The Richman - After the Surgery

The first day I had surgery to stop the bleeding in my chest. What I felt was pain two weeks after the operation and it took time to heal. Luckily the doctors and nurses who treated me were friendly enough, they gave me support to get through this difficult time.

Now that I am better, the doctor allows me to start learning to walk and enjoy the air outside the room, or if someone checks me, I can take a walk outside the building and enjoy the morning air in the garden. Like this morning, I took a walk in the park with Richman. He came and asked me out in a wheelchair.

"The doctor said your condition has improved." Richman said.

"Yes." I nodded.

"I want to offer you something." Said Richard.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I will take you home to my house. I have prepared all your needs and also someone who will take care of you every day until you are completely recovered."

I was speechless, for some reason I felt that we would soon separate after my recovery, and I really didn't want it. But I can't keep bothering him, "Sorry I keep bothering you."

"No. Don't say that." Richard took my hand and held it. His gaze touched my eyes and my throat was suddenly dry, my face heated up, I think I almost cried.

After all this time, today I feel again the warmth and softness of that hand, even though he rarely comes and sees me or talks together like this but the nurse who was on duty met me this morning, he said that almost every night after I fell asleep he came to see me. Maybe this man was really busy with his world, and I became a small part of his big and bustling world.

"When you were at the Ritz I was desperately trying to save you from there, and now that you're in my charge, I have to make sure you're okay. And the only way is to take you home, but I won't force you, if you refuse it then I won't. "

"I will do as you wish, sir." I replied softly.

"Good girl." Richman rubbed my head and by that time I literally almost cried.

As Richman said, that afternoon we were discharged from the hospital. All my things are packed neatly and I was picked up by the driver and then taken to his stately home. One thing that was my first impression of this guy, "He's crazy rich". I never even thought that I would set foot in his stately home.

While in this big house, a woman named Mrs. Norah Bell took good care of me. Even though she is not very friendly but she provides everything I need every day.

Even though this was Richard's house, I rarely even saw him. He came home late at night and was out very early. His routine was so busy that he probably didn't have much time for herself. It seemed as if I had just realized the real world of Richman, and I was amazed that he could come to the Ritz and spend so much money and time there while at home he rarely looked relaxed.

Somehow she looks different today, she smiled at me and we got closer. "Hi,..." He said hello when I went into the kitchen to help him.

"Hi." Reply me.

"Sorry that I may not have been friendly during the few days you have been here." I'm sorry.

"It's ok." I smile.

"Maybe it takes time for us to get to know each other." I looked at him and he smiled briefly.

"I've worked for Mr. Anthony for decades." Suddenly he opened up about himself. He glanced at me, I smiled back.

"I separated from my husband, and we had no children when we decided to divorce."

"Why did you part with your husband?"

"My husband comes from a British family which is still very old-fashioned; they require every child to have children, whereas I cannot conceive." His eyes filled with tears as he said that.

"Is there no other solution than divorce?"

"I wanted to adopt a child, but my mother-in-law didn't want it. She chose to marry my husband to another young woman, who was much younger and much more fertile than me." His eyes were getting teary, but he didn't seem to want to cry in front of me.

"You still love him?" I looked at the middle-aged woman and she nodded saying "very"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Norah." The woman smiled at me, "Maybe that's what makes me a cold unfriendly woman." I took her hand, "You are a very kind woman, I feel that grace even though we haven't talked much to each other before this."

"It doesn't matter, after all, it happened decades ago. It doesn't feel like a wound anymore now."

My heart became sour, when there were people who really wanted children and even had to give up their marriage to be destroyed because they had no children, I was thrown into an orphanage because I wasn't wanted.

"Why do you look so sad, young lady?"

"Uh ... no." I shivered.

"Just felt I shouldn't ask about your household."

"I raised Mr. Richard when he was nine years old, and I've been with him for more than twenty-five years. I already think of him like my own son."

"Really, he was very young when you met him?"

"Yes, Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Anthony are very nice people. They are very rich but never treat me differently."

"Where are they now?" "Mr. Anthony has passed away, and ever since her husband died, Mrs. Antony chose to live in Canada after Mr. Richard grew up and was able to manage his own business."

"Doesn't Mr. Richard have a brother?"

"As far as I know Mr. Anthony is married to his wife who is a widow with one child. Mr. Richard Anthony has a half-brother, his name is Brandon Anthony. But Mr. Anthony never differentiates the two of them. The man is really very affectionate and very kind. once he was dead, and Mr. Richard Anthony became gloomy after his father died. "

"Oh ... He's in business like Mr. Richard Anthony?"

"I don't know, as far as I know he's a musician."

"Very sweet family." I muttered. We were having a good conversation when suddenly Richard arrived with one arm hidden behind him.

"Hey." He said hello and suddenly Mrs. Norah excused herself from us.

"I'm going to the laundry room" She said, looking at me, "Excuse me Mr. Anthony." Mrs. Norah left the two of us in the kitchen.

"Hi . . ." I returned the greeting.

"Sorry for the mess I caused on the night of your birthday." He took out a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates and handed them to me. If at that time I was a vanilla ice cream in a corn pack, of course I would have melted it.

"I didn't know what flowers you like, so I asked the florist what flowers would suit a twenty year old girl. She said roses would be very sweet and suitable. Incidentally she also sells chocolate, so I bought it." Richard said that. , but these chocolate wrappers aren't the usual street-bought chocolate wrappers. This chocolate is only sold at outlets at a very expensive price.

I smile. "This is more than enough."

"You have received it, now tell me what gift do you really want?" Richard asked me and for some reason I was speechless, my face hot and my throat dry, my lips quivering with emotions from within that I could not control. The first time in my life history, I received a present on my birthday.

"Having you give me a place to live and make me a slave, that's more than enough for me, compared to selling myself at the Ritz." At the end of my sentence, I could no longer stop myself from shedding my tears.

"Hey ... Who said that you would be a slave in my house?" He asked, holding me in his arms. I became increasingly speechless, and for a while I still couldn't control myself. Maybe this is the part of the twenty year old girl who can't be separated is the "crybaby" thing that often comes and can't be controlled.