I never doubted my love for Angel.. I really love her.. She's very precious to me, she become my life when I met her and I never regretted everything

But maybe I'm not the right one for her...


"I invited you here to announce that we'll release a girl group. We're going to continue what was planned before and we decided to debut this 3 girls" CEO said and then their profiles showed up. I looked at Angel when I realized that the 3 girls CEO talks about was the one who bullied her before. I let out a small smile and held her hand for comfort. She maybe feel sad, remembering what happened before..

"They already proved that they changed so we agreed to debut them and I'm just letting you know. I hope you help them like how you help Angel okay? Meeting adjourned" We all stood up and bowed.

"Jeonghan, Dino and Wonwoo, you're assigned to helped them okay?" CEO added before completely went outside.

I don't want to disappoint him so I did my best and spend all of my time helping them because I want to show the CEO that I can do well and It's to show my thankful because when I was a trainee, I always wanted to give up but they held on me until I successfully debuted with the members.

Another day so as usual, we went to the agency to guide them. We don't have any schedules so it's fine. I went with Joshua, Dino, Wonwoo, Woozi, Seungkwan and Hoshi. We opened the door and saw Angel, sitting at a corner, scrolling on her phone. I sat beside her and Joshua sat to her other side. I looked at Joshua for a second before leaning on the wall. I'm really tired this days, specially because I don't have a great stamina

"Where are the others?" Angel asked and Joshua answered "Scoups not here and the others went to the gym"

I looked at Joshua again. Since the very beginning, I knew he likes Angel because he's obvious. Even the other members knew it but didn't said a word. I just don't know if honey knew. I don't want to ruin their friendship because there's a chance, Angel will ignore him or avoid him. Besides, I trust Joshua and I know, he won't let our friendship broke just because of a girl. We've been friendship since we're trainee so I trust him. I closed my eyes to rest even just for a while

"You?" Angel asked me, pertaining to my schedule later.

"We're gonna train them after teacher" I said and closed my eyes again. Good thing she didn't talked to me after that. Maybe she noticed that I'm tired.

"Dino-yah, Wonwoo-yah. I'll go now. I promised Angel that we'll have dinner with Shua. You take care here okay? I'll go now" I said to them and they just nodded. I promised Angel and Joshua that today we'll be going to Seoul land. We're doing this for a long time now and we got used to bond with just the 3 of us that made the other members sulky that's why we sometimes watch movies on our dorm

I was about to walk outside but I heard a bang. I turned around and saw Sunnie, on the floor. She fell so I immediately went to her to help her and ran her to the hospital

I knew some of her past and I kinda pity her because she went through a lot just like Angel...

"Where's Angel?" Allysa asked after checking on Sunnie who's currently massaging by a nurse

"Oh right! We actually have dinner with Shua but I guess, I can't go now.. I'll just call Joshua" I said and excused myself. I called Joshua but I can't reach him so I just texted him


TO: Shua

Sorry I can't come tonight. I need to practice them more


I chose not to tell them the truth because I know they'll just get worried and it may affect their bonding. I know Shua can make her happy and I trust the both of them.

The next morning, I was planning to sleep more but my phone suddenly called. I didn't even bother to look who called and just answered

"Hello?" I answered

[ Jeonghan oppa! Can we go to out gym to exercise? ] She asked. It's Sunnie

"I don't want. I want to rest. I'll just see you later " I was about to end the call but she talked again

[ Wait! If you won't come, I'll tell the CEO that you're not helping us ] She said. Is she black mailing me?

"...... Arraseo"

[ Pick me up! ] She lastly shouted before I ended the call. Even though I'm lazy and tired, I went to the bathroom and wash up. After that, I went outside my room and it's quiet so I'm guessing the members aren't here. I went to the parking and drove to Sunnie. Why do I know her address? Because it's not the first time she black mailed me and I don't understand myself why I'm taking her bait

"Oppa!" Honey said, happy and ran to me. She hugged me and I hugged her too. I smiled. I really missed her

"Yah you didn't came yesterday" Angel said and pouted. I chuckled because of her cuteness

"I know and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you" I said. I smiled and kissed her cheeks

"I thought you're gonna rest?" Joshua asked me and my heart suddenly beats fasy

"H-Huh? I a-actually w-went to Angel's dorm but she's not there. The guard told me you g-guys went h-here" I lied. I don't know how to tell her the truth. I'm scared I might hurt her.

"Why did you come with them?" Woozi asked and looked at the girls

"Ah... I-I just s-saw them outside. So we came here together. Yes that right" I lied again

Stupid Jeonghan! you should have told her the truth! But I can't now! I already lied to her. I'm afraid I might hurt her and I don't know how to tell her the truth. I didn't seen her this week and I just feel afraid to tell her.

"I'm... hungry" Angel said and let out an innocent smile "Alright let's go outside?" Woozi suggest and honey immediately nodded. I smiled. She's so cute. I'm really glad she's close to my members so that even though I'm not beside her always, she have my members to take care of her

"What about you guys?" Woozi asked Hoshi who's talking to Joshua and Seungkwan

"Ofocurse! duh!" Dk said

"You?" Angel asked me so I looked at her with a sad smile "No hon, later. We still need to practice for more" I said. I noticed her, looked at Sunnie with irritation.

"Go now and rest okay?" I said and kissed her forehead but he pushed me back, rolled my eyes and walked out. I called her but she didn't even glance. What's wrong with her? Did something happened? I looked at my members and they just shrugged

"I guess we'll just go back to our dorm" Woozi said and they all nodded. Seungkwan patted my shoulder before they went outside.

What's wrong?

"I already called Angel and informed her about our bonding later" Joshua said

"We're only half day today because it's our bonding day with Angel, so lets start" I said. I can't let her down again. Not this time. I don't want to upset her again.

"It's still early.. Can we bond first?" Sunnie asked and my members looked at each other

"Sorry but.. We need to prepare first" Joshua answered

"Ey. Angel will come around 5. We can still bond together, c'mon!" Seungkwan said. I thought about it but I can't decide.. but in the end, majority wins

"Let's ride roller coaster!" Sunnie said and they all said yes except Joshua. "I'll just stay here" He said. I was supposed to say the same thing but Dino dragged me to the entrance. While waiting, I saw some boys, whispering while looking at Sunnie so I removed my cardigan and made her wore it. She smiled at me so I did too.

I don't have feelings for her.. I just sees her like a little sister..

"Hyung? Who called?" Hoshi asked Joshua after we rode the roller coaster. "It's Angel. I think she's there. Let's go?" Joshua said and was supposed to walk but Sunnie stopped him

"Wait. I'm hungry. Can't we eat first?" She said and all of them agreed. Joshua just sighed and we all went to a seafood restaurant.

"Wahh. It's been a while seafoods!" Dino said. Yeah, it's been a while

"Why? Don't you eat seafoods?" Sunnie asked and my members shook their heads

"Angel is allergic to seafood so we don't eat seafood whenever we eat with her" Woozi answered. Yeah. Though I love seafoods, I gave up them because I love her and avoided eating it.

"Can't you really eat it? You're the one who'll eat though, not her" She answered

"You don't understand. Small amount can kill her and we're just protecting her" Joshua seriously said. I can tell that he's not liking Sunnie

"Then don't eat with her" Sunnie said and my members took it as a joke but I remained silent, same as Joshua.

I don't know why but... I feel weird