Chapter 41: Emotional Lilith

"Honey, you should come down now and eat" Mom's voice is heard, downstairs.

"Just a minute, Mom," I said, typing on my laptop keyboard. I spent the afternoon, researching and finding the man who warned me at the abandoned house. How does he know about Felicia's case? I looked at the cork bulletin board that was pinned on the wall with the ripped newspaper of Felicia. What a long way to go. I looked back at my laptop and scrolled, I stopped scrolling midway as I found a picture of a man. I stared at it, my eyes widened... This was the man from the abandoned house.

I clicked on the title. The man was named Jerkins, a journalist. He got intrigued by Felicia's case and...

"Fuck!" I exclaimed as I felt someone touch my shoulder, it was Mom.

Mom furrowed her brows, "Why do you love that word so much, Lilith Barkley?"

I gave Mom an apologetic look. "Sorry, Mom... I was just.." I sighed defeatedly and looked back at my laptop and shut it.