Chapter 40: Devil. Doing it for others. Find answers.   

Hand cupped in my cheek, I spun my pen as I stared at my notebook. It was already 11 pm and my thoughts were occupied with what happened yesterday.

"The devil is coming, what does that mean?" I said. I looked at the side of my table where my phone was placed. I grabbed my phone and contact Louie again.


Tapping my phone, waiting for his reply, I dialed his number and called him. The person is not accepting calls is what message I received. Am I blocked by Louie? I tried again and received the same message. I rush downstairs and found dad sleeping on the couch with the television running in the background, I found his phone on the table. I grabbed my dad's phone and dialed Louie's number.

"call can't be connected to a certain number" is what I heard on the other line. I dialed again and still receive the same reply from the other line, I put the phone back on the living room table and went back upstairs.