Princess Catherine

Nine o'clock arrives and you make your way to the dining car. Most of the ladies are already there and some of the Lords also come along for political discussions with the different countries. You see a seat open next to Lady Anabel. She waves you over.

"Lady Winters, over here!"

Then you notice the King already sitting at the table with some of the Lords. He hears your name and looks up from his table to you. You can see the longing mix with pain in his eyes. You look away to avoid any suspicion. You sit next to Anabel.

"Good morning, did you order something to eat yet?"

"No, not yet, was just about to. Did you get settled in alright?"

"Yes, thank you"

The princess comes walking up to you "Good morning, Ladies"

The princess arrives in the dining car and stand next to your table. You both get up and bow. She waves you off dismissively.

"Please, ladies, skip the formalities. We're going to be on this train for a month, you can't very well bow every time we see each other, now can we?"

"Uhm..." Anabel stutters.

"Then it's settled"

(Why? What is she doing?)

"Ladies and Lords of the court. Please welcome the King" She gesture to him and you see how uncomfortable he is with all the attention. He stands up and walks to her side. Everyone stands up and bows.

"King James, won't you address your guests?" He moves around uncomfortably. "Welcome honored guests to the four-country tour. We hope you all found your accommodations acceptable..."

He looks at you with soft eyes as if he needs your approval.

"...our first country on our tour is, Italy. We will arrive there in one day. We hope that you will enjoy this trip with us"

When he says the word "us", he clenches his fists and his knuckles turn white as he turn to look at the princess with a fake smile.

"Thank you, your Highness. Now, let's enjoy a wonderful breakfast"

Everyone claps and starts to talk again. The princess walk passed your table to the back. She looks at you and gives a mischievous smile.


You lift your eyebrows in surprise. The King follows just after the princess and his thigh touches your shoulder. You feel a jolt of heat shoot from your shoulder down to your core. You look up and see him giving you a glance and smile with his eyes. His tenderness and caring nature envelop you. You feel yourself wanting to reach out and touch him but you know you can't. He leaves his musky smell behind and you long for him.

Anabel asks "Why did the princess look at you like that?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, you want to tell me that you didn't see that smile?"

"No....not really"

"Okay, who am I to say different?" You eat and chat, then you hear a familiar voice. You almost choke on your food.

"Lady Winters, what a nice surprise to see you here"

"Lord Dobson, uhm, yes such a surprise indeed"

"I didn't know that you'll be joining us on the tour?"

Anabel answers "Oh, haven't you heard, Lady Winters is one of the Ladies in waiting now"

"That's great news, then we'll see much more of each other"

You mumble under your breath. "Oh goodie"

"I'm sorry, milady, what was that?"

"I uhm...said now I don't have to be moody..." You laugh uncomfortably. He takes a seat across from you.

(Oh god!)

"May I?"

"Of course. So, Lord Dobson, are you into politics?" Anabel seems to be taken by him.

"Yes, Lady Anabel, I'm quite high up in the order. Lady Winters here, knows me very well"


You chuckle and try to avoid his gaze on you. You start to eat earnestly. Suddenly you feel his foot against your leg. You jump at his touch and cries out loud.


Everyone looks at you. The King's eyes stare intensely at you and concern is stricken on his face. He wants to get up but then he sit back again.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me" You lift your hand up. You turn back to your food and try not to blush too much.

(What is Lord Dobson doing)

You speed-eat and then jump up from your seat and excuse yourself. You almost run to your compartment. You get into your room and plunge into your chair.

"What's going on with that guy? How dare he?"


"Sire, did you get something to eat yet?" The princess sits next to the King.

"Yes, thank you"

(Like she even really cares...)

"Lord Walton, shall we talk about the treaty we're going to discuss with the President of Italy? Let's go to the other compartment"

"As you wish, Your Highness" They walk to the sitting area.

(Aahh, a bit of freedom at last)

They sit down on the comfortable couches and start to talk about the treaty. After a while, the princess walks in. "Your Highness, you've been here for longer than three hours. Come and join us ladies for tea and cake?"

"Princess Catherine, we have important business to discuss before we get to Italy"

"Please, Sire, just a few minutes?" He sighs loudly. "Okay, princess"

"Great, thank you" She wants to turn around but the Kings stops her with one word.


"Yes, Sire"


"Lord Watson, please excuse us"

"Of course, Sire. Will finish it up later?"

"Yes, thank you" He turns and leave the compartment. "Princess, I see you've invited Lord Robertson on the tour?"

"Yes, Sire"

"You must be very happy now?"

"Sire, I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Don't act dumb with me Catherine!"

" know-"

"James? You mean King James!"

"I'm sorry....King James, you know you're the only one"

"Oh, I am? Then please enlighten me as to why he's here?"

" know why...."

"No, I don't, princess!"

"He....he's good with communications between countries"

"I'm sure he's good with communications..."

"King James...I...I- "He lifts up his hand. "Just leave me"

She bows and leaves the compartment. He falls back in his chair and stares out the window.

(I wish you were here, next to me. I wish we could enjoy this journey together. I wish we were free to be together. If I could just talk to you, it'll be enough...I miss you....tremendously)

Tracy, one of the princess' lady in waiting walks in "Your Highness, I'm sorry to intrude but the princess asked if you will be joining her?"

"Tell her, I'll be right there" She turns around, bowing and leaves him. He gives a deep sigh.

"I guess duty calls..."


You start to read a book to pass the time. After a while, there's a knock on the door. Another note is slipped under the door.


Lady Winters,

Please join us for tea and cake. Your presence is required.


Your Royal Highness

Princess Catherine of Monaco


(This is exhausting...Looks like that's how it going to be from now on...I'm like a slave now)