WebNovelDe Luna25.81%

A Whale and a Princess

As the ship began to descend full speed, they were all laughing and enjoying their entrance to the Grand Line ''Buooh!'' Luna blinks a moment and turn towards to others ''Hey, did you guys heared a voice just now?''

Zoro was also heared of it ''Yeah, I heard something too'' He had an uncaring look though ''Must be the noise from the wind! The terrain here is quite odd after all!'' Nami answers them while still laughing and enjoying like Luffy, who smiles big from the Going Merry's head and yelling ''Who cares!'' but the moment Luffy yell that, the voice come again louder ''Buoohhh!'' makes Zoro shout ''Its sounds like a groanning sound!''

Usopp pulls his googles down over one of his eyes and look through more carefully while murmuring ''What's that..'' Sanji beats him before he could see or say anything though ''Nami! There's a mountain up ahead!'' while Nami turns to Sanji and say that there shouldnt be a mountain, Luna looks more carefully as the sound comes again and she remembers what it is ''It's not a mountain!'' Luffy also looks with a narrowed eyes finishes what Luna was going to say ''It's a whale!''

It was an enormous whale, looking like it could swallow an entire island in one gulp, a single tooth of it was even bigger than Merry. There was also dozens of scars on his head, both old and new. Luna knew it was Laboon and she also knew it was an Island Whale since its kind were coming from West Blue, from her homelands. She even felt a bit nostalgic with seeing it while looking at it with a little smile on her face. Of course, while she was in her own world, others were panicking at what they should do and the whale didnt even notice them. ''If we dont do anything soon, we're gonna crash! There's an open space up left! Turn Portside!'' Usopp hearing Zoro, was yelling at him that the rudder is broken and Zoro was going there with a jump, saying that they should do something and he will help out.

Suddenly, Luffy yell out ''That's it! I've got a plan!'' with Luffy gone straight down to the hull, Nami turned to Luna for to ask if she had some plan but saw her smiling face ''Why the hell are smiling like that?!'' Luna comes back to the world with Nami's voice, turns to her with a serene smile on her face ''It's just so nostalgic, you see'' causing Nami to think that she had finally gone insane ''No, I dont! What is it nostalgic about that monster anyway!'' in her head, one wouldnt remember something like that with a smile when they were about to die in the end. ''It's a whale kind that comes from my homelands!'' Luna says with a laugh. Before they can say anything more, they heard the sound of cannon from below deck ''The cannon?!'' Sanji, Usopp and Nami were screaming while Zoro facepalms and Luna laughs, thinking it was a good idea with a fast thinking.

With the impact, the ship slow down but it wasnt enough to stop them completely. When the ship bump into the whale a little, it break off Merry's figurehead. The sheep's head went fly over and hit the deck and Luffy scream at the same time ''My special seat!'' While Nami was crying at the corner, murmuring she thought she was going to die, others were looking at the whale, trying to figure out that if it's gonna do anything ''N-now is our chance! Run for it!'' Zoro break it first

''What with this thing?' Did it not even feel that cannonball just now?!'' Usopp follow it, ready to cry,

Sanji also add after him ''It's so big that he may not even feel it'' his cigarette was on the floor, probably fell long before.

Nami however ''Who the hell cares!? Lets just get out from here!''

After they were able to get out from there just a little bit, the whale howled out again. It was so loud that Luna covered her ears as everyone rowing were yelling ''Aghhh, my ears!'' Luna, feeling that Luffy came, turned her back and saw Luffy was looking at Laboon with a rather furious face. Not understanding this sudden anger, Luna ''Luffy?'' asks with an unsure voice. ''How dare you to destroy...'' Luffy starts to yell as he stretch his arm and punch Laboon right in the eye ''My special seat!'' Luna gasp at this ''Why did you have to punch the poor thing like that!'' Laboon was clearly sounding sad and there was a lot of scars on its head, some were even so fresh. She was sad about Laboon. It was one thing to fire a canon at it to save themselves and one thing to punch him right in the eye for a shiphead they could fix. Others on the other hand, were yelling with tears on their eyes ''That idiot!''

For a second everyone was quiet, until Laboon's one big eye suddenly looks down on them ''It sees us!'' everyone except Luna, yell in horror as Luffy stood, taking a fight position ''Come at me, you bastard!'' causing Luna to punch him on the head with her boneless hand, not really wanting to hurt Luffy, ''Stop it!'' Laboon however growls in anger, opening his massive mouth, makes everyone scream as Merry start to pull in it's mouth. Before they were drift inside more into its mouth, Luffy falls from deck and Luna, who tries to catch him before he fell, also falls with him.

Others were yelling after them as the ship keep drifting inside. Luffy hold Luna with one arm and stretch his other arm to grab onto one of Laboon's teeth at the last moment before they fall into the sea. With Luna between Luffy and Laboon, he was trying to hold on to its tooth with all the wind and water splashes ''We're not dying here!'' he yelled as he struggle to climp up.

After a moment later, Laboon closed his mouth, swallowing the Going Merry as a whole and looking like nothing happened. Luffy and Luna on the other hand, were sitting on Laboon's head as they tried to catch their breath. Luna was sitting between Luffy's legs, leaning her back against his chest and her head on his shoulder, looking at the sky as she tries to control her breath while Luffy holding Luna from her waist tightly to his chest so that she woulnt slip and fell.

Luffy was still breathing heavily but there was still an anger on his face, it was changed to the panic in a second when he caught his breath though ''What do we do now? Everyone was swallowed up'' Luna sighs as she start to get up and look at Laboon's scars ''Well, I'm pretty sure they are still alive but we have to get them out before they're digested or something...'' the moment Luna said that, making Luffy more panicked actually, Laboon starts to submerge, only making Luffy much more panic and start to punch it ''Hey! Planning to dive under the sea?!'' As Luffy keep hitting Laboon while yelling at it to give his friends back, Luna found a submarine hatch and was trying open it. ''Luffy! Stop yelling at the poor whale and come here to give a hand, its stuck!'' hearing Luna, Luffy stops and look over where she is and raise an eyebrown ''huh?'' he blinks a second and run towards there.

The moment they open it, Luffy jumps in, pulling Luna along with him. They could hear the water voices as they get in and lock the hatch. They both sigh in relief and turn their back, only to start blink as they just stood there. Even though Luna knew about this it was still weird to see it. ''Why there's a door on a whale and a hallway in too...?'' as he look around the iron hallway, only had a time to think about the hetch too. Luna, starts to walk ''Someone must have built it'' She had a voice that making clear she was impressed way too much. ''Hmm'' Luffy starts to follow Luna as he hums and keep looking around. Just he was about to open his mouth, the hallway starts to shake and suddenly, it tilted.

''Woahoo!'' Luna was fell on to her butt as she start to slid down at high speed, getting over the shock in a second, she actually start to enjoying it. ''Whats going on?!'' Luffy was asking as he was bouncing around like a ball though. ''I dont know but its so fun!'' Luna answered him while laughing, raising her arms on the air. She was feeling like, she's in a big amusement park at the moment. ''A dead end?'' Both asked as they slid and bounce for a while and saw a wall before them. Luffy hit the wall and fall to the hole under them as Luna directly slid into it.

They were trying to catch their breath again as they look around them ''This time a river?'' Luffy asked, Luna, who also looking around ''More like its a waterway, I guess?'' But before they could even continue, they start to slid again, much to Luna's joy as she start to laugh but Luffy, who doesnt want his head spin again, was trying to stand but ended up running besides sliding Luna. ''Agghh! I wanna stop!'' Luffy yells after running for a while ''why? Its so fun!'' Luna asks as she keeps laughing ''Its because you're sliding and enjoying it!'' Luffy answers her and keep going to yell and just a little later, they saw a man with a crown and 9 tattooed each of his cheeks and a young woman with long wavy blue hair that tied up tightly high ponytail, both holding a gun on their hand that almost half of their size and looking at them with a shocked faces.

Luna, remembered Princess Vivi immediately and stopped the laughing the moment she saw her but before she could even think about anything they hit them so hard that the door forcibly opened up and they all sent flying through the air. Watching this happenning, Zoro asked ''Luffy? Luna?'' like trying to make sure if he sees right, getting both of their attention and see the Merry and a little island in the middle of what seems like a green sea under blue sky with seagulls and clouds... This only caused Luna to have a shinny eyes though. Like Crocus wasnt enough for her to be fan over as he was a Roger pirate and his doctor, he was also talented man to do this all in her mind. She will have to get that signature no matter what.

While Luna was in her own world again, Luffy was relief that everyone was okay ''Guys, you're alright!'' he then catches Luna and throw her towards to the ship as he yelled ''Help me out!'' Luna also come out from her world with Luffy's catch, lands on the ship perfectly or Sanji, since he was running to catch Luna with hearted eyes but ended up under her feet. He still had hearted eyes though, looking so happy. Zoro and Usopp were talking about saving Luffy and forget about running old man while Luna was saying sorry to Sanji and keep slapping him to get him out from his pink dream world.


They were all on the deck after saving Luffy and two weirdos. ''The whale seems to have calmed down..'' Nami says as she look up ''yeah..'' Luna also says but her eyes were on the two person, who also sits on the deck, circled around by them. Sanji was right next to Vivi, crouching down and looking at her with his usual attitude with the girls, hearted eyes. Nami and Luna were folding their arms as they stood besides each other

''Well? Just who exactly are you guys?'' Zoro asks from the railing he lean over. They were whispering to themselves that they are on a pirate ship and all, instead of aswering to them ''We can hear you two, you know?'' Luna with one eyebrown raised asks, looks at them as if they are an idiot but before anyone can say anything they heared a voice

''I wont let you lay even a single finger on Laboon for as long as I live!'' Luna turn towards to angry, aged voice with a shinning eyes while Usopp was saying ''He's back again'' and Luffy was asking who he is. Suddenly, Vivi and Mr 9 start to laugh ''It will be too easy to blast a hole in its stomach!'' they hold up the two bozooka they had been carrying all this time ''We wont let you interfere in our whaling business any longer!'' with this they fired two cannonball to the walls of Laboon's stomach but before they could hit the target, Crocus jumped right in the line to protect to whale with his own body. As he took the cannonballs and falling to the acid sea, Vivi start to laugh causing Luna's eyebrowns twich with irritation while thinking 'How dare...'

''Ohohoho! Cease your futili resistance!'' Vivi was saying with her laugh and weird 9 crown guy also add ''Just try to protect the whale if you still can! But it wont stop our town from using this whale as our food!'' Luffy was looking confused at this while the others gasping to the old man and trying to understand whats going on. Luna was looking at them her still irritated face. With Crocus trying to swim in the acid, the two of them keep laughing and causing Luffy to finally lost his patience. He walk up behind them and slam their head together so hard that they fell unconscious. ''Finally..'' Luna said with a sigh ''I'm not sure whats going on but I knock these guys out for now!'' with a face that saying he had enough ''Good decision!'' Luna said with a smiling face as she start to go towards the two of them with a rope in her hands, to tied them up.


After that, Crocus invited them over his little island. He was sitting on his lawn chair and Vivi and Mr 9 were in front of him, tied with their backs against each other. Luffy was climbing the tree behind Crocus and Usopp was trying to get Luffy down and others were either sitting on the ground or standing up, examining the little island. Nami finally turns to Crocus and asks who are those two weirdos and how did they all ended up in this whale's inside. ''These two are rogues from a nearby town. They want to hunt Laboon'' Crocus starts with a grumpy voice ''Laboon can feed their town for two or three years''

''Laboon?'' Nami asks with a confused tone ''That's the whale's name. This whale is an Island Whale, found only in West Blue normally. Its the largest species of whale in the world.'' Luna nods at this ''Yeah, they are magnificent creatures with their heart of humans'' Crocus raise a curious eyebrown at this, Nami however blinks with Luna's voice and looks at her ''Right.. Didnt you say that this whale kind is from your homeland? Crocus said its only found in West Blue...'' Luna also blinks and looks at Nami with a weird face ''Yeah, I'm from West Blue'' she said nonchalantly, like this is the most normal thing, makes them blink ''Wait! You're from West Blue?!'' Usopp asks with a surprised face ''I thought I told you this...'' Luna looks at them weirdly ''No, you didnt'' said everyone with a monotone voice and blank faces, already used to this kind of situation ''Well, anyway. I was just in the East Blue for a year now or so.'' Luna adds with a shrug like its not important.

Well, others also didnt care too, knowing Luna was also in the Grand Line before, they thought its possible. They were still thought that everyone was from East Blue until now though. Luffy, from the top of the tree, was looking at Luna with intense eyes however, one couldnt understand what he was thinking and Crocus with an interest, knowing that coming from West Blue to East Blue is not an easy thing at all. One have to go through Red Line, Calm Belt and Grand Line for that...

Luna, not understanding their thoughts ''What is he doing here though? This is far from his domain and they live with their herd normally'' turning her attention to Crocus. His eyes sadden a moment at this and start to tell his and Laboon's story

'' 'Once we've sailed around the world, we'll come back for him no matter what.' Understanding their intent, Laboon patiently waited for them here.'' Crocus finishes his story ''So thats why he keeps on bellowing even today and bashing himself against red line...'' Nami said with a thoughtful voice as she look around, Crocus however ''Thats right. It's been over 50 years since then'' makes everyone gasp ''He still believes his friends will come back..'' he finishes this time with a somber face and voice ''Fifty years?'' Sanji repeat in unbelievable voice while Luna sighs ''No wonder he sounded so sad..'' she was sad that she couldnt say that Brook is still out there and still remembers that promise.

''Lets get you brats out of here before your ship starts to get damaged from acid.'' he says as he stands up. Everyone goes back to the ship with this and Crocus lead them out throught the door that lead them through a long canal. ''This is some waterway. I'm amazed you've managed to dig out such a big hole and live inside here'' Zoro suddenly said as he look around ''Just a doctor's playful mind'' Crocus casually says while reading a newspaper, Luna however didnt agree with this ''Building all those things inside this enormous creature..'' she starts to say making them turn towards her, she had a shadowed face and a voice that make them believe she was angry or something but she suddenly raised her head and look at Crocus with a shinning eyes ''What a magnificent mind you have, old man!'' she had a big smile, as others sweatdrop at this

Crocus starts to laugh ''Well, I may not look like much but I'm a real doctor. I even used to run a clinic at the cape long ago. Not only that, I've got a few years under my belt working as a ship doctor too'' Luna was nodding sagely at this when Luffy suddenly turned to him after hearing what he said with a big smile on his face ''A doctor!? Really?! Luna said we're gonna need a doctor so, join my crew!'' Crocus, who starts to climb the ladder that near them ''Stop talking nonsense! I'm too old to be doing reckless things unlike you youths.'' Nami also asks from where she lean over the railing ''So you're a doctor... and you're living inside a whale?'' Crocus start to turn a wheel and open up the door while aswering ''Thats right. With a whale this big, Its impossible to properly threat it from the outside. The gate is openning now'' The moment he said the last part, the large doors open up and they could finally see the real sky again.

Once they start to get out from Laboon, Usopp suddenly asks ''Dont you think that fifty years a bit extreme? Those pirates sure are taking a long time'' as he look at Laboon

''Idiot, this is the Grand Line. They promised and they're still not come back after fifty years. The answer's obvious.'' Sanji says as he smoke his cigarette

Zoro also adds after him ''They're probably long dead by now'' Well, it wasnt that wrong if Luna thoughts about it. They were all dead. Brook was lucky to eat that fruit and come back to life actually. Nami also add with her folded arms ''Sad but its probably true. Back in the days Grand Line was still an uncharted sea.''

''Why do you have to go and say such cold things!'' Usopp brust after this and keeps going ''You cant say that for sure!They still might come back! Cant you even appericiate such a moving stoy about a whale, who still believes in his friends promise?!'' then turns to old man ''Right, old man?!''

Crocus was leaning his hand against the coconut tree ''The truth is far more cruel'' he had a sad eyes again as he start to tell what he learned about these pirates and what happened to them. ''So, these pirates were bunch of cowards that cared about saving their asses more than keeping a promise to a friend?'' Sanji, sounding angry as he crush his cigarette with his shoe

''Why would anyone abondon such a loyal creature? Just look at him!'' Usopp also yell in outrage

''If thats the case then why havent you told him?'' Nami asks Crocus ''These whales can understand human words, right?!'' Luna also nods this even thought they havent been around humans like Laboon, they could understand humans. ''I did told him. The whole truth but he refuses to listen'' Crocus admitted and start to tell the day he told Laboon everything ''Ever since then Laboon has been bellowing at reverse mountain and bashing his head against the red line. As if trying to stubbornly assert that, his friends are beyond the wall and that they'll return someday.''

As they stay in silence for a while and look up to Laboon, Luna sighs ''He refuses to believe you because if he is then he wouldnt had anything left and he cant go back to his home anymore too'' Luna remembered the first time she heard Leo's death. She was refused to believe for a long time too. Crocus stare at Luna hard as others also look at her blankly, only Zoro and Nami had some kind of understanding glint in their eyes but Luffy was staring at her intensely and with understanding, knowing that she had also didnt believed her brother's death. ''Yeah, its too late for him to go back to the West Blue now. Thats why his only hope are the very friends he came along with here in the first place'' Crocus says with a far way look on his eyes

''But you know, as much as I feel sorry for this whale and all, you've also been betrayed by them if you think about it. So why dont you just leave the whale be already?'' Sanji asks as he lit a new cigarette as Crocus says that if he let Laboon he will be die while Luna turns her back with the crack voice she heard. ''Its a strange friendship but its works'' everyone was looking at him with a slight smiles on their faces except Luna, who was blankly watching Luffy. Right, she was so into the story she was forget about this. Everyone startled with Luffy's yelling voice and start to look at him ,which he was running on Laboon, trying to understand what he was doing. With a loud cry, he slammed the broken mast right into the fresh wound, causing a large blood splash to everywhere.

Laboon had tears in his eyes as he loudly howled with pain he felt. Luffy hold up tightly to the mast as Laboon attemp to throw him off. He was looking so angry as he jump right out of the sea and slam Luffy right into the Red Line with his body. The waves Laboon creating was almost about to capzing the Going Merry. They were all holding on for dear life of theirs. Crocus was also worried for Luffy and he yell at him but Nami said he wont die and Laboon, hearing this and understanding go after Luffy more hard and Luffy only mocked him while keep fighting. After Labon finally managed to lift a part of his body on to the land and go after Luffy with a howl, Luffy suddenly screamed ''It's a tie!''

These words were enough to stop Laboon with the shock he lived. Luffy look up to him. He was dirty, bruised but was smiling big and shinny ''I'm stronger than I look!'' Laboon just keep looking at him as he didnt understand and lost at what was going on ''Our fight has yet to be setteled so, we must fight each other again! Your old friends may be dead but I'm your new rival! Once we set sail around the Grand Line, we'll be sure to come back here to see you again and then we will fight again!'' Hearing those words teary eyed Laboon happily howled to the sky, making everyone to smile.


After they dock their ship on the twin cape, poor Usopp was trying to put the mast back in place and Luffy was gone to take some paint from the storage room. Sanji was preparing some meal and Zoro was napping. Luna, was gone to their room to take the small black box but as she stuck the box into her sash again she took one of her notebooks from one of her locked little chests and go towards to Crocus, who sits with Nami around the table, with a happy smile on her face.

''Plaese give me your signature!'' she was holding up the open notebook right in front of his face with an excited smile. Causing them to sweatdrop with this sudden wish.

While Crocus's eyes got widen momently as he look at the opened page Nami was looking at Luna as if she had two heads or something. ''Why do you want a signature from him?'' she asked. Luna, made a mysterious smile at this while looking at Nami ''Lets just say that I'm a little fan'' Nami was still confused however ''Fan?'' Luna laugh at this ''The pirate crew he had been a doctor!'' Before Nami could say anything else, Crocus, with an amused face ''How did you get vice captain's signature?'' he had a little longing smile on his face as he look the the signature on the page

Luna, remembering that day, smiles big ''Oh! I met him by chance two years ago or so. He was going with this Ray name and was gambling all the time around the Sabaody'' Luna sighs at the last part ''It wasnt easy but he gave up in the end'' Her mind gone back to the old days for a moment. That old man was more stubborn than she thought. Crocus laugh at this though. ''It's good to know that he is still fine and all'' with a happy smile he also gave her a signature, just under his old vice captain's. Luna took the notebook with a big happy smile on her face as Nami look at them weirdly, not understanding.

Luna was telling her story to Crocus as to how she took this Ray guys signature, which it was about full of gambling and cheating, they suddenly heared Luffy's voice ''Done! This will be sign of our promise to fight again so dont bash your head against the wall and make it disappear until we come back, okay?!'' It was a very poorly drawn version of their Jolly Roger but everyone was happy in the end and Laboon let a sound that making clear he understand.


After Luffy changed his clothes and came along with Usopp. Sanji also came with the meal, much to Luffy and Luna's happiness, but before she could take a bite ''Mari D. Anne, right?'' Crocus asked to Luna. He was watching her from the moment he learned that she was from West Blue, so he was sure. Luna's hand froze over the food the moment she heard the name. ''Your mother, Mari D. Anne'' Luna turned to him with a blank face but her eyes were making clear that she was too surprised. Others were also stopped their talk and turned to them when Crocus said mother.

''How?'' Luna asked with a surprised voice. Her brain was trying to make a progress. It wasnt something she was waiting in the end. Crocus looked far away for a moment and start to tell with his story teller mood like he had done with Laboon ''It was eighteen years ago or so, suddenly two person came here with a letter that an eye symbol on it'' Luna's eyes widen at this for a moment while others looking with an interest and confuse ''Eye symbol?'' Nami asked with a confuse makes Luna blink and answer her without taking her eyes from Crocus ''It was the symbol of my family''

''It was an invitation to your country for to cure Mari D. Anne, who just gave a birth'' Luna made a sorry face to him. She could guess that it wasnt just an invitation ''You could ju-'' Crocus cut her before she finished since he could guess what she was about to say ''I'm a doctor and I didnt want a trouble'' Luna sigh to this. She didnt want to admit but she knew her father loved her mother, even it was his own insane way. ''So it was you... I knew my mother's sickness wasnt something she could hold on for ten years but..'' She never knew it was Crocus, it was never mentioned before and she wasnt cared about it either.

''Even with her sick and weakened state, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen'' Crocus says when he turned his head to Luna, who blinks at him since she wasnt waiting this too ''You look so much like her, except she had a pure white hair and her eyes were much more like the skies'' Luna smiles at this a little, remembering her mother while others keep looking between them and listen. Luna suddenly get up from where she sits and do the thing she had never done in this life of her. She deeply bowed her head ''Thank you'' she said. She knew her father must caused a lot of trouble to Crocus with his sudden request and she was able to be with her mother that long thanks to Crocus.

The crew was taken aback with this sudden act but they could understand from their talk, specially Nami and Luffy, who had a soft smile on their faces with the rest. Crocus also had a smile ''Its okay, It was my job as a doctor. Bowing your head like this considering who you are, you take this side of yours from your mother too'' Luna smiles at this, it was an honest smile, as she stood up ''What are you talking about? I'm just Luna now, a pirate!'' She laugh after this along with Crocus. Others were looking confused at this but they didnt say or asked anything in the end, thinking it was a special moment for them, especially for Luna.

After that, they turned their busniess like nothing happened. Nami was looking at her compass ''Whoa, it really doesnt work. It spins a lot'' Luna also sigh at this ''Yeah, I told you..'' Her hand was gone to her long chained necklace compass. It wasnt gonna work anymore 'What a trouble' she thought ''but how?'' Nami asked ''Is it the magnetic fieild?'' she adds then.

''Yeah. Normal compasses dont work on the Grand Line because of the nature of its magnetic fields. In order to navigate the Grand Line, Log Pose must be used. The Log Pose works by locking on to one island's magnetic field and then locking on to another island's magnetic field.'' While everyone blinks and looking blankly to Luna, who speaks with her educational tone again, Nami was listening her carefully. Crocus also butt in after this ''Luna is right. The Grand Line has little regard for rules of the sea. Common sense is usuless in this place. You'll need a Log pose for navigate'' he said with a nod.

Suddenly, Luffy pull something out from his pocket ''Log pose..? Is it something like this?'' Seeing this Luna and Crocus nod with affirmation saying ''Yeah, thats a log pose'' blankly, while Nami yell at Luffy to where did he find that, thinking it was theirs that Luna bought in the Loguetown ''I found it on the deck. These two weirdos must've droped it when they escaped'' While rubbing his hand over his head where Nami hit him, Nami let a relief sign and take the log pose from Luffy and start to examine it, thinking that it would be spare. Crocus also explained to them that, there were total seven different routes that diverge from Reverse mountain and travelling to the end... the last island, Laugh Tale.

''Laugh Tale...'' Nami repeat softly after hearing what Crocus said. ''An island that its existence was only confirmed in the history is the Pirate King and his crew. Its an island of legends'' Crocus adds makes Luna giggle that Crocus also was talking about himself like this.

''Does that mean One Piece is on that island?!'' Usopp asks with a very excited face and voice. Crocus however aswers normally ''Who knows.'' makes Usopp's excite gone and sit back normally too ''Thats the most likely theory. Nobody has ever reached there to confirm it''

Luffy, who was chewing some fish bones ''Enough thinking. We can see for ourselves once we're there!'' with big grin on his face. Crocus was looking at him with a surprise at this as Luna was also looking at him with a grinning face. Sanji and others however start to yell at him that he didnt let them meal. Luna was thankful she ate even a little since that fish was so delicious and she could understand boys dissapointment. With Sanji kicking Luffy, he ended up breaking the Log pose making Nami angry and Luna to try to calm her down saying that they already have one.

Nami calmed down after she yelled at them and hit them from their head, making them sit. She was sulking as she said that she wanted it as a spare. Luna took the small black box from her sash and gave it to Nami ''Here, I also have some book that I will give it you, its about navigate in the Grand Line'' Luna said as Nami open the box and took the log pose. It was a wooden Log pose with flower engraving on its wooden part.

''Woah, its beautiful. Nothing like that broken one!''

Luna smiled at this ''I thought you would like it'' Crocus was saying that there is at least someone prepared when Nami hugged Luna and dramatically said ''We really would die without you!'' causing Luna to slightly blush ''No, no, I'm sure you would somehow find a way!'' as she pat Nami on the shoulder weirdly. She wasnt used to this kind of sudden things in the end. Luffy on the other hand was looking Luna's slightly blushing face with a little smile.


After a while later, they start to get prepared to leave when Vivi and Mr 9 suddenly come back, saying that they have a request

''Whiskey Peak? Whats that?'' Luffy asked with tilted head and confused face ''Its the name of our town'' Mr 9 said respectfully, knowing that they had their log pose.

''So you want us to take you there because you lost your ship? Didnt you think thats asking a bit too much, Mr. 9? Especially considering you tired to kill the whale and all.'' Nami asked with a evil face as she get close to Mr 9, makes him gulp

''Just who are you guys anyway?'' Usopp asked also with a frown. Mr 9 said he is a king but it was obiously a lie. ''We cannot say, but please! Please take us back to our town and we swear we'll return the favor!'' as they start to beg and keep going to say that they cant tell who they are because of their business secret, Luna look at them darkly 'and they even sweared' she thought. She knew they will try to kill them, promises were always important to her in the end.

''Dont listen to them. They're nothing but trouble.'' Crocus said while glancing to them with folded arm. Nami made a sorry face ''Well, we accidentally broke our log pose but, do you still want a ride?'' as she hold the broken log pose. They began to yell at Nami after this makes Luna smirk, who stood besides Crocus with also folded arms ''Oh right! I forget to mention that we already had our log pose!'' As soon as they heard this, they got back on their knees again and bow low and start to beg again.

''Okay. They can come along if they want'' Luffy said with a blank face as he watch the whole thing from a far, causing Luna to sigh. Crocus turns to Luna with a questioning raised eyebrown ''I feel that my headache is on its way'' he laugh at this ''I'm pretty sure you will have that headache all the time with a captain like this'' Luna also start to laugh ''You have no idea, old man''


''Is the log recorded, Nami?'' Luna asked as they began to move towards to ship '' Yeap! Its pointing towards Whiskey Peak'' with a smile as she look at the log pose she put on her wrist. Once they were all on the ship, Crocus asked Luffy ''You sure about this, kid? Picking Whiskey Peak all just because of these ruffians.. The only place you can choose which route you want to take is here, you know''

''Its fine. If I dont like the route, I can always sail once around and choose a different route'' Luffy said with a big smile as Crocus look at him with a glint in his eyes ''I see..'' Luna glare at Vivi and Mr 9 darkly as they laugh to this to shut them up. ''You will surely go to the Sabaody, so once you see Vice Captain again say hi from me'' Crocus said as he turned to Luna. She smiled after hearing this ''Of course!'' She had shinning eyes ''Thanks again, Crocus!'' He laugh at this with a short nod ''Bye then, Flower gramps!'' Luffy also said with a big smile after looking at Luna. ''Ah, see ya then!''

''We're going now, Whale!'' After Luffy said that Laboon howl after them with a rather happily. ''Alright, next stop is Whiskey Peak, Lets set sail!'' They all cheer as Laboon also keep let out noises of farewell.


Luna was sitting under soft snow with her usual clothes, challenging to the cold while trying to enter her Cold Hell's as she meditate.

After leaving the Twin Capes, Luna gave Nami the book about navigate in the Grand Line and told her to check Log pose continuously as she talk about the weather of Grand Line and all. So now she was peacefully meditating under the snow she loved so much. Sanji was shovelling the snow on Merry's deck while Luffy and Usopp were building snowmen. Luna opened her eyes and seeing Usopp's snowman she decide to tease him a little ''Thats look just like Kaya you know?'' Usopp suddenly turned to Luna ''eh?'' he had a surprise face ''Did you already miss your girlfriend?'' When Usopp start to get red, Luffy ''Ehh? She was your girlfriend?'' with a surprise and amuse mixed face. He didnt know how Luna always knew this things ''Noo! She is not!'' and he also didnt know why they were always denying it.

''She is not? Then..'' with this Luffy break Usopp's snowman with 'snowman punch' move and start to snowball fight all the while Luna laugh at them and keep teasing Usopp saying that then why he got angry. Suddenly they heard Nami's yelling ''Hey! We start to off the course, turn the ship before it turns completly!'' Luna smiled at this as she thought that 'She really learns fast and good at navigate' others also start to follow Nami's directions and put the ship to its course again.

Luna was drinking iced Whiskey as she sat down besides Nami. All this talk about Whiskey Peak and the cold weather made her want to drink Whiskey. ''I really cant take my eyes of it'' Nami said with a sigh makes Luna chuckle a little ''You're learning fast. I'm sure you will be just fine after a little while''

With the ship going on its course again the weather also start to get hard and change continuously, shocking Nami, ''Are you realy a navigator? Thats the kind of ocean this is. The winds, skies, waves and even the clouds.. you cant trust any of them. Everyone know that the only reliable things is Log pose'' Vivi said in a conceited way making Nami to snap ''I already know that!'' After that, she kicked them out while yelling ''Stop acting so high and mighty and start helping out!''

''Catch the wind from the right side! Usopp, you take the jib sail! Sanji, you take the rudder!'' with her anger she kept yelling orders as everyone start to run and do whatever she says with the harden weather. ''Ignore them, you're doing good'' Luna said as she took a sip from her whiskey while leaning her shoulder over the door frame. Nami sigh at this ''I have to read that book more, once the weather calm down a little'' Luna smiled a little with an understanding, her eyes slide to Zoro as she didnt see him anywhere and found him sleeping in this all hubbub. Shaking her head a little she gone back inside to refill her glass.

The wind keep constanyly changed, waves became violent or calm in seconds and they even almost hit an iceberg with a fog came pouring in. The helm also damaged at some point and Usopp run off all around as he fix the leaks. Sanji came, bringing them food to keep their strenght up, especially Luffy and Usopp. Winds teared the sails appart and water was filling the bottom of the ship.. Luna was also trying to help Nami all the while also helping to others too and Nami kept yelling with everytime something new came. It was completly chaos...

As the weather finally calm down enough, they were all laying on the deck, trying to catch their breaths. Only ones who are normal was Luffy and Luna. Luffy was sitting on the front railing as Luna lean on the railing, next to him, drinking her whiskey, that she even forget how many glasses did she drink. Luffy also tried to take a sip after seeing that Luna drink a lot but he had a face that making clear he didnt like it. He even questioned Luna's tastes but ended up Luna tease him that he is still so young, causing Luffy's stubborn side to awake as he tried to drink more but Luna didnt let him, saying that she cant deal with a drunk Luffy and live a little argument there until Zoro suddenly came with a yawning.

He look down everyone who lay down ''Hey, come on now. I know the weather's nice and warm but dont you think you're being a bit too lazy? Are you even sure we're going he right way?'' Luna look at him with an amuse 'How could he be so clueless' She thought as others look up to him with evil eyes. He then noticed Vivi and Mr9 ''And why are you two on our ship?''

''You noticed now?!'' Mr 9 yelled from where he layed down

''We're heading towards their town right now.'' Luffy said with a big smile on his face.

''What, so we're giving them a ride? Its not like we're obligated to them or anything'' Zoro says as he look up causing Luna to sigh as Luffy answered him ''I know'' Zoro then turned to Vivi an Mr 9 saying that their names are familiar and feel like he've heard of it before making them scared ''I know what you're talking about, Zoro. That organization had a rather funny nicknames'' Luna said from where she lean as she look down on them with a smile, causing Vivi and Mr 9 turn to her with more fright. Before anyone continue Nami appeared though. Hitting Zoro so hard that his head slammed to the floor causing Luna to grimace. ''That looked hurt'' Luffy nod at this as they watch Nami hit Zoro more while yelling at him that he slept all the time no matter what they did to wake him up.

After hitting Zoro, Nami turned around and look at everyone ''I finally understand just how terrifying this ocean truly is, as well as why they call it the 'Grand Line!' I understand because all of my navigation skills have failed to work somehow! But mark my words, I will come through this!'' Luna laugh at this ''Well, dont worry. Things will work out one way or the other and you're doing just fine, look,'' She point as everyone look over to where she's pointing at ''The first leg of our journey is over'' As the thick mist start to clear out everyone could see the cactus shaped, weird island.

''It's an island! I see a giant cactus!'' Luffy run towards his special seat as everyone go after him to front of the ship too with big smiles ''So this is Whiskey Peak!'' as everyone looking at the island with a shining eyes, they suddenly heared voices

''Now then, we ask you please drop us off here!'' Mr 9 start

''Thank you for taking us here, my honeys! If fate wills it, then let us meet again!'' Vivi said after Mr 9 then together ''Bye Bye baby!'' they said as they jump into the sea. They all blink after them ''They're gone'' Nami said slowly as she look after them

''Just what is up with those two..'' Usopp add with a sweatdrop

''Forget about them prepare to land!'' Luffy with his big smile said, excited about first island in the Grand Line. While Luna putting on her chest hostler and fun gun, she heard they were talking about the recording times ''There're some islands that take only a few hours to record, while some take even a few day.'' Nami was saying showing the log pose on her wrist ''There are actually some islands take a years too'' Luna add walking towards them, she only had her katana, skeleton bracelet and rifle. ''We're gonna need an Eternal Pose and we need money for that'' She turned to Nami with the last part ''Eternal pose?'' Nami asks with confuse

''Like a Log Pose, it records the special magnetic waves of a certain island within the Grand Line but unlike a Log Pose, which resets its recordings on new islands, an Eternal Pose always points to the same island, no matter how long it stays elsewhere.'' Luna explains ''It would be very useful if we were to stuck in a island we dont want or cant leave but its pretty expensive.'' Nami start to sewatdrop at this. It was clear that she had a conflict in her head ''I-I will try to reserve some money for that...'' Then with a determination ''Once we had the money, that is!'' Luna laugh at this and they all look ahead when they heared the sounds coming from the fog, scaring the Usopp all the while and creating the I-cant-enter-this-island-disease

As the fog clear out, they saw the entire town was gathered to meet them ay the dock, waving, whistling and cheering

''Welcome to the Grand Line!''

''Welcome to Whiskey Peak!''

''Long live the brave warriors of the sea!''

They all blink blankly as Sanji asked skeptically ''Whats going on?''

Zoro also look at the villagers darkly and add after Sanji ''A town that welcomes piates? Something isnt right'' Luna nod at this ''We should be careful'' Nami also nod at this while Sanji forgetting his skepticism the moment he saw the womans that waves at him and Usopp was a lost cause from the moment he heard the 'brave warriors of the sea' comment. Luna and Nami share a look between them, like there was no one they can trust anymore as they turn and look back at the boys, who happily wave the towns people back.

A tall man with a hair way too curly walk up to them and start to greet them cheerfully ''Welc- *cough* - Ma~ma~maa~ Welcome. My name igarappoi. This is Whiskey Peak, a town of liquor and music. Hospitality is our middle name. If its fine liquor you want, we have an oceans worth. So, please I cordially invite you to our banquet'' There was moment with a silent before Luffy, Sanji and Usopp start to dancing through the streets ''Gladly!'' as the towns people cheer them on.

Only ones left now was Luna, Zoro and Nami, which Nami was murmuring ''The idiot trio...'' while Luna sigh and Zoro facepalm. With Nami go towards to Igarappoi to ask about log she began to push with them as Zoro and Luna also start to follow them ''At least we can drink a lot, for free!'' Luna said while clapsing her hands ''They better have good sake'' Zoro add with a smirk


Luffy, had eat the all food and fall asleep causing the chefs to sigh tiredly in relief and faint. Sanji was flirting multiple girls at the same time and Usopp was telling over exaggerated stories. The hosts also start a drinking contest with a prize of one hundred thousand berry. After hearing this Nami readly took part as she also force Luna and Zoro to take a part to, so they also followed the suit. In a matter of minutes participants were passing out as the three of them continued and eventually with an understanding glances they throw each other, they also pass out.

After a little moment later three of them opened their eyes at the same time. Nami gone to rob the place while Zoro and Luna go climb to the roof. ''This is gonna be fun'' Luna said with a smile and Zoro was also smirking evily ''Good chance to test my new katanas'' Luna and Zoro listen their talks about taking Luffy's bounty from the roof they sit relaxedly ''Now go confiscate any money or treasures on their ship and tie them all up! If we kill them, we'll lose 30% of the bounty money. The government would rather do public executions of criminals, after all''

''Sorry but would you mind them sleep a little bit longer? They're all tired from the journey over here'' Luna smiles inocently as she look down on them

''Wha-? Werent you passed out cold after all that drinking just a moment ago...!?'' Igarappoi a.k.a Mr 8 asked with a shock.

''A true swordsman never allows alcohol to take control of himself'' Zoro said as he unsheltered his katana and raised it with a cold and bone chilling smile.

Luna also nod at what he said ''Den of Bounty Hunters. You guys take avantage of overconfident newbie pirates who've just entered Grand Line... good idea I must say'' She said with her not gone smile as she load her rifle and as more bounty hunters came ''I dont like to kill people who gave me booze and food but... hmm I guess there is no choice right, Baroque Works!'' she said cheerly

With this everyone lost their composture ''How...?! How do you know the name of our organization?!'' Mr 9 yelled/asked with a fear causing Luna to gasp inocently ''Sorry, is that supposed to be a secret?''

Zoro smirked too ''And I told you, your names remind me of something. Turns out some guy called Mr 11 tried to recruit me about a year ago. I told him I would if they let me become the boss. He didnt seemed to appreciated it, sadly'' They were all staring at the two of them with a fear. After Luna's eyes caught up something she smirk evilly ''I wonder what would happen to all of you if I just accidently reaveled Mr 0's real identity right now..'' They all turned to where Luna was looking at and saw the Unluckies, makes them pale instantly, Luna was mentally thinking what a weird and funny birds though.

''This is quite a shock but if they knows so much then we have no choice but to eliminate them.'' Mr 8 start and his face turned to a dark one as he keep going ''Another tomb stone must be added to cactus rock tonight!'' With this he yelled while pointing at Luna and Zoro ''Kill them!'' Luna and Zoro glance each other with smirks as they jump from the roof.


Luna and Zoro was separated after they jump off from the roof and she was having a lot of fun, until now at least. She was looking at the front with an emotionless face. Zoro and Luffy were apparently trying to kill eachother as Vivi tries to back away with her weird duck. Even the buildings around them were destroyed.

Luna reload her rifle and aim at between them as they come towards eachother with a battle cry. The moment she shot at, the bullet hit the floor just between them with a glittler, confetti rain, stopping the two of them with a sudden surprise and a little sweatdrop as they realise what this is mean ''If you wanted to kill each other, you only have to tell me'' she said with a chilling voice makes the two of them turn to her slowly. ''I would gladly do it with more painless way'' She was smiling inocently but Luffy and Zoro got chills down their spines. ''Would you like to explain to me why are you two trying to kill each other?'' As she start to walk towards them.

''Right!'' They suddenly heard Nami's voice, coming towards with an anger ''You two freking idiots!'' She punch them from their heads as soon as she came ''It's lucky for you that you managed to keep the girl safe! You almost cause me to lost a billiion berrys!'' Luna raised her eyebrowns at this ''A billion berrys?'' she asked as she taken aback with this sudden subject. Her eyes travelled to Vivi briefly and understand what Nami meant. 'Even without civil war, no way Alabasta can have that much money'

Vivi was also staring at Nami with confuse, not understanding whats going on as Luffy and Zoro keep fighting like little kids. ''What do you mean? I dont understand! Why did you save me?!''

Nami smiled sweatly at this as she talk ''About that, I think we need to have a little chat. You see, you and I have to work out a contract for a reward!'' Luna sigh at this and turn her head to Luffy and Zoro ''Stop already, would you'' with her cold voice causing them to froze for a moment and let go of each other. Nami sigh at this too and let them go as she start to walk towards Vivi with a big smile ''Lets talk!'' while clapsing her hands


While Luna trying to patch up Luffy's cuts, he and Zoro were clearing up the misunderstanding, with Luffy's laughs and Zoro's irritation. ''Stop moving, Luffy'' Luna said as she tried to clean his cheek. Luffy smiled big at this while Luna keep going ''I feel tried to patch all of you all the time. I hope we find a good doctor soon or I'm gonna get old sooner'' She said with a sigh as Nami smirk ''You should just stop doing it then'' Luna glance at her ''Do you wanna take over then?'' Nami gasp at this as she turned to Vivi ''No!'' Luna laugh at her as she keep going patching Luffy. A minute later or so ''All done!''

With a big smile of his ''Thanks!'' Luffy said making Luna smile softly at him

''No, I cant!'' They turn to Nami and Vivi as they heard her loud voice. ''I appreciate your help you've given me so far but its impossible''

Nami blink at this ''Why not? You're a princess right? Dont you have money?'' Luna sigh after this ''She is Nefertari Vivi, Princess of Alabasta Kingdom. That country is in a civil war for a while now, Nami and Baroque Works also planning somethings there in shadows too'' Nami nods with a sigh to this ''I see. If there is a civil war, of course you dont have that much of money''

Luna sweatdrop at this however ''Even without a civil war, Alabasta cant have that much of a money too, actually'' Luffy and Zoro was nodding with understanding at this while Nami was thinking hard, Vivi however gaping at Luna ''How do you know...?'' Nami waved her question away dismisivly ''That's what she does, she just knows too much and you can ask anything about her and she would know. She is smart somehow.''

Luna sweatdrop at this ''Somehow..?'' She asks lowly. Zoro hearing it ''Well, lets just accept it that you're also a weirdo and surprisingly an idiot sometimes''

Luna glare at him deadly ''I dont want to hear this from a guy who sleeps all the damn time!'' As they start to bickering with eachother, Luffy was laughing at them as Nami sigh and shake her head. Vivi was blinking at them but suddenly shaked her head ''You said earlier that you know who is Mr 0 too. It take us two years to Igaram and me after having infiltrated this organisation to realized who it was!'' Luna look blankly at this and avert her gaze ''I just know'' with a shrug but her eyes were looking far away for a moment, then like she remembered something, turned back to Vivi ''So, were you able to find out what his plan is?''

As Vivi nod, Nami answered ''To create an ideal nation.'' Vivi look up at Nami with a surprise clear face as Nami just shrug ''Thats what Igaram said it was. Is that what you found out?'' Vivi look down at her knees and admit it ''Its not. That was only a cover story the boss was using. Its a lie to cover their tracks!'' her eyes darkened as she finished ''Their true goal is to take over Alabasta Kingdom! I have to get back home as fast as possible to warn everyone before its too late!'' Luna sigh at this along with Nami with a diffrent reasons. Suddenly Luffy asked ''Hey, so who is in charge?'' eagerly as he look at them

''Its C-'' Luna was about to answer him but before she could Vivi rush towards her for to close her mouth but Luna dodge her, causing her to fell on her face. She sweatdrop at this a little ''Sorry, I dont like the sudden touches from strangers. Are you okay?'' she looks at Vivi and tries to help her to get up weirdly while others also sweatdrops. ''I-I'm fine. Anyway you cant say who it is!'' She says with a fear, loudly. ''But she already knows, so she can tell us!'' Luffy says as a matter of fact. Vivi turns to him ''Ask anything you want but that! If they have a poof that she really knows all of your lives will be in danger!''

''Yeah, I'll pass!'' Nami says with a nervous laugh ''This guy is trying to take over an entire country afterall. I wouldnt want someone like that chase after me..'' She then turned to Luna ''Dont say anything, Luna'' Luna just shrug at this, not really care. ''Yes, exactly! I dont care how strong you people are, you wouldnt stand a chance against one of the Warlord of the sea! Against Crocodile!'' After Vivi's loud declear there was moment of silence and it was broken with Zoro's claping and Luna's loud laughing

As Vivi realized what she said and covered her mouth in horror, Nami's jaw fell open in shock. ''What now?'' Luffy asked as Zoro smirk with an amuse and add ''You just have to say it'' Just the moment Zoro said that Luna suddenly turned her back, making all of them startled and look what Luna is looking. Unluckies were looking at them for a moment before the otter one jump on the voulture's back and they took off. Luna blink after them ''Really, they're really weird birds'' as Nami start to shake Vivi and scream at her and Vivi start to say sorry over and over again.

While Luffy and Zoro happy that they will fight with one of the Seven Warlords, Luffy turned to Luna ''You know about this Crocodile, Luna?'' causing her to sigh and look far away for a moment. Luffy didnt miss the little regret he saw in her eyes but Luna dismiss it immediately as she answered to him ''I saw him once briefly but.. hmm, from what I know, he has a logia devil fruit, the sand sand fruit, his bounty is also froze at 81 millions after becoming one of the Seven Warlords.'' As Luffy and Zoro blink at her she also add with a smile ''He also had a big golden hook instead of right hand so I prefer to call him Captain Hook'' She laugh while saying the last part

''Thats so cool!'' Luffy excitedly said before Zoro also said ''Seems like an intersting guy to fight!'' with smirk. As the three of them smirking at eachother and talking about figthing with him, Nami snap at them after her cry ''Shut up you three!'' She desperately covered her face then ''Being hunt by a Warlord? I cant handel with it!'' She then suddenly turned and began to head down the road while yelling back at them ''Its been nice knowing you so far! Thanks for everything!''

''Where are you going?'' Luffy called after her

''They dont know what I look like yet, so I'm leaving!'' she yelled back to him as she waved her hand. As soon as she said that the Unluckies showed up again with a four, very detailed drawing of Luffy, Luna, Zoro and Nami. Luna claps to them with admiration as she thought it was a good one ''What a talent!'' with a real smile and the otter bow its head as a thanks to her and jump on the volture's back before they took off again. Nami on the other hand, turned back to them as she fruiously yell ''I cant even run away now!''

''I'm really sorry...'' Vivi said again as Luna waved her hand, dismissing her sorry ''Dont worry, she'll be fine''

''Where's she planning on going anyway?'' Zoro mumbled to himself before a grin appear on his face ''Well, looks like the four of us will be on the top of the Baroque Works' hit list'' Luffy laugh at this ''Thats awesome!'' as Luna also laugh, Nami yelled in frustation ''How can you be so excited! No wonder you three are always understand eachother so well, you're all crazy monsters!'' after finishing her yelling she go towards some corner and start to sulk with a foetal position and Vivi gone towards her, trying to think of something say to cheer her up. Luffy, Luna and Luffy were looking at them blankly and then look at each other for a moment and shrug as they keep going their happy mode. Nami always had this weird side...

''You have nothing to fear!'' they all turned to the sudden voice and Luna regret it immediately ''My eyes!'' she said dramatically as she look at Igaram and tried to cover her eyes, he was dressed up like Vivi and holding four dummies as staring intensely at them. ''Its *cough* Ma~ma~ma~ Its gonna be alright, princess. I've a plan!'' Zoro also facepalm at this

''Igaram! What are you...'' Vivi start as she go towards him. ''Thats a really funny outfit, old guy'' Luffy said as he look over the outfit ''I really agree with you Luffy..'' Luna said with a nod as Nami sigh to them

After Zoro asked about dummies, Igaram start to explain his plan to them. ''So... these are us?'' Luna point to dummies with a sweatdrop, thinking 'No way someone would buy this' Zoro was also not really convinced by this ''A decoy..'' he murmurs

''While Baroque Works is busy to chasing afer me, rest of you will head with princess straight for Alabasta along a less direct route''

''Hold on a second there! Who said we're taking her anywhere with us?! We still havent discussed the payment yet!'' Nami screamed as she get up to her feet back. ''Payment for what? Take her where?'' Luffy asked with a confusion as he glance to Vivi ''He wants us to get her home'' Luna said with a sigh as she point to Igaram with her thumb while Zoro shaking his head how lost cause Luffy is ''Oh, is that all this yelling was about?'' Luffy says as he understand whats going on, causing Vivi to look at him with surprise as he simply shrug ''Sure, why not?''

''What about the scary Warlods that knows our faces right now?!'' Nami yells/asks makes Luna shrug this time ''Like you say, they already know so...'' causing tears comes Nami's eyes and Luna laugh at ther while saying its gonna be okay and patted her back. Vivi and Igaram were gaping at them though. ''Are you really sure what you're getting into?'' Igaram asks to Luffy ''Luna already knows this Croco guy and told us about him..'' His mind gone to the moment he saw the regret in her eyes for a moment but he shrug it for now and smiled with a confident ''Its sounds like it'll be fun!''

''We're forever grateful'' Igaram said as he slightly bowed his head, one could say that he really mean it. After he put the dummies on board of his small ship, he turn back to them and spoke in a much higher tone ''Ma~ma~ma~ Now then, I, princess Vivi, will leave from here'' Luna really had a hard time to hold her laugh at this but she brust into laughing in the end. Luffy also laugh ''Great imitation, old guy!'' Zoro was looking like as if they are crazy ''Imitation of who?'' he murmured to himself. Igaram didnt pay attention to them as he asked Vivi for Eternal Pose and she handed over, looking like she was holding hard not to do it though.

''Oh! So this is an Eternal Pose!'' Nami asked as she look at the eternal pose in Igaram's hand ''Yeah'' Luna said nonchalantly ''Yeas it's an Eternal Pose that set to Alabasta'' Igaram said while Vivi worriedly look at Igaram ''Are you going to use his to set your course to home?''

''Princess Vivi, please take the indrect island route to Alabasta.'' Igaram start softly ''I have never gone that way myself but you should only need to pass two or three island to get there'' He turned his attention to them then ''Please, take care of the princess in my absence'' Luffy smiled while saying ''Sure!''

They watch Igaram set sail on his little boat after the goodbye but before he got too far away the ship explode with a bright light making everyone look in horror except Luna. The ship were in flames, burning everything until there wasnt anything but a pile of burnt woods on the water. ''They are already here.'' Luna as she look at the flames ''We have to go now'' Luffy said nothing as he turned around and walk over a few steps to where his hat had been blew away with the wind that explosion created, and put it back on his head as he yelled.

Luna turned to Nami ''The log?'' Nami blink at her before coming back from her shock and check the log pose ''All set, we can leave right now!'' Luna then turned to Zoro after she nod at Nami ''Take Vivi and go back to the Merry'' Zoro nods to her as he grab Vivi from her arm and start to run off with Nami following after them. ''Luffy! We have to get Sanji and Usopp!'' she yelled at him as she start to run towards where are they. ''Right!'' Luffy also yelled back and start to run after Luna. The moment they found them Luffy break the door and grab Usopp and Sanji the moment he found them. Both were yelling in confusion as to whats happening and Luffy was holding Usopp from his noise and Sanji from his leg, painfully pulling them on the ground...

'They look like dolls' Luna thought as they run towards Merry. When they finally arrived Luna jump on the ship immediately and start to go towards to rudder as Zoro was just finished pulling the anchor. She could hear Nami and Vivi's yellings about the duck and with the knowledge that the duck was on the ship already they all climb on the upper deck. Vivi was giving the best directions to get away from there as Luna man the rudder. With sails openning the crew was now happy that they are leaving and sail off into the thick fog.

''Hey, so how many guys are gonna come after us?'' Luffy asked as he turned to Vivi

''I cant say for sure. There's reportedly 2000 people working for baroque works and towns like Whiskey Peak arent uncommon either'' Nami gasp at this as Vivi keep going ''Its serious to know boss' real identity so a lot of them will probably come after us'' as she say that Sanji and Usopp finally woke up and realising that they were on the Merry, they start to whinning that they want to stay more.

''We should've left them behind'' Zoro said with a irritation and Nami went to punch them both, shutting them up for now.

With first rays of light were starting to appear on the horizon and they were clear off the island now. ''Finally, its almost morning and the fog is lifting'' Nami said with a smile ''Be careful not to crash your ship into the rocks near the shore and congratulations on your escape'' A sweat voice suddenly said, startles everyone ''What a nice ship'' She add as everyone turn back to her with their hand on their weapons, except Luffy. Luna also look at the woman in front of her. Her back was turned to her but Luna had smile as she look at the womans back.

''I must tell you Ms. Wednesday, I met up with Mr 8 just a little while ago...'' with a joyful voice

''Are you saying... it was you who did that to Igaram!?'' Vivi asked witha horror filled face as Luffy yelled ''Hey! Why are you on our ship anyways?!'' But before she could answer to Luffy, Vivi yelled ''What are you doing all the way out here, Miss All Sunday!?''

She was sitting on the railing with one of her hand on her face and looking down at them with a smile as they were all panicking except Luffy

''Who is it this time?! Whose partner is she?!'' Nami asked to Vivi ''She's Mr. 0's partner! She's the only one who knows the Boss' true identity which is why Igaram and I tailed after her to find out who the boss was as well!'' Vivi explaind as she never took her eyes off Miss All Sunday

''Well technically, It was more like I let you tail after me'' she said causing to Luffy turn to Vivi ''Oh, so she's a good guy'' but he got ignored as Vivi yell at her outraged ''I already knew that and I bet you're the one who told the boss that his identity was leaked!'' makes Luffy pout while looking at Miss All Sunday ''Oh, so she's a bad guy!'' Vivi's outraged state was keep going though as Luffy keep getting ignored ''Just what exactly is your objective?!''

''Now, now.. No need to get so worked up. I only let you follow me because you looked so desperate...'' after that she add with a grin ''And it was just too amusing to observe. A single princess who foolishly thinks she can take on entire Baroque Works Organization and save her kingdom..''

''Dont you underestimate me!'' Vivi yelled so loud and with a raged that everyone on the ship took their weapons, ready to attack, except Luna... Even Usopp and Sanji were up and pointing guns towards her as they try to understand whats going on. Only Luffy was looking normal as he stand and look up to her. Luna sigh at this as she keep look at her back from inside. 'Underestimate she says...'' she thought. There was really no way the Princess can really do, if Robin really wanted to she could easily kill her here without anyone can even do anything. And like confirming Luna's thoughts Robin used her devil fruit powers and throw Usopp and Sanji also making Zoro and Nami to drop their weapons ''Would you please mind not pointing such dangerous weapons at me?''

Everyone was shocked at this and was gasping as Zoro yelled ''Is it a devil fruit?! What ability does she have?!'' Sanji on the other hand was gaping at her beauty

''Fufufu.. No need to get so riled up. I havent come here on any orders nor do I have any reasons for fighting you people.'' Robin said as Luffy's hat suddenly fly towards her ''So you're the captain of the Strawhat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy'' She start to spin the hat with her right index finger. Causing Luffy to yell at her to give his hat back. ''How unfortunate... You pirates took the princess that targetted by the entire Baroque Works and a lone princess having to entrust herself to a few pirates...But above all, how unfortunate your route pointed out by your log pose is 'Little Garden'.'' She smiled at this ''Even if I werent to lay a single finger on you its more than likely that you'd still never reach to Alabasta!''

She was about to put the hat on her head and keep going but suddenly a hand took the hat ''Thanks for telling our next destination!'' Luna said with a smile as she throw the hat towards Luffy's head ''Oh, Luna! Thanks!'' he said happily causing Luna to smile to him ''I read the reports saying that you're indeed in this ship but...'' Robin said as she turned her head and look at Luna ''Woah, Its really been a long time, big sister Ro!'' Luna said happily as she also turned to Robin. Robin also smiled truly after hearing how Luna called her

''Wait you know her?!'' Nami asked as everyone, especially Vivi got shock at this. Luna start to walk down the stairs ''Yeah, its a long story'' she said with a sigh

''She saved my life about three years ago and bring me to the Grand Line...'' Robin said while keep looking at Luna, who smiles big and claps her hands ''That's the short version!''

''I never thought you would became a pirate'' Robin said with a smile as she look down at Luna, then she raised an eyebrown ''Couldnt you found anything else to become?'' Luna frown at this but there was a teasing glint in her eyes ''I could say the same actually..'' She made a face that like she eat something sour ''Couldnt you find better man than Crocodile? I mean.. really, that Captain Hook?!'' she shake her head like she not approving this as she finally came down and stand besides Luffy

As the others get out from their shock ''You saved her life? Why did you even saved someone like her?!'' Vivi asked Luna with a shocked face. Luna could understand that after everything Vivi might thought like this at the moment but... Luna's face was shadowed at this words ''Someone like her...?'' she said coldly causing everyone to look at her with this sudden change, especially Luffy. ''Werent you also acting like a bad girl all the while bitching around and almost kill an old man and the whale. In fact, werent you trying to kill us just a little while ago.'' She then look at Vivi with her emotionless eyes ''You dont know anything about her, so I would be glad if you stop accusing my friend'' Vivi was taken aback with this, she had shivers go down her spine as Luna look at her with those eyes of her. Others were also looking at her nervously, not knowing what to do since they werent expecting this situation.

The one who's break this nervousness was Robin however ''Luna,'' She said with a monotone voice as she took a pistol from her back. Everyone turned to her and get their guard up when they saw the pistol in her hands. Except Vivi, they all had the same thinking while they look at the pistol though 'That pistol is looking like it's belongs to someone we know' was their thoughts.

It was a pistol that its grip is white and there were three beautiful, golden letters, GDL. Rest of it was black but there where little golden symbols on it and on its Cylinder was words of 'Hate' and 'Love' with golden letters too. (Harley Q pistol)

She throw the pistol to Luna which she caught with a raised eyebrown ''It's one of your first weapons right, babies you say if I remember corretly.'' She said with an unsure voice on the last part ''I was thinking give it back to you the next time I saw you'' Luna look at the pistol with a little smile while others live another shock 'She gave her weapon?' was their thoughts as they all saw Luna's past reactions over her babies, It was like they were her treasure.

While lingering her fingers on the letters that says G.D.L ''I knew you would take care of good'' with a happy smile but after she open the cylinder her smile frozed. She look there for a moment and closed as she look up to Robin ''I told you to find me and give me back when its time come'' she throw the pistol back to Robin ''Since you're working with that Hook, I can guess whats going on..'' After hearing what Luna said, Robin made a smile that saying, of course you would know ''There is still one bullet in it. You're gonna need that''

Robin frown after hearing this, understanding what she meant ''He wont kill me''

Luna smirked at this ''Do you wanna bet, Ro?'' Robin's eyes slide to the pistol


''Here, take this'' White haired girl hold her pistol to the black haired girl, who's had a surprised face as she looked at the pistol ''It's full and all the bullets are made of from sea stone, so it can help you'' white haired girl add but the black haired girl was loking even more surprised as she didnt move to take the gun.

White haired girl sigh at this and hold the others hand and put the pistol in her hands ''I'm just lending to you, Ro. Once you find the place you're truly belong, find me and give it back, okay?''

*Flashback end*

Robin and Luna glance at eachother for a minute in silence and Robin sigh as she closed her eyes and put the pistol her back hostler again.

''Here,'' Robin said as an Eternal Pose come to fly into Vivi's hands causing Luna to raised an eyebrown ''You'll be able to skip right over your future troubles with that. The needle of that log pose points to an obscure uninhabited island located right before Alabasta. I'm sure Luna had some knowledge about that island. Moreover, the route you'll be Navigating on is unknown to Baroque Works, so you wont be followed by anyone either''

'She is testing them' Luna thought as she sigh ''Wha..?'' Nami with a little shock, they learned that Luna and her are friends but she was still working for Baroque Works. Vivi asked why would she give her such a thing as Zoro said it may be a trap of Baroque Works, much to Robin's amuse. Just then Luffy came and took the Eternal Pose, breaking to its pieces. Nami, of course came to punch Luffy, yelling idiot, ''She said us the safest route to Alabasta! She may be working for enemy but she is also Luna's friend! What are you gonna do if what she said was true?!''

''I'm the captain here! You're not the one who can decide where this ship goes!'' Luffy declare as he glare up to Robin. Both of them look at each other for a moment ''I see, how unfortunate..'' Robin said, clearly amused. Nami however keep yelling ''Luffy!''

''Calm down, Nami. That Eternal Pose wasnt going anywhere good. She was testing you guys'' They turned to Luna after hearing this ''eh? testing?'' Nami asked as she calmed down ''And that Igaram guy also didnt die either, he probably saved with a few scratch..'' Robin made a sad face with a little frown ''Why did you have to interrupt my fun like this, Luna''

Luna sweatdrop at this ''Your fun...''

''Wait, Igaram is alive?'' Vivi asked in shock. Robin smiles at this ''Well, I was ordered by Crocodile to kill him and you princess but I wasnt in the mood'' Luna sigh with this ''She's just a person with a dark humor, a complet morbid per- ouch!'' Luna suddenly yelp before finishing. She was rubbing her arm that Robin pinch with her devil fruit. Robin was smiling as Luna glare at her with a little pout.

''Fufufu... well, let us meet again soon if you survive'' Robin said as she stand up and look everyone once more with a smile that looking satisfied. She then turned to Luna and both of them look at each other with a blank faces ''Funny that even though we're so smiliar, we're so different in the end''

Luna smiled a little but there was a sad glint one could see ''Its still not too late, Ro'' but Robin turned to her way again and jump off the ship after saying last time ''Next time I'll be following my orders'' as she look at Luna, causing her to sigh. Others look over the railing to see where she jumped and saw her on the back of a big sea turtle, heading back to Whiskey Peak.

Luffy watch after the turtle with bright eyes as Vivi fell to her knees in defeat ''I dont understand that woman at all!''

''There's already two person on this ship who's just like that'' Zoro said as he and Nami pointed Luffy and Luna. Luna however let a sigh ''I need a drink'' Sanji, hearing this yelled that he will bring her some sake ''So you saved her and bring to the Grand Line?'' Zoro asked as he folded his arms causing eveyone to turn to her.

Luna look at them, clearly waiting for some explanation. She let another sigh again and her eyes gone far away for a moment ''Well, I was doing something in the West Blue on some island and saw her that she was almost get killed. I cant say everything about her since its not mine to tell but...She is someone really wanted person for something she didnt even do it in the first place'' She frown at this for a moment, clear that she doesnt like it ''So, I bring her to the Grand Line since its more easier to hide here and give her my pistol. It had a sea stone bullets and I couldnt just let her vulnerable in the middle of the Grand Line, even though she had devil fruit powers..'' She then look at the sky and hummed as she think, others were also start to understand ''Crocodile is one of the Seven Warlods and he has an organization that uses fake names, it was probably the best place for her to hide...'' She preferred not to say anything about Poneglyphs since Vivi is here. They were all looking like understanding what Luna said, so ''Well it doesnt matter now!'' she smiled and closed the subject the moment Sanji came with a glass of sake and asked with Usopp what really is going on

After quickly explained the whole situation to Sanji and Usopp, Sanji was sad that he missed the all fun and Usopp was happy that he missed. Sanji also get in the prince mood for Vivi, making Luna to smirk actually. He then turned towards Nami and Luna asking if they are jealous, he was even happy with cold no he get. ''Are you really alright with me riding on your ship? I may be just putting all of you into danger..'' She said, looking really terrible that she got them into her mess. ''Oh please. Its already your fault that they found out about us and how we look like! If you didnt want to trouble us, then you shoul've done so to begin with!'' Nami said as she poked Vivi's forehead and causing her to say sorry again. She was get out from her depressed mood in the end though ''Right, Luffy?''

Luffy was looking at Luna's eyes, he was sure now that, there was really regret there. He look at Nami after she turned and asked him but he just call out Sanji for breakfast, causing Vivi to sweatdrop as she said that he doesnt look like he cares.

''At least we know where we heading to'' Zoro said as he lean over the railing

''Little garden, huh?'' Sanji, liting a cigarette

''Remember what she said? Are we gonna die?!'' Usopp asked worriedly as Nami turned to Luna ''She said you would know'' Luna look at them ''Yeah, I heard about there'' She made a big smile and start to walk towards kitchen ''But Captain is right. First thing is the breakfast!'' Sanji run to the kitchen with this as everyone also walk towards there with a sigh. Luffy was cheering with Luna though...


Close to finishing their breakfeast ''From what I know it's a prehistoric island that is still stuck in the dinosaur age'' Luna said with an excited smile as everyone look at her blankly for a minute, like progressing what they just heard. Then suddenly Usopp, Nami and Vivi gone pale, Sanji and Zoro frozen and Luffy's eyes start to shine ''I-Its a lie, right?'' Usopp asked with a scared voice causing Luna to laugh ''Nope!'' she said happily

''How is that even possible?!'' Nami with a wide eyes ''Yeah, aren the dinosaurs are extinct?'' Sanji also asked.

''Grand Line can have so many climates, Little Garden's climate is one of dense jungle. This has led it to be behind the average island in the Grand Line by millions of years from what I heard'' she said but then she smiled big ''I always wanted to ride on some T-rex!'' as she claps her hands causing Nami to yell at her how can she be so happy. Luffy on the other hand ''Oh! Thats a great idea, Luna!'' said with a big shinny eyes ''I know, right?!'' Luffy then throw his arm around Luna's shoulder as they both yelled with a happy voices ''Lets go the Little Garden, to ride on the dinosaurs!'' causing everyone to sweatdrop while scaring the hell out of Nami and Usopp...