
Just like any other young lady, Yrrah Caz Olevar, dreamt of meeting, be giddied, and get married to the man she'd chosen to be part of her life. But a sad reality had woke her up in her make-believe when her father died.

She had her worst nightmare in her life when she needed to marry a cold-hearted, sarcastic, and full of himself man, that she'd just met for the first time named Zacharry Ravelo, as part in her father's last will and testament.

Fulfillment of her father's will and testament would be rewarded by her freedom from marriage and wealth being transferred to her name. Two years seemed forever, and all she wanted was to pull the time to end it.

But when the time to be free from the cage and fly with great conviction, 'Yes, I'm finally free!'- came, her heart felt so heavy as if it's still chained by her stoned-hearted ex-husband.

Every step drifting away from him ripped her heart piece-by-piece, and she's more encage into the tower of their memories.

Who will rescue her if she doesn't want to be treated as a damsel in distress?

A clichè romantic story with an extraordinary twist.




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