Changing Behavior


He can not believe what he just heard his head of security said. This can be catastrophic if they do not find him very quickly. How is it possible that they can lose a prisoner in the dungeon? He starts to pace around the room again and he feels himself getting lightheaded. He can not afford to feel this kind of emotion as the hatred will take him over completely.

"You are excused, Peter. I need to think about a few things. I will let you know as soon as I need your help again"

He watches Peter still wants to say something but then turns around. He knows exactly what he is thinking and he is wrong in thinking that.



"I am not blaming you"

He can hear how Peter takes a breath of relief. He then nods his head and turns around leaving the room. The King quickly walks towards his desk and falls down on his chair. He has forgotten to drink his pills this morning and now he might suffer the consequences.