Chapter 6- Make your Prayers

~No ones POV~

After the last trip to find food, Skyler never EVER wanted to go back with them, thinking that they were not caring for her or not responsible or brave enough. Kiyoshi, thinking that she's being the rudest of the group, ignored her. So did everyone except Trinity and Mia of course.

The current time is the afternoon, and everyone is eating their food. They are all split in their little duos or groups. Devin, Laurence and Ethan formed their own little squad! Jason and Amelia stayed with each other, obviously. Skyler and Mia are together, though Trinity isn't with them? And Finally, Kiyoshi and Haruki are together.

"Hey I noticed that Trinity isn't here very often...." Kiyoshi whispers to Haruki. He nodded at him, looking at the groups before him. "Should we look around the school..?" Kiyoshi asked him, worried. "We'll wait a bit more. She's probably sleeping or something." Haruki says to him, reassuringly. Kiyoshi gave a 'not so sure' nod and continued eating what's left.

After they finished, all of them are free for the day! That means they could chill and relax for the time being! No worries for today, except for Haruki and Kiyoshi of course. They're concerned of Trinity's disappearances and want to know why she's doing this. Kiyoshi searched the whole school for her, he didn't find her. Haruki did the same, he also didn't find her.

"Ok now I'm really worried, where'd she go?!!" Kiyoshi says to Haruki, on the verge of tears. "Is something wrong?" The both of them turned and find Trimity running up to them?! But...they searched the whole school..? "Trinity!!" Kiyoshi exclaimed, running to her and hugging her. Taken aback, she patted his back while doing so. Haruki sighed, relieved that they found her.

"Where were you?!" Kiyoshi asked her, whipping away his tears. She smiled nervously at him. Haruki walked beside Kiyoshi saying, "yeah..we were worried about you. You weren't there when we were eating."

She gave a little gasp and hung her head low. "I apologise..I was just..busy?" She says, playing with her fingers now. Not convinced, Kiyoshi looked at her and crossed his arms. "Liar." He simply says, sighing. "I thought you always tell the truth."

She immediately looked at him, a little surprised on what he said. "Ok I'll tell the truth." She sighs.

Kiyoshi nodded at her, Haruki to and stayed quiet until she says what she has been doing. "Ok so you know that cemetery that's kind of near the school..?" She hesitantly asks them, looking down at the ground. Haruki nodded but Kiyoshi took his time to nod as well. "Ok good, that's where I've been going for the past time." She truthfully says, glancing at them then at the ground, guilty.

It was quiet for a while..

"Why?" Haruki asked her, breaking the silence. She bit her lip. "Well, I visit my grandmother there." She sadly says.

"What do you mea-?!"

"Ah, I'm sorry for your loss." Haruki says, apologetically and cutting Kiyoshi off by covering his mouth. Trinity nodded at them. "Am I allowed to go with you? I also have to visit someone very special to me as well.." his voice grew quiet at the end. Shocked, she nodded at him. "Of course! I'm going today actually, I'll tell ya when I'm going." She tells him, smiling. He nodded, thanking her. Returning the smile. "See you then! Bye Kiyoshi!!" She skipped away to where she sleeps.

"Cmon lets go." Haruki says to Kiyoshi, tugging his arm a little. He didn't budge because he was thinking. Who is he supposed to visit? He thought. "Kiyoshi...if you want to come with us it's ok." Kiyoshi jumped when Haruki says this. "You sure..? I really don't want to bother.." Kiyoshi sighs, rubbing the back of his neck, a tad embarrassed. Haruki shakes his head. "I enjoy your company." Haruki states to him. Kiyoshi looked away. "Fine.." he mumbled to him. Haruki gave a happy grin to him. "Alright then, now can we go?" Whining at him a little bit. Kiyoshi, chuckling at him walked in front of him, heading to where they both sleep. Yes, they share the room.

~20 minutes later~

A knock was heard from Kiyoshi. "You think it's her?" He asked Haruki, closing the book he was reading. "Probably, I'll check." Haruki said to Kiyoshi, opening the door. Trinity was waiting outside for them, she smiled broadly when Haruki opened the door. "Ready to go?" She asks him, with the positive energy radiating out of her.

"Yeah, is it ok if Haruki goes with us as well?" He asks her, looking at Kiyoshi then back at her. She nodded happily to him. "The more the merrier!" She exclaimed, giving a small wave to Kiyoshi. He waved back, walking towards the door. "We going now?" Kiyoshi asks the two. "Yup, follow me." Trinity instructs, leading the way.

"Hey Trinity, you know the door is over that way right?" Kiyoshi tells her, pointing the opposite direction on where their currently walking right now. She giggled and turned her head slightly to him. "I know, but since I didn't want yous to know what I do, I found a different way to get out of the school and I used that way instead." She explained to the two, turning away her head from them.

Kiyoshi did a slight 'o' with his mouth and continued to follow her. After a few minutes they arrived to the very back of the school. "It's a simple way to get out of here and I'm surprised no one found it yet!" She grinned at the end opening the door. They got through and after a little walk they got out of the school and headed their way to the cemetery.

It's a short walk there and they arrived there fast. The headed towards the graves which was very creepy to Kiyoshi. Trinity walked up to a grave that had dead flowers on it. Trinity mumbled to herself and sat in front of it, smiling sadly. Kiyoshi decided to give some space and walked to where Haruki is.

Haruki was staring at the grave in front of him. Like a death glare? "Haruki you ok?" Kiyoshi asked him, putting his hand on his shoulder, looking at him worried. Haruki snapped out of it and looked at Kiyoshi fondly. "Yes I'm fine sorry." Haruki says to him and went back to staring at the grave, only without the scary glare. Kiyoshi, uncomfortable with the silence stood beside Haruki looking at the grave in front of them.

"Who is this?" Kiyoshi asked, pointing at the grave in front of them. Haruki glanced at him then at the grave. "Dog.." he mumbled. "Sorry?"

"Dog.." he says a little bit louder. Kiyoshi gave an understanding nod. But how are dogs buried here? Kiyoshi thought. "His name..the dogs name was....Sprinkles.." he mumbled, guilty. Kiyoshi, taken aback tried not to laugh but gave a smile. "Sprinkles? Well that's a name-"

"I was only a child ok!" Haruki snapped back, smiling a little bit as well. Kiyoshi, still trying to hold his laughter is dying at this point.

After a few minutes he calmed down. "S-sorry.." Kiyoshi apologises, realising that their still in the cemetery. Haruki chuckled at him. "No problem, he was a great dog though."

"I bet he was!"

"Sorry I took so long!!" Trinity came up to them. "No problem, so we going now?" Kiyoshi asks her, she nodded. "Follow me!" She skipped a bit ahead of them leading the way. "We should hurry so we won't worry the others." Haruki states to them. "Yeah ok."

Trinity stopped in her tracks. Confused, Haruki walked to where she is. His eyes widened immediately when he saw what was in front of them. Zombies. 3 or 4 right in front of them. And are looking directly at them. "Kiyoshi...stay behind me.." Haruki says, standing in front of him. Kiyoshi stayed close behind him but not really because he's nearly standing beside Haruki. "W-what are we gonna do?!" Trinity asked them, panic in her eyes. The zombies started walking towards them, getting closer by ever step.

Kiyoshi, grabbing both of their hands had an idea. "We...RUN!!" He says sprinting, holding Trinity and Harukis hands, dragging them. When they realised what he was doing, they letted go and ran with him with Trinity in front of them leading the way back to the school. "Nearly there!!" She says, at the door opening it. She ran in immediately and kept it open for the other two to run in. "Hurry!"

Haruki ran in and grabbed a small-ish chair, good. Kiyoshi came sprinting in with the zombies behind him. Trinity closed the door and Haruki blocked it. When they made sure it was definitely secure, they did a sigh in relief. "You guys ok..?" Haruki asked the two, panting. They both nodded. Trinity stood up and glared at Kiyoshi. "This is your fault." She huffed at him. The two boys, were shocked by what she said. "Wait what?!" Kiyoshi asked her, confused.

"You're way too loud, of course the zombies can hear you. You could've gotten us killed!" She shouts at him, with anger in her voice. Kiyoshi looked at the ground, Haruki immediately stepped in front of him. "It's not his fault. Now let's go to the others ok?" He says to her, calmly. Trinity hesitantly nods and turns away from the two, walking to where everyone is.

Haruki turned back and found Kiyoshi, silently crying. "Why am I always the burden..?" He cries to Haruki leaning on him for support and crying onto his jacket. Haruki gently rubbed his back. "It's aren't a burden or anything like that. Let's go to the others yeah?" Haruki asks softly to him. Kiyoshi gave a sad nod and followed Haruki to where everyone is.