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Two Princess and the Fall of The Desert King II

Luna land in the sand as Luffy was landed somewhere a little more away. She stood with a sigh at what Luffy told her. She knew she cant fight properly with her current state and without her weapons but she have to meet with Ro. While she was looking around, she spot some high pile of rock that not too far from where Luffy and Crocodile were and start to go there.


''It seems that Princess Vivi slipped through our fingers once again'' Robin said but Crocodile didnt seem upset about it ''Anyways, the agents in Alubarna shoul be done with their duties soon.. Call them'' he casually said before he glare down at Luffy ''I think your games have gone on a little too long, Strawhat Luffy''

Luffy, who's face was very serious start to stood up while pulling off the blue scarf that was wrapped around his head and hat ''game?'' he repeated softy ''You know, she's so weak but she tries to save everything she can'' confusing Crocodile a little as to what he was saying suddenly ''She cant bear to abandon anything so she's always in pain. She even wants this rebellion to end without anyone dying.'' as he fixed his hat on his head

''Without anyone dying?'' Crocodile repeated with a smirk, looking like amused ''There are many weak, mushy fools like that.. They do not know true battle. You agree with me, dont you?''

''Yes'' Luffy answers basically but he had still serious face ''But as long as you're around, she will fight you to her grave. That why I'm stopping you right here'' as he stare Crocodile bu he laugh at this

''Absolutely ridiculous..'' He said after his laugh ''You're beyond saving. This should be a good example. Those who conspire with others all die because of it. I've left hundreds like that in the dust!''

''Well, then'' Luffy cracking his knuckles with a little smile on his frowning face ''I guess that makes you pretty stupid!'' causing Crocodile's eyes to turn dangerous as he bite down his cigar harshly. Robin on the other hand was chuckling to herself at Luffy's words, holding her fingers up to her mouth as she fighted the urge to laugh out loudly, causing Crocodile to glare at her out of the corner of his eyes ''Whats so funny?!'' he growl at her ''Do you want to die as well, Nico Robin?'' he asked dangerously

''If thats how you feel about it, do as you wish'' Robin said calmly like she couldnt care less about what he was saying as she turned away, still smiling ''What happened to your promise not to call me by that name?'' before she start to walk away

''Where are you going?'' Crocodile asked as he watched her going away

''Ahead to Alubarna'' she said without even looking back at Crocodile, causing him to murmur to himself ''Crazy woman..'' with a sigh as he reach into his coat and pull out a small hourglass that he throwed it to Luffy's feet and the sand inside it began to fall ''I'll give you three minutes. Afer that, I wont have the time to play with you anymore'' He said to Luffy as Luffy was looking down at the hourglass with a neutral face ''Any problems?''

''Nope, fine with me'' Luffy said basically as he hold up his arm ''Gum Gum Pistol!'' he stretch out to hit him but even though he hit him with force and right on the target, it went right through him when Crocodile tuned into sand


Luna was watching Luffy and Crocodile from a far, though she couldnt clearly heard them as her ears were ringing, she suddenly felt the presence behind her and turned back, cathing the bottle in the nick of time

''Thanks, Robin!'' Luna said with a big smile as she also used her name for the first time since they were now all alone

''Even though I warned you..'' Robin said with a sigh before she walk up to Luna while also taking off her katana and skeleton bone bracalet under her coat from her back ''You just have to go and torture yourself'' she keep as she sit besides Luna while Luna was drinking the antidote that Robin gave her

''Its fine, this much of poison wouldnt kill me anyway'' Luna said with a shrug and took her weapons from Robin

''It doesnt mean that its not hurting you'' Robin said as she look at her like a mother who scolds her child, causing Luna to pout but smiled a little

''Worried?'' She asked with a tilted head as she look at Robin but she just glare at her ''Oh finally!'' Luna said after she shortly laugh, looking at her right hand ''I really felt naked without it'' causing Robin to sigh again

''Its not going to be easy for your Captain'' Robin said while she was looking towards Luffy and Crocodile ''You know that logia's are rather annoying to deal with'' causing Luna to sigh this time

''Yeah..'' she said basically

''And Crocodile is experienced too'' Robin added

''Thats true but..'' Luna said as she also look at them ''Even though he was in the New World too, he was here, at the begining of the Grand Line, for years now and all he did was to face with weaker opponents and spent his time to look for Pluton. He didnt get stronger at all, in fact the opposite, he got weaker as he unconsciously letting his guard down while being so much overconfident.''

''New World, huh.. That bring memories'' she said lowly while she had a face like remembering the past before she turn back to Luna ''Did you say anything to him?'' Robin asked, confusing Luna as to what she said, also raising one of her eyebrowns ''You think he has a chance of winning like this?'' Robin asked, causing Luna to understand what she meant

''No, Luffy's going to lose here'' She said seriously ''I didnt say anything to him since the true power comes one learning themselves..'' She wouldnt say about haki to them, not yet at least. She knew that they werent ready and before learning about haki, they should first learn and discover about their powers and be more creative with them. Start to teach haki to them now would only block their potential right now.

''He wouldnt be learning anything if he's death, he could be dried up to death any moment'' Robin state as she look serious too, it could be Luna's way to learning in the past but not everyone was the same. Luna sweatdrop at Robin for a moment though, thinking how morbid she was

''He's not going to die.'' Luna said with a little smile ''And thats all the matter since as long as he's alive, he's going to come back and fight again until he's victorious''

Robin sigh with this again after she look at Luna for a moment ''I really dont understand you D's sometimes'' causing Luna to laugh a little as they turned to watch Luffy and Crocodile while also talking a little to catch up what they were doing in those years they didnt see eachother


Luffy was barely dodged as Crocodile flew at him and tried to stick his hook into his head. Luffy was bend back to dodge it and he stood on his hands as he used his foot to kick him there this time but once again, his attack did not damaged as he dissolves into sand, causing Luffy to made a frustrationed face as he brought his foot back

''Let me tell you one thing 'Strawhat Luffy'' Crocodile said as his body was getting back together ''No matter how much you struggle you will never, ever..-'' but Luffy didnt let him finished as he attack with his 'Gum Gum Gatling Gun' this time but all went right through Crocodile

''Listen, Strawhat Luffy'' Crocodile said again as his body once again putting together ''These mosquito attacks are useless against me because you will never...-'' but then again, Luffy didnt let him finished as he now attacked him with his 'Gum Gum Bazooka' but it was still unaffected as sand same bursting from Crocodile's back, casuing Luffy to sent his foot flying up into the air and brought it back down to crush Crocodile.

The dust was filled around for a moment as Luffy was furiously stomping the sand while breathing hard ''Dammit! Did he got crushed!? Stupid Sandgator!''

''I told you already, that wont work'' Crocodile said in a bored tone as he reformed behind Luffy, causing Luffy to spin around with a face pace to face him while also yelled at him ''You asshole..!''

''No matter how hard you fight, rubber human, you will never..defp-'' Crocodile was saying but Luffy didnt finished him once more as he just puched him on his mouth, getting ride of part of his face and cutting off what Corocodile was saying also made him to make a weird sound

'' 'Defp'? What the hell have you been trying to say!?'' Luffy said as he hold up his punches and look at Crocodile angrily while Crocodile was also looking like he snapped, losing his patienceas he hold up his golden hook

''Why dont we end the games now, Strawhat Luffy?'' he said seriously, making clear he's no longer playing around

''I've been fighting seriously!'' Luffy yelled at him before he lowly talk to himself ''Damn it.. I cant hit him and he keeps diddolving..''

''We may both be pirates,'' Crocodile start to say as his right hand began to turn into a blade of sand ''But we are completely in different leagues!'' before he brought his hand down ''Desert Spada!'' as he yelled a fast moving sand camed from his hand, stabing into the ground and extending like a sword slash, splitting anything in its path including the ground itself. Luffy didnt move until the sand slash hit a rock that was directly in its path and it was split right in half.

Luffy dodge it just in time as he made a 'ouch' voice ''Well spotted. You wouldnt have just said 'ouch' if it hit you..'' Crocodile said in compliment as the sand dust start to clear out and showing the deep ravine that formed from the attack.

Luffy was looking down the cut that Crocodile made it with a shocked expression ''What the..!? The desert's cut in half!''

''Depending on how you use and train them, devil fruit powers can be very strong in battle'' Crocodile said as he hold up his hand as his fingertips were sand and was being blow in the wind ''I'm not like those idiots who are content just to posess their powers. I've honed mine to perfection!'' then he hold up his hand and just before he attacked again ''You'll wish you never stood up to oppose me! Desert Girasole'' he yelled as he create another sand blade from his hand but this time, when he stabbed it into the ground, the area in front of him start to collapse. There was a giant pit where the sand was being sucked down while Luffy was looking confused before he realized that he was being pulled right into the hole as well and start to run out of the pit as fast as he could but it wasnt going good.

''Never heard of 'Quicksand'? Its very convenient coffin, no grave necessary.'' Crocodile said as he was watching in pleasure as Luffy keep running. In every few step he took were being dragged back and was looking like it will be continue like that forever ''The sand being dragged into an underground river. I can detect that with my powers. There is no living being that can stand toe to oe with me in the desert''

''I'm not gonna burried alive!'' Luffy yelled out as he was also trying to catch his breath before he suddenly use another Bazooka attack but this time the target was to ground to propel himself right off the trap. Luffy shot up into the air ''If I cant punch you'' He said as he look at Crocodile while lacing his fingers together ''Then maybe I can catch you!'' as his fingers tried to trap him, looking like a net but Crocodile used another wave of sand to block Luffy's finger net

''Cant you take a hint? Its impossible for you..-'' he was saying with an annoyed face before Luffy one more time didnt let him finish his sentence as he used 'Gum Gum Whimp' and cut him in half

''Repeating the same old thing again..?'' Crocodile said tiredly before he pull Luffy towards him ''Barchan!'' Crocodile swung his right arm forward while creating a crescent shaped sand dune as he slash at Luffy's right arm, causing Luffy to scream in pain as he grab his arm and jump away so that he land on his back

Where Luffy's arm once was now had been dried up. Luffy was yelling in agony with the pain before he stare at his dried arm with horror filled wide eyes ''Aaaaaaahh! My arm! Its a mummy! My arm turned into a mummy!''

''Because its 'sand'..I sucked the water out of your arm'' Crocodile explained to him ''Maybe I should kill you by sucking all the water out of your body to dry you out. Give you a little taste of the desert''

Luffy slowly sit up as he gasp in pain ''Enough of this..'' he said before his eyes lit up as he had a sudden idea. He suddenly run towards the robe that he threw off when he started to fighting Crocodile and throwing it aside, he found what he was looking for, which it was the little water barrel that old man Toto gave him in Yuba

Once Luffy drank from it as much as he needed, the water flowed into his arm and it returned to normal

''Ridiculous'' Crocodile said in a bored tone, letting him know that he was thinking that it was all in vain

''No, its not!'' Luffy yelled at him ''The old sand guy in Yuba spent all night digging up this water! You know what he said?!'' as he get back to his feet ans start to charge at Crocodile ''Yuba will never be defeated by mere sand!'' and opening his mouth big ''Gum Gum''

''You're still trying...?'' Crocodile said as he stand still for another useless punch or kick

''Chomp!'' Luffy stretch his mouth wide enough to actually bite down and ate half of Crocodile's body, causing Luna, who's watching from a far to burst into a sudden laugh while Robin was looking weirdly but she couldnt hold up when Crocodile suddenly came out and she also laugh a little before they turn serious again

Luffy however was looking a little bit of sick before the sand version of Crocodile burst from his mouth ''Enough bullshit!'' he yelled in rage as Luffy was thrown back into the ground, coughing up some sand

Crocodile glare at him, grinting his teeths while looking truly pissed off at being humiliated like that ''Prepare to die, vermin'' he snarled ''Along with the hardy soil of Yuba!''

Luffy was still coughing sand as Crocodile look at the hourglass ''Your three minutes are up. Didnt I tell you that I didnt have time to play with you?'' He create a sandstorm with his right hand ''Sables!'' and get bigger so much that Luffy's forced to cover his face as he struggle to standing up

Crocodile was standing there as the massive sandstorm was spinning wildly. His eyes were closed for a moment as if he was merely enjoyign a soft breeze from the ocean ''..Sand's nice and dry today..'' he said to himself before he look at Luffy ''Listen Strawhat Luffy. The prevailing winds here are always north to south. If the sandstorm spawned by this one rides that wind travels south and matures.. Where do you think it will hit when it's nice and big?!''

''To the south?'' Luffy asked while he was covering his face

Crocodile smirk at this ''To Yuba'' and said smugly, causing Luffy eyes to widen with realization and anger

''Why you..!?'' he yelled before he reach out to grab Crocodile by his coat, yelling at him ''What the hell are you doing?! Cut it out!''

Crocodile ignored Luffy however as he look at the storm with fondness, like he was proud ''Look, the south wind is rising''

''That old sandy guy has nothing to do with you! Why you..!?'' Luffy yelled before he let go of him and actually went running to try and stop the sandstorm ''Stop! Damn you!'' but it was no use as Luffy throwed backwards, spinning through the air and landing back on the sand as the wind pick up its speed

''Give it up'' Crocodile said after laugh ''Once this storm picks up speed, even I wont be able to stop it''

''Cut it out!'' Luffy scream in anger as he look at him deadly

''Yuba is finished'' Crocodile said with a smile like enjoying his moment, only causing Luffy to lost in rage as he charge up to him and grab him by the collar of his coat

''Stop it! Right n..-!'' He screamed but this time before he finished, he stop dead as his eyes widen while his gazes slowly slide down in shock. Luffy's hands fell limply to his sides in the dead silence as Crocodile's hook sticking out of his back from where he had struck him in the stomach. He was holding Luffy off the ground as his weight was on the hook. He was just hanging there limply, blood flooding from his body and dripping into a pool start to form on the ground while blood pouring from his mouth and nose

''Just who do you think I am?'' Crocodile said as he look at Luffy ''There are plenty of rookies who are all talk. Just like you Strawhat Luffy, here on the Grand Line'' as the sandstorm's noise fiil the area, it was making its way to south. ''Yuba will die, this final sandstorm will do it. It will light the flames of the rebellion's anger once again. This archaic love for others is what will destroy the country.'' Crocodile said as he held Luffy a little more higher while Luffy's eye were now completely empty while blood was coming from his mouth and was looking like he was no longer breathing ''The same goes for you, Strawhat Luffy. You would had lived longer had not succumbed to your weaker emotions'' as he force his hand, making Luffy's limb body to move a little while his head roll on his shoulders and tilt backwards. Crocodile, despite all the braggings he had done, he didnt notice the destroyed water barrel that his hook pierced, until its too late and the water flow from his hook to his arm

''Water?'' he questioned absent mindly before he made a smirk ''Even the water will not help you..'' but just after he said his words, he receive the shock of his life as Luffy's hand suddenly grab a hold of his arm. Crocodile suddenly start to shake as he took a step back and yelled out. One would say it was because of the shock, seeing his face before but the cream he made was clearly out of, pain. Th water from Luffy's wet hand allowed him to touch Crocodile for the first time.

One couldnt say if Luffy was really noticed this at that time since his eyes were empty and he was looking like at the verge of the death but suddenly he start to move again, struggling for to breath while chocking and coughing up even more blood

Crocodile look at him with complete shock ''You're..Still alive?'' before he yelled out angrily and throw Luffy from his hook into the quicksand, causing him to rolled down to near the bottom ''You must be in quite some pain. Dont worry,'' Crocodile said smugly now ''It'll all be over soon'' as Luffy was trying to geting out from sinking as much as he could with all the pain and blood lost but it was in vain.

Luffy raised his hand, as if trying to reach for one last attack on Crocodile as he turned and start to walk away ''Goodbye'' he said as he start to disappear in a swirl of sand while the rays of sun starting to go down, basking the desert glow in an orange color ''What a waste of time..'' was time last words could be heard before he completely gone

From all over the country, Kohza and the rebels were closing in on Alubarna and Chaka and the royal army were waiting in Alubarna while the Baroque Work already had the king. Those who lament the fight, those who fight, those who created the fight and those who knows the truth and are trying to stop it were all carrying their misunderstood emotions to Alubarna.

While Luffy was yelling ''Meaaaaat!'' with his body buried in the sand except his head just before he was completely buried


Luna was watching eveything from a far and from the moment Crocodile struck his hook Luffy in the stomach, her eyes were changed. There was nothing once an ocean eyes but it was a shadowed dark eyes. It was lost its beautiful color but one look was enough to see the storm inside them as she watched in dead silence.

The moment Crocodile's gone, Luna was also rush over there ''Robin!'' she call out as she went there and look at her back to see Robin. It would took so much time to get Luffy from a quick sand if she had done herself. With Robin using her powers, Luffy was suddenly pulled up to the surface of the sand with so much arm around him as he cough some sand and blood with the sudden air.

Robin lay him down as Luna gone to check on his wound, her eyes were now come back and filled with worry while Luffy was struggling to breath. She was thankful that he wasnt under the sand much longer.

''Th- thank you..'' Luffy croaked out as his eyes were looking at Robin, who's looking down on him with an unreadable face

''All of you..'' Robin said slowly ''Who carry the name of D..'' not finishing what she was going to say, she let a sigh and fly Luffy's hat towards her while Luffy was questioning ''D?'' Robin just throw the hat to Luna and brought her hand up to her lips, whistled loudly, causing to some creature that looked like bananagator but slightly smaller and had a saddke strapped to its back came running from Rainbase ''I'm leaving now, Luna''

Luna, who was looking Luffy's wound look up at Robin ''Thanks, Robin'' she said with a little smile

''Dont thank me'' Robin said as she also smiled a little to Luna before she turned her back and leave but stopped with the sudden fourth voice ''I've found you!'' a pale looking man with a sword, crutch for to walk. He was a tall man with purple lines under each eye that run down the sides of his face, making him look like a falcon. He was dressed in a long white robe with star like motifs as he was looking like was beaten up badly. ''What happened to Vivi-sama?'' the man asked to Robin

''Oh.. you're awake'' Robin said with an uniterest

''Now that I understand the nature of your powers, I will not be taken so easily as before!'' the man said as he glare at Robin and hold up his sword

''Oh, stop it. Dont get yourself anymore injured than you already are'' Robin said with a little smirk just before she keep her walk toward to F-wani ''Perfect timing. Why dont you help them? They are the ones who safely escorted your precious princess here'' Just before she hop on the F-Wani's back, Robin turn her head and look at him on her shoulder ''And besides..The princess is fine and she is heading to Alubarna at this moment. I dont know what will happen from now on but you know the state this country is in'' was the last words before she disapaer in the sand with an icreadable speed

Luna and Luffy on the other hand, were on their own world all the while since Robin turned her back to leave, not caring about the fourth voice. Luffy was breathing hard with a rasping gasps and Luna was looking his nasty wound as she was opened his shirt. She was teared a piece of her rope and was pressing on Luffy's wound as she was trying to stop the bleeding when Luffy suddenly grab her wrist, making Luna to look at him.

His eyes were bloodshot and even turning his head was looking painful for him ''L-Luna'' He said as he tired to breath, causing Luna's hand to brush his hair softly ''Its fine..'' she had a little smile before she add ''I heard you calling meat'' causing Luffy to smile as much as he could while Luna turned towards to Falcon man


After Pell lead them to a little place in Rainbase, which they had to hide themselves, Luna ended up to also tend Pell's wounds too after Luffy. With Luffy's insisting about meat and then he could fight Crocodile, Pell was gone to found meat after Luna's devilish threatment, like getting her anger out of the wounds

''Sorry'' she heard the low and soft voice as she was getting ready to leave first since there wasnt much time left. Not understanding why he was saying sorry, Luna look at him with a puzzled expression. There was some guilt in his eyes along with something else, causing Luna to taken a back a moment ''Sorry for I made you watch back there and put you through that'' Luffy said lowly as he saw the over worried Luna and how angry she was. ''It wont happen again I pro-'' Before he could finish, Luna flicked his forehead with just a little force

''Dont make promises you cant keep'' Luna said before she let a sigh and look at Luffy's still guilty looking eyes as she sit besides him ''Listen Luffy, It doesnt matter how many times you lost or fail as long as you dont give up. Because every time you get up your feet back and try again, you will be much stronger than before.'' She smiled softly as she saw that the guilt in his eyes were disapearing

Luffy also smiled slightly as he look at Luna's eyes ''Then..I promise I wont give up'' he said with a glint in his eyes, causing Luna to confuse a little at to why he was promising to something like that since Luffy wasnt someone giving up anyway but she smiled

''Yeah, that would do'' she said before she get up from where she's sitting ''I'm going first then. That Pell guy would come soon with meat, so I'm going to meet up with others at Alubarna''

''What about the poison?'' Luffy asked as he remembered that she was poisoned before all of this

''Its fine, I already took the antidote'' Luna answered, causing Luffy to relief as Luna open the door to leave ''See you at Alubarna, Captain'' she said with a smile

''Right!'' Luffy answered her also with a big smile as his eyes had determination this time but with Luna gone outside, both of their faces lost their smiles. Luffy was tighten his fist for a moment with a face that one couldnt say what he was even thinking.

Luna on the other hand, was looking blank face but the storm in her eyes were come back while she was walking towards to desert as there was now two hours left


With the purple giant lizard Luna come across in the desert, which it was a Giant Gecko, she was traveling fast at Alubarna as she was riding it. She was found it very cute as it was tring to imitate her and named it 'eggplant' and sit on its head as her legs were both of its sides, besides its eyes.

Reaching Alubarna's chaotic streets, she stopped and look at the mans in front of her. They were looking like they wanting to kill her with the weapons they pulled out. 'Must be the assasins of Baroque Works..' she thought as she jump off ''Wait a little, eggplant'' she said as she look at the mans, there were at least thirty of them. ''I dont have any time for you'' She said coldly as she unsheated her katana while ignoring what they were even saying since it was all about how they will kill her and get a promotion ''Fifth Circle, Dai Kyaukan Jigoku'' she said as the mans start to look confused with the voices they start to hear. ''Banshee!'' She calmly but strongly said as she cut through them, looking like dancing as she pass them while cutting them and they were doing nothing but covering their ears with the loud screaming they're hearing, making easy for her to cut them

With cutting the last man, she signal eggplant and hoped on its head as they move towards again, not caring the men there that dying with blood lost.


''Oh, Chopper, Sanji, Usopp!'' Luna said hapily while waving her hand before stopping the eggplant for a moment

''Luna-cwan!'' Sanji with hearted eyes start to run towards Luna with a big smile too ''Thank god you're fine!''

''Luna!'' Chopper and Usopp also yelled with big smiles as Chopper suddenly jump from eyelash's head to her and start to hug Luna while also was asking about the poison which she said she took the antidote, causing Chopper to relief but was saying that he should still check on her after everything is over

''You're looking good too'' Luna said with a smile as she patted Chopper's head

''How can you say we look good!?'' Usopp yelled in shock before he made a face like he remembered something ''Where is Luffy?! That mole woman said he is dead! You were with him, right? Why isnt he here?!'' Usopp asked without stopping as he was also start to cry on the back of the camel with a very bandaged up body

''Calm down, Usopp. He is not dead'' Luna said as she jump off from eggplant, who's apparently talking with eyelash, and also pat Usopp's head ''He's injured but alive''

''I knew it!'' Usopp cried more while Sanji was saying he doesnt look like he knew at all before he suddenly kneel down in front of Luna ''I heard you were a princess Luna-cwan! In fact a queen! Let me, this Prince t-'' before Sanji could continue his sentece from his pink world

''Sanji'' Luna cut off with a inocent smile on her face ''If you ever call me a princess or queen, I will burn down the things you're secretly hiding in your closet, understand?'' causing Sanji's face to turn every shade of red

''Of course!'' He yelled as he suddenly stand up ''What princess and queen? Luna-sama is our goddess!'' he was yelling with his red face and couldnt even look at Luna

''Even though we warned him..'' Usopp murmured himself as he look at Sanji. Since Luna was angry about calling princess and queen they were said to Sanji not to call her like that since he was start to call her princess and queen the moment they fill Sanji, Chopper and Vivi as to what happened. He then look at Luna ''How did she even know about them..?'' Usopp was asking lowly as he fearfully looking at Luna ''Scary..'' he add and noted himself to be sure to lock his closet later

After they start to move again, Luna also introduce eggplant, Usopp and Chopper were telling about their fight while Usopp was telling more like an epic story though. ''Then Usopp got really mad when that mole woman said that Luffy was dead! He refused to believe it and kept saying that Luffy was going to become the Pirate King! And after she laughed at that, he said real man never lets his friend's dream to be laughed at and fought to make them pay for that!'' Chopper was telling from eggplant head as he was sitting there in front of Luna, causing Luna to smile and Usopp to blush while Sanji was also smirking

''As excepting from the brave warrior!'' Luna said with a big, proud smile, causing Usopp to blush more as they finally spot Zoro and Nami when they got to the palace. Nami was riding on Zoro and they were trying to coming to the palace too with Zoro getting lost and Nami fixing him all the while

''Nami, Zoro!'' Chopper, Usopp and Luna yelled while Chopper and Luna were waving their hands and Sanji gone heart eyes again with seeing Nami, completely ignoring Zoro

''Oh, you're all fine!'' Nami said in relief as she was also looking fine except a couple of bruise and two spike wound with one on her shoulder, other on her leg. Seeing those, Sanji immediately start to blame Zoro while Luna and Nami were filling eachother what happened when they were apart

Suddenly, the wind blowed and sands start to fill the area from the top of the palace. They all look up at the palace's balcony and saw that, Vivi was up there, hanging in the air, the only thing keeping her from falling was Crocodile who was holding her by throat. With a smirk of his, he let her go to fall

The moment Luna's hand gone to her katana, they heard a yelling ''CROCODILE!'' Luffy, riding on Pell's back in his falcon form came flying out of nowhere

''Luffy!'' Vivi also yelled as her smile come back on her face while Crocodile was looking at Luffy with disbelief. Pell getting a bit lower, the two were able to swoop down and caught Vivi just above where all the fighting soldiers were and went soaring up again as Vivi was now safe with Luffy

While Strawhats were sighing in relief, Pell landed in front of them and Luffy get down along with Vivi. Shifting the big barrel on his back, Luffy step forward, spinning his arms around and limbering up, getting ready for a fight while the others were rejoice that Luffy was there and went besides Vivi

''Luffy, be careful'' Pell said

''I ate a lot of meat. I will not lose!'' Luffy said as he stare up at Crocodile wich he was looking down back as he was asking to himself

''Werent your wounds mortal? How are you still alive?'' with a tick cigar in his mouth

Luffy stretched his arm, getting ready to rocket himself up ''Sorry, I lost to that guy once..'' Luffy said, sounding really sorry while everyone turned to him ''So this time I wont lose''

''If you cant win, who can?!'' Usopp said loudly while Zoro was lowly saying ''Hurry up with it..'' but they were all looking like they had no doubt and trusting him

''I will finish it now, all of it!'' Luffy said loudly before he rocket himself up, hurtling himself through the air at him while screaming all the way

After Luffy disapeared from their sight ''Then I'm going too..'' Luna said as she walk towards to purple lizard

''Where are you going?'' Nami asked while Usopp also asked after her

''Yeah, there is a bomb somewhere here! You wont help?!'' he asked loudly

''Ah, that bomb..'' Luna said after she jump on the lizards head ''Its in the clock tower'' she said nonchalantly ''Good luck with the bomb! Lets go eggplant!'' she said with a big smile and a laugh before vanished in a fast speed, leaving behind a sweatdroping crew for a moment before they start to rush over to clock tower


Luna was so greatful that finding the royal tomb was easy since it was just outside the palace. After knocking out the both sides army's soldiers who tried to attack her and cutting the Baroque Works agents she was finally reached the royal tomb and with the hidden stairway opened up after turning the Sea Cat statue, she walk down the stairs to reach the bottom and the secret underground chamber

The giant Poneglyph was there, in the middle of the room, the Poneglyph that reveals the location of Pluton. Lingering her fingers on the complicated insciptions softly, Luna look at the blue block with a little smile as she also start to hear the footsteps and feel that two presence coming close

''This place is supposed to be well kept secret past to generations in the royal family'' The deep voice of a man sounded ''To think that someone knows where it is without needing me to guide them..'' as the secret passage was opened and clear that someone was inside

Robin's chuckle heard after this ''There is only one person on this island who can found a Poneglyph without needing of a guide''

''Oh? And who might this person be?'' King Cobra asked while sounding genuine curiosity

''Grant D. Luna, of course'' Robin said as a matter of fact, causing Cobra to gasp in shock

''T-that's impossible..'' He utter in shock ''She was supposed to be dead..''

''Dont worry, there is no danger for you, King Cobra'' Robin said as she look ahead with an unreadable face ''She is a member of the Strawhat crew now'' with a little smile appaered on her face

''The pirate crew who had brought Vivi back here...'' The king whispered in recognition ''Are you saying she really is alive and one of the friends of Vivi?'' he asked as he was still surprised

Robin nod at this ''The Poneglyph in this country most likely holds the location to Pluton, am I wrong?'' she asked as she change the topic

''I do not know'' The King responded at once ''It has been the duty of the royal family of Alabasta for genarations to protect this thing. That is all it means to us''

''Protect it?'' Robin asked in anger, frowning as she glare back at the King ''Dont make me laugh!'' surprising the King

Luna could hear the footsteps were now coming much close ''It's further back inside behind the doors'' King said before the double door opened, revealing the white haired girl in front of the Poneglyph as she was softly touching it while she was also looking at it with a soft face and little smile

''Magnificent as always.. Hard to believe that they come out of the hands just a single clan'' Luna said softly ''Shame that I cant read it''

''You dont need to read it'' Robin said as she look at her, causing Luna to look at her without losing her soft smile

''You know that I dont know what every one of them says'' while stepping aside as Robin start to walk there to read the Poneglyph.

King Cobra however, was gaping in shock with the face he saw. Like every King and Queen who has right to join Reverie, he was saw her picture before and the incident happened in the last Reverie was made her unforgettable to the most. The fact that she was one of the pirates who help Vivi was made him relax a little but he was still guard up as he look at her

''So you are Cobra, Vivi's father'' Luna said with a smile as Robin was reading the Poneglyph ''Nice to meet you!'' She said while waving her hand, taking aback Cobra for a moment

''And you are Grant D. Luna..'' King Cobra said slowly as he look at Luna, who is smiling at him with a friendly gesture ''To think that you were still alive''

''Oh, dont worry! I'm just here with my friends to help Vivi, nothing else'' Luna said as she saw the King was looking at her skeptically, causing him to sigh as he was looking tired with a lot of things happening on his country

After a couple of minutes silence later King finally asked with closed eyes ''Is what you desire..recorded there?''

For a moment Robin didnt answered ''Is there nothing else? Is this everything this country is hiding?'' Sounding clearly disappointment

''Why, dissatisfied?'' The King asked ''I showed you everything as promised''

''I see..'' she said with a simple voice, causing Luna to frown as she recognized the sadness in her voice but before she could say anything, with the presence she felt coming close, she suddenly went hiding, startled both Robin and the king. Just after she hide, they heard a voice

''A fitting place for a state secret'' Making them understand why Luna gone to hiding but also puzzeled the King how did she knew ''You wouldnt be able to find this place without knowing where to look'' As he comes to in front of the Poneglyph ''So this is a Poneglyph, Nico Robin?''

''You arrived quickly'' Robin simply said, clear that she's referring at his second fight with Luffy

''Its rather..Hmm, I'm not quite sure how to describe it'' Crocodile said as he didnt bother to answer what Robin said and look at the Poneglyph ''So can you decipher it?''

''Yes'' Robin answered neutrally

''Then read it aloud'' with a smirk on his face ''Read this Poneglyph.''

Robin look at the Poneglyph for a moment before she start to read steadily ''Alabasta is conquered by Kahira, In year 239 of the Heaven's Calender. In year 260, the Bitein Dynasty of Teima begins. In 306, the great Taf cathedral of Erumalu finishes its construction. In 325, Mamudin, the hero of Orutea, is..''

''Hey now, hold up!'' Crocodile cut her off angrily ''You think that's what we've been wanting to know!? I couldnt care less abot this country's history! Just tell me where the world's most feared weapon resides in this country!''

''That is not recorded here.'' Robin said as she look at Crocodile with a neutral face ''There is only history written here'' Shocking the King but no one was noticed that

''What?'' Crocodile asked coldly

''The name 'Pluton' isn't mentioned in this passage even once.'' Robin said as she look at the Poneglyph, causing a heavy silence to fall down as Luna hold her katana's grip

''I see..'' Crocodile said in an understanding voice ''What a shame, you were the most capable partner,'' with a dangerous tone as he glare at Robin ''But I'll be killing you here''

''Wha!?'' Robin said with a shock and a slight fear she couldnt hide as she took a couple of step back

''The arrangement made between us three years ago has now come to an end.'' Crocodile declared ''Back then, you told me this 'If you lead me to the Poneglyph, then I will give you information on the secret weapon.' The work you've done for Baroque Works these past three years were invaluable thanks to your intellect and leadership.'' as Robin took a few step back again ''For me, that was enough. You were a highly useful woman. However! At the very end, you broke your promise to me! The Poneglyph of this country failed to give me any leads on Pluton!'' He attacked Robin with his hook bur obin dodging just in time, her hat was was the only one his hook pierced ''But I harbor not even the slightest ounce of anger towards you. Do you know why, Nico Robin?''

''Fufufu.. How foolish'' Robin laughed but it was a clear that she was nervous ''I've been your partner for three years, you realize!?'' As she pull out a vial of water from inside of her coat ''I expected all along for you to resort to this in the end!''

''Water?'' Crocodile asked as she throw the vial and pull a knife but Crocodile dodged the vial eaisly but Robin used her powers to sprout a hand on Crocodile's shoulder and catched the water vial

''If I pour water on you, I can stab you, right?!'' But before Robin can do anything, Crocodile dissapeared with using his powers

''Seventh Circle, Dai Jounetsu Jigoku''

Everything happened so suddenly. Just the moment Crocodile disappear, Luna's calm voice heard as the blood red flames suddenly covered the area with a gun shot voice also heard. She was standing just in front of Robin, who had a pistol in her hand that she was holding up towards Crocodile over Luna's shoulder, just besides her head as Luna's sword clashed with Crocodile's golden hook and the sounds of glass hitting the floor echoed in the silence place.

''And who do you think you're trying to kill, vermin?'' The cold yet calm voice of Luna asked as she look at Crocodile's shocked face with dark eyes.

Everything being happened suddenly, Robin was missed Crocodile's heart but was able to shot him on the left shoulder while Luna was blocking golden hook instead of his right hand.

King Cobra was looking at them with a complate shock as the flames covered the two woman, who's suddenly stopped Crocodile with a perfect team work but his shock cant even compared to Crocodile's

He was lost in words. ''Impossible..'' He muttered with pain clear voice as he suddenly took a couple of step back. His hand gone to his shoulder that the bullet hit. ''Sea stone..?'' he was looking like trying to understand whats going on. ''How?!'' as he look at the two woman with a fierce eyes ''How are you fine and here?! Since when..!?'' as he tried to take the bullet out of his shoulder. And for a moment later he made an understanding face as he growl in anger ''You two..!'' he suddenly send an attack with his powers the moment he pulled out the bullet. He was looking like he lost his mind with anger for a moment as his shoulder was still bleeding ''Desert Spada!''

Luna and Robin however, didnt even budge as the sand slash run towards them. The moment the slash came close the flames surrounding Luna and Robin rised their high as the sand slash tuned into glass the moment it met the blood red flames and broken into its pieces after fall to the ground

''Wha..?!'' Crocodile asked in shock ''How? Just what exactly your powers? You were supposed to be not a devil furit eater and Flame Flame Fruit and Magma Magma Fruit already had eaten..''

''That surprised? You know, its funny but my flames can be even much hotter than magma sometimes.'' Luna said with a tilted head, not liking to be comparing that magma guy or mistaken to his powers ''You were here for a long time that you look like forgeten about the world and become a very overconfident on your own'' she said calmly but her voice was cold ''The words you said to my Captain, you should also take them to yourself as well''

Luna didnt know that what whould happened if she would fight with Crocodile. She had may an advantace but in a fight, everything could happen any given time. But she didnt budge as she was standing in front of Crocodile. She knew that with Luffy, he was already on the verge of losing control and with the Robin betray to him and the fact that he had been shot with a seatone bullet as well as his powers turned into a glass without even hitting its target, Crocodile was very easy to manipulete at the moment for Luna. He could very easily believe that his powers totally useless for her

''Is this about that? I killed him so you want a revenge?!'' He growled ''Why did you even joined him? Someone like you could be with the big names very easily! That revolutionaries or even the Four Emperors and yet you choose to be in a little pirate crew from east blue, the weakest sea of all?!'' he demanded as he was looking like he really wanted to know

Causing Robin and the King also look at her, though the King was still in a complete shock at to whats going on. Robin glance at Luna after she took a couple of steps back, not much to be the outside of the flames though. She knew that Luna could be very revengeful and overprotective sometimes and that was what made Luna really scary most of the times against her enemies but what Luna made after Crocodile's words even taken aback Robin a bit along with the King and Crocodile himself

Luna, who was looking like a devil while the flames was surrondering her, lost all of the darkness in her eyes. The eyes were looking like dark and stormy, looked like an endless ocean that shinning under the sun as she had an honest smile on her face. She was looking directly at Crocodile ''He is not dead.'' She said without a slightest doubt as she already felt the presence just over them ''He might still be young and it could be still early but you know.. Out of everyone on these seas, I believe that, he is the one who will become the Pirate King.'' Luna said with her honest smile as she hold down her katana and her flames descreased their high to level of her knees.

As she was looking Crocodile's face that clearly saying he cant believe what he hears, she noticed that she still didnt hate Crocodile. In her eyes, no matter what he did, he was still a man that stuck in the past. Right, she didnt hate him but she felt sorry for him

While Crocodile was looking like he doesnt know how to react at what she just said, laugh or got angry, suddenly the grounds start to shake with a roaring sound, startling the everyone as they were in a dense state

''Whats going on?! Its still too soon for the palace square bombing'' Crocodile asked in surprise before he suddenly glare down at the King ''Ah, it must be you. What did you do?!''

The King Cobra look up at him as he lean his back on the wall from where he sits ''Nothing much, really.. This underground crypt has a certain feature that allows the whole center of gravity to be shifted when a small pillar is removed, bringing the whole place down.. We are all going to die here'' He then glare at Crocodile with a frowned face ''As the 12th head of the Nefertari Royal House, I shall not hand over this country to the likes of you.''

While Luna and Robin were watching this with a neutral faces, Crocodile chuckled darkly as the entire place start to fall apart and small rocks were falling everywhere ''Ohh... The very model of an exemplary king..So you led me here to bury me below for the sake of your country, have you now?! But you cannot kill me..'' he laughed coldly ''I can turn all the stone walls here into sand and make my escape! Just three minutes left now. After three minutes, this crypt, the palace square and all my pesky annoyances will disapear at once! And from that moment on, this land.. This country will be mine!'' with a smug smile on his face before he start to darkly laugh ''Kuhahaha! You will die a futile death, Cobra!''

''Oh!'' Luna made a remembering face at this ''Are you perhaps talking about that bomb in the clock tower?'' with a tilted head before she smiled big and wave her hand dismissively ''You dont have to worry about that'' She said to King Cobra ''Vivi and my friends taking care of it''

''What?!'' Crocodile suddenly growl in anger ''How in the hell..'' but just at that moment, suddenly the wall behind him shattered as if being hit by a cannonball, causing everyone to look over there. Through the smoke of the destroyed wall, Luffy stepped through as he was looking rather tired and covered blood but there was a fierce determination on his face while glaring at Crocodile

Crocodile was looking at him in shock, not believing what he was seeing while Luna's voice that saying he's not dead were ringing in his ears. There was nothing left from his smug and bored attitude of his. Between him from Rainbase and the now was looking totally different persons.

The dark, blood red flames were the first thing that get Luffy's attention as he look at Luna with surprise while blinking ''Luna? What are you doing here?'' he asked that seeing Luna was standing in front of Ro, as Luna called her, rather protectingly

''Oh,'' Luna said with a smile while sheathing her katana back ''Girls meeting!'' she said as the flames disapear and pointed Robin with her smiling face

''Girls..meeting..?'' Luffys asked with a slightly tilted head while his eyes slide to Robin and noticed the pistol in her hands before his eyes traveled to Crocodile and saw the bleeding bullet wound on his left shoulder ''I see'' he said with a blink but before they could continue they heard Crocodile's voice

''How..Are you still alive?'' with surprise but it turn to an anger one very quickly ''Why must you come after me again and again no matter how many times I kill you?! Well, Strawhat?!'' he demanded loudly as his voice echoed off the stone walls

''How did he..'' the King also lowly said as he was also wondering how Luffy came alive but probably not as much as Crocodile as he was yelling again

''How many times do I have to kill you before you're satisfied?!'' while holding up his hook threateningly

''You still havent returned the thing you've stolen'' Luffy said while looking calm, confusing Crocodile for a moment before he laugh hyserically

''The thing I stole? Money? Fame? Trust? Is it life? Or perhaps the rain? Kuhahaha! What is it you want back? I've stolen so many things, you see'' as he was sounding like he had gone insane while loving the every second that he admitted the things he stole

Luffy only said one word ''The Country'' looking much more calm and serious comparing to Crocodile

''The country? You're an odd fellow.. I'm only about to steal the country now by becoming its new king'' Crocodile said with a laugh

But Luffy just talk calmly even thought he was clearly angry ''No. When I came here, It was already stolen. Her country was nowhere to be found. If this were really her country..'' and like suddenly remembering something and couldnt hold on more ''Then she should be able to smile a lot more!'' he yelled as he charge towards Crocodile

''What can you even accomplish without any water..'' he was saying he he hold up his hook but when he kick Crocodile right in the face, he didnt turn to sand and was sent back so hard that his head smashed right into the wall as blood come from his mouth and nose. He was glaring at Luffy as he slowly sit up, trying to understand how Luffy was able to hit him but before he could even had a chance to understand, Luffy punched him on the face this time, sending Crocodile into the wall back again

Bleeding heavily, Crocodile look at Luffy ''It.. It cant be..'' he said slowly before declare loudly ''You used your blood!?''

''Blood works just as well in clumping up your sand, right?'' Luffy said neutrally while holding up a bloody fist

Luna was nodding at this ''Its more useful then water and more easy to fight like this than carry the water all the time.'' causing Robin to also nod

''Much risky though but smart'' she said as she was also amused at this too while King Cobra was looking in disbelief

Corocodile start to laugh ''So be it.. Rainbase, the Palace and now this under ground crypt..'' As he force himself back on his feet ''Let me reward your persistence in challenging me a third time even after twice tasting hell!'' Luffy went for an attack as he tried to kick Crocodile but he dodged, causing Luffy to slam through the wall. He suddenly reached to his golden hook and pull off the golden part to reveal that there was another hook just underneath it. Only this one was seemed to be made of iron and was embedded with large holes with a slight purple haze drifting from it

''I will treat you as a real pirate..'' Crocodile said as Luffy look at the hook ''It seems you're set on beating me no matter what. So I shall acknowledge you as a troublesome enemy.''

''He took it off..but what is it?'' Luffy asked lowly but Crocodile was able to hear

''A poison hook'' he state smugly as he hold up his hook and let the golden hook covering fell to the ground

Luffy just look at it, not impressed at all ''Oh, I see'' he said simply, looking like he wasnt even cared

''Amongst pirates, fights are all about who dies and who lives. There is no fair nor unfair! Once the explosion occurs on the surface, it will likely cause this place to collapse in on itself'' Crocodile said with a rather frowning face ''This is the end. Let us settle this once and for all!'' he declared before the two of them start to charge eachother

It was looking like both of them doesnt care about themselves anymore as the only purpose was to take down the other. Luffy was looking tired yet able to keep up with Crocodile but his poison hook pierced Luffy's skin. At first, it was looking like its nothing as Luffy was still keeping up with him but when Crocodile slammed his hook into a rock, missing Luffy by inches, the rock began to melt and bubble as if someone spilled acid all over it. Clearly proving that this poison was a really powerful one, more than he used on Luna

Luffy however, keep going even though the tomb was collapsing around them. Both of them were dealing with each other with powerful blows but neither of them didnt stay down

''Even if you can stand back up after being stabbed, buried alive and dried up, you wont be able to do so against this. This fight is over. The poison will soon spread throughout your entire body'' Crocodile said with a smirk as he hold up his poisoness hook

''You dont understand a single thing'' Luffy said, holding up his fist as his clothes melt just a little from the posion

Crocodile look at him with an anger ''Just what is it that I dont understand?!'' he demanded to know loudly but Luffy didnt answered him as he charged at him once again. Crocodile dodged his punch again but Luffy didnt stopped and attacked him again and again while Crocodile dodge them all. Luffy then used his 'Gum Gum Gatling Gun' however his moves were sluggish that it was easy for Crocodile to avoid all of them

''Do you still not get it? You're going to die from the poison that already flowing in your body'' as Luffy strubled around, looking like he was standing barely but the fire in his eyes were still there ''You can feel your body growing numb, cant you?'' Crocodile said like taunting him ''Whether you win or lose, you'll still be buried under this temple with all the other rubble. Its a miracle you're still able to even stand after three fights with me and taking a ridiculous amount of damage..''

Luffy attacked him again as Crocodile dodged it and suddenly after this, Luffy fell to his knees, struggling to breath and trying to get back to his feet

''Why do you still..There should be no reason in this country for you to still fight! Am I wrong?! Or are you doing this all for her sake!? You would really die just like that for someone else?! If you just threw aside one or two friends, you could have avoided all of this! You and your crew are all interminably moronic!'' looking completely deranged

''Thats why I said, you dont understand anything..'' Luffy said as he struggled to get back to his feet ''Vivi.. Even though she tells others not to throw away their lives, she always puts herself most at risk in order to save others.. If I left her be, she'd die for sure.. She would be killed by you!''

''Thats exactly why I'm telling you to abandon such a troublesome frien-'' Crocodile was saying in frustration but Luffy cut him with an outreged face

''It's beacuse she's a friend that I dont want her to die!'' he yelled out, causing the King's eyes to widen ''That's why as long as she wont give up on her country..'' as he finally push himself back up to his feet ''We wont stop fighting either!''

Crocodile just looked at him without any emotion ''Even if it means your deaths?''

''If I die, then that's that!'' Luffy told him as he look at him with shadowed eyes but then, Luffy's legs gave out again and fall back to the ground causing a moment of silence before Crocodile start to laugh

''Kuhahaha! You talk big but in the end, your body wont even listen to you! How fitting!'' Crocodile said as he looked confident once again ''Kuhaahaha! It all come down to whether or not you can beat me! No matter how much you care for your friends and no matter how many times you stand again, to try and stop my plans.. If you cant beat me here and now then everything you've done up until now will have been for naught!'' his face darken as he smiled evily ''Facing me was just too much for a small time pirate who just barely started sailing the seas like you. In the end, you're just an insignificant scrap like so many others in this world!''

He then open his arms wide, looking like he couldnt stop himself from being a full of confident and talk ''Its over!'' as he look up with so much crazy enthusiasm ''Even if you know where the bomb was, your friends and that pathetic princess cant do anything to stop it since it has a timer!Kuhahahahaha!''

''You fool, heinous..'' the King look at him with a bloody eyes and face of an outraged

''Kuhaha! At least call me meticulous Cobra! A plan is something that can cover all possible accidents and scenarios.. If something were to happen to the one in charge of firing the cannon, then its only logical to have the bomb explode on its own! It only amounts to a difference of a few seconds.'' He look down at the King with a smirk ''I would have preferred the bomb the shot down right into the middle of the palace square but.. oh well.. Even with the blast center located all the way up there, there should still be quite a lot of casualties'' but his smug face instantly wiped out when he heard the laughing voice

Luna look at him ''Right, the timer.. I admit that you're indeed smart man but,'' She smiled big as she was looking at him ''Did you perhaps forget that there is an another logia user in this country at the moment?'' with a tilted head


A couple of minutes ago before Luna reach to the Royal Tomb

Luna was riding eggplant when she heard a motor sound that getting closer and after a little moment later she saw that Smoker riding on a motorcyle as he was heading towards her. Both of them stopped before crash each other

''What are you doing here?'' Smoker asked as he look at Luna after pulled his goggles up over his head ''Didnt you guys werent stopping Crocodile and his men?''

Luna smiled at him ''Oh they already taken care, only Crocodile lef now but soon he will be taken care too'' surprising Smoker a little, he knew a couple of them already taken care from the reports his men said but he wasnt heard all yet

''You still didnt aswer my question'' Smoker said with an irritation

''I'm going to save the king!'' Luna declared proudly, posing with her one hand on her waist and other was on the air with a fist as she was sitting on the top of a weird lizard, causing Smoker to look at her weirdly ''Oh right!'' Luna suddenly look at Smoker like she remembered something ''The bomb, you heard it right?''

''Yeah, we still dont know where though'' as he raised an eyebrown

''Its in the Clock Tower'' Luna said like its nothing ''Go there and stop it'' she said as she was getting ready, causing a vein popped out Smoker's forehead

''Dont order me!'' he yelled

Luna, didnt budge even slightly ''Crocodile is a smart man. No way he will left a bomb like that and wait someone to fire it.'' Luna said seriously this time ''It probably has a timer'' causing Smoker's eyes to widen for a moment ''You're a logia and more over, you're a smoke man. You can take care of it just fine, you probably dont have much time so, take it up to the sky'' Luna said seriously before he signal to eggplant and go with a fast speed but she didnt forget to yell as she was going ''I'm trusting you, Smokey!'' as her laugh echoed

Smoker bite down his smoke in his mouth so hard that it cut in half ''That little..!'' before he put on his goggles ''Damn pirates..'' he mumbled just before head to Clock Tower

*Flashback End*

''No..'' Crocodile said calmly but it turn into a rage instantly ''Smoker?! You cooperate with marines?!'' he yelled with an outraged face

''Well, despared times.. '' she shrug not care at all ''He is a smoke man in the end. He can just take the bomb and fly up and he would be still fine.'' She then made a thoughful face ''Maybe a little bit of scratches..'' before she shake her hand dissmisvely ''Nah, I dont think he would care that much, he would become a hero of this country in the end'' She smiled happily

The king was looking surprised while Robin also had a smile at this unlike Crocodile who had a deadly look on his face as he dangerously ''I'm going to kill you!'' before he strike his poisoned hook which Luna blocked it with her sword just in time. Both of them were pushing each other when Crocodile used his left arm

''Barchan!'' swunged his left arm forward while creating a crescent shaped sand dune as he slash at Luna

''Seventh Circle, '' Flames apeared all around Luna again, turning the sand to glass as both of them pulled back. The glass was fall to the ground, breaking to its pieces in seconds again

''Those annoying flames again!?'' Crocodile growled

Luna had a offended face at this ''Annoying?'' She lowly asked ''How could you call my beautiful flames annoying?!'' as she point a finger at him, causing Crocodile to look at her with a fierce eyes

''Flames looks so much like blood.. I found it very beautiful too'' Robin said lowly with a calm face and voice from background

With the sudden voice of rocks, eveyone turned their heads to see that Luffy was finally stood up again. His body was shaking but he had a fierce glare while Crocodile looking like absolutely stunned. Cobra was also staring at him in shock as the ceiling above them was now cracking apart and falling in large chucks

''Someone like you..'' Luffy gasp out ''Cant beat me..!'' he finished as he stand still

Crocodile look at him as he completely turned to him now, seeing this, Luna also sheathed her sword once more ''So after all that trouble, those words are the only things you can manage to string up?'' he made a wild grin ''How fitting for a pathetic mutt like you already on the verge of death. All bark and no bite!''

Luffy, without a shred of hesitation ''I'm the man who will become the Pirate King!'' he declared loudly.

Crocodile's smile got wilder at this ''Listen to me, brat! The more one comes to know of this sea, the less likely one will carelessly spout such boasts! As I said before, there is plenty of small time rookies like you in this world!'' He start to run ahead as he hold up his hook high ''And the better you know about the level in this sea, the hazier such dreams will become!'' he scream wildly but Luffy didnt dodge the hook, instead he brought his foot down his arm and slammed the hook down so hard that it snapped right off and broked

''I'm.. The man who will surpass you..!'' Luffy said as he glared Crocodile with a dark eyes that even Luna was taken aback


Meanwhile on the Plaza

Strawhats were looking up at Vivi, who's on the Clock Tower and looking so desparete as they were also looking shocking that the bomb had a timer. Just that moment smoke start to rush over there and formed a human figure just in front of the bomb

Taking the bomb while everyone looking at him in shock, Smoker look down at Strawhats ''Tell that Pirate Princess if I die here, I will hunt her down even afterwards'' before turn into smoke cloud and shot right up to sky, leaving behind a shocked crew as they all start to look up to sky

Somewhere in the plaza, Tashigi was yelling with fear filled eyes ''Smoker-san!'' as the sound of the huge, bright explosion covered her yellings


Luffy stretched his arm back and slammed it so hard into Crocodile's stomach that blood erupted from his mouth before he was sent flying once again and crash right into the cracking floor. It all turned into a beat down. Luffy then grab him by the front of his shirt and pull him around, swinging and slamming into the wall behind him. Now it was Crocodile who was finding it hard to stand up. Through the rubble, he stared back at Luffy as he was looking completely lost

'The scorpion venom should denitely have affected his body! Just where is this brat still drawing his strenght from?' Crocodile thought just before the sound and the image of flash back fill his mind

''Mr 5 and his partner were defeated? By whom?''

''Luffy? Never heard of him.. Hmm.. Surely there must be some mistake.''

''They are still alive?!''

''Those pirates are here in this town..''

''He is not dead. He might still be young and it could be still early but you know.. Out of everyone on these seas, I believe that, he is the one who will become the Pirate King.''

Suddenly, a blade of dagger come up from where the hook was broken off ''You're just a damn brat from god know where!'' he said darkly before he scream in rage, losing all of his control and charge ''Just who the hell do you think I am!?''

Luffy, duck and the blade swing over his head ''I doont care who the hell you are or where the hell you're from!'' he declare as Crocodile was now wide open ''I will surprass you!'' Luffy yelled as he kicked him so hard that he was sent flying up into the air but before he hit the celling, Crocodile pull himself back together and hover there as he state that he was going to destroy him along with the tomb.

He raised his hand and gather a swirling mass of extremly dense sand in his hand as his shoulder start to bleed again before he hurls it towards Luffy ''Sables Pesado!'' causing a massive shockwave with a heavy sandstorm when it hit the ground, forced them to shield themselves. Several huge blocks of debris start to fall towards them as Robin was dodging while Luna was grabing the King along with her as she was dodging too

Opening his mouth, Luffy inhale so much air that he blew himself like a ballon before he begin to twist himself around tightly. After twisting several times, he lowered his face to the floor and let out all the air inside him so that he was sent flying right up towards Crocodile while untwisting himself as he went spinning upwards

Like a rocket, he shot towards Crocodile as he pulled his fists back ''Gum Gum..''

Crocodile hold up his own fist ''Desert..''

''Storm!'' Luffy yelled, throwing punches

''La Spada!'' Crocodile also yelled as he form several solid sand blades with fan shaped edges, flying down

They were both giving their everything. Luffy's fists were colliding Crocodile's attacks and the force behind it was so much more than before that he shattered the axes right back into sand and what looked like hundreds of punches at once he slammed Crocodile while crashing into the celling. Crocodile was held there as Luffy keep going, hitting every part of Crocodile that he could along with the celling. It was merciless as Crocodile just look numb as the force from his attacks was breaking right through the celling, sending Crocodile up and through the stone. It was all in a matter of seconds and the celling above them cracked before finally broken through. Crocodile is forced right up through the rock and into the air, leaving a trail of sand behind him as a bright sunlight some pouring through the hole

''Impossible..'' the King Cobra said as he look at Luffy with unbelievable face as he was sitting on the ground besides Luna, who's standing up and protecting him from the rocks that falling down ''The bedrock layer from here all the way to the surface is far too thick..''

Luffy, now completely out of energy, fell back to the ground as he landed so hard that the floor cracked

''Hey!'' Cobra pushed himself up as he slowly crawled over to Luffy's wounded body ''Are you alright?'' Luffys just took a deep breath. Seeing he is alive ''You have my thanks'' Cobra said and despite how Luffy looked in bad shape and hurt, he grin up at him

''Cool!'' showing his teeths as he smiled big

Luna look at Robin, it was so clear as she look at her that Robin let a sigh before pulling out a small red bottle from her coat and handed it to Luna with a slight smile on her face

''Thanks, Ro!'' Luna said with a big smile as she went over to Luffy and have him drink it while the King was looking at Robin

''Why did you lie to him?'' he asked with a serious face

''Oh, you knew? What a naughty king..'' Robin said as she sit on the floor with tiredness

''The history of this country is not carved onto that stone..There should only be information about the 'weapon' which your organization seeks'' the King said seriously as Luna was meking Luffy drink the antidote with a neutral face while listening them ''Even where it's located.. Had you told Crocodile the truth at that moment, this country would have fallen into his hands. Am I wrong?'' he asked

''I dont know. I'm not interested whether countries and people live or die. I couldnt care less about that. I never intended to hand the 'weapon' over to Crocodile in the first place'' Robin explained calmly as she closed her eyes for a moment

''I dont understand..'' the King said as he looked he really mean it ''Then why did you come here?''

''Expectetion and hope are two different things'' Robin said before she look at the King ''The object I sought was the Rio Poneglyph. Out of all the Poneglyphs in this world, the only ones which speaks of 'True History' ''

''True History? Whats that supposed to be?'' the King asked but Robin just closed her eyes again before she answers

''You dont need to know.. All I wanted was to know history'' Robin said as she looked so down ''But my dream had too many enemies'' Causing the King eyes to widen as he understand what she meant by the 'True History'

''Wait! Let me ask you!'' the King said as he suddenly get up his foot back ''Can the 'Untold History' actually be construed?! Are you saying thats the Poneglyphs record?!'' Robin just smile at this before the King's eyes got widen and turned to Luna ''But then how? How the Grant Family had this knowledge then?!'' he asked but the only aswer he got from Luna was a little smile too ''Then why have we..'' he said but it sounded more like to himself

Luna turned to Robin after this ''What are you going to do?'' she asked but Robin let a long and tired sigh at this.

Looking up ''I'm tired..'' Robin said

''I told you, Its still not too late, Ro'' as a soft smile apaered on Luna's face while looking at Robin, who's looking back with a glint of hope in her eyes. She knew what Luna was trying to say but she wasnt like Luna, who doesnt care anything and stand strong against eveything. But before they could continue their talk, Luffy got back to his feet even though he was covered in blood, sweet and dirt as well as he was still affected with the poison, he was standing upright.

As he was picking up Cobra, Luna unsheated her katana and pointted up to surface. After Luffy throw Robin over his shoulder, he look at Luna, who's poiting her katana to the sky while looking like some kind of a hero ''Why are you posing?'' Luffy asked to Luna while blinking, causing Luna to sweatdrop

''I'm not posing!'' She yelled at him as she go towards him and hold him from his waist with her one arm since his hands were full ''I was going to shot us up, thats why...'' She said lowly as she was slightly pouting

''Oh!'' Luffy made an understanding face before he smile sheepishly ''Sorry..''

''Just pull us to the ground once we go up'' Luna said before Luffy nod at her but just before she shot up, they heard Robin

''Wait!'' Robin said almost in panic ''Why are you taking me?! Leave me alone!''

''Huh?'' Luffy and Luna asked at the same time before Luffy add ''You're coming with us, do whatever you want once we're out of here''

''Right!'' Luna said before she add ''Reverse Gravity!'' and they shot up just in seconds as the sword cut through the rocks on the way. With they were hanging on the sky, they saw the thick storm clouds and heavy rain. Luffy landed them safely after Luna shut her hell down and they start to fall, dropping Robin and Cobra. As he struggle a little, Luna reached out and supported him by wrapping an arm around his shoulder before he fell face flat on the ground.

''The rain?'' King Cobra gasped as he look up at the sky ''It's come back?!'' and he start to cry as the cold water fall on his face while his hands that reach out to catch the rain were shaking. Luffy smiled at him just before his head drop on Luna's shoulder and pass out


Zoro, Nami, Sanj, and Chopper were walking while Zoro was pulling Usopp from his leg towards the place Crocodile flied up to find Luffy and they didnt even know where the hell Luna was gone before they suddenly heard the voices and look ahead

''This is embarrassing, please let me down!'' The deep voice of a man sounded

''It your fault! You said you'll carry him but you just faint on the half way!'' Luna's complaining voice sounded as they start to smile ''Embarrassing you say? What about me? Carrying two grown up man like this, is much more embarrassing!''

''Thats why I'm telling y-'' before the man continue, Luna cut him as she saw the rest of the Strawhats

''Guys! You look all good!'' Luna said with a big smile, causing Usopp to yell at her instantly

''Are you gone blind?! How are we looking good?!'' as they look at Luna, who's carring a man on one of her shoulder but they were only seeig his butt at that moment and her other arm was carrying Luffy with the same style

Luna laugh at this ''Well, at least you're alive. This much shouldnt be a problem for a brave warrior!'' as she smiled, causing Usopp to laugh while talking about how he stopped the war while exaggerated the story of course, though no one was listening at that moment..

''Luna-chawn!'' Sanji start to run towards Luna with heart eyes before his face turned an angry one ''Who is this? How dare he make himself carried by our goddess?!'' as he was also taking Luffy from her shoulder and Chopper was rush over to check him up too

Before Luna could answer to Sanji ''Can you please put me down now?!'' man asked loudly , causing Luna to suddenly drop him

''Cant you ask nicely?'' Luna asked but she was looking like she was having fun

''Luna, who is this man?'' Nami asked as she weirdly look at the man, who fallon his butt

''Oh, thats the King'' She said like its nothing while other's eyes got widen at this

''The King?!'' everyone asked loudly with surprise except Sanji ''Vivi's father?!'' he asked/yelled with shock

''Is that even okay to treat the king like this?'' Zoro asked lowly, sounding much to himself

''So you're the pirates who escorted Vivi back to this country?'' the King asked as he was getting on his feet back but before they could continue, they heard Vivi's happy and relieved voice

''Everyone!'' she said happily before she got surprise as she saw the King ''Papa?!''

After Cobra tell his story about what happened and telling them Luffy got the antidote, much to Chopper's relief, seeing everyone was tired ''You two have somewhere else to be'' Luna said

''Somewhere else?'' Vivi asked in confuse as she look at Luna

''The Plaza. The rebellion stopped but its going to be anticlimactic without a word from the king and the princess'' Luna said calmly

''Then all of you should also-'' Vivi was saying but Luna cut her

''Vivi, you should understand right? We're outlaws, we've got no intentions of getting involved with the affairs of a country'' She said with a smile

''That's right, Vivi-chan'' Sanji said before he lit a cigarette and grinned big at her

Chopper add after him ''I'm hungry'' as his tongue was sticking outside

''We're gonna head to the palace on our own. We're all dead tired'' Nami add after Chopper with a tired smile on her face

After Vivi and King Cobra left all of the Strawhats drop dead and start to sleep there on the street. Luna sigh at this with a little smile as she sit on the corner with her sword in her hand, looking like she's guarding them. She look up at sky ''Rain, huh..'' and closed her eyes for a moment as she wait for them to wake up so that they could leave


''Is there something you want?'' Luna asked with a calm voice

''U-um, no'' Tashigi said before she yell at her soldiers ''We're going after the remaining Baroque Works agents that still here!'' as she start to sent all of her men

''Is Smoker alright?'' Luna asked before Tashigi left from where she sit, which it was the middle of the street, while the rest of the crew were still sleeping soundly under the rain

''He is slightly injured but he'll be fine'' She replied somewhat strongly as she was nervous all the time since she saw Luna. From Smoker, she knew who she was and she knew they had no chance against her as she was sitting there with a katana in her hand, which it interest her highly even though it was looking nothing with its pitch black color, so she was came here to take her men away from her and she couldnt let them to touch Strawhats at the moment after everything happened

Luna smiled at this, causing Tashigi to taken aback as she looked beautiful and inocent which it wasnt the image she was waiting from Grant D. Luna ''Tell him that we'll be looking forward our next meeting'' she said with a friendly tone as Tashigi was taken aback once again

''R-right'' she stuttered out before she left, making Luna to chuckle a little as she continue to sit there and wait


''I'm sorry'' Vivi suddenly said as she and Luna were sitting and watching the rain while the sky was dark and everyone now were bandaged and sleeping loudly

''Sorry?'' Luna asked with a confuse, not understanding why Vivi was saying sorry to her, she was thinking whats wrong with everyone with that day as they were saying sorry to her

Vivi made a truly sorry face ''Back there, I didnt know anything about you or your country yet I said those wor-'' before Vivi could continue, Luna cut her

''Its fine, like you said, you didnt know so you dont have to say sorry'' Luna said with a small smile as she look at Vivi with a rather kind eyes before she turned to window and watch the rain

''I.. hated my country'' Luna said, feeling weird to say this to Vivi, who loves her country ''It could be a great kingdom but, its ideals were wrong. Everyone of our people were killer without no remorse at all or criminals that had hands over the dirties things'' Luna said slowly as Vivi was listening her quietly ''But 'No matter what, we are still the prince and princess of this country, the future rulers, so its our responsibility to protect our kingdom with everyone in it. If we want it gone then we have to do it ourselves.' My brother was said this long ago'' Luna said as her eyes look far past ''Thats why I protect it even it was ruthless and they called me devil for that and thats why I destroyed it myself, even it was meant to ask help from the most dangerous man, which he is actually very good man.'' Luna said with a little smile before she slowly stand up

''So, you dont have to say sorry. I may found your way naive but I also found it beautiful'' She said as Vivi also understand what she meant. Luna went to her bed for a sleep after she patted Vivi's head, leaving her there with a deep thoughts as she was watching the rain with a slight, soft smile on her face.


It had been three days now that the war was ended. First day they woke up, Strawhats couldnt find Luna anywhere and she wasnt comeback until the night of the second day as they were all doing their things and finally enjoying the country. In the third day, Luna was trainning with Zoro, though he shouldnt be since he was wounded but he didnt listen to anyone.


While the Strawhats were enjoying the country,

At the docks of Alubarna were a few Navy ships docked there. Smoker was sitting on the deck, watching his men restock the ship as another marine captain with a pink hair was standing behind him. She was the infamous 'Black Cage' Hina, the leader of the Black Cage Corp.

''So she is alive, huh?'' she asked as she lit a cigarette

''Yeah, well I still dont understand why the hell we should be not say anything about this though'' Smoker said as he blew out a puff of his smoke

''Dont be an idiot.'' she said as she walked forward and stood beside Smoker ''It would bring choas'' As she took one of the three wanted poster. Smoker frown at this however as he had a irritated face

''But, Hina impressed. That little devil looks like she didnt change at all'' She said with a little smirk on her face after she heard everything from Smoker

''Right, you were assigned in the West Blue before since you're from there. So you know her?'' Smoker asked as he look up at Hina

''Yes, that why Hina is nervous.'' as she took a puff of her cigarette ''Hina doesnt know if it's good or bad that she didnt change. Higher ups already perturbed''

''They shouldnt stay silent then'' he said in irritated tone again

Hina took a drag from her cigarette and exhaled the smoke before she replied ''Because they want to take care of it silently, you understand right?'' she asked, causing Smoker's eyes to narrow as he understand what she meant, still didnt like it though

Pink haired marine captain smirked before she drop the wanted poster ''Hina had a feeling that it wont be that easy though'' she said before she left as Smoker look at the sea with a thoughtful face


Luffy wasnt wake up until the third day while Chopper and Vivi look over him all these time. And as soon as Luffy wake up, he start to say that he missed fifteen meals which with this, they have a well deserved feast with the king and a long, hot bath they enjoyed a lot before they were all gathered again in the big room they were staying while the full moon was shinning brightly and was the only thing giving light to the room.

''Tonight?'' Usopp asked in surprise

''Yes'' Nami nodded firmly

''So we're leaving, are we...?'' Chopper asked while sounding sad

''Yeah, I think that's a good idea. There's no reason to stay here for a long time after all'' Zoro state as he was standing with folded arms

''Thats right and I'm getting worried about what the marines are up to'' Sanji also add after Zoro

''Right, now that the Crocodile situation has been dealt with, there is no reason for them to keep the truce we had before'' Luna said, agreeing with others

''Luffy! Its up to you to give the final decision'' Usopp said as he look at him

''Alright! We will go after eating Alabastan cooking one more time!'' Luffy said, causing everyone to give him a bonk in the head except Luna, who was laughing as she was also found their food delicious

''No, we have to leave right away, you idiot!'' agreeing to go right away since Bon Clay was called them and declare that he was on their ship and actually took the ship to upper reaches of the Sandora River.

Once they packed everything, getting ready to sneak away into the night until they hear a soft voice

''Everyone..what.. should I do..?'' she asked as she look down

They all look at eachother and quietly finished their packing before all start to head to the window to leave.

''Listen, Vivi. We'll give you twelve hour to decide. Once we take back our ship at Sandora River, we'll approach the Eastern Port just once, exactly at noon tomorrow! We probably wont be able to drop anchor though... So if you want to continue travelling with us, that will be your one and only chance to get onboard! This time though, we'll welcome you as a pirate!'' They all smile at her, letting her know that whatever she chose, it was alright

''Since you're the princess of a country, we wont push you to come along'' Sanji said, leaning on the windowsill as they began slipping out

''Come with us, Vivi! You better come! No, just come right now!'' Luffy said with a big smile as Usopp shut him up as he shoved him to the exit and Luna just smile kindly

To her, Vivi shouldnt become a pirate. She was too kind to be one and she was better as a princess than a pirate.


They were now standing at the edge of the river with the Merry in front of them after the good fast duck riding, the super sonic duck squad was its name much to Luna's amuse

A familiar face was standing on the crow nest ''I've been waaaiiitiiing for youu all! Nice to see you all again!'' they were all saying goodbye to the duck as they were ignoring the okama, though even he wave them off but then it turned to a fight between him and Sanji.

''What do you mean 'friend' ? We were enemies all along, you tricked us'' Luffy said as the rest began to loading the ship

''I did not trick you! I hadnt the faintest idea either!'' he yelled before he shrug it off ''But...Oh phooey, who gives a hoot about any of that now?'' as he comes to sat on the railing ''Baroque Works is gone and we're no longer enemies''

''If we're no longer enemies then why'd ya take our ship?'' Luffy asked seriously

Bon Clay sigh at this ''Oh, you silly little goose''

''What was that?'' Luffy suddenly snapped at him

''Listen up!'' Bon Clay suddenly become serious ''Do you have any idea, any idea at all, what would've happened to your ship if I hadnt taken it?''

''The marines definitely would have taken it'' Luna said bluntly as she was leaning on the railing besides Bon Clay with her back towards the island while Luffy and Usopp were gaping at what Luna said

''Thats right!'' he yelled with a big smile at Luna ''They'd have taken it abso-positively-lutely! Do you have any idea what kind of state this island is in right now?! Marine ships have totally, utterly blocked the entire island!'' he then lowly add ''Not even one little swan could fly its way out right now''

''So you.. protected the Going Merry from the marines?'' Luffy asked with a surprise as Usopp and Chopper also asked the same thing while they were questioning him why he did it

Bon Clay gave them a thumbs up with a teary eyes and a big smile ''Because my dear, we're friends.'' and with this they start to sing and sance together once again

''So in other words, Mr 2... Since you couldnt get out of the island either due to the blockade, you were basically looking for ways to increase your allies, am I right?'' Zoro said, not really care but Bon Clay syop in mid dance and the three of them look at him in shock

''Thats right!'' Bon Clay said as he start to dramarically cry ''Its time like these..! Its eras like these we live in, When we the people must band under the name of friendship and fight together!''

''Hell yeah!'' the three yelled at him as Luna moved with the talk too and smiling with a nod when Bon Clay's ship and crew also apeared out of nowhere

''Welp, we're countin' on y'all then!'' they yelled out

''Since when the hell were you all here!?'' Zoro yelled with shock and anger, causing Luna to laugh at him before she walk inside the room to place the books Nami and her take from the King Cobra.


The Merry was being shot by giant blank harpoons as at least eitght ship were giving them a chase

''Dammit!'' Luffy yell in frustration ''Fire some cannonbals, Luna! Usopp is in the below deck trying to repair the holes and I cant deflect pointy things!''

''Okay Cap'n! '' Luna said with a smile as she gone to front cannon and loaded it

''If we keep taking iron spears to our hull then its only a matter of time until we sink!'' Sanji's voice yelled out the moment Luna shot a cannonball, heading straight to the closest ship, destroying machine they were using to throw their iron spears and their mast in the process. While she was loading the second cannonball, she look at the Merry with concern as she thought that Merry really wasnt a ship for a battle. Even though she was smaller and faster she was still build for sailing. As the battle went on, they spot two familiar faces on one of the Navy ships which they were Jango and Fullbody

''The black cage force's specialty, black spear formation'' Jango exclaimed proudly

''It aint a formation you little pirates can break out of! Hahahah! Take that, dumbasses!'' Fullbody said after him though he was more like a child as he was laughing and stucking his tongue

''Ahh! Its that hypnotist! Arent you a pirate?!'' Luffy yelled at him while Sanji was murmuring who was the besides Jango thoughtfully

''At last, we've crossed paths again' This time, I'll send that violent cook and the rest of the crew to the bottom of the sea!'' Fullbody said as he hold up his punches ''I've powered up plenty!'' Jango also take out his familiar ring, about to use his abilities but before he got the chance as Usopp fired a cannon that Luna handed over to him when he came back to the deck

''That was you Usopp?! Amazing!'' Luffy said

''As expected from our sharpshooter!'' Luna also said

''Y-yes! It all went according to my calculations! Thats what happens when you go up against me!'' he start to brag about himself with a blushing face while Bon Clay was also cheering

''You're amazing long nose! Look, the southern side of their formation collapsed! We'll bust outta here by charging though there!''

''Bon Clay-sama! We've got trouble!'' two of his men suddenly called from his ship, causing Bon Clay to turn to them to ask whats wrong as they were all yelled out 'Black Cage'

''Hmm, Black Cage huh? I totally forget about her'' Luna said with a thoughtful face while Bon Clay's face turned to terror

''Who's that?'' Luffy asked

''Well, she's a Marine Captain'' Luna start before she glance at Hina's ship ''I forget but this part of the Grand Line is under her jurisdiction for a while now. She's known for being merciless also has the Cage Cage fruit''

''Cage Cage?'' Nami asked in confusion

''A Paramecia type Devil Fruit that allows her to form restraints on people by swiping her limbs through them. She can let others pass through her body, leaving them trapped in a ring of iron. She can also extend her arms to form a cage which traps anyone who interacts with its bars...'' Luna explained as she look towards there and with catching her eyes she stick out her tongue as she wink at her shortly, causing Hina to smirk while she was smoking her cigarette and wearing her black gloves

''Thats right! This is reaaall bad! Let's het outta here at once!'' Bon Clay said after recovered from his shock as his men all cheers at the idea of escaping but the Strawhats didnt move at all even as Bon Clay yelled at them to do so while Hina's ship was also drawing closer

''Go if you want but we're staying'' Luffy said to him

''You're what!?'' Bon Clay asked in shock as his crew yelled that they should escape

''We have promise,'' Nami explained calmly ''To be at the Eastern port at noon. We've got no time to change directions''

''This is ridiculous!'' Bon Clay yelled angrily, looking ready to leave ''Is there some treasure worth risking your lives over at that port!?'' before turned his back to leave '' Fine, go ahead and die if you want!''

''We're going to pick up a friend'' Luffy said with a big smile as he look ahead while Bon Clay was living a big shock as he wasnt waiting this

''For the sake of a friend!?'' Bon Clay asked as silence followed after then he suddenly turned to his crew ''We're going to fight the marines!'' he declare as he shock his entire crew that they were yelling in surprise

''Running away here, is unbefitting of an Okama!'' He yelled at his crew ''Could any of you find your mals palatable on the day after abandoning friends who risked their lives to see another friend!?'' his crew all stare at him before they start to cry and get ready to fight as Bon Clay turned to Strawhats with tears in his eyes ''Listen up, you scallywags and the Strawhat Crew, and listen well!''

He took on Luffy's face and his crew took disguises of the rest of the crew before they left to distract the Marines, giving them the time to escape. It worked perfectly much to Luna's amuse as the marines were completely distracted and they went after them but the battle didnt last long and only end with the ship going down to Davy Jones' locker.

''Bon-chan!'' Luffy along with Usopp, Chopper and even Sanji were all cried while yelling as the ship sail away ''We will never, ever forget about you!''

Then, Bon Clay's voice called out like echoed over the sea ''If we are to fall..let it be in the sea! The flower of friendship is rejoicing!''


The Mery went on east, fighting their on way throught the two marine ships that were blocking their way but they managed to force their way pass them and finally reach the eastern port of Tamarisque, where they were supposed to meet Vivi. However, Vivi wasnt there as they wait for her before they heard her voice that speaking through a loud speaker and adressing to her country on what happened during her two years away from home

''You heard the speech, didnt you? That was definitely Vivi's voice. '' Zoro said to Luffy, who was leaning on the railings with Chopper besides him

''Its broadcasted from the coming of age ceremony at Alubarna. It means she decided not to come'' Sanji said as he was looking disappointed

''No, it only sounded like her voice!'' Luffy said stubbornly before Sanji look around and said that it was past noon while Luna was also looking there, waiting for Vivi so that they could say goodbye. She knew that Vivi wasnt going to come with them as well as she didnt made for a pirate. She was too kind, pacifist and over worrywart but she was still used to and liked to have Vivi around but she knew that Vivi loved her country so much to leave it

''There is no way she wont come! Lets get off the ship and look! She will be there for sure!'' Luffy said while sounding hurt

''She will be there'' Luna also said with a full belief that knowing she will come even if only to say goodbye but Usopp suddenly screamed in warning as the marine ships reappeared and were coming towards them with a fast pace. When Zoro asked how many there are, they all knew it was time to go with all six ships coming after them.

''Lets go! Turn starboard!'' Nami give directions but she had a rather sad face

''Give it up, Luffy. Her case is different from the rest of us when we joined'' Sanji said to Luffy as he was still looking there along with Luna but he sounded sad too. As he ship turned and start to leave even Luffy was turned his back while Luna was still looking there 'Why it tooks too long?' Luna was asking to herself before a happy smile came to her face

''She came!'' Luna said happily causing everyone to turn the moment they also heard Vivi's voice

''Everyone!'' she was dressed up just like a princess with Carue besides her

''Vivi!'' Luffy screamed happily and Nami was about to say to turn the ship, not caring about the marines heading their way but before she could

''I've come to say goodbye!'' Vivi yelled, causing the smiles to wiped off their faces and confusion came instead, except Luna, who smiled softly

''What..?'' Luffy asked as he look at Vivi with confuse

''Sorry, I..cant come with you!'' Vivi said as she was speking through the receiver this time ''But I want to thank you for everything until now! I'd love to go on another adventures but I cant! Because you see, I love my country too much! Thats why, I cant come!'' they look at her with surprise but it turned an understanding one while Luffy was looking stunned before he smiled in accepting ''I see!'' he said with his bright smile

''Although, I'll remain here now..'' Vivi said as tears start to flow down on her face and she was holding back her sobs as she was trying to speak ''If we meet aain someday..Will you call me your friend one more time!?''

Luffy smiled at her before he opened his mouth to yell at her but Nami cut him off by covering his mouth and telling him not to answer ''The marines are watching her right now. If they have proof that she has connestions with us, she will be branded as a criminal'' Nami said as they all turned their back ''Lets say our goodbyes in silence'' as they all take off the wrapping that still on their arms and held them up so that Vivi could see the X mark that still on their arms

Without even looking back, they all knew Vivi and Carue were doing the same as they said their silent goodbyes and look forward to the day they will meet again

With the marines start fire and got close after a moment later ''Lets set sail!'' Luffy yelled as they all cheered and sail towards their new adventure