Hey, You!

Okay, so I successfully wasted my time looking blankly on snapshots than get any work done. Though, what work? It's not like we are going into exams or something right now. University life only started!

Though as excited as one can be, the "only-enjoy-Uni-life" phase doesn't hold much glory for long. Studies may not be getting serious right now but other matters are at hand. Like settling into a new city, providing for oneself, finding part-time jobs damn!

The cafe I started working at seems nice and all, the manager and employees are pretty friendly. They even shuffled my schedule around to give me time for class and free-time. Yay.

Having a lot on my mind I didn't here the door of the photography club open and kept packing my things in my bag. Hmm no class now, better get some snacks from the cafeteria..

"Hello lil' guy!" came a shrill voice sending me in a frantic jump and I actually quacked.. literally.

"The hell! I swear you blew my eardrums in!" I said while finally getting a look at her face. Blond hair in a bun, hands on her waist and a cheeky grin on her face, wait I saw her somewhere..

"Oi hoi, is that how you talk to your senpai?" said the blond one feigning a hurt face. Oh!

"Oh, shit-I mean, President! Sorry I didn't recognise you" I said scratching my head.

"Haha it's okay! And drop the "President", just call me Akame-senpai ya? You must be Isami-kun? I can call you that right?" Akame-senpai said with an easygoing smile.

I sighed. Good thing I didn't get on a senpai's bad side on the first day of club. "Yep, you can call me Isami. So are there other members caz I've been here for a while now" I said getting curious.

"Oh yep, our Photography club is pretty popular, so much so that we are even called in to cover school programs. So most of them are out on the field covering the seniors match."

"Oh well, guess than I'll leave for today then. See you on Thursday ya?" Saying that I took my leave, Akame-senpai waving back.

I walked towards the cafeteria and stood in line to grab some sandwich or something. I took the food and started towards the interior cafe to have some peace but nope! "Hey!"

"Hey, You idiot! Don't pretend you can't hear me " Haruto yelled from the other side of the cafe, it seemed he ran over from the north building. He stood over my desk and I smiled at him. "Heya, Haru- buddy, want some sandwich? " the moment Haru started to reach his hands towards it though, I chomped down on the sandwich and said " Get your own then!"

"You little!-- Anyway don't make me forget what I'm here for. Where were you baka, you know? I won!!"

" and you should be giving me a treat instead of yelling then? and I know idiot, you guys were all talking throughout the night on the group " I said chuckling, though the smile and happiness in his eyes made me slip out a

" Congratulations, Knew you could do it "

It seemed Haru wasn't expecting that but his eyes softened and he said "Thanks" Then again -

"But hey, I know you were busy yesterday but you should've met me in the morning?! where'd you run off to?" Haruto exclaimed.

"Oh, I went to the club actually and we have kinda different classes so we missed each other"

"Oh yea, only business and statistics are together huh? Shame. Anyway so you joined huh? Do you like the photography club then?"

"So far, yea. It felt nice getting to take pictures again" I said smiling.

"Hehe, see I told you should take it up. Anyway so we guys were planning to go explore the mall and nearby areas tomorrow, you coming right? Don't make an excuse caz I know you have no class tomorrow afternoon and cafe is till 4pm right? "

"Haha, ya ya. So you guys all done settling in? I still gotta unpack so much" saying that I waved Yuki and Kai over who just entered the cafe.

"Oi you guys, getting food without us?" said Kai slumping down on the seat beside Yuki.

"Hello, guys. Haruto-kun, Ryou-kun sent you a message, please check it" said Yuki, good thing he was more at ease with us now.

"Oh yea I just texted him back. So we guys going tomorrow right? " Haruto said slowly getting up.

We all replied affirmative and then Haru suddenly... Chomp!

"Mmmph, yum! Thanks for the treat, Mi. Catch you later guys! Gotta hurry!"

"Kuri-chan got him on a leash" said Kai joking.

Normally I would have felt down after that remark but I was too stuck on how Haru swooped down and took a bite from my sandwich when it was so close to my mouth.. so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. I knew a blush was rising so to hide it soon I put my hands over my face, nibbling on the leftover sandwich.

I didn't notice how Yuki was glancing at me with a touch of realization in his eyes.