As the ship was sailing away, now Alabasta wasnt even visible and the Marines were finally given up on following them. They were all on the Merry's deck and the ship was still bearing the fresh scars of the battle with the Marines. Luna was sitting on the railing and was looking at the sea while Zoro was leaning over the side of the ship to look behind him.
''Looks like the marines arent chasing us anymore..'' Zoro said before several loud groan sounded ''We managed to throw them off, right guys!?'' he added as he glare at them but they only groaned a little louder. All of five of them were all lying down on the upper deck with their heads through the railing, looking close to tears with big puppy eyes on their faces as they were looking towards Alabasta ''Stop it!'' Zoro snapped at them ''What's up with all the pathetic groans?!''
''I miss her!'' they all cried out together, causing Zoro's eyebrowns to twich with irritation
''Stop weeping! If you didnt want to part with her that much, we should've just brought her onboard by force!'' making them all gasp at what he just said.
''How barbaric!'' Chopper said with a gasp like he couldnt believe he heard Zoro said something like that
''Could you sink any lower?'' Nami asked after Chopper as she glare at Zoro
''Marimo'' Sanji said before Luffy also add after him as he tried to insult him like others ''Three swords..'' was rather pathetic to be an insult and Usopp was began to telling that to him too as he was trying to explain to Luffy that, three sword is not an insult.
''Come on guys, stop it'' Luna said as they look at her with their sad eyes ''Hellos and goodbyes always come, there's not much point in worrying about . At least we know that Vivi's in her home, her country she loved and she is safe there.'' causing them to think for a moment before they let a sigh as their sulking start to disappear. Luna chuckled at them a little before she turned to look at the sea while she was also sewing a string strap on Luffy's hat to hang from his neck, so that he wont lose it like happened back in the Alabasta.
Just then, the sound of a door opening heard and a familiar voice cooed from inside ''Seems like we finally left the island..'' causing Luna to smile and turn to her
''So you finally decided to show up'' she said as Robin step out of the storage room. She knew Robin was especially waiting for the marines to gone until now and as she look at her, now she was satisfied that she was looking more Robin that she knew. She was wearing a basic dark purple long sleeved V-neck dress that was coming to her a little over mid thigh and looking more casual and modest than before as she also had a calm air around her that she didnt before while she was working with Crocodile. She smiled back at Luna and as soon as others saw her, they got up so fast that they badged their heads on the railing above them.
''Here to avenge your organization?! Fine, I'll take you on...'' Zoro yell out as his hand went directly to his sword
''What are you doing here!?'' Nami asked as she held onto the swollen bump on her head before her hands also went to her weapon and took it out, ready to protect herself as Usopp was yelling fearfully and Chopper ran around in a panic since he didnt even saw Robin before and doesnt understand anything.
''Oh my, such a lovely lady!'' Sanji was of course yelling with hearted eyes and Luna was chuckling to herself as she watch them while Robin was also just standing there and watch with a small smile before she walk passed them all with out a slight of concern. She went over the lawn chair that was underneath the stairs as she disarmed Nami and Zoro, surprising them both. Luna on the other hand, was giving back the hat to Luffy, which he was now leaning over the railing besides Luna.
''Please dont point those savage objects at me'' Robin said calmly ''I told you before, didnt I?''
Nami flush in embarreassment as she yelled out ''Since when did you get on the ship?!''
''Oh, for a while now.'' Robin answered calmly as she pick up a lawn chair and sit down ''I was busy with reading and taking shower until now. By the way, I borrow your clothes for now Luna. Though they are a little short for me''
''I'm not short, you are the tall one'' Luna said while she was pouting, causing Robin to chuckle a bit before she turned to Luffy and look directly at him
''Monkey D. Luffy'' she said with her still calm attitude ''You havent forgotten what you did to me, did you now..?'' causing Luffy to blink in confusion but before he could even say anything, Sanji grab Luffy by his collar and start to shake him violently as he was demanding to know what he did to her.
Luffy tried to push Sanji off as he call back to Robin ''Hey, stop lying! I never did anything to you!''
''No'' Robin said firmly as she sat down and started to make herself comfortable with a slight smile on her face ''You committed an unbearable act upon me, for which you must take responsibility..'' she add as she leaned back while Luna was sweatdropping at what she said. It was sounding comletely in a wrong way so she wasnt that surprised that Sanji was shaking Luffy much more violently as Usopp was looking fearfully and Chopper was asking what it was she was talking about from just above them, out of harms way.
''You're not making any sense!'' Luffy said, now was looking really annoyed at everything that was going on ''Just what is it you want me to do?!''
With a smile on her face, Robin leaned forward in her seat as if they were discussing business ''Let me join your crew.'' For a brief moment except the sound of the flag flapping in the wind above them, there was nothing but silence around the deck. Each one of the Strawhats were staring at her like she had suddenly confessed to a murder while Luna was trying to hold her laughter on the silent deck.
''WHAT?!'' almost everyone of them yelled, staring at her with a mixture of different expressions. Some shocked, some fear and of course, in Sanji's case with hearted eyes like he was in bliss and Luna was laughing lowly as she was still siting on the railing and looking back at her.
Robin only smiled, turning back to Luffy as she start to explain ''You made me live and took me out of there without of my permission... thats your crime'' causing Sanji to startled for a moment as she rested her chin on her hand, still looking directly at Luffy ''You told me to do whatever I want afterwards. I have no place to go nor return to. The only person I would be looking for, would be Luna and she's already here. So, let me stay on this ship.''
Luffy had no expression on his face as he thought about it for a moment ''Oh, really? I see... I guess there is no other choice then'' He said calmly before he add ''Fine by me, welcome''
Luna laugh at this while the crew was start to yell in disbelief, must be the easiest recuitment. ''Hey!'' Luffy called out and add with a smile on his face ''Dont worry, she's not a bad person and she's Luna's friend'' He said, causing Nami to let a sigh as she thought that it was true and even though they were enemies she was helped Luna and from what they heard, Luffy. Zoro was still looking skeptical though since she was enemy before and Usopp was looking scared for the same reason while Sanji was overjoyed and cheering it on in the background.
Usopp and Robin, as they also learned that her name is Nico Robin, was sitting around a small table on the deck and talking while everyone was spread around the deck and was listening to them. Robin being an enemy before and suddenly appeared on their ship and joined their crew, Usopp was decided to do an interview but after she used her powers on Luffy as he was imitating of Chopper with her hands, he was start to laugh and join them
''By the way, Luna'' Robin said from where she sit as she look at Luna, who's still sitting on the railing and eating some dessert Sanji bring her. ''There was something I wanted to ask for a while now'' She said as Luna look back at her with a questioning face ''It about from Lars's time'' Robin add
''Lars?'' Nami repeat lowly with a sligltly tilted head as others also look at them with this since it was get their attention and even more so with Luna's answer ''Grandpa?'' she asked with a tilted head too as she also had a slightly surprised face ''What about him?'' with confuse
Robin hummed for a moment with closed eyes before she talk again ''You were said that, your grandfather travelled the world along with two people to find about the truth long ago. I was thinking about it and Crocodile was believing that you're the only one left behind but..'' she stopped before she continue as she look at Luna's still confused face ''One of them, Mason was already died before Lars found the Diyu and build the kingdom as you told before but what about the other person, the third one?'' Robin asked while looking genuinely curious and she was. In the past, her curiosity was solely about Mason since he was someone from Ohara and she wasnt even thought about the other person, but now she was curious about that person. ''If that person is still around, wouldnt that mean you're not the only one? Who was that person?'' she add, causing Luna to sigh
She wasnt the only one since there was Whitebeard and the Roger Pirates were also still somewhere out there but she thought that it wasnt hers to say something about it. She wouldnt care to talk about herself and her family but she wouldnt talk about other people's secrets easily either. While others were also looking curious since even though they didnt care, they were wondering about Luna and trying to understand what they are talking about ''Her name was Dianell'' Luna said as she had a far away look on her face for a moment ''She was somone from Three-Eye Tribe..''
''Three-Eye Tribe?'' Everyone asked with tilted heads and confused faces, except Robin but she also had face that was saying she doesnt know either.
Luna also tilted her head a little after this ''Its just like what it is'' looking like she doesnt understand what they dont understand ''They are a race composed of three-eyed humanoids. They have an extra third eye centrally on their forehead.'' Luna explained, causing Luffy, Usopp and Chopper to eyes to shine with a different race they heard. Luna look at Robin before she keep explain ''They possess the potential, with their third eye, to achieve 'True Awakening' which supposedly giving three-eyes potential to decipher and read Poneglyph writing.'' Luna said, causing Robin's eyes to get widen with shock but before she could even say anything
''Poneglyph?'' Nami asked with confuse, not knowing what it is while Luffy was remembering the talk he heard when they were in the Alabasta, Royal Tomb. He wasnt understand or heard everything since he was poisoned and tired but he remembered the word.
Luna made a thoughtful face after Nami's question. She was thinking that it should be fine since Vivi was now not there anymore and they would learn eventually anyway so, she though that it was okay and learning early doesnt that matter ''Poneglyphs are mysterious steles with history inscribed on them in the form of ancient letters and they are scattered among the islands of the world.'' She start with her usual educative mode again, almost causing them to sweatdrop ''They are massive, cubiform steles made of an indestructible type of stone and have text written in an ancient language carved on them'' Luna explained while they were all listening to her ''There are thirty Poneglyphs in the world and few of them that called Historical Poneglyphs are reveals pieces of missing history that long forgotten as well as messages written by ancient people, inculuding mentions of three ancient weapons''
''Missing history?'' Sanji asked as he lit a cigarette while Zoro was asking ''Ancient weapons?'' at the same time with Sanji, causing them to glare at eachother but not going more than that with Nami's glare that was saying shut up or she will made them
''A century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history from nine hundred years ago, also called 'Void Century', the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. Whatever the government did in that centry long gap allowed the World Government to take political control of the entire world.'' Robin explained calmly this time after Luna. Since Luna had no problem to tell them, she didnt see any too with explaining this much. ''And Ancient Weapons are three weapons capable of mass destruction'' she add nonchalantly, shocking the rest of the crew as their eyes widen
''Oh right, that was the thing Crocodile was looking for in the Alabasta'' Luna also add nonchalantly after Robin while looking at Zoro, remembering he was asking what Crocodile was looking for. They were all blinking as they were sinking what they just heard while Luna also add ''The Poneglyph which tells one of the ancient weapons where abouts was in the Alabasta and he was planning to use it to destroy the island'' she said like its nothing, causing their jaws to fall to the floor
''Ehhh?!'' they yelled out with shock as Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Luffy also remembered Smoker's words back there as to how everyhting could be develop into a disaster that would envelop the entire world, though Luffy didnt care much about it, back then or now since it wasnt the reason for him to want to beat Crocodile
''Wait, how do you even know about this?!'' Usopp asked looking scared but happy that it was already over and Crocodile was beaten by Luffy.
Nami on the other hand, had a face of realization as she remembered that Crocodile was came there after Luna's father said that the thing he was looking for was in the Alabasta ''Is this what Crocodile talked about? The knowledge can destroy the world?'' She asked with shock and confusion mixed face, getting everyones attention as well as Luffy's who was listening but not that much of a cared until now
''The knowledge can destroy the world, huh?'' Luna said with a sigh as she looked tired for a second ''The knowledge itself cant destroy the world but well, I think it depends on as to how you use it...'' she add, confusing others before she add ''Well, my all family knew where abouts all three weapons and how to awaken them as well as half of the missing history along with the where abouts of all the Poneglyphs'' she said like it was nothing again while they were looking at her with shocked faces until Robin change the subject as she get out from her shock about Three-Eye Tribe's power
''So, what happened to Dianell?'' Robin asked, she was a little dissapointed since Luna was talked about her like she was already death. Luna blink at this as she remembered that they were talking about her while others were also same with Luna
''Oh, right'' Luna said after blinking for a couple of times ''Remember Grandpa and Mason started their journey?'' She asked to Robin which she nod with her still calm attitude but there was slight sadness in her eyes with the mention of Mason.
''Mason?'' Luffy asked with a tilted head with the second mention of this man, causing Luna to turn to him with a slight smile
''He was a friend of my grandfather and they were sharing the same dream and passion. They were sailed as travelers to found the Poneglyphs as Mason was able to read what they were saying'' Luna explained with her little smiling face ''It was so long ago that even the late Pirate King was newly began to set sail after their arrival to the Grand Line, he was still a little rookie pirate at that times if I'm remembering right'' causing Luffy's eyes to shine with curiosity and excite as others were also listening with curiosity too but it wasnt like Luna was going to sit and tell all the story. It was too long, so she just answered Robin's question as she start to remember the things she read in the past when she was still a child
''For Three-Eye Tribe, true awakening is not easy to achieve so it was a rare thing'' Luna said while Robin start to made an understanding face ''But Dianell was one of the people who managed to awakened her powers and after that, she was greatly interested in Poneglyphs and left her home to find out more about them'' Luna said as they were all listening Luna's story while founding interesting ''At some point, she met with Grandpa and Mason and they start to travel together but with Mason's death...'' Luna stopped for a moment before she let a sigh and continue ''Just before he died, Mason asked from them to protect the knowledge they learn until that time since it was already enough to guess the rest so he didnt want them to risk themselves more and wanted them to wait.'' She then made a thoughtful face before she add ''Though you can never know sure without knowing the rest...'' while they were looking confused for a second as they thought, 'wait for what?' as they also start to understand how Luna and rest of her family knew about what Poneglyphs were saying
''Anyway'' She dismissed while waving her hand for a moment before she continue ''After that Grandpa and Dianell went to the West Blue and found an uninhabited island which they named it Diyu and start to build a kingdom there but Dianell was died just after she gave birth to her son'' Luna said as she thought about it. She could understand her Grandfather's intention as to why he build up a kingdom and an underworld kingdom on top of that but she was still thinking that it would be better for everyone if they would just go and live in silent.
Robin however, was frowning since she never heard about this before. There was no word about a woman with the first king Lars but with everything she knew until now made her eyes to widen with realization ''She was..?'' She asked with a surprised voice, causing Luna to made a little kind smile while others were lost and looking confused
''Yeah, she was my grandmother'' Luna said with her smiling face ''They were actually fall in love while they were travelling and even though that our symbol is called the Demon Eye, in the beginning it was just a simple show of love from my grandfather to grandmother'' Luna said with a short giggle as she thought about them. Her grandfather was apparently opposite of her father, not just a lot of things but also when it comes to love too and she was sad that she couldnt met with the two of them.
Robin on the other hand, had still widen eyes ''But, It means that..'' Robin said as she thought about it ''Luca was a half blood...'' she said as she look at Luna, who's just shrug with a simple ''Yeah''
''My father also had a third eye and between me and my brother, Leo also had a third eye too'' Luna said with a slight smile on her face as she remembered her brother's eyes that was usually hidden under his long golden hair that covers his forehead, just like her father
''So, were they also able to achieve awakening?'' Robin asked, even though Luna was said it was rare and not easy, her family wasnt normal people too
''No'' Luna said simply ''While hybrids like them maintain a third eye, it might not be possible for half-bloods to achieve awakening and they had no interest to find out what the rest of the Poneglyphs were saying, so they had never even tried to awaken their powers'' while thinking it was actually a good thing since if her father had any interest, he would go after Robin. He too was deemed that they were already knew enough and it wasnt completely wrong either.
After a moment of silence, while they were thinking about a lot of things ''So,'' Zoro start with folded arms ''This is the thing Crocodile talked about in the end?'' He asked as he was wondering since then but wasnt asked anything before ''You know where abouts of these weapons so he said that they would come after you'' he add, from what he understand, those were some kind of ancient weapons that are capable of mass destruction and people like Crocodile, who's wanted them would come after Luna, who's know where they are.
While everyone was looking at Luna, Robin was closed her eyes in silence ''Well, the existence of the ancient weapons are not that of a wide known since the World Government used this as an excuse and forbid research of the Void Century, as they fear that knowledge of the weapons could result in a global war. Even though there are people who knows about them like Crocodile, it doesnt matter since I wouldnt tell them anything, but,'' Luna explained before she stopped for a moment ''The fact that I know about the Void Century is different'' she add, confusing the rest except Robin
''How is that different? Its just a history'' Luffy simply said as he was looking at Luna and didnt care about what she knows since he would protect her if someone would come for her, just like he told to Ace before, she was in his crew and his friend.
''Of course'' Luna said with a smile before she explained to Luffy ''But you see, like Robin said before, things the World Government did in that century long gap allowed them to take political control of the entire world and true history of the world contains secrets so dangerous that even those who were aware of them in the past, including outlaws, were highly reluctant to talk about them.'' Luna explained, causing them to made an understanding face and wondering what they had done but hearing Luna and looking at her, they knew she wouldnt talk about it
''So thats why they really forbid to read the Poneglyphs? They didnt want anyone to learn what they had done..?'' Nami asked as she start to understand while she was also thinking back when Luna was talking about her own dream.
''Yeah, they would killed anyone who knows about it, even if its just a little'' Luna said with a careless attitude as she thought that it wasnt all but it was close, causing them to sweatdrop for a moment.
''But what about your father?'' Usopp asked with a thoughtful face ''Crocodile was said that they never attack to destroy, right?'' he asked as he thought about back before. He was thought that they didnt because they were scared in the end from the fact that they knew these things but Luna was saying that they would kill anyone who knows even a little
Luna however hummed at this for a moment ''Hmm, thats a little complicated'' she said, causing them to get confuse once more
''Complicated?'' Nami asked as she was also thinking same with Usopp.
''Well, in the past they tried to kill Grandpa but he was too strong for them and after Mason he was just disappeared and when they found him again, he was already a king of his country.'' Luna explained basically, not getting in detail much ''Of course, they tried to kill him again but they failed. Then my father become a king and things start to get out of the hand'' Luna add with a sigh while they were looking at her with clear curiosity this time. They werent heard about Luna's grandfather unlike her father. They were actually curious since Crocodile and Smoker talk about him before
''The fact that my grandfather had these knowledge wasnt something known and only the top of the World Government knew and grandpa wanted to stay like that. My father however, was different... After he become the king and Grandpa's death, the World Government tried to kill my father this time but what my father did was insane'' Luna said, while everyone was looking intesely at Luna, wondering what he had done. Robin on the other hand, was listening silently as she already knew these things from Luna and what Luca had done was one of the biggest historical incident in the West Blue.
''When they attacked to our county, my father killed everyone of them with a rather ruthless way and left only one alive to send a message to the World Govenment. The message was basically about he had no intention to reveal what happened in the Void Century and had no interest in the Ancient Weapons either. As long as they left him alone and he could do whatever he wanted, he would let them alone too.''
After a moment silence later ''So, he basically blackmailed the government..'' Sanji said as he let a puff from his smoke while thinking that it was amazing to someone even managed to do something like that
''Yeah but this was caused the rumors to start about we had these knowledge, even though some believed it was just a rumor. After that, father closed our island to the world and our country turned out completely a criminal kingdom. Of course, the World Goverment wasnt completely give up and would try to destroy us from time to time but they still didnt sent everything they had and my father also always played with them too.'' Luna said with a sigh as she look far away for a moment. She couldnt deny the fact that she sometimes enjoyed what her father had done to the World Goverment all of these years. He really was a criminal genius that he was actually able to wrap them around his finger but in the end.. everything had a consequence.
While everyone was thinking what Luna said, even Chopper, the youngest of them and the one who knows little about the world, was understand that they would come after Luna to kill her in the end.
''But cant you also do the same for them to let you go?'' Usopp asked as he was thinking that if Luna would also threaten them maybe they would let go of her.
Luna however, blinked at this as she look at him like he had two heads. Her father was able to do that because they had a power to go all out war with the World Goverment. They already had strong people and they had chemical weapons could kill hundreds of people in a matter of minutes. Of course, there was also the fact that her father was known as an insane man who loves to create chaos. If he would snap, he could really use one of the ancient weapons or reveal some secrets and that was the reason he was able to threaten the World Government.
''Thats not possible for me'' Luna said as a matter of fact while Luffy was humming for a moment at this
''Thats not manly at all, Usopp'' he also said as a matter of fact, causing Luna to sweatdrop for a moment
''I'm not a man though'' Luna said while everyone was also sweatdrop at Luffy
''I know that!'' Luffy said to Luna with a little pout before he become serious ''What I'm saying that if they would come after you, we would fight with them. You're our friend and we wouldnt let them try to kill you just because you know somethings'' Luffy said with a serious face, looking determined somehow while he had a slight frown, causing Luna to smile softly at him. She knew Luffy would never let something happen to his friends but she was still determined that she would protect herself before they needed to either, especially when she thought about the future. She didnt want to bring more trouble they will already have
''Of course!'' Sanji suddenly yell out as he was also looking somehow determined with his hearted eyes ''They have to go through me first before they could even think about to harm Luna-cwan!'' Zoro was also smirking at this as he thought that if something like that would happen he could fight with strong people. In his mind it would made him stronger but even these was the things getting through his mind
''Shut up, you stupid love cook'' Zoro said as he look at Sanji with irritated face, causing Sanji's hearted eyes to turn back as they start to bickering at each other. Usopp on the other hand, was yelling that he is a brave warrior of the seas so he would fight, though his legs were shaking but not that Chopper was able to understand that or cared as he was saying Usopp was cool and agreeing with him while Nami was letting a sigh at them.
Robin look at them for a moment as Luna was smiling a little and seeing that everyone was get in their world and things turned out how it was usually is, Nami told to Robin that she would help her to settle in the girl's room and went in with her.
Soon everyone was went about their business except Luffy, who's curious if Luna would popped out a third eye while saying that would be cool along with Chopper and Usopp was saying that it would be scary if Luna suddenly popped out a third eye and Luna was saying that it would be too damn weird if something like that would happened out of nowhere while also was saying that its not possible. Zoro on the other hand, was sweatdropping at what they were talking about while he was start to train as Sanji was gone to the kitchen to prepare the meal.
Everyone was now sleeping as the Merry's anchor was dropped under the beautiful starry sky, well, everyone except two people ''You're up late''
Luna look at the voice she heard and saw that Robin was leaning against the railing and was looking up at the stars. ''I'm not the only one though'' Luna said with a slight smile on her face as she go besides her and look up at the stars like her. After a while of silent moment
''Was it really okay to tell them that much? It could be dangerous'' Robin said as she didnt take her eyes from the stars. She knew Luna wouldnt see any problem of telling this much but she still though that it could be dangerous for them
''Its fine.. Its not like I said anything about what happened in the past or the weapons and they would learn about those things when people start to come after us anyway.'' Luna said with a shrug, in her mind it was better for them to know before hand.
Robin on the other hand, thought a lot of things. Even though they would be know this much and said that they would protect Luna, she didnt know or thought that they would when they face the enemy from what she had seen until now. Every people she had met in the past was the same in the end except Saul and Luna. Though she didnt know much about them yet and even though they would indeed protect Luna, they could ended up dying.
With these thoughts in her mind, Robin glance at Luna for a moment and she knew that there was no way Luna would let that happen but there was also no way to tell for her to what Luna was thinking anyway.
''You know..'' Robin said as she look up at the starts again ''In the past, I wanted to come with you'' causing Luna to close her eyes for a moment.
Of course Luna knew about this since she wanted the same but it was impossible at that time. She was thought that it would be good to travel with Robin and thought that how similiar with her Grandfather and Mason but at that time, she didnt had any plan to destroy her kingdom and being a princess and the fact that she had to go back to her kingdom made it impossible. There was also the fact that Robin would become one of the Strawhats too of course and Luna had never thought of becoming one of them until she met Luffy.
''I know'' Luna said lowly after a moment silent later ''Its weird how fate is playing since we both ended up on the same ship..'' Luna turned to look at Robin after this, smiling a little before she asked ''Do you remember what I told you?'' causing Robin to look at her too as Luna's voice suddenly echoed in her ears
''The world is big, so there is no way someone would be alone! Go and see the world and I'm sure that one day, you will find the place you belong and meet the people you call friends!'' her laugh also echoed as she look at Luna's smiling face ''Instead of just the two of us, isnt it much more fun? Travelling the world and going to adventures with our friends!?'' Luna said with a big smile on her face causing Robin to smile too as she thought 'friends.. huh?' before they start to look up at the stars again with little smile on their faces
A couple of weeks later, the whole crew was warmed up to Robin as she got to know them too. Sanji was already in bliss with her becoming one of them, saying that she had a diferent aura, a mature beautiy, as Luffy was like always without no problem and Nami was also happy that another girl joined them. Usopp and Chopper had also gotten used to her and didnt seem as nervous to be around her and even Zoro was warm up to her as he seemed to be willing to take a nap even when she was around them.
They were sailing the seas for a couple of these weeks and aside from occasional attacks from Marines, it was peaceful. They were doing normal things like collect water, camping out on the beach and telling stories as they were also land on some islands and live small adventures and much to Luna's amuse, they were visit somewhere called Rainbow Mist, another dimension all together and was enjoyed to talk about teories with Robin.
They were now talking about the next island and it was a fall island acording to Robin but just then, Zoro, who's lifting weights in the background, look up at the sky ''Hey, is it raining or something?'' causing them to look up with curious faces and see that it was dusts and bits of woods that were falling on them.
''I dont thing this is rain..'' Sanji said, holding his arm out to try and catch it while Usopp was also doing the same ''Is it hail?'' he asked as they were all look at the sky in time to see something rather large was falling from the clouds ''No,'' Sanji answered Usopp's question before he add ''I think something's falling d-'' his eyes widen and his voice died in his throat as they all realized what it was.
''Is that..?'' Robin asked from besides Luna as she was looking at the sky with widen eyes
''A ship'' Luna said as a matter of fact as she was also looking at it with a rather blank face before it suddenly hit her where they were about to go and a smile start to appear on her face.
Others however, were all stunned as they look up at the falling ship that was coming to close and was about to fall pretty close to the Mery before it was fade as they all began to scream out in fear, shock and disbelief as the ship come closer and closer and ended up crashing into the water just behind the Merry and cause really big waves. All of them force to hold on as the Merry start to be tossed in all different directions by the huge waves and Zoro was also yelling at them to hold on tight
''Why are there ships falling out of the sky!?'' Nami yelled out as she held onto the mast as more bits of wood fell around them.
''A dream!'' Usopp cried out with widen eyes as he look up at the sky ''Yes, I must be dreaming!''
''A dream?!'' Chopper asked with shock before he let a relieved sigh ''Whew, that a relief'' truly believing Usopp for a moment but their beliefs ended up with their heads crash together and realized they are not dreaming at all
''There is still more stuff falling down! Watch out!'' Sanji yell out, causing Nami to yell back to turn the rudder
''It wont work in these waves!'' Luna also yelled back at her ''Just hold on and wait for its to end'' causing Nami to had tears in her eyes as Sanji was yelling at Luffy to protect the ship.
Usopp on the other hand, was sitting in a meditative state as his eyes were closed with a serene and calm smile ''There is nothing to worry about. Just close your eyes like this and then slowly open them again. And look.. its calm, beautiful morni-'' but just he was opened his eyes and look up, something land just right in front of him and he screamed at the top of his lungs ''Gaahh! A skeleton!'' and like it was a reflex, he grab pile of bones and throw it way from him
''Dont throw it at me, you idiot!'' Nami yelled as the skeleton come at her and she throw it away this time without even looking at it which Luna caught the skeleton and look at it with a calm face before she made a smile ''We will all end up like this someday, why are you afraid?'' She said before she took its hand and extend to Usopp ''Here, say hello!'' she said with a laugh, causing Usopp to run away with a horrified face and screams before sudenly more skeletons start to fall
''I'm surronded by deads!'' Usopp cried out as he was sounding close to losing his mind and curled into a fetal positon while Luna was laughing while waving skeleton's hand and Nami was yelling at her
''Stop laughing every time like this!'' as they all hold on and wait for its to end.
After several choatic moments later, the sky was once again clear and the falling debris were finally stopped as the Merry was surrounded by the broken ship pieces. While Chopper and Usopp were now in a corner and hugging each other with scared faces
''Why did.. a ship fall down from the sky..?'' Luffy finally asked the question everyone had their heads as he look up at the sky
''Hmm, who knows..'' Luna said but she was thinking it was probably come to end of a cloud or something
''Talk about bizarre...'' Sanji said as he was also looking up at the sky
''There doesnt seem to be anything else up in the sky..'' Zoro also said after Sanji as he was also looking up while Usopp was yelling out with scare that saying it was a bad idea to come to the Grand Line
''Oh no!'' Nami yelled out in a panicked voice, getting their attention
''Whats wrong, Nami?!'' Sanji asked as he look over to Nami
''The log pose is broken'' Nami said as she look at the log pose that strapped to her wrist, causing Luna to look at her with a completely worried face
''What?!'' she asked as she turned to look at her with an amazing speed
''Its broken'' Nami said as she held it up for her to see ''Its pointing up into the sky'' causing Luna to sigh in relief
''Oh..thank god'' Luna said in relieved voice ''You scared the hell out of me for a second..''
Nami however, look at her as she gasp in shock before she yelled out ''Why the hell are you so relieved?! I'm saying that the log pose is broken! It's stuck pointing up!'' looking very angry as she yell
Luna let a sigh ''Calm down, Nami... Its not broken'' she said, surprising Nami
''Luna is right'' Robin said with her calm attitude ''The log pose isnt broken, there must be another island nearby, whose stronger magnetic fields must have caused the log pose to switch to a new log. If the needle is pointing upwards...'' Robin said as she looked up to the sky
''Right!'' Luna said with a big smile ''Its pointing to a sky island!'' causing their eyes to widen
''Sky Island?!'' They all repeat loudly as they had never heard such thing before
''Have you ever gone one of them before?'' Robin turned to Luna as she asked
''Yeap!'' Luna said with a big smile before she start to talk with a dreamy mode ''It was one of the best holiday of my life! Sleeping on the fluffy clouds and enjoying its calm and warm weather..'' She then start to twirl around herself while laughing ''Sky Islands are best places for holidays! Who would have thought that we would be going one of them this early!'' while everyone was looking shocked
''So there's an island floating in the sky?!'' Luffy asked with shinny, starry eyes ''And more than one?!'' looking so excited at the thought about going to an island floating in the air
''So the ship and the skeletons fell down from an island all the way up there!?'' Usopp also asked in shock but also excited about a sky island
''I dont see anything resembeling an island though..'' Zoro said as he look up at the sky
''You're a little mistaken.. It'd be more accurate to say that there is a sea floating up in the sky'' Robin explained calmly as she look at Zoro
''A sea?!'' Nami ask in disbelief as Sanji was saying that doesnt make any sense while Luffy, Chopper and Usopp was start to cheering and go on about wanting to go such a place and Luffy was saying to turn the rudder upwards but Robin used her powers to cover Luffy's mouth and Sanji was saying that there was no way the rudder turn upwards
''Well, I have never seen any sky island nor have I heard one..'' Robin said to Nami before they turned to Luna, who said she had gone to one
''Its a joke right? An island or a sea floating in the sky?! This is too absurd! Like I thought, the Log Pose must be broken!'' Nami said as she look at Luna, waiting for her to say it was a joke even though she knew that Luna wasnt a person who jokes like this
''Nope!'' Luna said with a laugh ''Like a wise man said once 'Everything that humans can imagine, can happen in reality' '' she said knowingly before she add with a smile ''I told you before we came to the Grand Line that anything can happen anytime and there is no logic in here and common sense is useless. The only thing you can ever trust is the Log Pose'' she explained calmly as Robin nodded at this with agreement
''Thats true, no matter how bizarre the situations this ship finds itself in, no matter how great the panic that befalls this ship, one must never doubt the log pose. That is an ironclad rule. When sailing these seas, doubt the common sense in your minds but never the log pose'' Robin said calmly before she add ''Where ever that needle points, there will always be an island''
Nami looked like she couldnt wrap her head around about an island floating in the sky but since Luna said she was gone to one of them, she let a sigh ''So, how do we get there?'' she asked causing Luna's smile to fade as she made a thoughtful face
''Hmm, there are two ways from what I know'' Luna said as she start to think about ''One of them is going up the Summit of High West but that would ended up with few of us dying'' she said casually, causing them to gone pale as they look at her with big widen eyes ''The other way is by Knock Up Stream and thats much safer'' she add making them sigh with relief this time
''Where is this Knock Up Stream?'' Nami asked again while looking at Luna but even she was excited about going to a sky island this time
''How should I know?'' Luna answered with a shrug causing them to sweatdrop
''How dont you know?!'' Nami yelled at her as she look at her with unbelievable eyes
''How did you even go there before?'' this time Zoro asked as he also look at Luna with folded arms while leaning on the railing
''I just flied up'' she said as a matter of fact with an another shrug, causing Nami to blink for a moment before she asked
''Cant you fly us up too?'' she was looking hopeful while Luna was looking at her like she had gone crazy
''Are you lost your mind? How am I supposed to fly up a ship up there?'' Luna asked as she look at her weirdly, causing Nami's face to gone red as she start to yell at her to shut up
''So, what are we gonna do now?'' Nami asked with a sigh, calming down after her yellings
Luna hummed for a momnet at this ''Well, we need more information'' she said with a thoughtful face as she stare at Luffy and Usopp, who's gone to explore the bigger parts of the ship.
After they discussed for a while, Robin begin looking through the remains of one of the skeletons on the deck and with just looking at a skull and some books, they discovered that the ship's name was the St. Briss, which left the Kingdom of Breeze in the South Blue about 208 years ago as well as how old the man was when he died.
After Luffy get through a drowning situation with the ship parts start to sank, he and Usopp finally come back on the Merry and Luffy was smiling brightly ''Guys, I did it! I found something super amazing!'' he said joyfully as he hold up the roll of old looking paper ''Look'' He said as he held it up ''Its a map of the sky island!'' he said as he smiled brightly, causing everyone to look at the map
''Its called Skypiea'' Nami said after she took the map from Luffy's hand and start to examined it. While Nami was examining the map, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper was start to dance with excite at the thought of a new adventure. ''If a big ship like that one can make it up there so can we'' she said, causing Luna to nod with agreement ''But you're right we need more information'' Nami add as she looked thoughtful along with Luna
''There must be some records left on that ship'' Robin said with a thoughtful face too
Usopp look at the three woman who was looking at the place the ship sank with the same thoughtful faces ''But the ship is at the bottom of the ocean by now'' he said with folded arms as he lean his back against to the main mast
They all thought about it for a moment and just Nami was about to say something, Luna beat her ''Whats that voice?'' she asked with a frowned face as she concentrate to the faint voices she heard
''What voice?'' Luffy asked with a confused face, causing Luna to shush him as she put a finger in front of her mouth
''There... listen'' Luna said as they all gone silent and began to look around the sea to hear the voices. For a moment later, everyone start to hear faint sounds coming that rather cheerful and a couple of minutes later, they could figure out what they where saying
''Salvage! Salvage! Salvage the Sea!'' they all followed the voices as the cymbals crashing together sound start to heard too. Usopp brought his goggles down and tried to get a better look at to what was coming while everyone also start to see a faint silhouette of a large ship that coming closer to them in the distance.
As the ship getting closer they could now see that it was a large, strange looking ship with giant bananas on the side of the ship along with a giant monkey striking two cymbals figurehead ''Its a pirate ship!'' Usopp said as he look at the main mast of the ship and saw the jolly roger with a baboon head with two bananas in place of crossbones.
''Is this where the ship sank?!'' a voice of a man asked from aboard the ship while all the Strawhats were looking there with a rather blank faces
''Aye, Aye Boss!'' the crew aboard the ship yelled out
''Boss!? That'd be me, of course!'' the man loudly declared as he looked like he was posing ''Prepare to lift the ship! Every sunken ship is mine! Ukikiki!'' he was looking like a monkey and was wearing an orange-yellow jumpsuit, and also has headphones and goggles futhermore, he had a tail.
''Great, a bunch of weirdos popped up again..'' Nami said with a sweatdrop as she stare at the salvagers, as they call themselves
''And you call me a weirdo..'' Luna also add after Nami as she glance at Zoro, who's also sweatdrop
''There are a lot of different kind of weirdos'' Zoro said with a monotone voice as he was looking like he's completely believing what he said
''Hey!'' their attention went back to the monkey ''What are you doing over there? This is my territory!'' he yelled out as Nami repeat in question ''Territory?''
''Thats right.. Any ship that sinks in this territory is mine. You arent getting your grubby lil paws on it, are you now? Well?'' the monkey man asked with a threatining look on his face but like he didnt even heard what he asked
''He is a monkey!'' Luffy declared loudly before anyone can even say anything, causing monkey man to blush instantly as his threatining face dissapeared
''Huh? You think I really look like a monkey?'' He asked with a very happy look on his face
''Look like?'' Luffy asked with a confuse before he turned to Luna ''What, isnt he a monkey?''
''He is a monkey'' she answered with a neutral face and a nod, making the poor monkey man to blush again as he laugh loudly and somehow Luffy and Masira, as he introduce himself, start to talk while laughing as they were looking like old, close friends. Rest of the crew was sweatdropping at them as they thought it must because they both are monkeys while they were also talking between themselves, saying that seems like they were there to salvage the ship.
''Excume me, mr monkey, can I ask you something?'' Luna call out as she look at Masira, who's looking at her with a happy face
''Oh, stop it you're making me blush!'' as he sheepishly laugh before he add ''Alright, shoot!''
''Are you going to be salvaging the ship?'' Luna asked, not impressed his blushing mode
''Of course! Thats my callin' in life! If there is a sunken ship, then I'm the man to raise it back up and if there's a floating ship, I'll sink it too and raise it back up! There ain't a ship in this world that me and my crew cant salvage!'' Masia declared as he pose to himself again, causing them to sweatdrop once more while Luffy, Usopp and Chopper was saying cool
''We were just thinking to search the wreckage for an information about the Knock Up Stream'' Luna said as she look at Masira ''But if you're going to salvage the ship, can we look for the information we're looking for once you've done your business?'' she asked, causing Masira to look surprised for a moment
''You're looking for Knock Up Stream?'' he asked with a surprise but before Luna could say anything
''Yeah! We're going to sky island!'' Luffy state with a big, bright smile on his face, looking very excited about going there
''Sky Island?! Ukikikikikiki!'' Masira asked with a laugh before he look at them and add ''I see! But there is no need to look at the wreckage for that! I know someone who had an information about the Knock Up Stream and Sky Island!'' he said with a smile too even though he was thinking they were wishing to die
''Really!?'' Luffy, Usopp and Chopper asked at the same time, looking happy while Nami had a hopeful look on her face since they finally find a way
''Yeah!'' Masira answered as he reach out into his pocket and pulled out an eternal pose and tossed towards the Merry which Robin caught with her powers and give it to Nami, who's take and looked at the eternal pose and saw the name 'Jaya' at the bottom
''Jaya?'' she asked as she look back up to Masira
''Yeah, just head over there and find the man named Mont Blanc Cricket, he is the guy you're looking for'' Masira said with nod while he had a big smile on his face
''What a kind monkey, thank you!'' Luna said, also smiling big, causing Masira to blush once more while he was laughing and trying to pose as he was saying its not a problem
''Alright! Set course for Jaya!'' Luffy yelled out with a big smile too as he was also yelling thanks to Masira while they were waving back and just before they start to set sail again, they could hear his yelling that saying ''Get the 'cradles' attached so we can get salvaging!'' as his men were answering back with cheerful yellings
''Ahh!'' Usopp suddenly call out with a face that he realized something ''Hold on a moment! If we go to this Jaya island... Then wont our current log rewitten there..?'' he asked with a shocked face ''And then we wouldnt be able to go to sky island..!'' causing Luffy and Chopper to get shock too
''Wha..?!'' Luffy and Chopper yelled out with their shocke faces ''Set no sail for Jaya!'' Luffy yelled out with big widen eyes
''The log pose wont get re-written as soon as we arrive there.'' Robin start to explain calmly ''We can just leave Jaya before the log gets re-written''
''I see...'' Luffy, Usopp and Chopper said at the same time as they were looking suddenly calmed down now
''We'll need a bit of luck though..'' Nami said to Robin before she add with a sigh ''Hope we found this Cricket guy before the log re-written..''
''It's fine! I'm sure we will manage somehow'' Luna said with a laugh, causing Nami to let another sigh
After five minutes or so the crew left the salvagers, the sun suddenly disappeared from the sky and the darkness fell upon them
''Huh?'' Luffy asked with a confused face as he look up ''Why's it night all of a sudden?'' while Usopp was yelling whats going on
''The day turned to night?'' Chopper asked with a scared voice
''It cant be...'' Nami said with an unbelievable voice ''Its nowhere near night time right now!''
''U-umm, guys..?'' Zoro's voice came as it sounded stunned and unbelievable. Everyone turned to him only to see that he was looking behind them as he was sweating a lot with big, widen eyes and slowly raised his hand to point up to the skies behind them, causing everyone of them to turn there with confused faces at first but as soon as they turn there and saw what Zoro was showing, their faces was turn into a terrified ones at sight before them. Standing there in the distance behind them was five giants so large that they even block out the sun as they were black as night while they were towering them with spears in their hands and wings on their back as they were looking down on them even though they had no eyes. Everyone was frozen in fear as even Robin was looking scared
As the middle one raised his spear above their heads, they all come back to life and scream out ''S-SEA MONSTERSS!'' before all of them ran to the paddles and begin to row as fast as they could to get away from the giant creatures, sending the Merry forward at blinding speed. With the fear they felt, the crew never stopped rowing as they ignored the wind and the currents until the Merry reached the end of the dark sky and they were safe under the bright sunlight. Once the danger had passed, they all gather in the middle of the deck and sit there with tiredness as they were trying to make sence at what happened there.
''What were those things?!'' Usopp croaked out, still trembling in fear
''I cant believe it..'' Zoro said as he clearly mean what he said
''Yeah... Cant believe how huge those things were..'' Sanji also add after him as he was trying to lit a cigarette with his slighly trembling hand to calm his nerves but then suddenly, Luna start to laugh, causing them to look at her weirdly
''Oh my...! I was so shocked that I didnt notice!'' she was saying as she was laughing
''Why the hell are you laughing again!?'' Nami yelled out, cant believe that Luna was always laughing in this kind of situations
''She finally gone insane, that must be why...'' Usopp said as he look at Luna, like there was no way to save her anymore
''Oh, sorry..'' Luna said as she calmed down a little ''Those were not monsters'' she add before she laugh a little again while others looking surprised ''Those were people on Sky Island'' causing all of them eyes to widen
''Ehhh!? People on the sky island that big?!'' Chopped asked with big widen eyes as he was also looking scared
''What?'' Luna asked with surprise before she blink ''No.. Its their shadows. From that high up, makes it appears as monsters from below.'' She said with a slight smile as she explained to Chopper ''I was heard of it before but never saw it, so I was completely forget about it...''
''I see...'' Robin slowly said as she made an understanding face ''That makes sense. With a strong source of light and a surface large enough to cast the shadow, the clouds that high up should provide the surface needed to cast a shadow that big. Big enough for people to mistaken them as giants in the fog...''
''Yeah... I wouldnt notice it too but seeing their wings..'' Luna add after her
''Wings? What about wings?'' Luffy asked with a tilted head, looking curious
''Ah that..!'' Luna said as she look at him with a big smile on her face ''All sky people had wings on their back'' making them surprised
''Wings?! So there are angels!'' Sanji yelled out with hearted eyes, murmuring something about beautiful angels on the sky island with a pink aura around him, causing them to look at him weirdly before they let a sigh.
As they get over their shock, Luffy yelled out to set sail towards to Jaya once again before he, along with Chopper and Usopp, get in the mode to cheer to go to the sky island again as they were also asking about them to Luna along the way.
They were sailing about two hours now. Luffy was laying on the figurehead of the ship with Chopper right behind him, relaxing the sun and talking about Jaya must be a spring island as they were saying feeling nice and warm while Usopp was sitting up in the crown nest with a pair of binoculars, looking out as he was trying to spot Jaya
Luna was sitting around the small table on the main deck with Robin as they were drinking the cold drinks Sanji brought and she was writting something on the paper in front of her.
She was now looking how she usually was with her five thin french braids around her face that going to her back to join her free hair that coming to her hips. She was wearing her basic white loose, long sleeved, laced t-shirt which its sleeves was folded to her elbows again and its laces were was also wearing her black high waisted shorts along with her white, a little high heels ankle boots. She had her blue sash with gold floral engravings that tied around her waist to hold her pitch black katana. One of her black throwing knives that made of sea stone was put under her blue diamond, dragon shaped braclet araound her left forearm as she was also wearing her silver colored skeleton hand bracelet on her right hand like always.
Just then, while they were all had relaxing air around them, the seagulls flying over them that Chopper was watching suddenly dropped dead on the deck in front of Chopper. ''Ahhh! They've been shot!'' getting everyones attention while Luffy was saying they should heve some grilled bird now.
''S-Shot!?'' Usoop yelled from the crown nest ''But I didnt hear anything even close to a gunshot!'' as he look around while Luna was looking with narrowed eyes towards the Island that still wasnt on their eyesight
''Look! Bullets!'' Chopper also yelled back at him as he pulled out a bullet from one of the birds that fallen ''Judging from the direction they were flying in, the shots were fired in the direction we're sailing!''
''What, you think they were shot from an island we cant even see yet?'' Nami asked as she look distance with a smile on her face ''Thats just silly, Chopper''
''But I was watching the birds all the time!'' Chopper state while Usopp was saying that the birds probably shot somewhere else and only happened to fall down now.
''Hmm, seems like there are some interesting people there'' Luna said lowly as she was looking towards there with narrowed eyes as Robin nod at her calmly while drinking her drink before she ask ''What are you writting?'' as she look at Luna and the paper
''Oh this?'' Luna asked as she also look at the paper ''I'm making a shopping list..'' she said with a sigh as she was playing with a golden coin in her left hand while writting with her right hand ''Paradise's main information base of undeworld on Jaya. There are a lot of people go there to make deals, to wait and spend time or for information as well as there are some suppliers too'' she add, getting Zoro's attention
''You went there before?'' he asked with one eye opened as he was leaning on the railing while he was sitting. Since Luna's country was an underworld country, he thought she might gone there
''Yeah..'' Luna said pensively while she was still writting ''Just after I left Ro, I went to Jaya to learn how to go to Hawky's island..'' causing Zoro to hum for a bit as he looked thoughtful
''Is that a golden coin?!'' Nami suddenly asked with a berry sign eyes after she came there to join Robin and Luna too
''Hm?'' Luna look at her as Nami pull a chair to sit with them while Sanji was bringing a drink for her too ''Yeah.. It's a payment for the entrance to the bar'' Luna said with a small smile as she look at the gold coin in her left hand ''One cant get in without it'' she add
''Hmm..'' Nami hummed with a thoughtful face like Zoro before she took a sip from her drink ''The climate's stabilized for a while now, so we should already be in Jaya's climate zone'' she said with a serene look on her face, relaxing with the spring weather
''Must be a peaceful place..'' Sanji said after Nami as he was standing near the table, also had a serene smile on his face as he let puff from his smoke ''The weather is just so calming and warm..'' causing Luna to look at them for a moment and hated to destroy their moments
''Thats not true..'' Luna said as they turned to her with their still smiling faces ''The Western shore of Jaya, which is the direction we are going, is a lawless town far removed from the reaches of any government, teeming with undreaming criminals.'' as their serene smiles disappaered and Nami was spilling the drink she was drinking, Luna add ''A town where people sing, laugh and kill eachother. A town of ridicule and mockery... That's where are we going, Mock town''
As Chopper, Nami and Usopp's face gone pale, they yelled out at the same time ''Are you kidding!?'' causing Robin to chuckle for a moment while Zoro was smirking and Luna was saying no with a smiling face
''Seems like an insteresting place'' Zoro said with a smirk. Luffy also agree with him too with a smiling face as he came towards there too while Nami, Usopp and Chopper had tears in their eyes
''I was hoping to go some shopping though'' Robin said with a thoughtful face, causing Luna to look at her with a smile while Nami, Usopp and Chopper was whining about why they cant just go to some peaceful island for once
''Oh, that place is a resort for outlaws in a way, dont worry'' making Robin to smile too before she add ''I might actually come with you.. I want to buy some notebooks before I go my own shopping''
''Thats a good idea, I want to buy some too'' Robin said after her with a smile just before Luffy popped out his head besides Luna and look at the paper she was writting, not that he understand anything though, he didnt even heard the things writting there
''What shopping?'' he asked as he was still looking at the paper with a curious face
''Hmm?'' Luna made a questioning sound before she look at Luffy, who's just besides her and saw that he was looking at the paper ''I was thinking made some new kind of bullets but the necessary materials are only sold in the black market so...'' she trailed off as Luffy made an undestanding sound
''Isnt it black market pricey?'' Nami asked as she thought about Luna was saying things there are usually expensive, like eternal poses
''Yeah..'' Luna said slowly before she add ''Well I'm not gonna buy much and the owner is there someone I know for a long while, so it should be fine...'' while looking thoughtfully, not completely sure about it
''Someone you know for a long while?'' Luffy asked as he straighten up
''Yes, he was an old citizen of our country before he left to come here and open his own place'' Luna said nonchalantly as she go back to her writting while Zoro was humming with a thoughtful face
''I see, being you were the princess of his country, he would probably do something for you...'' he said as he look at Luna, who's stopped writting with a sweatdrop as she look back at him
''N-no way...'' she said with an unbelievable face as she shake her hand that holds the pen dissmissevly, causing them to look at her with confused faces as she let a sigh at this ''He was an old pirate before he came to our country since his pirate life was over and you see...'' she made a painful face as her hand gone to her head for a moment ''I would go to his place sometimes to hear some stories but he would just kick me out..'' she then made a smile ''He would give up and tell some stories in the end though... He was a good old man..?'' She was looking she wasnt sure at all, causing them to look at her with a sweatdrop while Luffy and Robin was laughing
''He seems interesting'' Robin said after her chuckle as Luna look at her with a pout while her hand was still holding her head as she was thinking painful punches and scary looking old man.
Just then they heard Usopp's voice from crown nest ''Island ahead!'' making them to smile, except Nami, Chopper and Usopp, who's also looking scared as he look at the island through the binoculars
They were finally sailing into a harbor. At first glance, it really looked like some kind of resort with full of beautiful buildings with red pointed roofs and palm trees but the harbor was filled with ships, each one bearing a skull and crossbones. While Nami, Usopp and Chopper was looking at the town with a fearful faces, the sound of someone screaming that he was about the get killed from one of the buildings heard and made their fearful faces turn into a tearful ones as they cry out ''Whats wrong with this town...!''
Not that anyone cared though as Luffy and Zoro was already jump off of the ship as well as Luna and Robin too. After short waving hands and be careful laters, while Luffy and Zoro start to walk through the town's street, Luna and Robin start to walk through another direction
Nami, Usopp and Chopper on the other hand were watching Luffy and Zoro while they were discussing that Luna and Robin would be fine but there was no way Luffy and Zoro wouldnt cause a trouble so, Nami suddenly run towards them as she decided to go with them, leaving Usopp and Chopper alone with Sanji, who was in the kitchen for the time being.
As they walked on, they could hear the sounds of the fights and arguments going on everywhere they passed. They couldnt go a few feet without something breaking or hearing death treats as Nami was trying to make Luffy and Zoro to listen to her and making them promise that no to fight or cause trouble there, while she was saying that if they got into trouble, they'd be forced to leave and then they'd never be able to find an information on Sky Island or where is the man they were looking for. They were barely acknowledged what she was saying though when a crippled old man fell off his horse right in front of them
Croaking for help, he asked if they could help him back up onto his horse, causing them to look at him weirdly. After Luffy and Zoro help him back on his horse, he offered them some apples as a thanks
''Yeah, that totally not suspicious. Move along, buddy'' Zoro said as he look weirdly at the old man and sick horse but Luffy did take one and took a bite. As soon as he did, an explosion happened just behind them as they start to hear some people was shouting that someone took some apple from an old man and when they ate them, the apples blew up. Zoro and Nami's face almost turned blue as they heard what they were saying and while Nami was yelling at Luffy to spit it out, practically strangling him in the process, Zoro was looking ready to attack the old man as his hand hold his swords, demandig to know what he had done
The old man smirked at this ''Ahahaha *cough* Dont worry.. '' he said before he hiccup ''If he picked the wrong one, he would've died on the first bite..'' as he was looking breathless, like even talking was hard for him and yet he still had smirk on his old face ''That's a safe one...You're..haha..*cough* A real lucky one'' with a grinning face
After Nami dragged both of them away and start to walk through the street again. Nami was yelling at Luffy, who's looking didnt seem bothered by his close escape from death as he was saying, things like that happen, not that Nami was listening to him though. Just then, they heard an insane laughter from one of the roofs right behind them and when they looked, they saw an unusually big, tall, broad, broad-chested, broad shouldered, tan-skinned, muscular man, with a broad upper body and a thin lower body in comparison. He had curly violet hair reaching down to his shoulders and was wearing a dark brown mask with orange decorations on it, which was covering the upper part of his face but reveals his eyes and his nose.
He was laughing to the skies while they heard some citizens were talking about how he was a wrestling champion and how many people he take down even though he wasnt someone who had a price on his head, which this was of course get Luffy and Zoro's attention
''Champion?!'' as they look back there, ready for a fight, causing Nami to yell at them before she dragged them away
Luna and Robin on the other hand, was going to a book shop before some men suddenly appeared in front of them...
''You drunkhead pervents!'' Luna was yelling as she throw a man with a suplex onto the ground. The street they were in was full of unconscious men on the ground as the rest of the people was looking shocked and whispering to themselves while Robin was waiting for Luna to finish on the corner, looking so calm
After a little while later ''Are you finished?'' Robin asked calmly as she look at Luna, who's smiling at her while walking towards her, leaving behind a pile of bloody, beaten up men
''Yeap! Lets go'' Luna said with a smile on her face as she was fixing her hair ''Jeez..I really dont like this town'' with a complaining voice, causing Robin to chuckle for a moment
''I thought you would go with them though'' Robin said with a thoughtful look on her face as she was thinking places like this was probably like a park for Luna while Luna's face turned neutral one for a moment
''Nah...'' she said dissmissevly ''They can take care of themselves'' before she made a smile but she was thinking not going with them was better for them. She was remembering that Bellamy guy and she knew he was Joker's little man, so she preferred not to seen by him at the moment. There was also Teach and others as she already start to feel one of them who felt familiar, there was no need to cause a big trouble right there.
''Are you going to buy some books too?'' Luna asked to Robin just before they open the bookshop's doors
Luffy, Zoro and Nami were now in a worn-down looking bar called 'Pub and Pies' and were drinking some drinks. While Zoro was downing his drink, Luffy was waiting impatiently for his food. Nami was began with a long talk with the bartender about the island and he gave her some advice but these werent the things Nami wasnt heard from Luna either. Bartender then set two cherry pies on the bar for Luffy and a large man next to him before he told Nami that Log Pose there takes four days to reset.
As Nami was saying they shouldnt stay any longer than two days and was about to ask something to bartender, both Luffy and the man next to him slammed their fists down onto the bar, each with their own opinion about the pies
Noticing that their remarks opposed with each other, they decided not to mind the other first and drink their drinks but they ended up made an opposing remarks again. Really getting on each other's nerves this time and they decided to have some food for take out.
Luffy ordered pieces of meat and the man next to him start to order pies, however, upon learning the number of food that the other was ordering, they start to compete about who can order more this time but having enough, both of them turned to each other, looking ready to fight while holding their fists
''What, you want some of this?!'' Both of them yelled eachother
''Do you two even have the slightest idea to what you're fighting about!?'' Zoro yelled out as Nami was shouting that he promised her not to start a fight and they didnt have that kind of money anyway as well as they werent there to shop
The man suddenly grinned evilly at Luffy ''So you're a pirate?'' he asked
''Yeah, so what!?'' Luffy answered as he was looking the man was ticking him off
After he asked Luffy's bounty and learned that it was thirty million he was looking like he didnt believe as he suddenly yell out ''Like hell you are! Stop lying!'' causing Luffy to yell back at him
''I'm not lying! Its the truth!'' while Zoro was yelling at them to cut it out. Just then bartender bring a package of cherry pies to the man while telling him that one of the rules in his bar was no fighting and if they want to settle it so bad they should do it outside. Taking the package of fifty pies, the man glared down Luffy, who's glaring back harshly before he looked like he decided that it wasnt worth it, and the man just left the bar with his package of piece without even a single glance back.
Just after the man left however, someone came bursting through the doors, saying that he was looking for someone with a strawhat. Three of them turned to look at him, who looks for Luffy as they heard people in he bar were calling 'Bellamy' and saw a tall man with tan skin and short, unkempt blond hair and a scar above his right eye. He was swearing white pants, a green sash with markings, and a pink sleeveless shirt with a navy blue pirate captain's coat over it.
As soon as he spot Luffy ''Heh.. You're the one with a head worth thirty million?'' He asked with an evil smile on his face as his tongue sticks out in a taunting manner ''The one called Strawhat Luffy?''
''Huh?'' Luffy asked as he look at him, wondering what is it this time
''Seems like he's got business with you, Luffy'' Zoro muttered as he watched him come nearer while downing his drink
''Bellamy? Isnt that the same name as the pirate who rented out that hotel earlier?'' Nami asked lowly as she also look at him while the people in the bar was whispering about Luffy's bounty
Bellamy came to stop right next to them, just the place the man left before, towering Luffy as Luffy was saying that everyone they met today was huge. Bellamy however, ignored that as he ordered the most expensive bottle and told the bartender to give Luffy anything he wanted.
Meanwhile, the rest of Bellamy's crew also came in, talking loudly about how disgusting and cheap the bar was. One of them, who's had a blue hair and wearing a purple-tinted visor over his eyes along with a white-furred coat over his bare chest that showing off his tattoo, a smiley with a cancel symbol, as he also has the symbol on his belt too.
He took out a bent knife that was as big as a sword and slashed one of the other customer so that he could take the seat. As he sneer down at the dying man on the floor ''The least you could do is offer us your seats..'' before he start to lick the blood on his big knife ''What a bunch of dense retards'' as several others in the bar were gasping that he was 'Big Knife Sarquiss'
Meanwhile, the bartender brought out the drinks that Bellamy ordered for and stood back, clearly not wanting any trouble as Bellamy said ''Cheers'' to Luffy
''Oh, thanks'' Luffy said cheerfully as he took the drink ''So you are a pretty nice guy after all'' as he started to tilt his head back to drink when suddenly Bellamy slammed Luffy's head into the bar so hard that it shattered as the whole bar went silent and Bellamy smirked
In blink of eye, Zoro had his sword out and was holding it to Bellamy's neck ''And what do you think you're doing, underling?'' Bellamy asked him, looking amused that Zoro turned his blade to him
''That's a question you should answer.'' Zoro said with dark face and cold voice as he look at Bellamy dangerously. Bellamy only sneered at him, as if enjoying the thought of fighting him while Nami was saying not to fight to him and they still didnt learn anything but Zoro interruped her, telling to be quiet because that fight was already been forced on them.
Luffy slowly stand, wiping his face as he turn to face with Bellamy ''Oh.. So you can still get up, can you? Hahahhaha'' Bellamy said as he was looking amused
''Alright,'' Luffy said with a glare at him as he wipe his face ''You better be prepared''
Bellamy only grin widly at him with this as everyone else start to cheer on, wanting to see a fight ''Hahahah! This isnt a fight, its a test!'' Bellamy laugh before he added ''C'mon, let me see what you got!'' Looking worried that a fight would break out any moment now, Nami yelled Luffy to wait before she turned to bartender and ask in a hurry
''Mister, we're looking for a man called Mont Blac Cricket, do you know where he is?'' the bartender stare at her with a surprise for a moment as well as all the bar
''Cricket?'' the bartender asked but before he could say anything more, suddenly the people in the bar start to laugh
''Gettin' involved with that geezer will only get you..Hahaha! Get you infected with stupidity!'' one of them said as he was laughing while others agree with him
''Why are you even looking for him?'' bartender asked as he was looking blank faced while Nami, Luffy and Zoro was looking confused for a moment
''We're trying to get Sky Island, they said he would know how, do you know anything about it?'' Nami asked again, wanting to learn and go already but the bartender now was looking at her in shock as the all bar went silence once again and all of them were staring at her. They all start to whisper at each other, clearly unable to believe what they just heard.
Luffy glance at them all in confusion again as Nami was also looking confused but then suddenly, all bar burst into laughing much more loudly this time, startling them as everyone around them began to mock them about searching for a place that didnt exist and how could they even believe a man like Cricket
''W-what's the big deal!? Our log pose is pointing straight up at the sky!'' Nami said as she hold up her wrist so that they could see their log, causing them to stop laughing for a moment before they began laughing once again, mocking and taunting Nami, who was flushed bright red color
Bellamy sit down sharply, slapping his knee as he also burst into laughing ''Whoo, boy! You sure surprised me. Just where the hell did you hicks some from?'' he said as he laugh ''You seriously believe in an old legend like that? About an island floating in the sky?! Hahaha! What era are you from!? Grand Line's bizarre ocean currents are being explained one by one these days.'' He laugh like crazy again before he went on his mockery
''The Knock Up Stream is one such phenomenon, but I bet you three hicks dont even know about the Knock Up Stream.. Ships that get hit by the Knock Up Stream are blasted high up into the sky but for the sailors who had no idea about the phenomenon, all they saw were ships and wreckages falling from the sky. So they imagined a whole other world up in the clouds, on islands floating in the sky! What a bunch of simpletons! There's always a logical reason for phenomena! All fanciful reasons for dreams can be explained away!'' Bellamy said with a laugh along with the all bar while the three of them were looking at him with blank faces as they listen to him.
Luffy's hands were fists, as if he was fighting back the urge to punch him as his face was still looking blank ''What a letdown...'' Bellamy let a sigh ''I came to test you to see if you were worthy of joining my crew for the coming new age.. But what a bunch of dreaming fools you are!'' as he look at Luffy like he was now wasnt even worth the waste his time
Luffy, Zoro and Nami however, were looking at him with their still blank faces. They knew about the Knock Up Stream, not everything though, and they knew there was indeed a sky island out there. Luna was said she was gone one of them and they were saw the shadows that was clearly a proof of the people who lives up there
Nami frown at him as she start to say lowly ''What the.. Ther-'' she was about to say something about the existence of Sky Islands but before she could, Luffy stopped her as he put a hand in front of her while he was looking at Bellamy with a blank face as Bellamy keep his talking
''Listen up! The age of pirates who dream is over! The city of gold!? The emerald capital!? The secret treasure One Piece?!'' He yelled out for all of them to hear ''Fools whose eyes are clouded by the treasures of their dreams will never seize the real gains right below their noses!'' Bellamy's smile got even wilder as he said mockingly ''Its always the ones who most bravely navigate these rough waters in this age of sail that die after being jerked around some bullshit fantasy all their lives! And people remark on guys like them 'He was happy to have lived for his dream!' Hahahaha! The trademark words of a loser!''
Luffy glare at him as his fist slowly loosen up and his anger vanished, his face was still blank but now even his eyes were holding no emotion, just then ''When I see dreaming idiots like you'' Bellamy said as he took a bottle and break it on Luffy's head as Luffy didnt even raise a hand to defend himself ''I just cant control myself!'' Bellamy yelled out as Luffy just shut his eyes and allowed Bellamy to hit him so that he fell back onto the ground.
Nami cried out in shock while Zoro didnt react at all as he look at his captain, as if wondering what was he going to do when Bellamy went on his speaking, laughing with the rest of the bar ''Weak, pathetic runts like you playing pirate just bring down the rest of us real pirates!'' he declared before he threw his glass at the floor, narrowly missing Luffy's head, who was still lying there, staring up at the celling
As everyone followed Bellamy's example and began to throw food and drinks at them, Luffy just laid there without moving with an empty expression on his face. Sarquiss also encouraged Bellamy to beat them up as the people were wanting a show while Bellamy was grinning back eagerly, ready to give them a show
Nami, who's couldnt take it anymore yelled out at them ''Luffy, Zoro forget about the promise and just kick their asses!''
Luffy slowly sit up, not even reacting to the food and drink around him as he look directly at Zoro and give him an order ''Zoro, dont respond at all to their jeers.'' as Zoro looked just expressionless as Luffy
As they stand there, Bellamy and his crew start to attack at them as they begin to puch and hit them while also throwing food at them. Bellamy took long sip of booze before he spit it all on Luffy's face but no matter what they did to them, neither of them fight back even Bellamy slammed Luffy's face right through a window, causing him to bleed and some other kicking Zoro
As they were both laying on the ground with a bloodly state, Nami went running over to them as she yelled out their name before Sarquiss talk to her
''Hey girl! You'll never get anywhere in the coming new age if you stick around guys like them! How about I buy you off? Name your price!''
Nami stared up at him as she hissed ''What did you just say?! You think you can buy me?''
''Thats right! You'll have more fun with us, you know?!'' Sarquiss said with a rather evil grin on his face
Nami's anger gone after this. She was looking disgusted more than angry as she smirk at him ''Ha! Sorry to say this but I'd be wasted on you and your small time crew!''
As the rest of the bar keep laugh at them while Luffy and Zoro were still laying on the floor, only person who wasnt laughing was the bartender, who's cleaning some glasses as he just watched with an empty face.
Bellamy throw a glass on the floor before he look at Nami ''Take those two and get outta my sight while they're still breathing... Maggots!'' causing Nami to glare at him for the last time before she pick up both Luffy and Zoro and dragged them out as the rest of the bar continued to throw bottles at them the whole way out.
As Nami dragged Luffy and Zoro, they heard a familiar voice ''Sky Island exists!'' causing Nami to turn and look at the voice. The man before was now sitting cross legged on the street as he was eating his pies while watching them with curious expression. After he took a big bite ''Zehahaha! The cherry pies here are the best!''
Nami dropped both of them as she look at him ''You're the man from earlier..''
Even though he was just sitting, he was clearly an extremely tall man as his sitting position was at the same high with her or even taller. He had a massive build as his body was round with relatively thin limbs. He also had a big mouth with several broken or missing teeth, a pronounced crooked nose and a very large and hairy chest and torso. Long, thick, woolly black hair falls down the back of his neck, underneath a black bandana, and a small scruffy black beard grows around his jawline.
''What are you looking annoyed for? Those two won that fight just now.'' the man said with a cheerful, wide grin.
Nami look at him in surprise while Luffy was staring at the man with a blank face as he was laying on the ground with voices from the past echoed in his ears
''Oh?! So you want to surpass us?''
''The next time we'll meet is when you're at the top!''
The voices he was hearing replaced by the laugh he heard, bringing him to back at the moment ''Zehahaha!'' unlike the men back at the bar, it wasnt a mocking laugh ''Your comeback was sure something too! You've got some balls for a girl!'' as Luffy and Zoro start to get up and dust themselves off
Fixing his hat, Luffy turned his bloody face towards the man and look at him with an unreadable look on his face as the man grinned wider, looking at Luffy with a different eyes now, like now he was believing he's worthing ''The 'New Age' those guys talk about is a bullshit.'' before he loudly add ''The age of pirates dream is ending?! Huh!? Well?! Zehahhaha!'' he laugh loudly as everyone look at him like he was insane. Just as he slammed his whisky bottle on the ground ''A man's dream never ends!''
There was a silent as Luffy didnt react at all, like he was seeing someting in the man they cant ''Am I right?'' he asked in a challenging manner as the people around them were still laughing and also mocking with him while he was looking he could care less about them
''The road up to top is not easy!'' He yelled out to the skies before he look directly to Luffy ''Let them laugh! When you're aiming for the top, you're bound to come across losers who isnt even worth your fist! Zehahahaha!''
''Lets go'' Zoro said quietly, giving the man one last weird look before turning around and start to walk away as Nami was about to follow him until she noticed that Luffy still hadnt moved ''Luffy?'' Nami asked but Luffy was still giving the man long and hard look and someone who look carefully, could understand that he wasnt happy what he saw but didnt say anything as the man stand up with his bottle and sack of pies in his hands
''Oh, it seems I hold you up. Were you in a rush?'' he asked but Luffy didnt answer to him, however the man also looked like he wasnt expecting him to say anything either as he turned his back ''Hope you make it. To Sky Island, that is.'' the man said with a last glance at Luffy and turned his back as he start to laugh while walking away ''Zehahaha!'' as Luffy also turn his back to him and walk away
''Hey, do you think he knows something about sky island? Should we go back and ask about the Knock Up Stream? I wonder who he was...'' Nami said as she look back while walking with Luffy and Zoro
''Dunno... But it's not him'' Luffy said with serious voice that was almost unheard of from him, confusing Nami
''Huh? Not him? Then..what?'' she asked as she look at him with confusion
''Its 'them'..most likely.'' Zoro answered her as Luffy rubbed some blood off near his mouth before the two head onwards, not bothering to answer any of Nami's questions as she was asking what they were talking about
After they walk the street for a short while, they stopped with a man that suddenly fly from another bar on their right side of them and hit the wall across the street while breaking it. Just they were thinking to continue to walk, they didnt move with the person they saw, who's getting off of the same bar the man just flied off, with a rather angry face
''Man... I should just ask Ro which way was the North! I cant believe I'm lost in such a small town!'' Luna was complaining angrily, not seeing Luffy, Zoro and Nami, who's close to her ''No, wait! There is no way I got lost!'' Luna suddenly start to laugh ''That old gezeer must be change his place!'' she was looking like she's suddenly convinced herself that was the truth as she laugh and nodded herself sagely
Luffy blinked as they suddenly saw Luna like this before he made a smile and was about to call out her, but he interrupted with the sudden voice from where the man just now flied up ''Hey, hey..'' the man's voice was sounding drunk as he get up from the pile of woods ''What an aggressive woman! Hihahaha! Just accept my offer! I bet I would give you the best night you could ever have!'' causing them to frown along with Luna as they look at the man, who's clearly drunk
''Really?! What's wrong with this town!'' Nami said angrily as she look at the man ''This entire town just should burned down!'' Looking so angry with everything happening in this town
''Hey, isnt that the woman who's beating the shit out all of the men with every bar she got in!?'' One of the man close to them said as they were watching the scene, causing the three of them to listen what they were saying
''Yeah, that insane chick was beating everyone who got close to her'' he was looking at her like she was really insane
Nami gasp at this for a moment ''And here I thought you two would be the only ones who cause a trouble!'' before she realized something and suddenly smirked evily ''Good job, Luna!'' she cheered on her to herself, causing Zoro to sweatdrop as he look Nami's evil grin but before he could even say something
''Did just someone called me 'chick'?!'' Luna suddenly yelled out angrily as she look her left side, towards them
''How in the hell did she even heard it?!'' Two man before yelled out in shock but Luna's attention was taken with the three people she saw
''Oh, guys!'' She said happily before she gasp in shock ''What the hell happened to you guys?! Whats that wounds?!'' asked with a surprised face before she start to remember what happened in this town.
As three of them start to walk towards Luna, while Luffy and Zoro was sighing and Nami was fuming with anger, they stopped once more ''Ah!'' They let a monotone voice with understanding while the man was saying
''Hey! Are you even listening?! I'm talking to you girl!'' Luna turned her head slowly, as if she was a robot and look at the man in front of her with a blank face and grab his hand with her left hand which was touching her breast. Just as she break his hand and was still holding the man, who was crying with pain, she was about to puch him with her right fist until a pistol sound heard through the street.
Luna turned her head to her left side with a reflex as the man's blood suddenly splashed on her while even Luffy, Zoro and Nami startled with the sudden death of the man, who's got shoot from the back of his head. Luna let go of the now dead man's broken hand as she start to wipe down the blood on her face, looking completely irritated as even her white hair has blood on it.
''Who the hell did that?!'' she yelled out as she look towards the place the man break its wall just before, causing Nami to gasp in shock as she felt trouble was coming again while Luffy and Zoro was also looking at that spot with a frowned faces as Zoro's hand was on one of his katanas
With the step sound on the wooden floor and some kind of steel sound along with it, everyone on the street got tensed as some of them start to leave quietly, confusing the three of them while Luna's anger starting to vanish.
''Oh, that girl is now dead'' One of the people said in a scared voice
''What the hell was he even doing here?!'' one of the man also asked as he was looking scared and was about to leave too, causing three of them to frown as they were looking serious now. Even if those people who laughs to everything were looking scared in the end
Just then, they finally saw a man who's get off from the broken wooden wall. He was an old man with wrinkles all over his face and yet he was a build up man. He had a shaggy long white hair from old age along with a long beard that was coming to his chest along with his mustache and there was a black leather hat on his head as a dark blue bandana underneth could be seen. Half of his body was looking burned down long ago as the burn traces were covering all of his left side. But it wasnt just the burnt skin he had, instead of his left leg there was a peg leg and there was blade on its tip that comes to half way of the peg leg. His left eye's color was almost white, clearly not able to see as his right eye had a dark green color. He was also wearing basic clothes, black pants and a boot on his right leg, a dark blue sash around his waist, holding three different pistols and some dirty white shirt as there was also a dirty, old looking black coat on his shoulders.
''I did.'' He said with a deep and rough voice as he exhaled the smoke he took from his dark grey looking smoking pipe ''Got a problem, lil' brat?'' he asked before he took a last sip from his bottle of rum and throw it to the ground, breaking to its pieces. As he walk towards in front of Luna, suddenly a white little monkey popped out from his left shoulder with blue eyes and a X shaped scar on its forehead as the scar was coming under its eyes over them but its eyes were looking fine as it was looking down at Luna and watching her.
The man was huge that Luna was looking up at him as Luffy and Zoro was intensely looking at him, clearly understanding that he wasnt just a normal old man, while they were also walking towards Luna as Nami was gulping with widen eyes. Even if he was a damaged old man, he was clearly the most intimidating person they had ever come across until now. To Nami, even that Bellamy was looking like a little child now as she look at the scary looking old man, who's towering Luna. Though the rings on his hands also get her attention as the old man had rings each of his fingers with a rather rare gems that each of it was different color.
Luna on the other hand, was looking at the man with a blank face as she start to blink a couple of times before she made an honest, big smile with her still blood covered face ''Old man Aaron!'' as she opened her arms wide, causing Luffy, Zoro and Nami to blink dumbly as they look at Luna's happy face for a moment ''And here I was looking for your place! What a good coincidence!'' She laugh before she add ''Can you take me t- Kyaa!'' she suddenly slammed to the ground on her butt, creating some cracks on the ground with the harsh hit, as the old man suddenly punched her from the head before she could even finish what she was saying
''It hurts damn much!'' Luna whined with a painful face as she was holding her head with a bump on it before she made an angry face and look up at the old man ''What the hell was that for?!'' she asked/yelled
''Hm?'' Old man look down at her with an unimpressed face ''Its a way to say hello and seeing your smiling face... I just felt like it'' he answered nonchalantly, causing Luna's anger to vanish as she blink for a moment
''Oh, is that so..'' she said like it was a normal thing while other three were blinking at them 'So he is the old man Luna talked about?' was their thoughts before the old man suddenly turned towards them, startling Nami for a moment
''Oh,'' The man had an amused look on his face as he look at Luffy ''Arent you the captain of lil' brat Lu?'' he asked as he start to walk towards Luffy, who's not that far away, while looking at him like he was searching for something
''Lil' brat Lu..?'' Luffy repeated lowly as his eyes slide to Luna for a moment, who's trying to get up from the ground ''Yeah'' Luffy said, sounding as a matter of fact but before the old man Aaron could say anything else
''How in the hell do you even know that?'' Luna asked as she start to walk towards them too. Even thought Aaron was one of the people who knows a lot whats going on around the world, she was silent about her being a pirate until now.
Aaron however, look at Luna like she was stupid ''Didnt you brats see the new bounty posters?'' causing all four of them to blink in confusion
''New bounty posters?'' they all ask as they look up to him
Aaron sigh at this as he shake his head, like they were hopeless case. ''Come, you were looking for the place right?'' he asked as he start to walk towards the back alley without even looking back at them ''How did you even got lost, you really are an idiot brat dont you?'' he asked but he was sounding he didnt mean to ask as he was clearly calling Luna an idiot, causing a vein popped out on Luna's forehead
''Stop calling me a brat, you old man!'' she yelled out as she point a finger at him, not that Aaron showed any reaction at her though, only making Luna's eyebrowns to twich before she let a sigh
''Did you guys found where abouts that Cricket man?'' Luna ask them, causing Nami to suddenly made an extremely angry face
''Who cares about him?!'' She yelled out, startling Luna as she jump with the sudden anger from Nami
''Whats wrong with her?'' Luna lowly asked to Luffy and Zoro, who's shruged with a careless attitude
''Who knows..'' they said simultaneously in a monotone voice, causing Luna to let a sigh as her eyes traveled on their wounds for a second
''Then lets go!'' she said with a big smile as she hold Luffy and Nami's wrist and start to walk as Zoro also start to follow them
''Wait a moment! We dont nee-'' Nami was saying as she was thinking was it even good to involving with the underworld. Even though they were pirates, they didnt know there like Luna in the end but Luna cut her off
''He was talking about new bounty posters and I'm sure Aaron knows about where is this Cricket guy'' Luna said as a matter of fact, even she didnt remember where this man was. She knew he wasnt in the town though...
''New bounty posters..'' Zoro repeat thoughtfully as Luna let go of Luffy and Nami now since even Nami was looking she was following her.