
Chappy 5- "Again?"

Cate felt only embarrassment from what she had just said 'So cute! Why did I say it out loud! My motherly instincts are telling me to take care of this poor boy.' After realizing that she was staring, she cleared her throat and began to say "My name is Cate, what is yours?" She asked once more.

"Kid." The boy spoke in a clear voice that seemed to radiate authority but also kindness.

This confused her 'Is that his name or just a title? Maybe that is just a name that his race gives, either way, I can't judge.'

The boy then put his hand up and wanted her to pause 'Wow, they weren't joking. It really is universal.' Cate thought and waited for him. He then raised his right arm and magically two headphone looking objects popped in his hand, he then proceeded to give her one and then pointed at his ear "It is a headphone" She then put it on.

"Hello, my name is Kid Denote-Origen. How are you?" Kid nobly introduced himself.

Cate stuttered as she could fully understand what he had said, "H-Hello, my name is Cate, Cate Zen. I'm doing fine, how about you?"

Suddenly Cate noticed that even though he was hiding it, there was a tinge of sadness in his eyes when she asked this 'Did something happen? Was this an accident?'

"I'm doing well for someone who is lost..." Kid answered.

Cate then turned around and looked at Simon "Hey, Simon, Kid says that he's lost. What should we do?

Cate didn't know what to say, she was only here because of her father. She was given the job to try to communicate and keep the entity in a nice mood, other than that she had no real power.

Simon finally spoke up "Tell the elf that we would like to come with us to answer a few questions."

When she relayed that to Kid, he thought for a moment before answering "Ok, I would like to ask some questions too. So where are we going and who am I going with?"

Cate then introduced Kid to Lieutenant Simon, the three then walked towards a military vehicle. No one noticed that Kid started to wobble while walking until *Thud* Cate heard a nice and looked back. Kid had passed out again! Cate rushed to his side again but then out of nowhere a pale teenage girl in a maid costume appeared.

"%#@%#$@#$##@!" the girl yelled!


Nyx was having a nightmare. The pirate had killed the duke right in front of her eyes! When she saw that he was walking towards Kid, who was stilled passed out, She tried to move. But something was holding her down, She could see what it was but it was heavy. The pirate suddenly looked at her and smiled evilly, he then reached for Kid and grabbed the back of his neck. Nyx started to cry "Duchess, I failed you. I'm so sorry!" She cried out while still trying to move. "It's ok dear, what could you have done." A soothing voice said above her. Nyx knew whose voice that was, slowly looking up, she saw something that would terrify her for the rest of her life. The duchess head was ripped off and was what was stopping her from moving. A little ways away was the body, well what was left of it, being toyed with other pirates, demon dogs were chewing on the left leg and right arm. The whole thing was a gruesome, bloody mess. Nyx finally lost it and abruptly woke up.

It took a few moments for her to catch her breath before she could begin to look around. 'Where am I?' It then hit her, she was in the young master's armor. She started to crawl out when the armor started falling! She began to worry and rushed out of her hiding spot only to see a pure human? That didn't matter! she regrew into her normal size and started yelling at the human.

"Human! Who are you, don't come near or I will kill you!"

Some other human behind the first one she saw pulled out a metallic object. Nyx figured it was some type of weapon and dashed in front of other human and grabbed the weapon. She looked at the weapon 'How odd... It looks sort of... primitive?' and threw it away. The first human held her hands out like a sign for stop. Hesitant she ran back to her young master.

"@#$%#$@.," the first human said.

"&%$#$#$&%$#!" the second seemed to retort back.

'Are they arguing? What for, do they really not understand. "Hey! Quit your arguing and tell me what you were going to do to the young master!" Nyx repeated.

The first human did not seem to understand her but then turned her head and pointed at her ear. Nyx noticed that it was a translator earpiece, 'hmph, I'll listen but at the first moment of suspicion I will kill her then take the young master and get away from here.' She resolved herself and pulled out a translator and put it in her ear.

"Hello, my name is Cate, I am a detective sent to talk with Kid here. We were just about to take him with us to answer a few questions but, as you can see, he passed out. I was going to check and see if he was alright and that is when you came in. I apologize if we seemed to threaten you but you did come out of nowhere." The human Cate explained.

Nyx was still a little suspicious but she ultimately believed her 'How did she gain the young master's translator. It also seems that he has one too, so maybe she is telling the truth.' She then picked up Kid in a princess carry "Human, can you take us to a recovery pod? It seems that the young master isn't feeling too well. And it's Young Master Kid."

Human Cate ignored the second half and answered her "We have a hospital? I'm guessing that's what you mean. Simon, can we take a detour to a hospital?"


'So the female is named Cate and the male is Simon, Ok I will remember this.' Nyx reminded herself.

"Simon says that where we are going has a hospital in it. So I guess we will be going there. Follow me." Human Cate said and walked towards a large metallic object that had circles carrying it.

"This is a car, a type of vehicle that we use for transportation," Cate explained and got in after Nyx and Kid.


"Human Cate that was a horrible ride, so bumpy..." Nyx groaned 'How are these humans supposed to not feel achy after that, during the ride I was given so much information. No U.G. or any other nation, no other planets even terraformed, and beginner technology, granted they are doing pretty well.'

Cate was exhausted by all the questions given to her "Well, as you said. We are beginners, so leave us be."

To Cate's surprise, she expected them to be at a military base. But instead, it was a nice looking hotel that was around 25 stories high. "Nice place." She said without noticing

"This is a military hotel, sometimes a high ranking officer wants to live nice, so here we are," Simon stated to her.

Nyx butted in "This is a normal house right?"

Cate sniggered at the fact that she was serious "Yeah sure, it's a pfft~, normal house. We are just conducting our meeting here.

Simon listened in and frowned 'Show-off.' he thought.

Suddenly Nyx buckled "Argh! What is this pain!"

Both Cate and Simon were shocked "Isn't this the same thing Kid did?" They both said at the same time.

Nyx was confused as to why this was happening but still asked "What do you mean?"

"When we began talking, the poor boy also buckled as you did. At first, I thought it was because he crashed into three buildings, but since you are also experiencing this I'm guessing it's another reason." Cate concluded.

It took Nyx less time because of her strength as a player and they entered the hotel building afterward. Once they entered, people started to look at the teenage girl in a futuristic Victorian maid outfit carrying a twelve-year-old boy in an iron man looking suit with a different color palette and slightly pointed ears.

Simon stood in front of them and began to speak "This is classified information, you do not see anything, is that clear!" He yelled sternly. Everyone swiftly looked away when he said that which pleased Simon. Simon looked back at Cate with a smug grin, this made Cate cringe. She stepped forward too and began to talk "I need a medic, and someone to take us to a nice hospital bed!" she roared. This made everyone begin to look for a medic, soon a bellhop and a woman wearing a military uniform walked towards them. "I'll be showing you to your room ladies and gentleman." the bellhop spoke in a respectful tone. "It seems the boy is the one with a problem." the nurse pulled out a stethoscope from under her shirt and began to check for a pulse, but realized that the armor was in the way.

We'll deal with that once we get to our room." Cate told her. The nurse nodded and followed them.


"Ugh... What is with your people and making machines that make you uncomfortable..." Nyx said as she got off the elevator, her face paler than normal.

Seeing this Cate giggled "That's just how we do, get used to it." she joked and continued giggling. Simon was smirking but didn't show anything else, the bellhop and nurse were slightly confused but didn't say anything else either.

Nyx groaned "Doubtful, once the young master wakes up he will create many things to help with these nuisances."

This shocked Cate "He can do that! He seemed like a noble so I figured he was smart but not that smart!"

It was Nyx's time to be smug now as she raised her head proudly "Yes, the young master is declared one of the top geniuses of his generation, maybe even the top genius. Not only that but he is one of the top engineers of the century, making a plethora of machinery. He even made the suit he is wearing right now, him and his fiancé that is.~"

This shocked Cate once more "Kid is married?!"

"Well... No, but they have been friends since childhood. So, it's pretty obvious!~" Nyx went full teenage girl, it was one of the maid gossips and the young master-madam Soreen relationship was the hottest one.

"He is so young... Wait, how old is Kid exactly?" Cate asked. She wanted to say eleven but didn't want to put him in relation to humans.

Nyx smiled wryly "I rather not tell, it is the young master's privacy after all."

"Mm." Cate agreed 'Wait, didn't she just tell me his love life? Wouldn't that be more private?'

The conversation kept going before the bellhop interrupted "We are here. I hope you have a relaxing time. And I hope the... Young boy gets well soon." He ended while staring at Kid. Inside the room was quite large, being 450 square feet. It had a medic room and a bedroom, the rest was the living room. All of it was quite lavish with nice furniture everywhere and a perfect view of the outside, looking out at the city ahead.

"This is sorta stuffy, is there a bigger room?" Nyx interrupted everyone's thoughts. Cate began to look at her as if she was crazy "Who is the nobility? because you are beginning to question your words."

"Hmph! I'm just stating that the young master's rooms are three times as large! And-" before she could finish her remark, she fell to the ground and passed out! Cate, Simon, and the nurse all ran to her. Cate pulled Kid from under her and ran to the medic room and set him there. Simon followed up with Nyx and put her in a second bed. "Nurse!" Cate yelled but the nurse was already checking the pulse of Nyx and Kid. "I will need you two to leave the room please." the nurse announced.



The pain was the only thing Kid could feel. He had lost track of the time of how long he had been here. The pain felt like needles were stabbing him everywhere. The plus side was that after much struggle he could now think properly 'This is a problem, if this keeps up I just might lose my mind. And why hasn't this dumb bird shut the fuck up already!'

Yes, Iris was currently with him too, it also seemed to be in pain and going through the six stages of grief doing it. It was currently on the fifth stage: denial, "I don't feel it! Why would I? I'm a proud bird that don't need no mans! Pain, you shall feel my fist if I could feel you!" It said a few more things but Kid ignored the bird.

While Kid was trying to get out and Iris was, being itself, There was another person that was in a similar situation.

Nyx was also in her own soul but she didn't know where she was or why she was in pain. The pain she felt was different, it felt like she was both boiling and freezing.

"Why is it so dark? What am I doing here? Where is everybody? Someone. please. Help..." Nyx muttered hoping someone, anyone would hear.


When the nurse stepped out of the room Cate couldn't help but ask "Are they alright?" The nurse replied "I couldn't do much because I don't know their anatomy. I checked their vitals and it was from my point of view, a wreck. It consistently changed in a matter of minutes with a few even fatal speeds, both fast and slow."

Simon dismissed the nurse after thanking her, he then turned around to Cate "So what are we going to do? If they die, we could be blamed, or worse our whole race. If what the maid told us is true, that the boy is a high ranking noble."

A frown could be seen on Cate's face as she realized what she would have to do "I think. I may have to call b


When the nurse stepped out of the room Cate couldn't help but ask "Are they alright?" The nurse replied "I couldn't do much because I don't know their anatomy. I checked their vitals and it was from my point of view, a wreck. It is consistently changed in a matter of minutes with a few even at fatal speeds, both fast and slow."

Simon dismissed the nurse after thanking her, he then turned around to Cate "So what are we going to do? If they die, we could be blamed, or worse our whole race. If what the maid told us is true, that the boy is a high ranking noble."

A frown could be seen on Cate's face as she realized what she would have to do "I think. I may have to call my dad, he could help us."

When Simon heard that he almost flipped a chair "Did you say your father?! Oh Hell no! Isn't he a general, why would he come for this?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever you say. He's coming for this because he loves his baby girl~. And because if he doesn't I'll just call mom." Cate threw a cold shoulder at Simon while taking out her phone to call her dad. "Hey dad I need some help with something. No they didn't fire me, wait why would they fire me because of my attitude? I am very professional when I need to be! I need you to send someone to help us with the alien you told me to communicate with. Well the problem is that he is a noble where he lives, so if we don't fix this it might cause problems."

The call continued for another five minutes with Cate explaining what happened. "Yeah so now they are unconscious and the boy is cute, I was thinking the same thing, ok I talk to you later love you dad~." After she ended the call she noticed Simon pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What?" Cate was confused.

"What was the reason for telling him all that? You even told him that we were arguing, this could get me in so much trouble!" Simon was annoyed at Cate's nonchalant attitude.

"Welp, you deserve it~." Cate smirked


Somewhere deep in the earth, a woman was woken up because a crack in space triggered her senses. "Huh? Who would teleport here? Hmm... Ooh~ this is interesting, let's watch and see what my adopted children will do." The woman began to watch the scenario go down with interest. She then saw the intruder take off its helmet "So Cute!~" the woman squealed "I guess I'll take care of him, I wonder if this is a warning. After he awakens, I'll start the training." The woman smiled warmly but also had a tinge of sadness in it.