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Blue Nosed Doctor and Cherry Blossoms

They were running through the snow, leaving footprints behind them as they passed, Luffy suddenly call out ''Its getting pretty cold with all this wind..''

Sanji look at him with a weird face while they're still running ''Why the hell are you wearing sandals in this weather? Just looking at them is making me feel cold!''

''Thats just my police!'' Luffys answers

''It's called 'policy' Luffy'' Luna fix it for him, causing him to turn to her with a big smile ''Oh is it?'' Luna aslo smiles and nods. They keep running in silence again for a few moment before Luffy speak again ''Did you know that people in snowy countries dont sleep?''

Sanji look at him quizzily ''And why is that?''

''Because they'll die if they do'' Luffy aswers as if it was a known fact causing Luna to chuckle a little while Sanji actually thought about it for a moment before he said ''That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard''

''It's true. Thats what a guy once told me'' Luffy insisted when suddenly a rabbit jump towards them

''Who, Usopp?'' Sanji asked as they dodge the rabbit

''Nope, a gut from a bar'' Luffy explained

''Then why was there a bed in that Dalton dude's home?'' Sanji asked as he dodge the rabbit again causing it to bite the tree instead of him

Luffy blink a little ''Ah! You're right! Then that must be when it's time for him to die..'' making a resolve for himself

Sanji made an understanding sound for a moment before he yelled out ''That's even more ridiculous!''

''No its not! It's true, right Luna?'' Luffy asked as he turned to her, clearly believing that she knows and he's right

''Well, if a person fall asleep in a very cold weather they could slowly die in their sleep but its okay if they are sleeping in their warm home.'' Luna says as she dodge the rabbit ''Thats probably why that Dalton guy has a bed'' smiles big after basically aswered to him causing Luffy to also smile big and turned to Sanji ''See?!''

Sanji makes an irritated face to him ''Luna-chan didnt said that they dont sleep at all!'' as they keep dodging the insisting rabbit and still continuing their conversation without stopping

''Well let me ask you this, did you know that the women of snowy countries all have beautiful smooth skin?'' Sanji asked this time

''Why's that?'' Luffy with a curious

''Isnt that obvious? You know how when it's cold, you rub your skin together? Well thats why having smooth white skin is the trademark of women in snowy countries'' with a dreamy state

''Why white?'' Luffy ask as the whole time the baby Lapin continued to try and attack, though it never worked

''Thats because the colour of the snow seeps inside their skin'' one could see the pink hearted world around him as he state this fact, causing Luna to laugh at him while Luffy say ''You're pretty stupid, you know'' with a laugh too

Sanji yelled at him ''You're the last person I want to hear that from! In any case-'' and to let his anger out when the Lapin that attacked them again ''Would you freakin' knock it off already!'' he kicked it far away from them

''Whats up with that rabbit?'' while watching the rabbit dissapear into the distance causing Luna to gasp ''You two didnt listen to that Dalton guy at all?!'' they turned to her with a confusion as she keep going ''They were the Lapin's he was talking about, now they will probably come with their pack..'' she let a sigh after this before they keep running, talking about Lapin's and Luffy was saying hang on to Nami

After they run a while later ''The snow's really thick around here'' Luffy said while looking at the snow that a little past his ankles

''Hey, Luffy. Be more careful when running or Nami's body wont hold up'' as he look at Nami but they suddenly come to a stop and stare in front of them at the white snow. The whiteness in front of them suddenly moved and for a moment they thought they were staring at a herd of polar bears, until Luna fixed for them while saying they are Lapins though. There were at least dozen of large rabbits as big as bears, standing upright with arms like gorillas and they were looking at them with their red eyes and fangs. Just then one of them jumped towards them as they dodged and look forward while thinking a way to get pass at them and keep run.

''I guess its expected of a snow creature to be able to move this swiftly over tick snow. We're at a disadvatage here'' Sanji start to say he he look at the Lapin pack in front of them then suddenly getting a conclusion ''Luffy, dont lay a hand on any of them!''

''Huh, why not?'' Luffy asked as he blinked

''Its because you may be unaffected but the impact of every blow you deliver or recieve will be transferred over to Nami as well. '' Luna explained as she also look at the overgrown rabbits in front of them.

''And if that happens, Nami will die for sure!'' Sanji add after Luna, causing Luffy's eyes widen in realisation as he ''G-got it. I swear not to fight!'' said while the rabbits rawr at them with their sharp theets ''Then what should I do?!'' Luffy asked when he dodged the attack of a Lapin.

''Just dodge for now!'' Sanji yelled as he also dodged the attaacks ''Dodge and run away!'' he came to help Luffy then and kicked the rabbit over there with his 'flanchet shoot' kick while saying ''But dont run too fast!''

''Thats way too hard!'' Luffy yelled back at Sanji while Luna also dodge them easily. ''Damn it. Its hard to get any good kicks with both feet stuck in deep snow..'' Sanji murmur himself with irritation as they start to run with all of the rabbits start to come towards them

As the rabbits got close to them Sanji said he will cover them so they should run to the forest, saying that trees also would help them to cover. Luffy and Luna turned and run, heading right to the cover of the foliage. The rabbits were easily able to catch up to them, they charge every direction as Sanji keep kick them and Luna punch them while protecting Nami and Luffy as he keep dodging. They get near to the cliff as they surrounded again. Sanji's yelled at them to keep going as he stay behind to fight them and Luna go with Luffy as she keep punch the rabbits, who came close to them.

When they jump on the cliff, they start to run again with Sanji also jump on, the herd also jumped on and keep coming after them. After they finally stop for a minute to catch up their breath, they looked back and were surprised to see that there were no rabbits behind them now. Luna was felt that they were gone for a while now but she didnt know where they were either and keeping her guard up in case they'd come back

''They're coming?'' Luffy asked as he breath heavily

''No, they dont seem like..'' Luna answered as she look at the horizon, making sure that they are not coming. Luffy and Sanji were relaxed a bit before Luna's eyes got widen ''Wait...'' as she look a little more farther away and saw the whole herd, causing Luffy and Sanji also look there

''How'd they get there so quickly?'' Sanji asked with a widen eyes while Luffy yelled that they dont just give up and they should keep running as the herd suddenly start to jump up and down in their place.

Luffy made a confused sound as Sanji went as white as the snow around them while dropping his cigarette in his mouth and Luna gasp as she also realized what that damn rabbits was trying to do.

''Wait a second, dont tell me...'' Sanji gasp with widen eyes, looking ready to cry

''Those damn bunnies..'' Luna add after him with her slightly open mouth and frowned face

''They have done it now.. This isnt good'' Sanji also add after Luna while he still look at the Lapins

''Wait, what are you two talking about?'' Luffy asked in confuse before looking at the rabbits too ''What are they doing?''

''We have to run...'' Sanji said as he took a couple of step back

''We're running again? Where to?'' Luffy ask in his still going on confusion

''Anywhere! As long as its far away!'' Sanji scream, completly losing any coolness he previously had while he move closer to Nami and Luna as to protect them. That was when they heared a deep rumbling going through the snow beneath their feet. Just then, the whole ground start to tremble, like an earthquake's happening. The thick snow above them slowly began to slid of the mountain and before they know it, a giant wall of white appeared and was heading straight for them like an ocean wave during a Grand Line storm.

''Avalanche!'' Luna and Sanji yelled at the same time as they start to run, without even looking back. They quickly run back down the mountain as the endless waves of snow continue to chase after them.

''I swear that next time I see those rabbits, I will grill them with my own hands!'' Sanji screamed as he run for his life

''Oh, I will happily eat it!'' Luna also yelled as she run too

''What are we gonna do!? Luna, cant you melt that thing?'' Luffy yelled/asked in panic while he's also running

''How am I supposed to melt a freaking avalanche!'' Luna yelled back while Sanji was yeling they should protect Nami and Luna, much to Luna's irritation, she was yelling back at Sanji saying that their priorities was just Nami. Just after that Sanji spot a cliff, saying that they should go there and they should be okay. Luna wasnt sure if it would be enough to go there and Luffy didnt understand why they should go there but they still followed Sanji to the cliff anyway. For a moment they thought they wouldnt make it but at the last possible moment, they jump just as the avalache finally caught up but it was far from over. Sanji was just starting to say that they made it just in time but then more snow came down, like confirming Luna's thoughts, they werent high enough.

Luffy was up in the air, spining a little as he look around desperatly for a way out of this while Nami was sleeping without any notice around her. Luffy then turn in the air and manage to land onto one of the tree trunks and start to slid down the mountain like toboggan. After he was sure he wasnt going to lose his balance, he look around for Luna and Sanji and spot them ahead of him. Luna was holding Sanji, stopping him being buried alive when Luffy ''Luna, Sanji!'' stretch out his arms towards them as he yelled in worry ''Hold on my hand!'' Luna hold Luffy's hand while her other hand was holding Sanji's all the while until now, allowing Luffy to pull them onto the tree.

''We're safe?'' Sanji asked as he pant

''Thats right. We're safe but we are going down the mountain!''

''Ehh!?'' Luna yelled as she noticed that they were really going down

''Are you kidding?!'' Sanji also yelled ''We've spent hours trying to clib this mountain! We were so close to the top!'' The he turned to the sky and yelled at the heavens ''Those damn rabbits! I swear that I will put them in the hot pot next time!'' and like they heard it, the Lapins suddenly appeared out of nowhere, much to Luna's amuse as she didnt even notice it while Luffy and Sanji were yelling at them.

They start to run again. Luffy was dodging, Sanji was kicking and Luna was puching them, they were completly surrounded on all sides and the Lapins were just keep jumping with perfect teamwork. Just then a giant rock with several broken and jagged tree tunks were start to come down from mountain and they were heading right at them.

''You cant crash into that thing!'' Sanji yelled firmly as the Lapins keep attack them while Luna also yelled at Luffy to dodge it as she keep punch the rabbits, that looked like they were so determined to kill them. Just as Luffy was yelling its not that easy, Sanji suddenly come at the last second. He grab a hold of Luffy by back of his jacket and throw him right off the tree ''A man should be gentle with a lady!'' he yelled with a satisfied smile on his face.

''Sanji!'' Luffy and Luna yelled in horror as they couldnt go there in time when a rock came and hit Sanji. He was thrown right off with several other Lapins and the debris of some trees. Horrified at what just happen, Luffy stretch out to grab hold of the same miniature cliff that almost kill them as he also wrap his other arm around Luna, to take her on it too. Dangling on as the rush of snow rush all around Luffy, he look back and saw that Sanji was already mostly buried and he scream out his name again, though Sanji didnt answer

''You idiot, who told you to do that?!'' he screamed again as he stretch his arm out to hold him but Sanji was pull away too fast and was late Luffy to pull back. All he's able to save was a single mitten that freak him out while yelling Sanji's name again. As he still hanging onto the cliff, Luna was already climbed on top of it and was also looking for Sanji. After a while later, shaking a little from the adrenaline, Luffy look around him, trying to figure out what to do. Finally he look up and pull himself up to the ledge while Luna also move to help him out.

He quickly start to untie Nami from his back and start to lay her down, as he's breathing heavily he look up, trying to get some kind of glimpse of Sanji but there was nothing. He look from landspace to Nami and Luna and back again before sighing, having made up his mind. He pulled of his coat to cover Nami, causing Luna to ''What are you doing?'' ask him as she finally turned to him after look around and check how Nami is.

He look at Luna while he was placing his coat on Nami like a blanket ''I'm going to search for Sanji'' as he look around again. Luna was also worried for Sanji, she knew he was going to be okay but that doesnt mean she wasnt getting worried. ''Then I'll-'' before she could finish Luffy cut her

''Stay here with Nami'' as he look at Luna's worried eyes. Luna look at Luffy for a second before she let a sigh and pull her large pure white furry cape coat leaving only her poncho and scarf on her and extend it to Luffy ''Then at last wear this, you cant go into the snow with these clothes of yours'' causing Luffy to frown

''Its cold, wear it back. I'll be fine'' making Luna to frown this time ''Its fine,'' as she hold her katana, that her sash holding it on her left side, with her empty left hand. She unsheathed her katana just a little with her thumb ''I wont get cold and Nami also will be fine'' as little flames start to spark on her body parts just a little and air around them was getting hot while the snow under them also started to melt. Luffy blinked a couple of times as if remembering now before he made a big smile ''Right, I forget that for a moment!'' as he took the cape coat that Luna was still extending to him. While he was wearing it ''Just be quick and bring Sanji, so we can finally go and find the doctor'' Luna said, making Luffy to turn to her again and see her still worried eyes

''Dont worry,'' Luffy said as he gently put the hat on her head and convincing that Nami will be fine with her ''I will be right back!'' he quickly jumped into the snow like he's diving into the sea and start to look for Sanji.

Luffy run across the snow, sinking deep every few step before he was able to pull himself back up and continue searhing. Every time he call out for Sanji, it seemed to become more desperate as he pick up his pace and began to run. After the desperate search he went through for a while, Luffy stop dead as he look back and get down on his knee and begin to dig. His fingers were start to turn bright red and the wind freezed his face as he continue to dig down deeper and deeper. Finally, he spot Sanji's dark coat and let out a gasp of shock as he duck more frantically. Soon Luffy's able to pull him out and lay him on the snow, he was a mess. There's a blue tint to his face as he struggle for breath and he was completly out of it but miraculously alive. Luffy let a sigh in relief as he try to shake him awake but realized that there's blood on his hands when he touched Sanji's chest. Not enough to kill him with blood lost but Luffy knew he need a doctor as much as Nami do.

''Sanji? Do you hear me?'' Luffys asked but realized that Sanji wasnt going to answer him any time soon so he get back up and carefully drag him with him, up the snowy slope to where Luna and Nami was waiting for them.

Once Luffy get there, he saw that Nami's head was on Luna's thighs as Luna had still flame sparks on her and the snow around them was melted now. She look up to Luffy when she heard he finally come back. While Luffy was laying down Sanji and Luna start to move towards him to check on him ''You're just like a campfire, Luna!'' Luffy said with a short laugh, after he became sure that they are fine and get close to Luna to get warm as he also take back his hat. He momently imagined how would be if Luna let all of her flames while sitting like this. In his mind it was really looked like a campfire for a moment

''Campfire...?'' Luna murmured with sulk a little, she called a lot of things in her life but campfire was a first..

After she check up on Sanji, she let a sigh

''How is he?'' Luffy asked when he start to have Nami on his back again

''His ribs are broken and looks like his back bone is cracked..'' causing Luffy to frown with worried eyes. She also had worried eyes as she check on him, knowing that there was nothing she could do now here ''Well, he's going to be fine'' she said as she turned to Luffy and helped him to tie Nami around him again while Luffy smiled big, saying that of course Sanji will be okay. He had determined eyes as he look up to mountaintop. Luffy was going to give back Luna's cape coat but Luna said it should stay on Luffy since his was on Nami and she let her little flames keep spark on her while her left hand stayed on her a little bit unsheathed katana

After she tied up Nami, Luffy pick up Sanji like a sack of potatoes under his right arm and they begin the long hike back up the mountain. Luna was saying that maybe she should carry one of them since he was slowed down but Luffy ignored her. He was walking right side of her closely since the air around her was hot and the snow was more less as it was melting around her. Suddenly, they spot something digging in the snow up ahead.

It was the little rabbit from before, digging desperatly in the snow where a big paw claws was sticking out, which it was clearly its parent. Luffy made his way towards the little baby as he get out from hot space, he noticed that there's some pink in the snow and the little baby's paw looked frozen, it was sucking on them in pain as i cry out, still trying to help free its parent even though it couldnt make any progress, but it didnt give up. As Luffy's footsteps come closer, it heared him and stop to glare at him. It turned around, shielding its parent with his tinny body, growling manacingly at Luffy probably thinking that he will hurt them. Luffy come right up to the baby Lapin and stare down at it, his expression was unreadable as the little rabbit snarl, trying to scare him for him to leave.

Luffy slowly reached down with his free arm towards it and the little baby covered its head and closed its eyes, clearly thinking that Luffy was going to hurt him but instead Luffy reach over to grab the large Lapin by its paw and with a great pull, he managed to pull it out of the snow. The full grown Lapin seemed to be dazed and confused but was still alive as the little baby caried out and hug its parents furry stomach, burying its face into the warm fur. Seeing this, Luna had a soft face and a little warm smile as they start to keep walking again. They didnt glance back but the adult Lapin was watching Luffy leave with a thoughtful expression as it held its baby.

As they walking, Luffy was saying ''We will get you there, dont worry'' he was staring ahead with determination ''Just stay alive, both of you''


They walk on for about ten minutes without nothing happen as Luna was still holding her katana, letting her little flames and keeping hot air around them but then they heared a sound of something crunching through the snow behind them and a familiar voice yelled out smugly ''Found you!'' The man who attacked their ship a few days ago was running towards them on the back of a big animal with long hair and with his two men. They turned just as the man went riding right up to them and stop so that he was blocking Luffy's path

''Now I'll make you pay you damn strawhats!'' he yelled out ''I'm going to chew you into little pieces and spit you out!''

''Move it'' Luffy said simply

''Hah! Are you dreaming?!'' Wapol replied smugly ''Why do I have to let you go?!'' Luffy and Luna knew they couldnt affort to waste any more time there as the man declare that he had no intention of making easy for them to get away from there afer what Luffy did to him. After he add insult at injuried Sanji and sick Nami, Luffy just turned and walked around him as if he wast worth the trouble of fighting and continue upwards along with Luna followed him closely

''Hey, stop!'' Wapol yelled in outrage and he also yelled at his man, that write down a new law in a giant book, that anyone who ignore the king will be executed and he order his two man to kill them even if they are weak or not. Luffy's vein popped out on his forehead with irritation as the two man come towards them.

After Luffy and Luna dodged the attacks, Luna told Luffy that they should move on and he cant fight, they start to run while Luna stopping the arrows that sad faced man shot at towards them with her now completely unsheathed katana

Luffy was talking to himself as he run ''I cant fight them..'' then he yelled to them ''Stop following us!''

Sad faced man also yelled out at him ''You cant escape from me, you cowards!'' as he shot three arrow that Luna easily stopped them while cutting them. After they run for a while they eventually lose sight of Wapol and his men ''Where did they go?'' Luffy asked as he looked back ''This is weird. Did they give up?'' he asked to Luna, who pulled him towards to her as she felt a presence and saw a second later, a big mouth appeared his other side. He yelp in surprise as they jumped to avoid it at the last second. Luna then, having enough, let her flames to flare up as the arrows that coming towards them got burned down

''What an irritating men... Luffy, should I burn them up?'' with a very irritated face while holding up her katana as Luffy get away a couple of steps back since it was too hot that even all snow around them melted down completely as well as clearing out the three man, who was hiding in the snow. Before anyone can say or do anything, suddenly two adult Lapin came out of nowhere and punched the two of Wapol's man as they were shocked, causing Luffy and Luna to blink a moment

''White bear!'' Luffy said as he look at the Lapin while Luna fixing him that they are not bears but overgrown rabbits

''Lapins!?'' Wapol yelled out in disbelief

Two men of Wapol also look up to them and afro man asked ''Are they protecting them?!'' while blood was coming from his mouth

''Thats imposible! Lapins have never liked humans!'' sad faced man declared

Lapins landed farther in front of them and stood between them and Wapol. One of them looked back at Luffy with a baby hanging onto his back and a jagged scar over one of its eyes. Luffy stare at it and it stare back at him then suddenly, adult Lapin hold up its arms with a punching state making clear that they will take over from there

''Thank you for helping us!'' Luffy yelled out with a smile as he turned back and start to run along with Luna, who put out her flames and katana back to before and Lapins turned back to face the other three


They keep going their journey for a while, Luna flare up her flames more as the weather become much more harder while Luffy walk closely to her again. The snow level around them was high to their knee. She was start to get tired using her flames this long while she was also trying to control the heat but she didnt show it as she keep going. If there was anything she remembered about this island, was Chopper and how Luffy got hard alone in here, so she had determined eyes as she never put out her flames and keep them warm.

Finally after a while later, they come to a solid white wall directly in front of them.

''I cant even see the top of the mountain'' Luffy said as both of them look up

''Yeah..'' Luna add, the mountain was at least 5000 meters high. She mentally admired Luffy, that he was able to climb it with bare hands while carrying two unconscious friends along with him. The determined glint in her eyes kept its place as she thought about it.

Luffy turned to Luna ''So, how are we gonna fly?'' he asked, sounding excited

Luna look at him with this and start to check on him. She tighten the tie that holds Nami and fixed Luffy's coat on her, making sure it wont fly away with a frowned face, confusing Luffy who's silently watching her. She then start to completely unsheathed her katana as she lowly murmured ''Third Circle,'' the hot air around them gone instantly as she murmured this, causing Luffy to shiver with the sudden cold air but also making him notice that she cant use her flames while flying. Luna keep going before Luffy could say anything ''Shugou Jigoku'' he felt that air around them become heavy, not much but like air itself was trying to crush them down.

Luna calmed herself more ''Reverse Gravity'' as she said more calmly but also more strongly. She knew she would get too damn tired after this. In the end it wasnt something she should do, reversing a hell. She was thought about it way before, when the time she was in Hawk-eye's island. Her third circle was about crushing, so she thought that it was all about gravity in the end and tried to reverse it since she wanted to fly. Even now, in all of her life, she had never felt that much of a pain when she tried it the first time. Let alone her body, she felt that even her soul was crushing and it wasnt a pain that came for a moment, it took two whole days. She somehow knew that she survived and was able to succeeded in the end because of her bond with her katana and her will, though the latter one was what Hawk-eye told her since he was there all that time. But in the end, it was also one of the reasons that she still couldnt get in the cold hells and flying always tired her even it was still just flying up into the straight up. She was usually fine with herself or one more person but they were four now and the weather wasnt the best.

''Wha.!? Its floating!'' Luffy said with starry eyes, forgetting the cold for a moment. After the words she said, she was suddenly let her katana horizontally and it was start to float on the air and the heavy air around them was also turned back to the normal. It was a technique that only affected her katana in the end

''hmm'' Luna hummed for a moment ''How to do now...'' with a thoughtful face

Luffy turned to her with a questioned face ''How to do what?'' as he asked with a slightly tilted head

''Well, we're four here. I usually just sit on it and fly up but..'' She didnt continue when she saw that Luffy's gone and with a little jump, start to sit on her katana, causing her to look at him blankly. He was sitting there while saying cool, looking like a child who sits on some swing while shaking his legs front to back on the air. Sanji was hanging under his right arm that the tip side of her katana's and Nami's legs were hanging besides him since she was carried pigy back.

''Lets go!'' He said with a big smile

''And where am I gonna sit?'' she asked. It wasnt like her katana was long enough to two person to sit besides each other, maybe she could with Chopper since he was little but she was going to suggest to stand up on it. Luffy made a face after this though, like he doesnt understand what she was even asking when he opened wide his empty left arm, causing Luna to blink once as she understand. She let a sigh while walking towards him and sit on his left side thigh with a little jump too before she grab a hold of her katana's grip with her left hand since she needed some kind of contact with her katana to control her hells

''Alright, le-'' she start but Luffy cut her

''Wait,'' he said before he cover her with her furry coat on him. It was a large cape coat so he was able to cover her as he also hold Luna from her waist and smiled big after he's done, clearly satisfied ''Now alright!'' making Luna to smile a little with a little sigh just before they start to rise to the top of the mountain.


They were now rising about close to thirty minutes, like they were in some kind of elevator as their back was facing against to mountain, they were watching the island's view, though it wasnt very clear anymore since they were keep rising and the weather was got only harder. The wind was got harder that Luffy was already put his hat between him and Luna for not wanting it to fly away and the temperature was drop too much that even breathing wasnt easy. Sanji was now laying on top of their legs while Luffy was holding him closely to them and he can also see that Luna was having hard time too as his hold got tighten around her waist. If anything it was good that they were all this close to eachother since it was warming, even its a little.

Right, Luna was having hard that even Luffy was able to understand this time. Her grib on her katana was tight as her eyes were still had determination. She was thinking this was nothing as she keep focusing to carry them to the top like she said she would do while she was also trying to control the balance.

''I wonder how long will it take..'' Luffy said with his slightly shivering voice

Luna hummed a second with this ''Well, I could shot us up in seconds but,'' before she could continue Luffy cut her again

''Eh!? You could?! Then why are w-'' with twiching eyebrowns Luna cut him this time

''Let me finish!'' She let a sigh after this while leaving a smoke to the air with her breath ''That would cause Nami's death. This is the fastest speed I can go that Nami can handel'' she finished after calmly explained, causing Luffy's eyes to widen a moment as he start to nod sagely ''This is the perfect speed anyway'' he said making Luna to shake her head a little with a slight smile on her face. She check Nami again as much as she could like she had done all the way up and look up to the mountain

''We're getting close'' as she said that she forced her grip on her Naraka and slowly turned the katana. Now they were facing with the mountain as their back was against the island.

After rising up about ten minutes too, they finally start to catch a glimps from the top. It was hard to see at first with the heavy snow but as they rise up a little more, they could finally clearly see the castle on top of the mountain. It was a beautiful castle that shine in the light as if seemed to twinkle like made of glass or ice itself, it looked like a castle that came out from a fairytale.

''Finally'' Luna said slowly and lowly

''Its beautiful...'' Luffy said as he look at the castle.

They came to a stop after rising for a while too. ''Luffy, can you jump us all a little furter to there?'' she pointed a spot close to the castle as she speak

''Alright, leave it to me!'' Luffy, with a big smile. He took Sanji under his right arm again while letting go of Luna and tell her to hold on. Luna, understanding what he's going to do, wrap her empty right arm around his neck and the moment she shut her hell and they start to fall, Luffy stretch his empty left arm to grab a tree that closest to them.

Before they could hit the tree, Luffy gently landed on the snow and start to look around a moment while Luna start to sheathed her katana. The moment she completly sheathed it, she suddenly felt tired as she lose her balance a little, causing Luffy to catch her from her arm with a worried look on his face ''You're okay?''

''I'm fine, just tired a little'' while she tried to stand more steady ''I'll be fine after with some sweat'' with a smile as she look at Luffy, who still worriedly looks at her ''Lets go!'' Luna said before she get out from Luffy's hold and slowly start to walk towards to castle while murmuring ''I wonder if they have hot chocalate..'' making Luffy to also follow her but his eyes had still worried glint in them

Two of them look at the front door of the castle and seeing it was open, they walk inside like they owned the place. The moment they walked in however, they stopped for a moment and blinked while looking around. The entire floor was covered in snow, it was like the door was opened for days not just that day.

''Why the door's open?'' Luffy asked as he turned towards the door with a slight shiver, clearly thinking to closed it until Luna called out

''Wait,'' stopping Luffy to go ''Look up'' she said as she show the direction at the top of the door, a nest with small birds in it. ''They must be keep the door open so the birds can live there'' with a soft smile as she thought about it must be Chopper and how kind he is. Luffy hummed to this before turned his attention back to inside and start to yell

''Hellooo!'' after waiting a moment and no aswer, he yelled again ''Doctor?!'' he waited for a reply or someone to come out but after a minute later with no reply he turned to Luna with a face like saying what they will do now

''Lets have a look around first and put Nami and Sanji somewhere'' as she start to walking up the stairs. They walked room after room, all the while Luffy called doctor with every door he opened, it was clear that someone was living in the castle but no one was there at the moment. After finding a room with an empty bed ''Luffy, lets put Nami here'' Luna said

''But there is no doctor here'' Luffy said, clearly irritated that the doctor was not here after they tried so hard to get here

''Dont worry, its her home.'' as she start to walk towards bed ''She will be here sooner or later'' with a sigh while opening the purple covers on the bed. She then helped Luffy to take down Nami from his back and lay her down on the bed while Luffy gone to the room connected there and put down Sanji on the desk he found there. After she put a fire on the fireplace and made sure Nami is fine, she too go to the room that Luffy gone and start to look at him.

''I will try to help Sanji until the doctor comes and look again,'' while her eyes traveled on Sanji ''Can you watch over Nami?'' she asked as she turned to Luffy.

''Okay!'' before he gone with a big smile on his face. Luna look around for a moment and start to take the things she need before go towards Sanji and start his treatment, she was thankful that it wasnt that much of a bad that she cant do anything at all.

After half an hour later she was finally finished as she lastly bandaged him up and go back to the room that Nami and Luffy was in. She let a tired sigh as she sit on the chair while her head drop to the table in front of her. She didnt feel like she could even raise a finger now

''How is Sanji?'' Luffy asked after he put a wet cloth on Nami's forehead and go to sit the chair against Luna's

''He's fine. I did what I can but since we're here it would be good the doctor look at him too'' with a lowly voice and half opened eyes, causing Luffy to sigh a little as his one hand go towards her head on the table and his fingers start to brush her soft hair slowly.

They sit there about an another thirty minutes too all the while Luna tried to calm Luffy down about the doctor will come and they were have to come here no matter what anyway until Sanji suddenly came in. He was looking like he's trying to understand where he is and whats going on.

''Hey, Sanji! You're awake!'' Luffy said with a happy voice as he also had a big smile on his face

''Why the hell are you on your feet?! You should be resting!'' Luna yelled at him causing Sanji's eyes to focus and finally come to real world.

They explain to him that they're now in the castle but doctor is not here. Luna ended up to try to calm down Sanji this time since he was angry that doctor is not here too, makes Luna wonder how long Luffy to take to climb the mountain. After Luna managed to calm Sanji down, he gone to search for a kitchen as Luffy wanted something to eat and told that Luna also need something to eat and sweats too, much to Luna's irritation as she yelled at Sanji to rest, he didnt listen while he run to search for kitchen though.


It's been two hours now that they were reached to the castle. Sanji was watching over Nami with a cigarette in his mouth while Luffy and Luna finished their meal. She was even eat more then Luffy and now she was drinking her hot chocalate with less tiredness as they were waiting. Suddenly, feeling two presence, her eyes moved towards to the door and start to look there about a minute until the door opened up loudy

''Seems like we have guests!'' An old woman with a bottle of wine in her hand said loudly as she had a big grin on her face. Just behind her there was a reindeer on its four legs with a blue nose and red top hat, staying close to her as he glare at the people inside the room with a narrowed eyes. Luffy, Luna and Sanji other hand were looking at this sudden coming with a blank faces and they were blinking. There was a silence for a moment until Luna get up from where she sits and put the mug to the table ''You must be doctor Kureha!'' she said with a big smile on her face

''I'm but you can call me Doctorine. Have you came here to learn for the secret of my youth?'' she asked without losing her smile, causing Sanji to make a weird face but before he could open his mouth

''Oh, no. We brought our friend'' she point Nami, who's laying on the bed ''She's suffering with an illnes'' causing Kureha's eyes to turned towards Nami and her eyes to widen slightly with seeing the situation she was in as she start to head towards her

''Now, what do we have here?'' she asked before she put her index finger on Nami's forehead for a moment ''A temperature of fourty degrees, my this isnt good'' she said making the three of them eyes to widen as to she just got her temperature with just her finger. Getting out from her shock, Luna slightly shake her head before she talk ''There's a rush on her stomach, she's biten by kestia'' causing Kureha's eyes to widen again as she lift Nami's shirt to look at the rash.

''My, seems like you're right with the diagnosis..'' she then turned to three of them ''Where the hell did you come from? Did you kids go and take walk in a prehistoric forest or something?'' she asked jokingly, not really believing its true but left with a surprised face when she saw that the three of them blinking with a surprise

''How did she know?'' Luffy asked to Luna, who's shrug while saying who knows with a nervous smile

''Can you cure her?'' Luna asked, causing Luffy and Sanji to also turned to her with a hopeful eyes

''Kestia is being an ectoparasite, it preys on the blood of mammals and birds, and through this hematophagy may transfer a number of blood-borne diseases; among the deadliest of these is the Five-Day Disease, which can inflict fevers of up to 40 °C, causing myocarditis, arteritis and encephalitis that painfully kills victims in five days if its left untreated'' Kureha explained while she was looking at Nami ''Seeing the infection's progress and the spot of it, she has been infected for three days now,'' She said, causing them to nod with a surprise again

''You got all just by looking at her?'' Sanji asked with a widen eyes while Luffy was looking at her with amuse

''Impressing you know Kestia with such a young age'' Kureha told as she look at Luna, making Luffy and Sanji to praise her too while saying that Luna is smart, causing her to deny it with a slight blush

''Umm so, can you treat her?'' Luna asked again after she cleared her throat and stopped Luffy and Sanji as they also turn to her with hopeful eyes again

''Kestia have been extinct for a hundred years now,'' causing them to look at her with worry clear faces before Kureha made a smirk ''You're lucky that I still have some antibiotic for it, so yes I can cure her'' making all of them smile as they start to celebrate and hug eachother while Sanji also cried dramaticaly

''Happy huh?'' Kureha said also with a big smile while watching them ''Now get out so that we can get to work!'' as she yelled at them

''we?'' three of them turned to her with a confuse

''Right we, Chopper and me'' Kureha said while pointing at the reinder making them to turn and look over there too. Luna's eyes widen with what she saw since there was no longer a reindeer walking on all four but a small toddler sized human reindeer, still wearing his pinkish red top hat that a medical symbol on it. He was turned to this form while all of their attention was on Nami and Kureha.

''C-'' Luna started with a rather shaking voice and a little shaking body, getting their attention with this while tensing Chopper as he was waiting to hear ''C-cutee!'' not this. She suddenly go and hugged him as she hold him up ''What a cute blue nose and.. oh my! Your fur is so soft and warm!'' while she was rubbing her face to his horror filled face, causing them to sweatdrop a moment while Luffy lowly murmuring to himself ''cute again...?''

''Let me go, you human!'' Chopper yelled after he come over from his shock while struggle in Luna's hug, causing her to blink as she slowly put him down ''You're talking..'' she said slowly before she loudly declare ''Even your voice is so cute and your name is Chopper, you're a doctor? I'm Luna'' as she start to shake his hand viciously causing Chopper to run away with a rather red face ''C-cute,'' then with a dance he made ''Calling me cute dont make me happy at all, bastard'' looking absolutely happy, causing also Luffy and Sanji to state this fact, while Luna gasp in shock as she stand up ''Even with his weird dance and rude words, he just looks so damn cute!'' with a slightly blushing face, she knew that he would be cute but with seeing his inocent cute form, she knew Chopper will be her weakness.

''He looks delicious more than cute'' Luffy said while licking his mouth and looking Chopper with a face that saying clearly thinking to eat him. Sanji was also start to tell deer recipes, much to Chopper's horror as he gone to hide, making Luna to blush more since he looked much more cute with his wrong hiding of his

''Luffy! How could you even think of eat someone who talk and this cute. He is also one of the doctors who will help Nami!'' causing Luffy to pout. Luna then suddenly made a face as if she remembered something ''Right,'' she hold Sanji ''Can you also check on him too? He had broken ribs and his backbone was cracked''

''Why the hell is he up then?!'' Chopper yelled in shock as he turned his form to, what looked like a big man and take Sanji to inside room with a fast pace, causing Sanji to yell and Luffy to make a shocked face ''He transformed!'' then with a starry eyes ''Cool! What is he?!'' but instead of getting an answer, Kureha suddenly send both Luffy and Luna to fly outside of the room while yelling ''I said get out so we can work!'' before she shut the door loudly

''Whats wrong with that old hag?'' Luffy asked as he start to get up from where he fall

''Who knows?'' Luna said with a little pout, wanting to hug Chopper more

''But what was he?'' Luffy asked when he turned to Luna from where he sits ''He was talking and transformed!?'' with an exciment causing Luna to laugh a little

''He is probably a devil fruit user or, hmm a mink? though it looked more like a devil fruit'' Luna said, she knew he is a devil fruit user but if she didnt know, she might thought that he is someone from mink tribe except Chopper was looking like he's scared from humans unlike most of the mink tribe

''Mink?'' Luffy asked with a confuse face and tilted head

''They are another race that lives in the world, kind of like how fishman are a different species'' as she start to explain to Luffy ''They are like humans but with animal features where each of them take after a specific animal''

''Woah, really?! I never heard of them!'' with a clear exciment in his eyes as he look at Luna

''Well, they are mostly an isolated tribe that only a few leave their home which is in the New World'' with a smile

''You go there before?!'' waiting to hear more

''No but I met a mink before.. I really would like to go their home one day though..'' then she start to tell about minks while Luffy listened with exciment and since they were waiting and with Luffy's contast inssisting she also start to tell about the other kinds she knew about


Luna was sitting with Kureha and drinking another hot chocalate she made while waiting and Kureha was drinking her bottle of wine. Luffy was start to chase after poor Chopper at some point while yelling 'Join my crew, Reindeer!' and drag Sanji with him too. She didnt even know when he decided this but thought that it was the moment he saw his transformation and Kureha was already told them he was a devil fruit user.

''Come with us, granny!'' Luffy yelled as he hit the table and looked at Kureha. After he take a break to chase Chopper, he and Sanji now were sitting along with Luna and Kureha

''Your name is Luffy, right?'' Kureha asked cooly

''Yes'' he nod as a matter of fact

''You better watch your language! I'm just 139 years old, I'm still young!'' as she kicked Luffy

''Wow! What a strong old hag!'' poor Sanji declared as he also earned a kick

''You want me to become a pirate? Thats ridiculous! I dont want to waste my time. Besides I dont care about going to the ocean'' Kureha explained calmly this time.

Luna also let a sigh ''Didnt you already asked Chopper to join? Why are you also asking to her, he is a doctor too, you know?'' with a little tilted head

Causing Luffy to blink for a moment then made a shocked face ''He is a doctor too?!'' making Luna to sweatdrop ''What were you listening until now?! Why did you even asked him to join?!'' she asked

''Emergency food and transforming cool reindeer'' he said bluntly, with a blank face causing Chopper to gasp, who was hiding behind the wall, even thought it was wrong way to hide. Hearing Chopper's voice Luffy and Sanji start to run after him again while Kureha also go after them with yellings filling the castle. Suddenly Nami finally opened her eyes, looking around and trying to understand where is she ''hmm?'' hearing the sound Luna turned to her with a big smile ''Oh, you're finally awake!'' as she start to go towards her

''Luna?'' she look around again ''this place..''

''We're in the castle at the top of the mountain, where the doctor live!'' with smile

''I see.. what about Luffy and Sanji?'' Nami asked with still confuse clear face

''They're fine and running around the castle'' with a sigh causing Nami to make a relaxed sigh and asked about why they're running, only to hear that Doctor's devil fruit eater, reindeer apprentice and how Luffy wants him to join them. She also used the word cute a lot while she was telling, causing Nami to sweatdrop. Just after Luna finished her story Kureha came in

''Hahaha, so you're finally wake up? Are you feeling better, little girl?'' while she walk towards to Nami and put her finger to her forehead again ''So you're the doctor..?'' Nami asked

''38,2 degrees. You're getting better'' she then put her finger back and go to sit her chair again with tiredness, mumbling about youngsters and how energetic they are ''I'm doctor Kureha but you can call me Doctorine!'' she answered to Nami after finally sit down and start to tell Nami about her disease causing Nami to pout as she saw Luna's face that saying 'see, I told you'

''Just go beck to sleep. You're not completly cured'' Kureha said

''Thank you but if my fever is gone I should be fine soon right?'' Nami asked with a smile and relaxed face

''Are you kidding? It usually takes ten days to cure this sickness but if you want to die that much then that will be a different story. Even with my wonderful medicine, it will take at least three days'' Kureha explained with a smirk causing Nami to gasp

''Three days?! But we are in hurry...'' Nami start but Kureha suddenly cut her with the knife she took from the table

''There are only two cases in which I will let my patients go.'' as she point the knife on Nami's neck while Nami lay down on the bed with a panicked face ''One is when my patients die and the other is when my patients fully recover''

''Eh?'' Nami asked with a shock just before suddenly Chopper come in the room with Luffy and Sanji run after him. They just go run like a storm. Though Luffy and Sanji stopped for a moment after seeing Nami wake up but they go to chase after Chopper again

''Hmm, so this was Chopper you said, Luna?'' Nami asked after seeing them

''Yeah, he is cute right?!'' with an exciment causing Nami to sweatdrop a little again

''Y-yeah...'' Luna always found different and weird things cute in the end

''Anyway, relax a little and go to sleep Nami. I dont think we'll be going before Chopper join us anyway'' Luna said with a sigh and a little smile as she go and sit back to the chair. They knew how stubborn Luffy is until now and Nami thought it would be good if he would join too, since they wouldnt be stay here for three days if that reindeer doctor joined them

''Hahaha, take him with you'' Kureha said as she laugh and also sit her chair back after she heard what they were talking ''But its not gonna be that easy'' making Nami confuse and Luna to smile sadly

''Yeah, I figured'' Luna said as she take a gulp from her hot chocalate which it was now start to get cold

''Oh, you did?'' Kureha smiled with this before she take a gulp from her bottle too

''What are you talking about?'' Nami asked, not understanding

''He has a wound inside his heart that even a doctor cant heal'' as she smile grimly and her eyes look far away for a moment before she told his story. She told them about him being born with a blue nose made him outcast and how him eating a devil fruit made him more outcase and they chased him away. But he was also an outcase for humans too. She also told them Chopper's relationship with the only human that didnt see him as a monster, a man named Dr. Hiriluk and his dream to make cherry blossoms bloom on Drum Island in order to save the country and cure all medical illnesses. But the story of these two father and son didnt have a happy ending.. ''I taught him everything I know about medicine'' she lastly said in a sad voice while Luna and Nami look at her with somber faces

Just after a couple of minutes later they heard Chopper's panicking voice ''Doctorine! Its an emergency!'' as he run into the room with his normal reindeer form ''Wapol is back!'' there was anger and panic in his voice

''It that so?'' Kureha asked calmly as she stood up and walked out the door with Chopper behind her. Luna also walked to the window to see whats going on

''Wapol?'' Nami asked with confuse, finally getting out from her somber state

''Its a pirate we met before when you were sick. Turns out he was this country's king though and playing pirate'' with a little smile as she look down from window

''Its not a big deal right?'' Nami asked causing Luna to turned to her while her smile get bigger ''Yeah, you just relax and rest''

''I see..'' Nami said with a little smile and lay down on the bed tiredly again. Luna look down from window for the last time before go and sit on the chair again.


''This castle is Hiriluk's tomb! Its not a place for the rotten kid like you. Just get out of this place, Drum Empire has already been destroyed!'' Kureha yelled without a fear

''Wait! That guy's mine!'' Luffy yelled as he was running with full speed towards the door and slam his fist right into Wapol's face, sending him flying while shocking Chopper and Kureha. Wapol's man had grabbed hold of his feet and were holding on to him as he dangled from the edge.

''The last time we ran into you guys, I couldnt fight 'cause I had to protect my friends'' Luffy said, his eyes were shadowed by his hat before he look up and grin evily ''This time, I wont let you get away with it''

''How dare you?!'' Kuromarimo yelled while kneeling Wapol's side ''Do you know who you attacked?''

''Thats right! This is Wapol-sama, the king and absolute ruler of Drum Kingdom!'' Chess also yelled out

''A king? So what?'' Luffy also yelled, pulling his cheeks out and stiking his tongue to them ''I just know that I dont like you at all!''

Kureha raising her eyebrowns ''You know them too?'' asked

''Of course! They are just annoying pirates who tired to stop us.'' Luffy said as he looking back at them ''He even ate my ship! I wont let them get away easily this time!'' while pointing them but before he could do anything Sanji suddenly asked that if he wasnt cold without a coat, causing Luffy to blink dumbly at him for a moment before his got eyes widen ''Hey!'' he looked back at Wapol ''Did they just say that he is a king? They're not pirates?''

''You just realized that!?'' Sanji yelled out with a shock

While Kuromarimo and Chess was talking to them Luffy realized that its cold and run off

''Aaahhh!'' Wapol suddenly yelled out ''You really made me mad. I will eat you this time..'' while blood was coming from his nose

''Just wait a second okay? He just went inside to grab his coat'' Sanji said as if its the most normal thing making them gape at him

''Can I ask you something?'' Chopper asked to Sanji causing him to look at him with a questioning sound as Chopper keep going ''That guy can stretch his body, right?'' with a hesitate

''Thats right. He's a rubber man'' as he look down at him, he said so casually

Chopper look at him with a shocked and surprised face as he asked ''What do you mean?''

''It means that he is a monster!'' Sanji said with a huge smile on his face causing poor Chopper to look at him weirdly while blinking

Luffy on the other hand was get inside in the castle and came in the room while saying cold and find that Nami was sleeping while Luna was sitting on the chair reading some book while calmly drinking something again

''Oh, Luffy. What're you doing here?'' Luna asked with a surprised face, thinking that it was over way too quickly

''Luna, did you see my coat?'' he asked while shivering, making her blink as she point at the place that close to fireplace while asking ''Need any help?''

''No, its okay. You should rest too'' he said while wearing his coat that he put on Nami before ''I'll go beat those people now!'' he yelled as he run off causing Luna to hum for a moment and turned to the book like nothing happened


Just the moment Chapper got eaten by Wapol and start to chew on him and Sanji and Kureha was looking at the scene with a horror filled faces, ''Now this is more warm''

Sanji, who heard it, turned to the voice, tho see Luffy while yelling ''Luffy! Grab my leg from there!''

''Your leg?'' Luffy asked in confusion but he do it anyway ''Sure!'' he quickly stretch his arms and grab onto Sanji's leg ''Like this?''

''Dont let go, okay?'' Sanji said as he swing his leg and sent Luffy flying towards Wapol while yelling ''Rubber shot, air force!'' Spinning like a torpedo, Luffy hit Wapol right in the stomach and not only did it cause Wapol to spit Chopper back out but he was hit so hard that when he flew back and knock into his hippo, it was sent not just off the mountain but flying into the sky. It flew farther and farther away until it was a little star in the distance

Sanji was saying ''Not bad at all'' as he let a smoke from his cigarette while Chopper thanking them and prasing them how strong they are. Luffy merely nodded as he looked back at Wapol ''Hey, he's still alive but that hippo is already gone''

''I will kill all of them'' Wapol said as he furiously glare at them ''I will show them baku baku factory!''

while Luffy was looking like he actually impressed that he got back up on his feet as he also share this loudly ''Wow, he stood up''

''Yeah but how?'' Sanji asked with a frown ''You hit him pretty hard''

''I guess..he's tough?'' Luffy suggested but he was obviously had some doubt about it

Wapol then turned to Chess and demand that remind him what he ate today and in order Chess pull out a notebook and read them all which include two cannons, some connonballs and gunpowder along with a restaurant's itself apparently

''What a weird breakfast'' Luffy said as he sweatdrop

''There's nothing weirder than that'' Sanji also add with a weird face

''Take a very good look at my power after my breakfast!'' Wapol said evily, confusing them while Chopper was questioning what he was going to do. Then Wapol, slowly began to transform into a house complete with doors, chimney and windows include. He also transform his arms into cannons and a large door in his stomach

''What.. is that?'' Sanji asked as he look at him with disbelief

''A house..He is a house?'' Luffy said carefully before he yelled that its cool but as if being a house wasnt shocking enough, Wapol turned and swallow his two henchmen causing Luffy and Sanji to yell in shock

''What?!'' they both yelled along with Chopper, who's in shock

''He is eating them!'' Sanji yelled as he drop his cigarette

''He is eating his crew!'' Luffy also yelled in shock while Wapol was moving awkwardly for a moment, as if doing some kind of dance with steam coming out of the cannons and chimney on his head but then, the large door on his stomach opened up and a new creature stepped out.

''We're the strongest fighter of the drum empire! Chessmarimo!'' It was Chess and Kuromarimo, one sitting on the others shoulder as only their clothes had fussed together

Causing Sanji to sweatdrop as he asked ''Didnt you just let him sit on top of you?''

''You better not underestimate them'' Kureha warned suddenly as Sanji turned to her with a questioning face ''If they're weak, why didnt the villagers do anything to chase them away from this country?'' she said but then Wapol start to talk again

''The first rule of drum empire is whoever dares to go against the king must die. I'm everything to this empire because this empire belongs to me and so does this castle!'' Then he suddenly point his cannon arm to the castle's top and fired it ''So, I wont allow anyone to put that stupid flag that belongs to that fake doctor at the top of my castle! It makes my castle looks worthless!''

''No!'' Chopper yelled in horror as he watched the cannonball struck the flag and explode as if in slow motion. As the smoke cleared out, the waving flag start to lean and fell, barely hanging on.

''Pirate flag?'' Luffy asked as he also watched and turned to Chopper ''Hey reindeer, that flag is...'' he didnt continue after seeing Chopper's face and a look of understanding seemed to cross Luffy's face as if he suddenly knew what the problem was.

Chopper lost his temper completely and turned with tears burning his eyes as he run to Wapol ''Why did you do that to doctor's pirate flag?!'' Chopper run, ducking under Chess's legs and shift to 'Heavy Point' as he jump to grab a hold of Wapol by the face ''Doctor.. Doctor even thought about saving your life!'' he screamed at him in tears, looking ready to attack but frozed, as if he couldnt bring himself to do so and remembered something. Trembling a little, tears flowing down his cheeks, he chocked out ''I will not hurt you. So, you better get out of this country!'' causing Kureha to scream at him, looking both angry and worried as she tell him that someone like Wapol wont understand him. While they were argue, Luffy was stretched out his arms and was rocketing up to the castle to grab the falling flag

Chopper didnt notice anything as he turned back to his mentor ''But.. Doctor said..'' as Wapol's worried face turned into a smug smile and point his cannon arm right into his face before he fired

''Chopper!'' Kureha yelled worriedly as Chopper slowly fall back, his eyes rolled into the back of his head while blood falling from his face and his fur was burned but then

''Hey, big mouth!''

They all look up at Luffy, standing on the top of the tower. He had ripped off one of his coat's sleeves and used it to tie the flag back up. While they were questioning what Luffy was doing and Wapol was yelling at him furiously ''You're just a bunch of frauds! You became pirates without preparing ro risk your lives. You will never understand the real meaning of this flag!'' He scream down at him angrily

''The true meaning of that flag?'' Wapol begin to laugh ''Whats so important about that stupid flag anyway. Its just a stupid decoration for pirates''

''Thats why you're just a worthless piece of crap'' Luffy said making Wapol's laugh to go away ''This flag is not something that you can just play with for fun!'' he said as he hold onto the pole of the flag as it blew in the strong wind

''You fool!'' Wapol yelled, clearly not caring anything Luffy said ''Why do I, The king of this empire, have to play with that stupid flag anyway? And who told you to put up that flag again?!'' he then raised his cannon arm once again ''Didnt I tell you that this empire belongs to me? If you still insist on putting that flag there, I will destroy that flag for you!'' as he fired his cannon arm and Chopper screamed at Luffy to look out. But even as Wapol fired and sent the cannonball flying at him, Luffy stand his guard and refused to move

''Who will let you destroy this flag?! This pirate flag is a symbol of faith!'' Luffy declared just before the cannonball hit and cause an explosion, shocking everyone there while Wapol just laugh smugly, grinning cockily as he said ''Just die, you idiot!'' but when the smoke cleared out, Luffy was still there, holding the flag high, not caring about the fact that he was burned down, causing Wapol to stop his laugh as he saw him

''See? This flag will never be broken!'' Luffy yelled as he continue to hold the flag up while Wapol's men gasp in shock ''I dont know whose pirate flag this is, but this flag is a promise of life! Its not just a thing that anyone can play with!'' Luffy declared, glaring dagger at Wapol before he took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lungs ''A person like you doesnt have a right to destroy this flag and laugh about it!'' Luffy's anger was so strong that everyone there felt it, hanging heavily in the air and Chess and Kuromarimo yelled like they were being hit with some wave of power.


Luna, who was in the kitchen of the castle for searching some alcohol, suddenly raised her head with the feeling she felt before she heard the yelling and look towards to window ''hmm'' with a thoughtful look and narrowed eyes for a moment


Luffy then look down at Chopper ''Hey, reindeer!'' with a fierce smile ''I'm going to beat them up real soon. So, what are you going to do?'' causing Chopper to blink before he asked ''me?''

''You idiots! If you really want to protect that stupid flag, I will destroy it both of you together with it!'' Wapol yelled in anger. He was pointing his cannon arm again but Sanji run up to him as he shout enough but there was a loud crack and he scream in pain, almost falling. Kureha came at that moment as she run up and kick him hard in the back while yelling ''Doctor's stop!'' causing Sanji to scream in pain again and Wapol to laugh as he turned his attention back to Luffy and start to hold up his arm again but Chopper came ''Stop it!''

Seeing this Luffy start to encourage him as he slamed the flag back in its place while cheering Chopper on the whole way. Chopper went to attack Wapol but he was blocked with Chessmarimo jump in front of him.

After Chopper change back into his usual small form, Chessmarimo look at him ''You're a very strange creature. You must be the snow monster that the villagers talked abot. No one in this empire like you. What a pathetic loser you are'' with a mocking face as they went on ''You dont have single friend in this place. Why do you bother to help this empire? Its so funny!'' they said with a laugh, like this was the funniest thing they have ever heard of

''Shut up! Even though I dont have anyone, I will continue to fight! As long as doctor's flag is still here, I will...''

''Who said that he doesnt have anyone?!'' Luffy yelled as he was stretching out, getting ready to fly back down ''He has me! I'm his friend!'' while he let go and rocket himself down at them. While Chopper was looking stunned to even speak and his eyes were wide in amazement as Luffy fall down, Wapol screamed in fear as he hit the ground and knock him and his fused men right down with snow flying everywhere.

Chopper screamed in worry for Luffy but after snow cleared out, he saw Luffy kneeling in the snow, perfectly unharmed.

''I'm fine because I'm a rubber man'' Luffy said with a grinning face, causing Chopper to question this but instead of getting an answer Luffy pointed at the fused men and asked if he minds dealing with them

''He's just a weakling to me'' Chopper said as he glare at Chessmarimo

''Then that's a deal'' Luffy said with his still grinning face as he look at Wapol, who just get back on his feet ''I will take care of this big mouth guy''

After Chopper pull out a Rumble Ball he declared that he will beat them in three minutes before he bite it, much to Chessmarimo's surprise, he transformed into another form that than the three regular one a Zoan can use. Luffy was so amazed at hearing Chopper's seven different transformations, he stopped fight as he look at Chopper with shinning stars in his eyes.

After evading their attacks with his Jump Point and blocking them with his Guard Point and even destroying their hammers with Arm Point, Chopper used his Brain Point to locate Chessmarimo's weak spot. Causing Luffy to look at him with exciment at the thought of he will shot a lazer beam though. After identifying his chin as the weak point, Chessmarimo was easily defeated in three minutes, just like Chopper said he would.

After getting over his exciment Luffy start to look around for Wapol since he was missing. Sanji guessed that he probably go to the castle, causing Luffy to run there with a battle cry while Sanji also start to crawl after him, at the thought of something might happened to Nami and Luna


'This is ridiculous' Luna thought as she took a gulp from the bottle of wine in her hand that she found in the kitchen. She and Wapol was looking at eachother. He was saw her after he suddenly came in and tried to go after her since she was in Luffy's crew but after Luna jump in some hole and Wapol eat himself and became a thin man as he also declared himself as 'Slim Wapol' she started to look at him weirdly.

''You know, I thought about this before,but you really look familiar somehow..hmm'' Wapol start to say as he looked closely at Luna, who is still drinking wine from bottle with an unimpressed face then suddenly Wapol made a horror filled face as he took a couple of steps back ''Y-you..'' he point a finger at her ''You're the Demon Eye's child!'' as he start to sweat and made Luna to think that its been a while she called like this ''Grant D. Luna! You should be dead! Why are you even here and alive, the prin-'' Luna had a amused face as she listen to him. She knew Wapol was a king, who have right to join to Reverie and she knew those kings would of course talk about them in that seven days. She was known as Grant D. Luna the last time Reverie happened but she wasnt expecting a stupid man like Wapol to recognise her. Before Wapol keep going, suddenly a stretched leg kicked him on the face while yelling ''I found you!''

After Luffy land besides Luna ''Hey, how come he's so skinny now?'' but before he got an answer they heard a laughing and turned that way. Forgetting about Luna with the kick he got from Luffy, Wapol was babbling about a weapon room that behind him and he will be eat them and become a ultimate human weapon, the scariest weapon in the world but his key to the room was not on him in the end, making Luffy and Luna to blink at him as he also stupidly look at them before he was start to run while yelling ''I still have one last trick anyway!''

''He is running away?! Hey, stop!'' Luffy also run after him, leaving behind still drinking Luna with a rather blank face as Sanji also come towards her with a crawling state while yelling out her name

''A key to the weapon room?'' Luna said with an unimpressed look on her face. She then shrug while start to go towards Nami ''I guess I will give it to Nami... I'm sure she will be happy to know that we can use it as a payment for her treatment'' with a short giggle, leaving behind Sanji, who still calls her name


After Luna gave the key to Nami, much to her happiness and decided to go outside since she was getting bored, she saw something becoming a star in the sky and Luffy was throwing himself to Zoro with a thought his an enemy since Zoro was wearing their coat. She decided to go to the roof and do some meditation with everything is over now, as she saw that Vivi was going in to the castle and Luffy was start to chase after Chopper again after he run away with Usopp yelling monster, causing Luna to sigh


With the presence she felt, Luna slowly opened her eyes, seeing that the sky was already dark, and look at her right side back with a soft smile ''Hi, Chopper''

''What are you doing here, arent you cold?'' Chopper asked, seeing Luna was sitting on the roof with just her poncho, causing Luna to giggle a little ''I'm meditating... Are you still running from Luffy?'' she asked while Chopper slowly came to sit besides her as she also put her pure white cape coat on her since she knew that she's done with her meditation now

''He's so insisting. He is running after me for hours now'' with a frowned and a thoughtful face

''Then why dont you just join us?'' She asked bluntly with a tilted head

''Join you?! I cant become a pirate, I'm a monster!'' Chopper yelled with a sad face, he was clearly wanting to go.

Luna let a sigh after this, not budged from Chopper's sudden yell at all ''Chopper,'' she start with calm voice ''I saw a lot of monster and believe me you're not one of them..'' she put her hand on his head then with a kind smile ''The world is just so big and there is a lot of people with different kinds. Just because a couple of people in a small island called you a monster because they dont understand and scared, doesnt mean you're a monster. For all I see until now, you're a kind person and a good doctor'' Chopper look up to her with a surprised face after this, there was tears in his eyes and start to flow down on his cheeks causing her to get panicked as to what to do with crying Chopper and decided to hug him in the end until he's calmed down.

After Chopper calmed down he and Luna decided to go down and join to others. She could fell Chopper's hesitance and she knew that he wont accept to come that easily as they walk towards there. When they finally go down and heard Luffy's yelling, Luna tighten her hand that holds Chopper's hand for a moment, like encouraging him. They saw that Zoro was sitting on the snow and Usopp was doing some snowman again when they also saw them ''Ah! Luna and reindeer!'' Luffy yelled with a big smile as Luna shortly patted Chopper's head before she go over there with a little smile on her face

''Hey, you decided to become a pirate with us, right?'' Luffy ask with exciment since Chopper came with Luna and looking at them but Chopper murmured ''I cant..'' as he bowed his head a little, hiding his face with his pinkish hat

''Sure you can! Pirate's life is very fun, you know?!'' Luffy insist with a big smile

''You dont understand his words dont you?'' Usopp mumbled in the background

''I cant'' Chopper repeat before he look up and yelled out, just Nami, Sanji and Vivi came ''I'm a reindeer! I have hooves and horns! I also have a blue nose!'' he stopped for a moment to take a breath, like he was wanting to say these words for years like this, just the time Luna also joined Nami's side and they shared a look ''Actually, I want to be a pirate too.. But I'm not a human, I'm a monster! I cant be friends with humans! Thats why I came here just to thank you!'' he then looked like he was about to cry again as he finished and look at directly Luffy ''Thank you for asking me. But I'll stay here. If you're bored just come to visit me sometimes..''

Luffy frown at this and hearing enough ''Just shut up and come with us!'' he scream out, punching the air, causing everyone to smile while Chopper burst into crying more loudly. Zoro was also asking if this is the true way to invite someone but his voice got lost in Chopper's cry


They were all waiting for Chopper to say his goodbye to Doctorine when they heard scream of terror coming from inside of the castle.

''Whats going on inside the castle?'' Zoro asked as he look at the castle

''Why cant they just have a quiet goodbye? Its already late'' Nami huffed as she placed her hands on her hips, also looking at the castle.

Suddenly, Chopper appeared, pulling a sleigh behind him and was chased by doctor Kureha, who was swinging around a heavy spiked ball and looking like she was trying to kill Chopper with an insane look on her face

''What is this?!'' yelled everyone when they saw them. Chopper scream out at them to get in the sleigh and that they were going down the mountain. After everyone get in the sleigh, Chopper jump onto the rope that connect them to the ground and ride through the night sky as their silhouettes againts the bright full moon, making them look like as if they were flying to the people on the island. Luna laugh at this loudly as she thought how it look like santa while Luffy was also enjoying and others complaining

After a while later, they were all down the mountain, near the shorline and they could see the Drum Rookies in the far distance, that it was looking so small now. But then suddenly an explosion sound came from the castle and they all gasped as pink lights appeared.

''Woaah! Thats so cool!'' Luffy said in awe as they all also look up at it. The skies above the castle was surrounded with a pink smoke and it looked like the biggest cherry tree with pink snow blossoms fall

''Its beautiful'' Luna smiled softly while looking at the mountain and Chopper, who couldnt contain it anymore, looked up at the pink snow and let out a loud cry ''Doctooorr!'' he screamed with tears flowing down on his face


Hiliruk's sakura's was spreading throughout the night sky of the nameless empire when the ship start to sail down as two person was talking under the snow while three man standing behind them

''What is it, doctor Kureha? why are you so quiet?'' one of the three man asked as Kureha silently look at the wanted poster in her hands

''Do you know Gol D. Roger?'' Kureha asked

''D.? You mean Gold Roger? Of course. There is no one in this world who doesnt know about him'' Dalton aswered her as he look at her

''I see. Now they call him Gold Roger, huh?'' causing them to made a confuse face ''It seems that my reindeer has followed a dangerous man...'' She then made a smirk ''D's will is still alive? And that girl..'' Her mind gone to a little more than an eighteen years ago, to a pure white haired and sky eyed woman that hold her big belly with a soft and kind smile, to a woman who doesnt suit that country she saw. Kureha then suddenly let a laugh, confusing the men there, who dont understand anything..


With the party under cherry blossoms for a new crew member and Nami's get better was going with everyone doing their things and Chopper was also becoming one of them as he happily joined their things.

'Crocodile, Robin and... Ace' Luna looked at the dark horizon with a neutral face but mixing feelings as the ship sail towards to Alabasta, the desert country, with the fastest speed