Yr **21; In one of the United Galaxy's most secured solar systems, a ship battle was happening near the's solar systems sun. The battle ended with the victor being Kid Denote Origen and his father. After a series of events, Kid had gotten teleported to *******, USA with a maid, a bird made of completely energy, and a suit of armor, Let's see how the story evolves together, shall we?
Heyo! peeps I'm a noob author that is working by a click so plz go easy on me. Also if u have any comments, suggestions, or anything else just tell me. Also soon I'll be asking for numbers from 1 to 100.
This picture wasn't mine, https://magicartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/6417db71f5b1e512f96e9120ec95bac0-736x585.jpg, if you own this then pls tell me if you want me to take it down.
Liked what I was reading and really wanted to read more! Hope you pick this back up soon! Just the concepts so far would be enough to draw a crowd of readers!!