"I'm hungry" Angel said. Wonwoo gave me a paper bag from the restaurant we ate earlier

"We ate earlier and we took out some"

"Oppa. do you want me dead?"

"Angel! Where you going!?" We all shouted but she still went outside. I shook my head. She's really a spoiled brat

"I'll talk to her" Sunnie offered and followed Angel outside. We became quiet and no one spoke until Joshua did

"How can you forget about that?" He asked

"I'm sorry hyung" Wonwoo said, looking down

"Be sensitive guys. you should think of her too. She waited for us for hours and you'll gonna do this to her?" Joshua said, disappointed. Even I became guilty

It's supposed to be Angel's day but became Sunnie's day

"What's happening?!" I asked after the members pulled them from each toher

"Why don't you ask YOUR Sunnie?!" Angel shouted and walked out.

"Sunnie, what happened?" I asked Sunnie and saw her crying

"I was just talking to her nicely but she shouted at me saying things. I think she's jealous of me because you bond with me instead of her. I'm sorry. I'll go now" She said and walked out

"You don't believe that right?" Joshua said, pertaining to what Sunnie said

"Why not? She's crying and she looks hurt" Seungkwan said

"Are you serious? We've known Angel for years and she can't do that" Joshua said. I tried thinking but.... Seungkwan is right

"What if Angel changed and she's not the same Angel we knew before. Can't you notice? She's changing" Seungkwan added

"Wahh. Are you serious? Really? you're gonna believe Sunnie than Angel? Woah" Joshua said, can't believe.

I went to Angel's dorm but she's not there. Maybe she's with Sowon because they're close too. I went to their dorm and rang the bell. Sowon opened it and I just still can't believe how I chased her before

"Is Angel inside?" I asked. She looked at her members, uneasy

"Ahmm.. No, she's not here. Is something happened?" She lied. Yes, I know she's lying. I know her too well so she can't keep everything to me and besides, she looks uneasy too

"Nothing.. I'll go now" I just said and went back to our dorm. Maybe she needs time to think things.. Everything will be fine

The next day, I went to our company to talked to Angel. I was supposed to go inside when Sunnie called me and she looks like a... mess

"JEONGHAN! JEONGHAN!" She shouted. Her hair's a mess and her clothes was ripped so I handed her my cardigan.

"Sunnie? What happened?" I asked and her tears began to fall. She looks pitiful as if she went from a war.

"A g-guy.... h-he t-tried to r-rape m-me.... H-He s-said... A-Angel asked h-him so that she c-can r-revenge on m-me. I'm scared Jeonghan" She said and hugged me

Angel did?

I don't want to believe her but base on what's I'm seeing right now, She's telling the truth. My heart says Angel can't do that but my mind says she did.

I know Angel very well because we've been together for almost 5 years but.. Why do I start doubting her? Besides, she's acting very strange.. Like, her mind is so close that she can't accept any hard situation even though I explain it to her

"I got lucky and had the chance to ran away from him. I'm scared" She said and looked at me. Tears from her eyes made me mad. I remembered Angel when she nearly got raped when we didn't came. I remember her scared face and it's so traumatizing for her...

No one deserves that....

"WHAT?! WHERE'S THAT GUY?!" I almost shouted. She's like a little sister to me and she's good to us so we're treating her as our family so no one can do this to her!

"Please, don't tell this to Angel. I don't want you to argue. I'm fine okay? I don't want her to be mad at me again" She pleaded but I made out my mind

"NO! this is wrong!" I said and went inside, furious. I saw her walking towards the exit and she saw me so I stopped. I don't know what happened but my vision became dark that I slapped her...

"What is wrong with you?!" Angel shouted. It's our first time, shouting at each other and I felt my heart aches

"Why did you do that to Sunnie?!" I can't control myself and just... burst out, shouting at her

"What did I do? If this is about last night, she started it first-!" I cut her off

"I wished it's about last night because that's acceptable. But this? it's not!" I shouted again. good thing staffs are not arounf

"Can't you just go and tell me, straight to the point?!" She said, looking at me with confused

"You ordered a man to rape her!" I shouted again and felt a sting on my heart

"Why would I do that?!" She asked me and I can clearly see that she's nearly crying . I tried to calm myself but thinking, she did that, I just can't

"That's the question! Why would you do that?! I know I'm wrong, We're wrong! But isn't it too much?! You already slapped her last night! Isn't that enough and you still ordered a man to rape her because you want to get even?! You already experienced that right? You experienced that kind of situation so why would you like someone to experience it?"

"You're right. I already experienced that. So why would I let other women experience that nightmare? I'm not a bad person! Yes, I have bad attitudes but I can't do that! You know I can't do that... Or so I thought... You don't know how I felt that time. I feel disgusted about myself! and now you're accusing me like you don't know me? Jeonghan I'm your girlfriend! It seems like you're not the Jeonghan I know anymore... Because the Jeonghan I know, wouldn't hurt me and accused me like this" She said while her tears are falling that made my heart soft. She walked out and I felt guilty. I tried to call her but she just walked outside.

I looked at Sunnie and she's looking down. I ruffled my hair in annoyance. I was supposed to talk to her nicely so we can fix our relationship but I think, it just got worse

"What do you think you just did?" I turned around and saw Joshua, looking annoyed. I didn't answer because I can't answer. I don't know why I did that too

"Are you out of your mind?" He asked as he walks towards me

"Joshu-" I can't finish saying his name when he punched me

"There! maybe you'll be awake and realize what you just did! How can you accused her that easily? And you even made her remember what happened years ago! you know how traumatized she is! How can you do that?! You're her boyfriend so act like one" He said and walked away. I wiped away the blood on my lips.

Sunnie went to me to help me but I walked away, don't know where to go. I just realized that I'm at a convenience store and buying alcohols. I sat outside the store and drink just by my self even though it's just 5 pm.

I keep on thinking what I just did and I really regret it..

I hurt her... again

Why do I keep on hurting her? Now, I feel like I'm not the right one for her because I keep on hurting her.. She can't be with me.. I don't deserve her and her love..