WebNovelDe Luna38.71%

The Desert Country and a Brother I


It was a nice afternoon, the waves were calm and the seagulls were flying in peace as the little boat was sailing through.

The sixteen years old girl in the little boat, however, was very serious as she looked at the Log Pose with three needles in her hand. She was actually sailing with a vivre card but the needle on the left side got the girl's attention. ''It's pointing a sky island...'' She lowly said to herself as she kept looking at it. It's been almost three weeks now that she left Guanyin and made a deal with Dragon and she was now going back to her home since the new year's close and it was time for her to go back but...

''I've never gone to a sky island...'' her head was full of clouds. She had a conflicted face ''I need to go back... but..'' She then looked up to the sky and then back at the log pose ''I.. earned a little holiday after everything, right?'' She asked herself with a tilted head before she suddenly laughed ''Alright!! It's just for a couple of days! What could happen anyway!?'' she looked around after her laugh as to understand how she will go there but seeing nothing but the sea, she just decided to take a little backpack as she got in her little cabin. She put a couple of clothes and her fun gun inside it with her two notebooks and a couple of important things she can't left behind too. Finally getting ready, she hummed a moment with a thoughtful look on her face and took a piece from her boat that was almost of her size and placed it under her left arm.

After she is convinced that now she's completely ready, she started to unsheathed her katana and point at the sky. ''Reverse Gravity'' just a second later she said that she suddenly shot at the sky, leaving the boat behind in the middle of the ocean.

And so, the girl who's there a second ago was now shooting at the sky with the thought of a holiday on the clouds.


Three days later, before sunrise

The girl was looking down at the clouds, thinking what to do with a relaxed face before she let a sigh ''Well, let's leave it to faith and luck!'' with a big smile. She, once again, took the piece of wood that she came there from the port she placed it. She had a relaxed and calm face after her peaceful holiday. She was happy that no one on the clouds knows about her and she spent good three days there as she felt like she's refreshed. And so with her serene smile, she jumped from clouds and laugh loudly as she fell freely from 10,000 meters. She unsheathed her katana as she fell about 8,000 meters of her free fall and managed to sit on it as she started to go down more slowly.

Seeing that she was coming close to the lovely blue sea again, she threw the piece of wood to the sea and go to sit on it. The first time she was tired to go to that high with that speed, so she was happy that she just jumped and only used her katana for shortly. She was still a little bit tired though and start to eat chocolate that she took from her backpack before she started to panic.

''Faith and luck?!'' the girl yelled out of nowhere while looking around. She was so full of clouds that she forgot that she was in the New World for a moment. ''Maybe this time, I will really die..'' she said as she looked at the wood she was sitting on it with crossed legs. Going through the New World with a boat was already a bad idea as a couple of them was already got destroyed but she was always managed to survive one way or another but a piece of wood was far way worse. Though, there was nothing she could do now, so with a sigh and shrug, the girl kept eating her chocolate while watching the sunrise.


''Faith and luck'' she repeated but this time her mind was changed again. ''I knew leaving to faith and luck was the best idea anyway'' she was nodding with wisdom as she looked at the giant ship she got close. She saw a ship on the horizon after an hour later the sunrise and with the thought of asking a boat she was starting to go there and now after her stubborn effort she put on to get there, she was satisfied and excited. She had shiny eyes ''Who knew that I would come across with this flag now...'' she lowly murmured to herself before she went close to it and start to unsheathed her katana again

*Flashback Ends*

It has been about five days since the Strawhats left the Drum Kingdom.

Until now, with Nami getting better, the crew had talked about a plan of action and even though Luffy, Luna, and Zoro weren't exactly okay with it, in the end, it has been decided that they will get in contact with the leader of the rebel army. Luna was so against this, saying that it won't work and they should take down Baroque Works first with Luffy and Zoro also agree with it, though Luffy's reason was that he was just wanted to fight. It horrified Vivi, she was confident and saying that she knows him so that once she talks to him, she'll be able to convince him not to engage in the civil war once he learn who really is behind it, much to Luna's irritation but she didn't show it.

No matter what Luna would say, Vivi was believed that this will work, so she just let go while thinking she will have to learn herself then. She didn't bother a child who doesn't know anything about a war. She's learned herself until now, so she didn't see any problem with Vivi'll also learn herself in the end, even though she would prefer things to happen another way.

On the other hand, Luna was also doing some training, not herself but Zoro. She was so harsh on him these days. She was saying, he should be able to cut anything if he wants to be the greatest and pushing his limits, not that Zoro had any complaints about it though, if anything he was happy. It wasn't just Zoro however, she was also done some training with Nami too. Luna didn't remember all of their fights and trusted them in the end but from what she knows about Baroque Works, she knew Zoro will be fighting with Mr 1 and she knew others will also be fighting with devil fruit users too. Nami's weapon was so new, she didn't want Nami to learn to use it in battle, so when Nami didn't want to train, Luna said that she saw Usopp put some weird things in her weapon, which it was true, and she should do some training as to how she will use her new weapon if she wants to live. Poor Usopp had it hard at first after Nami learned everything about her new weapon though.

And now, everything was like always, a sunny day with everyone relaxing. Chopper and Luna were in the kitchen, sitting and reading a book while Nami was writing and Sanji was doing something in his kitchen. Zoro was napping on the deck while Luffy and Usopp were fishing when Vivi suddenly came to the kitchen with a yell about some smoke that ahead of them.

With Nami saying it's not something dangerous, the Merry sailed right into it and now they were all, except Sanji, looking at the man, dripping wet and gasping for breath in the middle of the deck. A tall, male ballerina with heavy makeup and a pair of swan heads on the back of his pink coat, an okama that Luffy and Usopp fished in the smoke while using Carue as a bait.

''Thank you very much. You're swanderful people'' he start with gratitude as he bowed his head ''My life has been saved by pirates that I do not even know. I will never forget this. Might I have a warm cup of soup?''

''No!!'' They all yelled. Luffy, Usopp, Luna, Chopper, and Carue had eaten all the food that Sanji laid out for to last until they reached to Alabasta. Luffy was the only one to get punished by Sanji for this though.

''We're hungry too!!'' Zoro yelled

After they calmed down, the okama guy, Bon Clay as Luna remembered, start to show off his devil fruit ability by touching everyone. Luna was hesitated at first but she let him anyway since he was their friend in the end. He was immediately amused the most of the crew. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper fell over for his ability while Zoro and Luna just watch with blank faces. Nami on the other hand, punched him on the ground after he transformed into her and show them a full view of her breasts. He came back quickly though and with Luffy, Usopp and Chopper are insisting, he start to show other faces he had. They were dancing and looking ready for a party when Bon Clay's ship showed up and he has to leave

''Oh me, my me! Is it time to leave already?! Too bad'' Bon Clay dramatically said as he stand on the railing ''Do not be sad, my babies!! Separation is inevitable!! Never forget me!'' Then he turned to them with a big smile and a little tear in his eyes ''Length of time means nothing to true friendship!!!''

''We'll see you again!!'' Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper yelled after him as he jumped on his ship. Luna was also nodding sagely to this while she was waving at him with a smile, he was a weird man to her but she agreed to his words

''Let's go, lovies!!!!'' Ban Clay yelled

''Yes, sir!!! Mr. 2 Bon Clay-sama, sir!!!'' and they were gone in a matter of seconds with incredible speed, shocking all the crew. Vivi was on her knees saying that she didn't know despite being told what he looked like, causing Luna to sweatdrop and think that Vivi would be really dead if she didn't come with them.

''One of those past faces he showed off from memory...was my father's!'' she was shaking while holding her head ''What in the world..will he use my father's face to do?!'' causing Luna to look at her with a frown. To her, Vivi was worrying too damn much. She was intensely looking at her while trying to understand her. How could she not notice that he was Mr 2? Why she didn't say anything when she saw her father's face? She didn't do or say anything since she knew that things will be fine one way or another and she knew that Bon Clay was harmless and their friend in the end but Vivi was different, she didn't know about the future unlike her or how a truly person Bon Clay is. 'Is it because she's worried too much or didn't she trust us to take them down?' Luna though seriously. She was deep in the thought about the future of Vivi when she came back to the world with Zoro's voice

''I think we're lucky that we met him.'' He had a wicked smile on his face as he claps a hand on Luffy's shoulder ''Now we can use countermeasures''


After an hour later, the crew now were finished to draw an X on their arm and wrapping a bandage around it ''Just make sure you tie it tight. Our enemies have plenty of mysteries.'' Zoro said as he wrapped his bandage around his arm.

''I see'' Vivi said while she was bandaging Nami's arm

''As long as we can see these, we don't need to doubt one another'' Nami said with a smile

''Does he really look like us that much?'' Sanji asked with the bandage in his mouth as he finished tying his own on ''When he does his 'clone clone fruit' thing..''

''He doesn't 'look' like us, he 'is' us!! Too bad, you really should have seen it!'' Usopp explained

''I'm not interested in okamas'' Sanji said as he lit a cigarette, causing Luna to sweatdrop 'maybe he jinx it here somehow..' was her thoughts while she was bandaging Luffy's arm

''Now we know he's among the enemy and he won't be the only one with devil fruit's power.'' Luna said as she finished to bandage up Luffy ''We should be careful...''

''Hey, what should I do?'' Chopper asked confidently, wanting to do something useful as he look up to Luna with determined eyes, causing her to smile gently

''Just do whatever you can do, Chopper'' as she patted his head with a little encouragement smile ''It's not like you're alone, if you get overwhelmed, one of us will be there to help''

''Right, do your best!'' Usopp said with his punched hands and look of determination ''You can also run away from enemies you can't beat!! Just do your best!!'' firmly declared, more like he was saying this to himself though as Sanji also state this fact loudly

''You're just telling that to yourself'' causing Usopp to shoot at him furiously

''What I can do..'' Chopper repeated softly with a thoughtful face first ''Got it!!'' after he look up to Luna again with a wide smile which she also smiled at him brightly too, just then they heard Luffy from the front of the ship, calling that he could see the island, causing all of them to look ahead to see an island that covered in sand and brick houses.

''We are coming up to the harbor'' Luna said

''Let's stop in that inlet to the west. We have to hide the ship'' Nami add after Luna while pointing at the west side

''Okay!!'' Luffy came with a laugh and hold up his arm in front of him ''Whatever happens from now on, this left arm is proof of friendship!!!'' as all of them also hold out their arms, forming a circle, with smiles on their faces ''Now, let's get onto dry land!!!'' then he add ''To a restaurant!! then Alabasta'' he was clearly thinking about restaurant much more, causing them to yell at him

''Shut up, you idiot!!!''


The moment the ship docked, Luffy was run off while yelling 'restaurant' and just a moment later he left, Luna got out off of their room.

''What should we do? Nanohana is a large town. It will be very hard to search for Luffy-san!'' Vivi was saying worriedly when Luna get out of the room

''Don't worry, Vivi. We'll just look for the noisiest spot in town and he'll be there!'' Luna said with a laugh while she was also getting off the ship and going towards them.

''Hahaha, you got that right, Luna!'' Usopp laugh at this as Sanji's eyes turned to hearts and start to his goddess poems again with seeing Luna's new clothes. After they decided to go and eat somethings first and think about other things later, they start to walk towards Nanohana town


Luna was walking through the streets while eating her shish kebab in her hands that she bought earlier. She was admitted that she's lost again. She was cursing that the normal compass doesn't work when she saw a large tornado of smoke and fire rising to the sky ''Must be Ace and Smokey..'' she lowly murmured as she start to walk there. She was also murmuring stalker Smokey as she walk..


Luffy was also get lost, though he was looking like he doesn't understand as he was looking around the alley. One minute ago he was running to the port with the rest of his crew except Luna, which they were complaining that somehow she was lost while even Zoro wasn't, next thing he knew, he was alone there, sitting on some barrel of water that he was carrying and staring around

''Hmm, that's weird'' Luffy said with a tilted head, folding his arms and legs ''Why am I the only one here? Where did they go? Did they lost too?''

Suddenly, a shadow appeared above him and a good-natured voice with a hint of fondness in it spoke ''Sheesh! I guess my letting you escape was pretty much pointless..'' causing Luffy to look up curiously to see Ace on the rooftop, holding up a hand in greeting ''Hey!''

''Hey, Ace!'' Luffy said loudly with a big smile on his face as Ace jumped down to his little brother

''Haven't saw you in a while, Luffy'' Ace said with a smile while looking at Luffy

''You too, Ace!'' Luffy's eyes were bright as he look at Ace, he was looking even more like a child as Ace start to laugh. Suddenly Luffy jumped from the barrel and the two of them start arm wrestle with each other

''How many years has it been?'' Luffy asked as he start to push hard on his brother's arm

''Good question.'' Ace answered as he keep his arm steady ''But Luffy, it looks like you still go at your own pace, just like you did since you were a kid''

''You too, Ace!'' Luffy tried harder to push Ace's arm down ''I was surprised you ate a devil fruit but besides that, you're the same!'' just he began to push Ace's arm down ''Like when you'd sneak into the fields, eat a hundred watermelons and then spit the seeds out like a gun and run!''

''That wasn't me! That was you!'' Ace said as he start to push Luffy's arm this time

''And then you got big bumps right here!'' Luffy add

''That was you too! I watched and laughed!'' Ace said as they were both had red faces while keep attempting to win. In the end, the barrel break apart to its pieces under them and the water splash everywhere.

''I guess we're both the same'' Luffy said with a big smile while both still holding onto the hands of each other

''Yeah!'' Ace said with a big smile too just before they high five

''This brings back memories!'' Luffy said with nostalgia on his face and a little smile

''Say,'' Ace said as he reached into his bag and pulled out a canteen of water ''weren't your friends looking for you?''

''Yeah.'' Luffy said simply while watching Ace drinking water ''But Ace what are you doing in this country?'' causing a surprise to appear on Ace's face

''Huh? You mean you didn't get the message I sent to Drum?''

While blinking at this, Luffy tilted his head a little in confusion ''Drum?''

''Yeah, its no big deal or anything though.'' Ace waved his hand dismissively ''I'm just in these waters on minor business''

''Minor business?'' Luffy asked curiously while Ace wiping his mouth on the back of his hand and throw the canteen to Luffy as he explained that he was now with the Whitebeard Pirates

''The Whitebeard Pirates?'' Luffy repeated in surprise as he drink some water, he thought Luna has said something about it before but... Ace turned around at this, showing Luffy the tattoo on his back

''This is the mark of the Whitebeard Pirates, it's my pride'' Ace said as Luffy continued to drink and turned to Luffy again ''Luffy, won't you join the Whitebeard Pirates? Your friends come too, of course'' he asked with a smile

''No,'' Luffy answered bluntly, didn't even think about it a moment, causing Ace to laugh

''I figured not. Just thought I'd ask'' he admitted as his hand was holding his hat on his head ''Whitebeard is the greatest pirate I know. I wanna help him to be the Pirate King... not you, Luffy.''

''That's fine!'' Luffy said with a big smile ''Then we'll just have to fight. I will be the Pirate King!'' causing Ace to smile fondly

''Anyway, let's look for your friends. Getting spotted by the Navy's always a pain'' before he picked up his bag and they began to walk down the alley.

''They might've gone back to the ship,'' Luffy said with a thoughtful face ''Though, they were saying Luna got lost..'' he add causing Ace to look at him ''Luna?'' he asked

''She's a member of my crew'' Luffy beamed proudly before he made a face like he remembered something ''Right, this business of yours.. you can ask Luna about it, I'm sure she will be able to help you!'' with a big smile, causing Ace to raise a questioning eyebrow ''Oh, really?''

''Yeah! She's so smart and she knows almost everything! She's also really strong too! She has this sword that she uses hell's and flames, she can even fly! And she also had this fun gun and party bullets that so funny and her babies! She also had this sea stone...'' Luffy was telling about her with a big smile until the last part. He had a little painful face as his hand gone to his head ''She sometimes reminds me of Grandpa..'' he add lowly

Ace's eyebrows were raised as he listened to his little brother, there was a little thought back in his mind 'Luna, hell, fire, flying, fun gun and party bullets...' he dismissed immediately though, thinking no way, so instead of thinking these he made a smirk ''She seems interesting..'' he then paused a moment before he asked ''So, is she cute?'' he asked like its nothing but his eyes were on his little brother with a glint of mischievous

Luffy made a thoughtful face to this for a moment ''Cute... Well, she can be sometimes but I wouldn't say she's cute'' he then made a face like he remembered something ''Cute..'' he repeated ''She finds different and the weirdest things cute, I don't understand sometimes..'' Luffy said, more like to himself, causing Ace to blink a little

''So, she's not cute?'' Ace asked, now was rather curious as to why the cute word made his brother frown like that while he was also looking like he really doesn't understand somethings

Luffy got out of his world with this question ''No, she is beautiful more than cute'' he said bluntly with a blank face before made a little smile ''She has this white hair with golden strands and blue eyes that looks so much like the sea, it's like looking at the ocean when you look at her eyes and you know, sometimes she looks at you like she sees everything and makes you feel like you're drowning. And she always laughs when she fights and its always different and funny! She's really nice, funny, and smart, though others calls her a weirdo...'' Luffy said with a smile but made a thoughtful face in the end, like he doesn't understand why they call her a weirdo.

Ace, on the other hand, was living a shock for a lot of things. First was about Luffy and how he was talking about a girl. He was sure that his little brother had never, ever show any interest to any girl in the past and now, he was talking about a girl with a smiling face like that. The second one was about this Luna girl, however. From the way Luffy described her, there was no other Luna then her. He could understand why his brother was saying she was beautiful, even though Luffy wasn't someone who looks at people's looking. But, a weirdo with a white hair and ocean eyes who use these weapons and sea stones.. and finds the different and weird things cute on top of that

''Luffy...'' Ace said slowly, causing Luffy to turn to him, only to see that Ace had a weird face and was sweating ''This Luna..do you know her full name?'' with a questioning look on his face

Luffy tilted his head, not understanding why was Ace looking like this or asking this ''Yeah'' he answered blankly

''Is it..'' Ace stopped for a moment and looked around before he lowly add ''Grant D. Luna?'' he asked as to make sure, causing Luffy to blink a couple of times before he made a big and shiny smile ''Yeah, you know Luna?!'' he had a surprised and happy mixed face

''Know her..?'' Ace repeat it with a sweatdrop 'Pops was right in the end.. she really is alive..' he thought ''Well, I only me-'' before he could keep going, he was cut in with a happy voice

''Oh, Luffy!!'' Causing both of them to turn their heads to the voice and see the girl who's happily waving at them with one hand and the other was holding a shish kebab that she was eating as she walk towards them.

She was wearing a white top crop with thin straps and a deep v-shaped neckline. It was just under her breasts with little frills, if anything it was looking like a bustier as it was also showing her back that phases of moon's tattooed. She was also wearing a deep blue colored sarong, just under her hips and her bellybutton, showing off her well-toned muscles. Her pitch-black katana was now hanging from a thin belt around her hips along with her dagger that strapped around her right mid-thigh leg and her hair was also completely free now, her golden strands were shinning like a real gold under the sun. She was also wearing some flat heel, rope sandals that its ropes were wrapping around her ankles as she was wearing her bracelets like always too.

If Ace got out of from his shock and look at his little brother, maybe he could have the chance of his life to tease Luffy since he had a slight blush that appeared on his cheeks just for a second before it was replaced with a big smile

''Luna!'' Luffy also waved his hand happily

''What are you doing here? Did you get lost too?'' She asked with a big smile but before Luffy could answer her question, Ace pointed a finger at her with a shocked face ''Luna?!'' causing Luna's eyes to turn to him

''Oh, isn't it cute freckles?'' Luna said so casually, causing Ace's jaws to drop with a red face that one couldn't say if it was from anger or embarrassment

''I told you my name is Ace!!'' he yelled, making Luna blink and turned to Luffy with a face like waiting for some explanation, though Luffy had the same face too

''You know Ace?'' Luffy asked with a big smile and excitement

''You know freckles?'' Luna asked with a tilted head at the same time with Luffy, both of them blink at each other with this, causing Ace to sweatdrop for a second 'Well, if it's her, she really can help me...' was his thoughts while Luffy was happily saying that Ace was his big brother


It was a calm and peaceful morning on Moby Dick. Everyone was relaxing around the ship since they were just finished their breakfast. Most of them were sitting around their pops and talking with laughs until someone from crowns nest yell ''Something is coming!'' causing them to look up

''Something-yoi?'' Marco asked with a confused face, thinking about what something and waiting for more explanation

''It's...'' the man look through his binoculars ''A girl...I think...'' he then look for a minute without saying anything while others were looking back at him with confused faces ''It's a girl on a piece of wood and she is coming towards us!!'' he finally yelled out while looking down at them

''A girl..''

''On a piece of..''


''Well, you can always see weird things in this seas..'' people were saying with a surprise and confuse at the why a girl was in the New World's sea on a piece of wood and was coming towards their ship

''What should we do, pops?'' Ace asked after getting over his surprise

''Gurarara!! Let her come!'' Whitebeard said from his big throne on the deck ''It seems like it'll be interesting'' as his eyes look at the direction of the girl that spotted, he had some kind of glint in his eyes while he was grinning


Marco, Ace, who recently accepted to join their family, Thatch and Jozu were waiting on the side of the ship. They didn't know who this girl was but from the looks of their Pop's eyes, they were decided to wait for her to come as they stood close to the railings. Division Commanders and others were all also besides their Captain

''What a huge ship, seriously...'' A voice came to them, sounding like complaining, just before a girl showed up in front of them. She was sitting on a pitch-black katana, holding its grip with her left hand that a ring on the index finger, and a hat on her head, a hat and a ring that made them narrow their eyes momently, except Ace, since they had a certain eye symbol on them but they were looking at the girl with rather blank faces as the girl was floating on the katana, like some kind of witch on her broom, though the girl was far from a witch with her beautiful look.

''What rude men.. If you were waiting for me to come, you could just throw a rope or something, you know?'' The girl asked as she suddenly started to fall and jump on the railing while they were still looking at her blankly since this was not what they were waiting in the calm morning like this. While the girl start to sheathed her katana, making clear that she had no funny intentions, Marco suddenly frowned

''Coming to our ship like this, without any notice, much more rude-yoi'' He narrowed his eyes again and look at the girl, ring and the hat more carefully as to make sure ''Grant D. Luna'' said while looking at the girl, who casually came and standing there like if it's not her first time to come there but she had come before, she was looking so relaxed

''Oh my, sorr-'' the girl was saying with a little smile but blinked a couple of times as she looked at Marco ''Pineapple?'' with a tilted head, causing others to blink a second too before they suddenly burst into laughing causing both Marco to had a vein popped on his forehead, and getting the girl's attention. Her eyes got widen when she saw Ace and look at him for a moment with that state, making him stop laughing and look at her with a confused face, then suddenly, without any notice, she got close to him and start to look at him more curiously, tensing Ace as to what's going on but before he could even say anything ''You have cute freckles!'' she declared while getting away from him and start to look around and to others with an admiring look and curiosity

Ace, however, was looking all red ''Cute?!! Who are you calling cute?!'' while pointing at her but get ignored as she looked at Marco and smiled big

Seeing she was looking at him like this ''Jozu, Ace, go to Pops-yoi. Tell him that our guest is Grant D. Luna herself'' Marco said, making Ace's red face gone and a questioning one to come instead while Jozu was looking at her hard and intense eyes

After they left to notice Whitebeard, Ace was learning who Grant D. Luna is and all about them from Jozu on the way, while Luna was smiling at Marco and Thatch, was looking at the girl with a slight blush, he was thinking she would be one of the most beautiful women in the future


''So, she is the Princess of an underworld country and you're saying that its a country even World Government and Marines stays away from it?'' Ace asked with a surprise since he never heard of this before, he in the end had no business with underworld until now but he frowned when he thought about how a country like that would look. A closed country, only criminals lived and do their things openly..?

''Yeah. That hat on her head, that eye on it, it's their symbol. People call it 'Eye of the Demon' since they see that county and King Luca as a demon and they call her 'Demon Eye's child' or 'Princess of the Demon's Eye' after everything she had done in such a short time or the rumors says so..'' Jozu then made a thoughtful face ''Hmm, some calls it the Eye that Knows Everything though. They say that their knowledge can even destroy the world. They know almost everything from the top secrets of World Government and Marines to basic informations but rumors say that it's more than that..'' causing Ace to looked more shocked

''What kind of knowledge can even destroy the world?'' he asked in surprised but Jozu also had no real answer to this as he thought it could be anything and with the things he heard that family and their people had done and the fact that they were still existing, he thought it really might be true, if not World Government would do something until now, in the end, Grant family were open up with their actions but what kind of knowledge they had were only rumors. For all he knows that World Government was destroyed Ohara not so long ago but Diyu island was still there, though that country was one of the strongest with Grant D. Luca and everyone who lives in it but this alone wouldn't really stop the World Government if they really wanted to destroy them. So he thought that rumors might really be true in the end.


''Pops said he will see her'' one of the men came and said before they finally start to go towards the big throne that Whitebread sits.

Everyone was looking at the girl with narrowed eyes or curious ones as to why Grant D. Luna was on their ship. Even though some of them didn't know about her, the ones heard about them were started to tell the things they heard. The Grant Kingdom had no business with them until now, so why now their princess came to their ship without any notice like this

The girl had a waist-length, white hair with golden strands inside it and ocean blue eyes. She was wearing a white shirt and there were golden floral engravings on its collar and its cuffs while its top two buttons were open and she was wearing a black tight, high waisted, leather pants with a black and white leather belt that wrapping around her waist several times along with a shiny black leather high heel boots that come to her ankles. She also had black leather suspenders on her along with a black cop hat that an eye symbol on its front with a gold color and a black cape that comes under her hips that its insides were white and had the same golden floral engravings with her shirt and it had golden chains on its shoulders. She also had a silver-colored skeleton bone bracelet on her right hand and an insignia ring on her left index finger with an eye symbol on it too. There were only two weapons on her which were a pitch-black katana that was hanging from her left side and a dagger strapped on her right mid-thigh leg. She was also carrying a basic, black backpack on her shoulder with her left hand.

She was looking so casual and relaxed for someone who comes to Whitebeard's ship and even though she looked somehow beautiful for her age and rich, she wasn't looking like a princess at all. It was their first time seeing her since Grant D. Luna's picture was never in the newspapers. People from that country would carry that eye symbol but only someone from Grant D. family could wear that ring, that and her look was exactly what rumors said. Even though they were pirates and had nothing to do with the royals, she wasn't a normal princess either. If anything, they shouldn't be count as royals from the beginning anyway.

The girl came to a stop right in front of Whitebeard and look at him with curious eyes as he was also looking at her with the same eyes while everyone was waiting to learn what she wants.

''You're really big!'' was the first words she said as she looked at Whitebeard with a big smile, causing everyone to look at her weirdly like she had a second head or something while Whitebeard let a laugh

''Gurarara!'' after a good laugh, he took a gulp from his big sake and look down at the girl with his curious eyes ''So, why did you come here?'' he asked with a smile since he didn't feel any bad intentions from the little girl in front of him. He wouldn't judge the girl with her family but he has also heard the rumors about her and he couldn't decide what to think about her after seeing her suddenly like this

Luna smiled big again after this, however ''I didn't know it was your ship until I came to close, I only came to ask for a boat!'' she said like this was the most normal thing in the world, causing everyone there to sweatdrop. They weren't waiting for this in the end but when they were thinking about it, she was on a piece of wood, all alone. Why was she even sailing like that anyway...

And like speaking what in their minds, their first division commander asked ''Why were you on a piece of wood-yoi?'' he looked at her curiously. For all he knows, she could be sailing on a ship made of from full of gold

''My boat got destroyed'' She said as a matter of fact while looking at him like saying, how could he even asked something so simple, causing Marco to taken aback a little with this as he asked again with more curious

''Your boat got destroyed?'' he looked at her for a second, there wasn't even a scratch on her and this was the New World. No matter what, she was still a young girl in his eyes, though she was flying just a moment ago while sitting on a frecking katana. Others were also looking at her, finding this interesting.

Luna look at them for a moment and was actually surprised that they were curious about that, so she just let a sigh and suddenly sat on the floor with a relaxed posture and start to tell about how she had never gone to a sky island before and wanted to go when she saw that needle was pointing to a sky island. She told them she needed to piece of wood once she reached to the clouds since she couldn't get her boat completely and so she cracked it and left the rest behind. She even told them about her holiday with a rather happy face while she was also suggesting them to go there if they would ever want a holiday and finally, she told them how she came back just a while ago, saw their ship and decided to ask for a boat

When she finished telling her little story, they were all looking at her like she was some kind of creature that they saw for the first time.

''In the end... aren't you the one who destroyed your boat?'' Ace asked with hesitation, to him, she looked more like an idiotic weirdo than a demonic princess.

Luna looked at Ace with a blank face and blink a couple of times, then she turned to Whitebeard and start to talk again, causing Ace to sweatdrop 'She ignored..' as he thought ''But after seeing it was your ship I wanted to ask one more thing too!'' She said happily as she was starting to get up from the floor

''Oh? what is it?'' Whitebeard asked with an amusement clear eyes. Until now he was quietly listening to the girl's little story while drinking his sake and he had a smile on his face making clear that he was amused

''Its...'' She began as suddenly looked so serious, causing them to look more serious too as they were waiting that must be the moment that she will say the real reason as to why she was there. She cleared her throat before she said anything and look up to Whitebeard with a face that like she was about to ask what one piece is, ''Can you give me your signature?!'' she suddenly burst with excitement and shinning eyes, causing everyone there to sweatdrop once again 'Maybe we got it wrong..' was their thoughts as they look at her and tried to be sure if she was really Grant D. Luna

''Why do you want Pops signature-yoi?'' Marco asked with folded arms, frowning with a lot of thoughts, making others to also look at her, thinking there must be some hidden intentions, they wouldn't fall for her innocent face. Luna, however, look at him like he was some kind of idiot, making him to taking aback once more

''I'm a fan, obviously..'' with a very serious face, causing everyone to look at her with a blank face while blinking in silence for a moment, progressing what she just said. Then suddenly their jaws were on the floor, except the commenders who still had blank faces, and they were all yelled at her ''The hell is wrong with you?!!!'' while Whitebeard also started to laugh loudly, like he heard the joke of the century, all the while Luna was looking at them with a face that said she doesn't understand. She was really serious in the end.

After a while later, they all calmed down and Luna looked up to Whitebeard once again. She thought that maybe it was really a faithful meeting in the end as she looked at him with a little smile. Everyone felt the air around her completely changed ''I would also like to have a private talk with you if it is alright?'' she asked. Even her voice and her talking were different. They all look at her with their serious faces, to have that kind of heavy air around her and that kind of face with that age, she really looked like the princess of Grant Kingdom that moment.

Whitebeard also look at her intensely for a moment and ordered them all to leave them alone after he saw the look in her eyes.

The private talk between Edward Newgate and Grant D. Luna that day took four hours and even Marco didn't know what they were talking about that long. They could hear their captain's laughing from time to time but that was all. He never got angry as the skies were all clear in those hours.

After it was finally ended, however, Whitebeard and Luna were still laughing and he was even decided to throw a party, surprising everyone of his crew. The party started with the thought of it would only take a short time but it somehow kept going until the next morning. It was one hell of a party if one would say. At some point, seeing their captain was okay with her, they were all come to not to judge her as she was also laughing happily around them

She and Ace were even comparing their flames until Marco came and told them to stop before burning down the ship but he was also somehow ended up showing his flames too and she was showing her party bullets and all, there was even a bet was going on who could eat more between Ace and Luna, all the while Whitebeard was laughing and drinking his sake happily as he watched his sons, daughters and his little guest.

In the middle of the night, she noticed that Ace was suddenly looking at her intensely somehow

''Why are you looking at me like that cute freckles?'' so she asked, causing Ace to yell at her that she cant call a man cute as she kept tease him all the time that day

''They say you know almost everything...'' Ace said after he calmed down with a hesitation, causing Luna to blink. She knew Ace was newly joined to the Whitebeards, he was still new so she thought he was nervous that she might know about his father. To her, Ace was like a little child who walks on a similar path with her but he was also so different from her too. Luna wasn't someone who cares about things much let alone what others were saying or thinking about her unlike Ace

''Are you trying to ask me if I know about who's your father is?'' She asked bluntly with a tilted head

Ace's eyes widened at this with a tense body ''So you know?'' he asked with a frowned face, why was she acting like this if she knew, was his thoughts. He was questioning why she didn't say anything too

Luna hummed for a moment and turned her back to go to join to Marco and ask if he could turn to Phoenix ''You're trying to reason yourself with a wrong person, Ace'' Luna look at him for a moment as she turned her head with a little but a kind smile on her face ''I'm also called a child of a demon too in the end and believe me, mine is a real one unlike yours but in the end, it doesn't matter who is your family, you are your own person'' causing Ace's eyes to go wide again but she just turned her back and leave after that before Ace could even ask or say anything

They keep their party and Ace and Luna acted like they never talked in the beginning at all, though Ace was hesitated at first, seeing Luna wasn't even caring caused him to not care too

When the Whitebeard Pirates were wake up in the morning, there was no Luna on the ship anymore. Some were even questioning if she was really there in the first place anyway but their captain laughed at this. He said that she took a boat and left, only said goodbye to him and actually stole the boat since even he was sleeping until she came to the deck with a boat and he wouldn't even notice if he wouldn't wake up to the voice, he was personally so amused at this actually. They were looking conflicted as to what they will think about her in the end but they were all starting to laugh when they saw Ace's face

''The hell are you laughing?!'' He yelled with a confused face, not understanding why they were laughing at him like that until Thatch came with a mirror

''That evil girl!!!!'' Ace was burst into flames of his and he was even exploded. On his face, his freckles were more visible, obviously made with some pen and on his forehead was letters, writing 'cute' causing everyone to laugh harder

The freckles and the word on his forehead weren't gone for a week and he cursed Luna all that week. He was saying that if he would ever saw her again he will take his revenge but after seven months later, with the newspaper they read, he thought that it was impossible...

*Flashback Ends*

Luffy, Ace, and Luna kept walking down the alley. After Luffy told Ace was his big brother, he was asked how they know each other and so they were shortly told Luffy that Luna came to their ship to ask for a boat and left the next morning about close to two years ago

''So, which harbor is your ship in?'' Ace asked after getting off of the shock

''Actually, I can't remember at all..'' Luffy said with a laugh

''Oh geez,'' Ace sigh but he was looking like he was expecting this ''Pirate ship captains usually remember where they leave their ship''

''You remember?'' Luffy asked Luna after he laugh at Ace and said to not to worry about it

''Hmm...I remember it was west but,'' Luna look around before smile big ''Which way is west anyway?'' causing Luffy to also laugh while Ace was shaking his head

''No wonder you got lost..'' Ace said with a sigh but then he turned to look straight with a smile ''So, I know Luna but how about the rest of your crew, what kind of people are they?''

Luffy smiled shinny at this and began to count down on his fingers, starting with ''A swordsman who wants to be the world's greatest swordmaster. He is always wearing a haramaki'' Luna sweatdrop at Luffy's explanation, so she decided to make more normal one

''Roronoa Zoro, he is using three katana and he can even be lost on a straight road!'' Luna said with a smile, she was actually happy that Zoro was way worse than her.

Luffy laugh at this and went on while Ace was nodding ''A navigator who likes maps and tangerines and money!''

''That's Nami, she had an orange girl and she is a really good navigator and she also likes to yell out of nowhere, she is so funny!'' Luna add, to Ace, she was just saying their names and the rest was not so different from Luffy's explanation...

''Then there is a cook who makes really yummy foods..''

''That's Sanji! He is a bit of pink world guy but he's cute and his food is really delicious!'' Luna said happily again causing Luffy to turn his eyes to right with a little pout, causing Ace to make a smirk while thinking 'so that's why he had that face with that cute word' Though it wasn't usually a good thing that a girl calls a man cute but he wouldn't say this to Luffy as he was having fun. He then thought that what kind of Luna had in her cute world, he was sure that most of them weren't even really cute somehow anyway. He could understand why his little brother doesn't understand either

''There is a liar too!'' Luffy said with a big smile again as he came back quickly

''A liar?'' Ace asked curiously as he turned to Luna

''Yeah that's Usopp, he's like Pinocchio!'' She laughed at this while Luffy and Ace were looking confused at what is Pinocchio but before they could even ask ''But he is also a good sniper!''

Ace nod at this with finally understanding and Luffy keep excitedly ''And then a reindeer!'' with proudly as he finished the count

Ace turned to Luna again with this with a confused face but sweatdrop at seeing her smiling way too happily ''He is a reindeer... A little, blue-nosed, cute reindeer..'' she said slowly but coming back in a second, she add then ''He is a normal reindeer who ate a devil fruit and our doctor!''

Ace blink for a moment before made a smile ''That's quite the variety you got there, Luffy''

Then like remembering now ''We also have a princess and her duck now!'' Luffy add with a big smile

''hmm?'' Ace hummed for a moment and slightly look at Luna with the word of the princess but she was just looking ahead

''They are all so interesting!'' Luffy add animatedly causing Ace to smile at him

''I would say you're probably the most interesting of all, though'' he said with a smile then add again ''Still, only a handful of people for a pirate crew... that's just like you''

''I also want a musician!'' Luffy said with a big smile ''I thought Luna was a musician at first but she said she's not'' he was pouting at this since Luna almost never sang a song and was only humming sometimes.

''Luna can sing?'' Ace asked with a slight surprise, he was thinking how in the world his little brother even though she was a musician of all the things, that was just so much of like Luffy. Luffy, however, beamed brightly as he threw his arm around Luna's shoulder

''Of course, Luna has a really beautiful voice!'' causing Luna to deny that she doesn't while Ace was looking at them with a smirk

''Stop right there, Fire Fist Ace!'' someone yelled as they all come to a stop to see a group of people coming out from all sides of alleyways, both in front and behind as well as several standing on the roofs, smirking down at them. ''As you can see, there is no place to run now!'' one of the biggest men of the group, declared directly in front of them ''Fire Fist Ace! Your head is mine! Prepare yourself!!''

Three of them look at the man blankly

''Fire Fist Ace! Your luck ends here!'' the man said smugly as one of the other man notice who Luffy is too

''Hey! Isn't that Straw Hat Luffy?!'' and other were also join as they also recognized him

''Talk about luck! Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy! Once I have your heads, our promotion is a guarantee!!'' The big man said smugly again

Three of them, however, didn't even blink an eye and just walked away ''So, where is west?'' Luna asked as Luffy said he doesn't know and Ace was showing the way. This was only got angered the bounty hunters though and they all charged at them. The fight was over way too quickly as they were all nothing but talk and so, three of them now keep their walking towards to west again, as they didn't even interrupt in the beginning


A little while later, they were finally reached to the Merry, everyone was yelling at them that they couldn't leave because both Luffy and Luna were not there and after introducing Ace to everyone, they were all gathered on Merry's deck and were having fun. Luna was sitting on the railing with sake on her hand and was talking with Zoro, who's leaning on the railing beside her as he was also drinking his sake when they heard Luffy

''Hey, Luna!'' he was shouting from beside Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, and Ace, causing Luna to turn to them with a curious look. Luffy pointed at Ace with a big smile of his ''Ace said he has some business, you think you can help?''

Luna turned to Ace after this with a rather blank face as Ace was also looking at her with a serious face ''You already know, right?'' Ace asked, he was sure that Luna would know and she already knew why he was in paradise.

Luna frown at this ''If you're going to ask me where that bastard is, I don't know.'' she said seriously too. Causing all of them to look at them in confuse

''Bastard?'' Usopp asked with a tilted head, causing Ace to sigh ''I'm chasing someone, a pirate named Blackbeard'' he explained, making Usopp and Chopper's eyes to widen

''I heard of him!'' Vivi suddenly said ''He's the one who attacked the Drum Kingdom!'' Ace didn't look away from Luna however

''How much do you know?'' as he leaned back against a barrel

Luna was looking hard at him with a frown on her face before she let a sigh and start to go to their room, making them confused but she was come back in a minute with a red book in her hands ''I heard that he committed the most unforgivable sin as a pirate'' Luna said as she came in front of Ace as everyone also start to gather there

''The most unforgivable?'' Nami asked in fear

''He killed one of his fellow crewmembers over a devil fruit and run away'' Luna said before she let another sigh

''He killed his crewmates and run away?! And for a devil fruit?!!'' Usopp asked in outrage while Vivi gasp in horror with her hands on her mouth

''So that's why you're after him, you want to kill him'' Zoro said with a frown, causing Ace to nod again

''He used to be my subordinate, as a commander I have to finish him off. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be back here in this part of the sea'' He said before he took a big gulp from his drink ''I heard he was seen in Alabasta, in a place called Yuba'' He said as he looked at Luna if she knows about this

''Hey, that's our destination too, right?'' Nami asked Vivi, which she nodded

''He's not in Alabasta but you can look around, maybe you can find something about where he really is'' Luna said causing Ace to nod ''But, be careful Ace'' Luna said seriously, making Ace also look serious too as others also look at them with same faces too. Luna opened the book and start to flip the pages

''What's that book?'' Zoro asked while looking at the book

''A book of all the known devil fruits'' Luna answered like its nothing while others' eyes got widen at how even Luna has that and look at the book more closely and see that every page had different devil fruit's name, pictures, and information. When she finally came to stop on some page, she turned to Ace

''This is the fruit he stole, right?'' she asked, making Ace to blink in surprise for a moment

''Yeah..'' he said slowly, though he was sure Luna knew ''How did you know?''

''Because I was also looking for this fruit too, so when someone else had it I learn it immediately'' Luna said, shocking everyone there

''You wanted to eat a devil fruit?'' Nami asked with a surprised face as they were all looking at her, Luna was already strong and they never thought she would want to have devil fruit powers too. She already had powers looked like a devil fruit anyway

''No, I would never eat a devil fruit and give up on swimming'' Luna said seriously but also with a face that how could they even ask this, swimming, in the end, saved her life more than once ''I was looking for it because I didn't want anyone to eat it'' She said more seriously as she look at the picture of the fruit before turned to Ace again ''That was one of the things I talked with old man mustache''

''Stop calling pops like that..'' Ace said tiredly before turned to serious ''You two talk about this?'' with curious too ''Wait,'' Ace said suddenly with a blink ''If you were looking that long, how could you not find it first?'' with confuse. He knew she could find it, he was learned that they had hands all over the world

Luna let a long sigh after this while others were also looking confused and curious ''I only start to search openly a year ago. I was looking at it secretly at that time, in fact, that old man was the only one I talked about this. I knew he had a high chance to find it, so I told him that if he ever found that fruit he should hide it or send it to me so I can hide and he was said okay! Why didn't he do that?!'' Luna said the last part with a sudden angry face.

She was thinking that knowing the future wasn't a good thing at all, so she was chose to ignore it in the past. But, she was always looking for the dark dark fruit secretly. She didn't know if it was Teach or the fruit that's the evil or the problem but she was thought that if the fruit was never showed up, Teach would also never done the things he would have done. She knew, she could find it if she used her country's power but she didn't want to explain herself as to why she was looking for a fruit she doesn't even want to eat, so she always looked in secret and once everything was done a year ago, she started to look for openly herself but in the end, she was late. That was the only thing she tried to change in the future and it wasn't that of a bother in the past for her that if she could stop things to happen or not, but now it was bothering her a lot.

''We didn't know what fruit it was, and before we can learn..'' Ace said hesitantly at first with seeing Luna was angry then turned to grimly with the last part. He could somehow understand why she looked secretly and only start to search openly a year ago since that was the time for her

''If he didn't know what it was looking like, he should just ask me about it! That old man mustache..'' Luna said with a face of anger and pout mixed, causing Ace to sigh. Others, however, were blinking

''Wait, you know Whitebeard?!!'' Usopp asked with a shocked face, causing Luna to blink

''Yeah, I come across with his ship about two years ago, that's how I know Ace too'' Luna explained with a tilted head after seeing their faces

''You knew Ace too?'' this time Nami asked with a surprised face but before Luna could answer her

''Why didn't you want anyone to eat it?'' Luffy suddenly asked ''What's up with this fruit?'' he add, causing everyone to forget about before and look at Luna with curious faces

''The Dark Dark fruit'' Luna said with a sigh ''Its a logia type that allows the user to create, control, and transform into darkness at will, making the user a Darkness Human. It has a rather interesting past and this fruit is considered unique even for a Logia type, and the ability it grants is said to be the most evil'' Luna calmly but seriously explained

''Most evil..'' Usopp shuddered ''I didn't like it at all'' he add while Nami and Vivi was nodding in agreement

Luna keep looking at Ace and explained more ''The first and foremost strength is that it allows the user to control darkness and its unique property of gravity. The darkness is a void that devours and crushes everything. Due to this, the user can absorb physical matter and attacks of any type by sucking it into the darkness. The user can also use this ability to irresistibly pull the opponent to them, regardless of their current state.'' Everyone's eyes widen with this but before anyone can even react

''But..'' Luna started ''The most unique and frightening advantage of the fruit is that the user also has the ability to nullify the powers of other Devil Fruits by simply touching the user and draining them of their abilities. All types of Devil Fruit, be it a Paramecia, Zoan or Logia, are affected by this, though Logias are most affected as they can no longer become intangible by transforming into their respective elements.'' causing them to start to understand why Luna wanted this fruit, it was indeed a dangerous one. Luna look in the eye with Ace ''You understand what I'm saying, right Ace?''

''If he manages to touch me, I will be a normal human again, no power..'' Ace frowned darkly, now he was also understanding why Luna looked at this fruit secretly and didn't want anyone to eat it

''And don't underestimate Teach either'' Luna add, confusing the rest

''Teach?'' Luffy asked with a confused face

''Marshall D. Teach, Blackbeard'' Luna said with a frown. She didn't know what's wrong with that guy and it was irritating

''Now that I think about back..'' Ace started to say slowly ''You were rather staying away from him unlike anyone else on the ship...'' as he tried to remember when Luna came to their ship

''Hmm, I didn't like the feeling he was giving off'' Luna said as she look at the sky ''There was just something wrong with that guy. I looked a little and didn't go too deep since I didn't want to catch unwanted attention but..'' Luna said with a narrowed eyes as she think about Teach ''From what I know, I wasn't the only one who searched for that fruit for a long time.''

Ace frown at this ''What do you mean?'' as others were also looking curious

''Seems like Teach wanted the dark dark fruit and joined the Whitebeard Pirates to search for it, thinking that he would have the best chance of obtaining the fruit that way and waited for twenty-eight years for it''

''Wait, he was in the crew that long and killed his crewmate anyway?!'' Usopp yelled out with an angry face while everyone was also looking shocked or frowning with anger

''I told you, something is seriously wrong with him... that bastard'' Luna also add with a frown while Ace was also looking angry, murmuring curses to Teach

''Can you help me to try to find some kind of weakness that could be useful?'' Ace asked after calmed down a little

Luna smiled at him ''Sure, freckles!'' causing a vein popped out Ace's forehead

''I told you to stop calling me like that!'' he was looking like he was trying to control his anger

''You have freckles though'' Luffy said innocently, agreeing with Luna

''Not you too!'' Ace yelled at Luffy while everyone was laughing, forgetting the serious and grim conversation.


After a while later everyone except Zoro, Nami, Chopper, and Vivi was in the kitchen. Luffy and Usopp were playing with the onigiri's Sanji made while Ace was watching them until Sanji hit them on the head and start to scold them, much to Ace's amusement.

Sanji glared down at them and told them to help him with dishes and politely told Ace that he is a guest so he doesn't have to do anything when Ace wanted to help too.

After a short moment later, ''You are doing the dishes with the dirty water that coming from the mop!! You shitheads!!'' Sanji yelled and throw them out of the room and went back to his food as Ace was going to sit besides Luna

''I thought you were dead'' Ace said lowly as he sit down, causing Luna to look at him like he is an idiot

''When did anyone ever said that I'm death?'' she then smiled ''They really know how to play people's mind. All that newspapers were saying Diyu got destroyed with everyone in it, even the king but there was no word about me'' she giggled a little to this

''Pops also said you were alive too..'' Ace said with a sigh ''It was you then, right?'' causing Luna to nod with a little smile while Ace was shaking his head with an amused face

''I knew that Crocodile was here but a pirate who wants to seize a kingdom, what a joke..'' Ace said, changing the topic but seeing Luna's face after he said that ''The hell with that face?'' he asked

Luna sigh at this ''Let's just say that, I somehow feel in the mess my father left behind..'' she said causing Ace to murmur ''shit..'' while Luna was nodding

''And a pacifist princess, a child who knows nothing about the real world doesn't make it easy'' Luna said with a shrug, it was clear that she wasn't bothered that much after everything she saw in her life but she still felt a little uneasy

''So, he is really after something else in the end..'' Ace said with a thoughtful face while Luna was humming with a nod ''Is it okay? It means he knows about you right? Even without your father, he's one of the Seven Warlords in the end..'' Ace asked. He knew until know that they didn't know who Luna was and he knew Luffy wouldn't care but he didn't know others and she was a pirate now, it meant she will have bounty poster sooner or later

''It's fine. They will learn eventually and it was all in the past anyway'' Luna said with a shrug, causing Ace to sigh at how Luna was laid back

''Somehow, I'm relieved that you're besides Luffy and watching over him'' Ace suddenly said after silent minutes later, causing Luna to look at him with a look like saying 'the hell?' with the sudden topic, making Ace to add ''You know what I mean, you know what the real world and pirates are and you are experienced.''

Understanding where Ace was coming ''Oh, arent you one worried big brother now, freckles!'' Luna said, teasing Ace as to change the subject which it worked perfectly.