The Richman - First Night with Richard

In Richard's mansion I was given a very large room with a beautiful interior. This is the best room I've ever lived in in my life. During my stay in this house the last few times, Richard did not allow me to do household chores, even just help Mrs. Norah.

"I've paid for professional services to take care of my room as well as all my needs while in this house."

That's what Richard tells me every time he comes and sees me doing something like sweeping or mopping the floor. I also saw Mrs. Norah doesn't do it all by herself. It turns out that some of the staff at the house work under the supervision of Mss. Norah.

Richard has his own chef to cook, as well as staff to clean the house and take care of everything. A driver who is ready to take him anywhere, securities even the person in charge of caring for the park.

"So what am I supposed to do while living in this house, sir?" I asked. It's been more than a week I've lived in this house and all I do is eat and sleep with the reason I still have to recover.

"You can go to your walling closet and open the bigest cupboard and try on some of the clothes that are there." Said Richard.

Under his watch I entered my room and closed the door behind me. I walked towards a large wardrobe that I haven't even opened while I was in this room. I shifted the door and saw that the three meter wide wardrobe was complete with shelves filled with shoes, bags and on the left side, about two meters high, there were rows of clothes hangers that were already visible in groups.

Starting from pajamas to party dresses. Is this another form of slavery? At the Ritz all the men were free to choose me according to the rules of the game that Parish had laid out for me, but here Richard arranged everything according to his wishes. And in both of these places, I remain as a regulated chess piece, forever a sex slave. I muttered to myself.

"You will be nothing more than a bird in a golden cage, you will be given the best food and care, and will clash when it is needed to give the owner the satisfaction." I said all that to myself.

I had just finished changing my clothes when someone knocked on my door. "Yes ..." I rushed to the door and it turned out to be Mrs. Norah, she was standing with a cup of coffee with a fragrant aroma that I smelled. I was surprised to see it, and vice versa.

"You're very well dressed, where are you going?" She asked.

"Oh, Mr. Richard asked me to try on some clothes and I did. I'll change mine."

I said quickly. "No need, put on that dress and deliver this coffee to Mr. Richard.

I immediately did what she ordered. Finally, for the first time ever I have work to do in this house.

I went through the hall and found Mr. Richard with the door closed. This man is very busy, even in his own house he has a workspace.

Tok Tok,

Even though my hands are shaking, I still knock. This coffee can't wait too long to find its owner, because if I take it any longer, the enjoyment will diminish.

"Come in."

I heard the sound and I pulled the doorknob until the door was half open and I saw that he was busy with a pile of papers and pens in his hand, but he seemed to be still reading the contents of the paper, before realizing that it was me and not Mrs. Norah standing in the doorway.

He seemed to hurry to put down the pen and paper then stood around the table and walked towards me who had just closed the door behind me.

"Your coffee, Sir." I said,

I tried my hardest to look relaxed, even though I was suddenly disturbed by the sight of the man in pajamas and glasses who was standing in front of me. He looks so hot, and I can't deny it.

"What do you see? "His question shattered my imagination.

"Nothing." I answered quickly.

"Where is Mrs. Norah?" He asked as he took the coffee cup and brought it closer to his face. I guess he likes to enjoy smelling the scent of hot coffee.

"I don't know where she is now, maybe in the kitchen. But she asked me to deliver this coffee for you, sir" I replied.

"Oh ... next time I'll have her bring it herself, no need to ask you."

"No, I would love to do something for you." I said nervously.

"Thank you." Richard lifted the cup and then took a sip.

"My pleasure sir." I answered.

"You can leave this place, rest."

"No!" I answered spontaneously, and Richard seemed to furrow his brows.

"Why?" He questions my answer.

"Em, . . . I have something to say." I replied nervously, and Richard smiled briefly, he walked to the sofa, then put his coffee on the table and sat with his legs crossed.

"Come here." The orders were gentle.

Even though I'm a little hesitant about getting close, let alone that close, but I have to do this, at least after this I will feel much relieved.

"Why are you standing there, have a sit please." He said again and I sat down with the tray on my lap.

"Give me the tray." Richard stretched out his hand and I held out the tray. After Richard took the tray from me, I could no longer cover up my nervousness. I squeezed my hand anxiously.

"Now tell me what you have to say."

"Em..." I squeezed my hand, trying to find the strength to say the crazy thing that was inside my head.

"I want to repay you." I said with a breath that almost broke it.

The expression on Richard's face changed, "pay" He smiled and narrowed his eyes at me, "Really, you will pay your debt?"

"Yes." I nod quickly.

"How?" He looked at me as if he saw I was telling a joke.

"My chest was rising and falling, my breathing was heavy and I became even more nervous, "I don't know how."

"If you don't know how, then I'll tell you." Richard looked at me. "Go back to your room and rest, stop doing things that are not your job.

"About the cost of my treatment while in the hospital." Obviously I'm going in circles.

"I hit you, so that's my responsibility."

"But..." I still haven't found the right words to say it clearly.

"But ...?" He questions my cut sentence.

"But I ... want to repay you."

"Ok, I don't feel that you owe me a favor, so there's nothing to repay. You can leave me now, and sleep well."

"I want to keep my promise." Richard pursed his lips briefly, as if thinking or remembering what promise I had on him. "Ok, what promises this time?"

"I ... will give yours to you." I bit my lip and was only able to look at him through my fur. I definitely didn't dare look at him after what I told him just now.

"Cristabell." He said my name and I hesitantly looked up at him.

"Yes." I answered softly.

"Come here." He patted his thigh and I swallowed hard, is this really going to do or is just the absurd gibberish that suddenly popped into my head and didn't really need to be supported.