"If you are just staying because you need to, not because you want to. You better say goodbye."- FFP


"Goodbye, hubby," Yrrah whispered to herself while Zach closed the door of their condo unit, as he shut her off from his life.

They've been married for two years now. They've been married not because they love each other, but because they were needed to be married to fulfill the last will and testament of her late father.

Her father left her vast amount of wealth but with a condition to marry Zacharry.

She neither knew nor met him until the lawyer read her father's last will and testament and that man was among the invited audience other than herself and her caregiver.

She reminisced the first time that they met.

"Who is he, Attorney?" she asked in an irritated tone as he was the only one, they've been waiting at that time. He was late by thirty minutes.

"He's Zacharry Ravelo," their attorney replied, "son of your father's best friend. Your father helped him to finish his studies overseas when he became an orphan."

Her father's last will stated that they must be married for at least two years before all the properties will be transferred to her name or it will be donated to different charities. They should live as married couples under one roof provided to them, deprived with the help of any housemaids.

"No! What kind of condition is that? We didn't even know each other," Yrrah complained in her bratty tone.

She grew up with a gold spoon in her mouth. Spoiled by her father when her mother passed away when she's only nine years old. She didn't know any household chores as everything was provided to her. She didn't even have an initiative of learning any of it as well.

Why do I need to learn household chores when I can hire less fortunate people to do it for me? What's with my dad to let me marry this opportunist? And did dad expect me to be a housekeeper of this man? Never! Not even in his wildest dream!

"You have two years to get to know each other. After that, you can file a divorce or you can continue as a couple," their old attorney said.

Yrrah gave a deadly glare to the man who didn't even oppose it. He was just pokerfaced since he arrived. He didn't even utter any single word, just a handshake to their attorney.

"But, Attorney… Why do we need to follow dad's will when he will never know if we really do his will or not? We can talk about it, right?" Yrrah looked at the older lawyer intently, silently sending him a message.

The lawyer in his late fifties shook his head with a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Hija, this is a legal document. We cannot alter it. I'm sure that your father had his own reasons to put these conditions. I'm very sure that it's for your own good. Besides, don't you want your father to be at peace by following his last will?"

The nineteen years old young lady was hit directly in her conscience. She loved her father and she wanted him to be at peace for all costs. The condition might seem ridiculous and unreasonable but, if it would make her dad into serenity in his eternal sleep, why not give it to him?

After her father's last will had been read, Yrrah and Zacharry we're left alone.

"Why don't you disagree with that absurd will of my father?" Yrrah asked the man.

He remained stoic like a rock while his icy stare met her fiery glare. It's like the battle between Natsu and Gray of Fairy Tail.

"Are you mute?" she asked in an insulting tone as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Meeting you in person? I should say no." She felt the sarcasm in his baritone voice. "But I promised your father that I will marry you before he died. I owe him so; I will comply with his request. If you don't want to marry me, convince your lawyer. Maybe offer him half of your wealth. But he's a dignified and reputable lawyer. Plus, he's loyal to your father. Good luck to that." He walked away from her. After a few steps, he turned back and said, "Besides, darling, I'm the one doing you a favor here, not the other way around." He left her flabbergasted.

They left her no other choice but to marry that arrogant man. His father's lawyer was willing to donate the wealth than to betray his friend and client's will. Yrrah talked to the different legal counsel to make a pre-nuptial agreement. She's only willing to give him 10% of all the inheritance's worth when they divorce. But Zachary protested to get 40%. They agreed on 30%. She knew it, he's a carpetbagger.

Yrrah, though she was raised in the Philippines, she's a natural-born US citizen and Zacharry's a green card holder already. They got married at Hongkong—not to be governed by the Philippines' Marriage law of no divorce— with only their attorney and her caregiver as their witnesses.

They lived under one roof as a couple in the one bedroom. She needed to learn all the household chores as her husband acted like a king, setting rules that they must share responsibilities in their little domain. He's quite independent and he knew a lot of chores as he lived for a decade in the US.

They shared a bed and got a taste of each other's body unexpectedly, yet no one even dared to say the three magic words. Both of them remained as cold as an iceberg and as prideful as the King of the Forest. Both of them aced the game of hiding their true feelings. They busied themselves in their own activities; as for Zach in his businesses and as for Yrrah in her schooling.

Zachary agreed to marry her not just because of his godfather's dying wish, but with his own personal reason. Yrrah on the other hand, starting to fall for him but she was eaten by the hurtful truth that Zach's only interested in his share of fortune, not with her as a woman.

"Let's end this ridiculous thing," Yrrah said a night after they had their second-year wedding anniversary.

He agreed without a second thought. They talked with their lawyer to fix their legal documents and divorce paper.

"It's better this way, Yrrah. He didn't love you. Only your money. You should start forgetting him," she said in between drowning herself in the bottle of wine.
