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Fall of the God and the song of the island III

The Northeast part of the island,

The Merry has anchored the coast with two people on its deck

''Mother of God...'' Sanji whispered with a frowned face as his mouth was hanging open before he started to kick Usopp ''Usopp!! Wake up!! This ain't the time to sleep!'' causing Usopp to wake up as he was groaning

''W...What is it?... Hm?'' looking completely dazed ''Where am I?'' as he look around

''Just shut up and get ready to head out!'' Sanji yelled out as he was wearing a t-shirt, as he was bandaged up all around along with Usopp

''Huh?'' G...get ready?'' Usopp asked as he was still trying to wake up

''I saw Luna-cwan fell from that ship!'' as he pointed it out the giant flying ship ''And who knows where Nami-swan and Robin-san! We have to go over there!!''

''Luna..?'' Usopp repeated as he gazed at the ship Sanji was pointing out, and suddenly, remembering what happened ''Ahhhh!!!'' Usopp made a terrified face ''Now I remember! God! God appeared!'' he shouted out

''He's not here now! He already left!'' Sanji told Usopp, who's freaking out ''Damn it! Luna-cwan must be fall and hurt her ankle!'' Sanji said as tears begin to come to his eyes ''She's probably crying and waiting for me to save her!''

''You...'' Usopp muttered with a sweatdrop ''Who are you even talking about?'' He asked as he glanced at Sanji before he let a sigh ''But, I see... So, she's alive already come back'' he then look at the ship once again ''And fell from that ship... ship...'' Usopp slowly said as the realization hit him, and a moment later he was looking at the ship with big, widen eyes as his jaw was on the floor ''What?! Is that... A ship sailing on... trees?!''

''It's not important what that thing is!! What is important is, I saw Luna fell from that thing, and we have to go!!'' Sanji shout out as they were preparing to go to the shore while Usopp was literally crying now.


Ruins of City of the Gold,

Waiting where they were would be dangerous, Zoro, Nami, and Robin, who's now able to get up, decided to go up to the first level of the clouds above them. It wasn't easy as Luna was cut off the Giant Jack. Robin was used her powers to create a rope that was going up and hold on to the ruins up there. Carrying everyone there as they were climbing, they managed to go up

Three of them were staring at the enormous flying ship now.

''The sky is even much darker now...'' Robin said as she looked up at the dark clouds above them

''These clouds are really dangerous... I knew we should just run!'' Nami said as she was also looking at the dark clouds. As a navigator, she had a very good guess what these clouds were


''Heavy!!'' Luna said loudly as she landed on the ground

After the sacrifice of the bird/horse made to save Aisa, She was able to catch her before she hit the ground. While she was carrying the little girl in her one arm, she was holding her katana with her other hand. Aisa was freaking out as she saw Luna's flaming wings, but she was also carrying the bird/hose while Luffy was wrapped his arm around her waist. Not being able to carry them out like that, especially the huge golden ball on Luffy, she fastly landed on the ground.

As Aisa was crying over Pierre and was saying thank you to him ''Damn it! I can't take off this ball of gold!'' Luffy shouted out with annoyance as he was trying to pull out of his hand

''Where did you even get that?!'' Aisa asked/yelled out with a shocked expression

''Luna, can you melt it?'' Luffy asked Luna as he turned to look at her

''I can, but I won't'' Luna said nonchalantly, shocking Luffy

''Ehh?! Why not?!'' Luffy asked with a completely shocked face, causing Luna to frown as she looked at the dark, cloudy sky

''Because you're going to need that'' she said as a matter of fact

Luffy look at her with a confused face before he also looked at the sky, which they were only able to see a little bit due to the hole above them. He didn't understand, but since Luna was told he was going to need it, he let it go

''We have to go to where the Golden Bell is! I won't Enel to get away with this!'' Luffy said as he looked at the sky, yelling at Enel ''Don't think I can be stopped like this!!''

''Let's just get off the cave first'' Luna said calmly, totally opposite of Luffy, who's clearly furious, as he was holding the ball on top of him now

''Right, let's go!'' Luffy said as he started to run. While Luna was also following him

''That's the wrong way!'' Aisa shout out before she pointed out her right side ''We have to go this way!'' causing them to run towards there in an instant


After running for a while, they were now back at the ruins of Shandia. Luffy was running behind them as he was carrying a huge golden ball. He ended up rolling with the ball while running, crashing to the buildings there, causing Aisa to began to yell at him not to destroy her homeland as she was dragging Pierre along with her.

Finally getting where the Giant Jack was cut off, all three of them had surprised and confused faces ''Huh?'' Luffy asked as he look around while he was trying to control his breathes after all the running ''Zoro and Nami are not here! Neither are Robin and Chopper!''

''Wiper and the old God's not here too'' Aisa said as she was looking around

''They must've already gone up'' Luna said as she looked up at the cloud above them, feeling the familiar presences there

''Oh, I see...'' Luffy said as he look at the hole before he turned to Luna ''How are we gonna there? Can you fly?'' he asked as he look at Luna's wounds

''Yeah,'' Luna said as if its nothing as she was looking up to the hole, which it wasn't that high up

As they began to head towards just under the hole, suddenly a couple of lightning start to strike above them.

''Wha..?'' Luffy asked as he look at the place the lightning fall

''So he already started...'' Luna mumbled as she began to form her wings once again, but realizing Aisa wasn't coming, they turned to her, asking what's wrong and hurry up

''Luffy..'' as she was wiping the tears in her eyes, she lifted her head and look at Luffy with tears falling down from her eyes ''Is sky island really gonna be destroyed?!''

Luffy just look at her as he had no emotion on his face before he walked over to her, and hauled her and Pierre on his back, causing her to called out his name with surprise

''I won't let that happen!'' Luffy said with burning determination in his eyes before he wrapped his arm around Luna, who's waiting for them, ready to go, and with that, they shot up and fly into the hole while dodging the bolts of lightning that were raining from the dark skies


Meanwhile, Enel was just started to rain lightning with his powers as the clouds were ready enough and destroying the parts of the island one by one. While everyone was trying to run away from the island, Enel was already high in the sky, flying on his ship

''Ah... I've finally arrived this high...'' Enel muttered to himself as he looked around. There was a small cloud that was not far from him, hanging on the air, right above another small island that had also city ruins on it

''Yes, I don't think anyone else has ever come up this higher, than God's Temple in search of something for at least 400 years... Is it that place?'' he looked at the small cloud, but his attention got distracted with the voices he heard

''So, they're planning to fly up here?'' He asked to himself with an evil smirk ''Yahahaha!! Shall I show them something interesting then? It's time for Raigo!!'' he declared with an evil laugh before he turned his body to lightning and disappeared.

Moments later, there was a huge, spherical cloud filled with electricity that was looking like a gigantic electrical ball up above on the Angel Island, descending slowly


Before Raigo begin to descending,

''Just as I thought...'' Robin muttered ''The ship is heading towards the golden bell'' As she looked at the ship. She wasn't the only one though. Wiper and Gan Fall were also wake up just a moment ago, and Wiper was just standing there, looking around the city with an unreadable face

''I wonder if Luffy and Luna are there...'' Nami said as she was looking there too, but their attentions distracted with the lightning strike close to them

''That was close'' Zoro said as he look at the smoke that was steaming out from where the lightning fell

''What the hell is going on!?'' they all turned to the voice they heard, only to see that Usopp and Sanji were running towards them

''Usopp! Sanji!'' Nami yelled out as she look at them ''Where is the ship?! We have to leave the island!'' she asked while Sanji was already starting to swoon over her with hearts on his eyes, but before Usopp could answer

''By the way,'' Wiper suddenly turned to Robin ''Didn't you say something about a Golden Bell?''

''Yes,'' Robin answered him, looking surprised for a moment as Usopp was asking what bell and Gan Fall looking interested

''The bell is Enel's next destination... Do you know where it is?'' Wiper asked

''It's up the stalk,'' Robin said as she kept going, Usopp was yelling on the background

''Hey, hey!! Why are we talking about the bell?! Shouldn't we be running away?!'' as Nami was also agreeing with him

''Right! We have to go to the ship!'' Nami said

''Somewhere near the top, I think.'' Robin went on, not hearing Usopp and Nami ''The Giant Stalk has penetrated the land through the center of Shandia. If I remember correctly, the bell was located at the center of the city. So theoretically, the bell should be somewhere further up the stalk. The bell is now probably on a cloud that hovers in the sky above us. However, as the beanstalk sliced off unless someone can't fly, there is no way to reach it now.'' Robin explained, causing Wiper to frown as he look at the sliced Giant Jack while Zoro was thinking of this morning

''Hey, in the City of Gold, there should be a huge Golden Bell, right?'' Luffy's laughing voice echoed in his ears along with others that answering yes and why he was asking about that

''Shihihi!! I just had a very funny idea!! If I ring that bell really hard here, Diamond mister and that monkeys will be able to hear it, right?! They will, right?!''

'There is no way we would be leaving here before Luffy ring that bell...' Zoro mused himself as he look at Nami and Usopp, who's yelling out that they should leave

Just at that moment, Luffy, Luna, Aisa, and Pierre suddenly flew up from the hole and landed on where they were. Aisa was directly run towards Nami and hugged her with a big smile before she has gone towards Wiper as Luna was gone towards Robin with a big smile

While Zoro was asking what's that thing on Luffy's arm ''You guys finally come back! We have to go now!'' Nami said to Luffy

''No,'' Luffy said with a frowned face and a serious tone, causing Nami to frown

''What do you mean 'no'?! Do you know what you're saying?! Look around us!!'' Nami yelled out as Usopp was agreeing with her while Zoro and Sanji were looking at him with blank faces

''No, I still have unfinished business!'' Luffy said seriously as he looked up at the sky, causing Nami to ask what was he talking about ''The Golden Bell is somewhere up there in the sky!'' Luffy said as he was glaring above them

''That bell again?!!'' Usopp asked with a shocked expression as he was thinking they should be running right now since they come back

''Golden Bell?! Who cares about the gold now?!'' getting angry, Nami started to yell out again ''Our lives are more important! Enel has already started his plans to destroy the island! If it's about the gold, you've somehow already got a giant ball of gold attached to your hand! Just give up on the Golden Bell and let's go!''

''As if!'' Luffy said as he breathed out from his nose, looking completely determined to go after the Golden Bell. While Nami was telling him to be reasonable, ''We're right here!'' Luffy shouted out

''Huh?'' Nami looked startled for a moment as she asked what was he talking about now. Luffy, who's looking up at the sky up until now, turned to look at Nami

''The City of Gold!! It was up here all along!'' Luffy said loudly with a serious face, as everyone look at him ''It wasn't a lie.'' Luffy said more calmly now as he went on ''Diamond head's ancestor wasn't a liar! So we have to tell him and the monkeys below us!! That the City of Gold is up here in the sky!''

While Zoro, Sanji, and Robin were looking at him with blank faces but an understanding glint in their eyes, Usopp and Nami were looking surprised as Luffy went on and explained ''If I can ring the bell, they should be able to hear me! Otherwise, he's going to keep diving until he wrecks his body and dies!''

''Luffy...'' Nami said softly as understanding could be heard in her voice while even Usopp was now looking like he doesn't want to run away anymore

''I won't let Enel take that bell no matter what!'' Luffy declared as he look up at the sky once again ''A giant bell's ring should be able to travel really far! So I'm not going to leave the island! I'm going to ring the Golden Bell!!''

They all look at him, ''How are you even go up there?'' Nami asked even though she knew the answer

''Luna can fly'' Luffy said as a matter of fact but before any of them continue

''Wait, just now... The ancestor you were talking...'' Wiper was saying with a surprised expression, but he couldn't keep as the temperature around them suddenly got very hot that even breathing became hard. Everyone's eyes turned to Luna, who's standing away from them for a while now as she was holding her unsheathed katana and looking up above the Angel Island

''Luna?! What are you doing?!'' Nami shout out as flames suddenly burst out around Luna

''I'm going to take you up to Enel'' Luna said as she turned to look at Luffy ''But, I have to take care of that first'' as she turned to look where she was looking at before, causing everyone to look up there too

''That..?'' Luffy asked with a confused expression as he look over there too, but after seconds later, their eyes got widen

''Wha...What's that?!'' Usopp asked with bulging eyes and a fearful look

''The thunderclouds... They're changing their forms'' Nami said seriously as she looked up there too

With a deep, echoing thunder sound, clouds above Angel Island were part apart, and it was looking like an enormous bright hole. From that hole, a pitch-black thunder cloud with a ball shape that was as big as the Angel Island was beginning to descend. It was hovering right over the island as there were lightning exploding off around it

''That thing must have a tremendous amount of electric charge, and air current in that must be enormous!!'' Nami cried out

''It's... right above the Angel Island!!'' Aisa also cried out while Gan Fall was shaking with rage towards Enel ''I can still hear the people's voice there!!'' looking scared as tears were forming in her eyes

''Wait! How are you even going to take care of that!!??'' Usopp yelled out, looking terrified as he look at Luna, who's formed a dragon once again

As the three-meter long dragon was spinning around Luna instead of wrapping her body ''As long as it's in the sky, it should be fine.'' Luna said as she look over there with a slightly frowned face

''Wha..?'' Nami asked as she look at her, not understanding how is she gonna take care of that before Luna look at them

''Don't come close to me!'' she shouted out before suddenly the dragon that was spinning around her start to grow bigger with a loud, roaring fire sounds. With every inch it was getting bigger, the air around them was getting hotter, and the wind was going wild as all the wind was rushing towards the dragon that was still spinning around Luna. Though Luna was now looking pretty small, as she was standing in the middle of the twirling giant dragon.

As the dragon got bigger enough to reach the same high with the pitch-black lightning sphere that was slowly falling, everyone was trying to cover themselves and holding on for not wanting to fly away.

''The hot air the flames creating are causing a firestorm!!'' Nami said as she looked at it with a big, widen eyes. If Luna would keep this up, she could even produce lightning clouds

''A dragon?!!!'' Luffy yelled out as he was also covering himself from the hot wind, but his eyes had shining stars in them ''Cool!!!''

''Ahhhh!!! What's that thing??!!'' Usopp cried out as he look at the terrifying dragon made of flames. It had every shade of red in it, and it was looking like it could burn anything that touched or come close to it.

As dark smoke escaped from her mouth, Luna grit her teets with the pain she felt while blood was dripping off from her nose. She was thought about forming a shield above them, but even if she could cover up the upper yard, she couldn't cover up the Angel Island since it was miles away from them. 'It should be fine...' she mused to herself. She couldn't use her full flames against Enel because it could damage the island itself greatly and harm herself, but it would be fine if it's in the sky and away from the island and her.

She looked around her for a moment. From where she was standing, the ground was beginning to meltdown in the shape of a big hole. She was way past to control her flames now. She had no control over the heat the flames were releasing. She pointed her katana towards the enormous lightning ball as the dragon's head followed the tip of her katana and turned towards there as if it was a puppet.

''There is no way I'm letting him destroy our holiday spot while I still couldn't enjoy it...'' Luna muttered herself before she strongly added ''Dragon Breath!'' causing the dragon's mouth to open and release a large pillar of flames with every shade of red color as it went straight towards to Raigo

''Is that even can be called a fire anymore?!'' Nami asked as she look at the bright and dark red colored large pillar of fire shot towards the lightning cloud

What happened next was so quickly that it was as if they were dreaming. When the fire beam hit the pitch-black sphere cloud, the explosion that created was so great that everything around them bathed with a bright light that it blinded them for a moment. Even though it was miles away from them, they all could feel the wind and the shockwave that was created, and the sound was deafening as the entire sky change its color.

As everything happened in seconds, everyone felt like it took ages, but they were all looking at the skies above Angel Island with awed eyes, even Luna. It was one of the most beautiful views they've ever seen. The explosion caused by two highly heated elements was created a colorful scene above them. The colors they had ever seen for the first time were dancing above them as they were looking like a huge cage that was covering them.

''Whoa...'' Nami breathed in awe as she spoke the thing everyone had in their mind ''It's beautiful''

The dragon that Luna created suddenly vanished in the air as if never had been there in the beginning along with the hot air, the wind also turned to the normal as Luna fell on her knee while coughing blood. She was holding her katana for support as she was stabbed it to the ground.

''Luna!'' Luffy called out, getting out his awed mode as he ran towards there ''You're okay?!'' looking worried more as he saw the blood dripping from her mouth and her nose. Sanji also run towards there cursing Enel along the way

''I'm fine...'' Luna said as she was trying to control her breathes while wiping the blood out of her face. She wasn't fine though, using so much energy was still hard on her, especially as she was already injured. Before Luffy could say anything

''We have to go. I can't stop that the second time'' she said as she look above them, causing them to look up too, only to see that this time the sky above them was parting apart into an enormous hole

''That bastard!'' Luffy said as he grit his teeth, looking too angry before he turned to Luna ''Can you even fly?'' causing Luna to let a sigh

''I can't fly in a long time, so we have to go fast'' she said as she got up. She felt responsible to take him up as she was the one who cut the giant beanstalk, even though it wasn't her intention. Seeing that Enel's ship was on the west side of the island, she began to form wings once again ''Let's go'' she said, causing Luffy to wrap his arm around Luna's waist again

Just they were shooting up to the sky, they could Sanji's yellings at Luffy, saying that be careful about Luna and not to let Enel cause her damage while Nami and Usopp were looking at the hole above them with scared expressions


''That human...'' Enel murmured with an irritated tone as his face was dark while he was standing on the small cloud that was hovering on the sky and behind him a giant golden bell. ''I should make them disappear first...'' Enel said as he sent his powers to the sky once again

''Yahahahah!!! I already found the Golden Bell!! No need that little piece of Vearth now!!'' Enel loudly declared to the heavens with wide-open arms while laughing ''Fine.. then come to your doom. I will deal with you before I go on to rule the endless earth!!!'' as he glared down with an evil smirk


People on Angel Island, who couldn't find the chance to run, were looking at the sky with an awed face just like the people who managed to run away and sailing on the ships.

''Wha..what was that?'' one of the citizens asked in awe.

The shock wave the explosion created was so immense that they had to hold on for dear life of them. Some buildings were also collapsed with the shockwave, but in the end, they were unharmed

''Is there really a God..?'' another one asked but it didn't take too long for them to get off from their awe

''It doesn't matter what happened!!'' Captain of the White Berets, McKinley, shout out as he was the first one who came back to his senses ''The lightning rain still continues! We have to keep run!'' causing them to come back their senses as well as they kept running to the ships


''It's even bigger than the previous one!!'' Usopp yelled out as the giant pitch-black lightning cloud begin to appear now ''Luna said she can't stop it again!! We all doomed!!'' as he was freaking out

''How could he...?'' Gan Fall asked as he look at the Raigo, looking outraged at Enel as he was shaking all over

''Right now, the survival of the sky island rest on Luffy's shoulders'' Zoro said seriously as Sanji lit a cigarette while he was looking up

''That shitty brat has not right to ring the bell!'' Wiper said with a frowned face, causing Robin to look at him with a frown while Usopp was saying to ignore him

''400 years ago...'' Robin started to talk as she was facing her back to Wiper ''An explorer from the blue seas said that he found the City of Gold, but no one believed him. Everyone called him a liar. However, his descendent believes him and has been risking his life to find the city... You heard what he said, who you called shitty brat'' Robin said before she made a smile ''Isn't it romantic? He is throwing away his life just so he can deliver that message''

''The ancestor he talked about...'' Wiper murmured as his voice lost in the lightning struck ''That descendent... What is his name?''

''Mont Blanc Cricket'' Robin answered him as she was still turning her back to him

''Then 400 years ago... The name of the explorer... Was it Norland?'' as tears were falling down from Wiper eyes, shocking Aisa as everyone was looking at him

''Yes'' Robin casually answered him as she look at his teary face

'Is this your will too? Oh, great Kalgara!' Wiper thought while he was looking at the sky now


''You're way too heavy!'' Luna yelled out as he was carrying Luffy

''You're the one who told me to stuck up with it!!'' Luffy also yelled back at her as Luna dodge another lightning strike

''Still, stop telling me to go faster!'' Luna yelled out again as they look at the Raigo above them which it was giving off loud thunder voices now

''This one is even bigger than the last one! That bastard!'' Luffy yelled out furiously ''He is trying to destroy this whole country with that thing!! So that means he found the Golden Bell over there!!''

''Yeah, his ship isn't moving from that cloud either'' Luna also said as she avoided another lightning.

They were flying towards there, but Enel has started a thunderstorm

''Yahahaha!! Even though you're immune to my lightning, you can't stop me if you can't get here!!!'' Enel shout out as he was laughing like a crazy person ''Go back down there and wait for the advent of thunder, rubber human!!''

As Luna dodge another lightning, Luffy was now encouraging her ''Seems like Enel is really doesn't want to fight with you again!'' Luna said loudly as she kept fly towards the ship

''He won't get away that easily!'' Luffy also shout out as the lightning around them was falling like rain, destroying the ruins below them

As they finally come closer ''I'm coming, Enel!!'' Luffy shout out as they speed up ''Give back the Golden Bell!!''

''You're too late, trash!'' Enel said as he look down at Luffy ''This should be big enough already... So, it is now time for you and Skypiea to vanish into thin air!!!'' he raised his arms to his Raigo ''Now, disappear along with this land!!''

Luffy growled angrily as the Raigo slowly began to fall, ''Thanks, Luna!'' causing Luna to turn to look at him as she was looking at the Raigo ''I'll take it from here!''

As Luna stopped going higher after what Luffy said, he let go of Luna and threw up his hand with Golden Ball, causing him to keep raising.

Seeing the small cloud that was close to her, Luna let herself on it as she sheathed her katana and fall on her back. She watched Luffy going up, but he wasn't going towards Enel's ship. He was going up right into the Raigo.

''Yahahahaha!!!'' Enel laughed with so much joy ''What can you do against such absolute power, rubber man?!!'' as he roared with more laughter.

With a battle cry, Luffy flew straight towards the Raigo and went right into it.

As Luffy was inside of the Raigo, a ball that full of air currents and lightning discharges, he start to twirl around his hand with gold attached

With a loud scream ''Gum Gum Firework...Golden Baton!'' as his hand with the golden ball begin to stretch everywhere inside

Hundreds of bolts were flashing and exploding in all directions of the pitch-black sphere. It was as if the power inside the ball was about to get released while lightning was becoming volatile and unstable

''Right, gold is a natural conductor.'' Luna murmured as she watched the Raigo become brighter with every passing second as Luffy was discharging it before its fall. Soon, she heard Luffy's yelling that coming between the sound of the thunder

''We tried super hard to get to Sky Island, and you had to come along and ruin the weather!! I won't let your stupid ball destroy it!!'' his voice echoed through the skies around them as the Raigo was starting to cracking apart

All the Skypieans were prying to real God to save them

Strawhats were cheering for Luffy

Wiper was whispering to himself ''Go get him, brat.''

As they were all looking at the pitch-black sphere that was cracking and emitting a brilliant light

''Clear the sky!!!'' Luffy screamed out as the Raigo cracked apart directly from inside and exploded, causing a strong wind to blow out and clear the sky, revealing the bright sunshine.

''He made it look too easy'' Luna muttered to herself as Luffy's battle cry sounded once again

He was falling from the sky as his Golden Ball hand was stretched backward and twisted around tightly while Enel was looking outraged now.

''This is the second time...'' as he grit his teeth, he glared at Luffy with a dark look on his face ''How dare you to destroy my Raigo... You insolent monkey of the Blue Sea!!''

''This time, it's my turn to knock you off!!'' Luffy shout out at Enel, only making him angrier

''Now you truly angered God!!!'' Enel shouted out in anger as lightning burst out of his body, growing bigger and bigger until he transforms into a gigantic, Raijin-looking thunder god made of pure electricity. He was looking like a big, fat man that made of lightning

''Max 200 million Volts, Amaru!'' Enel said loudly as even his golden trident was burning with electricity now

''What's that?!'' Luffy asked with a surprised expression as he look at Enel's transformed body

''You want to ring the Golden Bell, do you?'' Enel asked as he held up his massive arm ''Is it because of the legend of its sound signifying the end of the war? You are pathetic to believe in such nonsense!! I'm the Almighty God!! You're just a Paramecia type Devil Fruit user!! You're no match for me, God of the element!!'' as he sent a blast of lightning that strong enough to lit up the sky and shoot around them

As the attack hit directly Luffy ''Are you stupid?! Didn't I tell you the lightning is useless against me?!'' Luffy shout out as he burst through the lightning and began to run on Enel's arm ''God this, God that!'' Luffy said as if he had enough of him ''A stupid, shitty God like you, is better off gone!!!'' as he kicked Enel's huge head so hard that blood burst from his mouth

''Did you forget that... I have another weapon?!'' Enel said as his trident come spinning up and tried to spear Luffy.

''That bastard, trying to stab from the back'' Luna said as she gritted her teeth while Luffy was forced to hold the trident to prevent to stab on the back. But, that wasn't the only problem Luffy was having as his hand with the golden ball was stretching even farther away from him, forcing him backward, causing him to lean towards the trident

Luffy held the trident with his free hand but it ended up with his hand burned. There was steam coming off from his hand as he screamed in pain

''Yahahahaha!! How unfortunate, rubber human!! You are stuck there for good!'' Enel said as he was laughing once again ''What an irony that your own right arm is causing the trident to thrust deeper into your body!!'' as he look at Luffy, who's screaming as he was saying hot, Enel sneered ''The only way out of that is to fall all the way down!! It is commendable that you got up here, but this is as far as you may go!! This country is inevitably doomed!! I will just make another Raigo!!''

As Luffy was fighting to get away, he suddenly clenched his teeth and snapped opened his eyes that were burning as he was looking like he just remembered something important before he let go of the trident, and let himself to fall

''So you chose to fall to your doom'' Enel smiled with pure joy as if he was the winner

''Luffy!'' Luna called out as Luffy fall below her. Just as she was about to jump off after him, Luffy suddenly stretched out his left hand and grabbed a hold of the cloud she was on, causing himself to hang there

''I'm going back!'' causing Luna to pull herself back as he was about to shoot up himself

''W..What?!'' Enel asked with a shocked expression as he look at Luffy

As Luffy was launching up himself ''You're going down!! You stupid earlobe freak!!'' Luffy yelled out as he used 'Gum Gum Rocket!' to shot up himself. His right arm with gold attached to it was twisting around itself. As Enel was mocking with him while saying that he was using the same attack again, Luffy's eyes were burning with determination

''I will make the bell ring again no matter what!!!'' Luffy declared as Enel now was holding up two tridents and claimed that this time he will make sure to pierce his heart

''Gum Gum...Golden Rifle!'' Luffy shout out as he heaved the golden ball in front of him and threw a punch, causing Enel's eyes to get widen with shock as it was too fast for him to avoid now.

In a matter of seconds, Luffy's Golden punched smashed right into Enel's face with so much force that he send back while tearing apart the ship.

No longer couldn't maintain his form, Enel turned back to his human form as Luffy kept sending him back, to the cloud on Enel's back, to where The Golden Bell is.

''Ring!!!'' Luffy shout out as he slammed Enel right into it with a great impact that some parts of the bell broke as well as the gold on Luffy's hand broke apart while more blood was pouring out from Enel's mouth

As the Golden Bell ring for the first time after four hundred years later

''Do you hear it?! Diamond-head mister!? Big monkeys!!?'' Luffy screamed out at the top of his lungs ''The City of Gold is here!!! For four hundred years... The city of Gold has always been in the sky!!!!'' as the loud ringing echoed across the bright blue skies.

It was the most beautiful voice like it was playing a beautiful song. Song of the island...

As the bell ringed, Luna thought about the words she read a long time ago 'As we were leaving the magnificent City of the Gold, I couldn't help to feel sad that even though it was just there, we weren't able to ring it. I wonder how wonderful must be, the most beautiful sound. -Grant D. Lars.' She thought how ironic that she could say the exact opposite to him now.


As the every living being on the Sky were over joying that the war was finally over, and the island sing the song after hundred years later, down below on the blue sea, there were people who're also over joying

''Boss, is that..'' Masira asked in awe and shock

''Ah... There is no doubt about it...'' Cricket said with an excited smirk on his face ''Romantic.. isn't it?''

''In the sky...'' Masira stuttered as his mouth was hanging open with shock

''I'm getting on edge with excitement!!'' Shoujou said as they were all looking up at the skies above them

''The sound of the bell came from the sky... It's just like that girl said. The reason why those giants always appear only when the millennium cumulonimbus appears...''

''Ahh... People that live in the sky... It was hard to believe...'' Masira said in awe as he was looking up at the sky

''As much as difficult it is to believe, the sound of the bell from the sky is the undeniable proof of that fact.'' Cricket said while standing with folded arms ''If the sound of the bell comes from the sky, the City of the Gold must truly exist and is just floating in the sky...'' he explained before he made a big smile as his eyes were shining ''Norland, my ancestor... He wasn't a liar!! The sound is the proof he sent us from the sky!''

They all look at the giant, strawhat wearing shadow on the skies

''Hey, kid... So, the City of the Gold is all the way up there, huh? Thanks for telling us!!'' Cricket said as all of them broke into the happiest smiles

''U...'' Cricket made a sound as he started to shake, causing everyone there to get panicked and asked what's wrong ''I'm glad... you guys made it alive and kicking up there'' he muttered as tears were falling down on his face ''I was worried'' causing them to smile at him before everyone start to cheer up


As the bell continued to ring loudly as it was falling, Enel and his broken ship also start to fell into the Whtie Sea while Luffy landed next to Luna on the cloud.

The sound of the bell... the proof of the ancient city's once prosperous past, the light of Shandia... It is also the declaration of truce, the song of the island. Though 400 years late, it is also the sound of a promise kept. No matter how long the journey of the floating island is, the memories of those in the past are never forgotten. Using the sound of the bell as a medium of message, blessings, and hope is spread to the corners of the world.

A very clear message says, 'We will always be here!'

''It rang...'' Luffy said softly as the two of them were laying on the cloud and looking at the bright blue sky with injuries on them ''Hey... you think they heard it..?''

''I'm sure they did,'' Luna said with a slightly soft smile


It has been three days now that the Golden Bell rang, and the war is over.

After Luffy and Luna get back where everyone was, Chopper was woke up and took care of the injuries. Skypieans and Shandians were all met on the Upper Yard and made a truce. There was a huge party that was still going on with everyone joining, even the animals, as people were also trying to get better after everything happened.

''I told you that Sky Islands are the best places for holidays!'' Luna said with a happy voice as she was lying back on a white lounge chair made of an extremely soft cloud on Angel Beach with an iced whiskey in her hand

''Yeah, it's truly quite and peaceful...'' Robin said as she was also laying beside Luna, under the soft and brilliant morning sun. Her wine was on her left side, on the firm cloud that shaped like a small table between her and Luna.

Until now, as they were all partying on the nights with citizens, they were all scattered all over the island on midday. Everyone was doing their own things. Luna, Nami, and Robin were doing some shopping yesterday as today two of them were decided to just relax and enjoy their vacation for a while

''Still, it would be nice to swim...'' Luna said with a sigh. Chopper, as he had done to everyone, was bandaged up all over them, and swimming was absolutely forbidden

''Chopper would bandage up you more if you do that'' Robin said as she took a sip from her wine

''Yeah, I know... that, I don't want to'' Luna said with a sweatdrop as she also took a sip from her whiskey. She was already bandaged up way too much, especially her right arm and leg. She felt like she could finally understand Zoro

''Citizens are searching for the Golden Bell...'' Robin said slowly ''From what I gathered, there must be a Poneglyph, right?'' causing Luna to nod softly as she made a confirming sound

''Why didn't you say anything about it before? You knew the City of the Gold is exist if there is a Poneglyph here'' Robin asked as she was curious

''Even if I said something, I had no proof'' Luna said softly before she made a mischievous smile ''Besides, it would ruin all the fun!''

''It wasn't that funny'' Robin said with a sigh while Luna was giggling as they were lying on their comfortable chairs


A couple of hours later, Robin left to search for some ruins that still left after the destruction Enel caused while Luna was now relaxing on her own. It was peaceful and quiet...

''Heeey!! Luna!'' until now, that is.

Luna look towards the voice she heard, only to see that Luffy was coming towards her with a big smile on his face as he was carrying that big and weird fruit in his hand

''Luffy! What are you doing here?'' Luna asked with a big smile as Luffy made himself comfortable where Robin was laying before ''I thought you would be eating all day again''

''I was! But Sanji kicked me out'' Luffy said with a pout ''I heard you were here so I came to look... what are you even doing here?''

''I'm enjoying my peace and relaxing...'' Luna said with a calm smile on her face as she look at the dazzling soft white sea made of clouds

''Yeah, it's peaceful and too quiet...'' Luffy said lowly as he also look at the sea clouds, but glancing at Luna for a moment ''Still, I miss the Blue Sea''

''According to Nami, the log will be set tomorrow'' Luna said as she was actually sad that their holiday was coming to an end

''By the way...'' Luffy said slowly ''What happened?'' causing Luna to look at him with a questioning face as she was taking a sip from her whiskey ''That night, you and Usopp, what happened?'' causing Luna to spit the whiskey she was drinking

''You were cried too, right?'' Luffy bluntly asked as he was looking at Luna

Since Usopp was usually normal, he wasn't carried much, but Luna wouldn't cry easily. He knew how she was looking after she cried and even if it was hard to see, he saw the slight reddish in her eyes. He was waiting for everything to over to ask about it since they were looking too depressed. He was thought that something important must have happened for them to look like that

Luna let a sigh as she was looking down now, murmuring he just ruin her peace ''Oh, well...'' Luna let another sigh ''We were actually planning to tell you guys after we go back to our sea...'' she said slowly, not looking at Luffy but there was sadness in her eyes, and as she remembered what happened tears start to come to her eyes

''Its...'' Luna started to say as Luffy lift her head to look at her face

''What?'' Looking serious with his frowned face as he saw she was about to cry

''It's Merry...'' Luna said before she look right into Luffy's eyes ''She's dying'' causing Luffy's hand to froze on her face

''Merry... what?'' Luffy asked with a low tone as his face was devoid all of the emotions

Luna bit her lips for a moment as she remembered what happened once again


''We just have to fix her, right?'' Luna came back with Usopp's question, but she only look at his hopeful face as another tear fell down from her eyes

''But...'' Usopp said before more tears start to come from his eyes ''Be it giants waves, sea kings, and sea battles! She came all the way with us just fine! She is our friend!!''

''No matter what, a ship is not a human. She can't just take a beating and got stronger.'' Luna said with a rather calm voice while Usopp was loudly crying and talking

''So what?! Are we just going to leave her and let her scrapped?! I'm not gonna leave her!! I will fix her!!'' Usopp yelled out, causing Luna to frown

''Who said we would just leave her?!'' Luna yelled back with an angry face as tears were falling from her eyes too ''The ship belongs to the captain!'' startling Usopp for a moment ''You think when Luffy learned about this, he would just leave Merry just like that?! Even if Merry couldn't sail anymore no one in this crew would leave her behind just like that!'' Luna said loudly with a frowned face before she started to walk away, leaving Usopp there, who's looking shocked while his tears were flowing down nonstop

Luna went towards one of the tree's that was near them and took a vine

''What are you doing?'' Usopp asked as he was still looking out of the world

''I'm not just going to sit here and cry like a baby'' Luna said as she looked at Usopp ''She is trying so hard just to make to the next island. '' she then turned to look at Merry with a serious face ''We are pirates. If Merry fell apart in the middle of the sea, we would all die. A ship's responsibility is to carry the crew safely from an island to another. Merry was never made of to sail the harsh seas, and yet she came all this way and even manifested itself like this, just so she can carry us safely to the next island.'' she then look at Usopp's crying face ''Forcing her would only cause her pain, and we would be betrayed her wish.''

When Luna was about to swing towards the Merry, Usopp suddenly hugged her from behind. While he was still crying, she could tell that his tears that were mixing with snots are all over her

''I'll help her too!'' Usopp said, even though he was crying, he had a determined face

Even though they were now close to the Merry, they still couldn't see the Klabautermann clearly. Both of them didn't go near to it though, as if scared that it may disappear. They were silently moving around the ship to find the real problem, and after a short while later, both of them were crouching down and looking at the cracked keel.

''That Bellamy!!'' Usopp growled as he was touching softly to the crack ''If I see him again, I won't forgive him!'' as he knew the importance of the keel.

''Knock Up Stream must be hard on her after what happened with Bellamy...'' Luna said in a low voice before they begin to try the fix Merry as much as they could

A couple of hours later when the sun was beginning to rise,

''We still have to go and find a shipwright...'' Luna said as she was now looking drained. Both of them were helping the Merry without resting as they were listening to her hammering sounds

''When are we going to tell the others?'' Usopp asked with his puffy red eyes

''There is nothing we can do here... Let's talk with them when we go back to the Blue Sea'' Luna said, sounding like she was whispering

They let a depressed sighs just a moment before they heard a childish laughing voice ''Thank you!'' the voice, Merry said ''Don't worry! I'll definitely make it to the next island!'' said with a warm, childish laugh, and before they could even react, she just vanished as if she wasn't even there in the beginning

While Luna was looking at the spot that Merry was with a blank face, Usopp start to cry again, yelling Merry's name to the heavens.

As the fog was clearing out, Usopp kept crying while Luna was patting his back. She knew how Usopp loved Merry and treasure it. As it was Kaya's gift, Usopp was dreaming to sail with the Merry and go back to East Blue, tell all about his adventures to her.

When the sun began to show it's first lights on the clear sky, they decided to go back where others are with a heavy atmosphere around them

*Flashback ends*

Luffy and Luna were lying on the fluffy clouds and looking at the soft cloud sea with emotionless faces.

''So that's what happened...'' Luffy murmured after Luna tell everything from the start. This wasn't what he was expecting to hear. Merry having a soul and the fact that she was dying...

''Yeah...'' Luna also murmured before she added ''Still, we need a shipwright. Even though the problem is the keel and...'' Luna stopped, not talking anymore as she didn't want to repeat it all over again

''We will search for it once we go back to our sea,'' Luffy said firmly, as Merry was trying her hardest, they were own this much to her

''I hate to say goodbye'' Luna murmured in a very low tone, but Luffy heard it in the silent atmosphere around them

''Yeah, me too'' Luffy also said lowly as they weren't taking their eyes from the white ocean

After moments of silence later, while they were thinking a lot of things ''We don't have any money though... What are we gonna do? It would be nice if we would find some gold...'' Luna said with a sigh, causing Luffy to blink

''I found gold'' he said bluntly with a blank face

''Eh?'' with a surprised face, Luna turned to look at Luffy ''Where?''

''In that giant snake's stomach...'' he also turned his head to Luna and begin to talk about his little adventure in the snake's stomach as the heavy and solemn air around them start to disappear...


That night, after the party, when everyone was fell asleep, Luffy woke up Nami to tell her about the gold. They were ended up woke up every one of them though, but after a short discussion, they decided to do everything they wanted to do on the last day and run away after stealing the gold.

That morning, Usopp was trading some rubber bands in exchange for variations of dials as Zoro was training besides the sleeping snake. Everyone was inside of it and searching for Gold as Zoro was waiting for them while training.

Robin and Luna, on the other hand, went into the forest upon hearing the people were saying that they found the Golden Bell. They were walking to the west side as the Golden Bell was fallen onto the sliced Giant Jack.

After walking for a while, they saw the giant Golden Bell as a large crowd of people around it, both Shandians and Skypieans. As they were all staring at the Poneglyph attached to the below of the bell

''It's the historical text, the tablet that our ancestors sacrificed themselves and the city to protect! There seem to be some writings on it, Chief'' one of the Shandian warriors said as Robin and Luna were making their way there

''I cannot decipher the language on it, but that is not important because...'' The chief of the Shandians was saying before Robin's voice heard

''We shall know the true meaning and utter it to no one,'' As she and Luna walked out of the crowd and made their way to the Poneglyph. The chief's eyes widen in shock after he heard Robin's words as Robin went on while Luna was smiling ''It's our legacy to be the inheritors of history and our duty to protect it with the sounding of the Grand Belfry,''

''Those words...'' the chief said with a shocked expression as he look at Robin ''W... Where did you learn of those words?''

''Those words were described on a wall in one of the ruins of Shandora'' Robin answered as she stopped in front of the Poneglyph while Luna was stopped a couple of steps back ''Long ago, your people were entrusted to be its guardian, right?'' Robin asked as she studied the Poneglyph

''Can you really decipher that ancient language!?'' the chief of Shandians asked, but he didn't get a reply as Robin kept staring at the Poneglyph

''The ancient weapon with the power so strong that it was named after the God, Poseidon..?'' Robin murmured as she was reading the text, causing everyone to got shock

''An ancient weapon?!'' one of the Shandians asked in surprise

''We have such a thing here..?'' another asked

''It's not here. It only tells the location of it'' Luna said with a calm tone

''Can you read it too?'' The chief of the Shandians asked as he look at Luna now

''No, I just know...'' Luna said carelessly, like its nothing, but as the Chief was kept looking at her, his eyes got widen for a moment

''Blue Sea eyes...'' He whispered before he asked with a shocked expression ''Are you perhaps a descendant of Grant D. Lars?'' causing Luna to blink in surprise

''Yeah, he was my grandfather... Do you know him?'' Luna asked in surprise

''Of course.'' The chief said as he went on with a small smile as his eyes look at the far away to the past ''Even though they came here a long time ago when I was still so young, it's not that easy to forget about them. A man who has eyes of Blue Sea with so much strength, a woman with three golden eyes that so kind, and a man with so much knowledge that told us our history generously...They were looking for the ancient text and left without anyone know''

''I see...'' Luna said with a smile as she thought about it. Even though she was resembling her mother more, unlike her sky blue eyes, Luna's eyes were almost identical to her grandfather. From what she saw of the pictures, he was quite a prince charming when he was young with all his golden hair and blue eyes.

Robin, who was listening to them with a slight smile, ''Still, another weapon...'' as she let a sigh, getting Luna's attention

''Don't give up that easily,'' She said with a frown before she pointed out to the side of the Poneglyph ''There is more to read'' causing everyone to look over there

''I have come here and will lead this passage to the farthest ends of the world, -Gol D. Roger.'' Robin read in a surprised tone ''The Pirate King?! So he also came to the Sky Island..'' Robin muttered with a shocked face ''How could he write the ancient text?!'' as she turned to look at Luna, looking like asking if she knows

''He couldn't write it'' Luna said with a sigh ''He had someone on his crew who could'' causing Robin's eyes to widen

''Who?'' Robin asked with hopeful eyes ''Is it someone from three eye tribe you talk about before?''

''Nah,'' Luna said as she waved her hand ''Remember the clan I told you a long time ago?'' she asked as she looked at Robin, who's frowning as if trying to remember what Luna told her long ago

''Are you talking about the clan that made of the Poneglyphs?'' Robin asked, causing Luna to nod

''Yeah, his name was Kozuki Oden. He's dead now but it was probably him who wrote it...'' Luna said thoughtfully

''Roger's name is there?'' Gan Fall suddenly asked, getting their attention

''Do you know him?'' Robin asked as she turned to look at Gan Fall

''Twenty years ago, there was such a guest on a sky island. He said that he was a pirate of the Blue Sea.'' Gan Fall explained before he also asked ''Can he be the same person who carved that message?''

''Yeah, he was the Pirate King'' Luna said with a big smile, causing Gan Fall to also made a smile

''But, 'I have come here and will lead this passage to the farthest ends of the world' what's this means.. farthest ends of the world...'' Robin repeated as Luna was smiling before Robin made a face like she realized something ''Can it be... The Rio Poneglyph is...'' causing Luna to chuckle

As Robin look at Luna, who's chucking, she let a sigh before she made an honest smile ''Chief of Shandia, this Poneglyph has already served its purpose.'' Robin said as she look at the old Chief

''Served its purpose?'' Chief repeat in confuse

''Yes, the Poneglyphs are scattered among the islands of the world, and one must link them together to get the Rio Poneglyph, the true history. From what I can say, the Pirate King must have linked them together'' Robin explained shortly, causing the Chief to fell on his knees with tears

''In other words, we no longer...'' as the tears flow down from his eyes ''We no longer need to fight? So, the wishes of our ancestors have long been fulfilled?!'' he asked as the people of Shandian run towards him in worry

''That is correct'' Robin said with a kind smile 'This also means that I also have to lead the passages to the ends of the world, to the Laugh Tale' she mused to herself as she stared at the Poneglyph

After the Chief came back to himself, he offered the broken pillar of the Golden Bell as everyone agreed with him to give it to them with happy smiles.

''No way we could carry that thing on our ship. It would sink us'' Luna said bluntly before she made a smile ''But, can I cut a little?''

''Of course! This is a symbol of our gratitude!'' one of the Shandians said as the rest of them also agreed with happy smiles.

After Luna cut a small part of the golden pillar, she cut it smaller pieces and got help to pack them up. In the end, there was just a four big sack of pure gold

Meanwhile, Robin was having a conversation with Gan Fall about Roger and Luffy, and the initial name of D.

''Isn't this a little? You should take more!'' One of them said as they were also saying that the gold is worthless to them

''It's fine! We also find gold somewhere else either!'' Luna said with a big smile. This gold was already worth too much in their sea. If she would take the pillar, Nami would want everything and sink the poor Merry.


''They are sure taking their time...'' Usopp said as they were waiting for Luna and Robin on the ruins of Shandia

Just at that moment, they saw Luna and Robin coming with crowded people behind them, as they were wanted to say goodbye

''Hey!! Luna!! Robin!!!'' Luffy called out as he started to wave his hands ''Hurry up!! We stole their gold!! We need to hurry up and leave!!'' causing Sanji to yell at him to shut up, and can't he see the people behind them

Not caring what they were saying, Luffy showed the sack he was carrying that filled with gold

As Robin and Luna were looking at them with confused faces, the people behind them start to yell, saying that they were planning to leave already, and shout at them to wait or stop, only to cause the Strawhats to think that they have been found out, and they will come after them because they stole their gold

While they were yelling and running, people behind Luna and Robin were shocked, asking that why were they running, and they were just wanted to say goodbye

Luna sweatdropped at this as she turned to look at them before she suddenly burst into laughter ''This is our way to say goodbye!'' she said with a big smile as Robin was chuckling

''Ehhh?!'' they yelled out ''But we wanted to say thanks!!'' they were saying with shocked expressions, but Luna and Robin were already started to run towards the rest

''Run away!!!'' Luffy yelled out with a big smile as the crowd behind them were yelling at them to wait

While they were running, Luffy look at the pack Luna and Robin were carrying ''Whats those packs?''

''It's gold'' Luna said casually as she was running

''Ehhh?!! Those big sacks are all gold?! Where did you two find this much?!!'' Usopp asked with big widen eyes

''Ah! That was...'' Luna was saying, but Luffy cut her off

''No wonder they were coming after the two of you!! They must have seen you two take this all gold!!'' as he was convinced himself that was the truth, causing Luna to sweatdrop

''No, actually...'' she was saying but she cut off once again

''Of course, they wouldn't be happy with us taking all this gold!!'' Sanji said, causing Luna to let a sigh in defeat before she start to laugh while Robin was also giggling to herself

After they finally reach to the ship where Nami and Conis were waiting, Nami was beyond happy to see more gold, and she was hugging to Robin and Luna with berry sign eyes. After they put all the gold inside of the cabin, Nami also put the waver Pagaya gave it to her. As Conis, Pagaya, and Su were showing the direction, they were sailing on the lower level of the White Sea while laughing and talking.

After a while later, Conis called from next to them ''Everyone, please look to the front!! We are almost at the exit! That's the Cloud End!'' causing everyone to run to the front of the ship to see the gate. It was a gate like the one they saw when they entered Skypiea. The only difference would be this one was lacking from gold, and it wasn't as big as that one, but it was beautiful with the rainbow forming just above the gate.

Conis and her father dock their waver off the side at one of the walkways at the gate and start to run there as the Merry sailed through the gate.

''So we are getting down from there, huh?'' Luffy asked as he look at the beautiful gate

''Yeah... I'm feeling a little bit nostalgic already'' Sanji add after Luffy as he was looking around

''Sky island was fun, but it was kind of scary'' Chopper also said with a smile on his face

''It was a good holiday... I wonder if we would ever go another sky island'' Luna also said with a smile while looking at the gate

''Do we just go through that tunnel then follow the milky road all the way down to the blue sea?'' Nami asked as she was staring at the tunnel ahead of them

While everyone was saying who knows, they heard Pagaya's voice ''This is it! This is as far as we can accompany you!'' he said as he was running beside their ship

''Take care of yourselves, everyone!!'' Conis shouted out as she was waving her hands with a big smile on her face

All Strawhats also start to say goodbye to them with happy smiles until Pagaya told them to put away their sails. As they were running around the deck to prepare to set sail to the Blue Sea, a small south bird came out of nowhere and crashed into Luffy before fell to the deck.

After Chopper translated that the bird was saying them not to leave him behind ''Oh yeah... We took him along with us on our way'' Nami said with a sweatdrop

''I completely forget about him...'' Luna also said with a sweatdrop as Nami was nodding along before she glanced at the log pose on her wrist

''All right, Captain! It looks like the log pose has locked on to the next island!'' Nami said as they were sailing through the gate

''Great!!'' Luffy said with a big, shiny smile ''This is the start of a new adventure!!! Alright everyone, let's go back to the Blue Seas!!!'' Luffy shouted out with a big smile as everyone cheer up along with him

''Everyone, be careful!!! You're going to start falling soon!!!'' Conis shout out, causing them to stop cheering and look blankly

''Did she say 'fall'?'' Luffy asked before the ship is literally come to a cloud end and was hovering in the air after it had gone flying off the edge. They were all in the air for a moment as their eyes were popping out of their head while Conis and Pagaya were waving their hands

''Good luck!! Heso!!'' Conis said for the last time as they start to fall

While they were screaming, a giant octopus burst out of the clouds beside them and wrapped itself around the ship, slowing down their fall. They all look at the giant octopus for a moment

''This is so cool!!'' Luffy said as he look at the octopus with shiny eyes

''An octopus balloon..?'' Luna said as she was looking at the giant tentacles of the octopus

''It's an octopalloon!!'' Luffy gave it a new name

''I was sure that we were goners this time...'' Usopp said as he was still shaking while Chopper was beaming as he was saying this was fun

While they were talking and looking at the giant octopus, they heard the ringing sounds of the Golden Bell. They all smiled at the beautiful sound they heard as they look up at the clouds and listen to the beautiful bell sound while they were floating to the Blue seas


''Ring it!!''

''Send the song all the way to the saviors of your country!!''

''Hope that they safely return to the Blue Seas!!''

''Come back again!!''

''Thank you!!''

All the people on the sky island were gathered around the Golden Bell, as they were ringing it as a way of thanks to them and saying their goodbyes with a big smile on their faces.

When you look at the skies, you might not know that there is a land hiding in the clouds. There, a thousand meters above the ground, the beautiful song of the bell resonates endlessly. It's ringing today. It will ring for days to come. That Golden Bell of that lost land will forever sing of the pride of its people...