WebNovelDe Luna41.94%

The Desert Country and a Brother II

All of them were wearing long robes to cover themselves from the burning sun as they were walking through the desert for a while now with Vivi leading the way and they have finally arrived a deserted town covered in sand. It was looking like old ruins like a city that abandoned for decades now as everything's half-buried in sand and remaining plants were nothing but dried husks.

After Vivi saying that this isn't Yuba to Luffy, ''This is Erumalu, it was known as the City of Green'' with a sad voice

''Green?'' Usopp asked while looking around ''But there is nothing but sand here''

''Take a good look around everyone, this is what Baroque Works has been doing to my country and people of Alabasta have to go through'' Vivi said in despair and sad eyes as she looked around causing everyone to have sad faces too except Ace and Luna. They didn't show any reaction since they both had seen far more worse in the world.

They start to walk their way through the ghost town while listening to Vivi explain the history of Erumalu and the use of the dance powder which led to the civil war. While everyone listened to Vivi sadly, Chopper made a curious face after hearing Dance powder

''How exactly does that work? The dance powder..'' causing almost every one of them to turn to Luna, who sighs before explaining in her educator mode

''Dance Powder was created long ago by a country that had no rain. The main raw material to make it is silver. When burnt, it would emit a mist-like vapor that would rise up in the air. It speeds up the creation of ice particles in sub-freezing temperature clouds and causes rainfall. The original creators of this powder thus called it Dance Powder because it would make them dance with joy with all the rain that it would create.''

Causing Chopper to frown ''But it's wrong... The process in which the artificial rain is created nurtures clouds that aren't ready to rain yet. When this happens, all of the water contained within these clouds would all be used up. Because of this, other countries and locations, who would naturally benefit from rainfall when these clouds would naturally mature, would be greatly deprived.''

Luna smiled a little at this. Chopper was really smart 'Nothing less from someone who found the rumble ball' she thought before she answers to Chopper ''You're right Chopper, you see, the controversy that this powder brought whenever it was used started a war. The number of lives lost in this war was so great that the World Government prohibited the manufacturing and possession of Dance Powder worldwide.''

''Seems like Crocodile is trying to repeat the history then..'' Ace said thoughtfully ''But if the World Government prohibited the manufacturing and possession of Dance Powder worldwide..'' causing Luna to sigh

''Well, its illegal by World Government and it means it fetches a high price on the black market'' she said as Ace look at her with a thoughtful face while humming

''I see..'' he said slowly

Usupp turned to him after this with a shocked face ''You see? So you actually understand what they were talking about? It was looking like they were talking about some scientific problem! I didn't understand a thing!!''

''Its because you're an idiot'' Nami said with a sigh as Ace just shrug

''Nami-san is right'' Sanji said as he lit a cigarette ''No way an idiot like you would understand our goddess'' causing Usopp to yelled at him

''Don't talk like you understand a thing either!!!'' while Luffy was saying ''So it's a mystery powder..'' and Zoro was trying to make it easy for him to understand while saying that its a powder that makes it rain. Just then suddenly a wind blew, everyone could hear a loud wailing sound like crying, causing all of them to freeze a moment

''It's just a wind'' Luna said calmly as she saw the fearful look on Usopp and Chopper

''The wind? It sounded like a monster's crying!'' Usopp said with a fearful face

''Yeah, it sounded like voices..'' Luffy also said while looking around, like waiting to someone to come

''Luna's right, that's just a wind blowing that echoing the empty buildings'' Ace said as he come up beside Luna while Chopper was jumping in Luna's arms, saying that it's creepy, as Luna happily hugged him.

Vivi on the other hand was looking so heartbroken as she said ''Its like, Erumalu is wailing over what happened!'' sounding close to tears as her hood blown from her head causing her long hair to also blown with the wind. The crying sound continued as a mini tornado came to flying right at them from the middle of the town, causing Luna to pull the hood of her white and light blue robe more firmly with her one hand while other was holding Chopper. She could say that was the cause of Crocodile's powers while others were looking afraid somehow. After everything calmed down they found someone, thinking someone there was collapsed but there was nothing but a skeleton.


''Aaaahhh... I'm burning..'' Luffy groan, leaning on a stick that helps him walk ''I can't even sweat..''

''Would you stop going 'Aaah aaaaahh' already, Luffy?!'' Nami said as she fanned her face with her one hand ''You're just wasting energy..'' Luffy only kept groan in response though.

''Cant go on...'' Chopper said as his tongue rolling out of his mouth ''I can't stand the heat.. but I'm fine in the cold..''

''It because you grow up around snow and ice Chopper and you also have that all this fur'' Luna said with a soft smile as she brushed Chopper fur, who's in her hug. She was carrying Chopper all the time now. ''Don't worry though, it will drop around below fifty tonight, so I'm sure you will be fine that time'' She said happily as Chopper look up to her with hopeful eyes ''really?'' he weakly asked

''Yeap!'' Luna nodded ''It's because of the lack of cloud cover. That's why the desert is over a hundred in the daytime but drop to freezing temperature at night''

''Stop complaining Chopper, at least Luna is carrying you!'' Usopp said before he turned to look at Luna and Ace ''Why are you two looking so fine anyway?!'' he asked loudly before he got tired and his tongue rolled out as he tried to breathe in the hot air

''I'm made of fire, it's not affecting me'' Ace said casually

''I'm using fire and heat, so it's not much for me'' Luna also add after him with a casual attitude too, causing everyone to complain and with the same time ''That's not fair!'' making Ace to make a smirk and Luna to chuckle a little while Vivi was also answering to Sanji's question as to why she is okay, saying that since she grew up there, she was fine more or less at least.

After a little while later, seeing that Ace was looking at Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji's water fight with a critical eye, Luna let a sigh. She cant say he was wrong though, with a little brother like Luffy he must have felt like he should watch them closely as to understand what kind of people they are.


After they walked all day until nightfall, they were found a nice place and all gathered around a fire under the clear sky full of stars.

Luna was telling a story about a hero and gods, saying that its a story that coming from the stars while Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper listening with excitement as they were waiting for Sanji to prepare the meal for them. Three of them were laying on the ground and Chopper was laying on Luna while she's showing the stars and tell the story. Chopper was said it was his first time to see so much of stars and it was caused Luna's dramatic side to wake up as she started to tell stories that written in the stars or at least that was what she said

Ace was also watching them from afar, thinking that where in the hell even Luna heard this kind of story or there was even a story like this in the beginning

''I can understand you're fine with hot but aren't you cold?'' Usopp said with a sneeze as he get up from where he was laying after Luna finished her story ''Its way too cold to enjoy the stars at the moment!!'' as he himself noticed right that moment, he was though since he forgot about it when he was listening to Luna's story

''Really? I didn't notice..'' Chopper said from where he was laying but he was positioned to sit on Luna's lap as Luna start to sit. ''I'm feeling fine''

''Its because you have this nice and soft fur, I'm not cold thanks to you!!'' Luna said as she hugged him more while also brushing his fur again ''Go closer to the fire if you're that much of cold Usopp'' she add with a smile to Usopp when Luffy suddenly came over with a jump and cuddle up to Luna, Chopper, and Usopp, making them looking like puppies as he was saying warm. Ace's attention, who was watching them with a rather blank face, was on Vivi for a moment as she came to his side and talk about Luffy and ask if he was surprised. Of course, Ace wasn't surprised in a bit, saying that he knows his brother and that's how he was always done things.

After Vivi left, this time Luna came to Ace's side, leaving the boys to each other, even though Luffy was pouting a little, not that she saw it though ''Time to talk about Blackbeard'' she said as she sit down, getting Ace's all attention

''You found something?'' He asked with a serious face, causing Luna to also make a serious face

''Not that found but..'' she start slowly ''His power is darkness, making its weakness light'' causing Ace to frown with a slight confuse ''It means he cant turn himself intangible like other logia users during the daylight because of the sunlight'' Luna said after she sigh and look at Ace if he understood ''He probably couldn't even do that at night, due to the moonlight''

After a moment of silence, Ace's eyes widen with realization ''So, the only way to utilize that devil fruit to its full potential is by being in a pitch dark?'' he asked, causing Luna to nod

''But..'' getting Ace's attention again ''He doesn't necessarily turn himself fully darkness too since he can absorb attacks..'' Ace frown at this

''So... where are you coming?'' he asked with a confused face, not understanding and lost

''What would happen if you made an attack that he cants absorb in time or too much for him to absorb?''

''It would damage him big..'' Ace said lowly before he add ''That's good guess but what about his ability to nullify other's devil fruit's abilities?'' It was the thing Ace worried the most

Luna frown at this with a thoughtful face ''Well, he would have to touch you and remain in contact with your skin for the effect to remain constant'' She then hummed for a moment ''With his ability to irresistibly pull the opponent to them, regardless of their current state is making hard to run from his touch but you could make him let you go'' she look at Ace after a pause as Ace was listening to her attentively ''He is still a devil fruit user no matter what his powers are. He is still weak to the sea and sea stone and haki are still useful too.''

''I can make him let me go with armament or protect the part he's about to touch..'' Ace said with a thoughtful face, not surprising Luna knows about haki since he already knew she had observation and she was once in the New World as they keep talking more


The campfire had died down to its ashes and the sky was still dark but over the horizon, it was turning a lighter color as the dawn was slowly starting to come.

Everyone was still asleep as Ace was walking towards to stones to sit with a pen in his hands that he took from Luffy's ship before they left. After he sit and was looking to the entire crew while spinning the pen in his hands, suddenly Luffy's hands stretch up and he bounced next to him

''Hey, Ace!'' Luffy said happily an Ace smiled at him too, Luffy's eyes momently turned to the pen he's holding in his hand and spinning but Ace talked before Luffy could even ask about it

''You're up early, I thought you'd sleep until we start to walk again'' Ace said with his smiling face

''Yeah but I wanted to talk with you'' Luffy said, he couldn't talk with Ace as much as he wanted since they were walking all day and all ''Did you like my crew? They're great, right?'' With a big and happy smile

Ace made a smile too ''Well, they are all nice and you guys seem to balance each other well'' causing Luffy to made a big smile at his brother's words as they were a lot for him. Ace's eyes turned to Luna, who's sleeping next to Nami while hugging Chopper after saying his opinion though. Seeing Ace was glancing at Luna, Luffy's smile fade as he blankly look at Ace ''How much do you know about her?'' Ace asked as he felt Luffy was looking at him

''She said that they were underworld family and her father was someone important. I don't know much about it but she was hiding her name in the place she lived so I thought maybe it would be dangerous if she was known or something..'' Luffy said thoughtfully as he thought back ''It kinda felt like she's like you'' he add lowly then as he glanced between Ace and Luna

Ace hummed after this. He thought that a loose mouth like Luna only said this much. It wasn't like she would say important things but she was very open up about her personal life. He wasn't sure and didn't know about Luna personally much but he thought that maybe she didn't say since it was all in the past or she basically didn't care

After Luna's visit to Moby Dick, Ace was open up his ears more about them since Luna knew about him and he was sure her father was also known. The word was shocking wasn't even enough for him after everything he heard and he could understand why all of his brothers on the ship were looking at Luna like that at that time, even though she was just a sixteen years old girl. He didn't know how much the things he heard were true but he knew that Luna wasn't an innocent girl like she looked, but... as he also glanced at his little brother he could say they were similar in some way. No matter what that girl does, she had some kind of charm that makes people still drawn to her. Even the Whitebeard Pirates no exception to this. They knew about her unlike Ace yet they were all laughing while partying with her, hell he was even sure that even if she didn't do anything but stand, people would still drown to her.

He thought that it was probably how Luna is an uncaring person or how much a laid back personality she had. She was such a careless person that he was sure that she would be laughing even during a storm. She wouldn't care about species, what kind of them or she wouldn't care if they were saints or evils. When someone besides Luna, they could just be themselves. It reminded him of his little brother, familiar but different. Luffy also had a mysterious charm about him that makes people help him and be around him. He too wouldn't care about people's looks or things like that.

That's why Ace wasn't that much of shocked as to why Luna was in Luffy's crew with all the places she could be. He was sure that even Whitebeard would give her a place in their crew. So, as much as he knew Luna, he thought she wouldn't see any problem being in a crew that newly formed and wanted to help Luffy, but...

''It won't be easy to have her in your crew'' Ace said thoughtfully ''She might be like me but she's also very different'' for all he knows while the world would hate Ace just because he is that man's son, they would hate Luna much more than that. Her father might be called a demon too but there was a reason she's also called another demon. Though he couldn't judge her since he didn't know how her life was as being a daughter of a man like her father or a princess of a country like that. He knew that she wasn't known until she was fifteen years old too as she was also known as De Luna in the underworld but he didn't know what kind of life she had been through all that years. For now, all Ace saw both in the past and now, Luna was nothing but a weird girl and pirates weren't saints either anyway

''Won't be easy?'' Luffy asked with a tilted head causing Ace to sigh a little

''I don't know much Luna personally but...'' he hummed for a moment, looking for the right words ''She is like living her second life. For all I know, she'd start her new life a year ago but past is still there. Once people learn who she is, they will come for her'' Ace said seriously, knowing that there is a lot out of there, who wants her for her knowledge or who wants to kill her for a lot of reasons. He was sure that Luna could protect herself and Luffy would also help her but he hoped that no one from New World or someone big name would come this early

Luffy frown at this, looking serious and focused ''Its fine, I will protect her if something like that happens. She's our friend and in my crew'' Luffy said with determination, he was already guessed when he heard that she was hiding her name that it would be dangerous if she would be known, though he didn't know the exact reasons

Ace made a smirk at this as he looked at his little brother ''Of course...'' he said slowly ''And if I were you, I wouldn't let her go'' Ace said with a serious face ''There is a reason why people would come for her, I'm actually glad that she is beside you'' Ace said. If anything he really was glad. He knew Luna was a smart girl even though she was an idiotic weirdo. She was even impressed his captain and she was strong too. He knew Luna would help and protect his little brother if it's needed.

Luffy looked confused at this for a lot of things but in the end ''I know Luna is amazing but others also good and they are beside me'' he said also wondering that reason Ace talked about but he preferred to hear it from Luna or learn it when the time comes

''Yes, of course, they are good but Luna is different'' Ace said while shaking his head a little causing Luffy to made a more confused face

''How so?'' with a tilted head

Ace just made a mysterious smile and one could see the mischievousness in his eyes ''Maybe it's still early for you to see but I'm sure that once you figured out, you won't let her go'' he knew with both of them being oblivious like that, it was still too early but he was sure ''You cant never know but she might become even more important to you than One Piece'' Ace said before he smirked playfully as he stands up, with a rather happy smile while he was spinning the pen in his hand and whistling, leaving behind a damn confused Luffy, who's glancing at the still sleeping girl thoughtfully. Though his mind was blown away when he finally saw Luna's full face. Remembering the pen in Ace's hand, he was sweating at the thought of what's going to happened to Ace once Luna wake up and laugh a little when he thought about it.


In the middle of the desert, while the sun was setting behind them, they were all watching Ace as he was packing his things and the bruise on his cheek from the morning was still a little visible

It was a loud morning with Luna's yelling. They were all wake up at her voice and saw that Luna was running after Ace with her flames on her katana and with a face that weird figures on it and the word of 'weirdo' on her forehead. Ace was also yelling at her while saying it was payback and was also yelling that not to use her seastone sword as he was also in his flames. They were all stunned as to how to react to that while Luffy was laughing a lot. She was washed her face a little but there was still a little bit of trace

''Alright then..'' Ace said as he finished to packing up and look at them

''Are you really leaving, Ace?'' Chopper said with a sad face

''Yes'' Ace confirmed ''Since I found a lead where Blackbeard is, there is no reason for me to stay in this country''

''I see'' Luffy said, though he was looking normal, he was still a sad little as to Ace was leaving after such a short time

''Where are you planning to go next?'' Sanji asked curiously

''From what I learn, some guy in the West saw him, I'm gonna check there '' Ace start to say while reaching into his coat and pull out a fold-up piece of paper ''Luffy'' he called as he throw the paper at him as Luffy also caught it ''Keep it with you, always'' Ace said with a smile

''What? It's just a scrap of paper'' Luffy said as he unfold it while others were also looking curious

''That scrap of paper will let us meet again'' Ace said while his smile grew bigger as he saw Luffy's confused face ''I'm sure Luna would explain to you later'' he look at Luna, causing her to sigh a little but she nodded shortly anyway

After a short chuckle, Ace look up at all of them ''Having a younger brother who's a bit on the slow side makes his older brother worry'' Ace said with an honest smile ''He's probably be a bit much for you to handle..'' and politely bowing his head ''but take good care of him for me''

He look up as they were all smiling at him, he then looked directly at Luffy ''Luffy, next time we meet, we'll both be at the top''

''Okay!'' Luffy exclaim happily

''Come to the top!'' Ace said with a smile lastly before turning around and start to walk away while Luna was watching him with a blank face

''Ace!'' she suddenly yelled out as she reached to her pitch-black dagger. He looked surprised as he looked back and others were also looking surprised too.

''Here'' she said as she threw the dagger to Ace, which he caught with a surprised face. Understanding immediately that it was her sea stone dagger and why she gave it to him ''If you don't bring my baby back I'll hunt you down to the end of the world, understand?'' She said very seriously, causing Ace to sweatdrop a little before he made a little smile. ''Don't worry, I don't have any intention to die in your hells!'' he said as he turned back and waved his hand while keep walking

''First my pistol and now my dagger'' Luna said with a sigh ''They're just like growing up and leaving me behind..'' she then add with a lowly murmur ''babies..'' causing the rest of them to sweatdrop

''They are not real babies..'' Usopp said lowly as he look at Luna's sad face

''It's you who gave them..'' Zoro add after Usopp, looking at Luna with a face that says she is a weirdo

''They are just weapons..'' Nami said also looking at Luna like she had two heads

''Don't worry, Luna!'' Luffy said with a big smile as he patted her back ''I'm sure Ace will bring your baby back without any damage!'' like he's talking about a real baby, trying to assure Luna. Everyone look at them and said 'idiots' in their minds, except Chopper, who's also trying to make Luna smile innocently..

Luna on the other and was thinking if it would be enough for Ace since it was the only thing she could do for him at the moment. She glanced at Luffy, who is trying to comfort her, she didn't want him to lose his brother too.


They had been walking through the desert all day and they had finally come close to Yuba. Nami and Vivi were riding on a camel that Nami named him eyelash and Luna reject to ride on something pervent and said she was fine to walk anyway. Chopper was also riding on Luna's shoulders as everyone keep walking.

''So what was that piece of paper that Ace gave to me?'' Luffy asked Luna as he walked beside her

''Its called a Vivre Card'' Luna said, causing them to look at her with confuse ''A Vivre Card is made from part of a person's fingernail which is then made into paper. It is completely water and fireproof but can be torn and given to a cared person that one would be separated from. The torn pieces will point to and move towards each other no matter where they are in the world, allowing one to always be able to tell in which direction the other person is.'' causing everyone's eyes to widen

''Wow, really?'' Chopper asked from Luna's shoulder while his eyes were shining like Luffy

''Yeah, it's only made in the New World'' Luna said before looking at Luffy who holds the paper in his hands and looking at it ''Here,'' she said as she extended her hand and Luffy give the paper to Luna. She put the paper in her hands and it start to move on its own, making them look at it with shinny eyes ''Woow'' Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper said while the rest also looking at it with curious while Nami was also looking at it with shinny eyes, finding it interesting

''It shows the way to Ace'' Luna said with a smile ''If you'd follow it, you'll reach to him'' she add before Luffy's eyes suddenly got widen

''Then I really can't lose it!'' he said and start to say to Luna to sew it behind his hat's ribbon which she said she will

After sometime later, they finally reached the Yuba.. or what was left of it.

Vivi gasp ''Impossible..'' as she looked around at the sand-covered city ''the entire city has been struck by a sandstorm!!'' The city was no different from Erumalu. What was once supposed to be an oasis was now nothing than dirt and sand. It was as though everyone abandoned the city.

With a sudden voice, that sounded like a shovel, they move towards there to see a very old man. He was looking like he's about to faint with overwork but keep digging the sand without stopping. ''I'm assuming that you're all travelers'' the old man said while keep digging ''You must be exhausted from traveling in all that heat. I'm afraid this town's a little dried up but you can still rest'' he look up at them ''We have plenty of inns, that's what we're known for''

Vivi covered her face so that the old man couldn't see her as he went back to digging. Vivi told him that they came there to find the rebel army, causing the old man to turn to them again but with hateful eyes this time as he also start to throw whatever he could find at them, yelling at them to leave and they couldn't find rebels there anyway. With the constant sandstorms having dried up all the town, rebels soon ran out of the supplies and moved on to another city called Katorea.

''Katorea!'' Vivi gasp in horror

''Where is that, Vivi? Is it close?'' Luffy asked

''Its the oasis next to Nanohana'' she answered as the old man stopped digging at hearing Vivi's name and her voice

''Nanohana?!'' Usopp yelled before he add ''Hey, What did we come here for then?!'' while Luna also murmuring ''great'' she was really getting tired of this

The old man said Vivi's name with an unbelievable face, getting everyone's attention as he start to walk out of the ditch while his eyes remained on Vivi ''Did you said Vivi?''

''Hey old man, Vivi is not a princess, okay?!!'' Luffy said in a panic, making things worse as Zoro slap Luffy's head while yelling at him ''Don't tell him!''

''Vivi... Princess Vivi, is that really you? I can't believe you're alive'' Old man gasped, coming towards Vivi and placed his hands on her shoulders and stare at her ''It's me, don't you recognized me?'' the old man asked

''Toto?!'' Vivi suddenly gasp

''That's right'' Old man said with a nod as some tears come to his eyes while Luffy was asking ''Toto?''

''Listen to me, Vivi... I have faith in the king! He would never betray our country, I know it!'' Toto said with tears starting to flow down his face as everyone stood there, watching the two of them ''Isn't that right?!'' Toto asked before he fell on his knees and cry ''This rebellion is absurd!! Please, I beg of you! Stop those fools! You're the only one who can do it!!'' after he caught his breath ''It's only been three years. Who cares if it hasn't rained?! I believe the king and the majority of the people still do. We'we tried to stop them... Over and over and over again but they wouldn't listen. The rebellion will not be stopped. Their power will soon overtake ours. They plan to end this with the next attack! They've caught up to us, they're prepared to die!!'' while shaking, causing Vivi to gasp in shock ''Please, Vivi... Stop this fools before its too late!!'' he begged, causing Luna to sigh as she thought 'As her worries weren't enough, he just go and add more stress over her'

''Toto'' Vivi said softly as she handed a napkin to the old man ''We can stop the rebellion!'' causing tears to fell once again from the old man's eyes but this time they were the tears of hope.


After everyone went to the inn to rest Luffy was stayed there and start to dig a hole right next to old man's while Luna was sitting from them afar as she thought about things while looking at the stars. She saw a lot worse countries than Alabasta and most of them were caused by her family and even herself but she didn't felt anything about them as she locked them up deep inside her. She ignored and didn't care while thinking about why she should care about the people she didn't even know about. She knew this would happen when she decided to go with them and she thought she could handle it but being with them somehow made her uneasy. She felt like all the things she locked up were starting to get outside

''What's wrong with you?''

She snapped back to the real world with Luffy's voice and look at him. He was seen Luna a while ago and being tired to dig a hole, he was decided to come beside her and go to the room where others resting but she had the same eyes before. Like the eyes when they talked about Crocodile and the time Vivi talked about if it's okay to come with them. He could see the little regret in her eyes.

''What are you talking about?'' She asked with a blank face as Luffy start to sit beside her while looking at her

''You look..'' Luffy start before he paused a moment ''you're looking like, you're regretting from something..?'' he finally asked with an unsure voice. This was in his mind for a while but he didn't asked before

Luna looked at him blankly for a moment before turned to look back to the stars. ''I...'' Luna start slowly but she wasn't sure what to say ''Do I look like I'm regretting?'' she asked the first thing she could think of it. She didn't know she was regretting, let alone she knew what she was regretting from.

Luffy however frowned at this. It was like the time she cried, she didn't even know she was crying that time and he also saw her that sometimes she had no emotion on her face or in her eyes like she, herself was empty.

''Yeah, you do'' Luffy said bluntly causing Luna to hum for a moment

''I see..'' she said lowly though she still didn't know why she was regretting

''So.. what are you regretting from?'' Luffy asked bluntly again after a moment silence later

Luna blink at this ''I don't know'' with a casual shrug, causing Luffy to frown again. It's not like he was the best with this kind of things either but he tried to help her to understand anyway as he was also curious

''What were you thinking then?'' Luffy asked as he keep looking at her while she kept looking at stars

Luna thought about this, as she also thought that Luffy must ask this so that she could know what she was regretting but she was thinking a lot of things too. Was she regretting them all then? Was it Alabasta and Crocodile or the countries in the past? Was it that she came with them? She dismissed the last thing she suddenly thought about. She wouldn't regret to come with them, she knew that they wouldn't care about her past or who she was. She would be sailing all alone the seas if Luffy wouldn't ask her to come with them. Even though she had friends, she in the end wasn't sure if she would see them again so, she shouldn't be regretting about that.

''Do you hate Crocodile for what he had done to this country?'' Luna asked, honestly she didn't care. All she cared about was that they will help this country because Vivi was their friend but she didn't hate Crocodile either. She wouldn't hate people just because of who they are. Of course, she would like to beat him for what he had done to her friend but not hate him

Luffy look at Luna with confusion but seeing her empty eyes again as she look at the stars ''I will beat him because Vivi's our friend'' not saying anything except that. He was a pirate he wouldn't care about a country but...

Luna let a sigh after this, thinking why was she start to care now anyway. She made a peace with herself long ago, there is nothing she could do now since she can't change the past. So she ignored and dismissed the thoughts in her mind while thinking her motto. Right, if it's in the faith, things will happen sooner or later, no matter what. There's no use to think things like this.

''Let's go inside and rest, It was a tiring day'' she said after she let another sigh, causing Luffy to blink a moment with the sudden change

''Right, we will walk a lot tomorrow too'' Luffy said, making Luna turn to him

''Are we really going to walk all the way back to Katorea?'' she asked with her frowned face, confusing Luffy

''Vivi said rebels there..'' not understanding what she was suddenly saying as his mind was still back at before

''Its waste of time to go there, there is no guarantee to we would go before the rebels take an action either'' Luna said, there was a lot of the things she wanted to say but she kept quiet and sigh as she stand up ''Let's get in and rest'' she said before Luffy could say anything as he was thinking and she start to walk to inside.

Luffy also followed after her while thinking she was right. He knew that they shouldn't walk back, he could also guess Luna was holding back because she knew that he also knows this was a war, and Vivi's thinking wasn't going to work. He look around and to the old man for the last time before he go in to finally take some sleep but he couldn't ignore the feeling like he missed something important before there.


They were all up at dawn since there was a long way to walk in the desert and so they were ready to go early.

While Luna was wearing her hooded robe, Toto turned to Vivi ''I'm sorry I didn't have more to offer you, princess Vivi'' he said in a sad tone.

''Please don't worry about it'' Vivi shake her head with a kind smile ''We're going now, Toto''

As they turned to leave ''Oh wait, here you go Luffy'' Old man Toto said as he walked up to Luffy with a tiny barrel of water that can be worn around the neck and give it to Luffy

''Oh, water!!'' Luffy and Usopp yelled happily ''You found some then?'' Luffy asked excitedly

''Yes, it was last night, a bit later you gone to sleep after you dig that big hole of yours'' Toto answered with a smile ''I finally reach a moist layer underneath all the dried stuff. That water there is the moisture I was able to extract from the damp sand''

''Wow, sounds difficult!! Thanks, I will drink it carefully!'' Luffy said with his bright smile before they finally said goodbye and continue their journey in the desert

However, after a little while walking, Luffy suddenly flop down against a dead tree and sat there, not moving an inch. Luna blinked at this for a moment before she smiled a little while saying ''Finally'' causing Luffy to also smile a little at her as the others finally notice that they were stopped and Usopp asked what was going on while Zoro was looking like he could understand what's going on

Luffy and Luna share a look after Usopp's question ''We quit!'' they both said simultaneously with a blank faces

''huh?'' they all asked in confusion


In the 'secret underground base' that Baroque Works top agents had met first time with their boss, with the sudden coming of Mr 3 and learning Strawhats are still alive Mr 2 used his memory abilities and show them to the rest. They were planning to annihilate them at once but before the meeting is over

''Miss All Sunday, this woman..'' Crocodile said as he held up the picture of the white-haired girl ''Bring her here with all your respect, understand?'' He said with an evil smirk

''Of course..'' Miss All Sunday said while the rest of the agents confused at the why she was the only one they couldn't kill

As Miss All Sunday left the room, her smile faded immediately and a slight frown appeared on her face as she look straight in front of her and keep walking with deep and thoughtful eyes of hers


''You quit?'' Vivi asked with a frown ''What do you mean, Luffy-san, Luna-san? Quit what?''

''Come on, we don't have time for this'' Usopp said tiredly, clearly doesn't want to stay under the burning sun ''It's not the time for your games and weird moods right now, Luffy!''

''And you should stop get along with every stupid thing of his, Luna'' Nami said with a sigh

''Yeah, we have to go to Katorea and be fast'' Sanji said with a nod

Luna sigh at this ''This shit is not going to work.'' Luna said seriously as they all look at Luna while she turned to Vivi ''Vivi, your thinking that stopping this war without no one dies, is beautiful but the real world doesn't work like that'' causing Vivi to made a shocked face but before she could say anything Luna keep going as to make her understand even a little ''With all the possibilities in front of us, think about the one we could come across. What if we go to the rebels and that childhood friend of yours wasn't him but Mr 2?'' Luna asked seriously, causing them to understand but Vivi frown at this

''That's impossible, they can't come close to him!'' She denied, making Luna frown

''Why? Arent, they already have your father's face, the king?'' causing Vivi to flinch ''Okay, let's say we found them and they went to talk with the king, what about the king they found was Mr 2 then? And its only one man, there is also the rest of them and we don't have time to walk in the desert like this. We should stop this and go after Baroque Works'' She then look in the eye with Vivi ''You wanting no one to die is only risking more lives, as a princess you can't save this country just being kind and nice, you can't stop a war with just talking.''

While Vivi was still in denial with a lost face, others were starting to understand why Luffy and Luna were acting like this. They couldn't deny the fact that what Luna said could really happen in the end. That man could turn completely another person and he already had the king's face, and she was right, that was only one of them.

Seeing Vivi's lost face with denial ''Vivi'' Luffy said seriously as he look right at Vivi

''Yes?'' she asked softly after coming back from her own world but she was still looking lost

''I want to beat the crap out of Crocodile!'' Luffy said and for the first time to most of them, he looked really angry and serious, even his voice was sounding different ''If we stop the guys who are rebelling, will we stop Crocodile?'' a sudden realization came to everyone except Vivi ''We can't do anything even if we go to this place. We're pirates, you'd be better off without us'' he add

''Sometimes he hits the bullseye without even thinking'' Sanji said lowly while Usopp was murmuring that's Luffy

''Well..'' Vivi started but cut off with Luffy keep going

''You just don't want anyone to die in this war! The people of your country or us or anyone! You're talking about a fight against one of the Seven Warlords in which over a million people will be in battle and all you want is for no one to die'' He then look at Vivi right in the eye with a serious face of his ''That's naive'' causing Nami to yell

''Stop Luffy!! Can't you think of Vivi's feeling?!''

''Wait, Nami-san'' Sanji said as he hold a hand in front of Nami ''but...'' Nami murmured

''What's wrong with that?! What's wrong about not wanting people to die?!!'' Vivi shout as she pulled her hood down

''People die.'' Luffy said seriously, causing Vivi to snap as she went right up to him and slap him so hard that he went flying while she was screaming ''Stop talking like that!!! Don't you dare to say that again!! That's what we're trying to stop!! You can't blame the rebels or the army for this!! Why should anyone die?!! This is all Crocodile's fault!!''

Luna look at Vivi as she yelled with a blank face while thinking she is the one who doesn't understand. She was really a child who knows nothing about the war or real life, a girl lived in a sheltered life and only had kindness. It was too bad that kindness was never enough alone itself. If one doesn't have the power to do what they dream of, it was useless and that was the reality. Harsh but the truth.

The only thing she was right that this was all Crocodile's fault. As long as he was there, this war would never end and she was too naive to believe herself she can solve this without sacrificing anything.

Luffy get back on his feet and punch Vivi so hard that he knocked her to the ground before yelling at her ''Then why are you risking your life?!!''

Others gasp at the two of them while Usopp yelled out ''That's going too far, Luffy!!''

''Dammit, Luffy!!'' Sanji also yelled, was about to go there but Luna stopped him and look at him with a look that said standstill. It was something Luffy should handle and if hitting Vivi would make her understand then it was okay.

Suddenly, Vivi stand back up and with a scream, she tackled Luffy to the ground

''Even I can tell whats this country needs the most just by looking at the situation!!'' Luffy yelled out while Vivi was punching him as hard as she can muster, which it wasn't much at all for Luffy

''What?!!'' Vivi scream again and for a moment she looked nothing but a lost child without any idea of what to do

''You thing risking one life is enough?!'' Luffy also yelled out again as he look at Vivi

''Than what am I supposed to risk?!!'' She yelled out, looking completely outraged as Luffy finally put his hands up and hold back her fists as she gasped for breath ''There is nothing else I have to...!!'' she said in defeat after finally catching her breath

Luffy yelled out as much as he could with this ''Why don't you try risking our lives too?!! I thought we were friends!!!'' causing Vivi to look at him with a shock, completely speechless by what he said and tears start to form in her eyes

''Look at you, you're crying'' Luffy said as he dust the sand off his hat ''You're the one who wants to kill him the most'' as Vivi cried while Nami and Luna also went to her side

''So tell me... Tell me where Crocodile is!!'' as he put the hat back on his head

After several minutes later, ''Luffy, Luna I'm sorry. You were right'' Vivi said as she rubbed her red eyes and after she finally get up her feet back, her eyes had s determination ''Change of plans, we're gonna go and find Crocodile!''

With everyone agree with smiles, Sanji asked ''So, where is he? That damn Crocodile guy..''

''Let's see'' Vivi said while pulling a map and they all gathered around her as begin to point out where the capital Alubarna was and the city of Katorea ''This is the oasis called Rainbase which is where Crocodile is. Straight to the north of Yuba''

''It will take a whole day to walk through the desert.,'' Luna said

After they all prepare to leave, they start to walk again and it took only minutes before Luffy and Usopp start complaining and groaning as they were still walking with their sticks.

Luna was carrying Chopper on her shoulders again as Chopper ask ''Will there be water there, Vivi?'' causing Usopp to glare at him

''It's not fair at all... Vivi and Nami get to ride that camel and Chopper have Luna to carry him all the while and Luna doesn't even affect with hot..its just not fair..!!''

''Chopper have furs so he has more difficulty than you Usopp, stop complaining'' Luna said blankly, causing Usopp to pout as Vivi answered to Chopper

''Yes, it will be safe. It is a gambling town, separate from all the fighting'' Vivi answered to Chopper as Nami's eyes turned to belly sign and clap her hands, causing Luna to laugh while Zoro was murmuring something to himself.


Walking the desert for a while now, they could finally make out the city in the distance. Unlike Yuba or Erumalu, this city was green and with life.

''Yess!!'' Luffy screamed ''Time to kick Crocodile's ass!!''

''Do you think the Baroque Works knows we're here in this country?'' Zoro asked as he look at the city in front of them

''Of course.'' Luna said without a doubt ''Mr 2 already encounter us and had our faces and Ro also smart enough to know we're here'' as she also look straight ahead, though she was sure Ro wouldn't say anything to that Hook

''Ro... Miss All Sunday, right?'' Zoro asked, causing Luna to nod while others also listen to them. One of their enemies was Luna's friend and it was a little complicated for them

''What's her devil fruit by the way?'' Zoro asked again as he thought about what that woman has done in their ship before

''Oh, its Flower-Flower Fruit'' Luna said bluntly, confusing the rest

''Flower flower fruit?'' they asked simultaneously with confused faces

''Its a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing.'' Luna said before she add ''Its a very useful ability if I would say..'' as she hummed

''Yeah, especially for spying'' Zoro said as he thought about it while Nami was saying it would be useful to find the treasures as Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were saying cool while they keep walking towards to city


''Hey guys!! The marines are coming!!!'' Luffy yelled while carrying a barrel of water as they all start to run

''You brought them over here!!'' Zoro yelled back at him. They were running through the street and Smoker was not far behind them with a lot of marines behind him too.

''This isn't good!! Running around like this will help the Baroque Works to spot us!!'' Sanji yelled as he run over on the crowded street

''I think it's too late for that, Sanji!'' Luna yelled at him as she spotted some of their agents

''Let's go then!!'' Luffy yelled as he turned to Vivi ''To where Crocodile is!''

Vivi made a determined face at this and she pointed ahead of them ''Over there!! Can you see the building with the crocodile on top? That's the casino that Crocodile owns, Raindiners!'' causing Luna to sweatdrop with an obvious place

''We should split up for now!'' Luna yelled

''Yeah!'' Zoro and Sanji both agree at the same time, causing them to glare at each other with irritated face, making Luna to sweatdrop again for a moment before yell at their bickering ''It's not the time!!''

''Okay! We'll meet back up at the 'Croc's House' !!'' Luffy said with a laugh and stuck out his tongue at Smoker ''Come and get me, Smokey!!'' causing Smoker's vein popped out on his forehead as he cursed that white-haired girl who started this while the rest of them split up.


Luna was stopped running when all the marines fell unconscious with the sudden hands appeared on their bodies

''Really now, big sister Ro?'' Luna asked as she look at the woman in front of her

''I told you I will follow my orders the next time'' She said with a little smile, causing Luna to sigh

''Well, should we go then?'' she asked with a big smile as she walk towards her, causing her smile to get bigger too and so they start to walk while Luna was taking off of her weapons

''I don't want him to take them, so you take for now'' Luna said as she gave them to her, she didn't know what Crocodile had planned for her in the end and she was sure he would take them off. There was no way she would let him touch her precious weapons

Robin sigh at this, ''You didn't change in a bit'' she said lowly as she took Luna's weapons, including her skeleton bone bracelet, causing Luna to laugh happily as they keep walking like two women who casually walk on the streets


Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp on the other hand were running while Smoker just after them and they were all ended up to fell into a trap.

They were newly fell into a cage and Smoker was suddenly struck him with his jitte, holding him down with the tip of his weapon

''Luffy!!!'' others yelled in horror

''Oh..'' Luffy said with understanding as he felt no power in his body ''Sea stone...'' he said weakly, remembering all the time Luna used this on him. Others eyes also widened as they already knew about sea stones from Luna.

''So you know..'' Smoker said before made a face like he remembered something ''Right, that white-haired girl in your crew had also had this'' with a narrowed eyes. He was wondering about where that girl found a sea stone weapon like that. It was so hard to obtain that even he had only on the tip of his jitte

''The cage is also...'' Nami said as she look at the cage, from what Luna told them sea stone was even harder than diamond and marines used them to made cages or handcuffs

''Right, if it wasn't I'd be long gone. After destroying the whole lot of you, of course..'' Smoker said seriously

''Gyaaa!! No, wait!! How can you fight while we're in this predicament!?!'' Usopp yelled in fear

''He is right, cut it out'' Zoro said threateningly as he hold his katana

Suddenly a deep and relaxed voice with a hint of mocking speak up ''You'll kill each other, why can't you all just be friends?''

''Crocodile!'' Smoker said as the figure in the chair turned to face them. He was a tall man with a wide chest, broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs, and a thick neck. He has pale skin and nape-length black hair which is kept neatly slicked back, though strands tend to fall in front of his face during battles. He also has various battle wounds and most notably a long stitched scar at the bridge of his nose that stretches across his face and a large hook made from a tough gold alloy in place of his left hand.

He smirked evilly at them ''Oh, you really are a stray hound, Smoker. You never thought of me as your ally from the start.'' as he calmly look at him ''Oh.. That's right. I was going to have you die in an 'Accident' I reported that you've been fighting the 'Strawhat' several times.'' He deeply laugh at this before he continued ''I don't know why you came here but it was obviously of your own accord. The Government's believe me. They wouldn't send any marines here normally..''

''So that's one of the Seven Warlords'' Zoro said as he look at Crocodile while Nami and Usopp was scared the hell out off

''So you are Crocodile, huh...?!'' Luffy said slowly as he standed up from where he lays ''Hey, you..!!'' He start to yell at him but all of his power drained from him as he hold the bars while Usopp yelling at him not to touch them.

''You did well to come to this far Strawhat. I never thought I'd actually meet you.'' Crocodile start to talk again as he stand up and walk towards to big table in the middle of the room, that a lot of food on it. ''Don't worry, I'll be killing you very soon but our guests isn't here yet. Especially that woman..'' with a smirk as he sit down the chair and look at the table for a moment

''Guest? That woman?'' They asked with confuse

''I knew she was alive somewhere there but can you guess my surprise that a woman like her become a pirate in a no-name crew from East Blue?'' Crocodile said as he deeply chuckled, causing them to frown as they start to understand who he was talking about and like confirming their thoughts suddenly two women came in

''Luna?!!'' Strawhats yelled in surprise as they saw that Luna was beside Miss All Sunday and all of her weapons in that woman's hands

Hearing her name, Luna's eyes traveled to the cage with a slight frown but her attention go to the chuckling voice

''Finally..'' Crocodile said after his deep chuckle ''I hope you enjoy your company since I didn't want to disrespect to you, I send my partner and I thought you would also have interest in her too'' Crocodile said calmly with a smirk on his face

''Well, this wasn't exactly the first meeting in my mind with this Miss here'' Luna said with a slight smile as she pointed at Robin

''Oh my, I could say the same'' Robin said with a short chuckle ''Still it was an honor to meet you anyway'' with a slight smile on her face, causing Luna to smile too

''Oh, right! No matter what I'm actually happy to finally meet you!'' with a big smile of hers, causing rest of the Strawhats to frown in confusion 'They're acting like they don't know each other' they thought, even Luffy understood this and was watching silently

''You should sit and join me I prepared especially for you, you know?'' Crocodile said as he pointed the table and the chair that a far from his, the one that the other end of the table.

''And if I would reject?'' Luna said with her smiling face and tilted head

''I would like you to join'' Crocodile said with his deep and relaxed voice as he activated his devil fruit powers, causing Luna to sigh and start to walk towards to chair.

''You should go and bring our other guest now, Miss All Sunday'' Crocodile said

Robin nod at him ''Of course'' as she said with a little smile and glance at Luna for the last time before she left

''Didn't your mother never teach you about how to ask a girl for a dinner?'' Luna said while sitting on the chair ''I will tell you, this is not the way'' She said as the sand cover her and made her not to move from chair ''This is just rude'' she said with a smile as she look at him.

''I just want to have a little talk with you, Grant D. Luna'' With his evil smirk, making clear it wasn't all

''Hmm, let's talk then, Captain Hook!'' Luna said with her smiling face