WebNovelDe Luna54.84%

The Town of Ridicule and Mockery II

After they followed Aaron for a little while, they were now in a quiet back alley oon the North side of the town.

''Why were you even looking for the base?'' Aaron asked to Luna as he glance at her

''For shopping'' Luna said as she was looking at the monkey weirdly for a while now as Aaron frown at Luna

''Do you even have money?'' Old man Aaron asked with his deep voice as he drag from his smoking pipe and exhaled the smoke

''When did you even get a monkey?'' Luna asked, clearly changing the subject, as she look at the white monkey on Aaron's shoulder which it was looking down on her from the beginning

''Oh that? I found her a year ago and she just didnt let me go..'' Old man Aaron said nonchalantly, not caring of the subject change, before he add ''She reminded me of you, so I even named her Luna Jr'' causing Luna to made a bright smile

''Ohh..'' She was looking so happy ''I didnt know you like me so much!'' She happily said as her hand go towards to little monkey

''Right, I taught her to rip out every white head she saw'' he was saying as the monkey suddenly bite Luna's finger ''Oh..'' she said with a blank face as the every shining glint in her eyes disappeared while the monkey was now climbing on Luna's head aggressively

''Are you kidding with me!?'' Luna suddenly yelled out as she tried to take off the monkey from her head while Aaron was laughing ''Wahahaha!'' looking so happy at whats going on as he push the door open of some old looking bar's that name's was just 'Pub' but its signboard was so old that it was looking as if it could fell any given moment while Zoro and Nami was sweatdropping at Luna and the old man as Luffy was trying to help her to get off of the monkey from her head which it was pulling her hair.

After Aaron got in the bar and lost from their sign, 'Luna Jr' also suddenly left Luna and go after him as they also get in the bar after it. There was nothing special about the bar, in fact, it was like how it was looking from outside. Old, worn out, small bar with only two customer inside that was sitting quietly at the corners and a bartenter, who looks so slim and so weak looking.

''Where is the old man go?'' Luffy asked with a confuse as Nami was blinking with confuse too

''Is this how this place is supposed to look?'' She asked as she look around, she was waiting more but Luna slightly smiled at her

''Its not here'' She said as she took off a golden coin from her sash and throw it to the bartender, which he caught with one hand and a fast reflex that surprised Zoro since he wasnt expecting from him to have that kind of reflex as the man didnt even look away from the glass he was cleaning and showed the hidden door on their right side.

As they opened the door, they saw stairs that's goes down while the only light was coming from the torches on the wall, making a dim light and showing the the worn out bounty posters on the walls. They could hear the old man's step sounds before a light come out from the door he opened up and left like that since they were following him.

It was completely different from the bar upstairs. It was a good looking, big place with a lot of people inside. Most of them were sitting on their table and minding their bussiness as even their faces werent looking clearly. Some were drinking with laughters and playing with cards while some of them was smoking and talking with the people on their table and even though there were normal tables people was sitting, there was also tables on the corners, away from anyone, that was looking for private talks. There was also weird looking guy at the corner, who's sitting on the floor alone and was making a tower with playing cards along with a weird clown looking guy who's playing around as he was laughing a lot. They could see Aaron was walking towards the bar as they also start to walk towards there and they could see that the bar wasnt just this much since they saw a big door going to the back.

''Woah, its totally different from upstairs..'' Nami said as she look around while getting ready to sit on the high chair in front of the bar

''Its huge!'' Luffy said with a smile while Zoro was thinking if was full of weirdos but he was also noticed that some of these people were also looking strong.

''Here'' Aaron said lowly as he put some cloth pieces and water to clean their blood on them before he yelled to his back ''Hey Molly! Prepare some food!'' and turned to four of them to ask ''What do you brats wanna eat?''

''Meat!'' Luffy immediately said with a smile on his face while Nami was saying that they dont have money to spend for food anymore

''Its fine, I dont take money from food'' Old man Aaron said like its nothing as he exhaled a smoke while he was taking glasses and bottles of drinks

''Molly is here? I though she was in the New World'' Luna said with a surprise as she took one of the cloth pieces and start to clean Luffy's blood on his face while Zoro also took one of the piece of clothes to clean himself

''She came back a couple of months ago, will go back soon'' Aaron said dismissively

''Molly?'' Luffy asked as he look at Luna, who's gently cleaning his face

''She's his daughter..'' Luna said with a sweatdrop as she thought about her. She was his adoptive daughter though but they were like real father and daughter with how much similar they were. Luna change the subject with her question after this ''So.. What happened to you guys?''

''Some pirates.. Its fine, its over and done with'' Luffy casually said with a small smile as Zoro agreed with him but Nami was sulking with anger

''It might be done and over with for you guys but my temper sure aint over yet!'' Nami said with anger as Aaron put some drinks in front of them ''What the hell was that?! If you call yourselves man, you should unleash some whoop-ass when jerks come asking for it! Actually, you should just flatten this entire goddamn town while you're at it too!'' causing them to look at her weirdly as she was fuming with anger

Zoro, who's taking a gulp from his sake ''You're the one who told us not to cause trouble'' he murmured but Nami heard of him

''The past is the past for a reason! Dont drag it out to the present or I'll make you physically unable to bring it up!'' Nami yelled at him before she also take a big gulp from her sake, causing Zoro to almost choke with her sudden yelling at him

''So you really couldnt find where abouts of Cricket?'' Luna said hesitantly, wanting to change the subject but fuming Nami turned to her, looking as if she could kill her right at the moment

''Cricket?! I'm done with him! Just mentioning him and the sky island caused the whole bar to explore in laughter.'' She said before she looked more angry ''Did I really say something that funny!?'' causing Luna to sweatdrop before she calmly let a sigh

''I see..'' as she thought about back and it was clear how they got the wounds without even know the things ''So they laugh and thinking about the pirates here talking about that new age thing...'' she lowly said with a sigh but Luffy heard of her since he was close to her

''Its fine'' Luffy said softly as he saw the understanding glint in her eyes, clearly understands what happened while she was also looking at him with a slight smile

''Yeah I know, its not worth it'' As she was still cleaning the blood on him, Luffy's hand go towards her hair and take a strand from a red part with dyed in blood

''You should clean yourself too'' he said as he look at the red hair with a frowned face. While Luna was saying its fine and she will take shower once they go back to the Merry, they heard a woman's voice

''If you're that annoyed, should I go and kill them all? With a good price from a pretty woman like you, of course..'' she said with low chuckle as she was brushing Nami's face with her fingers, causing Nami to get a shivers down on her spine with the sudden coming of the woman, who's touching her

She was carrying four plates of food in her one hand while her other hand was on Nami as she was looking at her with mischievous in her dark brown eyes. She had a short cut hair like a man with a dark brown color too as it was almost looking like black. She was looking a couple of years older than Luna and Nami. She had tattoos all over her body as much as they could see as she was wearing basic tight black pants and black sleeveless, tight shirt. There was also a dark green sash around her waist that was holding two pistols and a knife and there was a long sniper rifle on her back. With the cigarette in her mouth and the way she was looking, she was much more attractive from most of the man

''Eh?'' Nami asked with a shock as she look at the woman in front of her, who's touching her but before anyone can say anything

''Hey, I told you no flirting with guests'' Aaron said casually, causing Molly to pull back as she let a sigh and start to put down the plates of foods ''You're not fun at all, papa'' Molly said as she let a puff from her cigarette

''Oh, isnt it my beautiful doll Lu-chan'' Molly said as she extend her hand to Luna this time but Luna suddenly pull back with a horrified face, which it surprised Luffy, Zoro and Nami since they didnt see this kind of reaction from Luna before

''Stay away from me, you pervent woman!'' she yelled at her from Luffy's shoulder as she was at his back, looking like a hiding child, causing Molly to chuckle

''How cute'' as she took a drag from her cigarette with a mischievous glint in her eyes and a smirk on her face while all four of them were to looking at her weirdly

''So why are you brats here?'' Aaron asked, not bothering what they were talking as Luffy start to eat his food before he said thanks with a happy face

''We are looking for Knock Up Stream'' Luna said casually, causing Aaron to raise an eyebrown

''You brats are going to a sky island then?'' he asked as he put a glass of whiskey in front of Luna

''Yeap!'' Luffy and Luna said happily before Luna took a sip from her whiskey but before anyone can say anything more, suddenly a man in the bar start to laugh as everyone else were still minding their business

''Hahahaha! Sky island?! You guys looking for Knock Up Stream?!'' he was laughing so much that it bring Nami's anger as her face went red wit anger once again while Zoro and Luffy looking at him blankly but what he said was something that they werent expecting ''Eveyone knows if one wants to go to the sky island, the way is the Summit of High West! Do you idiots have a death wish or something to go with that monstrous thing?! Hahaha!'' causing Luffy, Zoro ad Nami to blink while Luna's eyebrowns were twiching

''Who are you, you piggy looking man?! Didnt anyone teach you not to stick your nose to someone else's talk?!'' She yelled at the man as she turn back to look at the middle aged man with thick cigar in his mouth, causing his laughs to stop as he look at Luna with an angry face

''What did you just call me?!'' he asked as he was looking angry now as he was also looking like he could jump on Luna to kill her any moment but they both turned their back with the voice they heard

''No fight in my place.'' Aaron said with a serious face and cold voice, causing them to look blank as they gone back to their business

Luna made a smile as she turn back though, looking her side as she loudly speak ''Hah! Dont worry old man, I wouldnt fight with an idiot man, who's clearly doesnt even care his man's life! I mean 'everyone' knows that if someone use the Summit of High West to go to the sky island, few of them would absolutely die! With the Knock Up Stream however either everyone dies or lives. A man who doesnt even take a risk for everyone's sake doesnt worth to fight!'' causing a few of people in the bar to smirk while the man was frowning with anger as a vein popped out on his forehead

Nami on the other hand, blinked a couple of times as she heard Luna, progressing what she just heard while Zoro and Luffy was thinking that Luna was clearly pushing the guys nerves but before anyone can even react they saw the man pulled out his pistol and holding up at Luna.

''Who do you even think you're talking to!?'' he yelled out as he was holding his pistol. Just as Zoro's hand goes to his katana and Luffy was about to go in front of Luna to bounce the bullet, man's finger, which was about to pull the trigger was cut in half with a knife that suddenly fly towards there as his finger flied and fall to the floor.

While the man was crying in pain, Luna wasnt even budge or turn her back as she was calmly keep drinking her whiskey. Luffy, Zoro and Nami however blinked at what just happened until they heard Molly's voice ''Papa said no fight in his place.'' She said coldly, looking like a different person from what they just saw before as she was looking at the man ''If you try anything else, the next thing I'll be taking will be your life'' causing Luffy's eyes to shine as he thought she was cool while Zoro was smirking

While everyone in the bar didnt even budge or cared what happened, Luna was murmuring to herself ''Who cares who you are?'' but her murmurs were stopped with Molly now talking to her

''You too, dont cause trouble De Luna.'' she said as she look at her seriously, causing Luna to pout before she said ''I wont'' she knew Molly was serious if she called her like this in the end

''Wait a minute!'' Nami suddenly yell at Luna ''Everyone either dies or lives?! You didnt said that!'' she said, looking absolutely terrified but before Luna can say anything to her

''Well, you're the navigator right?'' Aaron asked with his deep voice as he look at the log pose on Nami's wrist, causing four of them to turn to look at him as Nami confirm him ''Out of every way to go up there, if you cant fly, the Knock Up Stream is the most safest way. However, its up to navigator's skill if everyone lives or dies.'' He explained as he took a gulp from a bottle of rum, causing Nami to frown and look serious as she glance at the log pose

''Its fine! Nami's is a good navigator, I'm sure we will make it!'' Luna said with a big smile as Luffy also agreed with her, causing Nami to blush as she hold her face with a smile

''Whahaha! I see'' Aaron laugh at them before he add ''Well, The Knock Up Stream happens five times a month around here but I dont know the exact location.''

''We heard a man named Mont Blanc Cricket would now?'' Luna said sounding she was asking as if he knows while four of them were looking at him

''Cricket, huh?'' he said as he let a smoke from his smoking pipe ''He lives on the other side of the coast. He was chased out of this town for talking about dreams.. Fitting right?'' he turned to Nami as he asked with a smirk, causing her to frown with a thoughtful face before Aaron ask Molly to bring a map and show where Cricket lives to Nami

''Weird..'' Zoro said thougtfully, getting their attention ''People in the town were clearly believing the sky islands were not exist but here, you guys look like you know about them'' he said as he took a gulp from his sake. No one in here didnt even react when they heard of the sky island word unlike the bar in the town and they were even looking like they knew how to go there, In fact, only laugh they get was about the route they chose and no one didnt even cared about him

''Hpmh.'' Aaron snort at this ''They are just brats who doesnt have dreams and talking about that stupid new age thing. They're thinking that everything is about bounty and all, people like them wouldnt know. Just because you havent seen something before, doesnt mean that it doesnt exist'' he said with a frown as he drag a smoke, clearly not liking people like them while Luffy was agreeing him with a nod as he was eating the food in front of him

''There is also the fact that, there are things selling in the black market from sky islands. So, even if they are not gone or heard of them, they know they are exist somehow'' Luna add after him, causing Zoro to made an understanding sound as Luna suddenly made a face like she remembered something ''Right!'' she suddenly said, startling the three of them as she look at Aaron ''What new bounty posters?'' she asked as three of them also made a remembering face before they also turn to old man

''Hmm, thats right'' Aaron hummed as he search under the bar for a moment and pull three bounty posters to put in front of them ''They come a couple of days back'' he said. Even though he took them early, he knew rest of the town doesnt have it yet as the four of them were looking at the new bounty posters

One of them was Luffy's bounty poster, with his smiling face close to the camera. Monkey D. Luffy, wanted dead or alive, one hundred million berry

Other was Zoro's bounty poster, his face was bloody and he was looking away from the camera with a slight scowl, Roronoa Zoro, Pirate Hunter, wanted dead or alive, sixty million berry

The last one was Luna's bounty poster, with her free white hairs around her face, she was smiling as her face was looking inocent with the smile as mans were fighting on the background, De Luna, wanted only dead, eighty million berry.

Three of them were looking at the bounty posters with big smiles while Nami was gasping in shock. ''Thats great!'' Luffy yelled out, practically jumping for joy ''See that?! My bounty went up big time!''

''Cant say I'm satisfied with just sixty million'' Zoro said but he had a proud smile on his face

''I have a bounty!'' Luna also said, she was looking so happy that she was almost going to tear up as she was looking at it with shiny eyes

''Stop being so damn happy about it!'' Nami yelled at them, causing Luna to turn to her with her shinny eyes

''But Nami..! I was a criminal almost all of my life and look!'' as she show her bounty poster ''I finally got what I deserved!'' she said as she laugh, causing Nami to yell at her as she was saying its not something to be happy but she gasp after she saw her bounty poster

''Its too damn much!'' She yelled, not that they cared though since Luffy was congratulating her as she was laughing and also congratulating him too while Zoro was drinking his sake with a big smile on his face

''Well, its probably this high because of the same reason they want me only dead I guess'' Luna said as she was clearly sulking now, confusing Luffy as he look at Luna's bounty poster

''They want you only dead?'' he ask with a frown

''Its expected though.'' Aaron said before he took a gulp from his bottle of rum ''They also didnt use your real name since everyone was thinking you were death. They're probably want to take care of you before anyone even learn that you were alive this whole time.'' he explained, causing them to frown before Luna made a smile

''Well, who cares that now? Its even a million higher from Ro! Its calls a celebration!'' She said before Luffy and Zoro also joined her as they were now celebrating with their glasses of drinks while Nami was looking at them with twiching eyebrowns before she let a sigh and was murmuring now they had four people with high bounties

With Molly's coming and give a map of the island to Nami and was marking where Cricket was, Luffy and Zoro was also talking with them while Luna was giving her shopping list to Aaron

''Some of these things will come from the New World, its gonna take some time'' Aaron said as his eyes travelled on the list

''Its fine'' Luna said as she pull out a blue colored pouch ''Is this enough?'' she asked as Aaron took the pouch and look inside of it before he made a frown

''I took cash'' he said as he look at the pouch in his hands, causing Luna to frown too

''There is no place to exchange it here'' She said while looking at him with serious eyes, causing Aaron to look at her for a moment too before he let a sigh

''This is the only time I'm taking this kind of payment, understand?'' causing Luna to smile and nod her head ''Do you still have our number?'' Aaron asked as he put the pouch into his sash

''Yeah'' Luna said as a matter of fact before she took a sip from her whiskey

''Good. Give a call after sky island, I will send someone to deliver'' Aaron said, causing Luna to nod before he also add ''Sky Island should be safe but be careful once you brats came back, there are some suspicious moves on government's side'' as he was looking serious

Luna slightly smiles at this ''Dont worry, we're still in paradise. They cant risk to make noise, especially when they're trying so hard to hide that I'm still alive''

''I'm not worried, you idiot lil' brat'' He snort at her as Luna laugh and gulp down all whiskey


They were now walking towards the Merry and Nami was finally looking happy as she was holding a map in her hands

''What a good old man, he gave us a lot of free food'' Luffy said with a happy face as he was still eating a meat he took before he left while carrying a packed of pieces of meat too

''They were interesting people'' Zoro add after him with a slight smile as he took a gulp from bottle of sake in his hands that he also took before he left

''He was looking so strong even though he was old...I wonder what happened to him'' Nami also said after him with a thoughtful face

''Oh that?'' Luna asked with a lollipop in her mouth that Molly gave her ''He was challenged to late Pirate King but he lost all of his crew and came to this state, thus his pirate life's over'' Luna said nonchalantly, causing them to stop for a moment as they were blinking, not that Luna notice this though as she keep walking and talking ''He's angry at Roger even now'' before she start to laugh ''When I was child, I would go to ask about Roger and he would kick me out while cursing him''

While Luna was laughing, Luffy, Zoro and Nami's jaws were on the floor as they yelled out ''Eehhhh?!''


After they finally came back to Merry, Luffy, Zoro and Luna was completely clean up now and Chopper was treating their cuts and bruises as they were waiting for Robin to come from her shopping and finally go

''So.. what happened to you guys?'' Usopp asked in concern, leaning against the railing and watching as Chopper dabbed disinfectant on a deep cut on Luffy's arm. They were trying to patch up the Merry when they were come back from the town, and even though they were looking like they clean up the blood, Luffy and Zoro had cuts and bruies and Luna was looking like she had someone else's blood on her as Nami was the only normal looking one ''It looks like you were mauled by a pack of rabid wolves'' Usopp add

''It was pirates'' Luffy said before he assured him ''But we're okay, its just some scratches''

''Yeah'' Zoro added after him, looking as if they just got into a simple misunderstading but Nami was looking angry as she sat on the stairs

''I still dont understand'' She click her tongue as Zoro let a sigh at her, not saying anything as he was tried of her anger until now. Chopper suddenly asked after a moment later, if they found anything about Sky Island and found the man monkey guy talked about which it bring up bad memories for Nami at first as her fist tighted but she let a sigh, trying to calm down

''He lives on the other side of the island,'' she said before she add ''We're leaving this goddamn town the moment Robin come back too'' she said harshly this time as she look at the town with a dark look on her face, causing Usopp and Chopper to wonder whats wrong with her but they couldnt ask with seeing her face as Luna let a sigh at her while she was watching the sea

After almost half of hour later, Robin come back with bags in her hand and they finally start to sail towards where Cricket was living


They were now sailing for a while around the coast, they were run into a large ship just before. It was looking like Masira's ship with the giant trees that serve as masts, the sides of the ship were covered in little doors and ladders where some men dressed in wet suits were climbing up and a large orangutan skull and crossbones for the Jolly Roger.

The man looking like an orangutan with a very long green hair, who said he is 'Sonar King' Shoujou, was saying that he will be the next one of the Seven Warlord's and talking about how Crocodile was dropped out. Luffy didnt said anything about he was the one who beat him and only said that they had a place to go so he should move.

Shoujou however, like Masira, said that this was his territory and they should pay the toll which made them remind Masira as they start to talk about him and get Shoujou's attention as he ask how they even knew about him. With them saying that he was the one who helped them to come here and Luffy saying he was their friend, Shoujou dramatically let them go without a pay, causing them to think that he was another weirdo in the end


As the Merry was sailing towards the Mont Blanc Cricket's house,

Western Jaya, Mocktown, on some bar,

People were talking about how Bellamy was made a show with Luffy, Zoro and Nami.

''Gyahahaha! But do you really think that they were looking for that geezer for to learn Sky Island?!'' one of the man asked as he was laughing at the thought of the Sky Island while Bellamy was drinking a glass of sake at the background and listening them

After they mock with Cricket too ''Maybe they were after the gold?!'' one of them asked with a laugh

''Gold?'' As one of them also asked, clearly every one of them were drunk

''Yeah, heard he found some recently'' the man who talk about the gold in the first place said

''Really? Where?'' one of them asked while other was saying dreamy guys like them wouldnt even know about the gold

''Hey, you over there'' Bellamy said as he put the empty glass onto the bar ''What's all fuss about gold now?'' as they look at him with shock, Bellamy stick his tongue out ''I'd love to chat with this Cricket fella too now.. Why don'cha tell me more about him..Hahahaha!''


Northern of the Mock town, on a back alley,

The middle aged man who had a piggy looking face and a thick cigar in his mouth, was trying to make call on den den mushi as his right hand was shaking with the pain of losing a finger while the snail was ringing

*purupurupuru* *purupurupuru* *Clachak*

''Talk'' a voice sounding having fun heard from the other side of the transponder snail

''Joker!'' the middle aged man suddenly talked with a loud voice as he was looking excited but before he could continue to talk, he was suddenly shoot clear from his forehead

Understanding he was killed ''What a waste of time'' the voice talked for the last time before he hang up the call

In the far distance on some roof, a tattooed woman let a puff from her cigarette as she made a smirk ''Doing a job like this without a payment, what a troublesome lil' doll'' as she hold her sniper rifle on her one shoulder ''Oh well, whatever'' she shrug before she coldly add ''No one likes the rats in the end.''


Jaya, Eastern shore,

''This is the place on the map'' Nami said but her voice was drown out by Luffy, Usopp and Chopper when they spot a beautiful palace right on the edge of the water

''Wasnt that old man Aaron said he was chased out of town for talking about dreams?!'' Nami asked before she add with a berry sign eyes ''He looks filthy rich!''

''No, look clearly'' Luna said with a sigh as Zoro was shaking his head to Luffy, Usopp and Chopper, who's gapping

''Hmm, a man who dreams.. More like a man who wants attention'' Sanji add after Luna as he look over there with a frowned face, causing the rest to look more carefully. As Luffy jump off to get a closer look, he yell in shock as he find out that it was just a paper covering part of a house that was looking like it had been carved right in half, also shocking Usopp greatly.

''I wonder what dreams he speak about to get him chased..'' Nami said as she look at the half house

''Hmm'' Luna also look at the half house ''I heard he talk about a large amount of gold hidden here, in the hills of Jaya'' she said like it was nothing, causing them to yell

''Gold?!'' Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Nami shout out big widen shiny eyes as Nami also ask ''You mean like pirate treasure?!'' with berry sign eyes

''Who knows'' Luna said with a shrug

As soon as they land, Nami had Chopper dig up places around the house while yelling ''Dig fast Chopper! Dig out the gold!'' while Luffy was getting inside of the house to see if anyone was there as Luna also followed after him but after they confirmed that no one was at home, Usopp snapped at them to get out of there in case he was a bad man.

Just as they start to make themselves comfortable around the house, Nami found a book on a large tree stump and pick it up ''Noland the Liar?'' as she curiously read the title

''Noland the Liar?'' Sanji asked as she look at Nami ''That bring back old memories, I used to read it a lot''

''You know about this book Sanji?'' Nami asked as she also look at him before she add ''But it says it's published in North Blue'' as she look at the cover

''Yeah, I was born in North Blue. Didnt I tell you?'' Sanji said, surprising everyone, except Luna, who's looking at Sanji with a slight, soft smile on her face

''First time you said anything about it. I thought you were from East Blue..'' Usopp said while he was also thinking how this situation was similiar when the time Luna was said she was from West Blue

''I grew up in East Blue but this story is pretty popular in North Blue. People say its just a kid's story but I've heard that this Norland guy really did exist!'' Sanji explained with a smile on his face before Nami began to read it for everyone.

''And the pathetic liar died..without becoming a true warrior of the seas'' Nami said with a lifeless sigh as she closed the book and look at Usopp

''Dont look at me!'' Usopp yelled out with anger ''And stop making up all that stuff!'' while Luna was laughing as she was sitting besides Nami. Just then, Luffy suddenly fell into the sea with a startled scream as he was kneeling near the waters edge and was looking down before.

Just everyone also startled with Luffy's scream, a man suddenly jump out of the water and land in a fighting stance in front of them. He was a rather muscular, middle aged man with blonde hair and he had a large chestnut on his head as he was wearing dark purple, tracksuit pants with a white stripe running along each leg, and a rope around his waist and he wasnt wearing a shirt and shoes. On his left arm, he has a tattoo of a chestnut with the word "Maroon" written across it as he also had a cigarette in his mouth

''Who the hell are you people?'' he asked as he glare at them while Sanji was preparing to fight with him, Luna go to save Luffy ''You punks got a lot of guts to enter a man's house without a permission. This area is my territory!'' he declared before he stare darkly at them ''You're all after the gold right? Then prepare to die!'' and with this, he suddenly throw a kick aimed at Sanji as he dodge his kick, this time Sanji kick him but he also dodge it too.

The man then go forward with his right arm and tried to chop Sanji but he blocked it with his leg but the man then reach his back and pulled out a pistol and aimed it to Sanji's head before he pulled the trigger, causing Nami, Usopp and Chopper to yelled out his name in fear

''Dont worry, he missed'' Sanji said before he also dodge the multiple shots from the man

''That idiot'' Zoro said as he unsheathed one of his swords ''Thats what you get for underestimating him'' before he start to run towards them, preparing to slice the man but before he could get there, the man drop his pistol and suddenly collapsed on the ground, confusing everyone as Luna pulled Luffy back out of the water


With Chopper wanting to see whats wrong with him, they carry the man into the house and lay him to the bed. They were all looking at the man now as Chopper was treating him whilw also asking what he needs

''I need more towels and open all the windows too'' Chopper said before he add ''He has Caisson disease''

''Caisson?'' Zoro asked as he was standing folded arms and looking at the man ''Ah, so he is sick?'' Luffy also asked as he look at the man too

''Yes, its something divers get. Its not long lasting but it can become fatal if the person exets themselves too much. It happens on a divers descent when axcess nitrogen enters their body's blood and tissue. Then on ascent the chemicals diffuse out in the form of bubbles causing various symptoms'' Chopper explained with a worried frown as he look down at the man laying on the bed

''He must have been diving everyday, not letting bubbles to dissolve properly'' Luna add after him as Chopper nod

''Why would he?'' Nami asked as she was looking thoughtful while looking at the man

''I dont know but it's very dangerous. In some cases it can be lethal'' Chopper said as he was still frowning

Just then Masira and Shoujou suddenly appeared in the doorway and yelled inside the house

''Boss! Are you alright?!'' as they stuck their heads through the door. Everyone inside just stare at two monkey who suddenly appaered and blinked a couple of times

''Oh monkey!'' Luffy said with a smile as he was bringing more cold water beside Cricket. Masira also looked happy before Shoujou suddenly yell ''Wait! What are you doing here?!'' causing Masira to yell too ''What did you do to the boss?!''

Luffy glance at them as his smile now disappearred ''We are taking care of him'' he said blankly, making them to look surprised before they practically cry

''They are such great guys!'' they said at the same time while they were sweatdropping as they thought they were weird monkeys once again


Luffy and Luna went outside after they calmed down to tell what happened and Luna also explained Cricket's sickness. Luffy and them were already looking like old friends again as they were talking. The two of them said that they were live here but spent most of their times on their ships since the house was too small for them and the house was the headquarters to what they called the Saruyama Alliance.

As they were talking more, Chopper came running out of the house, calling them while saying Cricket was awake now. While Luffy and Luna start to go inside to see him, Masira and Shoujou choose to stay there and wait since they were too big and the inside was crowded

Cricket was now sitting up as he was looking much more calm and smoking a cigarette as he start to talk ''Thanks for your help and sorry for all the trouble. I though you were like those fools trying to steal the gold'' causing Nami to perk up immediately ''Gold?'' as she had berry sign eyes once again while Usopp was saying stop to her

''What exactly was it you wanted to ask me?'' Cricket asked as he let a puff from his cigarette

Luffy walk over to him before he eagerly ''We're searching for Sky Island! And we were told you know how to get there!'' he said with a big smile

''Sky Island?'' Cricket asked with a frowned face as he glance at Luffy but he suddenly burst into laughing ''Gyahahaha! You guys actually believe in that?!'' As he was laughing however, he noticed that neither Luffy nor anyone there were laughing, in fact, they all had serious looks on their faces as they were looking at him, causing him to stop laughing ''I knew a man who claimed the sky island exist but he was known as a great liar, someone who was always being laughed at'' he said , causing Luffy to turn and look at Usopp with a shocked face

''Its not me, you idiot!'' he yelled out angrily as Luna and Robin chuckle at them

''Norland, the king of liars.. Its an old story though'' Cricket said, again causing Luffy to look at Usopp again ''Its not me! The name is different!'' Usopp yelled out again as Cricket went on about true story of Noland and he admitted that he was a decendant of Noland himself. Cricket said that Noland was a very honest man and he claimed that the city of gold had fallen under sea because of shifting of landscape from earthquakes. However, his death penalty has carried out surrounded by witnesses' sarcastic laughters.

Usopp get excited, thinking he figured out everything ''Then you're attempting to prove Norland is innocent by trying to find the golden city!?'' causing Cricket to lost it

''Quit talking shit!'' surprising everyone as he fired at him while they were looking widen eyes, even though it was clear that he never intent to hit him, missing him just an inch above his head, it was enough to make his point ''Whether or not my ancestor was an honest person or a great adventurer had nothing to do with me! Just for being his descendant one gets teased by strangers! Could you understand how a kid in that situation feels!? My entire childhood was like that!''

Usopp gulp down as Cricket take several calming breaths while putting the gun back down. He then said that many of members his family tried to do the same thing, to find the city of gold and clear the family name but in the end, each one of them died in the attempt of trying. Ashamed of his family, Cricket run away from his home and became the captain of a crew of piraes, though he did not necessarily wanted to become a pirate then. He was just wanted to escape the curse of carrying the Mont Blanc family name.

However, ten years ago, Cricket and his crew accidentally came across Jaya, the island Noland claimed to found the City of Gold, and Cricket decided to accept his fate and find out once and for all if there was the legendary city that Noland found or not. His crew on the other hand, did not agree with his decision and left him alone on the island.

Cricket finish his story by telling them that he bagan diving all alone in this water everyday in search of clue of the City of Gold ''I didnt care if it was true or false. I didnt really want to find the gold to prove his innocence. This is between me and the man who ruined my life, this is a duel! Before I die, I will settle this and tell the truth to everyone.''

As Usopp was crying how this was a power of a real man ''What about those two? Why are those monkeys here?'' Luffy suddenly asked

''Thats another emotional story told with fists, right?!'' Usopp said tearfully, having being moved by his story

''No, they are just fans of the story.'' Cricket answered blankly, crushing Usopp's theory

''Thats a rather simple relationship!'' Nami said with a sweatdrop as Cricket start to tell them how they met this time

''It was roughly four or five years after I started searching, they came to here after hearing about me and said 'Norland's gold exist for sure' The sea goes very deep here, I felt especially lonely being under the dark, cold sea but I had lived a lifestyle of day after day non stop underwater search. They just suddenly entered my life, insisting on being my followers and fought everyday to get to the point. Those stubborn dumbasses saved my life, understand?'' as he said with a found smile

As Usopp was crying again, ''Yeah, enough about the monkeys.'' Luffy bluntly said

''Then dont listen to it! Just keep quiet!'' Usopp yelled at him, trying to punch him but Luffy throw him off with an annoyed face ''As I was saying, I want to go to sky island, mister!''

''Hehehe, you're so impatient'' Cricket laugh as he reach to a bookshelf and pulled put an old book before he handed it to Nami. It was the log book of Noland and had details of his journey. Luna and Robin's interest piqued at the sight of the book since the book in Nami's hand since it was over 400 years old. Nami then bagan to read from Noland's logbook about his adventure and how they saw sky fish, causing Luffy, Usopp and Chopper along with Nami to get even more excited

''Thats all nice and funny old man but,'' Luna said with a calm tone, getting their attention ''You still havent told us what we want'' causing Luffy to gasp

''Thats right!'' as he agree with Luna while Usopp was yelling at them, saying ungrateful brats

Robin chuckle at this though ''Maybe we should be more specific about what we are asking for'' she said with a smile on her face, causing them to blink as they look at Robin before they made a face that they realize something ''Right!'' Both Luna and Luffy said before to her before they turn back to Cricket ''Where is the Knock Up Stream?!'' Luna was looking calm with a small smile and Luffy was looking excited with a big smile on his face

Cricket on the other hand, had surprised face ''You know the Knock Up Stream?'' he asked as he look at them which they all were nodding ''The one who claimed that sky island existed was Norland, the king of liars. If you have nothing to do with him, you will end up like me and be nothing more than a joke. Why do you even risk you lives for a place that you dont even know exist? '' he asked as he look at them before he drag a smoke from his cigarette

''Because we want to go to the sky island'' Luffy said as a matter of fact

''Sky Island exist, I have been one of them in the New World'' Luna also said as a matter of fact too as they were all looking at him and waiting for to learn where the Knock Up Stream, though Cricket was looking like he's comletely in shock with his big widen eyes.

''You have been to a Sky Island?'' he asked with a shocked face as Luna nod before she ask once again ''So, how can we find the Knock Up Stream?''

Cricket let a puff from his smoke, trying to get over his shock as he get up from his bed and began to walk outside ''Follow me,'' he said, causing them to follow him outside too. Once they all gathered around Cricket and the tree stump, Cricket, who's standing with his hands on his waist and start to explaing the things he knows ''The Knock Up Stream is the only way to get to the Sky Island. It shoots straigt up into the sky so, it can theoretically take you up into the sky if you're lucky'' Luffy was looking thrilled at this idea and was saying that all they have to do is hitch a ride when it next went off but Nami counter tht by asking if they would end up falling back to the ocean and get smashed to pieces

''Usually thats true'' Cricket state ''Unless you can get the timing just right. Its one thing to sit here all comfy and talk about riding the Knock Up Stream but if you think this trip is gonna be some kind of pleasure cruise, you're in for a rude awaken'' as Usopp and Chopper was looking freaked out, Cricket said that he heard many theories about it but only one has ever made any sense to him. However, no one's even been stupid enough to confirm it.

He then explained the Knock Up Stream is created by a giant underwater pocket below the ocean floor. Water seeps in and is heated by geothermal energy until it turns into steam. At some point, the pressure becomes too great and explodes, sending a giant stream upwards. The strenght of each particular event varies dramatically but they all last for about a minute each time.

''To be able to shoot water upward for one minute...What kind of explosion is that?!'' Nami asked in shock as she get up

Cricket turn his back to them ''The location of the explosions are different each time, but the frequency of appearance is five times a month'' as he look at the sea with folded arm, causing Usopp to terrified as he start to tell Luffy to forget about the Sky Island and they could die just trying to get there

''Dont worry, lets just go!'' Luffy said with a big smile before he start to laugh with shiny eyes but Usopp didnt give up as he show the Merry this time and remind him about its condition, that she'll never be able to withstand something like that. Cricket also agree with him, saying that even if the ship is brand new, it still cant withstand the current. Luna was also silently agreeing but she didnt said anything.

Usopp frown at this for a moment, as if almost temped to do it just to prove that Merry could but he let it go, thinking that it would settle the matter that whether they could go or not. But just then Cricket offered to fix and reinforce the ship which Masira and Shoujou happily agree to as they were also caling them, saying the meal is ready

Nami then remined them that they could only stay on this island for two more days before the log pose reset and they would be forced to move on. Usopp beam at this and ask Cricket when was the next Knock Up Stream, cearly he's hoping that it will be not soon but Cricket stated that it would be around tomorrow noon.

''Wait?! Its not too late? Damn!'' Usopp shoot in shock, causing Luna to laugh

''Come on, Usopp!'' As she pat his back a little while a laughing ''What kind of brave warrior of the sea you would be if you cant even ride on a current!'' causing Usopp's jaw to fall on the ground as everyone start to get inside to eat the meal

''Its not just some current! It's a freaking natural disaster!'' he yelled out with teary eyes but no one was listening as they were already going with happy faces, except Nami, who's also patted his back for a moment

''I understand your feelings..'' she said with a sigh before they also get in to join the rest


They were all inside the house, somehow the lunch they were going to have was turned to a party so they were now enjoying a good party. After Luna tell her story about the Sky Island to Cricket, now Masira was chasing Usopp around for tricking him to eat hot souce, Cricket was drinking so much that his face was red and Luffy and Shoujou were dancing together.

Robin smile at them and look back at the logbook that she and Luna was reading as Luna was also drinking while sitting besides her

''In the skull's right eye, gold is seen'' Cricket said as he suddenly appeared right in front of them, causing them to sweatdrop for a moment while Nami's attention get with this ''Gold?'' also getting everyone's attention

''The page that has tear drop on it, is Noland's last words..His sentence was carried out that day. I still dont understand what that passage means.'' He said before he gulp down all his sake as everyone was looking at him ''The skulls right eye? Is that a city that was here before? Or is it hinting his death? Its all blank after that'' before he took the logbook and start to read pages and told stories

As Cricket was talking about birds and bells, he began to read out a particular entry. It was from when Noland first arrived on Jaya ''In our pride and arrogance we thought we've seen and heard everything in our short lives. But the sound of that bell tolling left us all speechless. It was as if the clang of that bell all struck us dumb with wonder.''

Cricket read it loudly and dramatically as Luna was thinking if she should say anything about the City of Gold but she shrug the idea as she remembered that Luffy was going to ring that bell. She knew it would be reach down here, so she didnt said anything as she also couldnt wait to hear the bell's sound that was said one of the most beautiful sound in the world.

After for a while later, Cricket suddenly take out a miniature golden bell and start to show them as they were all looking at it or picking up with berry sign eyes in Nami's case while she was also running her hands over it with a rather loving way. Cricket explained that this was the golden ignots they found in the sea bed

Luffy smiled brightly at this ''So the City of Gold is real!''

''Not neccessarilly! Small amount gold like this is common in ruins.'' Shoujou explained to Luffy

''Maybe so'' Robin agreed before she add ''But that does suggest there was some civilization here sometime in the past. Ignots are made to divide gold into standard unit of weight and that would indicate an advantege trading society''

''Thats right!'' Cricklet agreed with her ''Also the mysterious birds that make strange sounds..'' before he turned to Masira and point somewhere.

After that Masira this time bring another one that shaped of a strange looking bird holding a bell. As they were all looking at it, Cricket tell them this was the last of it as Nami was swooning over it.

''Golden bells and birds, huh?'' Sanji smiled before he also add ''Do you think that these are symbols of some ancients, giant civilization?''

Cricket shrug at Sanji's question but said that he's sure they all come from the same casting. He then began to talk about the golden statue being a South Bird and that they could still find some on the island today. Masira began to talk more about them, how sailors used them on their ships but before he even finished, he and his brother stare at each other in horror as Cricket also gasp

''Damn it!'' they yelled out so suddenly and loudly that it startled them all

''What?!'' Usopp cry out in surprise ''Whats happened?!''

''This is bad! You should go to the forest quickly! Go to the forest south of here!'' Cricket yell out in a serious face. When Luffy ask whats going on, Cricket point to the golden bird and add that they should had to go and catch one of the South Birds and do that fast.

''What? Why?'' Usopp asked with a surprised face as Sanji also ask after him

''Listen carefully. The Knock Up Stream, that exist directly south of here. How do you think you will get there?!'' Cricket asked seriously as he look at them

''We will just sail south!'' Luffy said obviously before Luna also made a face of realization

''Oh no!'' she also get up at her feet, getting their attention ''We cant go to south when normal compass go crazy!'' causing Nami to gasp as she also realized the problem

''And the log pose wont be any use either since we're heading for open sea!'' she also said with widen eyes

''Thats why you need the bird!'' Cricket said before he explain the South Birds and how they always shows the South as an odd habit of theirs, no matter where they are. Because of this reason these birds were used in ancient times to navigate. ''So, there is no time! The three of us will enhance your crappy ship now. Come to think of it, this wasnt really a time for party anyway!''

''You should have said that earlier!'' All of them except Robin yelled at him before they start to run towards the forest. Cricket throw them several nets, letting them know that they would get started on the repairs to the ship in the meantime before reminding them that they only have time before day break to bring a south bird.


After they enter the forest, they start to look around while their eyes starting to get used to the darkness. It was a creepy looking place as they all walked on, searching for a bird. Usopp was sticking a little too close to Sanji for comfort as Chopper looked ready to fell where he stood, his stomach was still full from the party as Zoro was complaining about wanting to drink

''Why did it turn out like this?'' Nami asked nervously, hugging herself

''Damn, this kind of thing should be done during daytime!'' Usopp also add after her, shaking furiously as he was now glued himself Luna's arm, who's calmly looking around

After some complaining and thinking what they were going to do, they suddenly heard a sound in the distance


''Ah, strange chirping sound!'' everyone said as they turn towards there. Having only three nets, they decided to split up to three groups. Sanji, Nami and Usopp go to one way, Zoro and Robin went another and Chopper, who's Luna's shoulders since he was complaining with all the food he had, followed Luffy in another direction.

In the beginning, Luffy really did look hard for the bird but soon was completely distracted when he spotted something in a tree tunk and pulled out an Atlas beetle. He grab the insect and show it to Chopper and Luna, which Chopper was looking fascinated by it as Luffy began talk all about it. He was talking so much that it actually taken aback Luna as she thought how could Luffy can know so much about a bug.

Chopper then jump down to the ground and point out a Stag Beetle he saw as Luffy launch himself in another explanation about the life and habit this insect. While Luna was listening Luffy with a rather surprised face, she startled when some sort of round fruit suddenly land at her feet with a dull thud.

As she look around with a frown, she spot a strange, large, rather chubby looking bird with a purple body and bright green feathers. As their eyes met and start to glare eachother, the bird suddenly looked like it smirked mockingly at Luna, much to her surpise and annoyance, before jumping a little farther on its tree brach.

Luna frown at the bird before she look at the thing fell from there before ''You damn bird!'' she yell at the bird as she look at it, getting Luffy and Chopper's attention as they turn to her to see why she was yelling

''What? Whats wrong?'' Luffy ask as he look around as Luna point the bird

''That thing throw a beehive on us'' she said angrily as she was looking at the smug looking bird

''Beehive?'' Luffy and Chopper asked with a confuse before all three of them blink and look at the beehive close to their feets ''Run!'' Luffy yelled as he dart through the trees with Luna as Chopper also jump on her shoulder again with a horrified scream as the bees start to follow them

As they were running, they were forced to duck several other hives that drop on their way, getting stung in the process. With the another strange bird sound, Luffy and Luna ask Chopper what he was saying

''It said 'All who disturb this forest must be killed!' '' he translate, looking totally freaking out

Soon, like the bees werent enough, they start to chased around by praying mantis as one was even bigger than Chopper and were able to hack through thick trees like they were butter. Chopper was looking at the bird from Luna's shoulder, saying that the bird was commanding them while Luffy was yelling why would a bird be commanding bugs and Luna was saying this was ridiculous as they kept running

After several hours of running around the forest, they were able to find the others and they gathered around eachother, trying to catch their breathes

''We can hear but never see one'' Zoro said with in annoyance

''We saw one'' Luna said as she was trying to control her breath ''Those bugs..'' she trail off with an irritated face

''Bugs were everywhere, there was no time to catch the bird!'' Chopper state as he was still sitting on Luna's shoulders while holding onto her head ''All we could do was run!'' causing Luffy to sent him a short glare

''Wha..? You didnt run at all, Luna carried you!'' as he was panting for breath with all the running

''I cant take it! We have eight people but cant even catch one bird?! You guys should try harder!'' Usopp said hile standing there with folded arms as Sanji turned to him ''Speak youself'' while Nami was also complaining that she had no strength to run anymore. Just then, they heard the sound again


All of their heads shot up and saw a South Bird just above them, looking down at them as it had a evil looking face and apparently was mocking with them. Suddenly, without anyone can even blink, two arms appeared besides the bird and wrapping themselves around it before throwing it at their feet

They all blink down at the furiously struggling bird in surprise before looking up at Robin, staring at her with their mouths hanging open

''As long as I can see it'' she said simply with a shrug while Luna was looking down at the bird with an evil look on her face before she pick it up with a dark chuckle


When they come back from the forest, their eyes got widen as they saw the place was a complate mess. There was nothing but destruction everywhere, clearly they were attacked. Masira was laying on his face with a deep bleeding gash down his back, Shoujou was floating unconscious in the sea and Cricket was dripping blood all over as he lay there on the ground.

''What the hell happened here?!'' Sanji cried out as he run towards to the sea to take Shoujou as Chopper go to help him while Luna also run towards to Cricket with Luffy, Nami also run towards to Masira. Usopp gasp, looking like he was living shock of his life as he was standing in front of Merry. Its front half was almost broken in half, laying on the ground and the mast snapped off like a twig.

As Luna was looking Cricket's wounds, ''Sorry..'' Cricket said as he look at Luffy while coughing blood

''Ah! You're awake!'' Luffy said in surprise and relief, as he was looking at him from the other side of him

Cricket was mumbling apologies as Luffy was asking what happened. Seeing that he wont listen and dont lay down, Luna help him in a sitting position as he was telling he would fix the ship and asking if they were caught a south bird but before he could continue, Nami suddenly come running out of the house, looking panicked ''Luffy!'' she cry out, causing everyone to look at her ''The gold is taken!''

As everyone was looking at her in shock at this ''Ah, doesnt matter.'' Cricket said dismissively ''Things like that should just be forgetten. You guys..'' but before he continue, Usopp suddenly yelled out

''Doesnt matter?! What do you mean things like that?!'' as he was looking so angry ''You spent ten years and even lost your health to find those pieces! Isnt it?!''

''Shut up! It doesnt matter, its my problem. Listen to me,'' he said as everyone get silent for a moment to listen to him ''With the entire Saruyama Alliance, fixing and enhancing that ship is not a problem. We can have it by dawn. It wont hinder your schedule. You guys, I will send you to the sky island no matter what!'' he said with determined eyes ''Therefore, you should..'' before he could continue to what he was going to say

''Hey, Luffy..'' Zoro call out, pointing out a pirate mark on the wall, a very familiar mark that Luffy, Zoro and Nami saw on a certain pirate just hours ago and a very familiar mark that Luna saw on its own owner.

''Its Bellamy's symbol!'' Nami gasped out as Zoro look at him calmly, already knowing what Luffy was going to do and even though he already knew the answer, ''Want my help?''

''I can do it alone'' Luffy said firmly while Nami was telling him that they only had three hours left before they had to set sail but he didnt answer her, merely turning to Robin, startling her for a brief of moment as she was looking at Luna, and asking if he followed the coast, would that take him back to Mock Town.

''Yes, you can'' Robin answered him

Cricket on the other hand, was staring at him, slowly understanding what they were talking about ''Hey kid!'' he said angrily as Luffy walk by ''Where are you going?! Dont mind my business! You already know who..-'' before he could talk more however, Zoro flip the handle of hi sword and hand it to Cricket

''If you want to stop him, you have to use this.'' shocking Cricket for a moment

Luffy ignored Cricket as he cracked his knuckles ''I will be back before dawn.'' with a serious voice while his hat was shadowing his eyes

Knowing there was no other choice, Nami sigh ''Three hours Luffy'' She said firmly, letting him know that she wasnt kidding ''Thats all you got! If you take any longer, we're gonna lose our chance to go to the Sky Island and its gonna be your fault''

Luffy nodded in understanding before he turn and began running off, heading to Mock Town.

Just as Luffy got lost from their sign, Robin frown before she pinch Luna's cheek with her powers as she was loking at her from a couple of steps back, bringing her to back to present. Luna look around for a moment while blinking and holding her cheek and saw that Robin was looking at her with a rather blank face

''You were looking at it too deep'' Robin said, though she couldnt understand what Luna was thinking as she was looking at the mark or what she was seeing since there was no trace of any emotion on her face or in eyes

Luna blinked at her ''Just remembered something from the past, not that important..'' Luna trailed off as she turn back and go help to Chopper with a rather smiling face now, leaving behind a thoughtful Robin, who's looking at the mark with a frowned face


Unlike earlier that morning, the streets of Mock Town were now empty as the moon was glowing above the island and Luffy was standing on one of the roof tops while glaring around him.

''Bellamy!'' he shouted ''Where are you!'' as he was not too far of the bar from this afternoon

Some sounds of shouts and cries from inside the bar starting the heard after Luffy's shout. Soon, Bellamy come out of the bar as if he was the owner while grinning cockily up at Luffy when he saw him up there.

''We were just talking about you. Do you have something to say to me?'' Bellamy asked, soundig just as conceited as he did from before

''Yes, return diamond head pop's gold back to him.'' Luffy said as he look down at him with a serious face

''Gold?! Hahaha! That old ma Cricket's treasure? Were you really after that then?'' Bellamy asked with a laugh before he hunched over, crouching low making himself able to jump as he was looking flied through the air, spinned around and landed on the same roof with Luffy, just behind him.

''Maybe its new to you but thats what pirates do, ever heard of looting?'' Bellamy taunted him ''But what am I saying? You're just a pathetic dreamer who cant open his eyes long enough to get a good look at the real world''

But Luffy just glared at him, speaking in such way that Bellamy looked taken aback by his tone ''Well then, if stealing is what we pirates do, I guess I should just steal the gold back then.''

Bellamy roared with laughter ar what Luffy said ''Hahahaha! Let me ask you, can you even fight? Do you know how to punch?! Hahahha! What can a trash like you do?!''

Just Bellamy was yelling a drunk man was looking at the bounty posters that arrived just before. There were three of them but the man was looking at Luffy's bounty poster, as he was sure now that the man on he roof was the same man on the bounty poster. Seeing this, Sarquiss was saying him to throw them away and the poster was probably wasnt real.

''If you stand there like an idiot just like earlier, you wont be able take anything from me, whimp!'' Bellamy sneered at Luffy as he was just standing there but his eyes narrowed dangerously as Bellamy mocked him

''What happened earlier is a different matter.'' Luffy said neutrally as the moon was at his back, making him look like some kind of demon in the night but Bellamy just laughed, saying that was a good bluff but he was now sick of listening him and decided to shut him up for good, even though he was the one who's talking all the time.

Bellamy's spring like legs kicked off, destroying the roof rigtht under their feet as he shrieked out with laughter ''Dont worry, this wont take long! I will destroy you in an instant'' and when he land on the wall of another building, he finished his attack ''Spring Sniper!'' He shot towards Luffy like a torpedo, who doesnt look impressed as Bellamy come flying at him.

At the last second, he jumped off, soaring through the sky just as gracefully as Bellamy had. Luffy landed awkwardly on another roof before he got back up and glared around at Bellamy, who was still undergoing his relentless attack. Once he almost ended up falling right over the edge to the street below and was forced to grab onto the side to keep himself from dropping

Bellamy keep bragged and laughed at Luffy, taunting him at how weak he was and that he was never going to get the gold back and he kept yelling things out like he was pathetic for believing in dreams or that he was a disgrace to real pirates. Finally, Luffy was knocked off the roofs and landed on the ground as Bellamy continued to jump around him, laughing insanely that he couldnt beat him no matter what thanks to his Devil Fruit as Sarquiss laughed, egging his captain on as the other crew members mocked Luffy as well

Luffy stood up from where he fell to the ground, completely unharmed, his expression was cold as the rest of Bellamy's crew were shocked that he was getting up but Bellamy's face was smiling at the thought of crushing Luffy as he launched himself at the nearest building. Using the buildings in the square, he bounced from one spot to the next, increasing in speed with each succussive spring.

Luffy just stared ahead of him as Bellamy continued to rant on ''So you want the gold back, huh?!'' he yelled as his voice seemed to coming from all around the area ''Because old man Cricket is yor friend?! Wake up! He is nothing but a decrepit fool who spends all his time chasing after a four hundred years old lie!''

''But thats probably what you like about him, right?!'' Bellamy went on as Luffy's eyes turned into slits, filled with anger and his face darkened even more so that he looked like some kind of beast ready to kill ''You like to call yourselves pirates but you know nothing! There's no City of Gold! No island in the sky! Just oceans and ships and the men who sail them!''

Luffy's anger had grown to such a point that one could almost feel it radiating in the air around him as he was cracking of his knuckles ''You asked if I know how to throw a punch, right?'' Luffy asked as he hold up his fist while Sarquiss was laughing, asking hurry up and beat him so that he could drink

Bellamy laugh, not listening as he yell ''Farewell, Strawhat kiddo!''

It all happened so quickly that most of the people who's watching missed. With a single punch, Luffy slammed Bellamy right into the ground, his head breaking through the wooden walkway, leaving a large crater all around them. Bellamy's eyes rolled into the back of his head, blod spurting from his mouth and the imprint of Luffy's fist embedded into his face, he was clearly out cold before his head cracked the wood beneath him.

Luffy's knuckles were covered in blood but he didnt respond at all as he slowly put his hat, that was hanging around his neck, back on his head, shadowing his eyes.

No one said anything for a moment as they heard Bellamy croak a little from where he lay, showing that he was still alive but the crowd were as silent as the grave before Sarquiss stepped forward, stuttering out in a shocked tone but sure that this was some kind of bad joke ''Hey...quit messing around Bellamy and get up, the jokes over. We know that runt couldnt beat you. Come on, get up!''

Most of them now were looking like ready to turn tail and run when Bellamy just continued to lay there as Sarquiss seemed to grow angier with every second that his captain remained on the ground and soon he was shouting ''This really isnt funny anymore! Now snap out of it! You have to get up and show that kid who you are! You're a real pirate, not like him!'' as he also continued to scream out that his bounty was up to fifty five million and that he couldnt lose. Just then, a few scraps of paper flew out of one guys hand and hit his face. When he pulled it away he turned blue as he stared at the paper, dropping it as if it was something dangerous and the people around them could see what was it, which it was the bounty poster of Luffy, showing one hundred million bounty.

Luffy turned towards Bellamy's crew and gave them a cold glare ''And now, Cricket's gold. Give it back!'' he demanded in a tone that he wasnt kidding around anymore. Almost everyone turned and ran away, scattering around them into the alleyways and houses as if hoping that they would protect them from Luffy's wrath. But Luffy no longer had any reason to go after them as he stood there, waiting for an answer.

The main part of Bellamy's crew, the ones who had been there that afternoon, were startled and some of them pointed fearfully to the bar behind them and Luffy marched over.

As he went inside, they went over to Bellamy, trying to get him up and on his feet again. After a short moment later, Luffy came back out, with a large sack on his back, smiling as he calmly exited the bar as if he had just done some grocery shopping. He was even chuckling a little to himself as he headed off down the boardwalk ''That wasnt too hard to find'' he said as the remaining Bellamy Pirates were with Bellamy, who only continued to lay there helpless. Sarquiss was on his kness, shaking as he look after him but suddenly he got to his feet and began to yell

''Hey you come back here! You hear me?! You stupid runt?! I'm still standing! We wont loose to fantasy chasing idiots! Well? Where are you going?!'' as his other crewmates tried to hold him back

When Luffy stop, his words died on his tongue and they froze, looking ready to run back if they had to but Luffy merely held up the bloody fist as he asked ''Where am I going?'' causing Sarquiss fell back, looking so scared. Luffy didnt threaten him or say anything else to show that he won, it was as if the fight never happened but instead, he slowly looked back before he held up his finger to the sky ''Up there!''

As Luffy start to run towards to Eastern shore, An old man with half of his body covered in burns, took a last gulp from the rum in his hand before throwing the bottle to the ground ''That damn brat remembered me that damn bastard'' he said as he turn around and walk, murmuring ''No wonder she joined him...'' just before he lost in the shadows he lastly said ''I need more drink now... that damn bastard Roger.''


This Afternoon, On The Holy Land Mary Geoise,

''What..Red Hair, he!?'' one of the five elders, a tall and thin bearded man with long white hair asked

''Yes, things doesnt seem very stable'' A marine man said as he look at the five elder, the world's highest political power, while kneeling in front of them.

They were sitting around a small table that two bounty posters on it as also a young woman with a full white armor standing in front of them, turning back of the marine man but he was saw that even though her whole body covered in a light white armor, her head was free. He could see the light brown hair that was coming to her waist freely.

''Did he intiated it?!'' same elder before asked again

''He did. He sent a mesenger to make contract but Whitebeard and Red Hair meeting each other..Its too dangerous!'' Marine man answered

''Hmm..that is correct'' the one with a scar on the left side of his face, wears a hat over gray dreadlocks, and wields a walking cane said as he look at the rest thoughtfully

''However, if something were to happen to red hair, things will be though. He is not someone who would want to change the world under his own will'' the tall and thin bearded man with long white hair one said as he was the only one standing

''Lets not rush, we'll observe the situation first.'' the bald, and has large birthmark spots on his forehead and a large white mustache said calmly

''More importantly, we need to decide the successor in the Seven Warlord's. Even though it's only a small hole, we still need to be careful.'' the oldest looking one said thoughtfully. He was also bald, with glasses and a white gi as he was also holding a samurai sword with him.

''If the three figures of power were to crumble, the world will plunge into chaos. We must not let that happen.'' the youngest looking of the Five Elders add after them. He had a blond hair, a beard of the same color, and has a scar on his chest.

''Yes, for this we have summoned the Seven Warlords but we dont know how many of them will come. They are pirates after all, always selfish.'' The marine said as the bald, and has large birthmark spots on his forehead and a large white mustache one took one of the bounty posters

''Damn Crocodile, causing this kind of trouble. The one who take him down cant be forgiven neither. Monkey D. Luffy.'' as he look at the bounty poster, the oldest one also took the other bounty poster

''So this is how she also showed up. Two D's on the same ship and pirates on top of that.'' he said as he fixed his glasses, all looking intensely as the marine continued to kneel down and a slight smile appeared on the young woman's face before the tall and thin bearded man with long white hair look at her

''Be ready to leave any moment, Adalstienn Eurelle.'' he said, only causing the smile on her face to grow as she bowed her head and closed her eyes, not showing the mock in them.


At the same time on Navy H.Q,

Inside the office of the Fleet Admiral of the Navy was the fleet admiral himself along with one of the admirals, vice-admiral Tsuru and vice-admiral Garp. The four of them were sitting in the office discussing the now open position in the Warlords.

''This is all your grandson's fault, Garp!'' Sengoku said as he slammed his hands down on his desk ''He just have to go and ake him down! And now we have to deal with this all!'' he shouted out with frustration

''Bwahahahaha!'' Garp laughed from the couch ''Thats my boy!'' he said with a laugh

''He is just like his grandfather'' Tsuru said as she folded her arms next to Garp ''Always causing trouble'' she add as she glance at Garp for a moment

''Well, at least we were able to cover up'' Admiral Aokiji said in a bored tone, however Sengoku was far angry as he slammed his fist this time

''Not just that!'' He shouted out ''Why...We were hoping she would be live in silence and we even thought she became one of the Revolutionaries.. But why... Why the pirate crew she decided to join is your goddamn grandson again, Garp?!'' he was looking beyond furious, almost going to smoke out

''Bwahahahaha!'' Garp laugh again ''How should I know?!'' he said with a laugh once again

''Still, I was thinking she would be joining to Revolutionaries after everything happened, this is quiet a surprise'' Aokiji said as he look at Luna's bounty poster

''I doubt that even God knows what that girl thinks'' Tsuru said as she leaned her back on the couch as Garp had a unreadable face, as he was looking like he was thinking somethings but just then, a marine come through the door while yelling

''Fleet Admiral! Seven Warlords, Donquixote Doflamingo and Bartholomew Kuma have arrived!''

''Finally.'' Sengoku said as he got up and began walking out of the room ''Lets deal with that first then handel everything else'' with everyone else following behind him but Aokiji soon left them and turned to another direction. He in the end, was going to the Paradise.


Jaya Mock Town, present time after Luffy left the town,

People on the streets were shouting that Bellamy was beaten as an extremely tall man with a massive build as his body was round with relatively thin limbs and also had a big mouth with several broken or missing teeth, a pronounced crooked nose and a very large and hairy chest and torso. Long, thick, woolly black hair falls down the back of his neck, underneath a black bandana, and a small scruffy black beard grows around his jawline was looking the bounty posters that arrived.

''With that kind of dream and aura, I thought thirty million wasnt enough, but still, a hundred million berry..'' he said thoughtfully as he look at the poster

''What now, captain?!'' the man who he was declaring himself a 'Champion' all day around the town asked, looking excited but just then Sarquiss bump into the 'Captain'

''Hey, move aside! Dont stand in the middle of the road! I'm kind of pissed off ight now!'' Sarquiss yelled out with an annoyed look on his face but before he could even understand whats going on, his head slammed to the ground very harshly as the big black hairy man also yelled while slamming Sarquiss's head ''You're noisy!'' before he look ahead

''I dont have any business with small fry! We have been trying to find someone worth more than a hundred million! Zehahahaha! From now on, lets be rampaging punks!''

''Oh! Wiiihahaha! Its finally time for the hunt!'' the 'Champion' yelled out as he laugh loudly

''Captain, we are supposed to regroup with Laffiffe in this city'' a rather thin, extremely tall man, with light brown hair that hangs down to his lower neck calmly said. He was wearing glasses, the left lens of the black glasses was normal, rectangular eyepiece, but the right side is circular and holds what appears to be a cross hair.

''That doesnt sound like you, Augur. If he gets lost, shouldnt it be a kind of fate?! Zehahaha!''

''Correct, the thing called fate, its always measuring how much a person's existence is worth *cough*'' The sick looking old man on a sick looking horse said as he cough and was looking so tired.

''Zehahahah!Thats true! And look! Fate bring me to her! Zehahaha!'' He laugh as they all walked down the street


The Strawhats meanwhile, were with the entire Saruyama Alliance and all of them were working on the repairs for the ship while waiting Luffy. Luna was trying to reassure Nami that Luffy could handel Bellamy just fine as Nami was yelling at Zoro as to why he didnt go with him, as Zoro was looking too damn annoyed.

The sun was now rise and it has been three hours forty six minutes now that Luffy was gone and Nami just couldnt stop talking as they were waiting Luffy. The Merry was now looking like a chicken as her name was also now 'Going Merry, Flying Mode'

Soon Luffy finally came, yelling at them while running with a big smile on his face ''Heyy! I did it!'' he yelled

''Luffy, hurry! We are already behind schedule!'' Nami yelled out, causing Luna to sweatdrop for a moment

''Look at this!'' Luffy yelled with a big smile on his face, looking like he didnt even heard of Nami, while he was getting everyones attention to his right hand he was holding up to show something ''Its Hercules!'' as he show the bug

Causing Zoro, Nami and Usopp's jaws to drop ''What the heck were you doing!'' as their eyes were also popped out, looking shell shocked but Luffy's attention distracted as soon as he saw the Merry. His eyes were glowing while he was looking at it as Usopp walk proudly over to it ''Introducing the Going Merry, Flying Mode!'' he said loudly with a big smile on his face causing Luffy's eyes to shine more as he was yelling it can fly.

Usopp pointed out happily to the Saruyama Alliance and told him that they built it just for them and Nami was whispering that she had a bad feeling about it. Zoro was stating that chickens couldnt fly and that a pigeon would've been a better choice while Luna was also agreeing with him while she was saying seeing her chicken mode makes her hungry and a dragon would've been a better choice, causing Nami to yell at them

As Usopp yelled out time to set sail and everyone getting on their ships while raising the anchor, Luffy put the sack of gold on the stump in front of Cricket. Though heavily bandaged and bruised, Cricket was looking better now. He didnt say anything, didnt say thank you or asked if he was alright, he didnt even acknowledge what Luffy did but Luffy didnt also have been looking for a thank you.

After exhaling out some smoke ''Well? What are you waiting for? Get on board, unless you want to miss your chance to sky? Like a fool'' Cricket said, causing Luffy to smile

''Thanks for the ship'' Luffy said as he sounded grateful but Cricket just put out his cigarette and jerked his thumb at the Saruyama Alliance, telling him that he should be thanking them for doing all the work.

Luffy thank them and he even gave them his Hercules beetle as a way to say thanks as Shoujou looked thrilled at the gift and ordered his crew to get a cage for their new pet before Shoujou and Masira were both start to call out that they would lead the way to where the Knock Up Stream was going to erupt as Luffy finally get on the ship after this.

Soon they heard Cricket's voice calling out behind them ''Saruyama Alliance! Dont mess this up! No matter what happens! Give it your all for these guys!'' He give his orders as he was now standing tall. They all cheered on in agreement and start to push off from the shore while giving goodbyes to Cricket with both ships on either side of the Merry like guards, taking them out to sea.

Cricket appered at the shoreline, calling to the Strawhats ''Well kids, we will part here. There is one thing, one thing that is absolutely certain!'' He said before he made a smile and went on ''It is that for Golden City and Sky Island. There has been anyone who could prove that they do not exist! Others might laugh at us but that doesnt matter!'' he then open his arms wide as he yelled out with a big smile ''This is romantic!''

They all smile brightly before he also add ''For the gold.. Thanks! Dont fall from the sky, you hear?!''

They all laugh, some more nervously though but they set sail as they yelled goodbyes at him.


After sailing relaxingly for three hours, the sky was dark with heavy clouds as the rain and the wind become stronger. The Cumuloregalis cloud appeared a lot sooner than they were expecting. Shoujou let out a loud wailing sound with his voice to use for sonar and after a few minutes, the direvers came up, finding the place where the whirlpool was going to form. Masira then call that they had to head right for that spot, which it was the 10'O clock and as they start to head over there, the waves around them were growing higher and more violent as they struggled to get through.

''Nami!'' Luna called out, wiping her face as the rain splash on her ''How's the Log Pose?!''

Nami made a quick check after this ''Its pointing right at those clouds!'' she was staring above them as Usopp gasped ''Sky Island is right above that?!'' looking terrified. Just then Masira's ship throw a few hooks behind them and hooked onto the Merry as they begin towing it

''Whats this?!'' Luffy asked

''We'll lead you to the inner edge!'' Masira answered as Nami asked what they were supposed to do once they got there ''Positon yourself on the flow and head to the center! Then you'll be fine'' and that was when they spotted the whirlpool, it was huge and was looking like dark drain, probably enough to be able to swallow a fleet of marine ships.

''He wants us to go to the center?!'' Nami screamed as they headed straight for it, the ships sticking just on the outer tim, just far enough away to avoid the current and getting sucket into the dark pit

''No! No, no, no! Go back, I want to go back!'' Usopp yelled out, completely terrified and was crying while terribly shaking as all of them were cling to the ship as the ropes connecting them to Marisa's ship let go and they were set adrift

''You never said we need to get sucked in!'' Nami yelled out fearfully too while Sanji was also yelling out ''Dont worry! I will protect Nami-swan, Luna-chwan and Robin-san!'' looking so determined

''This is my first time seeing such a huge whirpool'' Robin said calmly but even she was looking uneasy as Chopper had shinning face with excitement at the thought of flying while Usopp was still yelling in cry that he wants to go back

''Forget it Usopp, Its too late. Look, they are already too excited'' Zoro said in his usual bored tone as he jerked his thumb to Luffy and Luna, who's already looking like they were about to fall over from happiness

''Here we come! Sky Island!'' Luffy yelled with a big smile as Luna was besides him, yelling with a big smile too ''We're going to have the best holiday!''

Suddenly, out of nowhere, something burst out through the water in front of them. A sea king that looking large and bright yellow one that was looking like a giant, fat salamander. It apparently got close to the whirlpool's edge and was now being pulled in, down into the darkness until it disappears.

They were all froze for a moment, staring at it with a mixture of expressions from calm to freaking out as the Merry ws now drifting on the current, slowly being pulled to the center. Not listening anyones cries, Luffy was laughing happily with the thought of the greatest adventure and after falling for a few seconds, the ship suddenly landed on calm water as the giant whirlpool and turbulent seas turn calm so much that there wasnt a single wave in sight

''What?! Disappeared! Why?!'' Sanji asked as he look around while Luffy was running to railing to see what happened

''A whirlpool that big! What the heck happened?!'' Usopp asked as he also look at the calm sea but Nami suddenly gasp as she look down, deep below the surface of the water, she could feel it as she start to cry out that it was starting and when they look to her, she cried out in fear that the whirlpool had sunk beneath the surface

''Oh! This is going to be so fun!'' Luna said with a big smile as Nami was gasping at her but then


They all turned to look behind them at once to see a giant raft that coming towards them. It was looking like several tree trunks stuck together with some rope but it was clearly a pirate ship in the end since there was a jolly roger with three sinister looking skulls on it.

Luffy, Zoro and Nami immediately recognized them as well as Luna. The man who's clearly Captain of them was laughing and looking at Luffy like he is much more worty than before ''Zehahaha! I finally caught you Strawhat Luffy!''

Nami was telling the others that it was that 'Mock Town' guy from before as Sanji was asking what she was talking about. The man then declared that that he had come all the way to collect Luffy's one hundred million bounty and was yelling out at them to surrender. They already knew about the new bounty posters but before anyone can even react at him, he keep going

''And you!'' The man said with an evil smirk on his face now ''Look at you! You become much more of a beautiful woman than that young girl you were in the past now! Like how Thatch said you would! Zehahaha! Right, princess?!'' causing them to look at Luna, especially Luffy, Zoro and Nami with surprised face

''Do you know him?'' Nami turned to look at Luna as she was asking but her voice died in her throat with seeing Luna's face. Everyone of them was looking confused and surprised since it was their first time that any one of them had ever saw this much of hatred on Luna's face

''And you become even more nasty man than before, like I thought you would'' Luna said but there was no emotion in her voice ''How could you even dare to say his name like this?''

''Zehahahah! Oh so you already know?!'' he asked with wide arms and a big evil smile on his face ''Than its much more easy! I was looking for you and look! Fate bring us together!'' confusing Luna for a moment as to why this idiot was even looking for her but she got her answer as he keep going ''I wouldnt ask you to join my crew but, what do you say?! Do you wanna become my woman?! Zehahaha!''

''Huh?'' Luna asked as she blink a couple of times with a tilted head as others were also the same with her except Sanji and Luffy, which Sanji was fuming with anger as he was yelling on the back ground while Luffy was standing besides Luna, looking blank until now but frowned when he heard what he said

''What are you talking about? Did you lost your mind?'' Luna asked but she couldnt help herself to her eyes also slide to the man who declared himself 'Champion' and look at him with a neutral face for a moment as he was also looking same. It was just a moment but they looked like they talked a lot of things but Luna turned back to the Captain as she looked like she didnt even recognized the Champion man as the Champion just smirk wildly, but neither of them didnt say anything, causing Robin to frown for a moment and look at that man as she caught that moment between them.

''Zehahaha! As blunt as always! You are too valuable give to the government! So, what do you say?! With my powers and your knowledge, we would be unstoppable!'' With his evil smile on his face, looking at her and waiting for to say yes but he wouldnt care if she didnt either since he was looking for her and trying to get contact with her from the moment he saw her on the Moby Dick.

''No, its too disgusting.'' Luna said as a matter of fact, not even thinking for a moment

''Who is he?'' Luffy asked as he stand besides Luna, not taking his eyes from the man even for a second as he was looking at him with an unreadable face

''He is..-'' Luna was saying but before she could even continue all of them, inculuding the ones on the raft, noticed that the water around them was slowly bubbling and rising up and the Merry was sitting right on top as the water was continuing to go up, looking like it could blow up any moment now

''Hold on to something or go inside!'' Sanji yell out as they all start to run around to deck to hold on something, except Luffy and Luna, who's still looking at the man while Usopp was yelling ''The sea is going to blow upward!''

Just before seconds earlier they blown up ''I hope your pathetic ship break down to its pieces and you sank deep under the ocean and die, Teach!'' Luna said with a big smile as she waved her hand, clearly saying farewell, causing everyone of them, except Robin, to blink for a moment as Luffy suddenly turned to look at Luna with a frowned face as he remembered that name like the rest of the crew but just then, the water finally eruped, sending a powerful stream of pressurized water straight up to the sky.

With the giant pillar of water that shook them all, the ship sent flying right up as they all hold on for dear of life. After they realize that they were sailing up a huge pillar of water

''This is amazing!'' Chopper yelled out in exciment as he was holding onto the mast

''How are we doing this?!'' Usopp yelled out in shocked face while Chopper yelling happily that they were going to sky island

''Wait a second! Its not as easy as you think!'' Sanji yelled out, getting their attention ''The hull is starting to float and if this goes on much longer, we will be fall back down to the ocean!'' he said as the front of the ship began to rise into the air

''E-even if you say so!'' Usopp scream out, holding Luna's back now as he was hugging to her waist for dear of life ''But what do we do! Its hard enough to just hold on!''

''Ahhh! Whats that!'' Chopper suddenly yelled out as he was also now hugging Luna's head from her back, holding onto for dear of life too as they saw that the sea king before fell from the sky and past them all and Sanji point out that they will ended up like it if they dont do anything

''We know but no point to talk like that! The ship is ascending from the power of the explosion, so now with our own strengt...'' Zoro called out as he and Robin were standing calmly on the wall of the cabin, causing Usopp to lost completely

''This is a disaster after al! Waahh! There are a lot of different things falling down! Other victims of the Knock Up Stream!'' as he just hug Luna more while crying

''If we fall down at this height, we will be smashed to bits'' Robin said calmly, causing Chopper to freak out as he also hold on more around Luna's head, causing her to lose her sight as he was covering her eyes now

''Why are you guys holding onto me?! I cant see!'' Luna yelled out as she was holding the railing with her one hand while carrying other three around her as she was also trying to stand steady

''Its because you can fly!'' Usopp, Chopper and Nami yelled out with a freaked out faces, thinking that if they would fall, Luna would fly them up, causing Luna to sweatdrop while Luffy was laughing at them

Nami suddenly look at her back ''Wind.'' she said lowly while she was holding Luna's arm as a voice come to her ears ''However, its up to navigator's skill if everyone lives or dies.'' before she made a determined face and yelled out ''Set down the sail! Hurry!'' causing them to look at her in confuse before she continue ''This is sea! Its a sea current that is flowing vertically up! Coming from below, there are water vapors coming from the explosion! Its an up drift'' After she explained she smiled big ''If our opponents are the wind and sea, we will sail on! After all, who is this ship's navigator?!''

Everyone of them broke into smiles ''It's Nami-swan of course!'' Sanji yelled out with hearted eyes before he yell at Luffy and Zoro ''Ohh bastards! Do what Nami-swan just said!'' as they were able to spread the sail, with Nami's directions they were able to catch the wind in no time

The haul continued to rise higher and higher and finally, whole ship lifted up as the Merry start to fly

''We're flying!'' Luffy screamed joyfully, punching the air

''We made it!'' Usopp croacked out, his eyes bulging out of his head as everyone was cheering and looking up at the sky while enjoying the ride

''As long as the wind keeps up, we an sail as high as we want!'' Nami said with a huge smile on her face

''I wonder whats on top of there! It will be great adventure! To the Sky Island!'' Luffy yelled out with a big smile on his face as he was holding Merry's head when the ship went bursting through the clouds.