
You know that it is only a two-hour ride back to your home and that you would not mind being in the company of Lord Jackson again. But it is not him that you are worried about. It is the princess that you need to shadow for the day that bothers you so. You want to say yes to Lord Jackson but today you can not make your own choices. You smile at him, wearily, and say.

"I would very much love to spend some time with you in the living area but I have to shadow the princess for today. We are in training, you see, as she believes that we are not the best ladies in waiting"

You can see him starting to smile and as if he wants to cover his laugh that is ready to burst at your words. But he does a good job of hiding his emotions and then simply answers you.

"I completely understand your situation but I would love it if you do have some time to meet me in the living area"

"Of course, Lord Jackson. As soon as I have some time of my own I know where to find you"