WebNovelDe Luna22.58%

The town of the beginning and the end


For an island in the New world, it was quiet. It was a small island, stories says that long ago it was a beautiful island with natural, delicious fruits growing but than it met with fury of Charlotte Linlin. As time goes by, people start to heal from their wounds but meeting a fury of a yonko changed them. That island once was a natural beauty with a peace and calm, became a place for criminals harbor. A place that they can reload their supplies. Their people were happy that there is bussiness here and it wasnt something attract attention of a yonko again. After their long miserable days, their people were rich and happy even though the island smell like an alcohol and smoke, even the laughings werent the happy childs and their people but laughs of people talking about their criminal lifes. It was an alive place again. But a harbor that any criminal can dock, probably wasnt the best idea. With the ship came three days ago, they couldnt guess that this Island will be met another womans fury.

Right, it was quiet since there was no one alive in this island. It was all happened too fast for them. It was an another lively, full of laughing night time when a girl came with her little boat. When the man on the harbor wanted money to anchor, his head was flying even before he finishes his words and that was just the beginning of the long bloody night.

She was stepping on the man, who is only alive person except her now. Not just on her body but even her beautiful white hair was red from the blood splash. There was no emotion on her face that if it wasnt for her insane ocean blue eyes and blood dyed body, someone might think this girl didnt just massacre all the people here without no real reason. The girl only wanted the people who came three days ago afterall. ''Where?'' She asked again with her cold voice while burying her long and thin heel of her shoes into the mans chest. The terrified, blood covered man talked once again ''Bagua Island! We left there!'' Ricky wanted to live but he knew he cant so, at least he wanted this over quickly. After telling the mans name who hired them next, Ricky finally told the island they had left the body. The girl smiled. It was an inocent smile but with every other thing, it didnt suit her at the moment. Ricky's wish come true as the girl finally ended his misery and start to walk to her little boat like nothing happen.

Her next destination was Bagua Island then. 'I'm gonna need a shower' was the girls thoughts as she walk on the bloody street.

*Flashback end*

It was a calm morning. Everyone was relaxing and doing their own things. Zoro was on the upper deck and napping. Nami was laying on her lawn chair as she read her newspaper. Usopp was sitting on the floor mixing things for his tabasco stars and Luna was sitting across him and working on her bullets as they talk about their ideas. They needed some materials first though. Sanji on the other hand was protecting Nami's tangerine trees while Luffy pouting as he sit on the railling. Winning about how stingy Sanji is. It didnt take a long though he start to laugh as usual. Not just that but also their calm morning didt last long as usual too when a bounty poster fall to the floor from the newspaper that Nami reading and shocking everyone for a moment.

Of course, Luffy was laughing happily ''Sihihihi! Looks like we're wanted men now! It says 30 million berry!'' he keeps laughing as he hold the poster. Nami was in horror as she murmur that now there will be people that come after them as Usopp was making Sanji jealous about his heads back also on the poster. 'Is that even a big thing ?' was Luna's thoughts as she watch Usopp. Zoro was also talking about the people that will come after them too. ''Well, with this you're the most wanted criminal in the East Blue now, Captain!'' Luna says happily.

''Really?!'' Luffy, Nami and Usopp asks with a different faces. While Nami was horrified Usopp was in shock and Luffy was of course happy and excited ''Yeah, really!'' Luna says while laughing at them. She was in a good mood and after that it was a joyful day as well as they celebrate Luffys bounty

After the delicious lunch Sanji prepared they were relaxing while sitting around the table and drinking tea or Zoro and Luna's case sake. Nami start to talk as she look at the map ''We're getting closer. We've almost made it to the Grand Line and it looks like the only way is, Reverse Mountain'' she informs them. Zoro, who watching Nami pointing a place on the map sighs ''how are we even get through a mountain? There's got to be an another way'' he drinks his sake as he says ''There isnt. From what the old man told me, thats the only way'' Sanji adds as he smoke

''How?'' Usopp asks him with confuse. Sanji also dont know everything ''Because its really dangerous?'' answers sounding like a question. Luffy ''I got an idea! Why dont we sail around the mountain?'' with a big smile on his face. Luna sighs at this ''Merry cant sail the Calm Belt'' makes everyone turns to her. ''Calm belt?'' they ask except Nami. ''How could you be so clueless?!'' she asks/yells

''The Calm Belts are two areas that are just north and south of the Grand Line. '' Luna start to explain with her educative tone after her short laugh to Nami scold them ''These areas almost never have ocean currents or winds blowing, and are also nesting grounds for Sea Kings. They are very effective barriers for those trying to enter the Grand Line.'' as she say that Usopp jump with a determined face ''Mountain! Lets go to the mountain and stay away from sea kings!'' while Luffy pout as he miss the the fun. Luna then made a face that she remembered something ''Right!'' she says loudly startles everyone ''We have to go the Loguetown first!''

''Loguetown?'' Luffy ask with a confuse while Zoro made a thoughtful face ''I think I've heard of it before... The town of the begginning and the end..?'' while Luffy and Usopp looking confused, Luna's dramatic side wakes up. She was Roger's and Roger pirates fan in the end. So she says with a dramatic way ''Its the town where the late Pirate King Gol D Roger was born and died, so it's a ritual for pirates to go there just before entering the Grand Line'' causing Luffy and Usopp's confuse to turn in to curiosity ''Really?!'' they ask with exciment.

''Yes'' Luna starts with shinning eyes and a dramatic posture ''They thought they could make an example out of him to prevent others to become a pirate as the Pirate King's death, so the World Government made a public exacuting in the Loguetown. But! Just he was about to die, he said his last words about the One Piece and the warning the World Goverment wanted gone for nothing. Roger's last words ignited hopes of all pirates and began 'The Great Age of Piracy' and from what they say, a lot of pirate who made a name to themselves today, was there that day as well'' They were all looking at Luna, who dramaticly tell a story, with shinning eyes. They were completly in awe at what she tell ''Where the Pirate King is born and died...'' Luffy said in a lowly tone

''So?'' Luna look at him with a smile ''Yeah, lets go!'' he said with a smile before become serious ''I want to see it'' Luna smiles at this and stay silent a moment ''Alright! Since captain said we're going, we wont much time there so we have to be quick and buy all we need'' she said with a frown as she think ''huh?'' asked eveyone with this sudden change ''Buy what?'' Usopp asked ''The things we're gonna need of course. That will be the last island before Grand Line'' she look at Usopp with tilted head ''Yeah, I'm gonna need katana. I cant go there with one'' Zoro says with a thoughtful face and Luna nods ''We're gonna need a log pose and thinking about Grand Line's weather, I wanna do some shopping too'' Luna says with a sigh. She knew they would find a log pose but she still didnt want to risk it. It was very important, afterall she had experienced, she wouldnt risk that.

''Log pose? Whats that?'' Nami asks with a confuse but then makes a happy face as she claps her hands ''Shopping!'' says dreamly. Luna hums a second as she thought, then explains ''Log Pose is a compass-like navigational device, a necessity for traveling the Grand Line. Regular compasses dont work there so..'' says nonchalantly as she drink her sake and almost spitting with Nami's yell ''What?! How?!'' Luna turns to her ''Dont worry, I will buy it and explain it to you later'' she says as she tries to calm her down. Even thought she knows the basics its not like she is good at navigate. She would only go where the neddle point to until now and she would mostly use eternal pose or vivre card anyway.

As Nami start to calm down and happy that Luna will buy it Usopp made a confuse face ''Why dont we much time though?'' asks as others also curiosly turns to Luna ''Hmm, you see there is this troublesome marine captain there. No pirate go thought him and get in the Grand Line since he came.'' She says but its clear that she doesnt care. While Usopp and Nami made a troubled face ''Well, since he doesnt know about us he will probably go after only Luffy, be careful captain'' She adds with a smile, Luffy also smiles big as he say ''Dont worry!'' doesnt also care much as he still thinking about Pirate King ''Did you go there before?'' Zoro asks making Luna nods ''For shopping!'' She says as she laugh causing Zoro to sweatdrop as she and Nami start to talk about shopping and Luna tell her the good places. Sanji also starts to check kitchen and thinking he should made some kitchen shopping too.


Bagua Island, was an island with only a couple of little town, a calm and peaceful island for New World. But there was one place that people who lives there avoid to go for almost a year now.

It was another calm and peaceful day when a white hair with golden strands and ocean blue eyed girl came to visit this island. She was wearing black high-waist leather short with a black belt that covering several times her waist. She had a white long-sleeved shirt and black leather gloves. The collar and sleeves of the shirt had gold engravings. She was wearing transparent black socks, left one was long, going to her thighs and right one was under her knee along with a shinning black high-heel boots. She was also wearing some black cop hat that an eye symbol on its front with a green color, shadowing half of her face along with a mid-long cape, black colored outside and matching green colored inside with gold engravings. She was carying a pure black katana that it was hanging from her back horizontally to her hips and there was a black dagger in its hostler strapped her right mid-thigh leg.

To the people there, she looked rich and beautiful. The girl asked about a body, caused a distress to the people. But an old man, who's the mayor their town, told the girl everything she asked when he recognized the eye symbol on her hat. He was a smart old man, who doesnt want a trouble. They told her the place they avoid to go, the foothills of the mountain. Told her almost a year happen now but when they saw the body, they prefered to not getting close. The girl had an emontionless face as she listen everything and without even say anything or recognize them, she left to the place where they say the body is.

After hours later, they heared a loud and painful scream for a short while but the rain and the lightning voice covered the scream. That day was the most weird day to that people as a rain like that was rare to them. They never saw that girl again, they didnt even saw her leaving but when the rain stopped and some people gone to look to what happened, they found nothing. There was no body and no girl.

That day, every people on that island celebrated that they are now can go to the mountain again and do their jobs as miners and take the golds there. They didnt know anything but they were greatful to that girl as they thought she took the body or destroyed it, they even pray to the God for the girl had a good life. The only person who didnt join the celebration was the mayor as he look at the far away of the sea with a lot of thoughts. The old man told them after their party that never talk about the girl who came that day to anyone. People didnt understand but they did what the old man said nevertheless and the girl get forgetten in time.

*Flashback end*

They were finally in Loguetown after a day now.

The moment they achor the Merry at the port Luffy rushed to the town since he was so wanted to go and couldnt wait. Sanji was also gone, saying that he will make a kitchen shopping along with Usopp who said he will buy some materials for his slightshot. Luna also made some request from him while giving him some money and told him to good places he can find what he wanted. Zoro took money from Nami, much to Luna's amuse if one would ask, and go to search for good katana.

Luna and Nami on the other hand was shopping, buying clothes. Luna told Nami that Grand Line had every kind of weather so they should buy all kind of things. While Nami was trying to do some bargain about the price, Luna prefered to stole everything she liked. She rejected to pay for clothes much to Nami's happiness. Luna wouldnt spent money things like this, even thought she like it, she prefered to spent her money for books and necessary things. After the shopping, Luna drag Nami from place to another, doing girl things she loved and missed to do. It wasnt that she had a lot of girl friends all the time. She liked to do these kind of things while she can.

After the last place they get out, with Luna's consast insisting, they now had shinny nails that she loved so much. They also gone to buy some charting tools for Nami as they didnt know when they could bought things like this. ''Can you take these too? I will go and buy log pose and maybe look for some books next'' Since Nami said she will go back to the ship, Luna asked to Nami as she hold the bags full of clothes and shoes. The moment Nami heard the word Log pose, she took them while saying ''You must absolutely buy that!'' and start to go towards the ship.

Luna had only her katana right now and her skeleton bracelet, which she never take it off since she first weared it, she didnt want them get in her way as she was shopping so she left the rest at the ship. As she look around while walking, she saw Zoro sitting on some stone staircase. ''Hmm. A cursed sword huh?'' She said as she look at the katana, scaring the hell out of Zoro. ''The hell?!'' He looks at Luna ''You scared me!'' Luna laughs at Zoro and sits besides him ''Is it one of the Kitetsu blades?'' she asks ''You know about them?'' Zoro also asks as he look at her, he heard about them from that girl looked so much like Kuina ''Well, yeah. There is only three of them and all there are cursed.'' She keeps looking at the sword then turns to Zoro while holding her hand ''may I?'' Zoro nods. Luna touches the katana a little moment and narrows her eyes. ''Its evil. As expecting from a cursed sword'' She smiles a little and pull her hand back.

Like she thought, she needed to go to Wano. The feeling she got was familiar with her Naraka but also very different. ''You're thinking your katana, dont you?'' Zoro asks when he saw her thoughtful, frowned face. When he touched Naraka he had felt an evil thing too, he didnt also felt the same but it was kind of familiar ''Yeah, Its kind of similiar. These Kitetsu blades also made in the same place Hawky told me to go'' Luna was already told Zoro how she met Mihawk and all. She was cursing some humandrills Zoro didnt understand though. ''Where is it? You were yelling you cant go there that time'' to Zoro it was still weird to hear his long wanted goal is called Hawky, like some pet name. If he didnt know Luna, he would be in a life long shock.

Zoro was looking at his sword as he asked the question but before Luna had time to aswer, Luffy sudddenly appeared out of nowhere. Scaring the hell out of Zoro the second time ''The hell is wrong with you?!'' Luna starts to laugh at him while Luffy got confuse at the sudden outburst of Zoro. Didnt take look though ''What are you two doing here?'' As he asked with a big smile of his. ''What are you doing here? Didnt you say that you will go to the execution platform?'' Luna tilts her head a little with a smile. Luffy's smile get bigger at this and with a proud ''I'm lost!'' Zoro sweatdrops ''Nothing to be proud about..'' While Luna giggling ''You should learn one or two things from Luffy about this!'' Zoro frowns ''What?'' Luna starts to get up from where she sit ''I'm just saying you too should made a peace with yourself'' she keeps her giggles when she saw his face ''Are you saying that to me?!''

She ignores him ''I still have things that I had to buy, see you!'' she starts to go while she laughing to Zoro who yells at her not to ignore him ''Oh, right! Luffy,'' Luffy turns to Luna ''The execution platform is over that way!'' she points some direction and Luffy's smiles get bigger as he yells thanks after her.


Luna was drinking some whiskey while sitting on the high chair in some small, dim bar and listening to bartender, or the man acting like a bartender. There was only a couple of people here. Sitting on some distance tables and drinking their alcohol in shadows and minding their own business. ''So you became a pirate and going to the Grand Line?'' he was a build up, middle-aged man with a little beard on his face. He had a normal light brown eyes and hair. ''Yeap, got anything you can tell me from there more, Tommy?'' she points her glass like saying fill again ''Nah, you have to go there and ask, I told you all I know'' as he fill the glass ''News from there dont come here much, you know that'' he also adds when he put the bottle and look at the wanted poster while Luna sighs and start to drink her refilled whiskey

Right, Luna came to the Loguetown before, more than once actually, for shopping. It wasnt just normal shopping though. She would do both kind of shopping.

''Should I make news that De Luna is a pirate now?'' while he intensely look at Luffy's picture ''Nope. Tell that I wont take a job anymore but dont say anything about being a pirate'' Luna sighs again when she saw Tommy raised a questioning eyebrown ''I want to watch how things are going for a while now, in silence'' she adds makes Tommy nod. ''Is it that bad?'' Tommy changes the subject while he putting the wanted poster away carefully and take a glass to clean.

Luna looks at him in confuse with the sudden subject change ''You looked for that fruit like a crazy and it wasnt for to eat.'' he became serious then ''You would search for it much sooner and found it if it were to for that reason. So..'' he stare at her intensely. Luna gulp down all whiskey and gets up from where she sit. ''Only the time will show it, Tommy'' she put some golden coins and a little dark blue pouch, as she lowly repeat ''Only the time...'' Tommy could see worry in her eyes. He didnt say anything but he noted himself to keep looking more carefully at the news as she took the small black box ''Thanks for this!'' and smiled while she putting the small black box into her blue sash with gold floral engraving that tied around her waist to hold Naraka.

''Be careful'' Tommy said when she was leaving. Luna laugh at this ''Worry about me now, Tommy?'' looked at her back with an amuse in her eyes ''No way, girly. Just saying'' he had a weird face that making clear he mean it what he said. Luna laughs again and turns her back to going out ''If its in the faith, everything will happen sooner or later anyway!'' she waved her hand and get out, making Tommy sigh but shake his head with a little smile on his face.


Luna was walking through alley after alley since she left the bar. She had a lot of things in her mind. 'So it happened in the end, huh?' was her thoughts while walking around and couldnt get anywhere. She finally decide that she should embrace the advice she gave to Zoro and admit it ''I'm lost'' with a sigh. When she was looking around and trying to figure out which way she should go, she suddenly come to a stop and raised her head to look up.

''So you are finally admiting your bad sign?'' the voice asks as he chuckled a little, even if he was trying to show any other emotion, it wasnt working as that chuckle sounded and seemed very dark. Luna smiles with a very honest face, there was a lot of emotions in her eyes. She had a face like, she just saw her old friend after a very long time, that she loved so much. It wasnt wrong, except it wasnt that long she didnt see him. As she looked up suddenly a wind came and carried her to the roof he was on. She laugh loudly at this ''Dragon!'' she says loudly with a happy laugh and start to run to hug him.


It was a big throne room with gold and gemstone decorations everywhere. There was a long and big table and lot of chairs around it in the middle of the room. Full of luxurious food on golden plates, waiting for eaten and wine in diamond goblets but there was no one at the moment. The castle was empty and not that they were gone or something but they were basically dead.

It was an island in the new world named Guanyin. There was a big kingdom on this island and the king of this country, Adalstienn Euseby, wasnt that a good man. His people were hungry and poor as he and his own people were living in luxury, so the girl was sure that let alone someone miss him, they would even celebrate his death. Not that she would let him die so easly though.

The sixteen years old, golden white haired girl was wearing almost same things as she weared on the Bagua island, since after another one she came to this island and she didnt kill anyone at those two islands. Her white shirts top three buttons were open this time, its sleeves were folded to her elbow. Her cape was also loose on her. Black leather gloves were in blood along with her skeleton bracelet and she was wearing some high waisted black trousers. Her hair had a beautiful braid but with the time she spend, it has start to loose. There was a gold crown decorated rare gemstones on her head instead of the cop hat. She put it on at some point during the torture she had been doing very long time now. She tiredly let her body on the throne and sit there with a relaxed posture. There was amuse, tiredness, anger, disgust, grief and maddnes in her eyes. She was living every emotion repeatedly as she watch the man, who supposed to be the king, crawl on the ground, like desperately trying to run away, leaving blood trace his behind as he crawled.

Right, one of his legs were already cut off and the other was broken into pieces, he couldnt walk even if he wanted. ''So you said what?'' She asked with an uninterested voice ''You made that stupid Ricky guy kill my sun for what?'' she was already asked those questions and heard the answers many times now ''This stupid crown and throne?'' she showed herself. Then she lean her elbow thrones arm and lean her head to her hand while showing around with her other hand ''These worthless shinny things?'' She then suddenly brust into laughing ''And look at you now!'' after she laugh for minutes, she suddenly stopped and look at him with an empty face ''Was it worth it?'' her eyes and voice were void.

She watch him slowly crawl, with tears and beggings to someone who he wished to hear, with this emptiness for an hour now. He couldnt crawl fast as his hand and arms also broken into pieces and his fingers were no longer there, his body was deformed in very different ways now. After a little pass an hour she heard a sound and turn her gaze towards there without moving a single muscle. The man was wearing a dark green hood that covered everywhere his body. She could see half of his face and the moment she saw him she knew who he is. In her short but long life, this was the last thing she had ever thoguht she would live but even with this thoughts, she was still didnt change her posture. She was like lost everything, she was in void.

''The last person I had been expecting to see'' She start to talk with her empty voice ''Revolutionary Dragon'' His eyes left the crawling man and turned to the girl, who sits on the throne loosely with the crown on her head. ''I could say the same, Grant D. Luna'' He said without moving and with his serious face ''Are you making a revolution now?'' he asked with a hint of amuse that one could very easily miss. She chuckles a little at this. She had still empty eyes and her chuckle sounded deep and dark but in her voice, there was just a little bit of amuse too ''Dont tell me I accidently stole your revolution here?'' If it wasnt the fact that she had feeling nothing right that moment, she would be asking repeatdly a signature from him now, like she had done with every person she fan over.

''There was an information I wanted to take'' He says slowly like thoughtful as he look back at the man, who didnt even realize him since most surely lost his mind. ''Oh, if you promise you wont end him you can try'' she said as she get up. She took the crown and thrown it away while walking towards to the table. ''Maybe, if you say you will save him, he will tell you?'' she said and sit the chair that prepared for the king Euseby and look at the meal, like trying to decide which one she should eat first. ''And if I saved him or killed him?'' Dragon asked with an uncare voice as he walk towards to the man but raised an eyebrown and stopped when he heard the loud breaking sound coming from the table ''I would prefer to end him on my own way as he is the responsible for my other half'' Her voice was cold as her eyes, can make one believe that even sun would froze in front of it.

Luna knew she had no change against this man. She could die here right away but for a girl like her, it didnt matter at that moment. Specially after everything happened on the last three island. Dragon made a thoughtful face for a moment ''Grant D. Leo'' he said lowly, also with a thoughtful voice then turned his head to the man and looked for a minute ''I see'' slowly said as he keep going to walk towards him. Luna look at him hard for a minute too. Trying to understand what is he going to do and after a minute later she turned to the meal and started to eat as she listened the pitiful voices the man did.

The moment she bite the meat and start to chew suddenly a glint came to her emty eyes. Her brain was probably shinning at that moment ''I have the best idea!'' she suddenly burst with a big smile and face like she's living an enlightenment, startles the two man. Dragon apparently, was able to take the information from the man but he lost his mind again when he heard Luna's voice. But, right.. she always had her best ideas at the weirdes moments like this. She turn to them with a big and honest smile ''Ah! Dont mind me!'' she said with a little laugh and turn back to her food while still smiling. The wheels were start to spin in her mind. She never thought this before but...

After Dragon took all what he want and start to leave, also leaving the man like its nothing, he stopped with what he heard ''Would you be interested in destruction of Diyu?'' as he was looking at her, she also slowly turned her head to look at him. There was a honest glint in her eyes and a smile on her lips. ''Why dont you join me?'' she showed the table with her free hand as the other was holding some meat ''and we can talk more in detail'' Dragon look at the girl with his serious and dark face. In his mind he was trying to understand this sudden offer. 'Was it a trap?'

For someone like Dragon, Diyu was of course important as much as the Grant D. family. He knew about them and about that country. 'Destruction of Diyu, huh?' Dragon starts to walk towards the chair just across hers to sit while the king was still begging with his lost mind.

That night, two person with most weird combination in the world at that time, sit together and made an unheard of a deal.

*Flashback end*

''Weird that after everything you become a pirate in my sons crew..'' Luna laughs at this.

After she hugged him, much to Dragon's distress if one would asked him, they start to walk on the roof while talking. Once she sees someone as her friend she would just do whatever she wanted, without caring for the other person. Dragon never told her Luffy was his son but Luna of course already knew, so she told him that she knows and asks if this is why is he here, which he confirms since she already knows. Dragon didnt even asked her how, thinking of course she would know somehow and he trusted that Luna wouldnt tell anything. She told him Luffy sometimes even resembles of him but not much.

To Luna, Luffy was showing much more emotions compared to Dragon but in the end, no matter who is your family, you're your own person. She told him, how she met Luffy and talk about the crew saying that they are good people with dreams, even thought she didnt tell what this dreams are. ''Yeah... faith is really weird sometimes. I would say it even has a sense of humor'' she looks around with a thoughtful face. It was true in a way. When she spent her years, she never thought she would be in the strawhat crew and do a lot of things without a care. Like making that deal with Dragon. Well, not that she cared now though, it was already over.

''Oh, its Luffy'' she points him when she sees. He was still looking for execution platform ''Even though I told him which way'' she says with a sigh. Dragon makes a little visible smile when he sends a little wind and fly away his strawhat to the platform making Luna also smile as they too walk towards there to watch Luffy.

Even though Luffy never met Dragon face to face he was lucky Dragon is his father in Luna's eyes. She loved Dragon in the end. To her, he was her friend but also someone she is grateful. He might be the worst criminal to the world but he was a good man and Luffy might be in danger bacause of him but that was probably the reason he never met Luffy too. He was also very devoted to his revolution though...

They watch Luffy climb on the platform and look around, they also saw the woman and heard the talking too. ''That iron mace...'' Luna slowly starts with a lowly tone and sweatdrops when the realization hit her ''Alvida?'' Dragon looks at her with the corner of his eye ''You know her?'' Luna makes a weird face as thought she doesnt know what to say ''Well...maybe?'' with an unsure voice but after a couple minute later she makes a choke voice, like she was in between laughing and getting shocked. ''She says...'' she looks at Dragon's face and tries to hold her laugh. After Alvida's weird words not just Luffy but even Dragon was looking like he wants to run, even though the emotions he shows much less, it was still clear. Dragon clears his throat a little bit and keep watching with his normal face, makes Luna to smirk and turn to watch too.

After Buggy shows up and Luffy finally understand that woman was Alvida and Buggy was telling his story to Luffy, Luna actually thinks that Buggy and Alvida are suit each other. ''Hey! Thats Buggy the Clown!'' one of the citizen yells in fear. At the mention of pirates, all people turned and began to try to run from the square as Luna and Dragon silently watch Luffy. Buggy pirates pulls out swords and guns and making sure no one moves and leaves the square.

Riding a weird bike guy, his name is Cabaji apparently from what Buggy yelled, slammed a large wooden board down on top of Luffy and trap him. Luna frowns at this and move towards but Dragon stops her with his hand that he hold in front of Luna. She looks at him but he was looking at Luffy with a serious face of his, causing Luna to sigh and watch whats going on intensely. She knew Dragon wouldnt let Luffy die but that doesnt mean she wouldnt worry in a little when she was watching this. ''Pirate Monkey D. Luffy, captain of the Strawhat Pirates, for the crime of angering me, I sentence you to a flashy execution!'' Luna once again thinks how can Buggy be this shamless as she saw the dark clouds begin to twirl over the island.

Luffy, without any meanning, says sorry to Buggy, who turns to crowed and asks to Luffy ''Any last words?'' Luffy starts to look around too as Buggy keep on his speech and his eyes slides to the person who intensely watches. Except all people, he felt that intense eyes on him and look at the roof momently and saw Luna, standing beside a green hood wearing man. He didnt care about the man as he looked at the Luna though. Watching on some roof again... It reminded him the first time she joined the crew. Luna was surprised that Luffy found her and was looking at her at the moment, he even smiled a little after looking for a second. 'He doesnt know if he will survive, why is he looking like that?' was the question in her mind as he keep look at Luffy in the eye. It was like the distance between them was gone when they look at each other that moment. Dragon was also start to look more intensely when he notice this but then suddenly Luffy take a deep breath as his hat shadowed his eyes and the words echoed all around them ''I'M THE MAN WHO WILL BECOME THE PIRATE KING!''

The crowd was stunned in silence snd they were staring at Luffy in disbelief. Luna had a big smile at this words. Buggy however wasnt that much an impressed as he grin evily ''Is that all you have to say, you rubber brat?!'' he hold up his sword and was about to cut down but he stop when he heard ''Wait! Stop this execution now!'' Zoro and Sanji came and was running towards to execution stand. Luffy was in relief ''Zoro, Sanji!'' while Zoro and Sanji fighting with pirates, trying to open a path.

Luna made another move to join them but Dragon stopped her again, much to Luna's irritation. She glance at him ''Why?'' why was he stoping her now? First one, she would understand but now again? Dragon didnt aswer her though... Luffy was also look at Luna after Zoro and Sanji's coming and he was relief that the man stopped her, he briefly wondered who he is but its gone fly away when he heard Buggy's voice again ''Gyahahah! Just watch carefully from there! Witness the last moments of your captain!'' He was holding up his sword again as he said that loudly. Luna knew Zoro and Sanji couldnt make it in time. Hell, even she couldnt make it in time if she would go now.

She frozed while she looking at him ''Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Luna!'' Luffy's voice sounded as everyone stopped and look at him. He was smiling brightly. She felt a shiver go down on her spine when she saw his smiling face. It was a smile a D made when they embrace the death, a serene, truly happy smile. ''Sorry'' he sounded like he mean it this time unlike he did it when he said to Buggy ''But, I'm dead.'' Zoro was yelling in horror and Sanji in desperate while kicking the pirates when Buggy start to brought his sword down to Luffy's neck just after his last words.

At that moment, Luna felt a soft and warm wind, blowing her long hair, she knew that Dragon was now gone but she couldnt take away her gaze as she watch Luffy. Just the moment blade fell and close to his neck, it sparkled with electricity from the air and with a great explosion from above that seen even far away from the island, a single bolt of lightning came and struck the execution stand, setting it on fire. As Luna watch the blue flames with a frozen state, she came back when she felt the cold rain on her skin and start to run on the roof.

While everyone stunned in silence once again, this time even pirates, Luffy took his strawhat while laughing ''Sihihihi! Looks like I did survive! Lucky!'' he was laughing when suddenly Luna fall just in front of him with a blank face. She was jumped but wind carried her more. She was just looking at him without saying anything. She didnt even know if she is happy or angry to him. Luffy was also looking at her while trying to understand why is she looking at him like this with a blank face but he just saw a lot of things passing in her eyes. They could hear Sanji and Zoro's little conversation about God's existence at the moment and Luna feeling a lot of people coming, she suddenly hold Luffy's wrist and start to pull him ''Lets go!'' she turn towards Zoro and Sanji, who notice her just now.

''Luna-chan!'' Sanji forgetting everything and start to run towards her ''Marines are coming and we have to go back to Merry now or we will stuck here!'' as she keep pulling Luffy and ignoring Sanji's heart eyes. Zoro was also thinking the same as he too start to move and run. Luffy was startled with Luna suddenly hold him tightly and pull and was looking blankly until he heared they will stuck here if they dont go now. So he start to run too without needing Luna pull him but she was still holding him, not that he complained about it though.

As they run through the empty street, they saw a girl standing in the midde of the road with a sword. Sanji already started to swoon over her the moment he saw her. Zoro on the other hand had a troubled face ''Roronoa Zoro!'' she yelled causing Luna to glance at Zoro with an evil smirk ''Girlfriend Zoro?'' makes Sanji look like struck by lightning ''What?!'' he had face like there's no hope in this world now ''NO!'' Zoro yelled at them ''How did you even came to this?!'' He had a red face that one couldnt say if its from an anger or embarrassment. Luffy was looking at Zoro with an amuse though ''Ehh.. I didnt know you had a girlfriend...'' he blinks in confusion when Zoro deny it very strongly though. Zoro was cursing Luna in his mind, yelling at her he will not forget this with his still red face. Luna on the other hand was laughing a lot and having her fun. Of course she knew but she had fun to mess with Zoro.

Unaware of this all, Tashigi keep going her speech however. ''To think that you were Roronoa Zoro! And a pirate at that too. You were just toying with me all along!'' At this Zoro met Sanji's yelling and Luna's accusing face, there was a mock that Zoro could see though, she wasnt serious and having fun. Zoro was also didnt know Tashigi was a marine and Tashigi ''I shall take back that Wadou Ichimonji!'' makes Luna to raise an eyebrown 'take back she says...' Well Zoro accept the duel ''Go on ahead!'' the moment their swords slash. There was no way Tashigi would win this. As a woman, she wasnt trusting herself much. Luna look at her a moment with intense. This woman was thinking the mans are much stronger. She frown at this, clearly makes clear that she didnt like this. Maybe in the future it will change but right now she didnt even want to clash a sword with her. She didnt like this kind of swords. She thought for a moment if she should teach her a lesson but Tashigi wanted a duel with Zoro and she wouldnt interfere in Zoro fight now...

Sanji was yelling at Zoro but Luffy pulled him back and they keep running under heavy rain. After a litte time later, they saw a man standing there in front of a motorcyle this time. ''So, you've come, Strawhat Luffy.'' He was smoking two cigars at once... ''Who is this?'' Luffy asked as they running ''The marine captain I told you about. Smoker, the White Hunter'' as she keep looking at Smoker, she lets Luffy's wrist go. ''I wont let allow you to set sail from here!'' Smoker yelled as his hands turned into smoke and catch Luffy. Sanji kicked him but it was useless ''I dont have time for runts'' with this he throws Sanji and when he was about to get up and attcak again Luffy yell at him to take Luna and go but Luna's eyebrowns was twiching.

''Runts?'' She thrown a punch Smoker's gut and thinking it will be nothing he didnt even budge but the pain was there. As smoker let Luffy go with the sudden pain that came, Luffy start to yell at Sanji to go ahead and turn towards Smoker and Luna. Sanji also looked at them a moment and start to run as he also yell that he better bring Luna fine and without a scratch. Smorker's eyes widened and look at Luna. When he saw her skeleton bracelet ''Sea stone..'' realization came down on him. She smirk at him ''I believe you also had one too'' Smoker attacked Luna this time ''Who are you?'' Sea stone was not an easy thing to obtain in the end, especially like this. While Luna dodging his attacks she preferred not to answer him. ''Just a crew member, who punches you for her captain?'' she had a inocent smile with a tilted head.

''Enough!'' Smoker put another cigar in his mouth and turned to Luffy ''I wont allow you to leave this island,'' then looks at Luna ''and you wont stop me this time!'' Luna frown at this as she look at him ''What a cocky attitude you have, Smokey.'' Smoker's eyebrowns twichs at this ''You say, you wont allow us and doing this stupid thing for a while now, but if you werent this busy trying to keep your record, maybe you could have stopped Arlong from enslaving an entire island or maybe found out you had marines inside here, that made a deal with them and took money to shut their mouth. And here you are trying to catch my captain, who did what you should do in the beginning?'' she was looking at him coldly and add with a accusing tone ''Justice, you wearing?'' she smirks at Smoker's face as it became dark and ugly shade of red as he glare at her.

With the anger he had, he pushed himself at Luna with his smoke body and Luffy done the same. Luna get out of the way as Luffy throw a punch on Smoker's face but it pass through him. They go on figthing for a while but rigth now, there was no way Luffy could win against Smoker. When Smoker trap him in smoke and slam him to the ground on his face and sit on him, Luna thought for a second if she should go again but with the presence she felt, she stopped herself. ''Looks like your luck's come to an end'' Smoker said as his hand goes to his jitte and glanced to Luna if she is coming but saw her smirk ''Or perhaps not..?'' the voice said as took a hold of the jitte Smoker holding and prevent him from moving. There was amusement in his dark voice as he chuckled.

Smoker turned his head ''You are..!'' he said in shock while Luffy also wondering who is it ''The entire governmennt is after your head, you know..'' he says with a frown. Dragon smirks in return and raise his head towards Luna. She could see he was looking at her intensely, an amusement clear with on his tattooed face ''What? Why are you looking at me like this?'' She couldnt help but asked and start to sweatdrop as Dragon laughed. She rarely saw him laugh before, once or not but... Even Smoker was taken aback at this. ''You didnt noticed?'' He had an amusing tone when he asked that ''Notice what?'' Luna was looking at him with a weird face, like he gone insane. 'Is that it? Dis he finally lost his mind?' Dragon laugh a little more at this ''Still early huh?..'' He murmurs in his laugh then look at down to Smoker and Luffy again, leaving a damn confused Luna behind ''Go! The world awaits our answer!'' And whole area starts to surrender with an eerie green light and a strong wind cames out of nowhere.

Luna cowers her eyes a little, cursing Dragon in her head. She liked to fly but not with this much of a strong wind! She even left a yelp just Luffy wrap his arm around her twice and pulled her towards himself. When they finally landed, Luna was sitting on top of Luffy as he was laying on the ground while letting Luna's waist go. Luna looked around and get up immediately after she saw Zoro and Sanji fighting with marines and Merry was a little far away and the storm wasnt helping. ''Luffy,'' She turned to him and saw that he was getting up as he too look around ''I know, get on my back'' he turned back against Luna and low down a little. She looked at him a second and blinked asking herself 'why?' at first but with understanding coming to her she get on his back and while wrapping her arms on his neck and shoulder and legs around his waist a little ''Zoro and Sanji wont like this'' she lowly said causing Luffy to laugh and yell at Zoro and Sanji.

With Luffy rocketing him self towards to the ship Luna let go of Luffy when they were over the ship and jump herself for better fall as Zoro and Sanji landed on painfully and cursing Luffy, which he was laughing. Nami and Usopp on the other hand, was looking reliefed and happy.


As they were getting away from island more, Nami was yelling instructions as to not wanting merry to capsizes. Luffy was having fun with all this though, laughing from front. ''Hey look, a light!'' all of them look at the bright light shining in the distance that Nami pointed. ''That's the guide light! Its shows the way to the Grand Line!'' with a excited yell and a big smile. Luffy's eyes were bright as he look at the light ''The Grand Line just ahead of us!'' Usopp on the other hand was over worried ''Do we have to go there in the middle of a freaking storm like this?!'' Luna laughs loudly ''Its the best time to go!'' Zoro also smirks and Sanji smiles big as he yell out Luna's right. Nami also says with a big smile on her face to Usopp to face it and have fun.

''All right then!'' Sanji comes with a large barrel ''I think we should say something to mark the occasion'' as he placed it to deck. ''Good idea!'' Usopp says while forgetting his anxiety. Each of them with a glint in their eyes gather around the barrel. Sanji step out first and put his foot on top the barrel

''To find All Blue!'' he had a big smile on his face as Luffy also put his foot up too after him

''To become the Pirate King!'' Luna smiles big as she put her foot next to Luffy

''To see the world freely!'' Next was Zoro with a wide smirk

''To be the Greatest Swordsman!'' Nami also had a wide smile and determined eyes

''To draw a map of the world!'' They all look at Usopp as he doesnt know what to say for a moment, then he too came, raising his foot too

''T...T-to become a Brave Warrior of the Seas!'' They all stay like this for a moment, smiling, knowing that this the begining of their dreams.

''Off to Grand Line, Lets go!'' Luffy as he raised their legs says and they brought their foot down to smash the barrel ''Yeah!''


It has been an hour since they left the Loguetown as they sailing to Grand Line. The storm was still raging outside and they were in the kitchen with Usopp head the rudder, others was sitting around the table. Nami was looking at the map with a very focused face as Luna and Zoro were drinking some sake again.

''I dont understand it!'' They all turned to Nami when she suddenly yelled. ''Whats wrong?'' Luna looks at her with confuse. Nami with a frustation face ''How? Reverse Mountain is the only way but, how?!'' Zoro shrug at this ''We crash into it?'' nonchalantly makes Luna to slap his neck ''Do you wanna die?'' She ignores his curses as she gets up from besides him and go towards Nami. She stands at her back and point the map ''This is the mountain right?'' Nami nods ''Reverse Mountain is part of Red Line.'' She then trace her finger on the small blue line that represents the currents ''Currents from all four seas run up the mountain and go into the Grand Line'' Luffy hearing this had stars in his eyes ''That sounds fun!''

''Right, you were in the Grand Line before, so this the second time?'' then adds ''But isnt it impossible? Currents cant flow up mountain'' Zoro says with a frown makes Luna blink ''Its also my first time to go from Reverse Mountain but I'm sure, its currents.'' She smiles big after this ''Currents flowing the mountain is might be the most normal thing for the Grand Line'' Usopp frowns at this while Sanji yells to Zoro that Luna is always right ''Wait, wait!'' Usopp yells from the place he stood. ''How did you go in the Grand Line if its the first time you also going to Reverse Mountain?'' they all turns to Luna, who blinks and tiltes her head ''Calm Belt of course, how else?'' with a voice that saying this is the most normal thing. ''Didnt you said we cant go from there?'' Usopp asks again in confusion, also thinking about the sea kings.

Luna sighs as she sit down too ''I said Merry cant sail. Specially made of ships can sail but its not important now'' Nami blinks at this with the rest but before they could ask a question Usopp yells ''A little help over here!'' they all turn to Usopp and see he's struggling with holding the rudder ''Its stuck!'' Sanji goes to help Usopp as Nami asked him and goes back to look at the map ''This current is unusually strong!'' Nami look up at this words as Luna also blinks ''Currents!'' Nami and Luna yells with a big smile to each other ''Usopp hold the rudder steady. If we miss the entrance of the canal, Merry will be carried right into the Red Line and we would be destroyed the moment we crush it!'' Nami explains. ''So basically, a mysterious mountain...'' Luffy says slowly with a thoughtful expression while Luna laughs as she says ''it is!'' Nami murmurs under her breath ''No, its not''

Zoro's face was clearly making he didnt understand at all ''I still dont see how a ship can climb up a mountain'' Sanji litting a cigarette ''Well, I heard from old geezer that there was more than half people who try to make it to the Grand Line but died before they even get there'' Luna sighs ''Well, dont think about it. Just be prepared to that anything can happen and it will be fine!'' finishes with a big smile causing Zoro to sweatdrop as Sanji happily says that he will listen to her with his hearted eyes.

Soon the storm get worse and they were all running around the deck, following Nami's orders. Just then Luffy shouted from the mast ''Hey! I can see the mysterious mountain!'' Everyone runs up to see what he was talking about and saw the Red Line. It was so high that they couldnt even see the top of it. There were dark clouds and whirpools all around them and they were pulling along with the current. Luffy shout at them to hold the rudder steady and Nami and Luna were trying to find the entrance. When Usopp cry out for the direction Nami told him to keep going straight ahead.

''You cant be serious?!'' he yelled from the cabin.

''Dont doubt me when it come to direction! I'm the navigator for a reason!'' While Nami proudly declares this, Luna turned to her ''Nami! The entrance!'' She point as she look at Nami with a big smile and give her little blue telescope, that clearly belongs to Luna with all the weird writings and symbols on it. All of them stopped and look ahead ''I got to be dreaming! The ocean really is flowing up the mountain!'' Zoro said in shock as he look through binoculars at the red wall.

Throught several grey water gates, the water was being forced right up the mountain. ''We have to make it through those water gates or we will be crashed right into the Red Line!'' Luna notices they were slightly drifting as Nami just warned them. ''We're drifting off course! We gotta go more starboard!'' Hearing Luna, Usopp repeats ''Starboard!'' as him and Sanji pull on the rudder


'great!' Luna thinks as others yelled in shock and horror ''The rudder!'' They were about to crash into the first gate as Luna turn to Luffy ''Luffy!'' He throw his hat to Luna's head as he jumped ''I got it!'' He inflates himself just before the ship hit and stops it. After a couple of painful seconds later, Merry starts to bounce enough to head straight up the water. Usopp cheers with Sanji ''He did it!'' While Zoro shout at Luffy to grab onto his hand since Luffy start to fall to the sea. Luffy stretch his hand out and pull towards to the deck and crash on it.

Luffy start to get up while Luna laughs at them and put his hat back on his head as Luffy also start to smile brightly. As the ship start to rush up Luna goes her spot, to right side of the Merry's head, and look ahead. Nami, who also in front of the ship but a couple of step back from Luna, pull of her coat to hold it above her head since the rain stopped and enjoy the ride. ''Now its just straight shot to the summit!'' Zoro also come to front, standing left side of the head with a wide grin. Everyone look ahead of them with exciment and big smiles. Luffy rushes to Merry's head and climb up to it as he excitedly yell ''We're not in the clouds, we're above them!''

It wasnt wrong. The peak of the mountain, the water collected at the top and from the cold air, freeze instantly like beautiful shards of crystal before shattering with colorful glitters ''Its beautiful'' Luna whispers as she look at them with a shinning eyes as her long hair blown at her back with the wind. She could hear Nami's happy voice as they hit the top ''Its amazing! We've reached the summit!'' Luna laughs loudly as the Merry hovering in the air before fell again and start to slide down. They could see it now, the greatest sea Grand Line...

''I can see it!'' he holds his strawhat ''This is the greatest sea in the world! Full speed ahead! Lets go!''