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Fall of the God and the song of the island I

Before Luna fall from the Sky Island,

Luffy was walking through his way as he was happily singing a song

''Oh, the islands in the south~ are warm~

Paina-purupuru~ Their heads get really hot~

And they are all idiots~!''

He cut himself with the ''Meh~!'' sound he heard and start to look around ''Goat? Is it a goat?''

''Meh~!'' causing Luffy to look around more excitedly

''It's a goat!!! A goat in the forest!?'' Luffy asked himself as he looked around while a bald man was watching him on top of a Milk Road just above him. He had strange pendent organs on both sides of the head and also had small and sharp horns on top of his head. The goat man suddenly jumped off, ready to attack Luffy from his back but with instinct, Luffy suddenly threw a punch to his back so hard that the goat man went flying as he crashed into a tree before he crashed to the ground with his head. As his ass was in the air, he lost consciousness

Luffy looked at the man with a totally disappointed face ''Geez, I thought you were a goat,'' he let a sigh then ''Made me excited for nothing'' as he started to walk again and coming back his cheerful mode in an instant ''Second verse!''

''Oh, The islands in the north~ are cold~

Hyakkoi-koikoi~ Their heads shiver all around~

They are all idiots~!''

While Luffy was singing his song, he suddenly stopped himself and look at his right side, to a little up. Standing up on some big roots was the man they saw before, who attacked them when they came to the White Sea the first time and give a warning when they were going to the Sacrificial Altar.

''Ah, you again'' Luffy muttered as he looked at him, he was carrying a bazooka over his shoulder but he was also looking like he just came off from war.

''What are you doing here, brat?'' the man asked as he looked down on Luffy. He had a cigar in his mouth while also blood was coming from his mouth



Chopper was running off with tears flowing down on his face as a group of man who says the word of 'Meh~!'' was marching after him but soon they start to fight with the men from Shandia, who suddenly come out of nowhere with shooters on their feet while Chopper was just freaking out more and running with everything he had.


Robin, on the other hand, was in front of some ruin

''All of sudden, this forest has lost the tranquility of it...'' as she look at her back but she shrug it off and look at the ruin in front of her

''This was probably a small rural home. Thankfully it is not too badly damaged by the forest... I wonder how the ruin at the city will hold up...''

''Meh~!'' Just at the moment Robin was getting close to the ruin, she also heard the voice and suddenly another goat-man land on the ruin, just in front of Robin ''Woman!'' the goat-man said as he looked down to Robin ''This path leads to the God's shrine! You can't continue forward~!'' causing Robin to frown

''Please get down from there! Do you have any idea how valuable that historical remain is!?'' Looking like a scolding adult, shocking the goat man

''Huh?! You're in no position to get angry!'' the goat-man yelled out as he was getting ready to fight with Robin ''Alright! Under God's direct order, I will use this axe dial and deal with you and the Shandians..'' but before the man could continue, suddenly arms start to appear around him

''Seis Fleur!'' Robin said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest with closed eyes ''Twist!'' causing the man's upper body to twist around himself before he fell unconscious. ''How ill-mannered.'' Robin said before she start to examine the ruins


Back to Luffy,

''Didn't I tell you to get out of here?'' the man asked as he was looking irritated, causing Luffy to frown

''You're annoying! Why should I listen to you?!'' he yelled at him, looking completely annoyed

''You should because this island belongs to us, people of Shandia!'' the man declared, looking serious as his voice was hinting a warning

''Really?'' Luffy asked as he look around for a moment with a surprised look on his face ''I thought this was God's place... If that's so...'' he then bowed his head like apologizing ''Goodbye then!'' before he keep walking on his way as he also keep humming his song's third verse but it cut off once more

''Hold it!'' the man suddenly shout out, causing Luffy to turn to look at him

''What now?!'' as he was totally looking angry now while the man's face was shadowed

''Nothing much...I just don't want to listen to your dumb excuses anymore.'' he held up his bazooka and pointed at Luffy while his eyes were still shadowed ''You will be eliminated!''

Luffy calmly look at the man before he casually threw the stick in his hand ''I see,'' he grinned as he held up his hands, cracking his knuckles before he made fists ''You should have said it outright!'' with a smirk on his face

The man suddenly shot a cannonball from his bazooka as Luffy easily deflected with his 'Gum Gum Balloon' and seeing this, the man just keep shot his cannonballs without stopping and Luffy deflect them all with the same way

After he deflected the eighth one and sent flying the cannonball behind the tree of the man, causing a big explosion, Luffy yelled out with annoyance ''This is the eighth time already! Give it up!''

''In that case,'' the man said as he placed a dial in the bazooka ''time to change strategy.'' confusing Luffy for a moment but the moment he fired the bazooka, instead of a cannonball, this time was shooted a strong gust of wind, causing Luffy to cover his nose

''Stinky!!!'' Luffy yelled out, coughing as he was looking like the smell was indeed terrible ''What's this smell?! Ack!'' as he coughed more

''That was natural gas in the breath dial, this weapon is called burn bazooka!'' The man explained before he hold up his bazooka once more ''It creates white flame with the emitted gas and disintegrate my victims!'' before he shot his bazooka and create a white flame which it was looking like a bright light, almost looking similar what Enel had done when he create a hole in the forest while trying to attack Usopp but much less powerful than his

Luffy dodged it just in time as he jumped into the air beside him as the attack the man had done burned a hole right through the tree Luffy was standing in front before ''What the heck was that?'' He asked himself when he finally landed on the ground ''It burned right through that huge tree!'' as he start to look around to find the man that not at his place anymore.

Just then with the voice he heard, Luffy suddenly look up at his back and bend backward as the man was aiming a kick at his head. The moment Luffy's one hand landed on the ground, Luffy pushed himself up and threw a pistol punch at the man but the man blocked the punch with his foot and send himself backward, using Luffy's punch as a jumping point.

Just the man was aiming his bazooka at Luffy again, Luffy suddenly jumped and launched towards the man, stretching his right foot to use his 'Gum Gum Stamp!' but his kick blocked by the man's foot again as they both stare at each other with angry faces before they threw a kick at each other a couple of times again but each of them ended up the same.

Having enough, the man fired his weapon again, causing Luffy to bend backward once more before he stretched and grab a hold of some tree branch before he stretched both of his arms backward

''I won't lose in a bazooka competition!!'' he shout out as he fly towards the man. Both of them use their attack at the same time. Just the moment Luffy send his 'Gum Gum Bazooka!' the man fired his gun once more, causing an explosion between them that sent both of them to fly backward before they crashed to the ground

They were both bleeding and breathing hard as they tried to get back up their feet. After the man got back up, he look at the tree that had a hole on it, looking for Luffy to appear

''What are you doing, strawhat?! You're not dead yet, are you?!'' the man shout out when he saw that Luffy wasn't coming back

''Hey! Of course not!'' Luffy also shout out as he was getting up and getting ready to charge at the man again but before he could, something big appeared behind him with glowing yellow eyes and big fangs. Before Luffy even had time to do anything or understand what's going on, he was rolling down into a dark hole.

The man keep looking at the spot but Luffy wasn't coming out ''...What was that..?'' he asked himself as he went on ''Is he playing hide and seek now..?'' He then look around before he looked down on his right hand that bandaged up from fingertips to his shoulder ''No...'' he muttered as he was breathing hard ''Now this is not the time to waste my strength on someone like that...I have to save some strength to deal with Enel...One more 'Reject' and my body will probably shatter, but...'' as he was looking at the dial under the bandages in his palm before he look ahead with burning gazes ''Just you wait, Enel!''


Zoro, meanwhile, was beating up both the goat-mans and Shandians who attacked him and after he easily finished them, he was about to keep walking when suddenly a muscular man with the upper-half of his face hidden by his hat appeared.

He was wearing a grass skirt, with a decorated, long light-red sash around his waist and a light-blue veil appearing from under the skirt and reaching down to his feet as he was also wearing a fur-lined, dark-green jacket, and dark gloves on his hands.

''Again?!'' Zoro asked, mostly to himself, as he look a the man ''Hey! If you are not God or a priest don't bother me! I have stuff to do!'' he shouted at him but the man merely look at him as he didn't say anything before he suddenly pulled out two pistols and start to shoot at Zoro.

With the sudden flash of light, Zoro narrowed his eyes, ''Wha..?! What?'' as he tried to dodge the attacks while the man jump around with the help of pair of shooters he was wearing, looking quite acrobatic

''Not bad!'' Zoro said as he look up, unsheathing his sword ''Where did that light come from?'' but as he look around he didn't see anyone this time ''Where did he go?'' just then with a sudden instinct, Zoro swung his katana to his back but the man dodged it and throw a kick on Zoro's gut, sending him to fly back

''Impressive...'' The man said as Zoro was getting up to his feet back ''Pardon me, I think I accidentally hit you there, citizen of the Blue Sea.'' as he hold up his two pistols

''No big deal.'' Zoro said, licking the blood around his mouth, holding up his katana ''I also have to apologies, I thought you were small fry.'' as he made a smirk

They look at each other for a moment before the man suddenly jump forward and to Zoro's surprise, he easily get back of Zoro with the big jump he has done and before he landed on the ground, the man start to shot at Zoro

Zoro covered his eyes again with the bright flash as he was thinking the other night. Usopp and Luna were already talked about dials so it wasn't hard for Zoro to guess that the man was using them with both his guns and shooters on his feet that he used to fly around. While he was trying to figure out where the man is, he suddenly forced to dodge again as the man start to shot at him from his left side

Zoro suddenly run towards the man, holding one his sword in his mouth while the other two were over it, surprising the man as he was using three katana ''Tora Gari!'' as he swung them forward to the man, descending slashes with them but the man suddenly jump upwards, causing Zoro to frown before he also start to climb some tree and jump forward to the man

''We have a lot of useful dials, swordsman of the Blue Sea!'' as he pulled out a small dial from inside of his jacket ''There's nothing you can do to win!!'' He then threw the little dial in front of him, as Zoro was coming towards him ''Do you know what is this?!'' surprising Zoro since from the little dial, suddenly clouds start to come out ''It's a cloud dials!'' as the man moved on the cloud he created with the little dial and come just in front of Zoro ''You don't need to be on preexisting sea clouds to do sky combat!'' as he shot his pistols again but Zoro dodged even he was on the air but start to fall this time, right into the sea clouds.

As Zoro was falling, suddenly a Lamprey came through the sea clouds, opening his mouth to eat Zoro but he suddenly cut it in half and landed on its now dead body. While he was looking at the weird fish, suddenly the man shot at him again, causing Zoro to cover his eyes once more before he jumped backward on the land and get behind of some tree

'This is bad...'' Zoro thought as he was trying to control his breathing 'This guy is a lot tougher than I thought. I should probably get rid of that flash gun first!' he then stopped his thoughts as he made a face like he come up with an idea 'Maybe I can...' he thought before he pulled the goggles hanging on his neck and put it on before he come out behind the tree and stand while facing the man

''How unfortunate! Look at my goggle! Your flashgun is powerless against me now!'' Zoro declared before he also add ''So don't use it anymore.''

The man look at Zoro with a blank face for a moment before he talk ''Really? I don't see any shades on that goggle.'' He said with a monotone voice, causing Zoro's jaw to drop as he thought 'Damn it!' while the man went on

''Could it be that you don't particularly like this flash pistol? It seems a wondering swordsman like you is no match for me. '' As he still had a blank face and monotone voice ''Such thought must be painful.''

''This is really bad.'' Zoro muttered to himself as he placed the goggle on his forehead now 'Even that damn fish dared to eat me! My training is also not complete... Damn, I should ask Luna for training with my eyes closed or something...' Zoro thought but his thoughts cut off with the man start to shot his pistols once again, causing Zoro to move and dodge

Zoro land on the ground and start to run for a while as the man keep shot at him while standing on some tree branch ''Trying to run away?'' The man asked seeing Zoro was running away from him but instead of answering to the man, Zoro stopped running

''Sight, sound, smell, taste, thought... The six senses of man each contain good, evil, and neutral.'' Zoro suddenly started to talk to himself as the man was now looking at him with a confused face, like trying to understand what Zoro was suddenly saying as Zoro went on ''Men further specify each with purity, serenity, and taint. They make up the thirty-six agony of life.'' He then hold up his one katana horizontally above his shoulder

''As of now, I have aimed my cannon at you! You have a pistol, I have a cannon. In both range and power, my weapon is superior! If you still want to come then come!'' Zoro shouted at the man.

The man look at Zoro with a blank face for a moment before he suddenly charged towards him ''Cannon? Did I knock your sanity? Where is such a weapon?'' The man asked as he run towards Zoro with a very fast pace

''The flying slash...Have you seen it before?'' Zoro asked the man with a shadowed face and evil grin

''Joke all you want!'' The man yelled out as he was getting ready to shot Zoro

''One sword style, Thirty-six Pound Phoenix!'' Zoro shout out, as he performed a circular swing with one sword that launches the air compressed projectile spiraling towards the man, causing a crossed slash wound open on the man's chest, losing his consciousness and fly away before he landed flat on the ground.

''Thank you very much.'' Zoro said as he sheathed his katana and take his backpack ''No hard feelings but, I'm not the kind of guy who'll move aside whenever told to. I'm quite immovable.'' as he start to walk his own way again.


Chopper, on the other hand, was walking with his 'brain point' now. He was looking like he through a lot, breathing hard and completely tired as he was waking with his stick in his hand and tears in his eyes

''Damn it...I don't even know which direction I'm going...'' as he walk past a man who's standinthere, just finished crushing some Shandian's head with his bare hand.

He was a tall, dark-skinned man. He had an unusual hairstyle, with a row of upward-pointing tufts or rasta-styled dreadlocks from ear to ear as he also had a typical Birkan pair of wings on his back. He was wearing a matching purple jacket and pants, black gloves and shoes, a pink shirt, and a blue tie-like scarf around his neck. He was sporting a large, white tissue belt around his waist with a red circle in his center.

''Everyone...'' Chopper muttered as he kept walking, not seeing the man, ''Luffy, Luna, Zoro, Robin...I'll probably die if I stay here any longer'' While the man was looking at him with a blank face as he didn't move an inch ''Will I go to heaven if I die?'' Chopper asked himself before he looked like he realized something ''Oh wait... Isn't this heaven!?'' He then look around for a moment but not seeing the man at the back ''Ah?! I'm already at the ruins?! Wow! Has everyone been here yet?''

'A badger..?' The man thought as he look at Chopper

Chopper was about the have his first fight alone, and become a true pirate...


After Luna jump off from Sky Island,

Nami and Usopp were looking at the God, Enel, with horror-filled faces

''Yahahahaha, don't look at me like that. I'm not here to kill you, you know...'' Enel said with a smug attitude

''Then why are you here?!'' Gan Fall shout out, looking totally angry and shocked at the same time

''Hah... Such a cold greeting.'' Enel let a sigh before a made a smug smirk ''Especially since we haven't seen each other for six years, ex God, Gan Fall.''

''What's going on?! What are we gonna do?! Luna jump-off, she's gonna either crash to some land and die or crash on the sea and die!'' Usopp said, trembling all over while Nami was frowning with an uneasy look on her face as they were both beside Sanji now

''Since that woman choose to save you before she suicide, I won't kill you but,'' Enel said slowly as he suddenly appeared just in front of Usopp before he held up his finger at him and sent a bolt of lightning just like he had done to Sanji and burned Usopp, causing him to fell unconscious too ''You talk too much...'' shocking Gan Fall and Nami as she fell on her butt while closing her mouth with her hand

''And you...'' Enel look down at Nami ''Stay right there, understand?'' looking completely menacing, causing Nami to nod her head repeatedly ''Good'' Enel said before turning to Gan Fall

'So this man is God? How did he do that?!' Nami thought while shaking all over as she also thought that no wonder Luna was in that state. Her thoughts slide to Luna for a moment as she was thinking what happened to her and if she managed to catch her katana but her thoughts cut off with Gan Fall's angry voice

''What do you want from us?!''

''It's been six years since those followers of yours have fallen in my hands. Even now they are still quite full of spirit. Some of them even had the guts to disobey.'' Enel said, looking completely relaxed now as he was standing on the deck of the Merry ''Anyways, after six years of work, I'm almost done. In other words, I have no more use of this island. I'm just here to say goodbye, that's all.'' He then sit on the railing and look down at him with a smirk on his face ''This will make your people very happy, won't it? Since all they see in this island is the big chunk of 'Earth' anyways.'' causing Gan Fall to frown

''What do you mean?!'' He asked Enel with a demanding tone

Not taken aback from him, Enel explained with a very calm and relaxed attitude of his ''The reason why we took over this island in the first place, is the same reason to why these punks from Blue Sea entered this island. It is also the reason why the Shandians keep wanting to take back their homeland. Everyone is interested in something on this island. '' He then smirked at him before he went on ''That something is the legendary 'City of the Gold' of Blue Sea! All searching for Shandia!''

''What...'' Gan Fall muttered with surprise as he couldn't understand what Enel was saying ''...Are you trying to say?''

''Yahahahaha! Cracks me up every time!'' Enel said with a good laugh, looking like he was clearly enjoying this ''Be it the existence or the value of gold, only the citizens in the country are clueless about it!'' He then stood up on the railing ''Funnier yet, the ultimate survivor of this game... will think that he has won all that gold for himself! Yahahahaha!''

''Hm?'' He suddenly stopped his laugh and look at the forest ''I hear the sound of the celebration from the woods... Sounds like it's started time for me to participate too'' just he was about to go

''Wait!!'' Gan Fall suddenly yelled out ''Has the God's militia been disbanded?!'' looking shocked and desperate to know but Enel just merely look at him before he smirked

''That's something only the God can know.'' Enel said with a smirk before he shorty look at the spot Luna jump off ''Truly a shame...'' as he disappeared, leaving a little bit of electricity sparks behind him before it disappeared too. Gan Fall yelled out at him to wait but it was already too late as Nami let a relieved sigh

''He's gone...'' but before Nami could say more or think anything else, she turned her back with the laughing voices she suddenly heard along with Gan Fall and saw two men, looking exactly same with each other even their clothes.

They had bodies shaped like giant balls, and they were wearing white jumpsuits, with a white sash as they also had orange shoes and gloves along with yellow sunglasses that cover up their eyes completely. They were bald as they were also looking similar to the goat men since they also had goat-like noses, ears, and horns. They also had the same wings as all Birkans.

Nami look a the two men, who're hopping on the railing beside the ship with happy faces. 'These two must be the ones Luna said before she jumped off...' Nami thought with a frowned face, and soon Gan Fall and Nami were standing beside each other with their weapons in their hands as they stand in front of the two goat-like ball man, ready to fight.

Everyone was fighting on their own battles all around the forest, and God was also beginning to show up at some battles. The ones who survive the battles were all moving toward the same direction in some way or another. And soon, the fight in the City of the Gold or what's left behind it was about to begin as God was also preparing to show up. Even Luffy was going towards there, though he didn't know that since he got swallowed by the giant poisonous snake...


In the dark and gloomy island with unique hills, the fifteen years old white-haired girl was fighting with a humandrill with her pitch-black katana.

She was wearing black leggings that come below her knee and some red sport shorts on it that comes under her mid-thigh, it had one vertical white line beside it and some basic white tight tank top that comes over her belly. She was wearing black-white high top sneakers. Her mid-back length hairs were made of low pigtails and there was a black hairband on her head

She blocked the slash the humandrill made with her katana just the moment the man with eyes like hawk talked ''You told what your hell's supposed to do and how you awakened them as well as how they worked out but...'' He took a sip from his wine ''Who thought you this?''

Young Grant D. Luna look at the man, who's sitting on some cracked wall with a relaxed attidue. He was sitting there with his stoic face all day now and watching Luna fight while drinking some wine.

''An old man...'' Luna said with a low voice. For the first time in a long time, she remembered her previous life


Five months before Luna die and born again,

A young woman was laying numbly under some tree. She was wearing all black that was covering all of her body, even her face as she had a black mask that was covering everywhere under her eyes but she was removed to breathe freely.

If one were to say something about the young woman, she was alluringly beautiful. However, she never thought like that as she saw herself more like a ghost. She had black straight hair that was coming to her shoulders. Her skin was so pale that could make one wonder if she had ever gone under the sun. She had gray eyes that would look dark and empty most of the time. She had a well-toned perfect body since she had to work hard due to her life as an assassin, but she had scars on her that she couldn't hide with her pale skin.

She was breathing hard, like trying to get air in her lungs as she collapsed under some tree in the forest while she was holding the wound on her stomach that bleeding nonstop.

For what she was going through at that moment, it was a rather tranquil night. No bustling chatters of the people, no dogs barking and even the forest was quiet, not even a single cricket chirping but if she listen carefully, she could hear the sound of some river that was probably close by. She look up at the sky to see the stars that filled the dark night. She thought back about her all life as she thought that she was dying at that moment.

''What an empty life...'' She quietly murmured under her hard breathes like scaring to break the peaceful silence there, even though she had an empty face and eyes

She was an orphan that left to the orphanage just after a week later her birth but she didn't stay there for long. From what she learned in her twenty-two years old life of hers, the orphanage was under some organization. It wasn't like that for long but to her not so luck, it happened just a couple of months earlier before she came to the orphanage. She was the first baby to come there after the organization took over the orphanage.

She was trained from the very beginning by that very organization. They taught her everything like math, physics, science, technology, biology... Of course, what she learned about these wasn't the same with the usual people learned but she didn't have any complaints since she didn't know what the normal people were learning at those times. These weren't the only ones she learned though. She learned how to kill at a very early age, how to seduce the men in case it would be necessary and that was the most she hated but then again, she didn't have any complaints since she didn't know at that time nor did she felt anything.

She was grown up like a robot, she didn't have any experience as a normal human just like they wanted. She would go to the missions and that was all of her life. She didn't even have a single friend as she didn't know how to make one. She has tried things she watched in the movies or read in the books but she was failed after she tried in reality, and after that one failure, she never tried again since it wasn't necessary. For someone like her, she would be better be alone, at least, that was what she convinced herself.

Whatever she told herself, when she was all alone in her little room, she would lock herself in her own world. She may not know how to feel or what normal people actually do, but somehow, she knew she enjoyed her time while she was reading, watching, or playing games. She would watch countless movies, series, read books, comics, and play games, and every time she was in their world, she would be filled with something she didn't know what is it. The only thing she knew was how free she would feel, even though she wasn't completely sure about it and that wasn't real.

The girl's eyes start to close as her sight became blurry and dark. Even when she thought she was dying, there was no emotion on the girl's face nor a single tear. Just the girl was letting herself to the darkness that was ready to embrace her, she heard some cracking voice like someone was there and step on some thin branch on the ground, but it was too late for her to react as she finally fell into the darkness.


The girl blankly looked around as she blinked a couple of times. She thought she was dying, so waking up in some room with bandages around her waist, was not something she was expecting. It was a basic room and the house was looking like it was made of wood but there was no window in the room, so she couldn't say surely. She didn't even know where she was and even though whoever brought her here looked like take care of her wound, she couldn't just lay down here and wait.

She ignored the sharp pain in her stomach and looked around the room. She was still wearing her pants but her top wasn't on her as she was wearing some black haori that was coming to her hips, clearly belonged to a man since it was too loose for her, and there was some thin yellow sash around her that loosely tied just under her breasts, not touching to her bandages.

Her knives, guns, dagger, and her sniper rifle she usually carried on her back were not in the room and there was nothing she could use as a weapon either. She squeezed her fists, there was nothing as simple and clear as a fist in the end so, she slowly got out of the room and quietly walked around, searching for anything that would give her a clue as her eyes dart around fastly but carefully

When she came in front of some huge window, the question in her mind was 'why?' As far as she could see, she was still in the forest, in a simple wooden house next to some river. She remembered she heard the faint river sound just before she passed out but... Why there was a traditional Japanese house next to the river in the forest, in China..? It was too ridiculous for her at the moment, but before she could clear up her mind further, she suddenly spun around with the little sound she heard from her back.

With her fast reflexes, she was about to punch whoever was there but suddenly, her punch was caught and the next moment she was crashed to the floor on her face. She let a yelp sound with the pain she felt from her wound. Both of her arms were holding on her back tightly as she thought that the person was indeed too strong for her

''Look what you had done...'' an old man's voice came to her ears ''You ruined my handiwork!'' as he sounded complaining

'Isn't he the one who ruined when he crashed me to the floor?!' The girl thought as she didn't say anything loud but she moved a little, making clear that she wants to move away from him

''I'm not going to hurt you so calm down'' The old man said somehow with a kind voice, stopping the girl's struggles

When he finally released the girl, she suddenly moved away from him at a very fast pace and look at him with her guard up. He was indeed an old man as he was looking like he didn't have much of time but he wasn't looking like any ordinary old man as he wasnt looking like Chinese at all either.

He had shaggy short white hair, emerald green eyes and wrinkles all over his face yet he was tall and muscular. He was wearing a basic black yukata with a white sash around his waist that was holding a katana with a dark blue color and it was looking like a starry night somehow with the little diamonds all over it as decoration.

'Which century he lives?' she asked herself as it wasn't hard to understand that the katana was indeed a real one. As the girl was looking at him from toe to top

''Well, I'm sure there are things you want to ask but first, you had been sleeping for two days you must be hungry so I'm going to prepare somethings.'' The old man said as she looked at the girl, who's examining him with an emotionless face ''Go change your bandages'' before he started to walk to the kitchen, leaving the girl there but he suddenly stopped ''Ah!'' as he remembered now ''Do you know how to change bandages?'' he asked

She looked at him with her blank face but honestly, she was dumbfounded as to what he was saying so she just nodded her head once

''Oh, good then!'' The old man said with a short laugh and add before he left to the kitchen ''You can change them in the room you come out!'' leaving behind a girl who's dumbly blinking with bloody bandages on her


The girl was practically devouring the food in front of her. There wasn't much food and it wasn't some fancy food either. It was some chicken and some rice but she was indeed so hungry as she didn't even have time to eat for almost a week now

''By the way,'' The old man finally talked after a long time since they were eating in silence, getting the girl's attention as she was chewing the food ''What's your name?'' causing the girl to look at him blankly once again. The old man waited for an answer for a while but all the girl did was to chew her food with rather slowly now.

''Don't you understand me? Now that I thinking about, you never talked...'' The old man said with a thoughtful look on his face ''Since you weren't looking like a Chinese I thought talking English would be best but...'' He then looked at the girl for a moment as he hummed before he add ''You seemed to understand me though...'' as the girl just keep looking at him. After a couple of minutes later, finally giving up ''Oh well,'' The old man let a sigh ''You don't have to tell me'' waving his hand dismissively

Unknown to him, the girl was thinking so many things while she was chewing slowly. Name... She never felt like she really had a name in all her life. She mostly used fake names wherever she goes but she didn't want to give a fake name to this old man. He was saved her life even without knowing her, gave food to her even it wasn't much and somehow she felt like he would understand if she lied to him. Even though she felt danger from this man, she also felt something relaxing so, she was confused

She didn't know if her parents gave her a name before they die but she had a name if that's counts. She was the first baby they took and after ten years later, seeing that even if she wasn't perfect but was indeed a success, they brought more babies from more orphanage and start to train them too, just like her... No, more than her as to make them more perfect but she didn't care. With the name they gave to her and to the other children, she knew they were planing something like this for a while.

She gulped the food she was chewing before she opened her mouth as her one hand unconsciously went to her nape and touched the tattoo there that the organization made on her when she was younger. It was a black tattoo with an 'O' shape. Right, her name was ''Zero.''

The old man look at the girl who's blankly looking at him with her hand on her nape ''Zero?'' he asked with a little confused face as he thought why the girl was talking about a number so suddenly and this was the first thing she said

''My name, it's Zero'' The girl said blankly, not knowing how to act at the moment since it was the first time she introduced herself like this to some stranger but she was startled with the old man suddenly start to laugh

''Zero is your name?! Hahahaha!'' he was looking like he heard a funny joke ''What a weird name!'' causing the girl to feel weird

It was the first for her and she had a hard time to bring herself to tell her name and he was laughing ''What is your name?'' she asked as her face didn't change its blank state

The old man stopped laughing and look at the girl with a smirk ''I'm not telling my name to a stranger, especially to someone who's carrying dangerous weapons on her'' causing the girl to froze as he went on ''From what can I say, you're either a mercenary, a spy from another country or an assassin...'' as he start to stand up and clean the little table they were sitting ''There's no way I'm telling you my name!'' The old man said with a laugh as he took the empty plates and start to walk to the kitchen

Zero, on the other hand, had still blank face but inside her mind, she was shattered into pieces. She was too careless. She felt that this man was dangerous somehow and yet she was told her name. If the organization would find out about this, they would eliminate her without even thinking a second.

She look at the man with a different look on her face now. It wasn't the blank face of a girl who doesn't know how to react but an emotionless face who could do anything ''Then, you wouldn't mind if I kill you now, right?'' Zero asked as she look at the old man, causing him to stop and look at her

This time, the old man had a blank face as he look at Zero before he made a serious face for a brief moment. She was reminded of the most dangerous kind he'd come across way back in his old days. The kind of completely devoid of all emotions. He knew that this girl would do anything and didn't feel anything afterward but after for a brief of seriousness, the old man made a smirk just before he burst into laughing

''If you think you can kill me, feel free to try!'' before he start to walk towards to the kitchen once again


Zero look at the black pistol in her hand. The old man wasn't even removed the bullets, causing Zero to think who really was this old man. It wasn't hard to tell what kind of person Zero is since normal people wouldn't carry guns like this or dress like her but they could still think her as a murderer or a thief, unlike this old man. It didn't matter in end though since the old man was about to die. He might be strong and stopped Zero at that time, but he was still an old man, one bullet was enough.

After moments later, Zero look at the old man in front of the house, looking at the river with a thoughtful look on his face. She knew he saved her life and that was the reason she told her name but she couldn't risk more. She had to kill him then complete her mission and go back to Russia.

She held up her gun as her finger was on the trigger and look at the old man's back with an emotionless look on her face and without waiting more she shot at him, right through to his head, not seeing the smirk on the old man's face

She didn't know if the word of shocking would be used in this kind of situation, but from what she knew, she must be shocked at the moment or she was delirious. She even thought that maybe she died in the end because no matter what, it was impossible for a human to stop a bullet with a freaking katana, nor cut it in half if she saw it true which she was highly suspicious. Maybe she was in a coma and this was all a dream, or another mind game the organization decided to play

He was so fast to unsheathing his katana and was actually blocked her bullet by cutting it in half as he was turned his back. 'How in the hell he could even react like that' was Zero's thoughts. Thinking that it must be some kind of mistake, Zero keep shotting without a stop, but the result was the same as the old man deflected or cut all bullets.

Zero stopped shooting as her bullets were finished and look at the man with an emotionless face as she didn't know how to react to something like this, but coming to the conclusion that this was not real, she calmly went and sit before she blankly started to watch the river, causing the old man to look at her weirdly

''You look funnily calm'' The old man said as he look at Zero, who's looking like nothing happen just now

''I will wait to wake up,'' Zero said very calmly, causing the old man to burst into a laugh as he was saying this wasn't a dream or something, but Zero just look at him blankly

Of course, even she thought that this wasn't real, Zero didn't stop to try and kill him, thinking that maybe if she kills him, she will wake up. She tried to snipe him, assassinate him in his sleep, kill him while he was meditating which was weird to Zero, she even tried to kill him when he was in the bathroom but the results were all same.

Days pass like this and it was already been a week Zero was with the old man as she also start to believe this was all real, even though it didn't make any sense. He was fine and acting like this was a daily sport for him, though there were times he was got angry and actually hurt Zero. Like the time she attacked him when they were eating, when he was in the bathroom or when he was training just earlier

She was changing her bandages as she was sitting with crossed legged next to the river. The old man was changing his moods so much that she thought that it must be because he was an old man in the end. One minute he was kind and laughing while the next minute he was getting angry and yelling at her. She didn't know why she was still there as she kept telling herself that she had to kill him, as she also had to heal so that she can go and complete her mission, but deep down, she knew that wasn't all

''Don't you have any shame? How could you just sit there and change your bandages like it's nothing?'' The old man asked as he look at Zero, who's naked on the top and calmly wrapping bandages around her wound

''It's just a body, everyone has it.'' Zero said blakly as she didn't understand the importance of it ''Besides, weren't you the one who changed my clothes and bandaged me in the first place..?''

The old man let a sigh at this ''You really don't have any common sense don't you...'' As he felt like he was dealing with a baby sometimes

''Old man, were you a magician when you were young?'' Zero asked as she glanced at his katana that was on fire with blood-red flames

While she was here and actually notice that this all thing was indeed real, she came to two conclusions about this old man. Either he was a magician who uses tricks like in the television shows and gone mad so he come to live here, away from people to not disturb them, or he was someone from some organization or a man from the government, and that katana was some kind of important technological device. She was thinking a lot of theories with those two options all the time while she wasn't trying to kill him.

''What did you say!? You little... Don't you dare to compare me those damn mages!!'' The old man suddenly yelled out, looking really angry at those mages.

'Mage? In which country they call magicians as mages..?' Zero thought as she was thinking maybe with this she could find out who he was as she watched the old man change his mood once again


It had been two weeks now that Zero was with the old man.

At the moment, she was looking at the brown wild boar just a little away from her with her dagger in her hand as she had murderous gazes. After she tried to kill the old man once again and failed again, the old man went on his meditation as he also forced her to do it too like he always did. He kept asking if she was feeling something but not feeling anything except irritation against him, from what she learned, she left to hunt, leaving the old man alone.

She honestly didn't understand him and she was thinking that he in the end, was someone insane. What in the hell did she suppose to feel anyway? He was a lunatic.

After she killed the wild boar with the dagger she threw to its neck, she start to drag it to the house as she held it from its back left leg, but she stopped dead after a couple of steps later.

She was careless. Since it has been two weeks, she thought they wouldn't find her. She knew she should leave earlier as she squeezed the dagger in her right hand while looking ahead with an emotionless face. Just the moment she suddenly let the boar's leg, she turned her back and block the ninjato with her dagger.

She quickly gazed around, only to saw at least forty people and she knew there was more. She was sent to eliminate them in the first place. An organization that's using traditional ways. Those people were like ninjas and she knew the ones she couldn't kill before were all here since she was managed to kill their master just before she got her wound and forced to run away for a while before she came back. Well, she didn't thought go back when she was thinking she was dying though.

There were too many and she was still wounded, not to mention she only had her dagger at the moment.

''You will pay for your sin'' The man in all black said as he forced his ninjato she was blocking with her dagger. They were all wearing some back ninja clothes that she couldn't even see anything but their eyes, yet she knew this was the man who gave that scar to her.

Zero didn't say anything back as she look at him with an emotionless face before she threw a kick. He jumped backward to dodge the kick as she suddenly start to run. As they start to follow her, she was running away from the old man's house

With a man suddenly throwing knives at her, she bent backward and kick the man who's close to her before she jumped on others back and cut his neck. She was moving fast as she was blocking their attacks and killing them one by one while stabbing them on the neck or simply snapping their neck.

After killing the fifteenth one, Zero staggered a little with the sudden pain in her stomach as well as the new injuries she had over her body, giving a chance to the man who gave her the wound in the first place. He was suddenly jumped on Zero, kicking her right arm so hard that actually cracking her arm, causing her to drop the dagger before he got her back and making her kneel down with another kick he threw to her back.

As soon as Zero feel on her knees, the man was about to swing his ninjato and cut off her neck before suddenly all of them, including Zero, start to hear loud screams and forced to cover their ears

''What!?'' One of the man's yelled/ask as his hands were on his ears like everyone there

''What's going on?!''

''What're these loud screams?!''

''Was there someone else too?!''

''It's like it's coming inside of my mind!'' they were all yelling out something as none of them didn't understand whats going on and just then, so suddenly, the man who was about the kill Zero, died as his head flew away and his body dropped dead on the ground. The moment the man's head flew away, the screams also stopped like it never happened

Zero lift her head after she saw that the man dropped headless beside her. The first thing that came to her mind was that the organization send someone else and that person used a sonic bomb to distract their attention, but what she saw was absolutely wasn't something she waited to see. Standing there was the old man with unsheathed, starry night looking katana in his hand.

'What is he doing here!?' Was her thoughts. She was trying not to involve him, so she was running far away from the house all this time.

Before Zero could even react to the old man, the men around them already come to their senses and thinking that the old man was with the girl, they start to launch towards the old man.

Zero also reacted fast this time as she reached out to her dagger with her other hand, but she didn't even have time to do something as the old man suddenly start to cut the men, who come to attack him. His sword was suddenly on fire again with the blood red flames, cutting the men like butter

As the old man was cutting them in half or simply cutting their heads without stopping even for a moment, the more men come this time as some of them also go towards Zero. She didn't even notice there were people whose coming for her as she was watching the old man. He was moving so soundlessly and smoothly like he had done this before or more. However, what took Zero out of guard wasn't the fact that the old man was killing these people but the fact that he was doing it with the sword that Zero thought it was some magic trick or some technological device

As the men come closer to Zero, the flames on the old man's katana start to spread out to the forest. A wide area in the forest now was on fire with bright blood red flames as the people start to burn down. Not just that, but the organs that come out from the dead people that cut in half, the blood, and even the bones of them were starting to meltdown, giving a terrible smell behind. The flames were also slowly starting to change its color from the bright blood-red to more darker red, and with every change, the air was only getting hotter.

It was too hot that even Zero felt like she was going to melt alive. When the flames finally reached her, she thought she was going to die too, but the only thing she felt was just the hotness. As she was looking around with a shocked blank mind, she saw the men that were coming to attack her but when the dark, blood-red flames finally also reach out to them, they start to burn and even meltdown

At that moment, she should be shocked, suspecting from her sanity and questioning how is it that the old man was able to these things, but instead of these, there was only one thing in her mind. She stared at the old man that was looking like the devil's incarnation with blood-red flames surrounding him as he was exhaling smoke from his mouth, but that was also wasn't the thing she bothered at that moment

He was protecting her.

It was the first time someone has ever done something like this for her. He didn't even know her and she didn't know him too, why would he even protected her...

The flames were burning men as they were screaming out with agony, some were trying to escape, but just that instant, all flames were gone and the hot temperature abruptly started to drop at a very fast pace that no human could adopt this sudden heat change. Everyone was slowed down with the chilly air as they were unable to react fast, or even think properly as their movements were also slowed down.

Zero, who's watching the old man, saw that the old man's katana was now starting to release ice and within seconds, the entire area was surrounded with ice. The ground was now covered thin ice, looking like they were on a frozen lake. It would be a beautiful view if it weren't the fact that the last seven men, who were still alive, frozen completely and in seconds, they were shattered into hundreds of pieces just like that.

Zero look at the scene in front of her as now there were no flames nor ice left. A large area in the forest was now turned into nothingness because of the fire. Ashes the fire caused were floating in the air along with some snowflakes. Pure white shattered ice pieces were glistering with a lot of colors under the sun rays escaped from the cloudy sky. The old man was standing there his back turned to her with his starry night katana in his hand, as the blood of the people he killed were dripping from the blade to the ashed earth.

However, there was no fear as Zero look at the scene. She was looking like a newborn baby who opened her eyes for the first time and saw the world. Unable to say anything or even make a sound, she look at the scene with awe. The last thing she saw before she fainted due to the sudden changes of the air, shock, and blood loss, was the glowing emerald green eyes on the old man's shadowed face.

The old man look at the young woman with the voice he heard. She was looking like she fainted and now was laying on the ground with blood covering her. She had cuts on her arms and legs and he could see that her wound on her stomach was bleeding again as there were also bruises all over her, even her face while there was also a cut on her left cheek.

He sheathed his katana as he start to walk towards her. When he came to a stop just beside her, he start to look down at her with an emotionless face so similar to Zero as the only difference was the old man's eyes were glowing, yet there was still no emotion in them

As he look at the girl, he remembered the first time he saw her. He was meditating in his home when he felt a life was about to over. Normally, he would let it go and ignore it as he wouldn't care since he was decided long ago that he would not interfere with anyone or anything, but he was felt a strange aura. Out of pure curiosity, he was decided to see the life that was fading. When he saw the black-haired, pale-skinned young girl, he knew she was different from the rest. He knew she was similar to him, so he was decided to save her with a decision that came out of nowhere.

He was someone who believed in fate, so when he sensed that the life he was saved was at risk, he came to save her once again, but he wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do in the end.

The old man bent down and take the little girl in his arms and start to walk towards his home as he murmured

''Well, done is done.''


It has been a week now after that incident. Zero still didn't know the old man's name or where he came from but she was learned a lot of things instead of them. She was asked countless questions and he was answered to them but never to those two.

She remembered the first time she tried to kill the old man as she was standing there and looking at the old man, who's looking at the river. The difference from before however was now the girl wasn't pointing a gun towards him. She had her all of her weapons on her though. She was looking at the old man's back with a blank look on her face.

There were a lot of things she wanted to say to him. Her feet were glued to the ground, not wanting to move. Right, she was leaving. Her wounds were already good enough for her to leave and her mission was completed by the old man, so she didn't need to wait to fully heal. But still, she couldn't help but feel resentment against the old man. She wondered what would happen if she would say that she wants to stay, but no matter what she wanted to say, the words that come out from her mouth were different.

''Thank you for everything,'' as she genuinely mean it and waited for the old man to say something, but seeing he is not saying anything, she finally turned her back to leave.

She knew she couldn't stay there and had to leave since it's been a month that she had been with the old man but she has never said it aloud, and was ignored that fact until the old man suddenly told her to leave that morning. She was frozen but she didn't say anything except she will leave.

After a couple of steps later, she stopped with the voice she heard

''Zero,'' The old man said without turning to look at her as she was also done the same ''Fate leads each person on a predestined path. I don't know what our meeting will bring on us but don't forget...'' The old man said slowly before he loudly add ''You're a human too!'' causing Zero's eyes to widen as the old man went on ''Find out what you're living for! See how far you can go and then reach as high as you can! Spread your wings and fly to the sun until it burns you up! When you don't know what to do or how to do, just do it! Live with the fullest!''

As the old man was looking at the river all the time, Zero was also looking forward to her with both of them facing their backs. After the old man's words, a smile made its way on Zero's face. In all twenty-two years old life of hers, it was the first, honest smile she had made.

She didn't say anything to the old man as she started to walk once again. The old man wasn't waiting to hear anything back either as he had burning eyes while listening to the fainting step sounds.

And so, two souls fated to meet each other said their goodbyes just like that for the last time.


Four months later,

In these four months, she was hacked every government, all known and unknown organizations to find who the old man was, and yet she couldn't find anything. She was even hacked NASA as she thought that maybe he was an alien but she couldn't find him there too. It was frustrating that she couldn't find anything but she was let go, at least, until two months ago.

She had another mission in China and after she completed it, she went back to the forest. Honestly saying, she was scared that the old man would be angry at her since he was the one who told her to leave in the first place. She didn't have to though, since the old man wasn't there anymore. No one was living in the house. Everything was gone as if the house was always empty. If it wasn't the scar on her stomach, maybe she would think that everything was a dream in the end. She wondered where he is or even if he was alive but for her, there was no way to find out.

Besides that, Zero was learning and experiencing to be more like a normal human. There was no way she could escape from the organization, so she couldn't leave. Having emotions was going against the organization's teachings, so she couldn't let them know either.

She didn't have much time since she was busy with the missions, so all the things she had done were the small things. Like feeding the stray cats that she usually ignored. Greetings and talking a little with the workers in the grocery stores that she had never done before. But in the end, even if it's small, she was happy. She was even proud of herself that she managed to this much.

At the moment, she was on a mission with some children on education. It wasn't a big mission. It was some mafia group that chose to intervene with one of their business, so they were ordered to eliminate them all. She was there to observe the six children and then report that if they were ready to get more important missions.

Four, six, eight, nine, eleven, and thirteen. When she thought about their names, being the first baby that the organization took wasn't that bad. She would at least accept this. But it wasn't all that she thought it wasn't bad to be the first one.

She looked at the children. The eldest one of them was Four. She was a blonde child with pale skin and brown eyes and she was just twelve years old. The youngest one was thirteen. He was a black-haired and black-eyed child as he also had pale skin, he was only ten years old.

Zero watch them kill these men with a blank face but she couldn't help to get chills down on her spine as she watched them. They were all moving like a machine who had no emotions, just like herself, but they were more perfect than her.

While Zero was watching eight and nine, the twins, kill some big man with perfect teamwork, she saw thirteen with the corner of her eyes, and without even thinking in a second, her body rushed towards there.

Zero couldn't say that she had never killed a child before. In fact, the second life she took was a child. She was eight years old at that time, the same age as the boy she killed. They were both in the organization but the difference was the boy, Cole, was there since he was five years old. The organization would monitor them to decide if she was a success. They would be watched every second, even in their sleep. The last test was to face them with each other.

She was sure that his real name wasn't even Cole, but she didn't know his real name since she was never talked with him before. When they face each other, Cole couldn't kill her as he was scared, and being unsuccessful, Zero has killed him without even thinking. She had never felt anything as to what she had done before. Maybe it was karma, she didn't know, but she couldn't help to blame herself at that moment. If she wouldn't kill Cole and be unsuccessful too, maybe these children were never taken from orphanages and raised like this.

She took the child in her arms before thirteen could kill him. He was looking like a seven years old boy. She knew this child. From the information she got before they came here, this boy was supposed to be the illegitimate child of the boss of this mafia group. The last person Zero expected to be here.

After Cole, Zero had never come across a mission she had to kill a child, but she knew she would have to if that happened like she knew that thirteen and the other children would kill this boy without thinking a second. They were in some restaurant's back room. A secret room for this kind of meeting and they always had emergency exit doors. She ran towards the little gray metal door with the scared little child in her arms.

When she opened the door, she glanced at her back, only to see that thirteen was coming after them while the rest of the children were about to finish to kill everyone there without knowing whats going on now. She let the boy on his feet and look at him. He had light brown hair and warm, honey-colored eyes along with tan skin. He was trembling with fright.

''Go!'' Zero yelled at him as she showed the back street in front of the door.

While the scared little boy was looking like he could collapse with the fear and having a hard time moving, Zero suddenly felt an intense pain on her back. As she glanced at her back, her eyes widen momently after seeing thirteen on her back. He was holding a bloody knife in his hand. A knife that he took out from her back after he stabbed her.

''Thirteen, what are you doing?'' Four asked with a completely emotionless voice and face as they were all looking at them now while walking towards there

''She is letting one of the targets to run.'' Thirteen also said with an emotionless face and voice

Zero look at the boy and her gray eyes meet with his honey-colored eyes. She could hear the emotionless talk behind her, but she ignored them as she look at the little boy and slightly smiled at him. The boy's fear lessened when he saw the smile on Zero's face. It was just like the smile of her mother's made. It was kind and soft.

Zero placed her hand on his little shoulders ''Run and never stop running until you reach to the crowd.'' she said with a smile as she turned the boy around him, who's looking at her with a lot of emotions in his eyes.

When Zero turned the boy around himself, thirteen held up his hand with the knife, and just at the same time Zero push the boy, a knife stabbed her in the back once again.

''Go,'' Zero said as she pushed the boy on the back and see him run while she was trying to ignore the piercing pain she was feeling on her back

Zero never took her eyes off from the boy who's running even though she felt a sharp pain on her back countless times. She was stopped counting after the tenth one as the children were telling her to move, but she stood there and endured all the pain while her arms were on the sides of the door, effectively blocking the way.

After seconds later the boy turned the corner, her mind went blank with the blow she took on the back of her head. Her ears were ringing as her eyes lost their sight for a moment, but she forced herself to stay stand and managed to turn to the children

She saw that every one of them was holding their knives that were covered with blood. She was felt that she took more than one stabbing at the same time, but she didn't think that every one of them to do the same.

Her hand slowly moved towards to thirteen, who's holding an iron club in his hand as it was also covered in blood. With sadness in her eyes, she softly caressed his cheek for a brief of second before it slid down from his emotionless face. She couldn't even get angry at them as she also couldn't hurt them. This wasn't their fault.

After she finally fell on her back, she shortly chuckled with the pain she felt. The children look at her with emotionless faces as a serene smile start to form on her face along with tears start to fell from her sad eyes. Her gazes followed the children, who're starting to go after the boy, only leaving four behind to watch Zero, but she knew that it was okay. She didn't know how but she had a feeling that the boy would be fine now.

She was chuckled as she thought that it was funny how she was dying. Karma or fate, she didn't know, but whatever it was, it had a weird sense of humor.

Her tears and sad eyes were for the children. She was sad that she couldn't do anything for them until now and she couldn't anymore. She only hoped that one day, they would meet with someone like the old man.

The old man... Another tear fell down to the warm pool of blood that started to form under her head as she thought about him. She thought about her time with him and his last words. She couldn't help but feel sad that she couldn't even manage to do what he told. She was sad that she didn't have time to spread her wings and fly to the sun and got burned. She didn't have time to live more as she could already feel the cold touch of the death.

But she still smiled. A serene smile she had made for the first time. This time, it was different from the times she thought that she was dying. Now, even if it was small, she had things that made her smile as she thought that now her life wasn't completely empty. She didn't have any regret for dying like this.

She was dying as a human.

Zero closed her eyes for the last time and gave her last breath. Her smile never disappeared even after her soul left her body. Zero was died with tears and a serene smile on her face without knowing that her new life was just about the start.


After Luna was born in this world, she had no idea what's going on at first. Everything was blurry and even though she was remembering her previous life, being newly born wasn't an easy thing. It took some time for her to understand whats going on. After she learned that she was born in One Piece world, she thought about a lot of things. She didn't have anything to do as a baby so she had a lot of time thinking everything through.

She assumed that the old man was also someone like her. She didn't think that he was born like her though. If it was like that, she would find something about him, so she thought that maybe he was transmitted or something. When she thought about his hatred and rage towards the mages, she thought that he actually didn't want to come to her previous world but was forced to come. After thinking a lot of theories about a month, she shrugged it off as she deemed that there was no need to think for things she can't do anything about it.

She was born once again. She had a second chance to live and she was still remembering the old man's words. She had a family, she was a princess and she thought that everything would be fine. She could live as a normal human, and maybe after she has grown up, she could go to see this wonderful world herself.

Of course, life wasn't that easy.

She couldn't say that she didn't live her life with the fullest. She tried to do that. She tried to found what she was living for as she also tried to found why she was in this world. When she didn't know what to do, she just did the first thing she could think of. She spread her wings and flew to the sun until it burned her up, so badly that she was still hurting.

She was sure the old man didn't mean the sun the way she thought. For her, it was Leo, and his death was the thing that made Luna shut down her emotions once again. She wasn't the same before though, since there was no way to be like before after everything she lived. She wasn't sure which one was better though. Before, she didn't know the feeling of loss and now that she knew it, everything was much harder for her.

Luna's thoughts cut off with the attack of the humandrill. She blocked the slash with her pitch-black katana as suddenly blood red flames covered her.

Mihawk watched the girl in flames as he narrowed his eyes. Luna was deep in thoughts when the humandrill attacked her

''I see...'' He said in a low tone as he was carefully observing Luna

''What?'' Luna asked with a confused face as she glanced at him, throwing a flaming kick to the humandrill and making it jumped backward

''Your flames...'' Mihawk started slowly ''I don't think it wouldn't be accurate to think them as normal flames.''

Luna tilted her head with this ''I know that. They are hell fire'' she said bluntly, causing Mihawk to let a sigh

''I didn't mean that,'' he took a sip from his wine before he went on ''From what you say, the first circle you used was your flames. They are awakened when you were almost dying and I think they didn't awaken just like that, but they awakened to protect you.'' causing Luna to frown

''What do you mean?'' as she couldn't understand where he was going with this

''I don't know if you're doing it unconsciously or is it because of your sword, but to me, it seems like your flames had their own will.'' Mihawk explained, but seeing Luna's frowned face, he elaborated it ''Whenever you're about to get attacked, your flames suddenly starting to cover you even without you notice this. There are only two possibilities about this I can think of it'' he said before he took another sip from his wine as Luna was listening to him carefully

''The first one is that you're unconsciously willing it, and actually controlling the flames.'' causing Luna to frown with a thoughtful face ''Secondly, as I explained it before, I don't know how you did it but your sword is very similar to the cursed ones. There is a soul in it and it has its own will. It may be a part of your soul or you could be created a new one. If its the case, the sword soul might be embraced the flames and become one with them. Thus, if you can control your sword and tame that evil soul, you can control the flames.''

Mihawk explained, but even he wasn't sure of it. This was the first time he heard or saw something like this, and this was all hypothesizes. The hell circles she was using were already unusual, but the sword was also very unique for itself. A seastone sword like Naraka was unheard of, and this sword having its own soul made it, it is the only one in the world. Having its own name from the moment its made of, if Naraka was classified amongst the other meitos, it would be already a supreme grade class katana.

He looked at Luna. 'Creating a sword like this at such a young age...' It was truly a shame that she wasn't remembering everything, and it was a shame that she wasn't a pure swordsman. She had the most graceful and unusual technique he had ever saw. 'Such potential is wasting in the hands of Grant Kingdom.' he mused as he also thought that Luna should be roaming throughout the world.

''What do you mean by control?'' Luna asked as she wasn't aware of what Mihawk was thinking. From what he was saying, she knew he didn't mean to control the heat, range, or chose what to burn or not.

''I'm talking about shaping them.'' Mihawk calmly said as he took another sip from his wine

''Shape?'' Luna asked herself as she started to think about it.

Shaping the flames was something she had never thought about it, and she didn't even know if that was possible. She gazed at the katana that she was holding. She couldn't say it was impossible since she didn't exactly know it either. If she was right, her hells were originated from an entirely another universe in the end. Spiritual powers were always a mystery.

''Hmm,'' Mihawk hummed for a moment with closed eyes, looking like he was thinking how to explain ''Think about them like devil fruit powers'' he said as he opened his eyes while Luna frowning with a confused face once again ''When someone ate a devil fruit, they can become the element itself and control them. Since you also had a possibility to control your element, you can think of it like that. The only difference would be that you would be staying as a human, and actually controlling it with a tool. In this case, the tool would be your sword.''

Luna's eyes got widen at this as she started to think everything Mihawk said, and suddenly her eyes started to sparkle

''Like a magician!! I would be using my sword instead of a wand!'' Luna said with excitement and held up her katana ''If I would be in the Hogwarts right now, I would be the coolest!'' as she began to laugh 'See old man? Now I'm cooler than you!' Luna mused as she was laughing, eventhough she knew that if the old man would be there, he would beat the crap out of Luna in an instant.

Mihawk watched Luna, who's laughing as she was holding up her sword and looking at the sky with a somehow proud look on her face. He could almost see the shiny sparkles around her.

From what he heard of rumors, Grant D. Luna was an evil girl who's beginning to describe as a demon lately. They were also telling that her insanity would even surpass her father one day. He couldn't say that these rumors were wrong, but it has been a week now that Luna was staying on his island and he could say that, once someone gets to know her, Grant D. Luna was certainly an idiotic weirdo.

He startled and got off from his thoughts as Luna suddenly turned to him with a big, shiny smile on her face.

''Hey, Hawky!'' causing Mihawk's eyebrows to twitch, ''Can I stay here until I get better with my hells and learn to control my flames?!''

Mihawk look at the girl with his stoic face for a moment

''As long as you don't disrupt me, you can stay,'' he said as he was also wondering what will be going to happen

''Oh! Thank you Hawky! You're the best!'' Luna said with a laugh before she held up her sword, and run towards one of the humandrills

Dracule Mihawk found himself regretting his decision every day as Grant D. Luna stayed on his island for two whole months.

*Flashback Ends*

It was a beautiful, sunny day as a marine ship was sailing on the bright blue sea. However, at the moment, everyone on the ship was looking at the sea with bewildered expressions since the sea was literally boiling.

They could see a dark red light under the sea that was ascending through the surface at a very fast speed. Moments later, dark, blood-red flames come bursting through the sea, and now it was hovering on the air.

The flames were shaped of an egg was looking like it had feathers that resembled scales. In the middle of the egg-shaped flames, they could see a white-haired, yellow dressed girl there with a fetal position. They couldn't see clearly because of the dark-colored flames but they could see the girl was holding a pitch-black katana. The tip of the katana was pointing down as she was holding its handle with her two hands. She was looking like she was embracing it.

While the marines were looking completely shocked and trying to understand what they were exactly witnessing, the girl began to open her eyes. As she gently opened her eyes, they could see the ocean blue eyes that were glowing inside of the dark colored flames. Before they could even react to the fact that the girl opened her eyes, dark, blood-red flames begin to move. It wasn't and egg, this much they could say now. As the flames were moving, they spread out like wings on the back of the girl.

It wasn't like an angel's wings. It was made of fire and it looked like giant bat wings or one could even say that it was the wings of a dragon. The girl now was truly flying on the air with the enormous wings made of flames. While some of the marines were looking astounded, some of them were looking skeptical as they were talking to themselves with loud voices

''She's an angel!! An angel came out below the sea!'' One of them said, looking completely bewitched

''No, she a sea devil!!'' Another shouted out with fear

''Wait, I know her!!'' One of them said, causing their captain to turn to him

''Really? Who is she?'' looking completely bewildered

''I saw her wanted poster recently! She one of the Strawhat Pirates! She had eighty million berry on her head and she wanted only dead! She is De Luna!'' the man said with fear now. He was especially remembering it because she was wanted only dead.

Luna held her katana with one hand as she look around. She was just wake up and had an unfocused look on her face. She was trying to overcome her daze when she heard the voices of men. When she look over there, she saw a marine ship and blinked for once to clear out her sight. While she was looking at them, she suddenly remembered what happened and anger started to rise inside her. She lifted her head to the sky with a frowned face

Meanwhile, the marines were starting to load their cannons to shot at Luna.

''What is she doing here?'' the marine captain muttered to himself but it was a good chance. She was alone, not with the crew and since she was wanted only dead, they didn't have to hold themselves. Still, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. She wasn't even looking at them now, as if they weren't even important.

While Luna was thinking that she should go back now since she didn't know how long she was out of cold, she suddenly coughed of some dark gray colored smoke and blood. She wiped the blood around her mouth as she look at her body with a frowned face. She could tell that she had some broken ribs, her spine was also probably damaged. Her right hand had still some burnt marks as there were some bruised on her legs and arms. If she could see, she would say that there were also some bruises on her stomach and her back.

'I knew it wasn't a good idea to fell from that high...' Luna thought as she let a sigh with some smoke also got free from her lips. Just that moment, she heard the cannon voices, causing her to turned to look at the ship

One of her wings made of flames moved in front of Luna and covered her like a shield, causing all cannonballs to meltdown the moment they came in contact with the dark, blood-red flames. As the wing moved to its own place, Luna look at the marine's shocked faces.

''You should just ignore me...'' She said slowly while smoke was coming out from her lips as she talked ''Can't you see that I'm not in the mood?'' Luna asked with a tilted head as she held up her katana, causing the marine captain's eyes to get widen as his men were running around to reload the cannons. As the flames start to appear on Naraka, Luna brought down her katana in one swift motion, sending a giant, flaming vertical slash towards the ship.

Not even looking at there anymore, Luna look at the sky once again as she started to hear the screams. She held up her katana once again and point at the sky. ''Reverse Gravity!'' In a matter of seconds, All the flames on her disappeared and she shot straight up to the sky.

The marine ship, on the other hand, was cut down in two and started to burndown. Even after Luna's flames disappeared, the ship kept burning. Not so long later, there was nothing left on the Blue Sea. The ocean now wasn't boiling, and there was no trace from a ship nor even a human.

It was once again looking peaceful with dazzling beauty.

When Luna burst through the clouds, she started to search for the island.

''Are you kidding with me?!'' She shouted out to the heavens before she look at the island that was far away. It was looking like a little dote

It would take a lot of time if she would swim there and the time was something she didn't have. She let a sigh before suddenly her flames came back. Her dark, blood-red wings were formed on her back once again. She didn't like to fly with her flames. Forming a shape out of her flames was already hard, and using them like this was much more troublesome since it was required a lot of concentration and energy. Not to mention that it was slower and she couldn't use it for a long time... She usually preferred to fly while relaxingly sitting on her katana, but she still couldn't fly freely like that, so she didn't have any choice.

She gritted her teets as dark smoke fumed with a hissing sound, escaping from her lips fastly before it disappeared in the air as her blood-red flames got much darker as she was using her eighth circle.

''I wonder what happened...'' she murmured as her grasp on her katana got tighten, and without waiting, she started to fly towards the island like a flaming rocket.