FF4: False Hope

"Stop giving me false hope to make me fall for your lies." - FF4


"Besti!" Neisha greeted her with a warm hug as soon as she went out of the van.

It's Friday night. It was five days ago when Neisha called and invited her to hike with their other friends in university. She told them to just stay in her house instead of the hotel. They have a lot of spare rooms anyway.

"My gosh, Bes! I didn't know that you're super-rich!" she screeched in awe whilst her eyes were traveling around the wide and well-maintained landscape front yard with enchanting garden and the mansion.

She just smiled and focused her attention on their other friends now getting out of the van. Princess and Barbie also gave her a friendly hug. Lucas, the one who drove the van, greeted her with a high-five.

There are five in their group of friends, three girls, and two boys. But Barbaro changed his sexuality last year and she wanted to be called Barbie.

Her eyes nailed to another man who got out of the passenger seat. She didn't know him as he's neither her friend nor classmate. Barbie snaked his arms to the right arms of the man. The man just shook his head yet, his set of white teeth and deep dimple on his right cheeks waved to enrapture anyone.

'Oh, he's probably Barbie's boyfriend.' Yrrah thought to herself.

"Hey, Barbie. You're coiling like a snake on my cousin's arm. He's not into you but our friend here," Princess said then, pointed to her. But Barbie didn't mind her at all, he clung tightly.

Though Yrrah was astounded, she still met the glances of the man who's walking towards her. His captivating smile still painted on his handsome face. She knew at once that he's not a pure Filipino as his eyes are blue.

"Hi. I'm Aeron. Princess's cousin." He extended his free hand in front of Yrrah. Before she could even touch it, Barbie tapped her hand.

"Gurl, I meet him first so, he's mine. Intiendes?" Barbie said in an artsy way, then he chuckled loudly in his fake high-pitched tone like a broken karaoke microphone.

Yrrah was used to his gay friend's possessiveness over boys. She knew that he's just kidding yet, she arched her eyebrow as well and grimaced to him. "He's all yours, Barbs," she said and just thrown him her timid smile, "let's go inside so, we can have dinner."

She introduced her visitors to her Manang Fe, her yaya. They went to the guest rooms on the second floor that were designated to them, to at least put down their things or fix themselves before having dinner. Neisha and Princess in one room. Lucas and Aeron on the other, and Barbie's alone in the third room. Lucas asked Yrrah beforehand to separate Barbie as he might crawl to their bed while they're sleeping and rape them. A joke that almost 98% possible.

"Gurl, where's Tita and Tito?" Barbie asked when they're eating, about her parents.

"I'm an orphan," Yrrah replied prudently.

Her friends didn't know much about her. She didn't tell them about her husband as well or her life status. They thought she's still single like the rest of them. An ordinary young lady, not the only heir of a multi-billion pesos properties and assets.

"What? We've been best friend for two years and yet, I didn't know that you're an orphan," Neisha said with a hint of being sulky. She even pouted her narrow lips, and added, "while you knew my whole life."

"Don't be melodramatic, Neish. It's your choice to tell me your life story and I chose to keep my own a bit private," she said full of sarcasm as she gave her a sullen glance.

They knew that she's a bit rude and sarcastic all the time. Now, they understood her attitude; being a princess in her own rights made her act like she usually is.

"Your future husband will be lucky, friend," Lucas commented whilst his mouth is full of food.

What he unknowingly uttered silence her.

'Yeah, my ex-husband is a lucky bastard. He got 30% of my father's wealth and almost got my heart, too.' Her tiny evil inner voice mocked.


The truth is, there's no day that she couldn't reminisce about the times that they've been together. She thought that they were going to be a normal couple after that day that he took her virginity, as it seemed so passionate and full of love, yet she was wrong. After they've shared that passionate moment, he remained as cold as wintertime, as if nothing ever happened. As if he just took a worthless thing to her. He's probably into so many women before her, that he didn't care to take her precious womanhood.

She cried silently over it. She's started to fall in love with him so, she's willingly given him herself. Too sadden that he was probably just eaten by lust on the circumstances. What could she do? She acted as if she's not affected as well. She could still remember his words.

"We're a married couple. What happened was just a part of our obligation to each other's body need. Be sure to take birth control pills as we don't want complications in the future."

Every time he used her body for his needs, he never failed to use a condom and reminded her to take her pills.

"Hey, besti! Come back to earth." Neisha tapped her shoulder and waved her hand to her face.

Yrrah came back to her senses. "Oh, are you saying something?"

They laughed at her.

"Hey gurl, I was asking if you already have a special someone that we didn't know about?" Barbie asked.

Her cheeks felt hot as if she'd been caught by them being blown away by Zacharry. "Ha? N-none," she even stuttered, "excuse me, I'm going to ask them for our dessert." She raised from her chair and went to the kitchen. She commanded their housemaid to serve the dessert to her friends and she went to the bathroom.

"I hate you Zach for giving me false hope and I hate you more for missing you so much!" she said, talking to herself in front of the mirror.
