Chapter 5.11

"Ezra!" I hear someone's voice calling my name, then, something shaking me. My mind is pulled from Shadow's world, and I open my eyes to see large piercing blue eyes, too close for comfort.

"Theo." My voice is hoarse as if I'd been the one endlessly screaming.

"Sean's made contact. We have to be quick or we'll miss it."

I shot upright, and she pulls me along to the other end of the room, where Bella is standing at the door, neatly dressed and waiting. She nods her hello and quickly takes off, leading us to the command room. I sensed that she was a little nervous, which made me a little anxious because I didn't know why. Theo trailed after us, determined to tag along and neither of us wanted to argue.

Still in the clothes I was sleeping in, and my bed hair poking out at odd angles we rushed to the control room, arriving just as an argument broke out.

"What are you going to do?" I hear Sean's voice through the light static.

"Nothing. We aren't in the position to help any more people."

"I understand that. But we're meant to protect them, if we don't do something now, they could end up dead, or brainwashed to fight against us, or their lives ruined so profoundly they won't be able to move on."

"All our lives have been ruined profoundly by those damn Garlantian's."

"They're children Raven."

"What's happening?" I ask, interrupting the tension in the room. Raven hadn't realised I'd arrived and looked actively pissed that I had.

"Keilhan has received intelligence that they're moving some of the kids from Cenderhan to a separate location. I think we should rescue them before they're out of our reach." Sean's voice explained.

"You don't have clear reasoning," Raven argued.

"Clear reasoning? These are people we're talking about, why shouldn't we think about rescuing them before something even worse happens?"

My nightmare was still raw in my mind, it made me immediately think of those kids in my dream. The kids who were tortured because no one helped them when they needed it most. Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe it wasn't. They could be taking away the kids that got sick from the virus they exposed us to. If they are taken, my dream could become a reality.

"I think… They might be special."

"Special? You mean like you?" Bella interjected.

I nodded, aware that Sean wouldn't be able to see. I wasn't sure if the rumours had got to him, and I wasn't sure how I could explain it to him.

"What makes you think that?"

"When we were imprisoned in Cenderhan, we were forced to wear these prisoner bangles that pierce the skin and almost impossible to take off if you don't know how. They usually contain poison so that even if you could escape, you're trapped in the fact that if you don't get the antidote, they provide you, you die. But this time around they put a virus in it instead, but it only affects people with certain attributes. They used it to identify kids with that attribute and they took them away. We don't know where."

Raven pursed her lips "do you have any proof?" she asked reluctantly.

"We'll it's true that the virus affected me but not Theo."

"That's not proof." She argued coldly.

"If we don't rescue them, they will be tortured."

"It's not worth the risk. I won't risk my men on a possibility." Raven shook her head, firm in her decision.

"Then let me go." I blurted impulsively.

"Ezra… I'm not sure that's the right-" Sean starts but is interrupted by Bella.

"I'll go with him. I can supervise him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"Me too." Theo chips in, a little vexed that Bella beat her to it.

"When is it meant to happen?" I ask.

"The day after tomorrow." I could hear the sigh in his voice. "You don't have to do this Ezra, let the adults handle it."

If we let the adults handle it, those kids would be tortured, and I couldn't let that happen. I Couldn't help but think they would be the kids in my dream.

I shook my head, "No. If you're going to do nothing, we have to go."

"We're not saying we're going to do nothing-"

"Raven literally just said that." Theo chimed.

"Ezra, please think about what you're doing. You're not usually so impulsive, you spent so long trying to get away from your past-"

"They've invaded our country and you still don't understand how ruthless they are."

"Which is why I'm trying to convince you not to do this… You're just kids."

"You know that's not true. I need as many details as you can, exact locations if you have them. Bella, can you drive?"

She nodded, "Passed my test last winter."


"Please, dad, we're doing this regardless of what you say." There was a twang of frustration in my voice, and I felt a little guilty for not listening to him.

He reluctantly started to tell us further details, and ten minutes later we had everything we needed. We quickly started formulating a course of action; Theo went to find Ian to see if he had any maps of the areas, and Bella went to collect some supplies. I was left to explain to Tommy and Anna what was happening.

"I want to come too." Tommy stated. "Some of those kids could be my friends. I need to help them."

"Are you sure?" I was somewhat uncertain that we would make it outside considering he barely left the medical ward.

As if reading my mind, "outside is different. I can help."

"Okay." I nodded.

Anna was left looking a little uncomfortable, "I would go, but I need to stay here. I'm not sure what help I would be."

"That's okay, I just wanted to let you guys know what going on."

"I'll be ready for your return." She nodded.