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The Blue Pheasant and Bounded Dreams I

On the island of Jaya, while the people on the Eastern side were deciding to follow a new romance, the people on the Western shore were gathered around as they were looking at the scene with fearful expressions.

The crowd was gathered in front of a certain pub, to witness a fight to the death between comrades.

''Run or you'll be caught up in their fight!!'' one of the people yelled out as he look at Bellamy and his vice-captain Sarquiss.

As the people yelling out similar things, Bellamy and Sarquiss were facing each other while looking breathless. Sarquiss was holding his big knife that has Bellamy's blood on it.

''Please!!'' Sarquiss shout out as he wasn't looking happy at all, ''Please stop this!! Why do you have to...-'' as the people were watching and questioning what's going, and why Sarquiss looking as if he was suffering

''Why?'' a man's sinister chuckling voice cut off Sarquiss as he was moving his fingers, ''Why you ask? Sarquiss, Bellamy...'' he suddenly slammed his hand onto the mark that was on the wall behind him. It was the mark that Bellamy was carrying ''It's because you painted a black stain upon my symbol. What other reason is there? Fuffuffuffu!!'' he laughed as he turned to them. He was sitting on a barrel. He had a light pink feather coat and thin white sunglasses, which appear to serve as his eyesight with red or purple lenses.

''Whether sky island exists or doesn't, whether the city of gold is a mere fantasy or not... I could care less about such questions. You see, Bellamy... Different opinions can always be used and twisted around.'' as he was going on, the crowd gathered around were still watching with fearful expressions.

''Donquixote Doflamingo...'' one of them said as he was sweating with fear

''Holy shit... Ain't that one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?!''

''A pirate with a former bounty of over 300 million... What's a guy like him doing here?!''

''While you were paying attention those stupid things... You miss the most important thing. Didn't I told everyone to open their eyes for her and let me know if anyone of you saw her?'' Doflamingo asked as he frowned

''I never saw her!'' Bellamy immediately answered as he was panting for breathing while bleeding on the head

''Right, you didn't see her, because you were focusing on useless things...I have no need for a stupid weakling underling, you little brats!!'' as he started to wiggle his fingers.

Sarquiss suddenly rose and held up his weapon against his will, looking like a little puppy as he was yelling, ''Ahhh!!! Damn it! My body...Nghhh!!'' he was trying to go against it but not managed to do it, he was forced to swing his big knife towards Bellamy, who's standing there wide open

As he fell on the ground while more blood spraying all over, Bellamy crawled on all fours and get in front of Doflamingo.

''Pl... Please... give me one more... chance..'' he panted as he started to beg ''I... I will follow you no matter what!'' as his crew was yelling his name and telling him that's enough, Bellamy continued, ''I didn't notice her and may have lost... But I never intended to go against your wishes! I swear upon your symbol! This is... just my own way of handling things!'' he looked at the man he was begging with bloodied eyes, ''I'll exterminate every pushover as needed to reach where you are someday!''

''Ohhh!'' Doflomingo let an amused sound as he looked down on Bellamy ''This is very thoughtful of you, my obedient little lackey.'' he got up from the barrel he was sitting up until now and start to walk away, leaving the begging Bellamy behind ''Bellamy, I really do like that part about you! Fuffuffuffu! The New Age is already right before us! Do as you wish. However,'' He turned his head to look down at him as he wiggled his fingers again ''I don't need you as one of my men.''

''Dofla-'' Bellamy's words cut off with Sarquiss's shout as he suddenly appeared behind him with his big knife once more.

While he was listening to the screams he left behind, Doflamingo start to chuckle with a dark look on his face

''Even Bellamy, the 55 million bounty hotshot rookie, was like a baby in front of him!'' one of the men who was watching shout out in fear

''Fuffuffuffu!! It' here at last! Hurry! Prepare yourselves! A world in which only real pirates will be able to survive dawns before us!! Those without strength are better off fleeing!! All will be swept away before the powerful and the New Age they herald!! Fuffuffuffu!!!'' Doflamingo declared with wide-open arm and a big smile on his face as he walked away


As the people on the Western shore were still in fear even after the 'Heavenly Demon' Donquixote Doflamingo left, people in the bar of the Northern side were looking like it was a typical day.

''You think we should tell her about this?'' asked a short-haired girl with a lot of tattoo on her as she let a puff from her cigarette

''There is no way she doesn't know that he is looking for her'' the old man with half of his body had burn marks said with his deep and husky voice

''I'm more worried about the reason he is looking for her though...'' Molly said as she was looking thoughtful while exhaling the smoke

''The reason doesn't matter'' Old man Aaron said as he took a gulp from his bottle of rum. His eyes were focused on far away with an unreadable look on his face ''No matter what, they have bad blood between them. She might become a pirate now, but she is still related to the Underworld. So, there is no need to tell her anything or worried over things like this.''

Molly let a sigh at her father but trusted his decision anyway as she let go of the issue.


Meanwhile, the Going Merry was falling from the sky at a very high speed and violently landed on the Blue Sea, splashing waves everywhere and getting everyone soaked. Everyone was laying or sitting on the deck as they were fell with the impact.

As the octopus that was now very small was also falling, Nami coughed some seawater, ''That was a shock!'' while panting for air, ''Who knew the octopus would shrink so suddenly..?''

''What happened?'' Zoro asked as he also was trying to catch his breath

''Perhaps it ran out of air'' Robin suggested as Luna also agree with her

Luffy, on the other hand, was laughing as he was pulling the octopus that was landed on his face ''Haa... Even so, we managed to get down alive'' before he looked at the little octopus ''Thanks, little guy!''

''The sea is blue...'' Usopp said lowly while Luffy was throwing the octopus to the sea. The south bird has already flown away while they were floating on the air, much to Luna's disappointment as she wanted to use it as a living compass.

After Zoro asked if everyone was okay and confirmed that they were all fine, Sanji lit a cigarette ''I gotta say...'' he looked up at the sky as he let out a puff from his cigarette ''We came back from one hell of a place.''

''Looking above after falling, it truly was a distant place'' Robin agreed with Sanji as she also looked up

''It's almost as if it were all a dream...'' Nami also said as she looked up along with Chopper

''A real dreamland'' Little reindeer had a big shiny smile on his face ''I wonder if we'll ever be able to go there again...'' with a dreamy expression

''Maybe you'd go there if you died?'' Zoro said with a teasing smile on his face, ''Or close to it, at least.''

''Zoro, do you actually think you can get into heaven?'' Usopp asked seriously, looking actually surprised that Zoro even said that

''I'm sure there is already a reserved place in the hell just for Zoro'' Luna said with a slight smile on her face

''And I'm sure you have that, way before me'' Zoro answered back with a smirk, causing Luna's smile to fade as she frowned

''Hmph'' she snorted before she made a smirk too ''At least, I never thought I would ever go to the heaven...'' just as they were about to start bickering at each other

''Alright then!'' Luffy suddenly shouted out with a big, shiny smile ''Raise the sail! It's time to set sail for the next island!''

''Hang on, Luffy!!'' Usopp shout out with panic, ''Give us a little time to rest at least!''

''Don't be naive!'' Nami called out from the upper deck as she was looking down on them with a smile on her face ''If you could simply rest whenever you wanted in the Grand Line, no one would have difficulty sailing it! The waves are acting a little odd''

''Yeah, I know but-'' Usopp said with a sigh as he was sitting on the deck with an exhausted expression, but he couldn't go on

''Everyone on your feet!!'' Nami yelled out without even care of Usopp ''See, it's here!'' as she looked behind of her with her not gone smile

While Chopper was screaming out with shock and fear mixed face, Usopp already began to run around the deck while yelling out, ''Turn at full speed!!! It's a huge wave!!!'' As enormous waves were coming towards them, Usopp add with another yell ''And there is something inside the waves too!!!''

''Oh, sea monkeys'' Luna said nonchalantly as she was looking at the big monkeys inside the waves


After running from the sea monkeys, they were now sailing on calm waters

''See, I told you it was impossible, Hahaha!!'' Sanji was laughing from the upper deck as he was watching the coughing Luffy and Usopp, who's pulling him on the deck

Once Luffy was on the deck, he had tears in his eyes as he was soaked with seawater ''Even if I couldn't do it on the White Seas, I thought I might at least be able to ride it here..'' Luffy murmured with a sad tone before he fell on his face, causing Chopper to start calling out for a doctor, only to realize after minutes later that he is the doctor

Meanwhile, Luna now was trying to ride the waver after Luffy's failed attempt.

'It's like a jet ski... Not that I have ever ride it though...' Luna mused as she was trying to ride the waver. She had a serene smile on her face while riding it, 'What a nice breeze...'

''What are you, an old lady?! Even turtle would be faster than you!'' she startled as she got out of her own world with Nami's teasing voice

''Shut up!! It's the first time I'm riding it. I'm trying to get used to it first...!!'' Luna yelled back as she turned to look at the waver with a little pout on her face 'Old lady... Now that I think about it, I was twenty-two when I've died. Doesn't that mean I'm actually forty years old now...?' She turned to look at towards ship 'For now, I'm the oldest member in the crew.'

''What's with that smile?'' Usopp asked with a frown on his face as he and Nami were watching Luna, who's smiling with a somehow mature look on her face

''You can call me big sister!'' Luna said as she was smiling proudly somehow, looking completely satisfied with her shiny eyes

Nami and Usopp, however, were looking at her like she had two heads

''No way!!'' Usopp yelled out, absolutely objecting and not wanting to call her like that

''We are at the same age, idiot!! Just came back already!!'' Nami also yelled out, causing Luna to sulk as she was going towards the ship with the speed of a turtle

After Luna come back, this time Nami went to ride the waver, which she was flawlessly riding it while Usopp was now checking the dials he brought from the sky island. Except milky dial's that could create clouds, they were all perfectly fine. Robin guessed that it was probably the atmosphere of sky island is required to make clouds. Zoro, on the other hand, was saying that he still had plenty of different strange and rare dials, so it was good while he was also eating breadsticks, causing Luffy to yell at Sanji as he wanted to eat too.

While Usopp and Luna were discussing how to improve Nami's Clima-Tact with dials, Nami also came back onboard. ''Should we divide the treasure now?'' as she had a big smile on her face, obviously, she was thrilled that they had a lot of treasure

As everyone perked up with this, Luffy, Luna, and Usopp standstill with neutral faces

''Actually...'' Luna began, getting their attention ''Before that, there is something we have to talk about'' causing them to look at her with confusion as she was looking serious and gloomy

When they were inside of the kitchen, Sanji put a large plate of sandwiches and a cup of tea for everyone as they all sit around the table

''So, what is it?'' Zoro asked as he took a bite from his sandwich, causing Luffy, Luna, and Usopp to let a sigh at the same time

Everyone look at them as they could see whatever they were going to say, it wasn't good news.

''Remember when Usopp and I repaired the Merry on sky island?'' Luna asked as she looked at them

''Yeah, you two maniacs were get up in the middle of the night and repaired her'' Zoro said as he look at Luna and Usopp weirdly, not understanding why this subject come up now

''Well, we weren't actually got up for that...'' Usopp said as he was looking somber

''I woke up after I heard some hammering voice and go to check on it'' Luna said with a sigh

''I was going to look where Luna went, and I also heard some hammering sounds'' Usopp add after Luna, confusing the rest except Luffy, but before anyone can say anything

''Why were up anyway?'' Luna asked as he looked at Usopp. She wasn't thinking about it before, but what was Usopp doing in the middle of the night anyway...?

''I was...!'' He was saying while looking depressing before he suddenly flushed in red and got out of his cloudy mode instantly, ''I-I was up for...'' He stuttered with a red face

''Oh!'' Luna smirked at him as the realization hit her, ''You have grown up, Usopp. Going into the scary dark forest in the middle of the night, all alone... Just to piss.'' She said before starting to nod with a small smile ''I'm proud of you.''

Usopp gasp at her with a full red face as others snickered at him, except Chopper, who's looking at Usopp like he had done something great.

''You're so brave, Usopp!!'' Chopper said with a big smile on his face, in his mind, he couldn't go as he would be scared

''That's right, I would expect that you would at least woke me up'' Zoro said mockingly, causing Usopp to yell at him to shut up with his blushing face

''I thought since Luna is up, she would come to save me if something were to happen...'' Usopp muttered to himself as Luna was frowning in disgust

''Like I would come to save a guy who's pissing. Do you want me to have a trauma?'' Luna asked as she was weirdly looking at Usopp, she had a disgusted face while Usopp was gasping once again

''So what?! You would let me die?! The great warrior of the seas killed by ghosts while pissing... It sounds too dishonorable and pathetic!!'' he yelled out while he was holding his head with a terrified look on his face now

''What ghost?'' Luna asked herself while shaking her head before she add ''Then you should learn how to fight while pissing'' as a matter of fact with a neutral look on her face, but before they could continue, Nami suddenly put the teacup on the table harshly with a loud sound

''Enough with the piss!'' She shouted out with a deadly face as she glared at Luna and Usopp ''You both are disgusting! We are eating and drinking here!'' causing both of them to gulp down and go silent while averting their gazes. Robin was also nodding calmly, agreeing with Nami while the rest of them stopped laughing as well.

''So, you both heard hammering sounds..? Was there someone else before you?'' Sanji asked as he put another plate of sandwich on the table and start to stand there while lighting a cigarette

''Yeah... It was Merry'' Usopp said as he became sad once again, confusing everyone as they look at him weirdly, like trying to understand what he just said

Usopp and Luna start to tell what they saw that night, and Luna told what is a Klabuatermann. With every word they were hearing, they all stopped eating and drinking.

''Merry is alive..?'' Nami whispered after Luna and Usopp finished talking. She had a look like saying she can't believe it. If it weren't the fact that both Luna and Usopp saw the same thing, she would never believe it.

''She is dying..?'' Chopper asked as he had tears gathering in his eyes, and he wasn't alone as Usopp had also tears in his eyes too. There were a lot of things he wanted to say, but no matter what, he couldn't forget what Merry and Luna said that night, and he knew how hard must be for the Merry either.

Everyone had sad eyes after what they heard. The fact that Merry had a spirit and she was dying felt like their friend was dying. Even Zoro and Robin, who's usually calm and indifferent in situations like this, had sad eyes that they couldn't hide

''We are not shipwrights, but the keel is the core, the heart of the ship, and it's cracked...'' Luna said with a low voice in the silent cabin as they were still trying to sink the news they heard, and they could finally understand why Luna and Usopp were looking like that in that morning

''That's why we are going to look for a shipwright and be sure of it. '' Luffy said calmly while looking serious. No one was even surprised at his serious attitude as they could understand him. Though they all deep down knew Merry was dying at this point after everything Luna and Usopp told them, as Luna said, they weren't a shipwright. They needed to be sure that there is nothing that could be done before they say their goodbyes.

''And while we're at that, we will also get a shipwright for our next crewmember.'' Luffy add, causing them to get off from their thoughts and look at him, ''This has happened because we didn't have a shipwright. Our journey still has a long way to go, and the ship is also our home, and we're going to need a shipwright.'' causing them to look surprised now

''He..'' Sanji muttered with a surprised look as he was blinking dumbly

''Sure, he does know how to hit the point right on the mark at times...'' Usopp murmured after Sanji

After a moment silence later, Nami sigh ''I understand... Since we don't know, dividing the treasure will wait until we found a shipwright.'' they didn't know if Merry could be repaired, though they could guess she can't, and they didn't know how much a new ship would cost. Nami dismissed the thought of the new ship immediately. There was no need to think about it now, especially right after they heard about the Merry. Everything had a time...

''What was she looking like?'' Chopper suddenly asked with curiosity, getting their attention

''It was looking how the legend says...'' Luna trail off as she remembered that night

''She was looking like a child, wearing a sailor's raincoat, and she was carrying a small wooden hammer.'' Usopp said with a face was clearly saying that he was remembering that night too ''There was thick fog, so it wasn't much clear though''

''When she talked, it was like she was talking right into our minds...'' Luna add after Usopp

''I'm surprised you didn't scared and run, Usopp'' Zoro said half-jokingly half-serious, causing Usopp to look at him with a frown but before he could say anything

''He was about to faint before he learned that it was Merry.'' Luna nonchalantly said before she add ''Not that I can blame him though... It wasn't a devil fruit or something, it was a spirit. If it would be an enemy, even I would be scared...'' She had a thoughtful look on her face as she went on ''I doubt we could even touch it...I still had goosebumps...'' she was talking mostly to herself

As everyone was looking at her and blinking with the thought of it ''How is it even possible..?'' Robin asked with a thoughtful look as there was also a glint of curiosity in her eyes

''I don't know...'' Luna said slowly as her eyes were closed ''According to the legends, a Klabautermann is a quite unique kind of water spirit, a fairy that lives on ships that are loved and cared. It's basically the incarnation of the ship itself. So, if I would guess, I would say it's because of the love?'' as she wasn't sure at all

''A spirit born from love...'' Usopp repeat lowly while tears were gathering in his eyes again

''Well, the world is truly mysterious'' Luna added as she opened her eyes, which they were sparkling ''I wonder how many legends are also true'' she had a look like she can't wait to go and discover it

''That right~~ The sea is mysterious'' Luffy also add after Luna, looking dreamy and also want to go the new adventures to discover it

''Indeed it is'' Robin also agreed with them as she was also looking like she can't wait to discover the mysteries of the world.

She wasn't the only one to agree. Even though their eyes weren't sparkling like the three of them at the moment, they couldn't help but agree, as the depressing air around them slowly starting to disappear.


''Whew... Things calmed down al last...'' Luffy let a tired sigh before he came back to his usual self as he made a big smile

''Actually, the wave just now was due to the sea monkeys.'' Usopp said as he look at Luffy with a sweatdrop

''They really followed us...'' Luna also let a sigh with tiredness. The sea monkeys were followed them as suddenly popped out of nowhere and following them for hours now. They were only left after they sink the other ship that also came out of nowhere.

''Both the temperature and humidity have stabilized for a while now.'' Nami said as she looked around the sea with a serene smile ''I think we may have already entered the climate region of the next island''

''Hey Robin, can you see something?'' Usopp asked as he look up to see Robin, who's on watch

''Yes,'' Robin aswered as she put down the binoculars and looked down from the crowns nest ''I've been seeing an island for a while now''

''Tell us that earlier!'' Luffy and Usopp said simultaneously as they sweatdropped at Robin before they start to tell her that she should yell when she spot an island. Ignoring them ''There's quite a thick fog.'' Robin continued

''Fog?'' Nami respond after hearing Robin ''That can be dangerous. Chopper,'' as she turned towards Chopper with a smile ''Can I trust you to keep a close eye ahead of the bow?''

''Sure thing!'' as Chopper start to go to look ahead, Luffy was asking Robin if she had any idea how much they were looking forward to the next island. He completely let go of the issue and forgive her the moment she said sorry, and she will be more carefull next time.

''By the way... Aren't you guys concerned about the ship earlier?'' Usopp suddenly spoke as he get everyones attention ''They didn't have a captain or a navigator. No flag, no sails, no motivation, no coordination... They had nothing to qualify them as a pirate crew!''

''They must have had a battle with some other pirates and lost.'' Zoro suggested ''They must have lost their captain in that fight, as well as a lot of other things...'' he was looking like he didn't actually cared at all

''No, that's the thing! I took a close look at their ship! There wasn't a single sign that they'd been in a fierce battle!'' Usopp stated as he tried to make sense ''And yet there weren't any of the essential items or crew needed for a pirate crew on that ship!!''

''Maybe they fight on the land and survivors took a ship to run'' Luna made a suggestion as she looked like she could careless about them. In the end, when Luffy warn them about the sea monkeys, they tried to stole their treasures

''They must not even be pirates...'' Sanji said with the same atitude with Luna as he let out a smoke from his cigarette ''Don't sweat it''

''Mn..They definitely looked like pirates though...'' Usopp muttered himself before he shivered as he went on murmuring, saying that he's getting bad feeling about this.

As Sanji was saying it's always the same to Usopp, they begin to go to the front side of the ship while Luffy was asking if there is a town on the island and it would be great if there is a dockyard.

''Luffy, you can't just disembark carelessly as soon as we get there!'' Nami was saying but Luffy ignored her as he told that he saw the shore and get ready to lower the anchor

''Ugh... Guys, listen to me..'' Usopp suddenly began to say as he was shivering all over

''Chopper,'' Sanji called out Chopper, who's looking at the island that they were coming close while murmuring if a good shipwright would join them ''Looks like Usopp's 'Can't land on this island' is acting up again.'' getting Chopper's attention as he go beside Sanji and look at Usopp

''I can't cure that'' he said bluntly

As Chopper was inocently smiling, 'Wasn't this dissase the reason that Buggy couldn't set a foot on Laugh Tale...?' Luna mused while looking at Usopp in pity. ''Be brave Usopp!'' as she start to encourage Usopp with a determined look on her face, Usopp was sweatdropping at her

Moments later, they heard Luffy's voice ''The island becoming visible!'' causing everyone to go infront of the ship as they sailed through the mist, but they left surprised when they saw the island

For a moment silence later, ''There is nothing!!!'' Luffy scream out

There was nothing but grass and trees stretching on for miles around them.

''What is this place?! Whoaaa!! It's just plain as far as I can see!!!'' Luffy was looking at the island with a big smile as it didn't matter that there was nothing. He was still in the mood of finding an adventure on a new island.

Sanji, on the other hand, let a sigh ''What a boring looking place'' he was already looking bored

''I wonder if any humans live on this island...'' As Robin was curiously looking at the island, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper already jump off the ship and started to expolering the island.

They were rolling on the grass when Nami also let a sigh but for a different reason from Sanji ''Jeez... How can they just go out recklessly onto an island we don't know anything about?''

''It's empty plains in every direction.'' Zoro said as he was dropping the anchor ''What kind of dangers could there be?''

''Dont jinx us now, Zoro'' Luna said also with a sigh before she look around with a satisfied smile ''This place is looking good... Having nothing is good for trainning.'' getting everyones attention who was on the ship

While Nami was looking at Luna's evil smirk with a spectucal eyes, Zoro and Sanji had a certain grin, and Zoro was murmuring 'finally' as Robin was looking at them with a slight smile

The trio who left the ship, on the other hand, were looking ahead of them with shocked faces

''Wha..?!'' Chopper shout out with shock before he suddenly tilted his head with confusion ''A human?'' as he look at the human-looking but thick furry creature. It was so long as he was walking by upright

''Don't be stupid!!'' Luffy shout out as he turned to Chopper while pointing at the creature ''How could there be such a furry human?! That's a bear!''

''I-it's so long!!! The bear is so loooonnnggg!!'' Usopp stated in shock

As they decided to discover more, they noticed that everything was so long, even the apples on the long trees were long. After Usopp look around with his google that he pulled down over his eyes, he discovered a house and the three of them began to walk towards there.

After they passed the strange and long animals, they finally reached an unoccupied house. As Luffy barging in as he usually did while Usopp trying to stop him, Chopper went looking around the house and called to the others, saying that he had found a giraffe. Or that was what he thought until he talked with it and learned that it was a horse with her limbs and neck stretched out.

While Luffy was saying it was a pretty horse as he was looking at the white horse ''She says her name is Sherry. She is a girl'' Chopper translate for them as she lowered her head to nuzzle his cheek while Chopper was laughing with joy as he hugged her.

''If she as a saddle, there must be someone here'' Usopp stated while Luffy was sternly staring in one direction, and noticing this, he asked what's wrong

''Usopp...'' Luffy seriously said as he pointed out the direction he was staring at, ''You see that bamboo tree growing there?''

''Yeah...'' Usopp answered in confusion as he didn't understand, but he looked anyway before he made a surprised face ''Whoaa... I can't even see the top! How tall is this tree?!''

''No, look carefully. This bamboo tree...'' Luffy was saying, but just at that moment, it started moving, causing Usopp and Luffy to scream out in shock.

Luffy was yelling that it had to be another long creature when the second bamboo tree hit Luffy on the face and sent him sprawling in the grass while Usopp was freaking out, yelling a bamboo attacked Luffy.

While Usopp was yelling at Luffy to watch out, Luffy launch towards the bamboo ''As if I'd lose to a tree!!'' Luffy yelled out before he kicked the tree with his 'Gum Gum Whip!' causing the tree to break in half with his kick.

Both of them were celebrating with laughs, but their victory was short-lived as something came falling from the sky, and crashed on the ground. After a moment later, Luffy and Usopp heard Chopper

''What happened?!''

''Well, I...'' Luffy slowly said as he looked at the small elderly man, with wrinkles and a round white beard, which he was looking back at him with nose blood ''I split a bamboo tree in half, and a spirit came out of it'' Luffy finally said, but he wasn't looking sure at all

''A spirit?'' Chopper started to walk towards there in wonder



Straw Hats were looking at the enormous ship with a giant fox head at the bow. There were two paws attached to chains that were serving as anchors. At the moment those claws were made hold the coast of the island, and the Merry was trapped between the huge ship and the island as it's besides were closed with the paws. Seeing it's jolly roger with fox ears and some unique nose, with the word 'FOXY' written on it, they could easily say that they were pirates.

While they were looking at them, Zoro was questioning who they were while Sanji was saying if they want a fight, come down and get some

''Our ship's been, confined'' Nami slowly said as she looked at the scene with a surprised expression

''Come down! I'll take any of you!!'' Zoro shout out, looking quite angry

''We're the Foxy Pirates!'' one of the men on the ship finally spoke, ''Don't get hasty. What we seek is a match!'' confusing the Straw Hats as they asked what are they talking about

'Foxy?' Luna pondered for a moment before she turned her back to leave

''Hm?'' Nami blinked as she saw Luna was leaving ''Where are you going?''

''I heard of them, so I'm going to stop Luffy'' Luna said as she fastly walk towards the direction Luffy, Usopp and Chopper went before, confusing Nami and few of them more as they turned them to explain what they were talking about once more.


Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper, on the other hand, were looking at the old man that fell from the sky.

''I told you, I kick a bamboo tree, and he just appeared.'' Luffy answered Chopper's question while he was still looking at the old man ''...Hey, you. Say something'' causing the man to suddenly sat up.

They look at each other in silence for a moment before the old man suddenly began to talk ''Yes, of course, I remember. It's been a long time. Have all been well?''

''Huh?'' Usopp turned to look at Luffy with surprise after this ''Do you know him?'' but Luffy said he doesn't, as well as Chopper also said the same

''Ahh, no wonder I thought your faces looked unrecognizable'' Old man said with a smile, causing Usopp to gasp in shock

''Talk about changing your mind on a whim! Just who are you!!'' he demanded as the old man now stand up,

''My name is Tonjit.'' the old man said as he was rubbing his nose and wiping the blood ''Let me say my thanks. You're the ones who brought me down from the stilts, right?'' causing them to looked at the broken bamboo trees to see that they were indeed stilts, and Luffy said they didn't realize that he was up there because they couldn't see him. Tonjit didn't seem surprised at this as he said that he was standing right at the very top.

''Oh, so you're not a fairy that appeared from inside the bamboo when I split it, but just an old man on bamboo stilts who fell?'' Luffy said everything he heard and understood the situation ''So why were you walking on such high stilts?'' and asked the thing he didn't understand

''I've loved walking on stilts for a long time... So, using the tall bamboos on this island, I wanted to try walking on the world's highest stilts!'' the old man calmly explained ''Getting on them was the easy part... But it was so high up that I was afraid to get down,''

''What're you, stupid?'' Luffy asked with a surprised look

''So I was stuck there,'' the old man continued as he ignored Luffy's question ''For 10 years...'' he admitted

''Holy cow, you are retarded!!!'' Luffy yelled in shock

''You were walking on stilts for ten whole years?!'' Usopp also yelled in shock, his eyes almost bulged out

''Yes, and during a time, the bamboo continued to grow and grow, making it even scarier and scarier to try to get down!'' the old man said as he looked at far away ''Ahh... Such frightening times...'' causing Usopp to sweatdrop

''That's all you're going to say after 10 years of being up there?!'' as he was looking too surprised

''Still, thanks to all trees on this island as all as my stilts, I managed to survive on a diet of fruits'' old man went on with a smile, causing Usopp to sweatdrop once again

'''You sure paint a lazy picture about your harrowing experience...'' as he let a sigh, ''You're pretty laid back, aren't you?''

''Speaking of long thing,'' Luffy suddenly spoke, ''Why's everything so long or tall on this island? Both the trees and animals!''

Tonjit said that he could guess that the foreigners would wonder about that, and there was a reason for that. The island was covered with peaceful plains, and since they promote a lifestyle where one doesn't need to worry and hang-loose, everything there was growing long.

''That's one heck of an explanation'' Usopp murmured with a facepalm while Tonjit was giving some examples as he was showing the long-limbed animals, and apparently, their names were also getting long, like it wasn't a dog, but 'doooogg'

While Usopp was having a shock at this, Tonjit invited them into his house, saying that he will give them some food for saving him, which Luffy and Chopper happily followed him.

Tonjit offered some milk after they were all inside the house, but the milk turned out to become a cheese over time as he was up on the stilts for ten years. Tonjit ate it anyway but ended up with food poisoning. After that, he said that he was part of a village of nomads. The island they were on was their home, Long Ring Long Island. The island was actually part of a chain of ten islands in a ring shape. The paths between the islands that surfaces once every year become connected as one. Using that particular low tide, they were moving from one island to the next, once every three years.

''Oh... So you were left behind during the move'' Usopp stated the sad fact,

''Accidently left behind?! Shihihihi!! You're great! I loved that slow-witted part of you!!'' Luffy was laughing while holding his stomach

''So if your people move once every three years, it'll take thirty years to complete a full lap.'' Usopp said, thinking it all over and calculating everything ''So even if you did spend a decade on stilts, you still need to wait twenty years before you can reunite with your people...''

''...Yes, I suppose so.'' Tonjit grimly said as he was already aware of this fact, but he made a smile, ''If I at least had a single hooorrrseee, I can then move every year to the next island to catch up with the others within five years.''

''Hooorrrseee?'' Chopper repeated as Tonjit shut his eyes and made a more peaceful smile

''Yes, it's the most beautiful animal on this island. Its form as it gallops across the plains is indescribably graceful. It's almost impossible to move from one island to the next without a hooorrrseee.'' as he also went on and explained that with its strength, it can carry all their belongings during the move, and trying to cross the island by foot would be too slow, and you'd be drowned by the incoming tide.

''Then how about traveling by boat?'' Luffy asked

''None of us have any sea navigational skills...'' Tonjit sadly answered, ''Moreover, a log pose would only point at the next island. After all, the ten islands here are technically one single island.'' He sighed as he made a hopeful smile ''It's fine, I will just wait another twenty years here.''

''Won't it be... lonely?'' Luffy asked in a low tone as he sadly looked at the old man, looking like he wished he could do something to help

''Could a hooorrrseee be the same thing as a horse?'' Chopper suddenly asked

''Hm?'' Luffy looked like he didn't understand what Chopper was saying before he suddenly brightened up, ''Ah, you're right!!'' he then turned to look at Tonjit ''If it's a horse we're talking about, then there's one outside!!''

At these words, they all went outside. The moment the old man saw the white horse Sherry, a big smile formed on his face, and he happily hugged her head. Saying that she was grown up while laughing and sounding sad while he was saying she must be lonely as she waited for him all these years. Sherry was also looking happy as Tonjit was saying thank you to her, and promising that he would never leave her again.

Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper watched them with smiles on their faces, and soon, the old man went for a ride across the green fields with smiles on their faces.

''So that horse was waiting for that old man all these years...'' Usopp said with a sigh, but there was a smile on his face as he was watching the horse and the old man.

''What a nice horse'' Luffy also comment as he was laying on the grass

''I'm sure she likes him very much...'' Chopper cheerfully add after them with a big smile on his face

As they were watching the two of them, Luffy was soon saying that it was so fast, and he wants a ride too while Usopp was saying that it was really graceful as it was running, but shortly, they all startled by the sound of a gunshot. Sherry also stopped running as all of their heads turned to the direction of the gunshot sound came, only to see that Luna was standing there with her right hand held up.

As Luffy, Usopp and Chopper jumped up on their feet and running towards there to understand what happened.

''Hoy, hoy hoy!! What do you think you're doing?! That horse was my catch! How could you block my way?!'' a stout man with skinny arms and legs shout out as he was looking angry somehow while holding a smoking gun in his hand.

He had almost a cleft lip-like mouth and a unique hairstyle, with his hair split into two spikes pointing upwards. He had thick, triangles-like eyebrows. His nose was also colored red, and it was long just like the nose of Usopp. With his characteristics, he was looking like a fox.

He was wearing yellow-orange pants, held up by suspenders, with large, rotund buckles on the edges, tucked inside black boots, which were white on the front part of the legs and have orange strings. Under his pants, some sort of strange indument was circling his waist, which is light-green with leaf-like motifs on it, and had orange laces on the front. It looked like some sort of belt. In front of this, threaded in his pants, he was carrying a short wooden sword. He had an elaborate necklace hanging on his chest, with many circular orange and yellow pendants, and a blue, bigger and more elaborate central one, with ears on it resembling those of a fox. He was also sporting a fur-lined, silver coat with a large collar and big buttons on the right side.

''That's right!! That horse belongs to our boss!! How dare you block his way!!!'' a slender young woman with dark blue hair, blue eyes, and a long pointed nose said with an arrogance tone as she pointed out Luna.

She was wearing a pink jumpsuit with extremely puffed pantlegs, which was unzipped on the top to reveal a bikini top beneath it. Her outfit was adorned by several large, white puff-balls, the most notable one being the one hanging from her hat. She was also wearing a black face mask.

There was also a huge gorilla-like human man beside them, standing there with a smiling face. He was wearing some dark blue pants and boots. He was also wearing a mask and long-sleeved gloves along with a leopard patterned scarf.

''What kind of idiot just go around and randomly steal a horse?'' Luna asked as she ignored their remarks

''Hey, Luna!'' Luffy finally arrived there with Usopp and Chopper just behind him ''What's going on? Was he shooting at the horse?'' Luffy asked as he heard what they were saying while wildly glaring at the three of them

''Well, I don't know about the horse...'' Luna stated as she blinked a couple of times, looking like she doesn't understand what he was talking about ''I just came because his crew and ship trapped the Merry'' Luna indifferently said as she pointed out them

She didn't remember any of this, but she heard of the Foxy Pirates. She was checked every pirate on the Paradise since they were traveling there. She knew they were going around and playing Davy Back Fight, as well as they were cheaters. She was trying to find them before Luffy accept it since it wasn't time for this. She already could feel the strong presence on the island, and she didn't want them to waste time with games for no reason.

''Trapped the Merry!?!?'' Usopp asked/yelled out in outrage

''What?! Who the hell are you?!'' Luffy also yelled out as he stared at them

''Who am I?'' The man repeated before he opened his arms wide, ''Don't tell me you don't recognize this face!!''

While the dark blue-haired woman was saying how rude of them with a confident smile on her face, ''How the hell should I know you?!'' Luffy asked with a frowned expression, causing the man to fall onto his knees in depression, and a dark cloud could seem over his head while the woman was now trying to comfort him. Gorilla-like man, on the other hand, was laughing as he was hiding his face.

''What's wrong with those weirdos?'' Usopp murmured with a sweatdrop

''Who knows...'' Luna slowly said as she also sweatdropped

The man slowly got back on his feet, ''My name is Foxy! I'm a man who gets whatever he wants!!'' he declared, and he was looking like he will continue, but before he could

''Yeah, right.'' Luna said with a blank expression ''I remember you're known for cheating in Davy Back Fights'' causing him to fell over once again

''Davy back fight?'' Luffy and Chopper asked in confusion while Usopp eyes were getting wide as he also repeated

''Ahhh!!'' he suddenly shouted out with big, widen eyes ''Isn't that the game pirates lose their crewmates?!!!'' his mind was wandering on the ship they had come across

''Yeah,'' Luna casually said ''And I heard the Foxy Pirates know as cheaters.''

''So they are cheating to take someone else's crewmates?!'' Chopper asked in shock. Even though they didn't know what kind of game is that this much he understood.

Meanwhile, Foxy was getting more depressed as the other two were also looking depressed after they heard what they were saying,

''They probably wanted to play with us too,'' Luna added as she looked at Luffy, asking as if he wants to play, but she was looking like she clearly didn't want to play.

''He was trying to shoot the horse, right?'' Luffy asked with a slight frown, looking like he would beat them for that

''Horse?'' Luna asked as she glanced at the horse and the old man on it. She didn't understand but, ''The horse looks fine but if you want to play...'' she let a sigh before she continued ''Well, I was actually planning we would finally start to training but,'' causing Luffy to gasp with realization ''I think we don't need to hurry... We can start on the next island...''

''So, you're accepting the challenge?!'' Foxy suddenly was up, showing three coins as he was holding his gun. He had an evil smirk as he was looking at them.

While Usopp was panicking and telling Luffy not to accept, ''No,'' Luffy's eyes shadowed with his hat ''We don't play with cheaters!'' he bluntly said, causing Foxy to fell once again, looking much more depressed, but ignoring them, Luffy turned to Luna with a big smile and fired up eyes ''Let's start the training!''

''Wait!!!!'' Usopp suddenly shout out, ''The Merry!! We have to save the Merry!!!'' causing them to made a face as they remembered it now


When they came where the Merry was, they saw the rest was arguing with the Foxy Pirates

''Hey, guys!'' Luna shout out, waving her hand

''Finally!'' Nami said with a sigh as she saw the four of them came back, before she frowned with anger and look at Luffy ''You didn't accept the Davy Back Fight, right?''

The Davy Back Fight was a traditional Pirate game held in homage to the mythical Davy Jones, meant to challenge - and conscript - members of opposing crews. It must be initiated by mutual agreement between the captains of the participating crews. This agreement would be sealed by each captain firing a gun skyward.

Taking crewmates with a game... If you lose the game, you lose your friend. It was a scary, foolish, and meaningless in Nami's opinion.

''Hmm?'' Luffy looked confused for a moment before he casually said ''No, I didn't'' causing Nami to sigh in relief

''Why not?'' Zoro grumbled ''They'll think we're afraid of them or something.'' he turned and looked at Luna then ''Why did you go to stop him anyway?'' he would rather die before they laugh at them because they thought they were running

''They're known as cheaters'' Luna nonchalantly said while waving her hand

''Cheaters?'' Sanji repeated with a frown, ''And they acted so confident for cheaters?'' as he bit his cigarette. He was thinking, if they run away or play tricks, they would become the laughingstock of everyone in the world... But they were the cheaters?

''Besides,'' Luffy jumped in with an excited expression, ''We're going to start training! We don't have time to play a game!'' he was smiling happily, looking like he doesn't care about the game or doesn't even know the game,

''Hey!! Stop insulting us!!'' someone yelled out from the ship,

''If you're scared, just admit it!!'' another one yelled out

At that moment, Luffy, Luna, Zoro, and Sanji glance at each other, and their minds met at the same wave line. Four of them turned towards them.

''f you want to fight...'' Luffy's eyes shadowed by his hat as he held up his fist,

''We will take you all.'' Zoro's hands were on his swords and a little unsheathed one of them as he had a wicked smirk on his face.

''But we won't gamble our friends against some cheap cheaters'' Sanji was tapping his leg on the ground, looking ready to kick some ass, while exhaling his smoke as he glared at them with an intense gaze.

''I don't think you guys could have cheated in a real fight...'' Luna's hand was also on her katana, looking ready to unsheathing it while she was similarly glaring at them.

The Foxy Pirates look at them in silence now. Some of them were even sweating since they were glaring at them as if they were about to jump on and beat the crap out of them. Well, in the end, their acting worked. They quit demanding a match and pulled away from their ship, causing Usopp and Chopper to celebrate Merry's freedom.

The ship of Foxy Pirates landed somewhere else, and few of them jumped from the ship to find their captain and go. There wasn't anyone else on that island they could play Davy Back Fight, and soon, the Foxy Pirates have left the island to find another prey.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hat Pirates were all walking toward Tonjit's house. They decided to look at the old man before they started training.

'Who is it?' Luna mused as they were walking towards the house. She could feel a strong presence on the island for a while now, and there wasn't much of a people that strong. Especially on Paradise. Eliminating a lot of people, 'An Admiral...?' Luna suddenly remembered that they would come across with an Admiral before they reach to the Water Seven.

'So this island was where they had met with Kuzan?' Luna mused as she made a troubled face. She really didn't want to see any of them as they would only make her remember the bad memories. Though she didn't have anything against Kuzan, 'As long as it's not necessary, I'm just going to ignore him.'


After the Straw hats finally headed towards Tonjit's house, just for a brief of moment, Luna's cold eyes slide to the incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular man, who's standing in front of the house, looking like he was sleeping. The rest of the crew, however, wasn't noticed him as they were talking with Tonjit.

''Why don't we take you to your people on our ship?'' Nami asked him as she heard of his story

''No... These ten islands are actually the same one. The log pose won't point to them individually.'' Usopp told Nami with a thoughtful look, but Tonjit just smiled at this, saying no problem

''I'm an easy-going man, and I'm not in hurry'' he said with a smile before he got up from where he was sitting ''Let's see... There must be your friends?'' as he look at Luffy before he suddenly started to ran ''Since you're all here, allow me to treat you with something nice!!''

While Usopp was asking if he was going to give them that cheese again, Tonjit suddenly bumped into the man in front of the house, causing everyone to finally notice the man.

''Wha!! What.. is that?'' Luffy asked in surprise as he looked up at the tall man

''It's a person?!'' Usopp asked in shock while Nami was asking that if he was there the whole time as the man made a questioning sound

''Who the heck are you?'' The man asked as his eyes were still closed with the sleeping mask on them.

''That's what we were asking you?!'' All the straw hats except Luna and Robin yelled out at him

''I thought you were a tree'' Usopp add as the man removed his sleeping mask and placed it on his forehead with another questioning sound he made

He had a black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips, tanned skin, and an altogether lean, long build. He was wearing a white buttoned-up vest with a standing collar over a long-sleeved navy blue shirt, with matching white trousers and black dress shoes as he was also holding a white suit jacket on his right arm.

As soon as Robin saw him, she fell on the ground while looking up at him with a fear-filled expression

''Eh? Robin?'' Luffy asked with a frowned face as he look at the extremely scared Robin, while Zoro's hand quickly moved to his sword

''What's wrong, Robin-san?'' Sanji asked after Luffy as he also a similar expression with him. All three of them were looking ready to fight as it was the first time that they had ever seen Robin this afraid.

''Ararara...'' the man made a smirk as he looked down at Robin ''You sure have grown to a fine woman, Nico Robin.''

''Robin, what's wrong? Do you know this guy?!'' Luffy asked as look back and forth between the man and Robin, who's panting with a terrified expression, looking like she can't even talk

''We met once before...'' the man said monotonously as everyone except Robin and Luna was now gripping their weapons, looking ready to attack at any moment

''To terrify Robin to this extent... who is he?'' Nami asked as she was also looking scared now

''Ararara... Chill~ Chill~ Little boys shouldn't be so aggressive'' the man said in a carefree manner, trying to calm them down as he shook his hands in front of him ''It's not like I was ordered to come here. I'm only here for a walk.''

''Ordered?'' Zoro asked with a frowned face ''Who do you work for?!'' he demanded before he turned to look at Luna, clearly believing she might have an idea ''Hey, Luna do you know who is he?'' but left surprised when he saw that Luna wasn't even looking at the man.

Everyone look at Luna for a moment with frowned faces, except Robin and the man. She was looking like she is totally ignoring the man, confusing and tensing them more with this.

''The marine.'' Robin answered as she saw Luna's attitude, getting everyone's attention ''He is an Admiral of the Marine Head Quarters'' with a rather shaking voice

''Admiral?!!!'' everyone shouted out with shocked faces

''Ad... Admirals... As in the highest-ranked fighters of the marine...?'' Sanji stuttered as he was looking shocked to his core

''In the entire marine navy, there are only three people with the title of Admiral.'' Robin was explaining as she was looking like the words she was saying were panicking her more ''Akainu, the Red Dog; Aokiji, the Blue Pheasant; Kizaru, the Yellow Monkey. The only superior to them is Sengoku, the Fleet Admiral. Those three men are crowned the title 'Ultimate Assault Force' by the World Government, and he is one of them!''

''What is someone like him doing here?'' Usopp suddenly hid Zoro's back, not pointing his weapon at the man after he learned he is an Admiral ''...There are plenty of pirates worth more than 100 million. Go get them!! Just leave us alone!!!''

Completely ignoring Usopp ''Ohhh!!'' the man suddenly exclaimed and looked at Nami, or more specifically, her chest, ''What do we have here? Another sexy lady! Are you free tonight?'' causing Nami to back away as she was startled

Sanji, on the other hand, was fuming with anger as he yelled out with shark teeth, ''What the fuck do you think you're doing?!!''

''Pay attention to what I say!! Damn it!!'' Usopp also yelled out after Sanji

''I told you to chill, kids...'' as he waved his hands defensively ''You are the ones who should learn to listen. I told you I am only here for a walk. No need for such hostility'' he scratched his head, looking like he doesn't know what to do for a moment ''What I'm trying to say is that you guys are... I forgot. Oh, well...''

''You're not making any sense!!!'' Sanji and Usopp yelled out simultaneously, looking irritated now as Usopp also turned to Robin and asked if she was sure that she's not mistaken and if he was really an admiral

''I uphold the model of 'Lazy Justice''' the man said in a monotone voice one again, causing Usopp and Sanji to also yelled out once again, saying that they could see that

''Hey, hey... Don't judge people by the cover. Just like her'' as he pointed out Luna ''If anyone saw her they would think an innocent girl, no one would believe she was called a demon.'' causing them to frown as he looked at Luna and went on ''By the way, just how long are you planning to ignore me?'' but Luna didn't look at him as she also didn't say anything

''You know him too, Luna?'' Luffy asked as he was looking at Luna, which he couldn't even saw her face since it was shadowed

''This is the first time I have ever see Kuzan or an admiral...'' Luna nonchalantly answered as her voice sounded empty, only confusing them more as they thought then why was she even ignoring him like this

''Kuzan?'' Usopp asked with a confusion

''Also known as Aokiji, the Blue Pheasant'' Robin made it clear what Luna was saying before she also shortly glance at her with a little glint of worry in her eyes

Aokiji, who's staring at Luna, let a sigh ''Oh well...'' he then made a face like he realized something ''Oh, my legs are tired from standing. Time to rest...'' as he laid down on the ground, using his hand to support his head as he still faced them while Usopp was asking then why he was sleeping while standing. Ignoring Usopp's question ''Anyways, I do not intend to arrest you... So chill. I'm only here to confirm the whereabouts of Nico Robin after the Alabasta incident. I thought she would be with you.'' he was looking way too laid back as he spoke

''You're really not here to pick fights?'' Sanji asked as he was looking calmed down now

''He just doesn't look like an 'Admiral' to me'' Usopp muttered as he was looking Aokiji

''I'm only going to report the discovery. So they can recalculate the bounty for your group... One more person will increase it by... 240 million plus 79 million would be...'' He stopped for a moment and looked away before he looked at them again ''...Too hard to count. It's roughly the same amount.''

''Too lazy to count?'' Zoro asked with a sweat drop as he thought that the man was looking too lazy to speak.

''Gum Gum...!!'' suddenly Luffy's voice heard

''Wait, Luffy!!! Don't do it!!!'' Usopp shout out as he and Sanji run towards Luffy and hold him by both of his sides, getting Aokiji's attention

While Luffy was yelling at them to let him go ''Don't start an unnecessary fight!!'' Sanji yelled out

''He's an Admiral for God's sake!!!'' Usopp also yelled out after Sanji while they were trying to hold Luffy and restain him

''So what?!!! I still won't let him take Robin!!'' Luffy also yelled out, trying to attack Aokiji

''You're mistaken.'' Aokiji said as he held up his hand with a sweatdrop ''I already said that I don't plan to do anything...'' while Luffy was yelling that he was going to send him flying...

After a moment later, when Luffy calmed down ''Go take your walk elsewhere!! You're not welcome here!!'' he yelled at him, pointing out somewhere else while Robin now was watching them with an unbelieving look on her face

As Aokiji was telling that Luffy was overreacting with a sweatdrop, ''Why does it feel like Luffy is winning the argument...?'' Nami asked herself with an also sweatdrop

''Okay, okay... I will leave.'' Aokiji said with a sigh, ''But I overheard something while I was napping...You...'' as he pointed out the forgotten Tonjit, startling the man as he looked at him with a questioning gaze ''I wasn't in a deep sleep, so I heard what you said. Pack up and get ready to move.''

''No. Don't listen to him!!!'' Luffy suddenly yelled out, pointing an accusing finger at Aokiji, ''He's from the marines!!! The marines!!!'' causing a silent to fell over for a moment as Luffy and Tonjit look at each other with shocked expressions for a moment

''Why not?'' Tonjit asked, breaking the silent

''Oh!!'' Luffy looked like he realized it now ''That's right. You can listen to him. Normally the marines are the good guys, and we're the bad guys.'' causing Usopp to chop him while saying it's not the time for a joke while Luna was trying to hold herself not to say anything about it.

While Luffy was saying that he will help the old man Tonjit with a smiling face now, Usopp was looking like he can't believe it as he was saying that's impossible to do when Aokiji started to talk again ''Basically, you want to catch up to the people who moved when you were stuck here... You plan to rush to the third island after this one, and that you need to wait until low tide to ride your horse across?''

''But there is still time for the low tide, so it's impossible for now to go'' Usopp said after he heard Aokiji

''It'll be fine'' Aokiji said in a relaxed attitude, causing Usopp to sweatdrop

''That doesn't sound convincing at all...'' he murmured, though everyone heard

''It's true...'' Robin suddenly said as she was still sitting on the ground, getting everyone's attention ''With his help, it's possible.'' causing Luffy to look at her with a surprised look as he was also looking like trying to understand what Robin meant


After Tonjit pack up everything, they all come to the shore

''The tide will subside once a year, and a road will appear when it does, right?'' Aokiji asked, and after they confirmed him ''It sure feels good to work out once in a while'' though he was looking too lazy to work and even too bothersome for him

''It sure is!!'' Luffy was laughing as he was talking with him in a friendly manner now ''So, you're a nice person after all!!!''

Meanwhile, Tonjit was trying to give some cheese to Usopp as a thank you while Usopp was rejecting it as he was saying that if the old man was trying to poison them

''Now they're acting like friends...'' Nami murmured with a sweatdrop when Luna sat on the grass and watched them

''So...'' Luffy look at the sea as he had a curious look on his face ''What now? Are you going to pull everything along while you swim across?''

''Now that is impossible...'' Aokiji said as he started to walk towards the sea ''Move away for a little bit please...'' he said when he crouched down and put his hand a little bit into the sea and look for a moment, looking like he was thinking how much power he'd have to release to do it

Just at that moment a sea king suddenly came out of the sea and move towards Aokiji. Luffy and Usopp shout out at him to get away from it and watch out, but Aokiji didn't even budge as he coldly said ''Ice Age'' and in an instant, as far as they could see, the ocean turned into ice along with the sea king

All of the Straw hats along with Tonjit, except Luna and Robin were looking shocked at the frozen ocean that was shining under the sun

''Devil fruit?!'' Zoro asked in shock

''The sea... froze over...!!'' Luffy said after Zoro as they were still looking shocked

''Logia class, the freezing power of the 'Ice Ice Fruit'.'' Robin said as she was sweating and fear was still visible on her face ''This is the extend of the power of a Marine Admiral.''

Aokiji pulled his hand out of the ice, and his body that was frozen in some places turned back to normal as he started to walk up to the old man and Straw Hats

''That should hold for about a week... You can take your time. Good luck in locating your village. It's a little cold, by the way, you should wear more clothing...'' Aokiji casually said, but the old man Tonjit was still looking at the frozen ocean while wondering if it was a dream

''The sea became an ice land... Sherry, we can cross the sea now!!'' getting over his shock, the old man was now looking happy ''After ten long years, we can finally reunite with our friends!!!'' as even the horse was now looking happy, Tonjit turned towards Aokiji ''Thank you!!! Thank you so very much for this miracle!!!''

Luffy and Usopp were smiling at the happy old man while Aokiji was turned his back and waving his hand, like saying it's not important.

All the straw hats were saying goodbye to the old man, who's now wearing some coat while Luna was looking at the ice with a thoughtful face. For a moment, she wondered just how many years would take her to freeze the sea like this.

They all look at the old man and watch him until he finally lost in the horizon and started to walk to the shore after they noticed how cold it really was. As Usopp and Luffy were literally shivering ''It became winter all of a sudden...'' Luffy was saying with a shivering voice when he noticed Aokiji's look.

He was sitting cross-legged on the grass and his head on his hand before he let a sigh and scratched his head, looking like he doesn't know what to do and trying to figure out

''What?'' Luffy asked him curiously with a slight frown on his face

Aokiji was silent for a moment before he slowly started to talk ''How should I say this... You and your grandfather are really alike, Monkey D. Luffy.'' causing Luffy to flinch as he went on ''Or maybe I should say... You're just as reckless and hard to figure out''

Luffy gasped at this, looking anxious as he began to sweat ''You know...my grandpa?'' he choked out

''Luffy's grandpa?'' Usopp asked as he looked curious but when he turned to look at Luffy he was surprised ''Eh? What's wrong, Luffy? Why are you sweating so much?''

While Luffy was quickly waving his hands in front of him and saying it's nothing, Luna look at Luffy for a moment. 'He must have it hard...' She mused before she suddenly remembered Dragon's warning over Grap and couldn't help but to sweatdrop

''Long time ago, your grandfather helped me out once'' Aokiji went on, not care about Luffy's nervousness ''Even though I only came to see Nico Robin...Maybe all of you should just die here and now.''

As everyone was now looking at him with frowned faces ''The government isn't taking you seriously, but after carefully analyzing the situation, it has become obvious that you are a very determined group of individuals...'' Aokiji stated calmly, looking at all of them but his eyes lingered longer on Robin and Luna, who's still ignoring him. ''Your group currently consists merely of a handful of rogues, yet judging from the degree of trouble you've been causing, there is little doubt that as time passes you will become an acute threat...''

While everyone was listening to him quietly but frowns on their faces, he went on ''In the time between the issuing of the first bounty on a member of your party to the present time... your growth, so to say, has been quite extraordinary...And though you have so far limited yourself to fighting other pirates, I'm concerned with what the future holds once you grow tired of your prey and search for a new game...'' he let a sigh and slightly shook his head as he remained serious ''I fought outlaws for most of my life, but thinking about how you'll turn out scares the crap out of me.''

''Hey, wait a moment!!'' Usopp cried out while waving his hands in front of him ''Wh...Why are you saying all of this?! Aren't you only here to check things out?!!!''

Luna snorted at this, causing them to turn to her ''You really didn't think that we would come across with an admiral in Paradise just like that, or Admirals would just come to check things out by themselves, did you?'' she asked as she was still determined not to look at Aokiji while she was standing close to Robin

While some of their eyes widen and some had deeper frowns, ''Well, I was also quite curious'' Aokiji said as he turned to look at Luna ''Before I came here, Tsuru-san told me something...'' causing Luna to flinch for a moment

''Tsuru?'' Nami asked as she saw how Luna reacted

''One of the big names in the marines, 'Great Advisor' Vice Admiral Tsuru'' Robin explained besides Luna

''Vice Admiral...'' Luffy muttered as his grandfather come to his mind once again

''One of the things she said was 'Her anguished waiting was like that of an animal rather than a human being.' Made me only more curious as to what are you really thinking...'' as everyone turned to him once again while trying to understand what he meant, Aokiji continued ''Three years ago, after that incident occurred, seeing your similarity to Luca, we all thought that you would kill your father after you have become the queen, just like how your father had done in the past, and declare war against World Government unlike him.''

Except for Robin, everyone was looking confused with the mention of the incident since they didn't know what he was talking about, but their eyes widen for a moment as they heard that Luna's father also killed her grandfather.

''Well, like father like daughter... You indeed killed Luca but the thing we didn't wait was, instead of becoming a queen and eventually declare war against us, you just gone and destroyed your own country, leaving behind nothing but a hole... Not just that but you even made a deal with 'World's Worst Criminal' Revolutionary Dragon and God knows what that deal was...''

He let a sigh as he deeply looked at Luna, who's still not looking at him ''But then again, we thought that it was normal and start to think that you joined to the Revolutionary Army, and go against the World Government along with them. That was where we think you were all this time until Smoker reported that Grant D. Luna is alive and become a pirate...After that, based on reports from Navy soldiers and civilians, we learned that you were in the East Blue for nine months...'' everyone was silently listening Aokiji with complex faces since they didn't understand why he was constantly implying that Luna would go against the World Government

Aokiji, on the other hand, calmly continued ''Three months' disappearance between the time of Diyu's destruction and your arrival to the East Blue... Well, we guessed that you were with the revolutionaries in that time...Judging by your attitude, I can say that you're still hating from the World Government...'' at these words, everyone except Robin thought why would Luna hate from World Government. She wasn't even someone hated from something or someone that easily and Luna wasn't looked like she hated them when she talked about them before ''So, I'm quite curious as to what are you really thinking...''

Luna let a sigh as Aokiji kept looking at her ''Last time I saw that old lady Tsuru was almost two years ago...Two years could be quite long...'' As she looked thoughtful for a brief of moment

Aokiji waited for her to say more, even the Straw Hats, but that was all Luna said as she didn't budge from anything and keep ignoring Aokiji after her short not so answer. Seeing that Luna wasn't going to say more, Aokiji let a sigh and turned his gazes towards Robin this time, looking more serious

''Then there is you, Nico Robin.'' causing Robin to flinch this time

''So you're here for Robin after all!??!!'' Luffy yelled out, looking angry as he also add ''Now I'm really kicking your ass!!''

Aokiji didn't look bothered by Luffy's words as he just ignored him and went on like he didn't even hear ''While the princess is quite dangerous for various of reasons, she is bound to die soon,'' causing Luna to slightly frown with the word of 'soon' as he continued ''You on the other hand... The size of your bounty does not only reflect the threat your combat abilities pose. It also gives to show how dangerous you are to the government, and even though you were only eight years old, you had such a high bounty put on your head.''

Luna scowled at this 'He talks as if he doesn't know anything...' she was hardly holding herself for not to say anything

''As a child, you were a true survivor. Betraying your partners, using them as tools... You sidestep and escaped from everyone in your path and then found yourself a new partner to make use of.'' He calmly stated, as if he was talking about weather ''You survived in the underworld by being quick to switch sides, and now, after the recent feat of survival you have undertaken... Are these the new tools that you have chosen to manipulate to achieve your goals?'' Aokiji asked as Robin's eyes momently widen as if he had just given her a deadly threat

''You freaking asshole!!!'' Sanji suddenly yelled out, looking enraged ''Don't you dare say things like that!!! What kind of ridiculous grudge are you holding against Robin?!''

While Usopp was trying to hold him back, preventing him from launching himself at Aokiji, ''I don't have anything against her'' Aokiji calmly answered ''The only thing is that I let her escape from me one time... but that was a long time ago.'' He glanced at everyone for a moment, as if wondering their reaction ''You will all learn soon enough that protecting this woman leads to nothing but regret.''

Aokiji start to stood up as he went on ''If you need proof, know that every group that Nico Robin has ever associated with has ended up completely annihilated.'' he walked a few steps closer to Robin ''Always leaving her as the sole survivor... Why is that so, Nico Robin?'' as he directly looked into her eyes

Robin was sweating as she took a few steps back and seeing how scared she looked, ''Shut up, jerk!!! What happened in the past doesn't matter!!'' Luffy yelled out as he was looking completely angry. Everyone was agreeing with him, even Zoro, though he didn't say anything, his face was showing he was angry as he was glaring at Aokiji

''That's right!!'' Usopp also yelled out as he pointed an accusing finger at Aokiji ''If it did, we wouldn't have a dangerous former pirate hunter, a conniving ex-thief woman or a former underworld princess on our crew, would we?!'' causing Nami to bonk him on the head as she snapped at him

''Who we are now more important than who we were!!'' Sanji also added after Usopp as he also looked angry

''Yeah, that's right!!'' Chopper also yelled out while angrily waving his arms, not looking scared now ''Don't you dare to badmouth about her!!''

As Robin was looking stunned after their words, ''I see...'' Aokiji said with a glint of disappointment in his eyes before he turned to look at Robin ''You have already earned the trust of these people...''

With those words, something inside Robin seemed to have snapped as she suddenly shouted out ''What are you trying to do?! If you want to arrest me, then why don't you just do it already?!!!'' she held up her arms and crossed them in front of her chest ''Treinta Fleur!'' Robin said as she sprouted thirty arms and hold each part of Aokiji's body

''Robin!! Don't do it!!!'' Usopp shout out as he was literally freaking out

''Arararara...'' Aokiji said indifferently, looking at Robin and her shaking arms ''It seems that I have said too much. How disappointing...I thought you would be smarter than this...''

Not listening to him ''Clutch!'' Robin said and an instant, Aokiji completely broke right in half and his body shattered like glass

Luna look at Robin in surprise 'I haven't seen her like this since the time I kidnapped her...' as she mused to herself and looking too surprised to react at the moment, Usopp and Chopper were freaking out

''Uwaaahhh!!! He died!!!'' Chopper shouted out while Usopp was also shouting out, saying that they have to run and get out of there, but just at that moment, Aokiji began to reform himself. First an arm, and then his head and upper body began to emerge from the shattered ice on the ground.

''Hmm... That was harsh...'' Aokiji slowly said as he was crouching down with his ice-covered body, and even he was crouching down, he was still taller any of them

''Giyaaaa!!!'' Usopp yelled out while freaking out. He was sweating as his eyes were bulged out ''It didn't work!! We're screwed!!!''

They were looking at him as they were tensed when Aokiji reached down to pull out a handful of grass before he threw them into the air and blew on them with an ice breath that froze them into a large, jagged ice sword.

''Ice Saber!'' Aokiji help up the ice saber that looked like it was quite hard and sharp ''I wasn't planning on killing you, but...''

Just as Aokiji swing the ice saber like a bat, Robin shut her eyes and held up her arms, looking like she was ready to die while fighting as Luna's hand was holding her katana and unsheathing it, Zoro suddenly came and stopped the blade before it fell down

While Zoro was deadly glaring at Aokiji, Sanji also came running and jump into the air before he kicked the saber out of Aokiji's hands. Luffy was also running into the fight. He threw his arm back ''Gum Gum...!'' but before Luffy's hand come back and hit him, Aokiji suddenly grab a hold of Sanji's left leg and Zoro's right arm ''...Pistol!'' just the moment Luffy punched him right in the gut, all three of them frozen. Sanji's leg and Zoro's arm that Aokiji was touching and Luffy's punch that also touching Aokiji were all frozen in an instant.

Covered in a thick coating of ice, they fell to the ground as they screamed in agony.

''Gyaaaa!!! He froze them!!!'' Usopp yelled out as he was freak out more now

''He took down the three of them with one strike!!!'' Nami was also freaking out as she yelled out, looking scared when she saw the three of them were writhing on the ground, holding onto their limbs with pained faces

''This... This is bad!!!'' Chopper shout out as he was still freaking out ''We have to treat them immediately or their hands and legs will never heal!!!'' but he was looking completely lost as to how to help

''You've got some good friends this time... But, you're still yourself, Nico Robin,'' Aokiji said with a smirk as he look at Robin, who's breathing hard

''You're wrong... I have...'' Robin was saying between her heavy breathings, but before she could finish what she was saying, Aokiji suddenly towered her and start to fell on her, looking like he was going to embrace her into a hug

''Robin!!! Get away from him!!'' Luffy yelled out in horror from where he was fell as well as Sanji was also yelling out her name while Zoro was looking like he was about to run towards there as they all had horrified look, except Luna

Before Aokiji came in contact with Robin, Luna suddenly grab Robin's wrist and pulled her behind her as the blood-red flames surrounded all of the Straw Hats. Not waiting, Luna swing her flaming katana towards Aokiji

''Huh...?!'' Luffy look at the scene with surprise as his eyes, along with Zoro and Sanji, were wide open while the ice on them was slowly melting down with the warm and harmless flames

Luna's katana never landed on Aokiji as he held up his arm and thrust his right palm forward at the incoming attack from Luna. It was as if an invisible wall was put down between them as Luna's sword wasn't touching Aokiji, but stopped with something invisible, and all the flames that were targetted Aokiji were gone beside him before they disappear.

It was like he had an invisible shield around him

Luna clicked her tongue with irritation as Aokiji suddenly spoke ''Hm... So this is the hellfire that is rumored to be the hottest and the strongest fire that only you can use.'' as he was looking mildly curious and interested, he moved his other hand to touch the flames ''I heard it's said that as long as you're willing it... regardless of the coldest winds or heaviest rains, the flames of hell will never extinguish,''

The moment he put his left hand inside the flames, Luna suddenly pulled back his katana ''Those damn haki users...'' and kicked his left arm from his shoulder with her flaming leg, so hard that his arm flew away as it broke apart from his shoulder with a shattering voice ''Don't stick your hand into my flames!''

Aokiji took a couple of steps back from the flames with a slight smirk on his face ''Ararara... Don't be so aggressive. I was just curious...'' he said as his left arm already starting to regenerate itself as if nothing happened

Robin's body was now clearly relaxed even if it's a little, but her eyes that were looking at Luna had filled with worry as her anger and fear was disappeared. She knew none of them, including Luna couldn't win against an Admiral but they had a chance to run, but that was what Robin was thinking as Luna had no intention to run at that moment since she knew that wasn't neccaseery

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper, on the other hand, were much more relaxed than Robin as they were standing inside the flames. In their mind, the fire should be able to win against ice, but they didn't see how Aokiji stopped Luna's sword unlike Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, which that was why the three of them were slowly getting up, and preparing themselves to fight as the three of them also had the same question in their mind 'That was haki..?'

As they were tense more than ever, Aokiji stared right at Luna into the eye. ''Finally, you're looking at me...'' he slowly said as he didn't take his eyes off her

However, Luna snort at this, ''Well, up until now, I didn't have any reason to look at one of the people's faces who's responsible for my brother's death, did I?'' Luna asked with a slightly tilted head. She was still looking calm as how she was until now, but her voice and eyes were so cold that one could believe the flames around them could freeze.