
You walk back to the dining car when a voice behind you startle you. The passage is very narrow and it doesn't leave you much room to move. Lord Dobson smiles at you.

"Lady Winters, what a coincidence that we run into each other"

"Yes....quite a coincidence, isn't it"

"I would say rather a stroke of luck won't you say?"

"...and why would you say that, Lord Dobson?"

"Oh...you must know why...."

He steps closer to you and there's no more personal space left between you.

"I'm not sure what you're referring to, Lord Dobson"

You want to move backward but then he puts a hand around your waist.

"Lord Dobson!"

"Oh, come on, Lady Winters...you're definitely also feeling what I'm feeling?"

"No! Lord Dobson, I don't feel what you feel"

You want to move out of his grip but then his other hand grabs your wrist, holding tight. He moves even closer and you smell his alcoholic breath against your face.

"Lord Dobson, you're drunk!"

(It's not even noon yet!?)

"I'm not drunk, Lady Winters. I'll have you know that I'm a respectable man in society. I don't do things like drinking and getting drunk"

"Well then....urgh! Let go of me at once!" His grip on your wrist tightens and you feel the blood flow to your hand cut off.

"But Lady Winters we'll make such a great couple..."

"You're hurting me!" He starts to kiss you in you're neck, pulling your wrist closer and you crash into him.

"Lord Dobson, let go of me! Help!" You struggle to get our of his grip but he just tightens his grip even more. You feel your bones in your wrist hurting under his grip. Just then Lord Walton walks around the corner.

"Everything okay over there?"

Lord Dobson quickly answers "Everything is fine. I was merely walking past" He drops your wrist and walks past you as if nothing just happened. You try and calm your beating heart and regulate your breathing.

"Milady, are you alright?" You swallow loudly and answer breathlessly. "I'm....I'm fine, thank you"

You turn around and almost run back to your bedroom. You go inside and close the door. You slide down the door and look at your wrist. You see the red and blue-brown marks on your wrist and you feel the pain when you touch it. Your eyes start to water and you then realize what just happened to you. You can't help but think, what would have happened if Lord Watson didn't come when he came.

You sit there on the floor, for you don't know how long and just stare at your wrist while the tears are flowing freely down your cheeks. Then there's a knock on the door. You snap out of your trance and jump away from the door.

(What if it's Lord Dobson that's coming back for more?)

With a squeaky voice, you say.

"Who's there?"

"It's me, Lady Anabel. Can I come in?" You quickly dry off your tears and straighten your clothes.

"Come in..." She opens the door and comes in.

"Where have you been? You never came for tea and cake and then when lunch came and you weren't there and well.....I started to worry?"

"I....I must've lost track of time...Is it already dark out?"

"Yes, the princess asked where you were so I said you weren't feeling well. I hope that's okay?"

"Oh, yeah, that's actually....actually great, I wasn't or isn't feeling so well. You weren't lying then, thank you"

"Is there anything I could do? Anything to make you feel better?"

"No, no, I'm fine, just need some sleep, thank you"

"Will you be joining us for dinner?"

"No...I...can't...I mean I'm still not feeling so good. Would you please send my apologies to the princess?"

"Of course. Is there anything else at all?"

"No, thank you. I think I'll just sleep it off"

"Well, if you're sure. Goodnight then"

"Goodnight" She leaves the room and you fall on the bed.

(What just happened to me? How am I going to go out of this room again without wondering where Lord Dobson is at all times?)

You touch your wrist again and then cry out in pain. The pain is excruciating. You fall back and think of what you can do to be safe again but you can find an answer. You get dressed for bed and crawl under the covers being careful not to move your wrist. You feel yourself drifting away...


He walks through the doors to the tea and cake gathering. Everyone goes quiet and bow before him. He smiles and then speaks.

"Let's enjoy a piece of cake together"

Everyone cheer. His eyes search for you but there's no trace of you.

(Where are you?)

He takes a seat and the princess comes closer to sit with him but he gives her one look and she moves to sit with her lady in waiting. Lord Walton walks up to him.

"May I, your Highness?" He gestures to the seat across from him.

"You're most welcome, Lord Walton"

"Thank you, Sire" He takes a seat and Lord Dobson arrives through the doors. He walks right up to the King and bow.

"Your Highness, may I join you?"

"Of course, Lord Dobson" He sits next to Lord Walton. The King smells a strong hint of alcohol coming from Lord Dobson and frowns.

"Lord Dobson, isn't it a bit early?"

"I'm sorry Sire, but, what are you referring to?"

"...early for drinking, Lord Dobson?"

"Sire, you must be mistaken, no alcohol has touched these lips" Lord Watson and the King looks at each other and shake their heads in disbelief. They carry on eating cake and drinking tea. The King watches the door every few minutes to see if he can see you. Lord Walton turns Lord Dobson.

"Lord Dobson, did you and Lady Winters figure things out in the corridor?" The King straighten up and his full attention goes to Lord Dobson.

"Yes, we just had a light discussion but it's all figured out now, thank you"

"Oh, it didn't look like a light discussion to me? Are you sure all is good now?" The King's eyebrows are knit into a frown. He remembers what you told him about Lord Dobson and how you hid away from him on the balcony that night. He clenches his jaw.

"Lord Dobson, are you sure all is fine now with, Lady Winters? I don't see her here?"

(If you so much as laid a hand on her.....so help me!!)

"Yes, Sire. We ended things on good terms and she said she had to get something from her room. That's all, Sire"

"Are you absolutely sure, Lord Dobson??" The King is now making his fists under the table.

"Yes, Sire" The King accepts his answer and they finish their tea.

(I hope she's okay)

The King and Lord Walton then went back to finish their business, of the treaty with Italy. Then they are called to eat later on. Whenever the King enters the dining car his eyes search for you but every time you're nowhere to be found. When dinner arrives and you aren't there, the King's tolerance and patience are also gone.

(Fuck!! Where are you, angel?)