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Goddess of War and The Broken Promise

The four men of the Straw Hat Pirates walked towards the colorful house that people inside of it were partying. They stood out the front door for only a short minute as the door opened and a large man had appeared. His head was turned over his shoulder, and he seemed to be laughing at someone before he turned, ready to leave until he looked down and spotted all four of them.

Before he could even understand what's going on, Luffy stretched his arm out and took him out with a single punch, sending him flying back and breaking the door off its joints.

The party was over with the man fell right in the middle of the room with Luffy's punch. All of them were stopped partying and were freaking out at what was going on.

''Wha... What the hell was that?!! What happened?!!?!''

''Someone's there!!!''

''Who is it?!!? You got a death wish?!''

Chopper, who's in his 'Heavy Point,' Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji were standing in the doorway, glaring at every single one of them with shadowed expressions.

All the members of the Franky Family had been enjoying themselves with booze and cards, chatting about how rich they were now, but now, all of them were looking at the four of them, who knocked out the door with one of their brothers with terror-filled expressions.

''You're... Straw Hat Luffy!!'' One of them shouted out with recognition, pointing out Luffy,

''Hahahaha! Are you here for the money?!'' One of the largest ones said, walking forward and slipping armor around his upper half. ''Look how many people we have! You only have four! Four little guys at that!'' He was looking so confident as he kept laughing, ''I'll teach you a lesson, and then take the bounties on your heads!''

Upon his words, everyone looked calmed down and began smirking with the thought of beating them and taking their bounties as one of them, who tried to attack Zoro earlier on the ship, talked,

''So you're that weakling long-nose's captain?!'' causing Luffy's eyes to twitch as he went on ''You must have a death wish to break in here with that level of strength!'' as others laugh more

''I will give you a free hit, shortie!'' the large one talked again with a big confident smile on his face

Luffy stared at him with his ever-growing anger, and without even waiting, he began throwing punches that made him looked like he had dozens of hands at the same time much like his 'Gatling Gun.' However, it kept stopping just short of the armor as the men around them were laughing at the fact that Luffy was going to use fists against the large man's so-called 'Super Armor' that even a cannon had no effect on it.

''That's enough, boy! Let me show you how to fight correctly!!'' The large man shouted out with a joyful expression, but it was just for a short time as Luffy kept his punches going. Just at the time the large man raised his big axe to take him out, Luffy's arm's and hands began to burn in red color, and for a moment later, he finished his attack with a single double-palmed blow that looked similar to his 'Bazooka.'

A bright light that was burning hot burst from the hit for a moment and the man sent flying back before he fell on his back unconscious with a giant hole in front of his armor.

For a moment, no one from the Franky Family moved, as if trying to understand what just they witnessed before they suddenly scream out in panic and horror as they stared at their friend on the ground.

''Ahhhh!! He broke through the Super Armor!!'' one of them yelled out in terror as Luffy was just staring at them with his still shadowed, blank expression.

They were panicking and looking scared as they were yelling with unbelieving words and asking what they were going to do now when the man, who attacked Zoro, talked again, ''Le...le... Let's talk this out peacefully... Like gentlemen...'' he stuttered as he held his hand out, looking like he was surrendering, but his actions changed a moment later as he turned his back to the others who had their cannons, ''Fire!!!'' pointing out the four of them as he yelled out ''Sie, suckers!!''

As his men fired their cannons at them, Zoro ran ahead. ''Three Sword Style,'' he looked at the cannonballs in front of him intensely, ''Crow Demon Hunting!'' as he performed multiple flying slashes, slicing every one of the cannonballs in two as if nothing and caused them to explode away from them.

The Franky Family screamed out in terror once again as Zoro stare at them with a dangerous look on his face.

''What?!!'' the man who's acting as the leader with Franky's absence, yelled out as his eyes were practically popping out of his head, ''Th... Those cannonballs are made out of iron!!'' he had an unbelieving look before Zoro suddenly went there and slice through one of their cannons in half, scaring them more than ever.

''Holy crap!!!'' one of them screamed out, looking freaking out, ''Even the cannon!!!''

''This is bad!! Thee people are not normal!!''

''Escape through the back door!!!'' someone yelled out, causing them to run towards there, but as they tried to run, Sanji suddenly jumped over in front of them and landed on the head of one of the opponents in a handstand.

''You should've done your homework when picking who to rob from.'' as his voice sounded calm and dark, ''Party Table, Kick Course!'' he spun around rapidly to deliver a savage kick to the face of anyone within range. After he ran out of targets, he jumped down and continue to spinning to kick the scared men.

The rest of the Franky Family were now yelling and trying to run through the windows, however, the one who's facing them now was Chopper, blocking their way to the windows, ''Rumble, Horn Point!'' he had swallowed a 'Rumble Ball' as his form turned similar to Walk Point, but with bigger and sharper antlers. His human arms are retained and also become bulkier in order to compensate for the large load upon his head. ''Roseo Colonnade!'' he began to chase the men who are trying to run and tossed them in the air with his horns and causing them to land on their heads embedded in the ground with their body sticking straight up out of the ground like a column.

''Waaaa!!!'' the man, who's acting as their leader cried out in shock and terror before he turned towards the four of them, ''Le... Let's talk about this!!'' he was looking close to cry as he looked like he was surrendering again, ''We d... don't have to resort to violence! All you want is money, right?! The two hundred million we got from that long nose guy? The truth is that mone is not here anymore!!'' causing Luffy's eyes to twitch once again with the mention of Usopp as the man went on ''Our boss, Franky, already took it and went shopping! He's probably already on his way in the Sea Train! We have no idea where he's going either!'' he quickly talked as a smile made its way on his face. ''No matter how much havoc you wreak, you can't get your 200 million back any... moraahhh!!''

Before he could even finish what he was saying, Luffy, who had enough, punched him on the face and sent flying back, crashing int the wall.

''Ahhh!! Zambai!!!'' All the men yelled out his name in fear as four straw hats looked at them with their still shadowed expressions,

''You yap too much. Also...'' Sanji talked in a dark voice as he stared at them, ''It's not about money.''

''That's right.'' Zoro also added after him, ''You ticked us off.''

Luffy cracked his knuckles as he glared at them with a distant glint in his eyes, ''We're going to crush all of you.'' as his voice also sounded dark.

It wasn't about money. It was far from that the moment they saw Usopp lying on the ground in that state. They were far too angry to let any of them go or care about the money they stole. It was for their friend.

''Crush?!!'' one of the men cried out with panic at Luffy's words

''Idiot!! Don't get scared! That's what we're supposed to say to them!!'' other one shout at him, ''Don't forget that we're scavengers and bounty hunters. We're the Franky Family!!'' but no matter what he was saying, he too was looking as panicked as the rest of them. Yet, they all were ready to attack, even though they looked panicked.

They pulled out a giant cannon as they called, 'Anything goes shot cannon!' and began to shot literally anything, from the clothes to bombs, kitchen knives, swords, even a fork... But they were all useless against the four of them as they all affectively dodged every one of it. When it's over, and the Franky Family saw that they were all unscratched, they all pulled out their weapons and marched towards them, but then again, it was all in vain as four of them took every one of them with ease.


Goddess of War.

Luna heard about her, even though she was looking different. A girl with armor that no one had ever seen her face, and the only thing they knew, she was working for the World Government.

From what she heard, she would send to fight with Pirates whose causing trouble all around the world and to the countries that allied with the World Government. She would go to their islands to clean up the mess and take part in the wars. One of them was quite famous. Though the news was not detailed, Luna heard the rumors. It was so fierce and bloodied war, and the girl stood alone as if some kind of Goddess. From that point on, she called the 'Goddess of War.'

Luna thought it was funny. Because even if they didn't know, her devil fruit actually made her literally Goddess of War.

''You really had changed from the last time I saw you.'' Luna said with a small smile as their sword clashed once again, ''You were scared, little, crying girl, who's pissed herself... Look at you now... You got stronger.'' it had been almost two years now, and the girl was just fifteen years old at that time.

''Well, anyone who saw a demon for the first time would be scared, right? Besides, hate is a good purpose to get stronger, but you would know better...'' the girl said as she pulled back and swung her claymore once again, sending a flying slash at Luna.

Luna deflected the slash towards the men encircling them, but they jumped in the air to dodged it before they landed on their feet back. They were doing nothing but to watch and dodge.

''Why do you even hate me?'' Luna asked as she used her third circle, crushing hell, but stopped with a shield that suddenly appeared in front of the girl with a simple hand gesture as the girl jumped backward, hanging on the air for a while as the wings on her shoes were flapping.

'Cool...' Luna mused as she looked at her shoes, but she shrugged it off since it wasn't time to get impressed,

''How about the fact that you tortured my father for hours and killed him, all the while I was watching...'' the girl talked as she gently landed her feet back while Luna was crushing her simple shield with the gravity of her third circle.

Luna looked at her smiling face that was looking too kind and graceful for someone who said such an excuse. ''Cut the crap! You didn't even love your father,'' she stated as her eyebrows knitted.

She used her second circle as she stabbed her katana to the ground, causing dozens of black threads to come out to the ground from where she stabbed and go towards the girl and the men around them like snakes as if trying to catch them, but they all jumped on the air once again, but this time, they were all used 'Geppo.'

''It's not about I loved my father or not,'' the girl calmly spoke as she marched towards Luna, swinging her claymore, aiming her head, but she got blocked and pushed back, ''It's about the fact that what you did cause me to lost everything.'' as she prevented Luna's incoming attack this time.

Both of them were not using their full powers, but they were moving too fast for a normal person to see what they were doing, and every clash of their swords was also causing shockwaves around them. Luna threw a kick as their weapons were blocking each other, but suddenly a little shield appeared on the girl's right side and blocked Luna's kick, causing her to click her tongue with irritation. The sky was getting darker with every second they spent with their useless attacks.

Luna was using attacks that would affect not just the girl but also the men around them, but they were all dodging as Luna was also dodging and blocking the girl's attacks. The area around them was full of slash marks as they kept deflected their attacks. All of it was just a waste of time, and Luna was getting more impatient as she didn't even know where Robin was or when she would move.

She used her fifth circle as she suddenly launched towards the girl, putting more power as she swung her katana, causing every one of them to close their ears with the loud screams they heard, except for the girl, who only closed her eyes and tilted her head with an annoyed look on her face as she blocked Luna's katana once again.

''Ugh... you and your damn abilities...'' she murmured before she pushed Luna and called another shield with a gentle and a simple hand gesture to block Luna's next slash

''Same for you,'' Luna also murmured as she got blocked once again. She really got irritated as it seemed like, this would take forever like this, ''I really don't have time for you to release your hated right now.'' she frowned as she sliced the shield and sent a flying slash against the girl, ''I had to go,''

Luna was ready to leave the girl there and go to find where Iceburg was living. The skies were already getting darker, and searching for Robin would be a waste of time in a big city like this. She was decided to go there and wait for Robin, but not everything would go according to plans.

''Same to you. I told you I also have no time just for you.'' The girl said as her claymore suddenly replaced by a golden bow and four bronze-colored arrows appeared in her hands, ''There is a confirmation I have to do in the end.'' a small smile that somehow looked gentle made it's way on the girls face as she suddenly shot the four arrow towards Luna at the same time

''Confirmation?'' Luna asked with a frown as she bent backward to dodge the arrows, but her eyes got widen when she saw the arrows suddenly stopped in the midair and rotated their direction towards Luna once again before they continued to fly to her. ''What the...?'' as she was still bending backward, she touched the ground and backflipped on the air, causing the arrows to fly just under her. After she faced the arrows, she got on her feet back, however, the arrows stopped once more before they fly back to Luna again.

While Luna was mentally questioning how the arrows were following her, ''What confirmation?!'' she asked again as she tried to cut the arrows, well, 'tried' since they didn't get cut. She even tried to burn them as suddenly flames burst on her and her katana, but they didn't get burned either.

The girl, on the other hand, made a hand gesture, causing her claymore to come back. ''They won't get destroyed until they got the taste of the blood,'' she said before she fastly launched towards Luna, swinging her swords at her head once again as Luna forced to dodge, not just her sword but also the arrows.


None of the members of the Franky Family was dead, but in the end, it looked like they were too close to death. There was no one who is untouched as they were all lost unconscious state as none were looking good. The Franky House was also blown away like Luffy had said they would. It was broken into pieces, looking like nothing but a scrap now as all of the men were laying on the ground, beaten and bloodied.

Sanji was sitting on the wreckage, surrounded by the unconscious Franky Family, smoking a cigarette as he looked normal now as if his anger began to disappear. While he was loosening his tie, ''Should we go after Franky?''

''Where would we go?'' Zoro, who's standing close to Sanji, asked with a dull tone now while he was tying his bandana around his arm

While Sanji was cursing the fact that the men they beat didn't know where Franky is and they could only take care of him after he's finished shopping, Chopper was treating Usopp's injuries.

''What now? Do we wait here?'' Zoro asked as he folded his arms, glancing at Luffy, ''I don't think he'll be back any time soon...'' before he got an answer, they heard Chopper's voice, saying that he's done and now they can lift Usopp.

''We're just wasting time here.'' Sanji said as he stood up after he heard Chopper, ''Let's go back. Nami is alone on the ship, and Luna and Robin are nowhere to be found. The Merry is also breaking down too...'' as he looked towards Luffy, who's standing on the big, burnt crescent moon that had once hanging on the outside of the house.

He was just standing there with his back turning on them up until now as he didn't join their conversation. He was just watching the sea under the crimson sky that was getting darken with every second as he had looked like he lost in thoughts.

''Hey, Luffy!'' Sanji called out as Luffy didn't answer him

''... The Merry,'' Luffy slowly talked as he continued to stand there without turning to look at them, ''I've decided...'' both Sanji and Zoro looked at him curiously as Luffy went on, ''It's time to say goodbye to Going Merry.''


'What confirmation...?' Luna was pondering about her not answered question as she looked at the arrows and dodged the incoming attacks of the girl.

She tried to move away from there, even though she knew the girl would follow her, she was actually planning to find Robin and kidnapped her from them, but then again, her plans didn't work as the men encircled them suddenly pulled out their swords that were hidden under their white cloak. Luna glanced at them blankly as they looked like some kind of robot knight that dressed up like a ghost before she began to attack them seriously too while she was still dodging the arrows and the girl's flying slashes.

As it kept went on like that for a while, Luna finally having enough, ''Eighth Circle,'' held up her katana just after she dodged the arrows, ''Mugen Jigoku!'' she blocked the incoming attack of the girl's sword as the large area that they were on suddenly surrounded by blood-red flames, causing the men to jumped on the air as they used 'Geppo,' but not all of them were fast enough to dodge it as four of them were suddenly on fire and began to burn down alive.

The girl, on the other hand, fastly went backward with a big jump with the help of her winged shoes. She was looking at her melted Claymore with narrowed eyes, and Luna could sense that she was clearly dissatisfied.

Luna dodged arrows once again just after the area began to burn down with her flames. ''Those bloody arrows!'' she was cursing non-stop as she avoided them repeatedly.

She glanced at the girl, who's examining her melted sword before she suddenly shut down her eighth circle and ran towards the men who are just waiting there before she used her reverse gravity. She jumped on her floating katana and stood with one hand before suddenly let herself to the other side to kick the man on top of his head, causing him to fell back on the ground before she shut down her reverse hell and stabbed her katana into his chest before he could even react.

Five of the twenty men were already dead as Luna's flames were beginning to surround them once again but not spacious or high as she didn't want to catch the attention of the citizens. The girl was watching them and looking like she was thinking about something as she was also glancing at the flames while she preferred to stay away.

The ghost looking men that were like puppets began to not just blocked her way but also attacked her now after the girl made a hand gesture. They never talked or had done anything except attacking to kill and blocking her for not leaving. Luna could tell these men were not a part of CP0 as they were too weak to be one of them. They were probably just there to escort the girl. Their techniques on six powers were also not complete. They were lacking a lot.

Luna tilted her body to the left side to dodge the incoming attack from her back that aimed for her head. She fastly turned her body and hit the man's arm with her palm, causing him to drop his sword before she swung her katana to slice his head off. Just then, she jumped on the air once again to dodge the arrows, but her eyes intensely looked at one of them with what she saw.

As she landed on the ground, she watched one of the arrows hit one of the men, who's coming to attacked her and stayed on his chest for a moment before it started to disappear. As the blood was pouring down from the man's bosom, the arrow seemed to be becoming dust and dissipate with the hot wind around them.

'So... even though they are targeting me, it doesn't have to be my blood to stop them...' Luna mused before she glanced at the remaining thirteen men and a smirk made itself on her lips as she ran towards one of them to use them as a living shield.

'She noticed earlier than I thought,' The girl mused herself as she watched Luna pierce one of the men on the chest and turned around herself as he was still stabbed, and pushed herself and her katana forward, effectively stabbing the man behind her. She then suddenly turned her right with the two stabbed men in her katana and caused the men behind the other to hit by two arrows before she pulled back her bloodied katana and let them fell dead on the ground.

'I didn't want to catch an attention, however,' the girl's narrowed light amber-colored eyes fixed on Luna, who's using one of the men as a living shield for the last arrow, 'I guess there is no choice.' She never thought killing Grant D. Luna would be easy and was waiting for her to get tired, but the mess could clear out later. She was sure that five old men would not care about a little complication if it means Luna's death.

''How sad you take care of them this easily.''

Luna's attention stolen by the girl talked calmly as the remaining ten men suddenly pulled back and landed around them after they saw the soft hand gesture of the girl. They have encircled them, but this time, they were much more far away from them.

''Why are they calling you 'Knight'? Aren't you the one who is known as the Goddess of War?'' Luna finally asked one of the questions she was wondering

''Knight is my name in the organization'' the girl calmly talk as she took a step closer to Luna's flaming area, ''Or my name anyone knows. Goddess of War is just something temporary and fake. One day, it will be forgotten, just like my real name.''

As she was talking with her melodic voice and getting inside of Luna's flames, her body began to cover with the dazzling, bright white light once again. For a moment later, what Luna saw in front of her was indeed the one people called Goddess of War, the one the girl said it was fake.


On the other side of the island,

The Merry was rocking gently at the cape with a strangely peaceful air. The air was chilly, cooling, and a pleasant breeze was giving a gentle touch to the ship under the cloudy, darky sky. It was too calm. As if it was the calm before the storm that none of the ones on the ship, who were sitting inside the galley, had ever guessed at the moment.

All of the Straw Hats were silent. Usopp was cried and said sorry to lost the money as soon as he wake up and calmed down for a while later. He was looking down with shame as if he couldn't bring himself to look at any of them and was covered with bandages all over his body. The catalog for the ship was thrown away on the table and none of them had yet to look at it. His shame was turned into a sad one when Luffy told him that they couldn't fix the keel.

His whole body was shaking as if he was about to broke into tears. He was prepared to hear this since the time he saw the Merry on the Sky Island, yet, it was hard as all of his hopes were broken into pieces. He wanted to shout out, ask how even the best shipwrights were unable to do it, but every time he wanted to open his mouth, Merry's childish voice echoed in his ears as well as Luna's.

'It's alright. I will carry all of you for a little while longer.'

'Thank you! Don't worry! I'll definitely make it to the next island!'

'Forcing her would only cause her pain, and we would be betraying her wish.'

He knew that Merry already knew about her life coming to an end and ready to go, but it was too hard to accept it. It felt like, someone was tearing his heart out.

''What are we going to do..?'' the words left his mouth and burned him as it was too painful for him to ask

Everyone was silent as they all glanced at Luffy, who didn't say anything until now, ''We will properly say goodbye to her.'' his voice was calm and had a look like he already decided and nothing will change his mind, ''We can't let her get scrapped, nor we can let her sink slowly. We will give her a goodbye in the sea.''

As everyone looked confused except Usopp, who's painfully looking down with clenched fists on the floor, and Zoro, who had an understanding face, ''A burial on the sea...'' Zoro murmured with a short nod as he thought that this would probably be the best choice for a ship that was suffering while the others were also slowly making understanding expressions after they heard Zoro.

''When?'' Usopp asked as his voice was too low and broken. He still wanted some time with Merry and be with her, even though he knew the time would have eventually come.

''Don't know,'' Luffy shortly answered before he also added ''Luna and Robin still didn't come back.''

A silence fell in the room after Luffy's words.

Usopp thought that Luffy probably wanted everyone to be there as they said their goodbyes to the Merry, and the silence was for the Merry. He wanted to go outside as the air was suddenly too heavy and suffocating for him and wanted to try to talk with Merry once again.

For the first time after he asked about the Merry, Usopp lifted his head to say he was going to out but stopped as he finally saw their faces. They all looked worried except Zoro, who had a blank look, causing Usopp to frown. ''What's wrong?'' he asked with hesitation as a lot of bad thoughts flashed in his mind.

They didn't seem sad or seemed angry at him for the money or anything, but they all looked worried as they were not even looking at him now.

''Luna and Robin still didn't come back...'' Sanji murmured, repeating what Luffy said as he exhaled smoke

''You're making everyone worried,'' Zoro talked as he sounded irritated while glaring at Sanji, ''It's not like they are child and Luna disappeared in Alabasta for two days... You didn't seem this worried that time.''

''That's different, you stupid marimo!'' Sanji snapped at him, causing Zoro to glare daggers at him, but before he could say anything back, Sanji went on, ''At that time, Luna was known dead, no one knew she was with us, and she was gone after everything was over. Also, no one had no idea where Robin was! Did you forget what Aokiji said?!''

''Well...'' Nami also began as she looked worried too, ''It's not like Luna and Robin are weak if anything would happen... Besides... Wouldn't we heard something already?'' sounding more like she was trying to ease her own worries.

Sanji's eyes soften when he saw Nami's worried expression before he also added with a calmer tone, ''But it's not like Luna or Robin to left Chopper behind like that.''

''Or ignore you like that...'' Chopper also add in a low tone, looking both sad and worried

''What are you guys talking about..?'' Usopp asked with a confused expression as he didn't understand anything

Sanji let out a puff from his smoke as he once again informed about how Luna and Robin left Chopper and disappeared and how he saw them with two masked people, but the four of them disappeared on the street that was a dead end. ''I thought Luna-cwan take them and fly or something...'' as he looked irritated to himself and worried over them

''No matter how you look at it, four people are too crowded for her to fly'' Zoro also add as he clicked his tongue, looking irritated by Sanji as to how could he even thought that and miss them.

Sanji's over worries were making them all worried for a while now. He talked about their disappearance when they come back to the ship, and they were all waiting for Usopp to wake up. They were also waiting for them to come back for a while now, but neither of them came back to the ship.

''She did on Drum...'' Nami murmured as another silence fell on the room. Even Usopp was looking worried now as he even forgot about his own condition for a moment.

Zoro let a sigh before he looked towards Luffy, who had been silent for a while now. ''What do we do?'' Luffy was sitting quietly, but his one leg was shaking up and down without stopping, obviously, he was worried too.

''Let's go to search for them,'' Luffy finally talked as he sounded too calm but also serious.

He was waiting for Usopp to wake and learn that he was fine all this time after he heard what Sanji and Chopper told them. They were just found Usopp in that condition, and worry washed all over Luffy when he heard them. He knew they wouldn't leave Chopper behind like that without saying anything or ignore Sanji. If these masked people would be friends of Luna and Robin as Sanji thought they were, Luna wanted them to meet, not ignore like that. He wasn't sure if it was the same with Sanji, but he felt uneasy too.

Zoro let another sigh at what Luffy said, ''Well, it's not like we can go anywhere with just sitting here anyway,'' causing all of them to slowly left the galley.


Her armor was changed. There was nothing left the light, white armor that was wrapping around the girl's body like a second skin. She was wearing armor with dark metallic gold color. The shoulders were squared, short, and enormous. They were decorated like wings curved towards the back on each side. The upper arms were protected by rounded, layered metal rerebraces that sat loosely under the shoulder plates. The lower arms were covered by vambraces that had layers of feathers on the outer sides.

The breastplate was made from several separate pieces, which layered on top of each other. It covered almost everything from the neck down, and it narrowed near the groin also left the part of the sides exposed. And in front of the chest plate, a beautiful dandelion was engraved, glowing with dark golden and red color. The upper legs were covered by rounded, half-covering cuisses. The lower legs were protected by greaves, which had a layer of chainmail covering the outer sides.

Dark red and the gold color mixed cape was waving on her with a dandelion emblem behind it, and her helmet was covering all of her head. It had a human face that one couldn't say who she was. If it wasn't the fact her body, one could even though she was a man. There were two tall, wing-like ornament pieces attached to the forehead area and the backside area as some engravings were covering the sides of the helmet.

In her hand, she was holding at least a two-meter long spear. It was also dark red-colored, however, the blade of the spear was glowing with dark golden metallic color as some blue electricity sparked around it.

''So, shall we began?''

'Oh, damn....' Luna cursed as all of the flames around them suddenly began to disappear, and the girl suddenly launched to her.

The moment Luna's flames disappeared around her and only remained some sparks on her body, the girl jumped in the air and stabbed the ground with her spear as she hung on top of it, causing the ground to cracked as electricity run under Luna's feet, and just the moment she jumped on the air to avoid it, the girl suddenly moved forward, pulled her spear back before she suddenly swung it towards Luna.

Luna blocked the spear from the middle of it as she also tilted her body to avoid its electrical tip, but she suddenly kicked the girl and pulled herself back after she saw the sparkles that began to form with the connection of their weapons.

She didn't know what her armor or her weapon made of, but she knew this wouldn't be easy as the girl was even able to move inside of her flames that were as hot as magma without any trouble.

She knew if they would really fight, the city would be destroyed. As much as Luna didn't care about that, the fact that this city was one of their future crewmates' home made things hard for her.

Knight also knew this, but she didn't care about the citizens or the island. This island might be significant for its people's ship making abilities, but it was already sinking slowly. So, yes, as long as the other Cipher Pol unit got what they had to take, she was sure the Five Elders wouldn't care about this place if it meant Luna's death.

Luna began to form her three-meter dragon around her body as she was dodging the girl's non-stop attacks. It was wrapping around her body just like always. Her right leg, her waist, and her collarbones, and its head were hovering over the back of Luna's head, looking ahead with its one eye.

Just the moment their weapons clashed with each other, sparks began to form again as if it was ready to explode any moment, and the dragon that was wrapping around Luna like a snake now had grown Luna's usual wings on it's back.

Knight pushed herself back before suddenly enormous angel wings spread on her back. It was looking like they had been made of the same material as the armor as its color was also the same.

''Goddess of War, huh?'' Luna said with a sigh as she looked at her

''Maybe I should call you 'Flaming Demon' rather than White Demon.'' the girl also said as her voice sounded clear as if her head was not even covered with a helmet.

''Oh,'' Luna looked interested for a moment, ''You're calling me White Demon?''

''I do not understand why you are calling yourself De Luna. Besides, shouldn't be us who gave you a name, not you?'' as she didn't sound like she was actually asking,

''Better than 'Knight' at least'' Luna said as she held up her katana, ready to attack

''I wouldn't need something to call myself if I wouldn't erase from the history because of you.'' as she also held up her spear

Both of them launch towards each other at the same time at very high speed since both used their wings,

''I didn't destroy your freaking country!'' Luna told just before she swung her flaming katana

''Oh, I know,'' The girl's melodic voice sounded too calm, ''It was me.'' causing Luna's eyes to widen just before their weapons connected and create an enormous explosion before they suddenly flew towards the sky just after a moment later of the blast.


When the Straw Hats were all on the deck, they began to talk about how to do things.

It's not like they all could leave the ship and search for them, and Chopper was saying Usopp should stay back as he still needed to rest, which Usopp didn't deny since he wanted to stay with the Merry and didn't think he would have any help. Sanji was eager to go and search for Luna and Robin, so Zoro was decided to stay on the ship to protect it as Nami was also saying that they had too much money, and someone could try to rob them again.

In the end, It was Luffy, Nami, Sanji, and Chopper were the ones who would go and search for them as Chopper was confident he might find them with their scent.

But just the moment they jumped off the ship, they all heard an explosion voice that was coming from the other side of the island, and when they looked towards there, even though they couldn't see anything. Moments later, they all saw the familiar flames that were rising to the sky.

''Luna...?'' Luffy murmured as he looked at the blood-red flames that he would recognize no matter what

''Well... This wasn't what I meant when I said we would hear something...'' Nami also added with a low tone as all of them were looking at the sky of the other side of the island,

''Who is she fighting with?'' Zoro's question was what brought them back to the world

''Let's go!'' Luffy ordered as he suddenly began to run towards there along with over-worried Sanji, Nami, and Chopper while Zoro was looking at the sky with narrowed eyes and a serious face, and Usopp was looking towards there with shock as he was also trying to understand what's going on.

However, Straw Hat's were not the only ones who are rushing towards there, and the others were much faster than them.


On the roof of a long building that was located in Dock #1 was a man with a mask standing there while holding a transponder snail.

Robin was also standing beside him as she was looking at the sky with a neutral expression, but inside for her head was full of worry and questions, 'Who is that girl?' There weren't many people who can fly and fight like that since it was a rare ability.

''Are you ready?'' the man asked, getting Robin's attention, but she didn't even glance at him as she didn't take her eyes from the clouds

''I will be when you keep your promise.'' Robin talked with a neutral tone that was matching with her expression

''They are moving there to talk about it. That girl is not part of us, so we haven't informed any of this.'' The man informed Robin, only to cause her to wonder more as to who exactly that girl was.


''Are you out of your mind?!'' Luna yelled out as she used her dragon breath against her when they get through the clouds at a very high speed ''There were children and innocent people on that island!''

''So what?'' the girl indifferently asked as she waved her hand with a soft gesture, causing a shield to appear in front of her.

The shield this time was different from her usual, simple ones as it was rounded and big with a beautiful dandelion mark in front of it, just like the one on her armor, and it was looking like the same material too.

''They deserved after what they had done to me.'' she went on as the fire pillar hit the shield

Luna looked at her with unbelieving eyes, not because her attack did not affect the shield, but for what she said. ''So, you destroyed your own island and caused everyone to think that it was me... even made yourself looked dead... And you hate me because you think it was all because of me?'' she couldn't understand.

She always thought that it was the World Government who destroyed the island, not the girl since Luna was the one who blamed for that. The island burned down with everyone on it and what's left was a simple eye symbol beside a crescent moon. The mark was in the newspaper with the news of the island was destroyed, and everyone has believed it was her doing and believed that she was indeed a demon. The ones who know about them all thought that it was the punishment for what they had done, and they were showing what would happen to the traitors.

Luna really thought the World Government did it to made them look worse. Though she knew the girl was still alive, she assumed that the World Government took her to question her or even kill her after that not to leave any evidence behind. She never thought that it was the girl who did it all, and she would become one of them, a CP0 agent on top of it.

''Of course, it was all because of you.'' the girl talked as she still had a calm and melodic tone in her voice that it was starting to get on Luna's nerves. ''If you didn't kill my father in the first place, none of it would happen.'' as she sent a flying slash towards Luna with her spear, which contained some electrical sparks on it.

''No,'' Luna stated as she also sent a flying slash towards her with the tail of her dragon, ''If your father wouldn't be a greedy bastard and betrayed us... If he didn't become a part of Leo's death, none of it would happen!'' just before their slashes clash together and explode in the air.

They were moving too fast, clashing with their weapons in the sky or sending flying slashes that causing explosions, which made the ones on the island hear the sounds similar to thunder as the sky was also getting brighter with the red and blue color.

They couldn't keep going on to fight in the sky as both couldn't fly for a long time like this, and both had realized this.

Knight looked at Luna with a clear mock in her eyes after what she said, ''You know, Luna... You can blame everyone as much as you want, but you are the first and foremost reason for his death!'' she declared before she suddenly swung her spear on Luna from the top of her, forcing her to block it as they were suddenly falling back to the ground at a very high speed.

Luna barely pushed her spear and pulled back before she fell on her back and flip back a couple of times before she stabbed the ground with her katana to slowed down herself. She had a cold expression and dark eyes that seemed almost black now from the moment she heard what the girl said as she didn't say anything back.

The girl, on the other hand, was fell on the ground with a big crush, yet, she was standing there, in the middle of the cracked ground, with a graceful posture as the wings on her back was disappeared.

Just the moment Luna was pulling her katana from the ground, suddenly two people with cloaks and masks came and landed not so far away from them as the remaining ten ghosts looking man was standing encircling around them from afar.

Luna stared at one of them with her cold face and dark eyes as the man was clearly as strong as Knight. There was only one person who could he be, 'Is he that Rob Lucci?' Luna pondered with slightly narrowed eyes.

''What is it?'' the girl asked calmly with her melodic voice, talking as if she not even in the middle of a fight

''Knight-san,'' the other man, who's Luna couldn't recognize, talked in a polite manner, ''I'm sorry, but I must ask to refrain yourself from killing De Luna.''

Knight looked towards him, but none of them was able to see her face due to her helmet was covering all of her head, ''And why is that?'' her voice was calm, yet one could hear the annoyed, harsh tone as if daring them to say what she will do or not.

''There is a deal.'' the man, Luna was sure he was Lucci, took a step and go towards the girl, as Luna was standing up

'Deal?' Luna questioned to herself before her frown become ticker, 'Deal with Robin?' she tried to hear what the man was saying, but he was quiet, and it ended too quickly as the girl's head suddenly turned towards Luna.

''Seven of them to get off this island safely?'' the answer the girl had was a simple 'yes' from Lucci, ''This is not good. I have orders to kill her, and a confirmation I had to make...'' the girl mumbled as she was clearly observing Luna, who's standing up while staring towards them, then suddenly, ''Did you told them anything?''

''What?'' Luna stared at her with an emotionless look, but there was a slight confusion after her unexpected question

''I have to verify the fact that if they know anything.'' Luna silently look at the girl after the girl calmly spoke

''No.'' Luna casually replied with her still cold expression as if it was the most natural thing

''I see.'' the girl said with a short nod, causing Luna to close her eyes for a moment as she let a sigh

''You believe just like that?''

Knight was still looking towards Luna as the other two were a little bit away from them and listening to them. ''Our only concern is if Nico Robin learned anything, though, while I don't think you would be saying anything to someone you had just met, I can also ask questions to her myself as she is with us now. On the other hand, it wouldn't be good to visit the rest of the crew at the moment,'' the girl shortly glance at the two men who came after, sounding as if she didn't like this outcome at all. She was planning to give a visit to them by herself.

Meanwhile, Luna was thinking with an emotionless expression, 'So, Aokiji didn't mention anything to them?' Luna didn't think he believed her lies, but he also didn't have any proof, but she was still surprised he didn't say anything.

''I also don't think you would speak the things you and your family hide for yourselves for almost a century to a bunch of pirates.'' the girl calmly went on as her eyes turned to Luna once again,

Luna, on the other hand, scowled at what the girl said as all of her thoughts disappeared, ''You know, I'm also one of that bunch of pirates now.''

''Is that so?'' the girl sounded like she was mocking, opposite of serious Luna, as she held up her spear, ''Then, you also should be treated like one of them.'' causing Luna to also held up her katana she was holding with her right hand while the two men were suddenly turned their heads to the girl, as if trying to understand what is she talking about, but before anyone could have time for anything, the girl was suddenly in front of Luna,

'Fast,' Luna thought just before the moment the girl's spear suddenly stabbed her from her right wrist. ''Ugh...'' as the electrical spear pierced a hole in Luna's right wrist, she dropped her katana with the immense pain she felt.

The girl didn't stop with just that as she pushed her left palm on Luna's chest before Luna even had time to make a sound for the pain she felt on her wrist, cutting the breath out of her lungs the moment her armored palm hit her chest, and send her flying back.

As Luna was still in the air, the girl held up her hand, gently yet fastly, causing dozens of long swords to appear just over Luna. The moment Luna saw the swords appeared over her, the girl brought down her hand with a swift motion, and Luna saw them fall on her fastly, just before she felt the piercing pain all over her body.

As everything happened in a matter of seconds, the two men stared towards there, one with emotionless, calm eyes, the other with big, widen eyes. The long swords pierced through Luna in the air and struck the ground, trapping Luna hanging there as the blood began to flow down from all over her body.

''Knight-san!'' the polite man called out with a troubled tone, ''I thought you wouldn't kill her. What about the deal?''

''I didn't kill her.'' Knight confidently stated as she was watching Luna made a slightly painful expression

As Luna grit her teeth with the pain, she could tell none of the swords stabbed her deadly, but she could still die from blood loss if she left like this as she was losing too much blood so suddenly that it felt cold, yet, none of it caused her pain as much as her right hand. The place the girl pierced with the electrical spear was throbbing with immense pain. Luna might not be a doctor, but she knew it would be critical if she does not treat it quickly.

''The promise you have is them to leave 'this' island.'' the girl talked calmly, ''It would not be nice if she would be in the way. I am just making sure she would be weak until everything is over, and I come back for her.''

''I see.'' the man Luna thought Lucci talked, sounding casual and emotionless as if it was an everyday thing

''Who is she?'' the other man asked politely once again, sounding curious

Knight's head turned towards him after this, ''If you are not informed, then you do not need to know.'' sounding calm yet cold at the same time.

Luna glance at her katana with her half-lidded eyes as she reached out her shaking hand with pain as much as she could, since it wasn't easy with one of the swords sticking into her shoulder.

'They are breaking their promise to Robin this early?' there was a mix of anger and sadness in her eyes as she was trying to listen to them amid pain, 'Naraka!'

It might not be a good idea, but Luna had no chance to melt the swords inside her at the moment. She knew it would hurt her to melting them at the beginning, but it would be fine when she melts them to nothingness in the end. She also had to seal the wounds with her flames. It would be nasty, but she had no choice. She just had to hold on for a bit.

Knight's eyes slide to Luna's katana that was on the ground when she heard a small clinking noise coming from there and narrowed her eyes. She held up her arm once again and created another sword over Luna after she saw the katana flickered as if trying to fly towards Luna.

In the midst of Luna's silent and desperate call for Naraka and the girl's move to make Luna unconscious, they all heard the voice that made them lost all of their concentration.


Luna's half-lidded, dark and desperate eyes slide from her katana to the familiar voice she heard and met with the fear-filled black orbs even he was quite far away.

She let out a short breath, and her body loosened as she knew that it would be fine now.

However, they were different from Luna. This wasn't what they were expecting to see when they saw they were falling back to the ground and running towards there.

Nami's shaking hands were closed her mouth with shock and horror at the sight in front of them.

Chopper was shaking in his 'Walking Point' with tears in his eyes before he rushed towards there as he was freaking out.

Sanji's whole body was shaking with shock and anger as his cigarette fell on the ground before he launched towards the people around Luna.

Luffy's eyes weren't seeing anything except completely blood dyed Luna, who's hanging on the air with dozens of swords piercing her body, and he was also running towards her as his body moved without even he realized himself.

As the white covered ten men were preparing to stop them, they heard the girl's still calm and gentle toned voice, ''Clean the bodies, we are leaving.'' and before Sanji's kick would be landed on one of them, all ten of them used 'Soru,'

In a matter of seconds, they were holding the remains of their dead comrades before they move and disappeared from there at a very fast pace,

''Who the hell are you?!'' Sanji asked in outrage as they were still running towards there, towards the two masked men and the armored girl that was still remaining close to Luna

The girl didn't answer as the two masked men used 'Geppo' and 'Soru' at the same time and disappeared when the wings suddenly spread out from her back and fly a little up.

''That girl...'' Nami murmured in shock as she looked at the girl who's hovering in the air

The girl's eyes were watching Luffy, who's finally reached at Luna and pulled out one of the swords without even waiting.

Sanji, on the other hand, stopped himself when there was no one left except the girl and looked at her as if waiting for her to do something. He was looking ready to protect.

The girl lastly looked at Chopper, who also finally reached Luna before she flapped her wings and fastly flew towards where others went.

Seeing she's gone, Nami also rushed towards Luna along with Sanji, calling out her name before they also began to pull the swords while Luna was making quiet, soft noises with every sword pulling out of her body.

''Chopper,'' Luffy's voice was unfamiliar, and a little bit shaky as his eyes didn't move away from Luna

They were finally able to break Luna free, and she was lying on the ground.

'She's cold,' Luffy thought as he was holding Luna's hand while Chopper was examining her, not that he was doing well since his tears were making blurry vision and his hoofs were shaking.

''T-there is no fatal injury, but,'' he sniffled before he harshly wiped the tears away while he was trying to stop the bleeding, ''We have to go back to the ship! There is a lot of wounds! She's loosing too much blood!'' he fastly talked, causing Luffy to began to lift her body as he was also trying to be careful after Chopper warned him,

''Where is Robin?''

''Robin is not here!''

Nami and Sanji, who was looking around while Chopper was examining Luna, both talked at the same time,

''Ro...'' Luna's hoarse voice cut off as she cough blood, causing Chopper to shout at her not to talk as he was panicking

''I'm going to look for Robin!'' Sanji suddenly declared as he saw Luna, looking like he was also panicking before he turned in the direction of the masked people went towards

''Wait, Sanji!'' Nami also suddenly called out just after Sanji took a step, causing him to stop as she went on, ''I'm coming too!'' as her hand moved to her 'Clima-Tact'

''Nami-swan it's-'' Sanji was about to warn Nami, tell her that it would be dangerous as even he could recognize those people have just used six powers that they were trying to learn. He was about to tell her to go back to the ship, but he stopped himself when he saw Nami's expression as she was looking at him with determined eyes.

Nami was scared, but they didn't know anything about what's going on at the moment. What if Robin was in a similar situation with Luna? She didn't know why they left like that, but it wouldn't be good for Sanji to be alone.

''Alright!'' Sanji and Nami began to run as Sanji was also saying he will protect Nami if something would happen,

Meanwhile, Luffy has already lifted Luna and was carrying her after Chopper shut her up and he was saying be careful to Sanji and Nami before they began to run towards the ship as Chopper was also carrying Luna's katana.

Luna's eyes were looking at Sanji and Nami's back over Luffy's shoulder, wondering if they could really find Robin before her eyes slide to the long, bloody swords on the ground. The last thing she saw before she closed her eyes and let herself to the darkness was the disappearing swords.


Zoro glance at Luffy once again as he was sitting on the floor with folded arms, leaning his back on the wall.

Even Zoro was shocked when Luffy and Chopper came back with Luna, who's unconscious and entirely covered with blood that mixed with hers and someone else's.

Chopper was panicking, but as a good doctor, fastly and carefully treated all of the wounds, especially her hand that was looking the worse. There was a weird, reddish marking that began to form around the wound. He had to tend that wound more carefully to prevent the damage on her hand and make sure she could still use her hand. He also had to blood transfusion, and thankfully, Luna had the same blood type as Usopp, who's on the ship. She was bandaged up all over her body before Chopper also clean the blood on her.

Zoro and Usopp's questions were not answered at all. Luffy was not sure about anything since his only focus was Luna at that moment. And the only thing they learned from Chopper was, there were masked people and an armored girl who apparently had wings, which they assumed she was the one who's fighting with Luna in the sky, but they had no idea who these people were, and Robin was no were to be found, so Sanji and Nami went to look for her.

Sanji and Nami were still didn't come back as it was now close to dawn. Maybe an hour and the sun would be rise. Usopp and Chopper were waiting on the outside for Nami and Sanji to come back. Chopper was worried Robin might come back in a similar situation with Luna, and he was panicking for a while now. Zoro was getting in and out to check if Luna was awake while Luffy wasn't moved beside Luna and silently sitting all this time.

Zoro's eyes slide to Luffy's hand that was holding Luna's, ''Chopper said she's fine.'' It's been hours, and for the first time, Luffy was too quiet for a long time.

''I know,'' Luffy simply said in a low tone as he thought that Luna was warmer now, but he couldn't stop the voices in his mind as the images of the time they found Luna was flashing in his eyes,

'It won't be easy to have her in your crew... Once people know who she is, they will come for her.'

'You think you can handle her being in your crew?'

'It's probably this high because of the same reason they want me only dead, I guess...'

'They're probably want to take care of you before anyone learned that you were alive this whole time.'

'Let me give you a piece of advice, captain... When they finally come to kill her, stay away, and just let her die. That would be better for everyone.'

''I should take her with me after everything that ice guy said,'' Luffy murmured as he was trying to get rid of the images and voices in his mind. He said he would protect her, but he wasn't even there.

''We don't know if it's them,'' Zoro said, causing Luffy to turned to look at him with a blank expression as he wasn't even blinking, ''Besides, from what Chopper and twirly eyebrow said, it seems like Luna and Robin went with them,'' Zoro added, but Luffy just kept looking with the same expression

Zoro let a sigh at this before he stood up. He knew what Luffy was saying with that look. Even though they didn't know, they could guess these people were from the World Government. They didn't think that they were marines or something as all were wearing masks, and even Chopper had a gut feeling about this, but they couldn't know about anything for sure before Luna wake up, or they found Robin.

After Zoro left the room, Luffy turned his eyes to sleeping Luna again and kept waiting for her to wake with patience that was rare for him.

After barely fifteen minutes later Zoro left the room, Luffy saw Luna's white eyelashes fluttered before her eyes slowly open a little, and for hours later, he finally smiled.

''Luna! You're up!''

Luna's newly opened eyes were unfocused but move towards Luffy's bright, smiling face after she heard his voice,

''Luffy?'' as Luna's mind was quite complicated, she tried to stand and sit as Luffy also immediately helped her too

''Are you okay? How are you feeling? Is it hurt?'' Luffy asked without stopping, causing Luna to look at him with a confused expression

''Yeah, I'm fine,'' Luna said in confusion before she also added, ''What hap-'' but her words cut off. She let out a tiny gasp and squirmed uncomfortably as she felt a little pain with a sudden, crushing hug from Luffy, which only confused Luna more as she lost in what's going on as soon as she woke up.

''You were sleeping for so long,'' Luffy talked in a low tone, he was frowning as his body was tense. Truthfully, it wasn't that long, but for some reason, it felt so long while he was waiting for her to wake up.

Even though she was still in confusion, Luna's right hand move to hug back to Luffy but stopped in the midway as she saw the bandages, and her brain finally began to work again as Luna remembered what happened. 'Right, I became shish kebab.' She looked at her hand over Luffy's shoulder, 'And apparently turned into a mummy.' She could tell that only her head didn't cover up with bandages as even her fingers wrapped.

She let a short sigh before she softly patted Luffy's back before she shortly hugged back. If she saw one of their friends like herself, she would be scared too, as she would think that they were dead or close to death.

''I'm fine, Luffy'' as she had a slight, soft smile, she could feel Luffy's body relaxed before he let go of her, but he gazed at her eyes as if trying to figure out if she's telling the truth as his hand moved on her cheek. Luna's eyes were clear and shimmering, like the transparent ocean under the sun as she still had a smile on her lips,

''Yeah, you're fine!'' he had a big smile again like he just confirmed that she was really fine.

When Luna opened her mouth to say something, the door of the room also opened at the same time, revealing Zoro, ''Witch and stupid love cook came back,'' he said before he finally noticed the smiling Luffy and saw the sitting Luna, ''Oh, and the weirdo is awake,'' he said with a blank expression as both of them were looking at him.

''Good to know that you're so happy about it,'' ignoring Luna's sarcastic comment, Zoro was turned his back and was calling for Chopper as he was saying Luna was finally wake up.

Moments later, Chopper came running into the room with happy tears in his eyes, followed by a smiling Nami and a hearted eyed Sanji. All three of them jumped on Luna, pushing Luffy in the progress as he was even fell to the floor,

''Idiot! Don't do that again! Do you know how scary it was?!!!'' Nami yelled at Luna as she pulled back from the hug. She had an expression of a mix of anger and happiness.

''I was so worried, Luna-cwan!'' Sanji had a mix of tears and hearted eyes on his smiling face as he was asking how she was without even breathing.

''I was so scared!! Ah!'' Chopper gasped with shock before he wiped his tears ''I have to check you first!''

As Chopper began to check how Luna was doing while she was smiling a little, ''Where is Robin?'' Luffy asked as he was getting up from the floor, causing Luna's smile to fade off

''We couldn't find her'' Sanji said, looking like the world collapsed on him as he lit a new cigarette,

''We searched all around the city, but there was no trace from her.'' Nami said with a sigh as she sat on the floor like Usopp, ''So, we decided to come back to ship to see if Luna is fine and know something'' her eyes turned to Luna at the last part, who's looking ahead with an unreadable face,

''She is fine.'' Luna said in a dull tone, ''I don't think they would do anything to her. At least not physically and not now, that is.'' and she didn't think it would be easy to find her since even haki was useless if she would get in that door. Even if it's the air itself, it was still a pocket dimension. Once the door was closed, Luna couldn't feel their presence as she tried to do it early in the day.

''What do you mean?'' Nami asked with a frown, ''What's going on? Who were those people? And that girl... She was the one who's known as the Goddess of War, right?''

''Goddess of war?'' Usopp asked with confusion

''Nami, you know her?'' Luna also asked with surprise

''I saw one of the news in the past, so I know she's working for the government'' Nami explained as Sanji was puffing smoke in silence. He already heard this from Nami while they were looking for Robin, so they were sure that these people were all from the government. ''What is she even doing here? I mean, isn't she someone important or something?'' Nami went on

''Oh, well... I was surprised too...'' Luna said with a sigh, ''I knew that girl before she ate that stupid fruit and began to work for the government...'' It was really quite a surprise for Luna

''You know who she is?'' Nami's eyes widened as she went on ''I heard no one knows who she really is!''

''Which fruit she has? She could fly!'' Chopper also asked, looking way too curious,

Luna looked at them, only to see that everyone was looking back at her to learn everything, causing Luna to let a long sigh this time. ''It's Mythical Zoan, Human-Human Fruit, Model: Enyo. She literally became the Goddess of War.'' Though Luna couldn't find the energy to laugh at the moment, it was really funny that the people were calling her Goddess of War even without knowing this fact.

''Mythical Zoan?!'' Usopp shouted out in shock with big, widen eyes, ''Aren't they even rarer than Logia ones?!'' as he remembered Luna talked about the Phoenix guy in Whitebeard's crew one of their storytimes

''Yeah, apparently she has some divine control over armors and weapons...'' She knew there was another ability that could be quite dangerous, and honestly, she was relieved that the girl didn't use that.

''A real Goddess...'' Sanji began murmuring with his eyes turning into hearts again while Zoro was looking interested in the 'weapons' part,

''Well, she is here to kill me though...'' Luna said with a sweatdrop as she glanced at Sanji before she let another sigh, ''Anyway,'' waving her hand dismissively, ''Forget about that girl now.''

''Right, what happened? According to love cook, you and Robin went with two masked people, right? Did you go with them because you knew the girl?'' Zoro asked without stopping as he still had a blank look while standing along with Sanji, unlike the rest who are sitting on the floor, and Luffy, who's sitting back on the chair beside Luna's bed

''That's right! What did you mean Robin is fine and all? What's going on?'' Nami came back to her old questions, causing Luna to sweatdrop with the question bombardment

''No, they said they want to talk, that's why we went with them,'' Luna indifferently answered Zoro's question as she thought about it. There was also the man they sent after Chopper, but Luna concluded that there was no need to tell them about that.

''Talk?'' Luffy asked with a tilted head as his eyes brows were slightly knitted

''Yeah, I separated from Robin since they wanted to talk with me about some deal, so I don't know where is Ro too,''

''Seems like that deal didn't go nice though...'' Zoro said as he also began to sit, ''What was about the deal?'' as he thought if it was something about those ancient weapons

''Oh, they propose me to change my bounty poster to 'dead or alive' from 'only dead' and let me go as long as I stay quiet,'' Luna casually said as she waved her hand as if it was nothing

Sanji was not thinking the same with Luna though, ''That's... quite something,'' he exhaled smoke as he also sat down, looking serious now. ''What did they want for something like that?'' causing everyone to look at her curiously

''Information about Dragon and revolutionaries'' Luna said with a shrug while they were looking at Luna in silence and even without knowing what happened, they already knew Luna would refuse that

They didn't exactly know about their relationships, but they asked about it after Aokiji. Even though Luna didn't tell much about it, she told them they were her friends, and she stayed with them for almost three months after her county was destroyed since she had nowhere to go. Also, Luna didn't want to become a revolutionary, so apparently, deciding it would be the most suitable place, Dragon left her in the East Blue.

''And they also want something from Robin too?'' this time, Usopp asked, but he was looking confused, ''But, what they want from Robin?''

''I don't know what they talked with Robin...'' Luna said with a sigh 'Seven of them to get off this island safely' Robin has definitely sacrificed herself, but Luna didn't remember much about it. 'Is it something about Buster Call...?' for all she remembered, buster call happened on Enies Lobby, so she wasn't sure about it. She had to find Robin to learn what they talk about.

''But, about what they might want...'' Luna went on as she made a troubled expression for a moment, not knowing what to say as she didn't want to talk about Robin's personal past much, like Saul or her mother since it wasn't something she should be telling. ''Hm... remember about Mason?'' Luna asked as her eyes seemed to focused on faraway to the past for a moment

As everyone was looking puzzled by this, ''The man who traveled with your grandfather?'' Nami asked, causing Luna to nod shortly, ''What about him?'' as none of them understand why Luna was talking about him at the moment

''My grandpa searched for someone who can read Poneglyphs for a while until he found somewhere in the West Blue. An island called Ohara.'' she leaned her back while she was sitting relaxingly on her bed. ''It was a small island, but there was a tree called 'the Tree of Knowledge,' a 5,000-year-old gigantic library tree surrounded by houses. For millennia, scholars and archaeologists thrived there, learning about history and all. Grandfather met with a man named Clover and a young man named Mason there. Both of them were people who had a passion for learning the 'true history.' Moreover, they could read the Poneglyphs.''

All the straw hats were listening to Luna, even though they didn't understand why she was talking about this now. ''While Clover chose to stay on the island and kept on his research, Mason went with my grandpa. And you know... Years later, when they attacked, and Mason died, what he asked before his death was not just them to stop and protect what they learned and wait, but he also asked from grandpa to protect Ohara since he knew one day the World Government would attack there too.''

''Wait a minute,'' Usopp suddenly spoked, stopping Luna, ''Why would they attack Ohara?''

''Because as much as there were normal people, there were also people who can read Poneglyphs.'' Luna said as if it was the most natural thing, ''Anyway, we will come there.'' She let a sigh as he was murmuring where she left before she went on, ''So, my grandfather promised to Mason, and went to the West Blue with grandma. He decided to build a kingdom since it would be easier for him to protect an island as a county if anything would happen, and the other things he wanted to protect. And he also decided that it would be an underworld kingdom since the government had no control over the underworld.''

''So, your grandfather actually went to the West to protect Ohara?'' Chopper asked, looking like he admired the fact that Luna's grandfather was gone this far just for a promise to his friend

''He went and built a kingdom just to protect his friend's home...'' Usopp was also looking emotional, similar to Chopper

The Grant Kingdom never openly declared that they were protecting Ohara for not to get attention, but her grandfather was always ready to help them if something would happen. Though, Luna thought that it would be better for them to live in silence. He could still go and help Ohara as a civilian if something were to happen...

''Yeah,'' Luna said with a smile before her smile fade off as if it was never there in the begin with, ''But, that promise was broken by my father.'' surprising them for a moment as the good story of two men's promise suddenly changed like this

''What?! How?!'' Usopp, Chopper, and even Luffy asked with shocked expressions

''Well, the promise actually broke the moment he killed grandpa. He never thought that promise was something he should be bothering himself.'' Luna said before she let a sigh, ''So, twenty years ago, he completely ignored when the World Government came to attack Ohara.''

''So they really attacked...'' Nami murmured before she also asked, ''Just because they could read the Poneglyphs?''

''Yeah,'' Luna said as she lifted her head, focusing her eyes on the ceiling, ''After the government discovered that the scholars there could read Poneglyphs, they send a Buster Call and Cipher Pol agents to learn what they knew.''

''Buster Call? Cipher Pol agents?'' Sanji asked as he lit another cigarette, asking the questions everyone had in their mind

''Hmm,'' Luna hummed before she explained, getting in her educator mode, ''The Buster Call is the ultimate form of military attack used by the Marines. It is a result of the Marine doctrine of Absolute Justice. It can be considered that it is equal to an entire nation's military.''

''Equal to an entire nation's military?'' Zoro asked with a raised eyebrow, looking interested

''Yeah, it's five vice admirals and a fleet of ten battleships. It's performed only under special circumstances. The target of a Buster Call is usually to destroy anything from a criminal or group of criminals to an entire island that has proven to be extremely dangerous to the World Government.'' causing them to frown with the thought of it as she went on,

''And Cipher Pol is a series of World Government organizations. They act as secret agencies who do investigations, assassinations, and espionage for the government. Officially there are eight, numbered from CP1 to CP8, but there are also two unofficial units, which are named CP9 and CP-0. Cipher Pol No. 9 has the license to kill any citizen that does not cooperate with the World Government or acts contrary to its interests.'' Luna explained her usual educator mode again,

''License to kill any citizen?!'' Usopp, Chopper, and Nami shout out with paled faces

''Yeah, they more like assassins. That's why they are hiding from the public.'' Luna casually said as she waved her hand dismissively, ''Anyway,''

''Don't shrug it off like that!!'' the trio yelled out again, with shark teeth this time as Luna went on where she left before

''The government then learned that the scholars of Ohara were studying the Poneglyphs and the Void Century. There was even a Poneglyph in their possession. So the agents contacted the government. The one who talked with them was Clover. He was an old man and the director at that time.'' surprising the rest for a moment, ''Well, things didn't go well. The only thing Clover and the rest wanting to learn was the history, and he was telling them he had no interest in the weapons. But, things they found about the Void Century were important and dangerous in the government eyes, so he was ordered to shot before he could even say more.''

''They killed him?!'' Chopper asked in shock as he had unbelieving eyes. They knew they were killing people who know the Void Century and all, but they were just innocent people.

''Not just that, but they also activated the Buster Call.'' Luna said without looking at them, ''It's an attack eliminates all who could one day be dangerous, 'for the betterment of the world,' without taking human lives or innocence into consideration. What makes scary the Buster Call is, annihilating everything in sight with impunity, regardless of who is still on the island.''

''What do you mean 'regardless of who is still on the island'?'' Nami asked with a shocked face, even though she could already understand

''It means it doesn't matter if their own people on the island, or women, children... Once they began, they destroy everything and everyone.'' Luna said in a neutral tone

''Then...'' Sanji's voice died down as his cigarette fell on the floor with shock at the thought of women and children died

''There was a refugee boat containing all of the island's normal civilians,'' Luna calmly said, and, for a moment, all of them looked relaxed before Luna went on ''But, in case a historian had slipped on board, it destroyed without prejudice, along with everyone inside.'' shocking everyone as they couldn't believe how ruthless it was, ''Ohara completely destroyed that day anf that incident shook the world to the point where Ohara was no longer drawn on the map. To cover up, they told the world that Ohara scholars were seeking out forbidden knowledge to destroy the world.''

''But it's a lie!!'' Chopper exclaimed as tears began to form in his innocent eyes. He couldn't believe they just went and killed all these innocent people and told the world they were criminals.

''It's horrible!'' Nami also shout out with shock and anger as everyone had similar reactions

''However,'' Luna talked, getting their attention ''There was one survivor.''

''Eh?'' Usopp, Nami, and Chopper looked surprised as they calmed down since the story kept going

''An eight years old child was able to escape that day. But, not after so long, one of the agents, who also managed to escape, recognized the child and told the government that the child could read the Poneglyphs. The last and the only person in the world who can read the Poneglyphs.'' as everyone was now silently listening, Luna's face was still neutral. ''Government wanted to hide this fact, so they told the world the child sunk six battleships and put a bounty of 79,000,000 berry on that child's head. After that, people began to call that child, 'Devil Child,' and it only got harder to survive. Every group the child attempted to join would betray because of the bounty or for the reason she was the spawn of the devil. They saw the child as the child of the people who wanted to destroy the world. ''

''Wait a minute...'' Nami said with a sudden shaking voice since this story suddenly became familiar. ''That child...''

''...was Robin.'' Luna finished for her.

''Robin...'' Nami whispered in shock as tears began to form in her eyes. She couldn't even imagine how must it felt to see her home got destroyed with everyone in it. She was left all alone while she was just a child. How was she even able to escape?

Chopper and Usopp weren't also so different from Nami as one also had tears and the other was shocked while Luffy was looking down, frowning with shadowed eyes by his hat.

Sanji, on the other hand, was furious, ''Those bastards! How dare they... Robin-chan must have seen the hell...'' as he now seemed down, looking like he could cry any moment now while Zoro was looking still blank, nevertheless, his eyebrows knitted a little as his eyes had angry glints in them before he lifted his head and glanced at Luna,

''You saved her because you felt guilty, don't you?'' he asked, but sounded more like he stated a fact, getting everyone's attention and causing Luna to avert her gaze for a moment

''Yeah,'' she said with a sigh as she thought about the time with Roin for a moment

She wanted to keep that promise, even if it was late and for just one person.

''That's stupid!'' Luffy bluntly stated as he really meant what he said ''You weren't even born at that time, why would you feel guilty?'' causing everyone to agree with him

''Yeah, I know that... Robin also said the same,'' she had a little smile as she looked at Luffy before she turned her gaze away with another sigh, ''But that doesn't change the fact that if my father didn't kill grandpa, or he wasn't broke the promise, none of it would happen.''

''But, the buster call sounds terrifying,'' Usopp talked with a shaking voice, looking like actually scared with the thought of it, ''Even if he wanted, could he help Ohara?'' trying to tell her that it wasn't something they could do something about it, but Luna gave him a deadpan look at this

''If he wanted to, he could easily deal with a buster call.'' She then turned her head with a slight frown as she murmured, ''And Robin wouldn't have to get through that.''

As everyone was thinking about what they heard up until now with a heavy air around them, ''Alright! We have to go and save Robin!'' Luffy suddenly declared, looking serious as he stood up, ''Don't they kill her because she can read those pomeglps?!'' causing Sanji to also joined him, suddenly looking fired up

''It's Poneglyphs,'' Usopp casually fixed for him.

''No,'' Luna calmly said, getting their attention ''They want to use Robin, not to kill her.''

''Use her?'' Luffy asked with a frown, looking angry now

''Use for what?'' Usopp also asked, ''Aren't they kill everyone who knows this history or something?'' as he looked confused now

''Yeah,'' Chopper also joined them, ''They killed everyone in Ohara just because of this! And they even tried to kill you just yesterday!''

''It's because I know things from the Void Century, as the archaeologists from Ohara'' Luna was still calm as she went on, ''Robin has a potential to learn, but she doesn't know.''

As everyone was looking confused for a moment, ''Oh...'' realization suddenly hit Nami ''They want the weapons, don't they? Like Crocodile...'' as she thought that, that must be one of the reasons she was with him. He must have known that Robin could read those things. She always thought that Robin knew about the Poneglyphs because Luna told her... she never thought it would be like this.

''Yeah,'' Luna simply answered, ''Some think they can use them to end the pirate age.''

''What?! They can do that!?'' Usopp and Chopper asked in shock

Luna thought about the powers of the ancient weapons for a moment, ''It's possible.'' only shocking them more,

''That doesn't matter.'' Luffy stated as he had a serious expression, completely ignoring everything, ''Robin is our friend! We had to find her and take her back!''

It was just one simple reason, but it was enough.

All of them were actually looking bad. None of them slept that day while Luna and Usopp were injured, but as the sun was already rose and shining brightly over the city of water, everyone was getting up after Luffy's words, ready to go and search for Robin to take her back.

Except for two mummies, that is.


As the story of a broken promise and eight years old child spoken inside of the little ship, the streets of Water Seven was in a big mess.

''Hey! Did you hear about what happened in Zousenjima?!''

''Yah! It's gotta be Franky! Only he would do that!! We should've arrested them when they first appeared!!''

''No, it might've been one of the pirates going in and out of the island!!''

People were talking, looking for someone to blame.

And the Shipyard entrance to the first dock was a bigger mess than the streets,

''Please comment!!!''

''Do you have a suspect?!''

''Give us the latest information!!''

''Who was the first to find out about the shooting?!!''

''Does it have anything to do with the destruction of the Franky House?!!''

''Does it have any connection with the explosion that happened last night?!''

''What about the weird voices?! Are they related?!''

There was a huge crowd, and people were hungry to learn more.



Paulie, who wake up now, shot at the receiver he was holding, ''Hey, don't kid with me, man! Is he dead?! He's not the type to make people hold a grudge against him!''

''Hey!'' the voice shout out through the snail, ''Calm down and listen to me!'' before talking more calmly, ''He found lying in a pool of his own blood at dawn. He is in a comatose state... I mean, he is unconscious... Anyway, come to HQ right away!!!''

Paulie moved as fast as he can before he dressed up and jumped on a Yagara Bull with a mix of rage and anxiety.


Just the moment Lulu hung up the call and put the receiver back on the snail,

''Lulu! Where is Paulie?!'' Kaku walked into the room

''I just called him. He is coming.'' Lulu answered before he let a sigh and turned to Kaku, ''What a mess... The whole city is in a state of panic... If something happens to him, Water Seven and the Galley-La Company are finished,''

''Yeah,'' Kaku also let a short sigh, ''There are reporters pushing at the front doors of HQ, too. Who could've done it... And why...'' he had a concerned expression as he remained polite, ''Although it's really messed up in the company nothing of value, like gold, was stolen. So, it wasn't just a simple burglary.''

''I think it might be... The Government.'' LuLu answered as he pushed the part of his hair that was stuck up like a spike, only to cause it to popped out at the back of his head. ''That man, Kougii, he comes to talk with Iceburg-san, and he gets thrown out every time.'' as he remembered the government officer who came to the shipyard yesterday, ''Don't know what they talked about, but he might've been angry about it.''

''Hey,'' Kaku looked troubled for a moment, ''Don't complain about the Government... If someone were to hear, who knows what might happen. Right now, Iceburg-san's safety is the top priority. Everything else comes after...''


Meanwhile, newspapers were everywhere on the streets,

''Extra~~!! Extra!!! The hero of Water Seven, Mayor Iceburg, has fallen at the fiendish hands of an assassin!! What is it that the unfırgivable criminal is after?! Wealth?! Power?! Who is the assassin that disappeared without a trace?!!''

''Look, his face is on the front page!'' Luffy was also reading the newspaper,

''Yeah, but then, with this kind of panic going on... it'll be hard to find Robin, and we might not be able to see him.'' Nami talked as she was glancing around while letting the Yagara Bull pull them.

An attempt of assassination to the Mayor while there were assassins in the city... However, Nami couldn't think of any reason why they would do something as it could be entirely a different person.

She was actually planning to ask for help from Iceburg while Sanji and Chopper were searching around the city. She thought that finding Robin might be easier with his help, but the conditions were so bad at the moment. Luffy was still wanted to see him though, so they were going there. Zoro was also with them, but somehow, he managed to get lost, and Nami was just newly calmed down as she was ranting about how did he even lose.


''Alright, Usopp! Let's go!!'' Luna declared, pointing out the ahead of them with one hand while the other was holding her katana. Both of them were standing on the deck.

''No!! We have to stay on the ship!'' Usopp yelled out again. He really forgot how many times he said the same thing,

''We can't just stay here and wait!'' Luna stated as she held on to the railings, throwing one of her legs that were completely bandaged up while Usopp was trying to pull her back to the ship now

''We have to protect the rest of the money and the gold! They will find Robin!'' As he tried to pull her back again, ''Besides, you're injured!''

''I'm not that injured!'' Luna angrily yelled out as she forced herself more. Her right hand was still a little throbbing, but she was fine.

''Still no!! You can't leave me alone while there are assassins in the city!!'' Usopp also yelled out as he kept pulling her while freaking out with the thought of the assassins

''Yeah, they are assassins! As I said, they won't do anything in daylight like this! Besides, I'm saying, let's go together! I'm not leaving you alone!!'' Luna yelled back

While everyone was leaving, Luna and Usopp were left behind because Chopper said they were injured and needed to rest.

Luna was saying she was fine and wanted to go, but Nami was also butted in after Chopper, saying that it would be good if they stay on the ship and protect the money and the gold, which she had to tell Luna that their two hundred million berries were stolen by some group of people called the Franky Family.

Luffy also said that she should stay on the ship, and it was more like an order than just telling.

Moreover, just after they jumped off the ship and about to leave, Luna told them the people from yesterday were from Cipher Pol and told them, even though they wouldn't do anything in the daytime, they should still be careful. Nami yelled at her a lot, telling her to say these things before, and she would hit her once she was fine.

So, just like that, they left on the ship.

Though, knowing what's going to happen, Luna, of course, had no intention to stay on the ship, so she was trying to leave for a while now.

As they were struggling, they suddenly fell on the floor,

''Ouch!!'' both of them made painful noises as one fell on his nose, the other fell on her hand

''Damn... why always my nose...?'' while Usopp was murmuring with a painful expression

''Come on, Usopp! Do you really want to wait here while everyone is searching for Ro?!'' Luna asked as she was standing up ''I thought you wanted to become a brave warrior!''

''What about the money?! We can't leave just like that!'' Usopp tried to give a piece of mind to Luna as he was also getting up from the floor ''And don't try to brainwash me like this!''

''Then let's just take it with us!'' Luna suddenly declared, ''We can put it somewhere safe!''

''Ugh... why you...'' Usopp looked at her as he was rubbing his nose, ''Fine!'' as he finally gave up, ''But you have to protect me if something happens!!''

''What are you, a child?'' Luna asked with a raised eyebrow, causing Usopp to yelled at her, saying that it was assassins, not that she listen to him though as she already went back to the railings, ''Let's go!''

''Wait!'' Usopp shout out again

''What?!'' Luna asked in irritation

''You're going like this?'' as he looked at Luna from top to toe, causing Luna to also looked herself

She was wearing light blue pajamas with a bunny face everywhere as Chopper dress up her after he bandaged her all over.

Luna cleared her throat with a blank look on her face, ''I will be back in a minute.''

As Luna was getting in the girl's room, Usopp let a sigh before he also went to prepare the money and the gold.


Galley-La Company Head Quarters, Zounsenjima,

In front of Iceburg's residence was not so different from the streets or in front of dock 1's door.

People were curious about what happened and wondering how Iceburg was as some were also wishing him to be fine.

''How is he, Doctor?'' Kalifa asked as tears were flowing down, sniffling a little while Lucci and his pigeon was beside her.

They were inside of a room with an old doctor, and a nurse as Iceburg was lying on the bed unconscious, bandaged up as the doctor was still checking upon him.

''He was shot twice in the front and three times in the back...'' the doctor talked in a solemn tone as he glanced at them over his shoulder, ''I don't know what happened in that room, but this is too cruel.''

Meanwhile, Kaku and Lulu were sitting outside of the room while some people were searching inside the room that was Iceburg got shot.

''According to the police, there were no signs of the locks being opened. There was no way anyone could've gotten in or out.'' Lulu calmly talked while sitting with folded arms, ''The only things they found there was a common mask.''


Outside of the HQ,

Paulie finally came as reporters were immediately surrounded around him, asking questions while taking pictures non stop, causing Paulie to yelled at them to get through the crowd.

He was outraged, and he would never forgive the one who did this.


As the city was in a mess because of the assassin attempt to Iceburg, newly arrived Franky found another mess.

He looked at his destroyed house with bloodied eyes,

''Kiwi... Mozu... I...'' He was lost in words as the two similar looking with square-like hairstyles women besides him were also looking at what left from their house ''Am I dreaming...?''

''No, sir.'' One of the women talked with an unbelieving tone, ''This is where the Franky House should be. But this is...''

''Terrible.'' Other one completed after her, as Franky's shaking hand with anger move to his mask and harshly throw it to the ground


His angry voice echoed in the entire area around them. He was breathless as he walked closer to his destroyed house,

''I see...'' his bloody eyes glance around, ''It was them!'' his shaky hands curled into fists, ''Damn you... Straw Hat Luffy!! Is this your revenge?!'' his eyes gazed at his unconscious, beaten up men, ''My dear, sweet followers...''

''This is so cruel.'' One of the women said as she blankly looked at them too

''I'll never forgive you!'' veins popped out at the sides of Franky's eyes

''B...Big bro Franky!!'' Zambai shout out as he saw Franky, ''Y... You're back!!''

He and some of the men woke up and spying on the Straw Hats,

''Yeah!!'' Franky turned to them with his angry face, ''You guys okay?!''

''No, not really...'' Zambai talked with a shaking body. They were all bandaged up, ''They were just so crazy!! We really want bro to avenge us!! So we searched for their hideout!!''

''Where are they?!'' Franky asked in a heartbeat. One look was enough to say that he was going to avenge them.

''We saw them on their ship, then they headed for Zousenjima.'' Zambai answered as he was barely standing up, ''So they're probably at Dock #1 by now!!''


As Water Seven was in complete chaos for a lot of reasons, they didn't know yet the natural disaster that was coming close.

There was a strong and a wild wind on the shift station, North of Water Seven.

''Grandma!!'' A childish voice sounded with a cheerful tone, ''The wind is amazing!!'' her hands were up with a big smile on her face, ''Woow, the wind~~~!!!''

''Don't go too crazy over there!!'' the old woman get out inside the station with a bottle of rum in her hand, looking already drunk with her smiling face, ''Nagagagaga! It's Karock, the south wind...'' she took a gulp from her bottle as she watched over the crazy waves, ''The waves are rougher as well... The sea train has to stop tonight.'' She turned to the child and the rabbit/cat that were running around while playing, ''Chimney! Gonbe! Get ready to go back to the island!''

Kokoro gulped down the whole bottle, ''The Aqua Laguna is coming.''