about Hao and Hana?"

[ They're currently with their grandma so you're only taking care of Heei. What time can you come? ]

"Uhmm. I'll just finish my breakfast and take a bath then I'll go straight there"

[ Arasseo. Thank you. Take care ]

"Nae. Bye"

"Love are you sure? I can take care of her?" Joshua offered as he watch me put a little bit of make-up

"Eyy didn't I told you? Heei wants me and it's been a while since we saw each other. And the restaurant needs you. I can do it love, don't worry" I assured him and continued putting lipstick

"But the restaurant can run without me. I'll come with you" He offered again so I looked at him

"Love... I really can take care of myself. We promised each other to be hands-on on our business right? I'll just call you if something wrong happens" I said

"Arraseo.. Here's your bag" He said and handed me my bag. I smiled and kissed him before I walked out to our garage

"Call me okay?!" He lastly shouted before I drove away

"Angel, we'll go now. Really, thank you" Heei's mom said

"It's fine. beside, we're friends and I want to bond with Heei too" I said and smiled

"Just call us if something happened. Heei, mom and dad will go now okay?" She said and kissed Heei's cheek. They're so cute. I'm exited for my baby

"We'll go now" I nodded and they already went out. I can notice camera's around the house so I felt awkward. It's been a while since a camera filmed me. Joshua and I decided to have a quiet life and since we're already out of the idol world, no one's filming us and everything

"Heei, did you eat your breakfast?" I asked and she nodded as she played with her doll. She's like 3 years old and she's really cute

"What do you want to do then?" I asked and she looked at me and smiled.. She's really cute

"I want to go to Jinjin's house!" she said. I thought of it and since I had my car, we can easily go there and the staff's have their van too

"Okay.. Let's go change your clothes?" I asked and she nodded so we went to her room and changed her clothes.

Jinjin is Jamjam's little brother. Since Sir Gary and Sir Heeyul are close, their children became closed too

After she changed, We went to my car and I drove to Jinjin's house. The cameraman went there with their van. I called Sir Heeyul, Jinjin's dad and told him that we're going to their house. He told me he'll inform them so they won't be surpirsed. He didn't told who's taking care of Jinjin though, so I dont have any idea

I rang their door bell 2 times before a man opened the door

"Oh? you're here? Jinjin-ah! They're here" Jeonghan said while he opened the door

"Jeonghan? you're the one taking care of Jinjin?" I asked

"Yes.. Go inside" he said so I let go of Heei's hand and she ran inside and started playing with Jinjin

"How are you? Where's Shua?" He asked as we went inside

"We're fine. He went to our restaurant to check on them. How about you and Sowon unnie?" I asked and sat down the sofa and removed my cardigan

"We're fine. She's at home, taking care of Sohan" He said so I nodded. Sohan is their 1st baby boy

"They called you too? I was surprised I didn't knew you're the one taking care of Jinjin" I said and he chuckled

"Yes they called me. Actually, he called Seungkwan first. But Seungkwan needs to do something and he recommended me so..." he explained and I nodded

"What do you want to do now?" I asked the 2 kids

"We want to play to the playground!" Jinjin said, exited

"Oh sure! let's go" I said and stood up, asking for Jinjin's hand. He went to me and held my hand

"Are you sure? you can rest here and I'll just go with them. You're pregnant so.. I can't if something bad happens to your baby" Jeonghan said that made me laugh. He's really similar to Joshua, both OA

"I'm fine. don't have to worry" I said so we went to the nearby playground and they played

"Angel, you're cardigan. It's getting darker and we're here for hours, Aren't they tired?" Jeonghan said, pertaining to the 2 kids who keeps on running around and we're just watching them, and handed me my cardigan

I wore it since it's getting darker and the wind blows so cold.. "Water?" he offered so I got it and smiled

"Heei-yah, Jinjin-ah! Let's take a break first!" I shouted and they ran towards me and they hugged both of my legs

"Jeonghan, went to buy snacks. eat and rest first before we go home okay? We've been here for hours. Aren't you tired? You two are sweating" I said and got a towel from their bag and wiped their backs

"I'll do it" Jeonghan said so I handed him the other towel and he wiped Jinjin's back. We changed their clothes and went home

"Angel, thank you very much" Sir Gary said. they just came back and it's already 8pm

"Eyy it's nothing. I'll go now" I said and bowed to them. I lastly waved at Heei before going out. I went to my car and drove back to our house.


BREAKING: Clips of Angel and Jeonghan from the show 'Return of Superman' got viral

Today, Return of Superman held a 'rest day' for the ROS' parents. They held a segment where parents will go on a day vacation and the parents will call someone to take care of their kids. Gary (Heei's father) invited the 'legendary artist' Angel to take care of Heei and Heeyul invited former Seventeen member, Jeonghan to take care of Jinjin. In this episode, Heei invited Angel to go to Jinjin's house and little did she know that Jeonghan was the one, taking care of Jinjin. This clips went viral as fans' reactions and theories became a lot and after years, they still want to found out the truth because way back 2028 when dispatch revealed that an anonymous person told them,directly what happened and the anonymous person mentioned that Pledis' was never hacked. Fans are guessing that Angel and Jeonghan was 'really' about to get married but something happened so they postponed it after a day and alibied being hacked. Fans are still waiting for Pledis' respond and they can't help but to think theories about what happened in the past that made a huge blow in the kpop world. Find out the clips


StillAngel I really smell something fishy

SVTFOREVEr I seriously think that Jeonghan and Angel became a couple too. Am I the only one?

BUyssjie But they're both married. Let's just let them and be happy

YIEOS Angel never disappoint. It's been years but she's still blowing up the kpop's world

KAUWO Am I the only one thinking that Jeonghan and Angel supposed to end up together?

SVTWINGZ The ship we never had. Pledis let our hopes up! My heart still broked whenever I remembered that the wedding news was faked

CARATUEP They're really supposed to get married. My cousin works there and Jeonghan really proposed but something happened and the wedding was cancelled

WINGSZSW If that's true, then maybe Sowon stole Jeonghan from Angel. They got married first right?

IRENEFAN Sowon stealing Jeonghan has a point. What if that really happened?

BUDDYWON OMG Sowon! Why would she do that? She son't do that!

tAEYeonYVSm Whatever. They're all happy and in good terms and that's what important.