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Those who move in the darkness I

It was close to noon now, and people on the streets suddenly heard the megaphones of the Water Seven,

''This is an announcement. The Water Seven Weather Forecast Department has officially declared an Aqua Laguna warning for the entire island.''

Everyone was alarmed as they lifted their head from the newspapers that named 'Mizu Mizu Newspaper' they were reading,

''It's that time of the year already?!'' one of them asked in shock

''Yeah, we were all too distracted by Iceburg-san's assassination attempt!''

As the warning was repeating on another street,

''Heeeyy!! Aqua Laguna is coming!! Go and tell people who haven't heard about it!! Take a break from work!!'' this shouting get the attention of Sanji and Chopper, who's looking for Robin on the streets,

''...What?'' Chopper looked confused

''Aqua Laguna?'' Sanji was also looking confused before he walked towards some man to ask about what was that announcement about

''Ah, you must be travelers.'' The man concluded as it was impossible for someone from the city doesn't know, ''What a bad time to be here, eh? Aqua Laguna is what you would call a high tide.''

''High tide?'' Sanji asked with a frown, looking surprised

''Yeah! Make sure you get to a high place. This town's going to sink'' the man said as if nothing, shocking Sanji and Chopper.

''What?!'' They both yelled out in shock as Sanji also asked again, ''This town's gonna what?!''

''Well, it's not like it'll happen immediately, so don't worry!'' the man said, like it was an everyday occasion, looking too casual, ''It's usually happening at around midnight, after the warning.'' He turned his back as he held up his hand to wave with a big smile, ''It's like this every year! Take care!'' leaving behind Sanji and Chopper, who couldn't even say thanks because they were too shocked to say something.

They stand there in silence for a moment before they finally reacted,

''Wait... This place's gonna sink?!'' Chopper asked in shock as he turned to look up to Sanji, looking like he was asking if he heard it right

''...It seems that way...'' Sanji also turned to glance at Chopper, ''We have to hurry up and find Robin-chan!!!'' as he was looking more fired up from before.


Luffy and Nami were sailing up the canal when they finally arrived at Dock #1,

They could see the enormous crowd right outside the giant doors as all of them were trying to get in and ask whats going on while continuously taking photographs,

''Is there any change in Iceburg's condition?!''

''Is his life in safe hands?!''

''Tell us about how the investigation is going!!''

Luffy and Nami looked at the crowd with surprised expressions for a moment,

''Wow... So many people...'' Nami talked as she stopped the Yagara Bull,

''We can't get into the shipyard either,'' Luffy said while frowning in worry as he was looking up and trying to see past all the heads. It really took a long time to get here as they were also looking for Robin and trying to get past the crowd that was everywhere ''We're gonna have to meet with ice-pops eventually.''

Nami also nodded before she pulled their Yagara up to the nearest person and asked if he could tell them how to get to the HQ.

''Yeah, but it's useless.'' the man said in trepidation, ''You have to go through Dock #1's door, but only selected reporters may enter. Everyone's here hoping to get any news first hand. They're just so worried.''

Nami looked disappointed a little, but she wasn't surprised as she thanked the man and pulled their Yagara Bull away,

''What a crowd... I don't think we can get any closer.'' She said as she stopped the Yagara Bull since they couldn't go far, ''Oh well, I guess we'll find out from the newspaper. Let's go and keep searching for Robin ourselves...''

Luffy also nodded in agreement, but before they could move, they heard a loud beat sounding off with a great rhythm to add to it.

''What the hell is going on here?!'' a question sounded, but everyone was too busy to hear the question since as soon as they hear the music, they were all began to freak out, staring around wildly for the source of it all.

Just then, the one who asked the question raised his voice, calling down from above, ''Hey guys, did you just call my name?!''

''No, we didn't!! Go away!!'' someone from the crowd yelled out,

''Where are they?!''

They were furiously looking around before someone finally found them and pointed out. Up above the crowd, all could see a large curtain held up and the forms of three people behind it. One shape was clearly a man, while the other two on each side of him was a woman.

''Don't be shy, ask!!'' the man yelled behind the curtain, ''Ask my name!!''

No one in the crowd wanted to, rather than that they were screaming up insults and threats up at him.

He sighed, ''Hey... Be quiet, idiots!'' he yelled out again, trying to shut the crowd down now, ''You're here, Straw Hat Luffy!! Reveal yourself!!'' he then threw the curtain away as he began to dance and sing...

''I'm this island's 'most super' man~!!

Water Seven's other famous face~!!

When people see me, they say, 'Wow'~!!''

And spinning his arms around each other while hitting the ground along the way,

''WOW!! FRANKY!!''

He leaned to one side and bent the knee on the same side. His other leg was straight and going in the opposite direction. He threw his head back, and his arms went over his head at lock together wrist-to-wrist. The two separate star tattoos push together to make one star, and they could see the explosion to go along behind him that moment.

He was a powerfully built man with a height of at least seven feet. His forearms were relatively enormous, while his biceps were comparably small. His chest was well-toned with large abs and pectoral muscles, and he had brightly-colored blue hair and blue star tattoos on his forearms. He also has an angular prosthetic nose made of iron with several rivets and jagged edges.

He was wearing an open, loud Hawaiian Aloha shirt with a large gold chain necklace around his neck. But moreover, he was wearing nothing but a speedo.

The two women with him both had long, pointed noses and square-shaped hairs. One of them was wearing a white fur collar with yellow goggles, a bikini top, slacks, and high heels. The other one had a lilac pearl necklace, pink cropped top, bikini bottom, gloves, and high heels. They were also posing in the same way as Franky.

All of the townspeople freaked out at the sight of him and began to leave the area in droves. Luffy and Nami, on the other hand, were looking baffled as they watched what's going on.

Franky moved his sunglasses up and began to stare down at the crowd. His eyes were red and filled with anger.

''Come out, Straw Hat!!!'' Franky yelled out in a challenge, searching for Luffy in the crowd

''What the hell is with that weirdo?'' Luffy asked as he looked up at Franky, looking completely lost

''Did he just say Franky?!'' Nami also asked. As much as she looked lost, she also had a hint of anger in her tone.

After hearing Nami, Luffy's confusion was replaced with anger in a matter of seconds as Usopp's image from yesterday suddenly came into his mind. ''It's him?!!!'' his hands curled up into fists as his eyes were just as red and angry as Franky's were as he was glaring up at him.

''Luffy?'' Nami suddenly called out for him with worry, but Luffy completely ignored her,

''Hey!! Bikini guy!!!'' Luffy roared at him while Nami was trying to quiet him down

Franky glared down at Luffy after he heard of him, ''Huh?''

Luffy was also glaring up at him, ''I'm Luffy.''

''So, you're Straw Hat Luffy?!'' Franky screamed out, ''While I was away, you sure made a big mess, little guy!!''

As Luffy didn't say anything at this and glared up at him, looking ready for a fight, Franky suddenly cracked his neck and started to dance with the two square-haired sisters on either side.

''When I came back, I couldn't believe what I saw~!

My house was completely demolished ~!!

My men were beaten up, too~!!!

I~~~ Can't stand it~!!!!

I probably won't be able to stop for a week~!

Until I turn you into a beat-up rag doll~!!

This rage won't subside~!!!''

He finished his song and crossed his arms in front of him.

''Shut up!!'' Nami suddenly yelled out, sounding too irritated and angry, ''What did you do with our money?! Our two hundred million!!''

''Ah, that?'' Franky get out of his dance mode as he looked at Nami with a smirk, ''I already spent every penny!!'' causing even Nami to looked ready to fight too as he went on, ''Where did you steal that money from?! Don't think you can just demand your money back when you're a pirate!!''

''The money doesn't matter!'' Luffy shouted out, ''I won't stop until I send you flying far away with a kick!!''

''I'm the one who won't stop until I've kicked your ass, bastard!!'' Franky also shouted out as everyone around them were trying to run away, crying out that Franky was going berserk.

Franky suddenly started to breathe in deeply. ''Hey!! Get down here!!'' Luffy yelled at him as Franky was now looking like he was about to inflate himself,

''What is he doing?'' Nami asked in confusion, and after a moment later, she got her answer as a giant fireball burst out from Franky's mouth and went striking down towards them.

The Yagara Bull that Luffy and Nami were on freaked out as it back away and almost jetted across the water to avoid the fire.

''He is breathing fire!!'' Luffy yelled out in shock as they dodged the fire,

''Yeah, I can see that much!! What is he?!'' Nami screamed at him as Franky smirked at them,

''What's so...'' as a cloud of smoke escaped from his smirking lips, ''...amazing about fire breathing?!''

While Nami was guessing that maybe he had devil fruit powers, Luffy began to ask what kind of fruit that was, but like teasing them, Franky suddenly jumped right off the building into the water, causing a great splashing while shocking Luffy and Nami.

''He jumped into the water!! If he ate a devil fruit, he'll drown!'' Luffy exclaimed at once,

''Maybe he slipped!'' Nami guessed as she thought that nobody would be that idiot to jumped into the water as a devil fruit user. ''He must have the devil fruit power of fire breath!'' she was actually hoping that they didn't need to be deal with him now.

But just after a moment later, Franky suddenly jumped out of the water just below them, holding up his one punch with such force that their boat's broken apart. The Yagara Bull streaked away as fast as it could as Luffy and Nami sent flying up.

''He can swim!!'' Luffy stated the obvious fact as he looked down at Franky

''I didn't eat any devil fruit!!'' Franky yelled as he floated in the water, next to the destroyed boat,

''Then how..?'' Nami was questioning as she was falling back to the water, ''Is he using something like Luna...?''

Her guess was wronged when she saw what happened next.

Luffy spun around in the air and tried to attack as Franky pulled himself up to part of the destroyed wreckage. As Luffy was about to throw a punch,

''I've heard about your ability...'' Franky aimed his right arm at him, ''Strong Right!'' his right fist launched forward with a chain, looking similar to Luffy's 'Gomu Gomu no Pistol,'

Luffy didn't even have time to dodge it, and as he was still in the air, Frank's fist hit him on the gut and sent him flying back into the giant steel doorway of Dock 1#, creating a crack there.

Nami gasped in shock as she tried to pull herself out of the water, and when Franky pulled his arm back, Luffy fell limply from the door and hit the ground.

''Luffy!!'' Nami cried out in panic and some worry before she glared at Franky, ''How did he do that...?'' looking shocked,

''Ah... Don't you guys know?'' Franky asked as he also walked in where Nami and Luffy were, ''I'll tell you then...'' his tone was like he was about to give a big secret as he pulled his right arm off, showing the chain that was bounding his arm and his hand, ''I'm a cyborg!''

Luffy, who would be usually bright-eyed and excited at this, seemed ticked off as he pushed himself back up before both of them launch towards each other.


Meanwhile, inside of the HQ,

Kalifa just came outside of the room and told Paulie, Kaku, and Lulu that Iceburg had finally regained his consciousness with happy tears in her eyes. All three of them were smiling as they get inside the room.

''Iceburg-san!!'' Paulie happily get inside the room as the rest also followed after him

''Ah... Nma... I made you worry...'' Iceburg hardly talked as he was lying in his bed with Lucci beside him

''I'm just glad you're not dead!!'' Paulie sat on the chair beside his bed with a genuinely happy smile on his face, ''Better rest well now!! We'll take care of the shipyard. So, don't worry about it.''

''Alright,'' Iceburg plainly said as his eyes were focused on the ceiling, ''By the way... Last night... The ones who came into my room,''

''Oh... We're still looking into that'' Paulie said as he looked down now,

''No... I remember.'' Iceburg said, shocking all of them there as he went on, ''There were two... One was a big man wearing a mask. The other one... A tall woman with black hair. Those sharp, blue eyes... It was probably... Nico Robin.''

As everyone was confused as to who that was, ''Koo-Koo! Iceburg-san!'' Lucci's pigeon, Hattori, suddenly talked as it was on his shoulder, ''According to the government officials, Nico Robin came to this island as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.''

''Nma... Is that so...'' Iceburg slightly frowned with deep eyes as he was still looking up at the ceiling,

''Then they are behind this...'' Kaku stated while he was standing with folded arms

''But why?'' Lulu asked, looking confused, ''Is it because we told them that their ship couldn't be repaired?''

As they were discussing this, the news of the Straw Hats was responsible for the assassin of Iceburg was making it's way to the reporters that were waiting on the outside.

Just then, a very large man burst into the room. He had brown hair tied in a ponytail on the back and a light-brown beard. There was a tattoo going from his chest near his shoulder to his arm with the kanji for 'shipwright,' He was wearing a pair of crimson elbow-pads, knee-long pants, and regular shoes.

''Hey!!! Something bad's happened!!!'' He shouted out as he looked like he was panicking

''You're too loud, Tilestone!!'' Lulu also yelled out

''Mind your manners!! Be quiet!!'' Paulie yelled after them, causing silence to fell to the room for a moment before Tilestone finally noticed Iceburg,

''Ah!! Iceburg-san!!'' He happily laughed, ''You're awake, that's great!! Wuoooo!!''

As he was laughing and shouting happily, Paulie suddenly punched him off of the room, yelling at him while saying Iceburg is still sick while Tilestone was saying sorry before he got up and sat on the floor as he remembered the reason he came in the first place,

''By the way, bad news!!'' he shouted out again, looking like he was about to go towards them,

''Talk over there.'' Paulie warned him with a sigh as if he was already used to this, ''Don't come any closer!''

''Right now, at Dock #1, the Straw Hat pirate that was there yesterday is fighting with Franky! And they are breaking everything in the shipyard!! Wuoooo!!!'' Tilestone explained with his loud voice as even the one inside of the room clearly heard of him

''The Straw Hat?!'' The pigeon gasped in surprise before he turned towards the bed, ''Iceburg-san!!!''

''How dare he just barge in there and...'' Kaku trail off with a frown as all of them left hurriedly, leaving behind only Kalifa.

'I doubt it has anything to do with yesterday... Maybe their goal is that thing.' Iceburg mused as he seemed anxious from where he was lying, 'If that's so... Have they teamed up with the government? Or do they want it for themselves?'

He was deep in thoughts when Kalifa talked in a soft tone with a tender smile lingering on her lips, ''Please rest, Iceburg-san.'' She sat on the chair beside his bed, ''I'll stay here, right beside you.''


Luffy and Franky were really breaking everything.

They both were fighting the other on equal sides, and neither of them seemed to care what they hit so long as they were hitting the other. The fight was growing more and more violent with every passing second as they were destroying everything around them, and the fight moved inside the shipyard at some point.

Some of the half-finished ships that the shipwrights were working on were being torn apart or simply smashed along with the pieces of equipment. Both showed no sign of stopping, looking like they didn't even care if they would destroy the entire field.

People around them were yelling at them to stop as they were all decided to stay away from them.

Nami was also yelling, but it was different from the crowd, ''Luffy!! Send that speedo wearing pervent flying!!!''

At some point, Nami began to cheer on Luffy.

Square-haired sisters were also cheering on Franky, ''Hey, bro!!'' Mozu struck a pose with her sister

''You gotta put on a good show!!'' Kiwi cheered right after her sister

Franky and Luffy were out of breath as they continued to glare at each other,

''I'm going to...'' Luffy talked as he was breathless, ''Kick you really far away!!''

Franky laughed at this as he was also breathless, ''Let's see you try it!! Your attacks are completely useless against me!!'' as he held his left arm straight out in front with his palm facing Luffy. His arm then rotated inward, and his wrist opened like a door hinge. The hole in his left hand opened up to reveal a gun sight, aiming it at Luffy. ''Weapon Left!'' as he shot something like a cannonball.

Luffy moved to the left side and dodged Franky's attack before he stretched out his right leg and threw a kick towards Franky as he used 'Gum-Gum Whip,'

The moment Franky blocked Luffy's kick with his right arm, both of them suddenly throwback and fell,

''Who did that?!'' Luffy demanded as he immediately got up from the ground and glared around before he saw the shipwrights.

Paulie, Lucci, Kaku, Lulu, and Tilestone were standing there and glaring at Luffy. However, unlike yesterday, they didn't seem friendly at all. In fact, they all looked downright murderous.

''Making such a big mess...'' Paulie talked, looking at Luffy with a cold glare as all of them were looking ready for a fight, ''What are you trying to do here, Straw hat?!!''

As Luffy looked confused, Franky was questioning what the Galley-La was wanting while the crowd was cheering them on for breaking up the fight.

''It's the shipwrights from yesterday!!'' Nami sighed before she made a relieved expression and a smile ''They are on our side, right?!''

While Mozu and Kiwi were sighing and saying what a bother, ''Hey! You boys from Galley-La,'' Franky called them out as he also stood up, ''It's not nice to interrupt other people's fights, you know?''

''It's not your place to say such things.'' Kaku said, looking nothing but the polite man as before, ''We'd have come to stop you anyhow if you were messing with our company this much.''

''Woah!!!'' Tilestone yelled out loudly after Kaku, ''Yeah, Franky! How do you intend to fix this, huh?!!!''

''Just wait, Tilestone.'' Paulie said as he gave him a firm look as if telling him to calm down, ''We'll settle that later. There's something more important than that right now,'' he then turned to Luffy as he still had a menacing look, ''Hey, Straw Hat Luffy... You remember it, right? How dare you show your face around here?'' as he bit down the cigar in his mouth,

''...Why?'' Luffy asked in confusion, clearly not understood what they were talking about, ''We heard the news about Ice-pops and...''

At the mention of Iceburg, Paulie began to growl at him, and Luffy stopped talking, looking lost than ever as he could see that something was not right.

Franky, on the other hand, let a long sigh, ''You couldn't get enough with just my family, so you messed with Galley-La too... What are you? Some adolescent, who scars everything he touches?''

''We didn't do anything!!!'' Luffy shout at him with shark teets

However, Paulie's patience was over, ''If you're going to bluff,'' he yelled out furiously as he pulled out a rope from his sleeves, ''I'll just have to tie you up!!'' and before Luffy could register what was going on, Paulie wrapped the rope around his neck, ''Rope Action, Half Knot!'' As the rope tied around Luffy's neck and began to choke him, Luffy was starting to turn blue and gasping while clawing at the rope, ''Air Dive!'' Paulie yelled out as he lifted Luffy up high before he slammed him right onto some of the destroyed pieces of wood.

''You bastards!!!'' Franky suddenly shouted out in anger, ''I said don't butt in on our fight!! I'm the one who hates him!!''

While Franky was looking like a child who throws a tantrum, all other remaining Galley-La carpenters also prepared to fight as they all pulled out their weapons or took their fighting stance. The crowd was also cheering upon them as Nami was now looking lost and panicking,

''What?! Why?!! Why are the carpenters our enemies too?!'' For the life of her, she couldn't understand why the shipwrights were attacking at them

Luffy picked himself off the ground and looked at the shipwright in confusion, ''Wait! I still don't get why...'' Luffy was saying between his coughs, but he cut off by Lulu, who took out his double-barrel gun and shot at Luffy, which he was able to bounce off the bullets without trouble, only surprising Lulu for a moment as he noticed that Luffy was a devil fruit user. However, that didn't stop him as he launched at Luffy and suddenly kicked him hard in the face and sent him flying back.

''Hey, you...'' Franky called out as he seemed really ticked off now, ''Did you hear anything I said?!'' He twisted his left arm inwards without moving his left hand at all and exposed four small holes in his wrist, ''I'm saying he's mine!!!'' as he began to shoot rapid-fire explosive pellets at the shipwrights, like a machine gun.

However, as Franky was shooting at Paulie, who jumped out of the way to dodge Franky's attack, Kaku jumped up, soaring overhead, ''We don't have time to deal with you, Franky!'' he shouted down at him,

''Why you...'' Franky glared at him before he aimed his arm up towards him now, ''You monkey!!!''

Before Franky could even fire at him, ''You're in our way, Franky!!'' Tilestone suddenly yelled out and hit him with a large log like a baseball bat, sending him flying this time, and Kaku, who's still in the air, grabbed him by his shirt before he harshly threw him back into the ground.

As Franky fell on his head, Luffy was trying to dodge Lucci's attack as he began to fight him a hand to hand. Luffy, who's already tired and doesn't even know why they were fighting, was struggling to keep up with him, but then Lucci hit him so hard that he went crashing once again.

Luffy coughed as he gasped for air, ''Haa... These guys are really strong,'' before he pushed himself back, ''Damn it!!!'' As he was looking frustrated, Luffy shouted out, ''What the hell?!! At least tell me the reason!!!''

''We're the ones who want the reason!'' Paulie stepped forward as he came to stand next to Lucci, looking at Luffy dead serious.

Luffy glared at him with annoyance, but there was still confusion, clearly wondering just what he was talking about as Paulie was giving him an anger-filled look before he pointed out an accusing finger at him. ''You're the ones who snuck into the HQ and shot Iceburg-san!!!''

Luffy's eyes widen at this while Franky was questioning what he was talking about, not that anyone cared for him as the crowd was also shocked as well as Nami.

''What?!!'' Luffy shouted out with a frown as he stared at him, ''Why would we do that?!!''

''Iceburg-san remembered two people when he regained consciousness.'' Paulie didn't look swayed as he angrily spoke, ''One of them was a large, masked man...'' Luffy and Nami frowned at this as Paulie went on, ''And the other one... According to the government, she's one of you. Some chick with a price on her head named Nico Robin.''

Luffy and Nami's frowned eyebrows arched up by shock now.

''Robin?!'' Luffy asked in shock

Nami also seemed stunned with shock. They were looking for Robin all around, and they came here to ask help from them. This was the last thing they were waiting to hear.

''Whether you came for his life or you decided to after meeting him...'' Paulie went on as he had a dark expression, ''I don't know how pirates think, but we can't let you go now that we know!!''

The crowd that was gathered around them also agreed with this,

''They shot Iceburg-san!!''

''We can't forgive them!!''

''Hey, hey!'' Franky called out again, ''So, Iceburg is dead?!'' Though one couldn't really notice, he actually sounded worried

''He wouldn't dare die by their hands!!'' Paulie snapped at him before he turned to Luffy and glared at him darkly, ''It's because he's still alive... That's why we're gonna finish him off right now.'' he said with a murderous tone in his voice.

Just then, Kaku had thrown one of the tools he had at Luffy's head, but he moved in time and dodged as the tool only cut his cheek slightly before it deeply embedded in the wood behind him.

''Dead or Alive. You know the meaning of these words.'' Kaku talked in a sinister tone as Luffy was now looking irritated. ''Pirates can't complain when they've been messed with. The laws of the world will not protect you.''

''Yeah, I know. We don't abide by the law. But you know what?'' Luffy talked as he was wiping the blood off his cheek with his thumb before he glared at them all, ''You don't know Robin as we do, so don't talk about her like that!!!'' he screamed out

''Luffy,'' Nami lowly said, she was watching it all as she had a shocked expression

''Let me see Ice-pops!!'' Luffy pleaded, ''It's gotta be a mistake! It can't be Robin!''

She was taken away. Luffy didn't believe even a second that it was Robin.

''Yeah, like we're gonna let someone like you get close to Iceburg-san!!'' Lulu retorted coldly as the crowd cheered behind them,

''Yeah!! Tie 'em up!!''

''They tried to kill our hero!!''

''You can slit their throats for all we care!!''

Some even grabbed Nami as they were saying that they saw her with Luffy earlier and they didn't let her go, no matter how much she yelled,

''Nami!!'' Luffy yelled out as he saw what's going on,

''Give it up!!!'' Paulie shouted out, ''The news will spread throughout the island. You can't get away.'' he deadly glare at Luffy, ''We'll give them hell. All of them!!''

''Damn...'' Luffy murmured as he looked around and saw that Nami was struggling to get free, ''Hey, stop it!! We didn't do anything!''

''Yeah!'' Nami shouted out in the agreement, ''Robin didn't have any reason to target Iceburg anyway! She wasn't even in a condition to do something!''

Paulie didn't listen or believed anything they said, ''We don't care how long you plan to play your little game, but this for the two of you! Hurting that person means making Galley-La company your enemies!'' Paulie talked in anger, ''And this city, Water Seven also becomes your enemy!!''

Luffy tried to talk again as he wanted to have a meeting with Iceburg, but Paulie was not even close to listen to them as the crowd was also cheering them to take the pirates down. And not waiting anymore, Paulie used his rope and tied it around Luffy's wrist as Kaku threw another tool, but Luffy jumped in the air to dodge it.

''What's wrong? Why don't you fight back?'' Paulie asked as he was still golding Luffy with his rope,

''I said, I don't have any reason to fight you!!!'' Luffy replied, yet, this time, other shipwrights also joined and began to attack Luffy all together, and Luffy was forced to dodge all of it as he released himself from the rope.

The crowd was cheering on the carpenters as they were wanted blood for their hero while holding the panicking Nami. There was also another man in the crowd, cheering with them.

''Yiaaay!!!'' Franky laughed as he was sitting around some wooden table,

''We're in a really great mood right now!!'' Kiwi cheered beside him with a big smile

''Yeah! He can just go flying away for all I care!!'' Franky shouted out as he also big smile, looking like he was having so much fun, ''This is just what we expect from our Galley-La Company!!'' But then, he slowly got up while getting support from the table, ''No, no, no, but see... That Straw Hat midget's supposed to be hated by Frankies! And I was supposed to be the first one to fight him!'' as his smile slowly faded off, ''So, as I said, don't come stealing my prey, you bastards, right...''

Franky suddenly threw the table he was holding with a furious expression as the square sisters also joined him, ''So how many times are you gonna make me say it?!!'' Seeing that he didn't get their attention, Franky shouted out again, ''Galley-La!!!''

''Just wait a bit,'' Kaku calmly but coldly talked as he didn't take his eyes away from where Luffy was, ''We'll take care of you when we're done with him.''

''I'm asking why are you takin' my prey?!!'' Franky asked in fury before he let a sigh, ''You know what? Fine! I don't think you'll understand with words alone...''

The crowd began to yell at the carpenters at this, warning them to be careful, run, and Franky was about to do something bad, only confusing them.

''Connector set,'' Franky connected both of his arms together with a T-shaped pipe as the crowd was saying that he used this to break the enormous crane earlier. While the shipwrights were wondering if it was a cannon, ''Oh no, there won't be any bullets comin' outta this thing.'' he aimed the remaining end of the pipe at them, ''It's the 'Air Bullet' that's gonna fly... Although... It's way faster than a nice breeze.''

''Air?'' Paulie questioned in confusion as the crowd was yelling at them to run,

Franky let a battle cry before he sucked massive amounts of air into his abnormally large arms, making them grow even larger, and when he reached critical mass, ''Coup de Vent!'' he fired a blast of compressed air that traveled at the speed of sound at the shipwrights.

As they were hit by the massive wind pressure and blown away, the crowd was trying to run away since the crane was falling down on them,

Franky laughed loudly, ''Yeah, just go and be crushed.'' he was looking ecstatic before he shouted out, ''This shipyard should be destroyed!!!!''

''Even the unfinished galleon!!'' someone from the crowd shouted out with an unbelieving tone,

''The first dock is collapsing!!'' another one also shouted out as they were watching dock #1 is falling apart

''A cyborg...'' Nami muttered in shock as she was also watching, ''Where did such a technique... What was that weird cannon thing?!'' She was completely stunned, ''Even though we did get away...''

Just then, Luffy ran over Nami, ''Nami! Run!!''

''Luffy?!'' Nami looked at Luffy with a mix of shock and worry, ''You're alright?!''

''Like I'm getting screwed by that!!'' Luffy said between his breaths, but he was looking serious, ''I don't get it. Let's just get to Ice-pops!''

''What?!'' Nami asked in shock, ''How can we go and see him in this uproar?!''

As soon as Nami asked that, someone in the crowd noticed them as he pointed out where they were and began to run towards there. Luffy took Nami before he stretched out his arm and grabbed somewhere on one of the building's roof, successfully running away while Nami was screaming all the while.

''They ran away...'' Kiwi talked with folded arms as they were calmly standing now, ''You're not going to chase them?''

''With my coup de vent, I'm all tapped out... Look at my hair.'' Franky calmly said as his upward hair now down, ''We were interrupted. I'll make him disappear after I refuel.'' He stated before he laughed loudly, ''So he really is worth one hundred million. He's gonna be tough.'' even though Franky said that he was looking like he couldn't wait for the second match.

Meanwhile, the carpenters were talking between themselves, trying to decide what they were going to do. After discussed for a while, they decided to have all the Galley-La employees spread throughout the island. And as they declared that they would get them before the dawn, the crowd was happily cheering on them.


Somewhere on the island,

''Did we stall them off?'' Usopp asked as he was trying to control his breaths

''They are stupid...'' Luna murmured as she looked at the street from the corner as they were hiding at some shadowed back alley now.

Luna and Usopp went to a hotel and put their gold and money into some room there. They were hiding the fact that their so-called things were actually all money and gold, and Luna had it hard because Usopp was too anxious and looking around as if someone would jump on him and took the money. She didn't say much about it though, since she thought that it was because of what happened yesterday. After they get off of the hotel, however, things quickly changed as they began to be hunted by the citizens, especially Luna, who's picture was in the newspaper.

''Stupid for what?'' Usopp asked as he was gazing at the newspaper in his hands.

''They are stupid because they think they can beat us. If we really wanted to, it wouldn't be that hard to get rid of these people.'' Luna stated as a matter of fact as her eyes were closed now,

''Well...'' Usopp glanced at Luna, looking at her like saying how could she even say that, ''Their mayor just got through an attempt of assassination, apparently by Robin on that. I don't think they're even thinking right...'' he also didn't think that he could get rid of them all.

''Doesn't change the fact that they are stupid...'' Luna casually shrugged, ''If we were the real culprits, we wouldn't be walking around like this. Especially if Iceburg is still alive.'' she opened her eyes as she also glanced at Usopp, ''Actually... if we would be the culprits, I don't think that Iceburg guy could even survive anyways,'' she talked as if it was the most natural thing. She really thought they were stupids or overconfident, but then again, it wasn't really their fault that things come to this point.

''Stop saying scary things like that!'' Usopp yelled out with shark teeth before he noticed that he yelled and shut his mouth, not wanting to get the attention of the citizens. His face wasn't on the news like others, who has bounty posters, but he also discovered since he had seen with Luna.

Luna ignored his yelling as she closed her eyes and tilted her head a little, focusing on her observation haki as she was trying to sense the people she noticed a little earlier.

''We had to hide somehow...'' Usopp murmured as he got over his nervousness and decided to ignore Luna's scary comments. He began to look around, ''We can't even search Robin like this,'' just then, he noticed the lines of clothes hanging between buildings and blinked a couple of times before he suddenly got enlightened.

He turned to Luna with a face like he had a brilliant idea, ''Hey, Luna!'' causing her to gaze at him, ''Let's take some of these clothes!'' as he pointed out the hanging clothes,

Luna glanced at the clothes before she closed her eyes again, ''You do that, I'm gonna go and do some cleaning.''

''...What?'' Usopp asked in confusion

''We're being watched.'' Luna muttered as she opened her eyes and darted them around, ''Probably these white guys from yesterday...'' As she thought that they were giving off that familiar feeling, and before Usopp could sink what he heard and say something about it, ''I'll be back soon, you get the clothes!'' and just like that, Luna fastly disappeared in the shadows as if a skillful assassin.

''Wait!!!'' Usopp's silent scream died in his throat as he had a horrified expression while he was looking at the empty spot that where Luna was just before, ''She left me alone...!''


Luna hid her presence as she moved in the shadows, a treat that came from experience. When she finally got close to the closest person in her range, she stared at the back of the man in white with an emotionless look, but cold and dark eyes.

''She must have still around here. She's wearing a casual black dress, and there is colorful malmhuf-''

Before the man could finish his report to the people at the other line of the snail, Luna's hand drifted to him and threw the mask as she closed his mouth from his back. In a matter of seconds, she forcibly made him dropped the snail and smashed it with her feet.

Luna looked at his face from the corner of her eyes. He had a look as if asking how she was even there. ''Did you actually thought that I wouldn't notice?'' she made a sinister smirk, ''Sorry kiddo, but you can't even imagine just how long I've trained as an assassin.'' Luna's other hand traveled to her hair to remove the hairpin that was holding half of her hair in a small bun as the man was struggling under the firm grip of Luna, ''Things could be different if we were to fight, but assassination is another case.''

In a matter of seconds, Luna stabbed the man from his neck with her hairpin, killing him in an instant. Luna wasn't an assassin just in her previous life, but she was also a one in this life of hers as she meant to be a shield and a weapon to her brother, a shadow. Luna knew these people, who shouldn't be there in the first place, were there because of her, and just as she decided before, she would deal with them herself before they cause trouble for everyone. With the way she knows.

She threw the man into the canal as blood was dripping from her black hairpin. She was on a narrow back street as she walked on the sidewalk beside the canal before she disappeared into the shadows once again.

Six more left.


Usopp looked at the clothes in his hands.

After Luna left, he used 'Octopakutsu', his suction shoes in the form of octopi, and climbed the walls of the building to reach the line of clothes.

He was complaining to himself how Luna left him like that while he was examining the colorful cloak in his hands. The moment he brought down his hands, however, a tremble passed over Usopp's body as he caught completely out of the guard. He let out a loud scream at the sight in front of him as he dropped the clothes to the ground.

A man in full of white was staring at him behind his blank white mask.

While the man was murmuring about he finally found after the connection cut off,

''Gyaaaa-...!!!'' Usopp's screams suddenly turned into a silent ones as his mouth was still hanging open and had a horrified look with tears.

He watched Luna suddenly came out of nowhere and stabbed the man in an instant -with a freaking hairpin- as if it was nothing before she threw the man into the canal like that was the most common thing to do.

''That was the last one...'' Luna let a tired sigh as she brushed her hair back with her bandaged slender fingers. For all she remembered, there were three left, but she couldn't find them anywhere, so she thought that either they were with the girl, or they were watching the others.

Luna and Usopp then began to look at each other in silence before Luna pursed her lips like trying not to laugh, ''...You scream like a girl.''

''Shut up!!'' Usopp screamed at her with shark teeth as he got out of his scared mode while he still had some tears in his eyes. ''Don't just kill people and throw them into the canal!!''

''It should be fine!'' Luna declared with a big smile, ''That Aqua Laguna thing people talking about will probably drag their bodies to the sea!'' clearly not getting Usopp's point as he didn't even know what to think

He wasn't sure who he should be scaring between the people from the government and Luna. He still felt he was safe with Luna though.

''Did you get the clothes?'' Luna asked as she changed the subject

Usopp shakingly glanced at the canal before he answered Luna, ''Yeah,'' he took the clothes that were dropped before and extended to Luna, ''We have to change it quickly and get the hell out of here before someone came to revenge for their friend!'' he quickly said as he had wide fearful eyes, clearly panicking

''No one's going to come for revenge...'' Luna said with a sigh as she glanced at Usopp as if he said something weird while taking the clothes.

''You can't know that!!'' Usopp yelled at Luna as she went to the corner to change her clothes, ''Like the citizens are not enough... We will be killed by assassins...'' His vivid imagination suddenly began acting as his face was turning into a more terrified one every passing second

Luna shook her head as took off her simple black dress, leaving only her underclothes, ''Oh!'' She studied the short, light blue jacket in her hand, ''You really know me, Usopp!'' she was looking quite happy for Usopp's choice of clothes while Usopp was still in his own world...

Moments later,

''How do I look?'' Luna asked as she posed

''Hm...'' Usopp hummed, his hand on his chin with a thoughtful look, ''Like a back street gangster.''

Luna was wearing a white, tight tank top that was over her belly button along with very short, blue jean shorts that was around her hips and black laced boots over her ankles. Above all, however, she was wearing a light blue short jacket with a yellow east dragon on its behind. She folded the jacket's sleeves a little and removed some bandages on her body. She still had a lot of bandages though.

She also cleaned the blood on the hairpin with her old clothes and made a low messy bun with it. Her colorful mallet was on her back as her katana was on her waist, held up by her blue sash that had gold floral engravings, and her small, black throwing knife kept under her dragon bracelet that was on her left forearm like always.

''Gangster...'' Luna said slowly before a smile formed on her lips, ''Alright! How is this sound? The leader of the Golden Dragon Gang, Luo!'' she excitedly declared as she changed her pose, showing her back with a proud smile.

Usopp nodded his head in approval, ''That's okay,'' before he tilted his head with a thoughtful expression, ''Wait a moment...'' he began to search his bag for a while before he finally found the thing he was looking for ''Alright, wear this too! The complementary piece!''

Luna looked at the black sunglasses in Usopp's hand, ''I don't know... Sunglasses are not that neccasary...'' she said thoughtfully as she still took it. It wasn't even a day for sunglasses...

''Just wear it! I know it is!'' Usopp insisted, 'Besides her eyes are standing out way too much!' he would recognize Luna with just her eyes, and he wasn't sure if anyone else could do it too, but it was better not to take any risks.

''Fine,'' Luna gazed at the glasses that resembled a similar design she saw before as she suddenly straightened her back and began to wear it slowly, trying to look cool. ''We need guns,'' Luna spoke in a serious and calm tone as she looked ahead the moment she wore the glasses, ''Lots of guns.''

''I knew it!!!'' Usopp suddenly screamed out in horror, startling Luna as she slightly jumped,

''What?!'' Luna asked, panicking along with Usopp, ''What happened?! What did you know?!''

''You said we need guns!! They are coming for revenge!!''

All the panic Luna was going through just flew away as she suddenly looked at Usopp with a blank look while he was still panicking,

''We have to run away now!!'' Usopp said in alarm before he looked at Luna and barked at her. ''Why the hell are you staring like that?! We have to go! Quickly!''

''I was just imitating someone.'' Luna dully replied

All the panic Usopp had also become quiet now, ''... Oh,'' he calmly said before he yelled at her as she was still looking at him in silence, ''How should I know that?! Who were you even imitating?!''

''Just some guy from...'' Luna trailed off before she shrugged it off, ''You know what, forget it.'' she said as she let a devastated sigh,

''What's that?! If I don't know, I can't understand!'' Usopp reasoned as this wasn't even the first time that no one actually understood Luna's weird jokes and such

''It's not funny anymore if you explain!!'' Luna also yelled out

''It wasn't funny from the beginning!! I was scared!!'' Usopp shouted out, but before they could continue, they heard some group of people from the main street, looking at them, who's arguing at the narrow, empty side street

Both of them looked towards there with neutral expressions now,

''Oh, umm... I don't know why you two are fighting, but...'' the man on the front of the group talked, ''We are looking for the assassins of Iceburg-san. Two of them last seen around here, did you perhaps see them?'' the man asked as he had an unsure look on his face. He honestly didn't think they would be seeing anyone while they were arguing with each other.

People behind him were also looking disappointed that they were arguing while everyone was working hard for their hero or preparing for the Aqua Laguna.

After a moment of silence later,

''We didn't,'' Luna spoke with a sweatdrop

''Yeah, we didn't.'' Usopp seemed more confident, clearly believing their disguise worked perfectly

''Got it!'' the man loudly said before he led the group to somewhere else, ''You two should stop arguing and look for them too!!'' as everyone agreed with him, talking about how the pirates never were forgiven.

Usopp gulped down at their remarks before he glanced over at Luna, ''Alright! They didn't recognize us! We can go now!'' looking quite proud,

Luna also gazed over at Usopp, particularly his bandaged nose 'The nose is the problem...' she thought she would recognize Usopp no matter what.

''Yeah, you also look like those fancy guys I saw yesterday,'' Luna stated as she patted Usopp on the back. He was wearing some colorful cloak and a gold-colored sun-like mask he found. 'That mask is looking awfully familiar...' Luna wondered if she had seen it yesterday or something before she shrugged off, ''Let's go and find Robin!''


After running from Dock #1, Luffy and Nami came to some roof across the Galley-La's headquarters to talk with Iceburg. Both didn't believe Robin would shot him, and Luffy was determined why he thought it was Robin.

Leaving Nami behind, Luffy was went smashing right through the large window of the headquarters, and now, he was running around while looking for Iceburg with people attacking and shooting at him from all sides.

He dodged several dozens of shipwrights there and began to run a seemingly empty hallway before he heard someone calls his name.

''It's you!'' Luffy gasped as he looked up at his left side and recognized Kalifa, who called out to him

Kalifa pushed her glasses up before she talked, ''This way. Apparently, Mr. Iceburg wants to see you.'' as they suddenly began to hear the yellings behind them, and it was growing louder, making clear that they were getting closer.

''Right,'' Luffy quickly said ''Thanks!'' as he stretched out his arms and grabbed the railing, and fastly went to the end of the hallway, right towards a pair of double doors.

Kalifa closed the door and wait in front of it, waiting for the mob coming down towards there to ask whereabouts Luffy, which she answered that no one had come that way.

Inside the room, Iceburg was sitting up in a bed as he was patting his pet mouse. He was covered with thick bandages and looked tired, yet he didn't seem concerned that an infamous pirate, captain of his attacker, was standing right in front of him.

''... Nma, you have some business with me?'' after a moment's silence later, he casually talked, ''Pirate twerp.''

''Yeah,'' Luffy said once he caught his breath, ''Thanks... for calling me.''

''It's highly unlikely that you came to kill me in this chaos.'' Iceburg calmly said,

''I want to hear the real story!!'' Luffy exclaimed, totally opposite of the calm Iceburg

Iceburg didn't seem worried at all as he kept casually pat his pet mouse, ''Last night, I saw Nico Robin with my own eyes.'' causing Luffy's eyes to widen as he went on, ''She is one of you.''

''That's true.'' Luffy agreed without even waiting ''Are you sure it was Robin? She's-...'' as he began to come forward, Iceburg suddenly pulled a gun out from under his covers, causing Luffy to halt.

''Don't speak. Your words hold no power anymore.'' Iceburg hissed, sounding cold more than calm now. ''The reason I called you here is that because I have a favor to ask...'' he looked right into Luffy's eyes, with a dangerous and cold expression, ''Let me meet with Nico Robin one more time.''

Luffy looked at him in silence for a moment with a slightly surprised glint in his eyes, ''That's... Impossible.'' Luffy finally spoke, ''I don't know where she is...''

At this, Iceburg suddenly fired his gun, but Luffy didn't even have to dodge it as Iceburg missed him completely, and the bullet hit the floor. They glared at each other for only a second longer before Luffy went to the window. Iceburg was clear with his warning, there was no need to stay there more. He looked at Iceburg one last time,

''I don't know what's going on, but...'' as he glimpsed at him over his shoulder, ''Robin is taken by Piper Col, so be careful, Ice-pops.'' Luffy seriously warned him before he jumped off the window and went towards the rooftop, where Nami was waiting.

Iceburg was left perplexed, ''Piper... Col...?'' as he blankly watched the window that Luffy just jumped off.

Luffy, meanwhile, finally landed on the roof next to Nami, who immediately turned to him to ask what happened, as the people inside of the building were panicking at the gunshot voice.

''He really did see Robin...'' Luffy said as he sat down on the roof,

''But...'' Nami looked confused, ''...But, why would Robin do such a thing...?''

Luffy just looked ahead, his expression was still serious with a mix of anger, ''I won't believe it!'' he proclaimed before he added more calmly, ''That rope guy said that there was also a masked man.'' as he clearly believed that they were the same people who tried to kill Luna yesterday and believed that they were the ones who also tried to kill Iceburg. That was why Luffy warned him no matter what.

Nami seemed pensive with this. She was considering everything that was going on and trying to put the pieces together.


While the people on the streets were shouting out things like to go after pirates before the tide comes, and trying to find the ones with posters as they thought it would be easy to find the rest like that, Sanji and Chopper were looking at the schedule of the Sea Train.

''The sea train is still operational...'' Sanji murmured as he let a puff from his smoke, ''One train during the day, and one in the night... The weather is this bad, and they can still go to Enies Lobby at 11 pm... The Sea Train sure is amazing...'' He suddenly frowned then, ''Hopefully, they didn't get on the train with Robin.'' he looked at Chopper, who's on 'Walk Point' and looking at him questionably, ''It will be a hell of a lot of trouble. It's already hard enough searching in just Water Seven...''

''I wonder if she's okay...'' Chopper said worriedly, ''Luna said they wouldn't do anything yet, but...''

''There is nothing we can do except searching for her now...'' Sanji said as he looked frustrated. They were searching for a long time, and yet, they couldn't find her or the people from the government. They didn't even know how they were looking under those masks.

Soon after, they began to ask some random people if they saw Robin, showing her picture in the newspaper. The only answer they got that if anyone happens to see her, they would go and tell the Galley-La since she is the assassin.

''We don't get to anywhere like this...'' Sanji let out a cloud of smoke, looking more frustrated as they were walking on some sidewalk.

''I wonder what happened to Luffy,'' Chopper asked as he was looking both thoughtful and worried.

''Luffy is fine.'' Sanji casually said as if he was sure so he could care less about him now. ''It's Nami-swan and Luna-cwan that I'm worried about.'' he looked around before he also added, ''This place looks so deserted now... The wind is getting stronger too. Everyone probably evacuated.''

Sanji, finding nothing to do now, began to shout out Robin's name, and, amid Sanji and Chopper's increasing worries, Chopper suddenly stopped and started to sniffle the air before a shocked expression made on his reindeer face as he found the source of the familiar scent.

''What?'' Sanji asked as he noticed Chopper's behavior, ''Cho-...'' he couldn't continue as he looked towards where Chopper was looking at and seemed to be the same with Chopper now.

There, just across the walk side of them, Robin was standing. The only thing between them was just the canal.



Sanji and Chopper called out with relieved and surprised mixed expressions.

''We were looking for you everywhere!!!'' Sanji shouted out, excitedly waving his arms in the air ''Everyone is worried about you!! I'm so happy you're fine!! Let's go back to the Merry!! We can't talk here!!'' he then made a big smile, clearly happy and relieved, ''Wait there! I'll come over to you!''

However, the moment Sanji took one step, Robin, who's silent until now, talked, ''No.'' causing Sanji to halt his movements. ''We're fine where we are.'' surprising Sanji as she had such a cold tone. ''I won't go back with you. Let's say our farewell here, in this town.''

''Wha...?'' Chopper stunned at what he heard, ''Robin?!''

''Eh...? What are you saying, Robin-chan?!'' Sanji asked in shock before he looked like he noticed something, ''Ah! Is this about the thing in the papers?! Don't worry!! We don't believe it! We know about Ohara!'' startling Robin for a moment as her pupils enlarged, ''We know that Cipher Pol is here and they are after you because you can read Poneglyphs! Let's go back and meet with everyone so we can talk!!''

Robin let out a short sigh as she tried to look calm, ''Seems like Luna talked about some unnecessary things.'' as there was no one could tell them this except Luna, ''It doesn't matter.'' Robin said with a frown as she looked much colder now. ''You're all were falsely accused of the crime, yet, for me, it is the truth. I did, in fact, infiltrate the mayor's office last night.'' shocking Sanji as she calmly went on. ''You said, you know? Then you should know that I'm shrouded in darkness and that darkness will eventually be the death of you.''

Sanji and Chopper looked at her with shocked expressions, yet Sanji also had a horrified look as he had a feeling where this was going as every word of Aokiji and Luna echo in his ears.

''Now... you will be my scapegoats for this incident.'' Robin spoke again, ''I'll leave soon, and the situation will worsen.''

''What are you talking about?!'' Sanji yelled out in haste, dropping his cigarette, ''Why are you...?!''

''Why am I doing this?'' Robin asked for him, ''There is no need to tell you all that.''

''Robin-chan!! You're not making any sense!!'' Sanji shouted out, ''Did something happen to you?! Did they do something?! Were they the ones who made you all this?!''

''Robin!!'' Chopper also shouted out after Sanji, sounding desperate, ''Let's go back together!!''

''I'm not forced to anything. This is all my own actions.'' Robin, opposite them, calmly speak, ''We haven't known each other for long, and after today, we won't see each other again.'' she looked at the stunned Sanji and Chopper. ''Say 'Hello' to everyone for me. In the time I've been with you, you have treated me well.'' Robin said, and just before she turned her back to leave them, she lastly added, ''Goodbye.''

Sanji and Chopper were stunned as to what they heard.

With the first step Robin took,

''Hey,'' Sanji whispered, ''I... I don't believe this...'' and he also took a step forward.

With the second step of Robin,

''What a minute!! Robin-chan!!'' Sanji called out after her, ''This isn't funny!!!'' and run towards her as his arms tried to reach her.

He stepped on the water as if he would be able to walk on it before he fell into it, and while Chopper was desperately crying after her, Sanji began to swim to reach her.

However, Robin didn't turn her back as she walked away from them.

''She's gone...'' Chopper gloomily said as they were now on the spot that Robin was before while Sanji was squeezing his wet shirt.

''Yeah...'' Sanji slowly said before he looked ahead with a determined look, ''Chopper.'' getting his attention, ''Find Luffy, tell him exactly what happened. Don't miss a single word and also tell him about Luna and Usopp left the Merry to search for Robin.''

''What about you, Sanji?'' Chopper asked in a mix of worry and confusion now,

''I have a plan,'' Sanji said in a solemn tone. ''Don't worry, I'll be fine.'' only confusing Chopper more.


After leaving Sanji and Chopper, Robin's neutral expression broke a little. Her hand moved towards the hostler she had on her right side and took the revolver she had been holding for years now.

''Now,'' her eyes that were traveling on the revolver looked ahead, ''Where should I met with her?'' she had to be quick as she still has to get into Iceburg's mansion tonight.


Luna and Usopp were walking around the streets for a while now.

As Usopp has extremely sharp eyesight, he was looking around for Robin while he was ranting about the importance of the masks because of Luna's grumblings.

Usopp made Luna wear some white mask that was covering over her mouth and nose because he was way too concerned about to found out. As if black sunglasses was not enough...

''Maybe you should also wear some hat or something too...'' Usopp talked, sounding thoughtful

''I should just wear some cloak too,'' Luna said with a sigh, already having enough while trying to sense Robin around with her haki.

''I'm just saying...'' Usopp said as he looked at her head with worry.

''I'm not the only white-haired person here!'' She barked at him. Some people thinking she was an old lady since all of her face was closed now, and she had a lot of bandages around her body that even her skin barely seen.

''Yeah, but...'' Usopp trialed off. Sure she wasn't, but he was anxious nonetheless, and what was wrong with her gold strands...?! Usopp was sure they were glimmering under the sun. Though the sun was nowhere to found now since the wind was getting stronger and that Aqua Laguna thing was probably closer now, his cowardice didn't let him take risks. Especially at a time like this...

Luna let a sigh as she could clearly sense Usopp's anxiety while she was searching for Robin. Soon, seeing the man walking towards them, ''How about that?'' Luna asked with a raised eyebrow,

Usopp looked at Luna, and even though he couldn't clearly say where she was looking at that moment, he instantly understood when he looked ahead, ''Oh...'' he nodded his head, ''Yeah, something like that could do.''

Luna gave him a sharp nod, and just after the man passed her, the cap that has a yellow front with some logo curved navy blue visor was on Luna's head instead of the man.

''Happy?'' she asked with a grin, not that Usopp could see it while he seemed surprised, not that Luna also could see it clearly due to his golden-colored mask,

''Was that a magic trick or what?!'' Usopp questioned in surprise as he glanced back at the man over his shoulder, the poor man looked like he didn't even notice his hat was gone

Luna cheekily laughed, ''I learned when I was a child.'' There were times she had to change her disguises while she was still walking on a street like this... she had to learn at some point.

Usopp let a sigh, ''No wonder you and Nami always go shopping together... thieves.'' he babbled while thinking about the times they come back with a lot of shopping bags, even when they had no money for them.

Luna ignored him as they kept searching for Robin.

After a short while later, Luna was now holding a small, black liquor hip flask she took it from some table on the outside of some cafe. ''What luck!'' she happily exclaimed as she took a gulp from the whiskey inside of it, ''Maybe something bad will happen because I might just use my whole day luck here!''

''That's not luck!'' Usopp argued back, ''It didn't come from somewhere out of luck, you stole it!'' he suddenly let a sigh in relief then, ''So, we're still safe'' the last thing he wanted would be some bad luck just because Luna stole some whiskey on some random table.

''It would look better if you had drawn some dragon on this...'' Luna thoughtfully said as her mind was drifted on this now.

''What if its owner doesn't like it?'' Usopp absentmindedly asked as he was looking around for Robin

Luna glared at him weirdly at this, ''What are you talking about?'' she asked, getting his attention, ''I love dragons, and I'm the owner.''

Usopp let another tired sigh at this, ''Yeah, yeah...'' as he didn't want to deal with this anymore...

''I thought a dragon drew by the 'Brave Warrior Usopp!' would be great!'' Luna excitedly stated as she really trusted his abilities before she let a disappointed sigh, ''Oh, well... If you don't want-...'' her words cut off by Usopp

''Hahahaha!! You absolutely know who to trust!'' he exclaimed proudly, ''Alright! Leave it to me, Luna! This Usopp, the brave warrior, will draw the best dragon on it! I will even use my fifty years old perfect skills...''

As Luna was now happily nodding at Usopp's ranting about his skills, she took another gulp from the hip flask just before the eye that was on the wall close to them got her attention. The moment Luna's eyes met with the single eye, it turned its gaze towards some building as Luna also followed.

She made a smile, and the eye dissipated into petals. Luna suddenly grabbed Usopp's arm, starling him since he was still ranting about his painting skills,

''Let's go!'' Luna happily said as she dragged Usopp along with her

''What?! Where?!'' Usopp asked in surprise as he didn't understand what suddenly happened

''It's Ro! She's there!'' Luna said with a big smile that wasn't seen from the outside as she pointed out some long buildings rooftop.

Usopp looked at the sign there as he narrowed his eyes. He began to sweatdropped as he saw that the restaurant was looking like it was famous for its deserts while Luna was way too happy and now she was the one who's speaking non-stop about how she loves Robin and how she knows her as well as she couldn't wait.

When they finally arrived at the restaurant and stepped on the terrace of it, they saw just a couple of people before their eyes catch the woman in a dark green cloak with an elaborated golden pattern on the side of the railings and watching down the city.

As Usopp was going towards Robin's table, Luna pulled him to the table just behind it, confusing him a lot, but he just sat at the table anyway. Luna and Robin were facing their back as Usopp was sitting across Luna.

The moment they sat, ''You look quite wounded.'' Robin commented on their bandaged state as she ignored their weird disguise

''I didn't get through a good day...'' Usopp trialed off without getting in detail. It still felt hopeless...

''Oh, me too...'' Luna also trial off, ''I became a shish kebab.'' she talked as if it was an everyday thing

''Who's that girl?'' Robin asked as she continued their casual talk as she was sure that girl was the one who's responsible for Luna's wounds while she had no clue about Usopp

Usopp, understanding who Robin was asking, was saying she's Goddess of War, which surprising Robin as she also heard of that epithet, while his eyes were looking at the waitress that was coming towards them,

''You met her?'' Luna asked as she also watched the city, not really answering Robin's question

''She asked a bunch of questions,'' Robin answered as she calmly took a sip from the cup of coffee in front of her. She also noticed that Luna didn't say anything about the girl.

''Well, she's just here for me, so you don't have to worry about her.'' Luna talked with a sigh as she really didn't want to talk about that girl,

''Seems like Aokiji didn't say anything.'' Robin's eyes were pensive as she said this. She was also sure that Aokiji didn't believe any lie Luna told him, but he still didn't say anything. Robin never understood that man.

''Yeah, I figured out that much...'' Luna said before the waitress came to take orders,

Usopp didn't actually understand why they were sitting there and talking as if nothing wrong.

Unlike others, while Luna and Usopp were searching for Robin, Luna told him that the people yesterday didn't kill Luna and left before the fight really happen because two masked people came, and Luna was able to hear the words of 'Seven of them to get off this island safely.' and told him that something definitely happened with Robin but Luna wasn't entirely sure what happened, so they had to find Robin.

Despite every thought of him that they shouldn't be so relaxed like this, Usopp ordered fish and chips since he was actually quite hungry now as Luna ordered a big plate of chicken dish and a lot of strawberry chocolate cake along with a coffee for afterward.

After the waitress left, ''So... what happened?'' Luna asked as she finally got in the matter, ''They say you shot the mayor...''

''I have to,'' Robin casually said, though it wasn't her who shot at him. She was just there as it was supposed to be.

''Seven of them to get off this island safely,'' Luna repeated as Robin frowned on the back, ''Considering the fact that they offered a deal even to me... I'm guessing something similar happened to you,''

''It doesn't matter!'' Usopp silently screamed at their calm talk, ''Now we finally found you, we have to get the hell out of here!''

''I'm not coming with you anymore.'' Robin calmly said, as she took the revolver and put it on Luna and Usopp's table with the help of her powers, not even glancing back at them. ''I only wanted to meet to give this back.''

While Usopp was in shock at what Robin just said and trying to sink it, ''This is not what we promised.'' Luna talked with a distaste as she looked at the revolver with a frown. ''Everyone knows they are after you and why they want you. We can deal with them.''

''I can't take it to where I will be going after tonight,'' Robin said, causing Luna to frown as she went on, ''And I know. I have met with Sanji and Chopper and told them the same thing.''

As much as Robin didn't like it, she could relate to the circumstances and wasn't angry at Luna for telling them why they were after her. However, it didn't change anything for Robin. They might know why they want her and still want Robin back with them, but they had yet to meet with what they were facing. Her enemy was the world itself.

''Wait...'' Usopp suddenly talked as he finally sank what he heard, ''Are you saying, you're leaving the crew?!'' he asked in shock

''That's right,'' Robin calmly replied, causing Usopp's eyes to widen

Before Usopp could talk again, ''What the hell?!'' Luna asked in anger, ''I'm telling you we can deal with them!'' as she was frustrated. She really didn't want Robin to get through all of those things.

''A buster call will be ordered on the crew.'' Robin still didn't break her composure as she tried to make Luna understand the situation.

''What?!!!'' Usopp yelled/asked in shock, getting the few people's attention there. Alarmed by this, Usopp cleared his throat and tried to look calm as much as he could while he was extremely panicking inside.

'So it's really buster call...' as she already guessed, though she was angry at this. ''You don't have to do what they want. We can deal with a buster call,'' Luna talked with a scowl, a slight hint of anger in her tone as they used Robin's fear like this.

''We can?!'' Usopp asked in shock as the waitress came to put their orders

The moment the waitress left again, ''Sure,'' Luna said with a shrug, ''I can burn down the ships,'' as she pulled down the white mask to under her chin to eat the food. She wasn't entirely sure though, and Robin's next words just made every thought she was dismissing come to the surface.

''Burning down the ships wouldn't take care of ten thousand marine soldiers and five Vice- Admirals.'' Robin was calm, yet it was also cold and distant as her eyes had a faraway look. ''You're not a princess anymore. You can't deal with it with a snap of your finger.''

Luna felt a punch in her gut as she couldn't even take a bite from her food.

Luna was happy that she wasn't a princess, yet Robin was saying she wasn't strong enough just on herself, without the power of her country and it's people. Though she knew Robin really didn't mean it, it left a bad taste in her mouth.

Usopp looked at Luna in worry as his eyes darted between two women before he also spoke, ''We can run...?'' he suggested

Though he was scared, especially when he heard the count, he still believed maybe they could run if Luna burned their ship along with everyone's shared efforts to fight against the marines.

''Do you really think we can, with Merry's condition?'' Robin asked with her cold tone again.

This time, Usopp felt a punch in his gut at this.

Aqua Laguna was coming, and Merry was in no condition to sail on something like that. The only thing they have to do is to hold on until Aqua Laguna ends and run away from this island as Robin went with the Cipher Pol. This was the only way in Robin's mind, and she knew they would be fine in the end.

''Still, that doesn't mean that you have to go with them!'' Luna argued with her not gone frown, this wasn't right, ''You're literally sacrificing yourself!''

''That's right!'' Usopp also agreed with Luna, ''Let's just go and met with others, I'm sure we can find a way!'' he truly believed what he said

Robin closed her eyes. Cipher Pol, Goddess of War, and... a Buster Call. She already gave up when she heard Aokiji's name, who gave the permission of Buster Call to Cipher Pol. If she was alone and didn't care for any of them, she could run like always, but Robin didn't believe they could all run from this.

Robin stood up, ''As I said, I only met with you to gave that back, and since you would be the only one who could really find me, I wanted to make clear.'' Robin took a step as she didn't even look at them. ''Might you act reckless sometimes, but you surely know what this situation means. Also, you would be the one who understands the most. So, stop.''

Luna clearly understood Robin's words. Sure she knew what kind of situation they were in. Robin wanted them to stop coming after her and leave.

''Goodbye.'' and with that, Robin began to walk out of the restaurant

''Wha...?'' Usopp looked at the back of Robin with a dumbfounded expression as he also suddenly stood up, ''Wait...!'' he took a couple of steps after her before he looked back at Luna, who's looking towards the revolver at the table with an unreadable expression, ''Hey, Luna!! Come on!! We have to go after her!!'' he even forgot his fears as he was trying to hurry up to go after Robin, who's disappearing every passing second.

''Sit down, Usopp.'' Luna talked in a flat tone, ''You're getting attention.''

Usopp scanned around to see the few people there were looking at them with curiosity, ''So what?!!'' as he couldn't care less at the moment, ''We can't let her go like this!! What's going to happen to her if she leaves?!!!''

''There is nothing we can do at the moment.'' Luna quietly said with her still flat tone before she finally broke her eyes from the revolver and stared at Usopp, ''Sit down.''

Usopp suddenly quieted down at Luna's serious tone but frowned as he really didn't understand, yet he went back to the table and sat back.

''Why are we sitting?!'' Usopp asked as soon as he sat on the chair

''What do you think would happen if Robin would come back to us right now?'' Luna asked as she took the fork.

''Buster Call will come? We have to fight with Cipher Pol?'' Usopp asked, and though he was scared, that didn't mean he would be happy about Robin being sacrifice just because they didn't have to face them and run away. He didn't even know what would happen to Robin, but he was sure it wasn't something good. ''So what?! We still can't let her go!''

''Sure we can't.'' Luna agreed with him with a nod, confusing Usopp as he thought then why they were sitting there, ''We just need to find the right time and place.'' Luna went on as she looked at the cake in her fork, ''Did you forget what's a buster call?''

Usopp looked at Luna as he thought everything from the beginning.

He didn't understand the reasons or thought about asking, but from what he understand, they made Robin shot the mayor, and she was working with them because they threaten her with a buster call on them. An attack that doesn't care what they were destroying.

'Right time and place.'

Usopp's eyes enlarged. Robin going back at them right now meant an attack on the island since they couldn't leave with Merry's condition. There was also Cipher Pol here, and Aqua Laguna was also coming, which meant that this island would be sinking.

He couldn't exactly imagine it, but Usopp was sure it would be all disaster.

He still didn't understand what was the right time and place as he looked at Luna and sweatdropped at the sight of her.

She was stuffing cake inside her mouth without even swallowing, looking like a squirrel with her filled cheeks. Though he couldn't see her eyes, she had a frown.

With a slight hesitation, ''Then when is the right time, where is the right place? What are we going to do?'' Usopp asked, getting clearly unsatisfied Luna's attention as she began to chew the cake in her mouth while she was pouring whiskey into her half-filled cup of coffee with her new hip flask.

Luna didn't really like the outcome since she didn't want Robin to go all through this, but she could understand her. Luna already knew the people who's after her. She was carefree because out of everyone who could pose the most problem was the emperors, and she was sure that an emperor wouldn't come to Paradise just for her. But if they would...

Yet, Robin's situation was still different.

Robin probably didn't care about this island like Luna, who cared because of Franky.

Nevertheless, Robin's way was still the only one they could deal with everything, so Luna decided not to change things.

At the moment, Luna didn't think they could actually fight with Cipher Pol because they weren't really ready for it. Not to mention the whole city was after them at the moment. If they would go and attack them now, it would create nothing but chaos because the members of Cipher Pol were trusted in the eyes of everyone in this city, and CP9 wouldn't hold back to use this to their advantage.

Later, when they revealed themselves was also not a good time. A serious fight with them would take time, and this city was not a proper place to a fight like that as it would be sinking. Aqua Laguna was arriving at a really bad time. Buster Call was also a problem. As much as the ships couldn't get close due to the Aqua Laguna, it could arrive the moment it's over, and Luna didn't believe they would be all prepared until that time. They also didn't have the ship to run in time, and Luna had no intention to let another one of their future crewmates home to got a buster call just because she changed things.

There was also Knight as she was calling herself like that now. As much as Luna didn't want to think about it, from the moment she woke up, she was thinking about how to beat her. She was unknown to all of this thing as Luna was also trying to think about the possible damages Knight could cause.

Luna swallowed before she casually took the cup of whiskey mixed coffee and sipped it before she answered Usopp's question, ''We will get in the Sea Train.''