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Adventure on the Sky and the Disappearing Flames II

They all look at the dancing Satori, who's on top of the ball and hopping on it. Luna suddenly raised her arm as she was standing beside the three of them and point a finger towards where Satori is, confusing them for a moment. She then tilted her hand, making look like a pistol as Satori was looking interested ''Tobu Shigan'' Luna said calmly just the moment a sharp compressed air shock wave burst from her finger and even a faint pistol voice could hear that moment

''Hoo~~ Interesting!'' Satori said with a big stupid smile on his face as he jumped to another ball as the air bullet hit the ball Satori was on and causing another kind of snake to popped out of it but Luna kept fire her air bullets. She aimed at the balls and Satori himself but he just dodged and keep jump to another ball one after another instead of coming down as Luna wanted

Luna hummed for a moment as she finally hold down her arm. She knew even though this guy was some kind of stupid, his haki was stronger than her, but on the other hand, he was much easier to lose control of it because of his confident and childish personality.

''What was that?'' Usopp asked while he was blinking in surprise, that was looked like Luna was shooting a pistol, even though she hadn't one

''Flying Finger Gun, one of the six powers...'' Luna said slowly as she was observing Satori, causing the three of them to made confused faces

''Six powers?'' Luffy asked with an interested, looking curious but Luna slightly frown as she didn't look away from Satori

''I will explain later,'' she said again, thinking that Enel was probably listening to them now and it wasn't good time to talk things like this anyway and like confirming Luna's thoughts

''Ho, ho hoooo! Come on! If you don't move fast, the boat will be gone~~'' Satori said, dancing on the ball again, looking too damn happy

''Hey, if we don't get back the boat back..'' Usopp suddenly yelled out before he started to run ''If it's really gone in this huge forest, it'll be very difficult to locate it!!''

''Wait, Usopp!!'' Sanji call after the running Usopp ''If we don't stick together, the result will be the same!!''

''Go with him, Sanji'' Luna said as she look at him, causing him to look at her and Luffy, only to see that Luffy was grinning while knuckling of his hands before he made fists, making very clear his intentions

''Don't fool around and get Luna-cwan hurt, Luffy!!'' Sanji yell at him as he run after Usopp, causing Luna to sweatdrop

''Oh!! Don't worry!!'' Luffy said with a smile before he jumped on some tree branch while spinning his arm, reading for a punch

''Luffy, wait! He can pre-'' Luna was shouting at him with a worried face but she just cut herself while a blank look replaced her worried look ''Who am I even trying to talk to...'' She said lowly with a monotone voice as she blankly stared at Satori grab a hold of Luffy's stretched arm as he dodged his punch and start to swing him around before he slammed Luffy right through a thick tree

''Don't panic, take it nice and slow~~'' Satori said with a stupid laugh of his while Luffy was trying to pull his head out of the tree trunk before Satori suddenly went floating away on his ball, obviously going after the ones who are going after the boat

''Are you ignoring me?!'' Luna yelled after him as she starts to run after him too

Luffy on the other hand, after several minutes later, was finally able to pull his head out and start to run after Satori too.

''Usopp!'' Luna called out with a surprise, seeing that Usopp was falling from a high tree. Just Luna caught Usopp before he hit the ground which he was going through another trauma, they heard Luffy's yellings

''You bastard!'' as he went running along the tree branches to reach him before sending a 'Gum Gum Gatling Gun' right at Satori

''Luffy, stop!! Don't hit those balls!!'' Sanji scream out in panic

''Oh, great...'' Luna mumbled as she dropped Usopp back on his feet. Luffy also noticed what's going on the moment Satori start to dodge his punched but it was too late for Luffy to stop his move and all the Surprise Clouds around them start to fly every possible way. All of them are forced to run around from the balls they don't even know what's going to pop out.

There were a lot of things popped out of them, like spears, giant crabs, fire, and Usopp was even become a punching box for four singing birds. Luffy was getting through a series of acrobatics while trying to avoid drowning and being eaten by a big sky fish which he was gone there in the first place because he was got on fire from one of the balls. He was then forced to start swinging around on vines and soon his fear that coming from being eaten and drowning turned to laughter as he let out a loud jungle call

''Let it go, you idiot!!'' Sanji scream out at him, looking like he was about to explode from shock and anger

Usopp on the other hand, got an idea from it ''Ahh!! I remembered!!'' As he was holding a small hammer in his hand that he used to hit the birds while looking at Luffy ''I still have that trick! Time for me to use that!!'' Before he declared ''My new invention, Usopp AAaaaAAAaaAA!!!'' a special belt that he made that could fire a grappling hook for him to swing from tree to tree with it.

Sanji and Luna, who's eating a crab's leg she roasted with her flames a little, watch Usopp as he was able to hook onto a tree and went swinging over to the little boat, Crow. For a moment Sanji and Luna smile proudly at him, thinking he was going to make it for sure while even Satori was looking surprised but, as Usopp got so close to the Crow, he noticed that he forgot to put in a way to detach the rope and missed the boat as he swings back to the forest with a miserable jungle call while Luffy was still happily swinging around with a loud jungle call, causing Sanji to lost every bit of his temper

''I need to tell you two somethings'' Sanji said, grinding his teeth with veins popped out on is face while Luna was blankly watching Usopp, who's trying to catch a tree branch but fail pitifully as she took a bite from crab's leg

''Remember it, I will forgive you for earlier'' Sanji said as he puffs a cloud of smoke from his cigarette to Luffy and Usopp, who's got beaten up by Sanji pretty bad. After they said sorry to him, ''Now then, forget about the boat for now...lets all...''

Before Sanji could even finish his sentence, Satori suddenly appeared out of nowhere and was about to hit him with his Impact Dial but just he was appeared in front of him and extend his arm, Luna also suddenly appeared the side of him with her unsheathed katana since she was waiting for a chance like this

''No..!!!'' Satori yelled out in panic, even though he knew what's going to happen, it was too late for him to run away now and in a matter of second, Luna cut off Satoris's arm that was extended to Sanji before he could hit his Impact as she coldly asked ''And what were you trying to do just now?'' not that she was waiting for any answer though

''Ahhhh!!!!'' Satori yelled out in agony as he run backward, holding his half arm that blood was pouring nonstop. Now, there was no smile on his face but pain as he lost all of his calmness while the three of them were looking startled for a moment to what happened so suddenly before they come back with Luna's voice

''Give it up, ball man.'' Luna said calmly as she look at Satori while sheathing her katana back ''Now that you lost all of your calmness and concentration, you cant use your haki to predict our movements and obviously,'' as she glance at the half arm on the ground and bent down to take it ''You can't use this anymore too.'' She pull out the Impact Dial from his glove and look at it for a second as she throw away his arm like its nothing ''Without them, you have nothing but these stupid Surprise Balls'' she calmly said but Satori wasn't hearing her as he was only focusing the pain he felt

Luna suddenly frowned with twitching ears and spin around her with incredible speed, looking at some direction far away for a moment.


On the Sacrificial Altar,

For a while ago, Zoro, Robin, and Nami was left to discover the forest, leaving Chopper alone on the Merry and told him to repair her since Chopper was actually scared to go there, thinking it would be dangerous.

Nami wasn't thinking to go at first but the words of the 'treasure of the God' were still echoing in her ears and with Robin saying that maybe they would find some gems or something, her eyes turned into berry signs in a matter of seconds and she was decided to go with them while Robin was also excited to discover some historical ruins might be there and Zoro was excited he might meet the God, even though he didn't believe he was a real God.

After a while later their gone, much to Chopper's shock, he was noticed that he is the one in most danger since he was now alone and without waiting, he took the whistle and hang around his neck, feeling much safer with it

''Good thing I still have this!'' Chopper said to himself with a relaxed happy face as he walk to the side of the ship to look at the forest before he began to fix the Merry ''The knight of the sky will save me...Oh, that's...-'' Just at that moment, a big scary bird and a scary man on in suddenly appeared in front of him

''What? You're the only sacrifice to kill?'' The man asked in menace tone just Chopper blow the whistle, using every air in his lungs with a terrified face, calling the knight of the sky.


While Luna was looking far away to the distance, Usopp saw what happened as a change and was gone to stop the Crow ''You have done it now! In this country, if you are not judged by a priest, you become a first-class criminal!!'' Satori yelled out in agony, not that Luna was listening to him though ''Do you understand what you have done?! This is the same as declaring war to the Almighty God Enel!!''

''Shut your mouth.'' Sanji said, looking calm now since Luna was said Satori cant use his annoying attacks anymore or predict their movements now ''It was you who's keep talking about trial even though we are completely innocent.'' as he lit a new cigarette ''I don't care that we have to go through this damn trials because there are two helpless ladies awaiting my rescue'' he let a puff from his smoke before he declared ''This is a trial of love!''

Satori then tried to run away since he was now hurt and they were all fine but being lost all of his control over his mantra with the pain he was feeling, Luffy caught of him easily ''Damn!! Let go of me!! You're really despicable!! This is a two on one and the one is hurt!!'' as he desperately tried to run

''Kidnapping our friends, making the cute angel cry, and then try to kill her!'' Sanji yelled, looking angry ''You are in no place to call us despicable!!''

''Yeah, that's right!!'' Luffy said from Satori's back as he was holding him on the place with a smile on his face ''Its really cool that you can predict our movements but you can't use it anymore, right? and if you cant avoid it, there is no point either!'' smirking sheepishly as Satori got terrified more

Sanji glance at Luna for a moment, who's still looking at far away with a frown and confused look, wondering where Luna was looking at as she was standing her back against this ball man, so not waiting for any more than this since it was clear that something was wrong, Sanji suddenly start his speech before he made his move

''You know, if you want to cook using pepper, the most important thing is to brutally, swiftly and completely divide the pepper'' before he jumped into the air, towards to Satori ''That way, the amazing flavor will be released swiftly into the powders!!'' as he start to flipping over rapidly and gain speed when he fell down, he brought the heel of his foot down on Satori's head ''Concassé!'' shattering his glasses and causing a few teeth to pop out of his head as he screamed out before he lost his conscious, falling down flat to the ground with his bleeding arm and most surely cracked head.

''Luna,'' Luffy called out her name, bringing her back to there ''What's wrong?'' as he look at her with a frown. It wasn't like Luna would just turn her back to an enemy in the middle of a fight, even though there wasn't left much

''Whistle...'' Luna said thoughtfully, trying to remember what was happened here but she couldn't remember much about no matter what

''Whistle?'' Luffy asked with a confuse as Luna turn to him with a slight worry

''Someone blew the whistle'' causing Sanji to freak out in an instant as he yelled out Nami's name to the heavens

''Where is Usopp?!'' Sanji asked, looking around furiously, thinking there is no time to play around anymore

''It could also be our cute Chopper who blew it!!'' As she slapped Sanji from the back of his head before she let a sigh ''Anyway, something must have happened there and Usopp probably went after the boat long ago'' as she start to examine the dial in her hand

''Is that the thing he hit us?'' Luffy asked as Sanji also looking much calmer now while also looking at the dial in Luna's hand

''Yeah,'' Luna slowly said before she explain ''He was calling impact so this must be the Impact Dial that Pagaya and Conis talked about.'' She then, placed her hand that holds the dial on one of the trees ''They said that it can absorb the attacks and released the stored energy back and Satori was saying it causes damage directly inside the body.'' she pressed the Dial then, causing the tree to explode from the inside out while causing a slight backlash on Luna as her hand pushed back

''So that's what he hit us with...'' Sanji said as he look at the tree with a frown on his face, remembering the pain he felt while Luffy was looking interested

''Yeah,'' Luna said slowly and lowly ''Its effects looks similar to advance form of Armament haki, yet it's just a little device...'' as she was looking at the dial with a thoughtful look on her face. Even though it was similar it was still hurting the user and there must be a limit for it.

''Armament haki?'' Luffy asked with hearing this haki thing again and this time it was different from before

Luna let sigh ''Let's talk about this when everyone gathered together. Since they have blown the whistle they probably separated or something and the ball man said all Priests knows Observation haki. They would be wondering too so, explaining to everyone at once is better'' Luna said as she also add in her mind 'and Enel surely listening to us now since one of his Priests got defeated...'

She completely forgot that there were more people who know haki here and she was originally planning to make this talk after Water 7 since that was the time they would all come up with new techniques as she remembered. But well, she shrugged mentally as she thought that it doesn't matter in the end.

''You mean that Nami-swan and Robin-san might be suffering in the hands of one of those bastards?!!!'' Sanji suddenly yelled out to somewhere with a horror-filled look on his face ''We have to go immediately!!'' causing Luna to sweatdrop for a moment, she didn't think these priests would be much of problem for Robin considering her powers but she was worried about Chopper and Nami too. Just then, they finally heard Usopp's voice and start to move towards the little boat.


They were sailing on Milky Road once again. They have left the forest and had entered a rich, grassy field that human skulls set up on stakes all around them.

''Where are we now?'' Luffy asked as he was looking around, shielding his eyes from the sun

''This must be the place for the next trial'' Luna said as she now took over the wheel

''Which means there will be more priests, we should be careful'' Sanji said after Luna, exhaling smoke from his cigarette as he look around too

''Huh...'' Usopp gave a shaky sigh ''They aren't satisfied with one trial? Is it string, iron or swamp?'' while he was also looking around

''It's just an average looking plain'' Luffy said casually

''It's not average!! Look carefully!!'' Usopp cried out, opening his arms wide to show around ''Those are human skulls on those poles!!'' causing Luffy to look over the edge and saw that he was right as they passed the skulls

''Ah, it's true..'' Luffy said as he was looking over just the moment some noises start to come ''Eh? Something's coming!!'' Luffy said as all of them look where the noises were coming. Suddenly, several figures came bursting out and flying over them with their skates. The one, who's carrying a large bazooka, notice them instantly and when they flew overhead them, he flipped upside down and sent a cannonball at them, which Luffy immediately use 'Gum Gum Balloon' and bounce it back

They all look at the four men as the four of them were now landed on the treetops while staring at them.

''Hey! What's your problem!? Do you want to fight?!'' Luffy scream at the man with bazooka angrily

''Ah!'' Luna made a voice like she remembered something ''You are the man who attacked us when we came here the first time!!'' As she stood beside Luffy and point a finger at him, looking also angry ''What's your problem?! Attacking at people out of nowhere!! Are you nuts?!'' as she look at the man, who face was clear now without a mask on it. Half of his face was also covered with similar tribal tattoos like his arm had as he was also smoking a cigarillo

''Giyaaa!!!'' Usopp cried out with tears, holding his head ''Stop it both of you!!!''

The man was looking angry at them too now as he glared at them deadly ''So you are the ones... The citizens of the Blue Sea that caused a racket in Skypiea..'' as he look down at them with cold eyes ''If you don't want to die, go back to Blue Sea. Don't try to do anything weird on this island. Otherwise, I will treat you like Enel and eliminate you too!!'' causing Luna to raise an eyebrow as she look at the man from toe to top

''Bastard! What did you say?!'' Luffy yelled out, clearly wanting to fight as he was looking angry for some reason while Sanji was murmuring to himself, saying that those guys were also God's enemies as Usopp was trying to stop Luffy with tears and beggings

The man glared at them for the last time ''...But then you will need to be strong to leave this island alive.'' Before he and his men disappear

''What's those guys problem?'' Luffy asked with a frown, looking at the direction they got disappeared. He was looking more calm but still angry

''Forget it, let's just move on'' Luna said as she goes back to the wheel and keeps sailing

The Crow was really slow like Conis said it was. They were now sailing for a while now and the sun was starting to go down now while the boys were talking its surprising that there a sunset up there as they were all watching the beautiful sight in front of them. The three of them were also wondering why there were no Priests coming while enjoying the relaxing ride, causing Luna to frown slightly. She was guessing that there was no one coming because they were probably fighting with Shandians they encounter with but she didn't say anything about it in the end.


After a while later, they finally come to someplace after they passed big sky sharks which Luffy took care of all of them. They notice the altar that the Merry was on top of it and over on the shore were Zoro, Nami, and Robin.

Sanji started to yell in an instant ''Ohhh!! Nami-swan!!! Robin-san!!! I'm glad you two are fine!! I have finally passed the trial of love!!!'' with a big happy smile and hearted eyes

''Were you scared?! Well, Captain Usopp is here so you can relax now!!'' Usopp also yelled out with a big smile

''What... trial of love? That was the trial we needed to pass?'' Luffy asked Luna after hearing Sanji

''No, he just imagining things, let him be...'' Luna said coolly before she glance at the Merry. The ship was a mess. She was burnt in several places and the mast was missing.

Once everyone got on the ship, ''What happened here?'' Luna asked, looking around with Usopp as Chopper suddenly ran towards to Luna before leaping up into her arms, sniffling while shaking a little as Luna look at him worriedly while tracing her fingers on his fur. He was fine but still looking like he took damage. His fur was scorched and there were bleeding cuts as he had covered his chest with bandages, looking like he treated his own injuries.

''The mast is gone...'' Usopp said in shock, causing Chopper to look at him

''Ah.. that...'' he started timidly before he broke into cry again ''I'm sorry! That Priest calls himself Shura had lance that lit the mast on fire and I tried to put it out but it wouldn't go out! So I break it off and throw it into the water!'' as he was crying

''Are your wounds okay?'' Usopp asked seriously, startling Chopper for a moment

''Eh? Oh, yeah.'' Chopper said, looking surprised a little as his tears stopped

''A lance that burns stuff? That's one tough opponent!! Good thing the one that got burned wasn't you!!! Hahahaha!!'' Usopp laugh before he also add ''We'll deal with the ship later!''

Seeing Chopper's surprised face ''All that matters that you're okay, Chopper'' Luna said with a warm smile as she patted the little reindeer in her arms ''And your decision was right. If you didn't think fast and break the mast, all the ship could burn down. We cant fix the mast so don't worry, you did good'' causing Chopper to wipe away some tears that were left before he made a determined look and ran to the edge of the ship, climbing upon it

''I will become a truly dependable man!!!'' he declared to the heavens, causing Luna to smile more

''He's growing up, how cute'' she murmured before she turned to look at Usopp, who's looking at the place where the mainmast is supposed to be ''Don't worry, I will help you'' Luna said as she shortly patted Usopp's back. She knew he was sad and she was sure of it when Usopp turn to look at her with happy and sad mixed eyes

''Hey, Chopper!! Stop yelling there!!'' Causing Luna to sweatdrop as she though that why he had to ruin Chopper's emotional moment like this ''Where is that weird old man? He was hurt too, right?'' Luffy asked, causing Chopper to look at him with a gasp as he remembered the knight of the sky.

As they got inside of the cabin, the saw the old man, who's sleeping with wounds that Chopper tended and he start to tell them what happened. After he used the whistle, Gan Fall came just in the nick of time and start to fight with the Priest Shura and his bird. After an even match, Shura used his trial to trap Gan Fall and pierce him with his lance.

After they discussed a little more and decided that to wait for the old man to wake up to ask questions, they also decided to move to the land and make camp there for the night.

Everyone was gathered around, Luffy was complaining he was hungry and bringing things to Sanji to cook it up until the main meal is ready, while Chopper was taking care of the knight of the sky as they were also brought him there, not leaving alone and lay down him carefully. Luna was also looking over Chopper's wounds since he had to tend himself and helping him while Zoro and Usopp were also bringing things to Sanji to made him add to the main meal, which it was stew. Nami, on the other hand, was writing things as Robin was bringing something looked like a big gem but it was actually crystallized salt

After they finally settled down and waiting for the dinner, Usopp set up a chalkboard ''Quiet down now!'' he called out, getting everyone's attention ''It's time to hear everyone's reports!''

''The priest who attacked me the name was Shura and he used a lace that set fire to anything!'' Chopper was the first as he shortly told his story again ''He seemed like he could predict my moves and I tried to attack him but he..'' he trailed off before he add ''He... he dodged me every single time and then the bird he was riding burnt down the mast and the knight of the sky was defeated'' as Luna patted his head with a slight smile as Chopper let a sigh

Sanji was the next as he was preparing the main dinner while also roasting a Sky Shark Luffy brought it ''We ran into this priest named Satori who uses balls with different kinds of things insides like spears, explosives and goes on. He was also predicting our moves as he was calling it Mantra but after Luna-cwan attacked him with surprise, he lost control of it and afterward was easy to deal with..'' he explained shortly

''Yeah, and he was using this dial called impact dial..'' Usopp add after him as he also explained the dial to the rest. Luna already gave it to him and he was examined on the way a lot since it was a long way

''Well, we already explained. After we left the ship and Chopper, we found out that this island was the part of the Jaya, and the City of the Gold didn't sink the ocean but it was shot up into the sky. We think that it's because of the Knock Up Stream.'' Nami said from beside Robin. They were discussing how it was possible until now and in the end, they both come to the conclusion that it was the Knock Up Stream and Luna was also agreed with them. When they were first heard about this, they were all so excited

After Usopp finished writing everything down on the board ''Alright! Now based on everything we gathered, we learned that the priests can predict our movements with the power they call Mantra. There is also a bird blows flames and the lance burns you and they are probably using a different kind of dials to fight but most importantly we learn this,'' as he jabbed at the board with a stick ''The City of Gold is not under the sea but is hidden somewhere on this very island!''

''Wow, really!?!'' Luffy yelled out in shock at what Usopp said, causing Nami to snap at him while saying that it was the first thing she told about

''See, I told you there would be a treasure here'' Luna said with a smile on her face as she look at Nami, who's in her world after she heard Luna

''The City of Gold...yeah, it's truly a treasure of the God..'' as she start to murmur with a dreamy look and berry sign eyes

Luffy's eyes were also shining ''Gold, huh? I've been waiting for an adventure like this!'' he said with an excited grin as everyone agreed with him somehow

''Yeap, if you're interested, things shall go smoothly'' Nami said with a big smile as she winked, looking so happy and can't wait to get her hands on the golds

''Hey Luffy, did you forget that man's warning?'' Usopp asked as he thought about the encounter they lived back there on the milky road, looking so terrified

''The God will be angry?'' Chopper asked, looking so nervous

''Fufufu, sounds interesting'' Robin said with a giggle as she was sounding excited for a chance to look at this ancient city with her own eyes

''Nonetheless, with treasure up for grab, pirates won't stay silent, right?'' Sanji said, letting a puff from his smoke as he was smiling

''There is no lack of enemies to fight too. This is a game of survival!'' Zoro said with an excited smirk as he was leaning over a tree while laying relaxingly

''Game of survival and a treasure hunt, sounds like its gonna be the best holiday!'' Luna said with a big smile on her face too

They were all smiling except Usopp and Chopper, who's scaring the wrath of the God and Luffy stood up with an excited, shiny, big smile ''It's decided then!! We'll go and find gold!!!'' he declared loudly

After the excite died down a little, ''This mantra thing looks trouble though'' Zoro said, he still had a smirk on his face though, excited about the tough enemies

''Predict their moves...'' Robin said thoughtfully before she look at Luna ''Mantra, is this how they call it here?''

''Yeah..'' Luna said as she was eating some meat from Sky Shark ''It sounds weird to me'' she said nonchalantly

''Hm? Robin-san, you know this Observation haki thing Luna-cwan talk about too?'' Sanji asked as he was giving the rest of the Sky Shark to Luffy

''Yes,'' Robin said, while others were questioning 'Observation haki?' ''I saw a couple of people who were using haki when I was traveling with Luna in the New World, she explained it to me at that time'' Robin explained casually

''You were in the New World too, Robin?'' Nami asked as she blinked with surprise

''Well, we go through the Calm Belt and go to the New World before we get through the Red Line to get in the Paradise.'' Robin calmly said as everyone was blinking blankly to what she just said

''It sounds a long trip...'' Usopp said thoughtfully ''Why didn't you two just use the Reverse Mountain anyway?''

Luna let a sigh ''I have newly announced princess at those times and there were a lot of eyes on me, so I couldn't use the route mostly outlaws were using with a wanted person with me.'' Luna casually said, causing Nami to think that how they get through the Red Line then but before she could even ask about it

''So whats this haki thing?'' Luffy suddenly asked, he was wondering for a while and was waited until now since Luna told him to wait ''You said you will explain once we all together'' looking so curious

''Yeah, I was planning to talk this about you and start your haki training before we get in the New World, I think it's a good time to explain it now..'' Luna said with a thoughtful look, causing Usopp to blink

''Haki training? We can learn it too?!'' Looking so shocked as he asked, causing Luna to blink this time

''Of course, all living beings in the world are capable of learning Haki, however, most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it.'' Luna said casually before she went on ''Haki is not much of known in the four blues or not common in the Paradise but it's very common in the New World'' causing Usopp's eyes to widen

''Wait!! Are you saying that there is a lot of people who can use this?!'' looking terrified as he was thinking that they would be doomed

''I told you everyone can learn it so, of course.'' Luna said as a matter of fact as she kept going on her explanation of Haki ''About what it is, Haki is a power that lies dormant in all the world's creatures. It's not that different from typical senses, however, like I said most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it. Well, you can say that its a mysterious power that allows the user to utilize their own spiritual energy for various purposes.'' as she took a bite from her meat. Everyone except Robin, who already knows about it was listening carefully, even Zoro, who's usually closed his eyes were wide open and intensely listening and Luffy was even stopped eating while also listening intensely

''There are mainly two types of Haki that anyone, given the right training could achieve. The first one is called Observation Haki, the thing that Sky People called Mantra.'' as everyone was now looking curious since they were encountered with this one ''It grants users a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive abilities. Users of this Haki can sense people's presence, strength, emotions, and intentions. I heard that some people honing their Observation haki to such degree that they could see a tiny bit into the future and this called the advanced form of it, future sight'' Luna said, causing all of their eyes to widen, except Robin

''Seeing the future?!'' Usopp, Nami, and Chopper yelled out with shock while others were also looking surprised as Nami also add ''How can it be possible to see the future?!''

''Calm down, it's just a few seconds into the future.'' Luna said calmly before she went on ''Well, it's not easy to achieve to that level, it requires a lot of harsh training so, there aren't much of people who can use that level but even if it's just a few seconds, it's surely very useful.'' Luna said as Luffy, Zoro and Sanji agree with her being it would be useful.

''Level...'' Usopp said thoughtfully before he look at Luna ''What about your level? You can also use this Observation haki, right?'' causing the ones who don't know about it to look surprised for a moment

''Hmm, well,'' Luna made a thoughtful face for a moment ''I know the basics... I can sense the attacks and only predict clearly if I fully focus, and feel presences in my range which it's not very far yet and feel their strength. For example, I could say that Satori's haki was stronger than mine but thankfully he was an idiot and lost his calmness easily.'' causing Usopp to sweatdrop as he thought that 'Everyone would lose it when they suddenly lost their limbs like that.'

''What about losing calmness?'' Zoro asked, looking curious

''Well, if haki users lost their calmness they lost their control over it. Also, haki can't predict random attacks too, so when that happens, they usually tend to lose their concentration and cant use haki for a moment. Another way to fight with Observation users is to be faster than them so that even though they could predict, they can't dodge in time'' Luna explained as Luffy, Sanji and Usopp thought about Satori and understand what Luna was saying immediately

''Anyway, there is much more saying about it but it basically like this, I will explain it more later. The second type of haki is called Armament Haki,'' Luna said as she keep taking a bite from her meat while everyone was still listening carefully

''It allows the user to use their own spiritual energy as armor to defend against attacks, as well as make their own attacks more potent. For example,'' Luna look at Zoro ''If you tried to cut an Armament haki user, you might not be able to cut that person if you also don't use it or your haki is not stronger than that person and you can use it on your swords to make your attacks more powerful'' causing Zoro to grin with excitement

''When two haki users fight, it comes to who has a stronger will or wants to win more, and in that case, the weaker one always takes more damage. There are two important things about Armament haki you need to know'' Luna said as they all look more intensely at her, listening more carefully

''Firstly, haki is something that you can run out of during a fight if you overuse it and it can make you get tired if you use it in a long time'' She said, surprising them but making Zoro to made face like he realized something

''It's similar how you use your sword techniques then,'' He said thoughtfully, thinking all the training they had been doing and what Luna said about what happened on Hawk-Eye's island before he also add ''You also get tired when you use it much''

''Yeah, it's similar...'' Luna said with a nod

''What about the second?'' Chopper asked looking so curious as he was listening with shiny eyes, causing Luna to smile

''The second one is, this type of haki also has the ability to bypass the powers of a Devil Fruit user, whose body has been altered by their fruit in any way'' she said causing everyone's eyes to widen, again except Robin

''Wait, what do you mean bypass their powers?'' Nami asked, looking confused for a moment

''Hmm... For example, Luffy is a rubber man and punching him doesn't actually hurt him, right?'' she asked as they nod their heads ''If you were to cover your fist with Armament haki and then hit him, he would felt the pain like a normal human and it's like this with every one of the Devil Fruit users. Even the logia ones that you cant usually touch, you can touch them with it.'' Luna said while they were all looking like they were trying to sink what they just heard as Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji had a certain glint in their eyes. Luffy also thought about his Grandfather's punches for a moment as he realized that he must be using this on him all that time.

''Wow... It is really very useful against Devil Fruit users..'' Usopp said in an astonished voice as Luna nod her head before she spoke again

''Yeah, those are the main two that everyone could awaken'' She said, causing Luffy to look at her with confuse

''Main two?'' he asked, causing Luna to nod her head ''Then there is more?'' Luffy asked again, causing Luna to smile in a mischievous way

''There is one more that only a certain group of people could awaken'' Causing them to looked surprised as she went on ''Its an extremely rare type of Haki that only one in several million people could awaken it. Its called Conqueror's Haki.''

''One in several million?!'' Nami asked in shock as Luna nodded her head she asked again ''What does it even do?'' thinking it should be something awesome since it was so rare while everyone was also looking very curiously, thinking similar with Nami

''It grants the user the ability to overpower the will of others,'' Luna said, causing them to look blankly for a moment

''That's it?'' Nami asked, clearly disappointed after hearing the others, which they were much more amazing in her opinion

Luna however gasped at their reaction ''That's it?! It's a power that is considered an extremely dangerous threat and a highly valuable asset by powerful groups such as the Marine Admirals and the Four Emperors!'' Can't believe they just shrug it off like that

While everyone was looking confused ''Luna, you explained very simply, you should elaborate it.'' Robin calmly said before she also add ''I don't think anyone could understand from just this much.''

Luna gasp at this again ''It's my fault?!'' causing Robin to nod casually while Luna was sweatdropping, she felt like an unsuccessful teacher for a brief of the moment ''T-that's right'' As she cleared her throat before she continue ''When usually someone who has this haki uses it, they can make a group of people just pass out from their presence and from outside it looks like they're doing it with just one look, although those who have strong wills can resist the effects of Conqueror's haki...'' she looked thoughtful in the end while everyone else was looking like they were trying to understand it.

It was amazing, making a group of people to pass out with just one look without even needing to fight but it still didn't look as amazing as the other ones as Luna went on

''Conqueror's Haki also can be used to temporarily dominate the psyche of others, intimidating them to point where they are frozen with fear or forcing them to obey the users' commands for a short time. Depending on the will of the victim, they could even suffer a panic attack. They usually use this on sea kings or animals to tame them'' causing their eyes to widen this time as Luna went on

''If I were to explain it with an example, when users of this Haki clash, the pressure generated can split the sky above them in two or the shockwave they create can cause the people around them to fall unconscious and throw them fly away without even touch them, with just the pure energy and in some cases, the clash between them can shake even the island itself,'' Luna explained calmly as they were all looking shocked

''Split the sky above them in two...'' Usopp said with a gulp, looking as white as a ghost

''Shook even the island itself just with their clash...'' Nami said, looking pale

''Just what kind of monsters exist out there?!'' They both yelled out in horror, Sanji on the other hand, was whistling while also controlling the meal if it's ready

''Power like that... No wonder it's rare'' as he lit a new cigarette while others were also agreeing with him, though Nami, Usopp, and Chopper was looking thankful that it was rare

''Yeah, I see what you meant now'' Nami said, causing Luna to made a confused face at first before Nami went on ''If these things are common in the New World, of course, this place would be called Paradise'' as she let a sigh. Luna was about to say something to this but before she could

''When are we going to start training?'' Luffy asked, sounding serious as he got everyone's attention. There was a fire in his eyes, looking like he can't wait for it

''Well, it is not something it would be awakened in a day or something, it could take days or weeks and mastering it can take even months so..'' Luna thought about it for a moment ''Once we get back to the Blue Sea?'' as she look at Luffy, who has a serious look

''I see...'' He mumbled as he made a thoughtful look but there was a determination in his eyes as Zoro and Sanji also had a similar glint in their eyes too.

''Hm?'' Usopp suddenly made a face like he remembered something ''What about Six Powers? That Finger Gun you used, you said it was one of the six powers'' looking so curious, as a sniper it got his interest so much

''Right, that was cool!'' Luffy said with a curious-looking face too, having fire something looked like a bullet without a pistol was cool in the end

''Six Powers?'' Nami asked with a confused face, not understanding what are they talking about

''Oh, right!'' Luna said as she remembered now too ''Well, we had a chance to encounter enemies who can use six powers in the future so it would be good if you know that too..''

''Enemies?'' Sanji asked as he let a puff from his smoke

''Yeah, six powers is basically superhuman martial arts style that mostly marines use'' Luna explained, causing Chopper's eyes to shine with hearing superhuman part while Usopp's eyes got widen

''Marines?!'' thinking that it was really an enemy power then

''Well, there is no such a thing that saying only marines and likes can learn and even if its something they used, not every marine knows it. The ones who know them usually tend to stop using it when they learn haki and only learn and use one or two of them which they see useful'' Luna casually explained, to her, that was making a sense. There was no need to learn all of them in the end

''What are they do?'' Robin asked, she was heard of it but she didn't exactly know about what they were actually doing

''Hmm...One of them is called Soru. It allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. Basically, you become much faster'' Luna said before she took a bite from her meat as they were all listening to her again, even Robin this time

''The second one is called Shigan, that's the only one I learned. It is a close-quarter combat technique, in which the user pushes their finger into a certain target at a very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound.'' causing Usopp to frown for a moment

''But what you did was different...'' as he was thinking back

''Well, all techniques have variations, some can adapt their principles to create their own one or similar techniques.'' Luna explained to Usopp, who's carefully listening before she add ''The one I used is called Tobu Shigan. A projectile version of Shigan that fires sharply compressed air shockwaves from the finger thrust enabling the user to injure someone without getting close. There is a lot of versions of it and one can still create a new version'' causing Usopp to understand as he was thinking about it, this one was really interested him in the end

''By the way, Luffy'' Luna turned to him ''If you ever come across with a person who uses this, just dodge it''

''Huh? Why?'' Luffy asked with a tilted head, looking confused but Nami was very fast to understand

''Of course... because it's not a real bullet, Luffy can't bounce it off'' she said as she realized that these powers were really useful

''Yeah,'' Luna nodded while Luffy was frowning with a thoughtful face as Luna went on

''The third one is, Geppo. It allows the users to actually jump off the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. When I first saw someone use this I was thought that they were flying but I learned that they were actually walking on the air.'' causing their eyes to widen

''Ehhhh!? Walking on the air is possible!!?!'' Chopper asked looking shocked but had stars in his eyes along with Usopp and Luffy

''Yeap but it requires strong legs'' Luna said with a big smile before she turned to Sanji ''Since you're fighting with your legs, you can manage to do it if you train hard, Sanji'' causing Chopper and Usopp to look at Sanji with jealousy now but they were whispering in awe ''He can fly...'' while Sanji was looking excited about it, talking about if he would learn, he could fly and save Nami, Robin and Luna in the future.

Ignoring his pink mode, Luna went on ''Fourth one is Tekkai, it hardens the users' muscles to the level of iron, in order to nullify damage taken from attacks but it can be broken by strong enough forces and the user cant move when they use this'' Luna said before she waved her hand dismissively ''In my opinion, learning Armament haki is much more useful than this'' causing them to think about it for a moment

''I see'' Zoro said, looking thoughtful as he was thinking over what Luna said ''Even if the muscles got hard, they cant move but with Armament haki, they can both got harden and move, right?'' he asked since Luna was said that he cant cut an Armament user it meant they would get harden and she was said that it could be used as an armor

''Right,'' Luna nod as the rest of them also understand what they meant as she keep going ''Fifth one is called, Rankyaku. It is a powerful projectile technique, in which the users start by kicking at very high speeds and strength, sending out a sharp compressed air blade or sickle wind that can slice objects and greatly damage a human body.'' Luna said before she turned to Zoro ''It's like Flying Slashes but the ones master with this can do it without a sword'' causing Zoro to grin

''Wow...'' Usopp breathed with amazement ''Bullets without a pistol or slashes without swords... There is a lot of mysterious things..'' as all of them nodded at this with an agreement, even Luna

''Yeah,'' Luna also let a sigh with a smile ''But these things are not easy to learn, one really needs a hard training''

''What about the sixth one?'' Nami asked as she look at Luna

''Oh, the sixth one is Kami-e. It makes the users' body extraordinarily flexible in order to avoid any attacks, float, and bending their bodies like a piece of paper.'' Luna said nonchalantly as Nami made a weird face

''It sounds weird.'' With a deadpan voice

''Well, its useful avoid the attacks and all but if one were to learn Observation haki, they wouldn't need this one'' Luna said with a shrug as they all agree with her with nods while also understanding why people tend to stop using it and learn one or two of them. With haki, one doesn't need to learn every one of them

''I also heard there is a seventh one.'' Luna add, looking thoughtful as she was looking at far away for a moment ''Rumors says that there is this one person in the government that he mastered all of the six powers and actually managed access to the secret seventh one.''

''Mastering all the six...'' Usopp murmured with big eyes before he ask ''What's the seventh one though?''

''I don't know either'' Luna said with a shrug. She didn't remember what was that and she wasn't interested to learn about it in this life of hers before ''I just heard that it surpasses the other six'' causing all of them to think what it is ''Well, it's basically like this, when we start training I will explain more'' Luna said with a big smile

''Right, first we had to find the gold!'' Nami declared with berry eyes

''Do we know where is the City of Gold or are we going to split up and search?'' Luna asked Nami, wondering how are they going to do

''Ah, that!'' Nami said as she remembered now and gone to take the things she was preparing until now while Sanji start to fill the bowls with some stew from the large cooking pot.


When Nami come back, she had her glasses on her as she start to talk ''Alright everyone! Its time to make a battle plan for tomorrow!'' getting everyone's attention ''Firstly, let's review the contents of Norland's picture book. He first discovered the City of Gold four hundred years ago, then a few years later, he revisited Jaya but the City of Gold had already vanished without a trace.'' as everyone was listening while eating, well, everyone except Luffy and Sanji, since Sanji was yelling at Luffy something about manners while Luffy was talking about how delicious the meals were.

Choosing to ignore them, Nami went on ''In other words, this island was part of Jaya and in those few years between Norland's visit, it had come up the sky. The best guess we made is because of the Knock Up Stream since the location of the explosion varies every time.''

''With that amount of power, it is possible that even an entire island could have flown up'' Usopp commented as he was taking a second bowl from Sanji

''But we went to the forest in Jaya before and those two forests are too different to had been the same forest'' Zoro said as he was also eating his meal

''That is likely due to the strange substances inside the sea cloud and island cloud. The strange substances seem to abnormally enhance the plants' and animals' growth rate.'' Robin explained as she was also now eating her meal ''Now that I think of it, this theory can justify why the civilization ruins were eaten alive by the forest'' this caused Chopper to talk about the south birds that helped them were also big and Sanji asked why would south birds helped them in the first place which Chopper said that he doesn't know but the birds were calling the knight of the sky as 'God'

''God?!'' Luffy asked in shock before he points at to his back, where the old man knight was sleeping ''So then, I just have to beat up that old man?!'' he asked, causing Usopp to yell at him that it's not while Luna was looking at the old man while humming thoughtfully

''Anyways,'' Nami bring them back to the matter they were on ''Let's think back on the information on City of Gold that we read in Norland's diary''

''Oh, we saw gold!!'' Luffy said with a big excited smile, causing Usopp to yell at him again, saying its not it while Sanji was saying something about the Golden Bell

''In the skull's right eye, gold is seen'' Luna tried her chance this time as she was eating her meal

''That's it!'' Nami declared with a big smile before she pull off two maps and combined them together. Apparently one of them was the map of Jaya and the other one was the ancient map of Skypiea ''Look!! This is the Jaya 400 years ago!!'' Nami state with an excited smile as everyone look at the map Nami put it together

''Oh!! It looks like a skull!!!'' Luffy beamed as he look at the map before a silence fall on them for a moment, realizing what this means

''Amazing!!'' Usopp yelled out, breaking the silence ''So then 'the skull's right eye' is..'' looking at the map with a shocked face

''This place!'' Nami show point the skull's right eye on the map ''Norland made riddle using the shape of the entire island. However, the island was split in half so it was impossible to solve the riddle'' causing everyone to make an understanding face as their eyes were starting to shine

''We'll just go straight to this point tomorrow,'' Nami said as she pointed the right eye on the map ''But we can't just leave the ship here, so we'll split up into two groups.'' Nami then look up at them with a bright smile, looking so proud of herself ''There is no doubt about it!! In this place, there are great treasures waiting for us!!''

After they finished their meals while talking about their plans excitedly, they decided to make a big bonfire. Nami was yelling at Luffy, Luna, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji about it since all of them were in but Nami was angry, saying that they were in the forest with dangerous animals while Robin was saying that they would make clear where they are to their enemies but Luna reminded them that this was a holiday and they should have a big fire while Luffy was on party mode.

In the end, they made a big bonfire as some large pack of Cloud Wolves also appeared and after some harsh words later, with Chopper help them to translate, Nami hit the leader of the pack and it ended up friendly somehow so, with the pack of wolf also joining them, they made a big party. They were dancing with the wolves, singing, drinking and laughing around the fire while yelling gold and this was a festival before they found the gold.


In the middle of the night, while everyone was sleeping Usopp was gone to make a release to nature. Firstly, he was going to wake up Zoro but seeing that Luna was going somewhere, he thought that if something happens he would scream out and Luna would come to save him in the end.

After he was done with his business ''I wonder where Luna was going...'' Usopp murmured to himself before he start to hear some noises and go there.

As he got close to the ship, he noticed that it was the sounds of hammering and for a brief of the moment, he wondered if Luna was repairing the ship and being the fog is really thick he decided to got close but once he got close, he saw Luna on the shore, close to the edge and was looking at Merry.

Once he got besides of Luna, which he was shaking all over since if Luna was here, who was on the ship and he look at Luna, who had tears falling down from her eyes as she was looking at Merry with an unreadable face

''Luna?'' Usopp asked with a frowned face as he touched her shoulder, causing Luna's head to snap at him as she yelled out

''Kyaaaaa!!!!'' causing also Usopp to yelled out with shock and fear

''Giyaaaa!!!!'' both of them yelled out as they were facing with each other with arms in the air

''What the hell are you doing you, idiot?!'' Luna yell at him as she punched him on the head ''You scare the hell out of me!!''

''What the hell?!! You're the one who scared me!!!'' Usopp also yell at her, looking close to tears ''Weren't you supposed have Observation haki?! How could you not know I was here?!!'' blaming Luna as much as he can

''I'm not using it all the damn time!!'' Luna yell at him as she was trying to control her breath

''What are you doing here? You were crying and..'' Usopp started his questions before he suddenly shudders and hide behind Luna ''Who's there?'' startling Luna with his question

''I guess its...'' Luna said as she suddenly looked somber now ''Its Merry.'' as she look straight to the Merry

Usopp blinked to what Luna said ''What are you talking about? I'm asking who's there on Merry?''

''I'm saying, there is no one. It's Merry.'' Luna said not taking her eyes from there ''Look carefully'' she said lowly as Usopp tried to look more carefully to where the voices were coming

There, in the thick fog, there was someone who was looking like a little human or a child, wearing a sailor's raincoat and pair of shoes with a small wooden looking hammer in the hand and even that child looking person there had no face, it had a big smile

Usopp's eyes widen, shaking terribly but remembering Luna's words ''Merry? Wha...How..?'' unable to speak

''Its a Klabautermann'' Luna said lowly, still not taking her eyes away from the Merry

''A what?'' Usopp also asked lowly, not wanting to be heard

Luna gulped down a little, feeling so heavy for a moment but she talked ''It should be a legend... It is said to be a water spirit that dwells on ships and is basically an incarnation of a ship that has been well cared for.'' as Usopp was listening to her while he was also looking at Merry, big, widen eyes

''Merry is alive?!'' Usopp asked, getting beside her, not hiding anymore and had shiny eyes. Completely believing Luna and actually excited that their ship has a spirit like this

''Usopp.'' Luna said with a serious voice, causing him to turn to look at her, only to see that she had really sad eyes, making his smile to fade ''A Klabautermann is a merry and diligent creature that is said to warn sailors when a ship's in danger and help in bigger ways sometimes. They are normally considered to be only a legend among seafarers'' Luna went on with a low voice, causing Usopp to frown with a serious face

''Wait.'' as he seriously said ''What are you-'' before he continues, he stopped and turn to look at Merry with the childish laugh voice he heard

''It's alright.'' The childish voice said with a laugh ''I will carry all of you for a little while longer.'' before it turned to keep hammering, shocking Usopp as tears already start to fall down uncontrollably

Luna look at Usopp for a moment, who's trying to talk to the spirit of Merry, who's not answering or saying anything anymore except keep hammering. She was wake up with the hammering sound and come here to see what's going on, only to saw a child looking something besides Merry. It wasn't said anything to her and she wasn't there for long until Usopp comes but she knew she was shedding tears.

She knew Merry had a soul and knowing this, she always tried to help Usopp when he was trying to fix Merry but she never thought she would be able to see the Merry like this. It was the first time she saw something like this, a ship that it comes to alive and manifested itself like this. She got shivers all over herself with seeing it and she was unable to do anything as her tears started to fell down. Even if she knew all along, it hit her the moment she saw it that the Merry, in the end, was their friend and she was dying.

''We just have to fix her, right?'' Luna came back with Usopp's question but she only look at his hopeful face as another tear fall down from her eyes.


In the morning, all of the Strawhats were looking at Luna and Usopp weirdly. They were looking so lifeless as they were standing beside each other. When they woke up, both of them were not there and come only before they were about to leave and go back to the ship.

''What happened to you two?'' Zoro asked as he look at them. They were both looking depressed, almost could see the dark clouds hanging on top of them. Clearly, they weren't sleeping, one look to their faces was enough and Usopp had red puffy eyes, clearly, he was crying a lot and clearly doing this on Luna since she was a mess, totally looking like someone was crying on her, so it was easy to guess that Usopp was crying while hugging to Luna or something.

Luna let a lifeless sigh ''We were up to repair the Merry...'' as she also lifelessly said while Usopp's tears start to fell down silently without saying anything, causing all of them to look at them weirdly again

'Just what happened to them?' was the question all of their minds but Luna changed the subject, saying that they should move now.

When they come back to where the Merry is, they saw that it really had been repaired. It wasn't the best but it was not that bad either and even the mast was put back to its place and every extra board that had been used for the flying mode was also taken off.

''You two really made a work..'' Zoro said as he look around ''Why in the middle of the night though?'' looking at them weirdly

''Shut up and be grateful!'' Usopp said with a frown but he was looking like he was sulking

''Sihihihi!! It looks good!'' Luffy said with a laugh as he was sitting on the railing of the second floor but with Nami calling them, the ship was forgotten as they all gather up

''Alright, look at the map.'' Nami said as she placed the map in front of them and point somewhere on it ''This is the explore team's route, a straight line to the south. In this 'right eye' place, there should be a ruin of some sort. Watch out for enemies and bring the gold back!!''

''You're making it sound easier than it really is...'' Zoro said with a sweatdrop

''Huh?'' Luffy suddenly look at Nami with confusion ''You keep saying gold this and gold that but in the end, you're not going to get the gold yourself?'' he asked looking surprised

''Correct. It's too scary for me'' Nami said, as a matter of fact, shocking Chopper as he was looking at her with his jaw on the floor 'She wants to get gold so badly yet she isn't willing to risk her life for it?! So strange!!!' was his thoughts

Luna hummed for a moment ''I had a feeling taking the gold won't be that easy though...'' as she murmured to herself while Nami kept going, saying that the Merry will be sailing through the island and found ashore close to the ruin and then the teams will meet at the shore to leave the sky island as she finished her plan with a dreamy look and berry signed eyes, saying that after this, they will be known as the rich pirates who can buy anything they want

After they all cheer on this, looking happy and excited, they made two groups. Luffy, Luna, Zoro, Chopper, and Robin would be going to get the gold while Nami, Usopp, and Sanji were staying on the Merry with Gan Fall and Pierre

''Alright!! Let's go!!'' Luffy yelled out with a big happy smile as they all take their bags and lunch boxes with them and move towards to the big forest while the Merry with the Crow attach to the back, start to sail through the Milk Road.


They were walking in the forest for a while now and at the moment, they were having an argument

''Hey!! Where do you think you're going, Luna, Zoro?!!'' Luffy yelled out after them pointing some way ''The south is this way!!'' he after then, let a sigh like he was tired and start to walk towards to the direction he was pointing ''You two have the worst sense of direction...No wonder you guys always get lost''

''Oi, Luffy, Luna!!!'' this time Zoro yelled out, looking at both of them as they were walking to their direction ''Do you guys even listen to other people?! Nami said its 'skull's right eye' so we have to go to the right!!! You idiots!!'' causing Luna to turn to look at him

''What kind of idiot are you?!!'' Luna yelled out too ''Left and right are different depending on which way you're facing!! I know we should go this way! I had this feeling that the South is this way!!'' As she pointed somewhere different from them

''What are you talking about you idiot?! You cant find the directions with feelings like that!!'' Zoro yelled back at her

''You two are sucks!'' Luffy yelled out too ''We have to go to the south which is the direction that feels the warmest!!'' He declared, pointing to the direction he was walking to, which was the direction of the sun was rising up

''..We're going to the South, which in this way,'' Robin said to them, pointing completely different direction as she and Chopper was watching them with sweatdrops up until now, causing three of them to blink with neutral faces as they start to walk towards where Robin was pointing without saying anything, like the moment before didn't even happen

They were walking for a while now, following Robin, who's leading them directly to the South. Luffy was picked up a long stick along the way and was swinging it around, causing Chopper to want one too and start to look for it.

''At first, I was worried that the forest would be a very dangerous place but now I think its really nothing to worry about!'' Chopper said with a cheery voice as he found a stick and start to play it around like Luffy as he thought 'With these four, it feels a lot safer'

''Eh~~ Chopper, you're brave today'' Luffy said playfully as he look at Chopper, who's looking like he's having his day

''Yeap!!'' Chopper said with a big laugh, causing Luna to smile at him with as she was thinking how cute he was looking

''It's a bit depressing actually'' Zoro said as he was looking around ''Yesterday, we didn't encounter anything neither when we entered the forest. Not even a priest that you spoke of..'' sounding actually sad about this ''So I can sort of relating, Chopper''

''Huh? Really?'' Chopper asked before he continued to laugh, clearly, they weren't in the same wave line

''Do you really want something to happen so badly?'' Robin asked as she chuckled a little while looking back at them

''Well, if we walk like this all the way, it wouldn't be exciting at all...'' Luna said but suddenly she stopped ''Hm?'' looking around while blinking and confused face

''What?'' Luffy asked as he saw Luna had stopped and looked around

''There is something here'' Luna said but she was too damn confused ''I mean here but...where?'' with a tilted head

''What are you talking about?'' Luffy asked, also with a tilted head while Robin and Zoro was looking around but not seeing anything

Luna look at their right side, ''I'm saying there is something here, right here...'' causing all of them to look over there too

''There is nothing there but root'' Zoro said as they were looking at a strange, stripy looking root.

''Yeah, but I feel a presence... A big one on top of that...'' Luna said slowly just before the roots start to move

''Did the roots just move?'' Luffy asked with a tilted head, looking confused

''Roots don't move'' Luna said as a matter of fact

''But it is in fact moved'' Robin said calmly as they were all looking at the moving roots while standing side by side with blank faces now just the moment the ground starts to shudder and the roots began to rose, revealing one big snake, long enough to stand longer the overgrown trees around them.

It has a big mouth, opening it as it was looking at them and it had blue in color with a single row of white hair on both sides, along the body. It has small, yellow eyes, and two long barbels hanging from the spot above its mouth, like a mustache. it also has dark blue wavy lines across the top of its body.

''I knew there was something!'' Luna yelled out as they all start to run away from the giant snake which it was looking down at them with a wide-open mouth of its

''Its a snake!!! Run away!!'' Luffy yelled out but he was looking rather excited while Chopper was looking freaking out as he was running with screams and tears

''So huge'' Robin said she look at it with amazement ''Is this also the result of the environment up here..'' as Zoro was grabbing his swords, looking ready to cut it but the snake launched itself on them with very fast speed, causing them to run to the sides to avoid it

While everyone was running on the different trees ''How can a body so big move so fast?!'' Zoro asked as he look at the snake, who's bite some tree instead of them and suddenly a purple cloud of smoke from under its mouth start to emerge and the tree burned down with it, leaving behind a terrible smell

''P-poison!!?!'' Chopper scream out, looking horrified as he saw that the tree the big snake release now melted down

''If it's like that...'' Zoro also was looking at the melted trees ''Running away is probably better..'' looking tense suddenly as Robin was agreeing with him

'So this is that snake...' Luna thought with a slight blush on her face ''It's so cute!'' as she look at the face of the snake, not even seeing the poison it was emitting

''So scary!!'' Luffy yelled out but he had a big smile, clearly enjoying the situation just before the snake suddenly turn towards them

''Don't touch the poison!! You will die instantly!!'' Zoro yelled out in warning as Luffy swung from a branch and start to taunt the snake to come after him but it went after Robin, who's just above it as she was able to run from it with the chain of arms she created and used it to swing out ''Too bad'' she said while smiling at the snake

Snake then curled around the trees before it noticed Chopper on the ground, who's freaking out and running away with his 'Walk Point' the snake then go after Luna, who's dodged as she jumped to another tree branch and it just keep going after whoever was closest to it while all of them run, dodge, swing and do whatever they could do to avoid it

After some chaotic minutes later,

''What should I do..'' Robin asked to herself, standing there all alone, holding her face with one hand, looking troubled ''I'm back to where we were but nobody is here.'' She shortly look around ''Did I get lost..? I probably should just go ahead and wait for them at the destination'' and so, she start to walk to the ancient ruin that may contain a massive amount of gold to the straight south


''Oh, no!!'' Chopper yelled in panic out as he was still running with his 'Walk Point' ''I got lost!!! H-help me!! Where is everyone?!!'' Without stop running, Chopper was heading towards to southwest


''Hmm...'' Zoro was looking thoughtful as he was looking around with his hands on his waist ''Where did they go? I stopped watching them for a little and...'' before he let a sigh ''Ah well... They'll be fine by themselves. I've memorized most of the map already too.'' He look around again ''It was the... right.'' He said as he start to walk to his right side, going to the direction of northwest


''Darn it..'' Luffy said as he was standing there all alone too holding his hat with one hand and his stick with the other ''Where are they? I got lost... what to do..'' As he let a sigh before he made a smile ''I think I'll just meet them at the ruin. She said 'a straight line the south' so should be this way..'' He said as he start to walk to the direction of southeast


''How come this happened?'' Luna asked to herself, looking too confused as she was standing there all alone too ''I'm lost..'' looking around for a moment ''I wonder what happened to everyone..I can't feel any of them too..'' she let a sigh before she look at some direction with a big smile as she shrugged ''Oh well, I will just go to the ruins! I'm sure everyone will make it there in the end!'' She was laughing as she start to walk to the direction of northeast


Luna look at the man in front of him with a rather blank face. After she walked for a while, suddenly bald people who've had strange pendent organs on both sides of the head and also had small and sharp horns on top of their head were started to attacked her out of nowhere and they were saying the word of 'Meh' It was weird so she just cut them all without thinking or waiting and walk off from there but her walk didn't last long with the sudden coming of this man from the sky.

He had pale skin with a well-toned yet somewhat wiry build, standing very tall as she thought he was probably 266 cm. He has a slim face with a relaxed, half-lidded expression accentuated by a calm, confident smile. His eyebrows, contrastively, are black not like his blonde hair, rather thick, and top grayish-blue eyes with prominent bottom lashes. Upon his back, stuck centrally into his shoulder blades, is a large, gray ring instead of wings, and attached to it four wooden shime-daiko drums set next to and above his head. He wasn't wearing anything on his top as there was a lot of gold accessory on him along with a golden staff in his hand.

Luna could call him an attractive man, maybe, if there wasn't the fact that his earlobes were stretched all the way to his chest.

''Yahahaha!! You are really good at hiding yourself.'' He said with a laugh as Luna look at the man, who called himself God, Enel just the moment he landed in front of her.

''Well, it's an old habit of mine. Assassins and likes had to hide good in the end'' Luna said with her emotionless face but she had alarms in her brain. This man was really strong and 'What the hell is he doing here?!' was her thoughts.

They were standing on the edge of some shore, facing each other and there was a milky road over the edge and she didn't even know how she ended up here at all.

''I was interested in the powers you're talking about, sadly I couldn't hear all of it,'' Enel said, causing Luna to slightly frown. She knew Enel was starting to listen to them when she was talking about six powers and since it wasn't about haki she didn't mind it but apparently this man was clever enough to pick up the words of Observation haki and Armament haki while she was talking about six powers

''Observation haki, this is how you Blue Sea people call Mantra, right? You were told to that useless Satori. I'm wondering what is this Armament haki you talked about'' Enel went on as he looks down on Luna ''You are a mantra user too, even though yours not strong enough, you can say what's going on this island now'' he stated and he wasn't wrong. Even though Luna's haki range wasn't far she could say people were dying and she could hear the voice of battles on the island.

''You are playing a survival game'' Luna also stated with an emotionless voice of her, just like her face

''Yahahahaha!! That is true.'' Enel laughed with amusement ''At the end of it, there will be six survivors and one of them is you''

''And what do you plan to do with the survivors?'' Luna asked she wasn't remembering much but she was remembering that this man was wanting to go to the moon in the end. So, she didn't understand why just he wasn't going and doing this thing here

''I'm going to the Dream World, Fairy Vearth. If the survivors good enough, I will give them a chance to come with me'' Enel explained since Luna would be one of the survivors, he thought that she will be already know and knowing early doesn't change anything

'He is clearly a narcissist with a God complex' Luna thought as she looks up to the sky ''Moon..?'' She didn't know it was called Fairy Vearth, in fact, she was almost sure that it was Birka.

''Oh? Yahahahaha!! I thought that you would be a strong soldier under me and useful asset with your knowledge about this powers but seems like your knowledge is not limited with just them'' Enel said, looking amused as to a human being knew the God's Land like this

''Soldier under you?'' Luna asked with her blank face, 'Did he really think that I would go with him?' was her thoughts as she looks at Enel. One look was enough to say that this guy was really thinking himself a god ''Sorry but I have no interest go to the moon, at least not with you.''

Enel looks at the woman who rejected to go with him to the limitless God Land but he wasn't giving a choice to her, she was someone know things, he could see that she knows more and he was interested and the God takes whatever he wants so, he extended his hand forward as his open palm faced with Luna and as soon as Luna saw the electricity start to merge from his hand, she unsheathed her katana.

The moment Enel released of his electric energy from his palm, Luna swings her katana it in front of her horizontally with the blood-red flames on it but just the moment the hell flames, as Luna named them, and the electricity met with each other, a weird explosion happened and send Luna back flying while destroying upper half of Enel.

Luna gets up from the ground and looks at her burned right hand as her body also had some burnt traces while Enel's body was turned to lightning and placing itself back together again as if nothing had happened to begin with but there was a horizontal, little slash wound on his palm, made of from Luna's sword just the moment of the explosion

Both of them were looking at their hands as if trying to understand what just happened as they stay like that in silence. After complete one minute of silence, both of them look at each other with blank faces now. Enel was holding his staff and give it to electricity as Luna's katana was on flames once more and without saying or waiting, suddenly both of them charge at each other and clashed their weapons with their elements, only to cause another explosion. It wasn't a normal explosion, it was rather colorful and the power of it was rather strong from normal ones

Sending flying back once again, Luna frowned. 'So it wasn't my imagination' she thought as she thinks about the explosion while Enel was placing himself back again, causing Luna to grind her teeth. This was only causing damage to her as Enel was looking completely fine due to being a logia user.

However, while Luna was thinking this was annoying, Enel wasn't happy about this either. He looks at Luna's sword and he was sure that it was the thing that made that little slash on him, not Luna and so, both of them charge at each other once more, without saying anything as they were both made up their minds to what they have to do.

Enel was made up his mind to get rid of Luna's sword and Luna was made up her mind to use another hell other than her flames ''Fourth Circle, Kyaukan Jigoku'' Luna said calmly, causing her flames to disappear before her sword met Enel's golden staff with electric on it, causing Enel to frown the moment their weapons clashed with each other. He was suddenly hearing loud screams and for a moment he even lost his control over his mantra because of it as Luna starts to push him back, ready to give a slash to him but Enel used his powers and move in lightning speed to go Luna's back with lightning power ready on his hand


''What was that explosion voices?'' Nami asked nervously as she looks at the forest while others were also looking curious

''Someone must have been fighting..'' Sanji said as he let a puff from his smoke

''You think its guerrillas and priests?'' Usopp asked, looking scared as they were getting close to the voices they heard a couple of minutes ago

After moments later, they saw a tall man standing on the shore, in one hand, holding a golden staff, in other a pitch-black katana they know very well. He was standing as everywhere around him looking destroyed

''Hey...'' Usopp start with a shaky voice ''Isn't it Luna's katana?'' sensing bad feeling from this man, who's standing there and looking at the forest with a blank face but a calm attitude

''What's going on? Who is this man?'' Nami asked with a frown on her face but even she was getting a bad feeling from this man while Gan Fall was looking at him with a shocked face

''Where is Luna?'' Sanji asked, looking so serious for once but he got his answer very soon with the person who walks off from the trees. Coming off from the forest, Luna wasn't looking good at all

She had burn marks all over her as her right hand especially was looking like it burnt several times now. She herself was looking like she was exposed to high voltage electricity as even her hair was puffy and there was a line of blood was coming from her head down to her face. It was like a straight line going over her left eye to her chin while she was heavily breathing, shocking the three of them as this was the first time for them to see Luna like this. She wasn't even bleed before and now she was looking like she just went through a war.

''Luna-cwan?!'' Sanji yelled out in shock with seeing Luna and look at the man ''Is he the one who did this?!'' as he was about to charge at him, Luna scream out in panic

''Sanji! Don't c-'' Before Luna could even finish her warning, Enel holds up his finger and without even looking at Sanji, he sent a bolt of lightning, effectively burned Sanji as he fell unconscious

''Sanji!!!'' Usopp and Nami scream out in horror as they saw what just happened and run towards him immediately. They thought he was dead at first, causing Luna's mind to explode but after they noticed they were checking his right sight, they found out his heartbeat was still there, causing Luna to sigh in relief this time

''He is still badly injured! He can still die!'' Usopp was yelling out as he was looking at Sanji before he suddenly finds himself on the shore, just beside the man as he starts to tremble, trying to understand what's going on

''Wha..?! What's going on?!'' Nami yelled out, can't believe her eyes as Usopp was beside her just a moment ago

''Enel!? What are you doing?!'' Gan Fall yell out this time, looking angry but also shocked to see him

''Enel?'' Nami asked with a terrified face ''Enel as in God Enel?!'' while looking at the shore, to Luna, to the man who's called God and to Usopp, who's trembling beside him as he was sitting on the ground

Enel didn't respond to them as he looks at Luna ''This blue sea human is one of your friends right?'' Enel asked but he was looking like he wasn't waiting for an answer as he went on ''This sword...'' As he looks at the black katana in his hands ''From the moment I start to hold it, I can feel from it something similar to you.'' He then look at Luna as he was looking smug and relaxed now ''I can also feel your anger and nervousness since then'' causing Luna to frown but she didn't say anything

''How about this..'' Enel said as he holds up the katana over the cloud sea while holding up his other hand towards Usopp with open palm ''Swear loyalty to me and I will give your sword back as well as leave your friend alive or you could choose to save one of them. Either choose your sword and challenge me again or save your friend and try to survive in the game.'' He then smirked ''So, what do you choose?''

Luna looks at Enel with a blank face as she was still trying to catch her breath before she made a smirk too ''I told you before, I'm not interested to go there with a narcissist man who had a serious God complex''

Enel just look at Luna with the same face, looking like he wasn't even taken aback from what she haad just said ''I see but no matter what happens, don't forget that it was your choice'' Enel said, looking like a fair God the moment he let go of the katana and let it fall from the sky island at the same time his other hand he was holding towards Usopp start to release high voltage electric

Everyone who was watching the scene there, saw the fear on Luna's face as she looks at the falling sword and less than a second, just a brief of the moment, they all thought that Luna was going after the katana as she starts to run but while Enel was releasing a horizontal pillar of an electric beam from his palm, Luna and Usopp were rolling on the ground as Luna was jump on him just before the beam hit him.

After seconds later, Luna and Usopp were laying beside each other before Usopp start get up and saw the damage the man, apparently, God had done. There was nothing left. The beam of light was destroyed everything on its way, leaving behind nothing but a horizontal hole in the forest, causing Usopp to shake all over as he thought what would happen to him if he was there. Nami was also looking at there with a terrified face, holding her mouth with her hands while her body was trembling.

While she was still breathing heavily, Luna suddenly hold up Usopp and throw him to the Merry, all the while Usopp was screaming with this sudden move

''Nami, Usopp!'' Luna yelled out as she walks to the edge. She had a very serious face as she was looking at the cloud sea ''There are two people coming here and from the looks of it, they are enemy so, be careful.'' causing Nami's eyes to get widen as Enel was just watching with a calm attitude, wondering what the woman is doing now while Usopp was trying to come back to the real world

''Wait! Luna what are you..?'' Nami asked but her voice has died in her throat. One look was enough to understand what Luna was thinking ''Are you out of your mind?!! The sea here has no bottom!!!'' but not listening Nami, Luna suddenly dive into the cloud sea

''LUNAAA!!!!'' Nami screamed out in complete horror. If Luna would jump off with her katana with her, it would be fine but she didn't have it, it was the opposite, she jumped after her katana and she was already too late.

Enel watched this with slight surprise ''I really wanted her to come with me, what a shame that she suicided.'' before he looks at Gan Fall as he was also wanting to say goodbye to him either while Nami and Usopp was looking terrified and trying to understand just what exactly is going on at the moment.


Luna was falling down pretty fast. She was trying to go faster as to catch her katana while there was a panicked look on her face.

She fall and fall... start to see the blue sea as she was extending her arms to catch the katana now she got close to it.

Just the moment she finally caught her katana, a relieved look replaced her panicked look and the moment she unsheathed her katana just a little, blood-red flames, darker than her usual flames, surrounded her just the moment she hit the blue sea.

She felt immense pain. She was already had a couple of broken bones with Enel hit her from her back with lightning jut before he took her katana. Even though the flames smoothed her crash to the ocean, she was still fell from ten thousand meters. She didn't feel the energy to swim up as she just sink and sink to the bottom of the ocean as her flames slowly start to die away.

Moments later, her flames were completely disappeared as Luna's eyes were closed while still holding her katana and sinking deeper to the dark bottom of the ocean.