Chapter 7- Thin as ice

~No ones POV~

They all arrived to their so called "meeting room" and discuss ways to survive. Of course, they all have some ideas but none of them are good enough. "Sorry to be negative but we do need a radio to know what's going on in the world.." Laurence quietly says to the group, nervously.

They all turn their heads to where Laurence is standing, they aren't complaining, he's right. Laurence, ashamed that he ruined the mood, silently walked to the other side of the room to no longer disturb them. "No need to feel bad Laurence, you helped us." Devin says, trying to reassure him that he did nothing wrong. Laurence hesitantly nodded but continued to look away from the group.

"He's such a shy one..." Kiyoshi whispered to Haruki a tad concerned for him. Haruki shook his head. "He knows what's best, it's ok." Haruki whispered back, looking at Laurence. Kiyoshi sighed and walked to the paranoid boy. He patted his back which scared Laurence.

"It's ok, you aren't negative. You're just giving us what to do next!" Kiyoshi assured him giving him a soft smile. Laurence did a rare grin and nodded. He stayed where he was though and sighed. "I wish I was brave as you Kiyoshi." Laurence says, looking at the ceiling then at him.

"..what do you mean..?" Kiyoshi asked, a bit confused. Laurence shook his head. "No need to say it, hehe." He giggled at the end, walking back to Devin leaning on him. Devin played with his hair with amusement.

Kiyoshi meanwhile is in deep thought, everyone here is so...awkward with each other. He really didn't like that and decided to tell Haruki his thoughts.

Kiyoshi jogged to Haruki who is trying to get away from Skyler. Who is trying to seduce him. He gave a weirded out look at her and tapped Haruki by the shoulder.

"Can I talk to you?" Kiyoshi asked, trying to ignore Skyler glares. "Haru I actually wanted to-"

"Yeah sure, lead the way." Haruki cutted her off and Kiyoshi leaded Haruki some where private. "Alright is something wrong?" Haruki asked, looking deep in Kiyoshis eyes. Kiyoshi blinked at him a few times.

"Ah yes! So we all are awkward right now right?" Kiyoshi asked him. Haruki gave an unsure nod.

"Sooo we have to bond some way you know. To let us know each other. We all keep bickering and I hate it." Kiyoshi continued, pouting slightly at the end. Haruki nodded, completely understanding him.

"So what do you suggest we do..?" Haruki asked him. Kiyoshi thought for a moment, what can they do?

"...I have no idea.." he finally responded sighing at the end. Haruki chuckled a bit. "Why not we search the school, in different groups?" Haruki suggests after a long pause. Kiyoshi looked at him in awe. 'He's so smart!' He thought.

"That's a great idea! But please don't put me with Skyler, please whatever in your power I will do anything-"

"Sorry Kiyoshi, I cant promise that." Haruki winks at the end and walks away from the angry, and confused Kiyoshi. 'That son of a b-'

He reluctantly followed him grumpily. Let's say Kiyoshi is now mad at Haruki god his mysterious personality now. He walked quickly in the room and sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall folding his arms.

Amelia soon noticed his attitude and walked towards him. "Is...something wrong?" She asked nervously. He gave a quick glare and sighed. "You'll see." Kiyoshi replied you her. Amelia, not satisfied with his answer huffed at him.

"Fiiiiinnnneee." She whined and skipped back to Jason.

"Alright guys, and girls." Haruki says looking at all of them, except for Kiyoshi.

"We are all going to throughly explore the school again, because we might find other useful things or possibly information." The others looked confused by this, why would they explore the school that they studied at for a long time again?

Haruki clears his throat. "But we will be in groups, and I'll decide who's in them." He announced smirking at the end. The students well only Kiyoshi did a sarcastic gasp which made a few people giggle.

"Alright let's see..." Haruki looked at everyone. He snapped his fingers and smiled at them after an awkward silence.

"Right, Group one will have...Ethan...Mia...Kiyoshi...Jason....and Laurence." Haruki told them. The five of them awkwardly stood next to each other. Laurence gave a shy wave to them but Mia didn't want it and slapped his hand away.

"And group two will be me, Skyler.." he paused a bit when he said her name, realising his mistake but brushed it of. "Trinity, Devin and Amelia." He continued grinning at them. Amelia high fived Devin, grinning broadly.

"Right, we'll leave around tomorrow." Haruki announces walking back to Kiyoshi, desperately. "I regret this." He whispered to him, glancing at Skyler then back at Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi laughed at his antics, 'he's so stupid.' Kiyoshi thought punching him lightly on the shoulder.

"Welp, that's your fault not mine. At least you have someone energetic.." Kiyoshi pointed at Amelia who is already chatting to Devin and Trinity. Haruki nodded happily. 'Maybe this isn't so bad..' he thought to himself.

"And I have these guys." Kiyoshi pointed to his group who aren't talking to each other at all. "You're the ray of sunshine I know you'll lighten the mood!" Haruki assured, patting his back gently. Kiyoshi pouted at him. "I hope so!"

Haruki gently pushed him towards the group, trying to encourage him to talk to them. Kiyoshi gave shook his head but Haruki continued to do so. "H-Haruki I d-don't want to-!" He stuttered each time he got closer to the group.

"Just start a conversation it's ok!" Haruki says giving him the last push to the group. "Good luck.." he whispered walking off.

"Hey!" Kiyoshi called for him but he just ignored his calls. Sighing, Kiyoshi turned back to him silent, non talking group. They all stayed quiet, not daring to start a conversation with each other. Jason gave a jealous glare at Amelia and her group.

"...hey guys..." Kiyoshi says to the group, nervously. They didn't reply to him but Laurence gave a small wave. Ethan gave a wave as well. 'At least they're nice..' Kiyoshi thought. He decided to talk to them instead.

"Hi Kiyoshi.." Laurence greeted him. Ethan walked up to them as well, smiling. "*sigh* well this isn't so bad.." Kiyoshi said to the both of them. Ethan chuckled.

"True, but Jason and Mia or kinda having a battle right now..?" He says looking towards their direction. Laurence and Kiyoshi realised this. It's really tense in their side of the room.

"We shouldn't get involved.." Laurence suggested looking away from the grumpy or angry duo. "Besides...I don't want to talk to..him again.."

"What did he do?" Ethan asked Laurence, concerned. "He didn't do anything, I just...He's hard to approach and his presence terrifies me...and his's so...scary.." he reluctantly told them, shivering at the thought.

"It's ok, he's not that all the time. Besides, he's only nice with his girlfriend." Ethan assured him, wriggling his eyebrows and glancing at Amelia. Kiyoshi couldn't help but laugh! It grabbed the attention of Mia and Jason though.

"What are you laughing at?!" She questioned Kiyoshi. 'Well she has a temper..' Kiyoshi sighed at her actions. "Nothing." He simply replied and went back to chatting with the group.

"Kiyoshi....she's heading our way.." Laurence whimpered to him, Kiyoshi whipped his head around and saw an angry looking, grumpy girl.

"I don't like that answer you gave me, mind answering again?" She demanded to Kiyoshi more then a question. Kiyoshi didn't tremble by her presence but the others got shivers up their spines!

"Tch, well it's not about you." Kiyoshi answered her confidently. Smirking. She huffed at him. "Ridiculous, it's always about me." She grinned cockily. Kiyoshi, tired of her attitude turned around and ignored her for the mean time.

"Hey! Look when I'm talking to you!!" She stomped her foot on the ground.

'She's acting like a child..'

Mia started shouting at him. This was the last straw for Jason. Jason took her by the collar and dragged her away from the group. She nearly chocked by this.

Laurence stood in shock of what Jason did. Ethan gave him the thumbs up and mouthing a thank you, Kiyoshi did the same. Jason smirked but it was a quick one and dragged her away to a different room.

"Damn, he's badass!" Ethan exclaimed happily. "...language.." Laurence whispered barely audible. "You aren't my mom!"

"Any you aren't my child so mind your manners." Laurence snapped at him, causing Kiyoshi to laugh. Ethan sighed in defeat. "What about...the word shit..?"
